Stop the World to Get a Better View Ch. 08

A gay story: Stop the World to Get a Better View Ch. 08 Wednesday morning in Greg’s bedroom at his office suite.

Matthew was still sound asleep at 8:00 a.m., he was extremely exhausted from yesterday and last night. Greg woke up lazily and sighed as he saw Matthew’s angelic presence beside him, his hair became unsecured falling close to his pretty lips, the head of his penis peeked through the covers as he got out of bed. Greg slowly made his way to the bathroom and took a wicked leak. He went into the kitchen and made them breakfast and set in on a standing tray and placed it on his side of the bed. The pleasant aroma of the coffee was slowly beginning to rouse Matthew. Greg sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over to kiss his lips. Matthew kissed him rising from the bed, feeling the urge to pee and headed to the bathroom with Greg following him. Greg put his hand over Matthew’s pee hole as he started peeing and they kissed until Matthew did the final shake.

“I’ve turned you into a water sport enthusiast.”

“You just turn me on, Matthew! Let’s have breakfast in bed.”

“Greg, you’re spoiling me.”

“I know.”

“I, I don’t know if I should stay tonight, you’ll get hurt, this feels wrong.” Edward, my love, am I headed in the wrong direction? Is Steven the one! Why did I agree to sleep in Greg’s bed? Greg’s radio was playing, a song he hadn’t heard in years started playing, “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” was the track Edward dedicated to him on his 16th birthday when he Skyped him. For a few precious moments he was frozen in time, thank you my precious Edward for sending me a sign!

“Does that song bring back memories?” Matthew was too caught up in the song to respond.


“Uh, what, oh, excuse me, what?”

“That song aroused memories for you.”

“Yeah, I was lost in my thoughts!”

“You’re beginning to fall for me?”

“You’re making it extremely easy for me, but,” Matthew was interrupted by Greg.

“You’re still in love with Steven, I, I couldn’t help telling you how I feel about you!”

“I needed to be honest with you so that you won’t get hurt.”

“I’m grateful for that much, it shows that you really like and respect me.” Matthew nodded wholeheartedly in agreement.

They both climbed into bed and kiss then dig right into their breakfast. When they were finished Greg took the tray and placed it on the floor and without speaking they assumed the 69 position and began sucking each other hungrily. Greg started sucking Matthew’s balls while fingering him,

“Matthew, lie on your side,” said Greg as he unrolled a condom onto his cock, lubing it while stroking it. Matthew lifted his leg to give Greg’s cock access and groaned loudly as it slowly inched deeper into him. Greg held onto Matthew’s firm athletic leg and Matthew turned his head to kiss Greg as he started thrusting into him,

“Bang my sorry ass, oh, hah, oh fuck yeah, I love your cock!” Matthew’s cock was rock solid as he stroked it. Greg is so fucking irresistible, oh shit!

“Oh yeah, your pussy loves my cock, oh yeah, hug it, oh fuck!” panted Greg. Matthew was kissing Greg as he stroked himself to climax and they continued kissing as Greg’s thrusts became sharper and quicker, then a couple of long thrusts as he filled the condom.

“That was awesome, Greg!” They cleaned each other’s cocks then they lay down facing each other, Greg traced the outline of Matthew’s pretty lips while melting into his eyes,

“I want to bareback.”

“No, Greg.”

“Why not?”

“I’ll only do it with those I’ll be entering a serious monogamous relationship with.”

“You’ve never done it?”

“I never said that!”

“Did you bareback with Steven?”

“No, let’s end this!” snapped Matthew while glaring at Greg. Greg hit a raw nerve and apologized,

“I’m sorry Matthew! Let’s get dressed, I’m not paying you to fuck!”

“You could have fooled me, with perks like this I’ll never retire!”

“Shut the fuck up!”

After they dressed quickly Greg saw how handsome Matthew looked,

“Matthew you’re so impeccably dressed and the scent of your cologne turns me on, oh God, I’m just realizing how enormous you look even while limp!”

“Does it bother you, Greg? I was born that way!”

“Yeah!” Greg was staring at Matthew’s crotch.


“It could be very distracting.”

“To who? The guys out there are straight!”

“I, I don’t know, just forget it!”

“Listen Greg, I don’t feel uncomfortable, you do! Your jealous of my goods, that’s understandable! I still feel like in a relationship with Steven, so ease up on me, will you!”

“I feel so much for you right now, Matthew!”

“Greg, I like you very much, you’re an awesome lover, you’re unbelievably handsome, that’s as far as it will go.”

“Yesterday when we first met you agreed that you felt you were hit by lightning.”

“I was, I need to sort out if it’s caused by my oversized sexual organs, my psyche, my heart or something else, my precious Edward guiding me(Matthew thought to himself) and that’s not always easy to decipher. I’m quite sure it’s the former talking; you need to accept that about me, if we’re going to have any relationship at all.”

“Matthew, I’ve just had an incredible night and morning with you, and when we showered together, I knew you were someone special that I would like in my life,” said Greg strongly.

“Greg, you’re on the rebound from a divorce, it’s natural to think that, besides I know Steven is my soul-mate.”

“If he’s your soul-mate, why did we fuck?”

“For the same fucking reason you did, Greg, we’re both filling a void, it’s most likely Carl, you’re searching for the love of your life. It doesn’t make it right,” answered Matthew boldly.

“What if his situation doesn’t improve?”

“I’m currently working on things and it’s looking good; I just need to approach him and need to figure out how. I check his Face Book account daily to check up on him.” Greg’s heart sunk a little.

“Did he give you that beautiful ankle bracelet I saw earlier?”

“No, that was from Richard he’s a prominent jeweler, he made it especially for me, a parting gift,” said Matthew winking.

“Let’s introduce you to everybody and I’ll show you your space which you could arrange according to your needs,” said Greg. “Before we go out there, I have two tickets for tonight’s Yankee game, it’s our first date Matthew.”

“Are you sure, Greg? As long as you’re aware that it won’t develop into anything involving commitment.”

“Yes, Matthew, I got that, I would like your friendship. Think of it as a welcoming gift.”

“We shared something really special,” said Matthew kissing him on the lips.

“If everything works out for you and Steven, at least we experienced fucking each other.”

“Let’s get the fuck out of here before we both get emotional. I’m enthusiastic to meet the others, especially Gabriel, and I’m dying to see my space,” Matthew said enthusiastically. Greg glared at him saying,

“You stay the fuck away from him sexually!”

“Oh, God Greg, can’t you take a joke? You’re jealous, but of whom?”

“Both of you!”

“Nothing will develop between us.”

“Let’s start walking, Matthew.”

They started walking briskly without speaking out of the bedroom and Greg’s office, down the stairs, past the exhibition suite and into the main work area.

“Hello all, I am very proud to have you meet Matthew Hunter, our new developer and co-partner! I’m sure you know his outstanding work; please welcome him warmly.”

“I’m honored to work with all of you, you must be multi-talented if Greg has you on board, I’ll look forward to looking into your aspect and progress of the projects, we all learn and feed off of each other, that’s always a great foundation for growth.”

“We admire your work, Matthew, you have accomplished a great deal, welcome, we’re elated that you’re on board,” offered Louis with the others nodding in agreement.

“Thank you for such a warm welcome.”

“This is Louis, he’s our lead architect, this is Gabriel, another extraordinary architect, and this is Tyler, and Brad, their interns,” said Greg proudly. Louis was of average height, light brown hair, rather plain-looking but had a nice gentle personality. Gabriel was tall, with a large muscular build, had blond shoulder length, wavy hair, big blue eyes, and a beautiful smile. Tyler, was a lanky redhead with hazel eyes and a cute nose, who’s very talented and Brad was a sinewy hot-looking Asian with a sexy bed head hair style who was very industrious and constantly smiling; both interns were diligent workers and learned a lot by joining the firm.

“It looks like Greg was the most welcoming, Matthew, he’s thrilled you came,” said Gabriel sarcastically. He was crushed that Greg slept with Matthew who’s so incredibly sexy; he had no idea that Greg’s gate swung both ways. He’d been attracted to Greg from the first time he met him. “I noticed your cum-stained pants strewn on the floor, as well as the pre cum trail leading to his bedroom, Matthew! I heard the two of you while you were, ahem pleasantly occupied.” Before Greg could think of a response, Matthew responded.

“To be honest, Gabriel, it was the best informal interview I’ve ever came to, it lasted delightfully longer than we both anticipated, we got to know each other more intimately.” Matthew was well aware that Gabriel was eying his crotch but totally ignored it. “Kindly excuse me!” The others looked down at the floor silently knowing Greg and Matthew were intimate.

“I’m aware that’s not why Greg recruited you, Matthew,” offered Louis smiling.

“Thanks for the thought, Louis,” said Matthew smiling.

Greg walks Matthew into what will his office/ workspace/ development area.

“If you need more space it’s yours to use, order what you need, I’ll give you my card to use until I issue yours,” offered Greg.

“This is incredible, Greg! I could do plenty with this space for the time being, I would need more as I move ahead.” Matthew walked around pleased with his space, Greg pulled him closer to him and kissed him.

“Welcome, Matthew, I’m so happy you’re here!” Greg exclaimed and kissed him again.

“I’m happy to be here too, Greg!”

“Good comeback line you gave Gabriel.”

“There was nothing left to say.” Matthew sensed there was a hidden office romance brewing between Greg and Gabriel. Greg took Matthew’s face and kissed him passionately. Matthew felt that there was a magnetic force attracting their lips together and didn’t pull away.

“Did you notice Gabriel’s face when he realized we were intimate?”

“Yeah, so?”

“He was jealous, Greg, he discovered that you’re gay!”

“Maybe he desires you since he eyed your goods.”

“I’m not available, he’s out of luck.”

“Is it because you desire me more?” asked Greg kissing Matthew.

“Yeah,” said Matthew kissing him. “Listen, invite Gabriel for lunch with us.”


“To help break the ice, I know you like him, and now that he knows that you’re gay, something may develop between you two,” said Matthew encouragingly. “I, I just realized where I know Gabriel from, I recognized his voice, he’s gay. I know him via the gay bar circuit. He’s a mild-mannered married straight guy to his wife and friends. He’s heavily into BDSM, he has a rep of being psychologically thrilling!”

“I, I’m not into that!” exclaimed Greg. “Are you?”

“Yeah, as a diversion only.”

“Did you and Gabe ever do it?”

“I think so, face masks are worn to protect a guy’s identity for security purposes.”

“What did you do with him or whomever?”

“Greg, please, don’t ask me that, it’s a special need I have on occasion, it’s private.” Greg nodded because he didn’t want to know.

Gabriel walks into Matthew’s office to speak with Greg, when Greg saw him he blushed slightly while looking into his eyes,

“Greg, I had no idea you were gay,” said Gabriel, ignoring Matthew. Greg and Gabriel extended their hands to each other and held them firmly.

“It’s not something I advertise openly here.”

“I was never open about it here either.”

“I didn’t intend to have you find out like that.”

“I wished it were me fucking you instead, I leaned against the wall listening to you while stroking my cock, I came twice.”

“This changes things.”

“It certainly does.” Matthew saw the chemistry between them and quietly slipped out of his office to speak with Louis and the interns.

“I thought you were something else the first time I saw you.”

“When we first met for your interview I thought you were the most handsome guy I’d ever seen. I was apprehensive of making a sexual advance when I saw your wedding band, I wore mine as well.”

“I just got divorced.”

“So did I, just filed the papers this morning.”

“I’ve waited four years for this moment, Greg.”

“Same here, Gabe.” Greg felt a panic attack coming on and Gabriel helped him to a nearby chair. Greg never expected his feelings for Gabriel to come to fruition.

“What’s wrong, Greg?”

“I, I cannot believe this, we desired each other all this time!” Greg’s heart was about to beat outside his chest.

“Relax, darling, it’s alright now, it’s better later than never,” said Gabriel massaging his neck.

Matthew returns to his office,

“How’s it going?”

“Great!” answered Greg.

“I recognize you now, Gabriel, your voice gave you away.”

“So did I could never forget those beautiful eyes nor your package!”

“You’ve been with each other?” asked Greg quizzically.

“Yeah, it’s a fantasy, Greg, there’s absolutely nothing between us. Now that I know there’s a possibility for us I have no need for that. It was purely entertainment.”

“Will you two be having lunch together?” asked Matthew.

Before Gabriel could respond Greg blurted out, “Yes and you’re welcome to join us at 12:45 p.m.” Matthew sensed that Greg was highly anxious about being alone with his newly declared “boyfriend” because he may be the “one”.

“I’ll be there!”

“Darling, I need to make a few calls, I’ll see you soon.” Gabriel kissed Greg firmly on the lips and walked out.

“Greg I don’t need to be there for lunch.”

“I don’t want to be alone with him.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know.”

“There is obviously something between you two. Is it because he was into BDSM, it’s only between two consenting adults.”

“I know, you both explained yourselves properly. Why am I afraid to be alone with him?”

“Because it’s real, possibly for the first time in you life, it’s not just physical and you’re unable to process it all at once.”

“That sounds good!”

“I don’t know if he’s a top, bottom or versatile.”

“You’ll talk it out with him, that’s why people date.”

“I need to clear my head and take a walk, Louis will give you the password into the computer system, I’ll order out for lunch.”

“Good idea!” Greg raced to the elevator to get to the ground floor and ran out then started walking.

Gabriel was on the phone as he saw Greg whiz by, when he finished his call he went directly to Matthew,

“Matthew, where did Greg rush off to?”

“Just needed to clear his head!”

“I guess revealing how we feel about each other was too much for him.”

“Yeah, that’s all it is.”

“That’s why he wanted you to join us for lunch.”

“Yep, don’t worry!”

“You’ll need to go slow with Greg.”

“I got that.”

“Gabe, I won’t be a threat to you and Greg. It’s just that sparks ignited between us when we first met and as we spoke and knew I was gay, we were insatiable. There’s a extra-special someone I’ll be making a move on shortly.”

“I totally get it, you’re incredibly sexy yourself! I appreciate you telling me.”

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