Str8 Cop Tamed Ch. 02

A gay story: Str8 Cop Tamed Ch. 02 Officer Sloans Pov:

Two days later, I stand in the locker room at the station, having just got off an early shift when I feel my phone buzz. Taking it out of my pocket, I glance at the screen and freeze as I find the message is from the asshole from the other day.

Master Mark: I want a picture of you in your uniform.

My blood turns to ice as I look around. There is a full-length mirror against the far wall and I luckily am the only one in the locker room aside from the few guys in the showers. Taking a breath, I approach the mirror and open my camera app. I lift the device and make sure that it captures my entire figure, not wanting to anger Mark and have him demand more from me. I send the picture and turn on my heel.

Just as I take a step forward, my phone buzzes again. Looking down, I find another message from him.

“Take those boots, and bring them to me.”

Glancing down, I find a pair of boots belonging to one of my fellow officers sitting on the ground. Fear strikes me as I process what he is asking of me. Knowing that I have no other choice, I open my locker and grab my bag. I quickly bend down and stuff the boots inside. I stand up and hastily make my way out of the locker room and head into my car. Once I am safely behind the wheel, I take out my phone and send a message back to him.

>”I got them you son of a bitch”

He replies just as I turn on the engine.

Rolling my eyes, I reply with an affirmative before pulling out of the parking lot and begin making my way to his place

Pulling into his driveway, I take a breath before stepping out and making my way to his door. Raising my hand, I knock on the door and wait. A few seconds later, he opens it and smiles at me. “Good, and you brought the bag,” he nods before stepping aside and letting me inside.

“You made me steal my coworker’s boots!” I hiss.

Mark glares at me for a moment before moving forward and pushing his hand against my chest to force me against the wall.

“Show me some respect, or my finger just may slip and send those photos.”

I pause as I hold his gaze before glaring and sighing.

He smiles before finally stepping back. “Come with me,” he says before turning and walking away. He leads me to the door that I know leads to his basement, and take a moment to steel myself before following him down the stairs. He takes me into the dungeon and closes the door. “Take off your uniform.”

Gritting my teeth, I begin doing as he instructs. “Yes, Sir,” I reply.

Once I am wearing nothing but my boxers, I turn my gaze to him and wait. He notices the collar around my neck and smiles. Stepping forward, he reaches out to touch it. “Good, you’ve kept it on.”

“Not like I had a choice,” I grumble.

I stand there as he continues to run his hands along my chest, he gropes my pecs and pinches my nipples, causing me to gasp. He smiles at my reaction and lowers his hand to my crotch. He cups me and massages my groin before stepping away.

“I think today we should start with some simple bondage,” he tells me. “I’m going to tie your hands behind your back, and you are going to kneel at my feet,” he explains. “And if you are a good boy, I may even let you come,”

I growl but say nothing in response. I watch as he moves to one of the cupboards and pulls out a length of rope that he carries back to me. “Hands behind your back,” he smiles and winks at me.

Huffing out a breath, I do as he says and feel him begin looping the rope around my left wrist he catches me off guard however when he pulls the rope under my groin and loops it to create a harness around my crotch before wrapping it around my waist and then looping it back under my leg to tie and secure to my right wrist.

“There, now if you move you torture yourself,” he says as he moves to stand in front of me again.

He attaches a leash to my collar and leads me upstairs. A sudden rush of fear pulses through my body as I realize that he is taking me back upstairs…where there are windows. Knowing that I have no other choice, however, I keep my head bowed and let him guide me. He takes me into the kitchen and has me kneel beside a chair while he moves to the cupboards and begins moving about as he starts cooking up some food.

Once he is finished, he brings over a plate of food and sits down. I scowl up at him and watch as he uses his fork to stab into a piece of meat and lowers it to my lips. Holding his gaze, I take the food into my mouth and chew before swallowing.

“Good boy,” he tells me with a smile before taking a few bites for himself.

Master Mark’s POV

I watch the officer out of the corner of my eye and smile as he bows his head once more. I continue to feed him pieces of meat and spoonfuls of vegetables. Once the plate is empty, I stand up and take his leash back. “Come with me,” I tell him before leading him to my bedroom. Once inside, I ease him onto the bed and reach out to run my hands along his chest.

I ignore his glare as I trail my hand down to his crotch and cup his manhood. “You are so handsome,” I murmur.

“You fucking pervert,” he snaps, only to whimper as I smack his balls through the material of his boxers.

“Behave and be nice, or I will tighten the ropes until your balls fall off,” I threaten. I watch as he swallows deeply before falling still. “Good,” I nod. “Now it’s time for your real training to begin, what we have done up until now is nothing compared to what I am going to be doing with you,” I smile. I quickly loosen up his bind and remove his boxers before retying the rope. He shivers as the cold brushes long his length, and I smile.

“I’m going to have so much fun with you,” I tell him as I crawl up to straddle his waist. Taking out my own cock, slowly I press it to his lips, watching as his eyes dilate before he wordlessly takes me into his mouth. “Good boy,” I murmur. “Such a good pet.”

He whimpers as I slowly piston my cock in and out of his throat. He gags and groans before falling still and looking up at me with wide eyes. Reaching down, I trail my hand along his cheek. “Don’t worry, Pet, I’m not going to hurt you,” I tell him. I watch as his throat swells and deflates as he takes my cock into him and grin. I begin pistoning my cock out of him.

It doesn’t take long before I fill his mouth with my seed and watch as he swallows every drop. “Good,” I tell him. Swinging my leg over, I get off him and ease him down to sit on the floor. “I’m going to be right back, you stay here,” I say before leaving the room and returning to the foyer to grab his bag. Heading back into my bedroom, I set the bag on the bed.

“Wha-what are you doing?” he asks, though I ignore him. Undoing the zipper, I push his things around until I find the two boots. With a smile, I pull one of them out and crouch in front of him.

He holds my gaze as I lift the boot and press it to his nose. He cringes and thrashes a moment before grunting in pain as the rope pulls on his cock and balls. Falling still, he allows me to press the full opening of the boot to his nose.

“Take a deep breath,” I tell him. Watching his chest, I notice how it inflates as he breathes deeply. “Good, enjoy the smell of another man,” I whisper. “Once I’m done with you, you will be attracted to the musk of another.” Pulling the boot away, I watch as he gasps for air.

“Please,” he whines. “Please no more.:

“Oh, but I’m just getting started with you,” I grin. “But so far you have been a good boy, so I’m going to allow you the chance to come,” I assure him.

“How?” he asks as he hangs his head. “You going to make me hump your foot again?”

Chuckling, I shake my head. “No,” I tell him. “You are going to come, with your nose buried in your friend’s boot. You are going to orgasm at his stench.”

“You sick bastard,” he spits.

“Sticks and stones, pet, sticks and stones.” I sigh. “Though if I were you, I would be doing as I say…if you don’t take this chance to come…you won’t get another for quite some time.”

He lifts his gaze to glare at me before finally sighing and nodding. Grinning, I untie the ropes. His left-hand moves to his cock while the other grabs the boot. With one last sneer sent my way, he brings it to his face and breathes in. it’s at this I notice that his cock twitches, and I store that discovery for later.

He begins hastily jerking his cock until he begins whimpering into the boot.

“Look at you,” I smile. “Being a good pet.” I compliment him.

A few moments later, he takes a deep groan as his cock shoots his load onto his stomach. He sags against the frame of the bed and pants as he tries to reclaim his breath. Reaching out, I lower the boot from his face and set it aside. I swipe my finger through a pool of his release and bring it to my mouth. It tastes moderately salty, but with just enough texture and sweetness that it’s not overpowering. Taking another finger scoop and dragging it along his lips. “Taste yourself,” I tell him.

He apparently decides not to fight as his tongue flicks out to collect his own seed. He looks up at me, and for once I find his gaze void of anger. Reaching out, I run the back of my hand along his cheek and smile. “Isn’t this simpler?” I ask him. “Surrendering to me? Allowing me to use you as I please?”

For a moment, he only continues to stare at me before averting his gaze. “You’re blackmailing me,” he murmurs.

“And you are enjoying this,” I counter. “You have gotten hard at every instance of me dominating you,” I smile. “And what’s more is that you got hard at the musky scent of your coworker’s feet,” I continue as I lean down to whisper in his ear. “Face it…you were made to be another man’s bitch,” I murmur. “You crave another man overpowering you,” I whisper. “Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like? To be on a call and be overpowered by the man you are supposed to be arresting?” I place my hand on his chest and begin gently massaging his pecs, earning a groan from him.

“I-I’m no one’s bitch,” he groans even as he presses his chest against my hand.

“You’re mine,” I rumble against his neck before nipping at the flesh. “You belong to me.”

“N-no,” he shakes his head, but slowly begins to sag against me. “I’m-I’m not.”

“You are,” I say gently as I turn his head to face me. In his eyes, I can see his resolve slowly cracking under my touch.

“No!” He suddenly shouts, his eyes flaming with rage. “I’m not your pet, or your bitch, I don’t belong to you.”

I hold his gaze for a second before smiling. Leaning down, I bring our lips together. I feel him slump against me as I dominate the kiss. Reaching out with one hand, I place it on his cock and begin stroking him. “Come on,” I whisper. “Give yourself over to me… I know you want to, I can see it in your beautiful eyes.”

I watch as Sloan grits his teeth, only to whimper as I continue to stroke his cock. “Come on,” I whisper into his ear. “Just let yourself go,” I continue. “Let someone else take control.”

He whimpers and thrashes a bit more before relaxing against the mattress. He says nothing as he holds my gaze for a moment before ducking his head. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I can,” I smile. “And you seem to like it.”

He goes quiet once more before falling still…not even fighting as my hands move away from his cock and down between his legs to tease his hole. Curiosity fills my mind as I watch his face for emotions to gauge what he is feeling at that moment, but I only find an expressionless mask.

Pulling away from him, I study Sloan for a moment before grabbing my clothes.

“What…what are you doing?” he asks, suddenly coming out of his trance.

“Go home for the night,” I tell him.


“What? You want to stay?” I arch a brow. Something flickers across his face and I begin to put the puzzle pieces together. Deciding to pull on this thread of doubt that he has laid before me, I continue my task of redressing. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as he sits up and slides off the other side of the bed. He grabs his uniform and changes into it.

I lead him back downstairs to the foyer of the house and stop at the door.

“Goodnight, Officer Sloan,” I tell him.

“I-” he falters. “Goodnight,” he finally replies before leaving.

I watch as he drives away with a smile on my face. The seed of doubt has been planted, now I need only wait for him to unknowingly nourish it until he returns to me.

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