Str8 Cousin – Best Christmas Gift!

A gay story: Str8 Cousin – Best Christmas Gift! What would you do if you woke up one day and discovered that your long-time fantasy was about to be fulfilled? When you realize you are about to give yourself to the guy of your dreams, at that moment where excitement, expectation, and nervousness are at their peak, would you back out if that guy is your cousin?

This is not one of those stories where the protagonist does not know what he did due to the effects of alcohol. I must confess that at some second the moral charge entered my head but it disappeared in a second… I’m probably wondering if it was the best decision now that I’m writing this. I guess we are about to find out.

To give you some context, my name is Santiago, I’m 22 years old and I’m from Venezuela but I live in the United States. The story that is about to unfold was during my Christmas vacation in Venezuela in 2022. I moved with my parents to the United States when I was only 9 years old, and during my life in Venezuela I remember being very close to my family and spending a lot of time at my uncles’ house, especially my uncle Pedro’s house; therefore, I was used to the extroverted and rebellious presence of my cousin Fer, who is one year older than me.

As you may have guessed, this story is about when my cousin Fer gave me the best fuck of my life. Growing up our personalities were opposites, while Fer was the kid who liked all kinds of sports, extroverted and rebellious, I was the quiet, responsible, and polite kid, but miraculously we found a way to be close. After my move to the United States, we managed to keep in touch first by phone calls and then by social networks, until at 16 I was sure of my sexuality and came out of the closet and was cut out of my cousin’s life because of his homophobia.

I remember in my last years of interaction with Fer, he was starting to go to the gym and exercise his body more, which increased my attraction to him much more but he never knew, or at least that’s what I want to believe. After 3 years of not knowing anything about him, I went back for my Christmas vacation to Venezuela in 2022 and it was our first time to see each other after 12 years of my move from Venezuela and after 3 years of not knowing anything about each other.

I remember arriving home in Venezuela on December 17th and being greeted by my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, minus Fer. A whole week passed in which there were different interactions with my family but none with Fer due to “being at work” just when a meeting with my parents and me was coming up.

So, December 24th arrived, the expected family reunion to celebrate Christmas Eve. My parents and I arrived at my uncle Pedro’s house around 5 pm to help with the organization.

– “Welcome family, come in and start helping my wife who is crazy with all the preparations,” said Uncle Pedro as he opened the door and hugged each of us.

– “Are my nephews still slacking off as usual?” said my father about Fer and Patricia, my uncle Pedro’s children.

– “Fernando, between his work and his girlfriend, is little or nothing that collaborates in the house, and Patricia takes all day looking for clothes and thinking about how to dress up for the night, so yes, brother, lazy as when they were kids,” said my uncle as he entered the kitchen where Aunt Maura was.

– “I hope this time Fernandito at least lets himself be seen,” said my mother.

– “You would be surprised to know that he is no longer Fernandito and that he is now the tallest in the family, but don’t tell him because it feeds his cockiness and I can’t stand it anymore,” said Aunt Maura.

– “Speaking of the king of Rome, he just sent me a message that in 1 hour he is coming,” said uncle Pedro looking at his cell phone.

After that, my father and I helped my uncle set the table and do some last-minute shopping, and my mother and aunt were busy preparing the food along with Patricia who joined us later. It was almost 6 pm when we were all in the kitchen enjoying a glass of wine and the front door was heard opening to later hear something being thrown to the floor.

– “Fernando, I’ve told you a thousand times not to throw your backpack on the floor,” Aunt Maura shouted towards the side of the living room.

– “Yes ma, I’ll pick it up” shouted a very deep and loud voice. “I guess some things never change,” I thought the instant I recognized my cousin’s natural rebelliousness at being messy and possibly leaving the backpack where he initially threw it.

Footsteps began to be heard in the direction of the kitchen until an imposing figure leaned against the doorframe leading into the kitchen, arms folded across his chest and an overbearing smile on his mouth. I swear at that moment I gawked and did not recognize the adonis in front of us. Fernando was no longer the athletic boy I once remembered seeing in pictures on social media; Fernando was now a god. His hair had lost its blond tones and its length, now was dark hair and almost shaved, walking with a sleeveless t-shirt you could appreciate his arms too big ending in hands enclosed in fists in which different veins could be appreciated, I could appreciate on the shirt that he had bigger pecs than the tiny breasts of cousin Patricia to culminate with long and imposing legs, not to mention the attractive face with which Fernando always had, his features had matured giving way to a marked jaw, thick lips, profiled nose, green eyes and bushy eyebrows.

– “Son, son!” my father mentioned pulling me out of my amazement and directing my gaze to him. “Your cousin Fernando is talking to you and you always with your head in the clouds”, he culminated.

– “Cousin I was mentioning that if you would no longer welcome me with a huge hug like when we were kids,” said Fernando which made me turn my gaze to him with strangeness because my last memory of him was of his hurtful words over messages due to my confessing my sexual orientation to him. “If he wants to pretend in front of the family, I’m going to play along,” I thought, assuming that his parents were not aware of our estrangement as well as mine.

I approached my cousin trying to hide the trembling in my legs and hands due to the influence Fernando always had on me, which I remember having overcome but which at that moment came back like a slap to the face… Standing in front of him, he opened his arms inviting me to hug him, and I approached him leaning my head on his strong pecs due to my 1.69 meters versus Fernando’s 1.88 meters. I sensed the aroma of sweat emanating from Fernando’s body due to his work as an instructor in one of the most important gym chains in the country, according to what Uncle Pedro had told us. I found myself amazement for the second time without being able to help it until I heard a murmur audible enough to be picked up only by my ears.

– “You better keep up appearances in front of my parents and my uncles, you sissy,” Fernando said to me, which, instead of hurting me, infuriated me but I decided to play along, for the second time and smiled at him with a smile even more fake than the one he had plastered on his face.

Fernando proceeded to greet and hug my parents, giving me for the first time the panorama of the best male ass I have seen in my 22 years of life… I swear that if before it was my turn to control the erection that was about to provoke me when I saw him in front of me, this time I felt the delicious sensation that your cock gives you when it is about to get hard. I had to cross my legs while standing and lower my oversized shirt to avoid any view of my semi-erect penis. After a pleasant conversation with my parents, Fernando said goodbye momentarily with the excuse of going to take a shower and wash off the sweat.

After a few minutes, I felt I couldn’t control my horniness and found myself needing to go to the toilet and wet my face with ice water to clear my mind.

– “Aunt, can I borrow the bathroom please?” I said in the direction of my aunt who was chatting with my mother and her daughter.

– “Go to Fernando’s bathroom because he usually uses the guest bathroom since he says it’s the biggest,” said my Aunt Maura rolling her eyes, “and besides, he takes longer than a woman in the bathroom, I don’t know how much he does.”

I went upstairs towards the guest bathroom because I assumed that after half an hour Fernando would have already finished his shower and I did not want to find him in any state of undress for the sake of my mental stability… Upon reaching the second floor, I could recognize that the house was identical to when I visited it as a child with slight differences in paint and other small details. I could hear how the shower head in the guest bathroom was open, deducing that Fernando was still taking the shower; therefore, I decided to go to Fernando’s bedroom opening the door carefully so that he would not hear anything from the guest bathroom…. I didn’t manage to open the whole door but what I saw from the small opening had caused an image that to this day is something I still can’t get out of my mind…

Fernando was completely naked, lying on the bed, with his legs open and jerking off which made a scene that surpassed any porn video I’ve ever seen from content creators on Onlyfans or any other porn site. He was with his eyes directed to his cell phone screen, from which some feminine moans could be perceived and he was holding the cell phone with one hand, while with the other hand, he was masturbating his lubricated cock. If there is one thing I must mention about his cock, it is that it was a well-proportioned, white cock, with veins running the length of his shaft and crowned with a head wider than his already wide shaft… I could estimate a cock of approximately 8.5 inches, with big balls hanging out. This was my third amazement of the day; my cock got hard in seconds and I couldn’t take my eyes off him without knowing which way to look, whether it was his marked and sweaty abdomen or his glowing and swollen cock. What seemed like hours to me watching Fernando jerking off was surely seconds, until I heard the distinctive sound of a picture being taken….

… To be continued



Hello! This is my first time writing stories in general and it’s a personal challenge for me to do it specifically in this genre since I’ve always been a reader of this specific genre, but never a writer. I hope you enjoy this story, I’m open to suggestions, constructive criticism, ideas or any comment you want to leave me. Also, english is not my first language so if I have some errors, forgive me haha

Merry Christmas to everyone, I hope you have a great time with your loved ones!

See you soon!

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