Straight Cops Enslaved Pt. 02

A gay story: Straight Cops Enslaved Pt. 02 – Michael keeps making more and more friends on the Force. Officer Jensen is just trying to survive the experience. –

Work Text:

Lieutenant Keith Jensen woke up groggily. He was laying naked on a bare wooden floor next to his former partner, James Thompson, also naked, both sporting erections.

He felt an urgent need to ejaculate but knew better than to stroke himself off as he had done countless times since early adolescence. He knew there’d be… consequences if he dared to.

Dark circles under his eyes were a testament to how utterly exhausted he was. A gnawing hunger consumed his thoughts.

The lights in the room came on and he could see the iron bars separating the room he shared with Thompson from the rest of the cabin 1 hour away from their hometown of Freehold, NJ.

He had told his wife and kids that he had signed up for a professional development seminar for 5 days in Chicago to increase his opportunities for advancement within the police department. Thompson had told the same story to his own family.

Three days in and he wished that the lie had been true.

It took his nutritionally deprived mind a minute to realize that if the lights were on it might be feeding time again.

His mouth began to water as feelings of deep shame washed over him.

“Wake up, bitches. It’s time to feast.”

Thompson woke up instantly at the sound of Michael’s commanding voice and they both turned to look at the irresistible alpha male that had brought them both here. He strode in like he owned the place (or owned the man who did), completely nude, his well-developed leg muscles leading your vision up to his pride and joy.

Both cops eyes’ focused like lasers on the impossibly hard, 11 and a half inches of cock pointing straight at them.

Michael closed the distance to the bars, stuck his cock through them and didn’t say a word.

Jensen and Thompson had promised each other last night in the late hours before they drifted off to troubled dreams that they would try to hold out this time. That they would draw strength from each other and from their faith. They had both prayed together that God and His son, Jesus Christ, would help deliver them from this foul tempter and cleanse them of their sins. It had rekindled some kind of hope that this nightmare might end.

Michael’s cock twitched and a single dollop of precum formed at the slit in his cockhead and began to slowly fall towards the floor.

Jensen and Thompson both scrambled on their hands and knees to catch that drop of precum in their mouths before it did. Too late it hit the hardwood floor. Thompson dove on his belly and began licking the spot where it landed.

Jensen, seeing the source of it uncontested, kept crawling until he’d reached the reason for his downfall, opened his mouth and took seven inches of Michael’s cock into his throat in one smooth motion.

Thompson, having lapped up that single drop of fluid, joined him in his efforts, moving his tongue up and down the remaining 4 inches on the left side of Michael’s manhood, insanely jealous of Jensen’s primary position until…


Jensen groaned “gno!” with Michael’s dick in his mouth but obeyed, pulling himself off of the tip and working the right side with his tongue as Thompson assumed his position at the head, deep throating more of Michael than Jensen could consistently do.

“Oh, I think Officer Thompson’s gonna earn the first bellyful. Don’t you think he deserves it, Jensen?”

“Uh-uh” Jensen hated being made to beg and plead by Michael, especially in front of the fellow officer who had helped Michael enslave him. The worst thing was he knew deep down that he’d still be doing this if he wasn’t starving and needed Michael’s semen for what little nutritional value it had.

He just needed to make Michael cum now.

Thompson must have sensed that Michael wanted to feed them now because the pace of his deepthroating quickened and he was making these joyful sounds around Michael’s cock.

With his mouth around the side of Michael’s dick he could feel it pulse as it delivered the only kind of meal the two cops had had for the last three days. Thompson swallowed as much as he could but even a starving man’s stomach could only take so much.

Cum shot out of Thompson’s mouth as he fell backwards. Jensen began to move to the still cumming tip but Michael grabbed him by his hair to keep him locked onto the side of his cock.

“Don’t stop that talented little mouth, Officer Cumslut.”

Jensen did as he was told, holding back tears of frustration as Michael coated Thompson’s prone body with another gallon of semen.

He hated being fed this way. Hated how hard he got from doing this.

But he hated this way more.

Finally, the stream of semen slowed and stopped. Michael still had him clamped on his manhood. Jensen didn’t move. Good bitches got rewarded and he desperately needed Michael to think of him as one.

“Now, you may feed, faggot!”

He tore his mouth away from the penis that had destroyed his life and dove atop the man he had trained as a rookie on the Force. First, his mouth found Thompson’s and he pressed hard against it and sucked the cum out of it. Some remained but his tongue glided over Thompson’s teeth, gums and tongue to get every trace of it. Then he licked the facial Michael had unleashed on his former partner. Over the next 10 minutes, Jensen licked every square inch of Thompson’s body to get as much of Michael’s seed as possible.

“There’s some on the inside, too, bitch. Better get that.”

“Inside?” Jensen thought, confused for a moment. Then realization dawned and he began to weep softly. He trailed down his partner’s body until he was staring directly at what he used to think was a good size for an erect penis.

Tears of abject humiliation fell from Jensen’s eyes onto his friend’s crotch as he began to suck him off.

Jensen could hear the key being inserted into the lock on the bars behind him and the cage creaking as it was opened. He thrust his ass in the air, eager for what was about to happen.

“What do you need, pussy?”

Sob, “I need to get fucked, Michael. Please.”

“Since you said ‘please'” Michael placed his dick at Jensen’s thoroughly used asshole and pressed into him while he reached down, gripped Jensen’s hair and shoved him all the way down on Thompson’s cock.

Jensen struggled to breathe but couldn’t stop himself from working Michael’s dick with his ass. It felt soooooooooo good.

Was it really just 9 days since Michael entered his life like a force of nature, destroying everything in his path? Just 9 days since that first night of betrayal and ecstasy. Nine days since he had gone from straight officer of the law and member of local church leadership to hopelessly addicted cumbucket for Michael. As Michael’s deep dicking triggered his first anal orgasm of the day (and far from his last) he remembered what had led him to this fate and struggled to believe that it had all been real….


Jensen actually encountered Michael two weeks before the events leading to his inevitable downfall and enslavement. And there had been signs of some …disturbance at work in his precinct prior to that.

Li’s normally flawless professionalism and efficiency as a dispatcher began to slip. Nothing that would immediately draw negative attention. Arriving late to his shift. Mixing up details like unit numbers, addresses and the circumstances that officers were called in to respond to. And those that knew him best noticed a marked change in his normally unflappable self-possession.

Then, there was the night of Thompson’s high speed pursuit gone wrong. Chasing down a misdemeanor reckless driving suspect without calling in at least one other unit for backup was sloppy enough. But then Thompson had actually managed to slip and fall while chasing the suspect in a new development that had begun construction that spring, injuring himself so severely that he’d had to go off active duty for over a week.

And once he’d returned he seemed like a completely different person. The old Thompson would have laughed at the good-natured ball busting he’d gotten for fucking up that pursuit so royally and told everyone to blow him. Instead, he had gotten red in the face and responded meekly with “I tried…” visibly tearing up… “I tried that night… It was hopeless.” And walked out of the locker room.

Jensen had looked at the other cops with a what-the-fuck look on his face before busting out laughing. As he laughed at how crazy his friend sounded he thought he heard Thompson say something like ” you’ll see” to him as he walked out. Which would have made him laugh even harder but for the haunted look on Thompson’s face.

“Lighten up” he’d thought to himself. When you fucked up you had to expect to get roasted by everyone.

Looking back now he wished he’d asked what Thompson had meant. That he’d listened to his friend to maybe avoid the sheer madness that had followed.

Another voice inside whispered it was madness to not want Michael to have come into his life.

The first time he’d laid eyes on the much younger man had been in the precinct gym. A pretty extensive set of weights, exercise equipment and a mat for wrestling and grappling had been purchased and installed a few years prior and the Freehold pd prided itself on its commitment to the physical fitness of its officers.

At any time of day you’d find half a dozen cops bench pressing, doing pushups and frequently practicing how to put suspects into holds or break out of them on the mat.

Jensen had just finished his day shift, changed into his workout gear and walked into the gym when he noticed Li and Thompson spotting a young man he didn’t recognize bench pressing about 345 lbs. The gym was supposed to be for cops only but sometimes family members would take advantage.

The kid had done about 20 reps with what none but a handful of officers could put up once when he ended the set abruptly, lowering the bar onto the rack. Thompson and Li’s spot had seemingly been unnecessary.

“Who do we have here?” Jensen strode over to make his introductions. It had been a few weeks since Thompson’s return and it was good to see him getting back into his old routines.

“This is Michael _________, he’s looking to join the academy in the fall and wanted to see how we all stay in such amazing shape” Thompson said in a nervous rush.

“Craig Jensen, pleased to meet you.” I stuck my hand and Michael gripped it tight, almost too tight for a second.

“The pleasure is always mine” Michael said with a smile on his face and some hard to define gleam in his eye. “Hungry? Possessive? Predatory?” Jensen would later think to himself. At the time, he was just a little thrown by the odd phrasing and unusual facial expression.

“I met Li and Thompson a little while back and I was so impressed by their eagerness to serve the public that I knew I needed to get inside the Freehold pd.”

Once again, something wasn’t quite right about this. But Jensen couldn’t place what it was.

“Well, it’s not just the public facing stuff. There’s also a lot of hard work that goes on behind the scenes that no one ever knows about.” As a 20 year veteran, Jensen never shied away from sharing a little bit of the mundane reality of law enforcement with starry eyed civilians.

“Of course. These two have been showing me all kinds of hard work that no one knows about. I offered to tell everyone all the unbelievable things that they’ve done and they just wouldn’t hear of it. They had to beg me not to. Isn’t that right, boys?”

“Yeah, we really did.” “Please don’t.” Thompson and Li said almost on top of one another.

Michael’s words were full of adulation but there was a mocking undertone to them. Jensen had often used the same tone in high school when he was humiliating some faggoty little bookworm. But he could do that because he could and did kick the shit out of anyone that didn’t meekly take it. Who did this kid think he was?

“What makes you think you’d be an asset to law enforcement, Michael?” Jensen asked in the no-nonsense tone that he’d used a hundred times on suspects.

“Lots of things, really. I’ve got a knack for getting men to comply no matter how much they might not want to. I’m strong and fast and my aim is amazingly accurate. I always hit my target again and again and again. And I think I can crack even the hardest man. In fact, that just makes it easier.”

It was time to take this punk down a peg or two.

“You seem pretty impressed with yourself. Wanna roll around and see how tough you really are?”

“I don’t know. You’re so much more experienced than me. What do you think, fellas? Do you wanna see me and Officer Jensen wrestle a bit?”

“Sure” and “Uh-huhs” followed in rapid succession. Again, strange.

Michael got off from the bench and walked over to the large mat in the back of the gym. Li and Thompson scurried not far behind and Jensen began a little bit of shadow boxing to warm up.

He had done wrestling in high school and college, even making all state as a senior so he was looking forward to embarrassing this punk kid a bit.

Michael stood casually on the padded material. Not warming up or seemingly concerned by the prospect of facing off against a man with 20 years of experience and probably 30 pounds of muscle on him.

They squared off, hunkered down, and collided shoulder to shoulder, each man immediately seeking advantage.

Suddenly, Michael dropped down so fast that Jensen overshot him. As Jensen’s center of mass traveled over him, Michael shot up, gripped his ankles and threw him ass over tea kettle onto his back.

Jensen landed hard, the breath leaving his body. He groaned.

“One point for me, Officer.”

Jensen, his pride and back bruised, scrambled up and threw himself at the kid, again. They collided. This time Michael turned and twisted and threw Jensen to his side, landing in guard position. Immediately, Jensen wrapped his legs around Michael’s hips to try to regain control.

Michael, instead of trying to reposition, thrusted his hips forward, moving him and Jensen forward a foot on the mat. He then grabbed each of Jensen’s wrists and slammed them down. Jensen’s hands felt numb from the shock. Michael, sensing vulnerability, brought Jensen’s wrists together and gripped them in his large left hand.

Jensen struggled to free his arms but couldn’t. “Fuck” he thought, “how strong is this asshole?”

Once again, instead of pressing his advantage to actually pin Jensen, Michael thrust his hips forward and Jensen was horrified to feel what felt like a huge erection, pressed into his ass.

Michael’s torso dropped down onto Jensen’s and that’s when he also began to notice Michael’s scent. It was the smell of the locker room, sweat and testosterone, but amplified 5 fold. It made Jensen’s head swim. Suddenly, it was very hard to focus.

“Two points for me, Officer Jensen.”

Michael immediately let go of Jensen’s wrists and sprang off of him. Jensen was scrambling to his knees when Michael put him in a guillotine head lock.

“Sorry, sometimes I have a hard time waiting.”

Jensen could see an obscenely large bulge in Michael’s workout shorts as he tried to wriggle free. Michael’s grip was like iron.

“I’d tap out if you want to remain conscious.”

Jensen kept wriggling for a few more seconds before rapidly tapping on the densely muscled forearm wrapped around his throat.

Michael continued the hold for 5 more seconds and just as Jensen’s vision was getting spotty, he released suddenly.

Jensen fell face first onto the mat. He’d almost had time to bring his hands forward but it wasn’t enough. There was a flare of pain as his nose began to bleed.

“Okay. Let’s get you on your feet.” Michael said in a falsely sympathetic tone of voice. Michael’s large, strong hands grabbed Jensen by the shoulders and unceremoniously lifted him off the ground in one smooth motion.

Jensen wobbled on his feet. 5 minutes ago he was certain he was gonna show this punk kid what was what and he’d ended up on his back, totally humiliated right from the start.

“There, there. Don’t feel bad. I put Li and Jensen on their backs very quickly, too. Ooh, sorry about the blood” Michael said while taking off his shirt, folding it neatly and placing it on Jensen’s face without asking if he could help.

The pain in Jensen’s almost broken nose flared again and he was once again assaulted by Michael’s smell. But even more so, this time. Still, he couldn’t complain. He was the one that had suggested that they roll together and now the man who had completely shown him up was literally offering the shirt off his back to help.

“You put up a good fight, though. So did these two. It’s not your fault. I’ve got a lot of natural talent and I still really wanna use it on the Force. I gotta get going but I’d love to come back and really get into it with you again. ” Michael said as he removed the t-shirt from Jensen’s face, unfolded it and put it back on. A large blood stain covered the chest near Michael’s right shoulder.

“That looks great. I should get trophies like this from all my conquests. Li, Thompson, let’s get outta here. You can show me some more of what cops are capable of when they really work together. Doesn’t that sound like fun?” There was an implied threat in Michael’s last question like he was expecting enthusiastic “yes”s or else and he got them. The two other officers nodded their heads and “uh-huh”ed like agreeable children.

And with that they all left the gym out a side entrance. Jensen could see out the window as they got into Thompson’s car. Strangely, Thompson was the only one in the front of the car. Li and Michael both got into the back. The car started up and Jensen could swear that Michael’s movements were those of a man pulling down his shorts but the car was about a 100 feet away at this point. And was that Li moving his head down and to the side onto …. No! The car was too far away at this point to be sure of anything happening inside of it.


A few days passed and the weekend was upon Jensen. He’d been invited to have a few beers at Thompson’s place and it had been so long and he had begun to miss his old friend and partner enough that he’d agreed readily, ignoring the strangeness of that encounter in the gym and what he’d thought he’d seen in the back of Thompson’s car. It was a little last minute but Thompson had said that a lot of other officers were coming over, too and it seemed like a great time in the making.

He arrived a little late, about an hour after the festivities were to have begun. Rang the doorbell with a 12 pack of Yuengling in his hand. There didn’t seem to be any cars in the driveway or street near Thompson’s house, save for his own and Li’s. Thompson opened the door almost immediately with a look of relief on his face.

“Oh, thank god you made it.” Thompson said, visibly relaxing.

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it.”

Expecting to just see Li as he entered the living room, Jensen was a little shocked to see Michael, as well.

“Officer Jensen, so glad to see you. Come here. We were just about to have a shot of whiskey.”

“Hey, Michael. How’s it going?”

“Things are starting to really look up.”

Jensen, Michael, Li, and Thompson gathered around Thompson’s mini-bar. Michael poured 4 double shots of whiskey and raised his and toasted “To new experiences.”

They all downed their shots, the whiskey burning their gullets. Jensen almost immediately felt warmth suffuse his body and a good feeling spread throughout it.


This time, Li poured the double shots.

“To experiencing everything the Freehold police department has to offer.”

The second shots hit harder than the first.

“I have a lot of questions I wanna ask you, Jensen. You don’t mind if I pick your brain for a bit, do you?”

“Not at all.”

“Cum. Sit with me on the couch. We’ll watch the game and I can get to know what you can do better.”

For the next few hours, the drinks flowed and Michael peppered Jensen with questions. All the subtle insinuations were gone and replaced by seemingly earnest requests for logistical information on the Freehold pd. Who worked what shift? Who was partnered with who? Who had been partners with who? The routes of patrols. Later, Jensen would feel crippling guilt that he had so readily answered these questions before Michael had broken him.

“If I hadn’t been so free with my responses, maybe some of my brothers in arms could’ve escaped becoming Michael’s playthings?” he would think, tossing and turning as sleep eluded him.

Jensen had no way of knowing that Michael knew every single thing there was to know about the Freehold pd the first night that he had made Li ride his dick. Some of the things Li remembered saying but most of it, he didn’t. And getting bitches to think that they had betrayed more than they had was one of the first tricks that Michael learned as he explored all the ways to destroy a man.

Somewhere along the way, Thompson had suggested that they do a few lines of blow. It had been a long time since Jensen had partied this hard but he was pretty hammered at this point and couldn’t muster up the willpower to say no.

Thompson took out what looked like an evidence bag containing a kilo of coke.

“Wow! Officer Thompson. Have you been dipping into the evidence lockup, you bad boy? What kind of example are you setting for young and impressionable cops in training like me?”

“It’s not a big deal.” Thompson slurred. “It gets destroyed after it’s used as evidence in a case, anyway.”

Jensen himself had dipped into quite a few baggies of confiscated evidence over the years. Coke, speed, molly, percs and not an insignificant amount of cash. Less so as he’d gotten older, settled down, and had more to lose. But old habits died hard.

A pile of high end cocaine (and a little something more, though he didn’t know it at the time) was poured on the coffee table in the living room and Michael cut it up into 4 thick lines with a credit card.

Thompson and Li went first, groaning after they snorted. Jensen went third, the coke hitting his bloodstream like an electric current and Michael went last.

“Whattya say we really get this party started, fellas?”

Things got blurry at this point.

Time became disjointed.

30 minute jump…..

On the couch, watching a porno with Michael in the middle, Li and Jensen on either side, Thompson on the side couch. Rubbing their erections through their pants. Li suggests they get more comfortable. Jensen’s so horny he’s pulling down his pants before Li finishes suggesting it. Shock as Michael’s cock springs free, the tip hitting the bottom of his pecs.

10 minute jump ….

Furiously jacking it next to Michael on his right side. Michael says “Cum!” and Li and Thompson are firing off all over themselves. Jensen loses it and does the same. “Aw, no fair!”

5 minute jump ….

Li and Jensen’s fingers are interlocked around Michael’s insanely huge dick, pumping it up and down. Jensen thinks he’s already came twice and is about to again. He’s not even touching himself. What’s happening?

10 minute jump …..

He’s lying down, his head across Michael’s knees, his face buried in Michael’s balls, furiously pumping Michael’s cock with his right hand. He feels his legs on someone’s shoulders and a mouth on his own cock. Who’s blowing him? There were no women at the party. Michael’s balls contract and suddenly his face is being drenched by something hot and wet, his hand is still stroking. He cums deep in his old partner’s throat.

5 minute jump….

He’s a sticky mess. Michael is half carrying him to the bathroom. “Let’s get you cleaned up, Officer.”

The water is hot and the shower is small. No, not small. He’s just sharing it with someone. Michael is pushing him to his knees where the shower’s spray will hit him square in the face. Something long and heavy is on top of his face, rubbing it, making it messy again.

He’s reaching up to stroke it. New instincts kicking in.

“Give us a kiss, bitch!”

Jensen opens his lips and begins peppering Michael’s cock with kisses like it’s his first girlfriend. He barely notices the phone recording him.

10 minute jump…..

He’s on the floor of the bathroom soaking wet. Thompson and Li are kneeling next to him fully clothed. Michael’s towering over them all. Jensen’s jacking Michael off with both hands while his friends each use theirs to assist while the other grips a side of his face, holding him in place. Every time they stroke Michael in unison, Jensen sees the opening of his dick flare open and it’s like he’s staring into the abyss.

“Work for that load, you worthless holes!”

All three of them moan in perfect unison and pick up the pace, needing to please him.

“Try not to cum before me, faggots.”

“Uhnnn!” Thompson shivers and his dick spurts in his pants, a white stain seeping through the crotch.

“Oh, godddddddd, Michael!” Li follows suit, his entire body convulsing, struggling to maintain the same rhythm.

“Almost there, bitches! Jensen, are you ready for your close up?”

“Yeah?” he tentatively responded.

Li and Thompson shoved his face forward until it’s only an inch from the head of Michael’s dick, opening and closing like an iris every second.

“Beg for it, you fucking simps!”

“Please!”, “Cum all over me”, “Feed me!”, “I need it!” , “Oh sweet Jesus, Pleeeeeeeeease!” Jensen didn’t know which words were his and which were his friends but he knew he agreed with them all.

“Oh, alright.”

Feeling Michael’s dick tense pushed Jensen over the edge, he came through the opening of Michael’s legs landing in the bathtub, just as a firehose of semen covered his face. Once he was coated and unable to see, he felt Thompson pull Michael’s dick towards his own face.


A moment later a tug in Li’s direction and an accompanying sigh of relief.

10 minute jump….

Under the scalding hot water of the shower, again. His face is pressed against Michael’s chest and his mouth is latched onto Michael’s nipple. Jensen is using both his hands to hold his dick on top of Michael’s, covering less than half it, rubbing them together. He’s in awe of Michael’s size and power and the feel of grinding his whole length against part of Michael’s is amazing.

“Do you want me inside you?”

Jensen mewled like a bitch in heat, licked Michael’s pec up to his clavicle and fired his tiny load, hitting Michael’s stomach and covering a fraction of his manhood. He collapsed into Michael’s arms.

6 hour jump….

He woke up groggy and disoriented. He was fully clothed on the couch. He noticed that the pillow under his head was wet and his hair was still damp. Flashes of the night before tried to form in his mind. Getting blitzed on Blue Label and yayo and what felt like something else. Being horny and stroking on the couch and then…nothing.

He got to his feet too quickly and regretted it immediately. His head pounded and he felt like throwing up. Absent-mindedly, he noticed an erection tenting his pants.

On the coffee table was a large glass of water, two pills, and a post it note saying “Swallow me. -M” No prizes for guessing who “M” was and he was in too much pain to question some possible relief. He downed the pills and the whole glass of water.

He checked his phone. 1:38pm. Shit! His day shift started in less than an hour. He grabbed his keys, phone and wallet and headed home.

Within ten minutes of taking the pills he felt much better. The pain had melted away and been replaced by a growing font of energy and focus.

He showered and dressed in his uniform before grabbing something on his way to the precinct.

Walking past the dispatch offices, he stopped by Li’s cubicle.

“Some wild night, huh?” Jensen tried to sound casual but was really fishing for Li to fill in some of the details. He barely remembered working frantically towards something with Li and Thompson but couldn’t recall how Michael fit into it at all.

“Uh, yeah. It really was. What do you remember?” Li responded diffidently.

“Not a whole of a hell of a lot. Too much booze and too much of the other stuff. Did we watch a porno?”

“Yeah, it was Michael’s idea. You know how it is at that age. Rock hard all the time and looking for somewhere to put it.” Li said in a dreamy way as his eyes got all glassy and unfocused.

“Yeah, I remember. I’m gonna head out.”

“Good luck.” Li said as Jensen walked towards the main double doors leading to the parking lot and his cruiser, his voice blending four disparate emotions. Sadness, envy, shame, and solace.

Jensen drove off to his doom.


5 hours into his shift and Jensen was noticing something seriously off. He still felt energized and focused but there was a growing feeling of sexual frustration on top of it. He’d had a semi for the past hour and his balls felt increasingly full.

Well, he’d sampled some coke liberated from the lock up last night, who knows what else had been smuggled out to liven up the festivities? The two pills he’d taken to cure his hangover might be the new designer drug all the kids were partying with a year from now.

Trying to ignore the discomfort emanating from his groin, he checked his phone to kill some time.

He’d gotten a text from a number he didn’t recognize.

“Li was telling me you didn’t remember most of the fun we had last night. Lucky for you I’m something of an amateur filmmaker.”

A link appeared in the text. Jensen clicked on it and was redirected to one of the more popular porn sites, xhamster.

He noticed two male symbols interlocked in the upper right corner of the page.

His heart started beating fast in his chest, panic creeping in from the sides of his consciousness, he pressed play.

Over the next 5 minutes, Jensen was treated to a montage of his drug-induced temporary descent into homosexual depravity. All set to some techno club song.

♫ I wanna put you in my mouth ♫

A clear shot of Jensen, Li and Michael jerking off on Thompson’s couch. From the angle, Thompson had been recording from the side the whole time.

♫ I wanna crush you in my jaws ♫

Jensen and Li cumming together. Zoom in on Michael’s face grinning and saying something.

♫ I wanna put you in my mouth ♫

Jensen and Li holding hands in the gayest way possible with a monster cock between them. Staring slack jawed at it while they teamed up to please the obviously superior man.

The cumshot coating their hands.

♫ I don’t feel like I can be … ♫

Sitting with his face buried in another man’s balls, stroking Michael while his former partner sucked him like a two dollar whore.

♫ ,..anything more than this ♫

Getting his first (but not last) facial.

♫ I don’t really want to be…. ♫

In the shower facing up, head wobbling back and forth. Michael’s dick blocking most of it from the camera’s view. Tenderly pecking the side of it before showering it with kisses.

♫ ,.more than this ♫

On the floor of the bathroom, side by side with his former friends and (soon-to-be) fellow slaves stroking Michael in perfect sync, the moments when they each came hands-free blindingly obvious. And Michael blasting them one by one in the face.

♫ I just wanna be whatever…. ♫

In the shower, sucking and licking Michael’s chest, frotting together until Jensen loses it, cums and collapses.

♫ ,.you want me to be… ♫

The video ended with a shot of him on the floor of the shower as the music faded out.

Jensen’s heart hammered in his chest and he was sweating through his uniform.

We should meat up to discuss your future. I can delete this video or publish it on 100 sites under the title Straight Cop Worships Cock. What do you say?

“Yeah, let’s meet up. Where?” Jensen rapidly responded, thinking of how he was gonna beat this little queer within an inch of his life, get him to delete the video and put two in the back of his head for good measure. Fucking faggot!

“How about we meet at Freehold High? No one’s around and I know the security code: 868932.”

“Alright. I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” Jensen answered wondering how the kid could possibly know that code. It changed every year and only school leadership and the upper ranks of the pd knew it.

“I can’t wait.”


True to his word, the parking was completely deserted. Jensen parked his cruiser behind the football team’s locker room where it wouldn’t be seen by any rando who drove by or fellow officers doing their patrols in the area.

As he walked to the main entrance, his phone lit up.

“I’m in the gym.”

Jensen entered the code, opened the doors and followed the signs in the main foyer for the gym. The doors were open and all the lights were on.

Michael stood on a set of mats he’d moved together. His phone in his hand and a laptop off the side. His shirt was off and he was wearing a pair of gym shorts with a visible hard-on outlined through the thin material.

“I’m so glad you could make it.” Michael beamed, gripping his dick with the hand not holding his phone.

“Listen to me, you fucking faggot!” Jensen shouted, hand on his baton closing the distance.

“One” Michael said and held up his index finger and brought his phone up to where he could see it.

“Don’t you dare, cocksucker.” Jensen slowed in his approach, afraid Michael was gonna go through on his earlier promise to publish the video on more sites.

“Two” Michael’s middle finger joined his index in what was normally considered a sign of peace but here seemed like some coded threat.

“Oh, just keeping track of how many times I’m going to really have to punish you. When you use your mouth to say such hateful things, I need to put it to better use.”

“You’re gonna delete that video from that site and from your phone and wherever you’ve got it, you sick freak.”

“Three. You know, homosexuality is extremely common in all mammalian species. And based on my track record, every man.”

“I don’t know what you put in that cocaine but none of that was me.”

“Ha. You’re gonna find out who the real you is tonight, Officer Jensen. You’re gonna love it! Trust me.” and with that Michael tossed his phone to the side.

“You stupid little shit” Jensen thought as he quickly closed the distance, pulling his baton free of the loop at his belt and swing fast and hard for Michael’s head. At the last moment, Michael ducked and delivered a quick punch to Jensen’s midsection. It was quick but Michael knew how to follow through and Jensen doubled over sucking in air and backing away.

A few seconds went by as Jensen drew in air, regathered himself and launched forward, this time trying to connect with the larger target of Michael’s torso. He connected hard with the upper part of Michael’s arm expecting him to back away with a fractured or broken humerus but Michael had flexed the muscles in his arm before impact and didn’t seem to register the impact.

A quick jab from Michael rocked his head back. A black eye began forming almost immediately.

On and on this went. Every attack from an officer trained to brutalize the public he had sworn to protect, countered by a more effective attack from the younger man.

A strike against Michael’s leg side stepped, Michael countered with a kick to Jensen’s thigh that had him hobbling on the mat.

A quick jab of the night stick to Michael’s stomach caught and shoved backwards into his own balls (still pent up despite the adrenaline of the fight and the earlier panic attack).

Jensen was completely enraged by this point and began swinging wildly and screaming inchoately. Michael avoided each strike and moved like a snake until he was behind Jensen.

Powerful hands gripped Jensen’s button down uniform shirt in the middle and ripped it open. Michael kneed Jensen hard in the small of his back propelling him forward even as he ripped the shirt off to the sides.

As Jensen fell forward Michael kept pulling and the sleeves came off two, knocking his baton out of his hand and the buttons at the cuffs popping off from the force.

Now, only in his white undershirt and pants, Jensen howled and launched himself at Michael’s legs. Stupid. Michael just dropped down and put him in a guillotine again like the first day they’d met. Once again, he was forced to stare at the erection tenting Michael’s shorts but now he could also see a clear stain spreading from where it jutted out the most.

“Could that be just precum? There’s so much of it. What the FUCK am I thinking?”

He tried to free himself but Michael’s grip was like a vise. He felt himself fading out. Michael let go and he fell to the mat in a heap. He massaged his bruised throat and gasped for breath. Michael slowly bent down, gripped his white tee at the hem and ripped it off of him.

“Almost to the fun stuff, Officer.”

Jensen really noticed how helpless and almost naked he was and panicked again. He began trying to pull his service pistol from its holster on his belt.

“No, no, no. You pigs and your guns. Y’know, I’m not some unarmed black guy, right?” Michael said with real malice in his voice as he scrambled onto Jensen’s back, gripped the wrist that was pulling the gun from his holster and squeezed.

The small bones in Jensen’s wrist ground together and fractured, he screamed in agony and dropped his pistol.

Michael’s other hand gripped Jensen’s hair, pulled his head and upper body about a foot off of the mat and slammed his face into the mat multiple times.

Each time, his face hit the mat, the cop made a terrified little yelp. By the tenth time his face was bright red, his other eye was also beginning to blacken and blood leaked from his broken nose.

“Pleash…no morr.”

Michael let go. He popped the clip out of Jensen’s pistol, the one bullet from its chamber and took it apart before throwing the pieces far from the mat.

He pulled Jensen’s taser from its holster, “Ooh boy, I love these things. You, not so much.”

Jensen heard the crackle of the taser and tried to brace himself before Michael jammed it into the small of his back and held it there for 30 seconds. Jensen spasmed and the smell of burning skin began to permeate the gym. A black scorch mark now decorated his back as he tried to gain control of his body.

Michael stood up and flipped Jensen onto his back. He undid the cop’s belt and began to shuck off his pants and boxer briefs. For some reason Jensen’s dick was hard. Michael knew the pills were helping but the truth was that all of his victims got turned on by being dominated. The contradiction between their perceived selves and what Michael turned them into overstimulated their minds as they tried to resolve the differences.

“Well, no more need for this, I guess.” Michael pulled his shorts down and off. Then he bent down and wrapped them around Jensen’s head. He tied them at the back so that the precum stain was covering his nose and mouth. Michael’s scent invaded his brain to speed along the conditioning.

He pulled Jensen’s handcuffs out of their case on his belt and handcuffed his hands in front of him. He also pulled six more sets of handcuffs from the bookbag he had brought with him. All taken from members of the Freehold pd after Michael showed them who they really were. The extras were for later.

Michael pushed Jensen’s hands over his head and sat down on his chest. The tip of his cock rested on Jensen’s covered face right where the precum stain was. He squeezed the head and more of it dripped down and soaked through.

“Y’know. I wasn’t really gonna publish that video on those sites. And the second you showed up I deleted the copy off of xhamster. I just needed to get you here.”

Michael brought Jensen’s hands forward and placed them on the very end of his cock, holding them in place and began to slowly pump his cock through them.

“I wasn’t quite so rough with Thompson or Li. They broke from way less than what I’ve done to you.”

“They really didn’t want to help me enslave you.”

“But then I didn’t throat them or pound their pussies for a few days and in come the texts and voicemails falling all over themselves to come up with ever more devious ways to get you to this point.”

Jensen’s hands were slick with Michael’s precum and it had really begun to leak through his shorts. Michael stopped thrusting his cock and Jensen took over stroking.

“Isn’t this so much better than fighting? Aren’t you so fucking hard, right now?”

Jensen groaned and twisted his hips, his erect four inches swayed back and forth.

Something about this seemed familiar to him. Not the handjob he was participating in with more and more energy and enthusiasm even as the memories from the night before were being unlocked by the experience. Something about having a wet cloth over your face but in a radically different context.

“That’s it. Stroke the whole length faster. We’re both gonna get a big reward. I’ve always wanted to try this.”

Jensen did what he had said every perp and skell should do and complied with efficiency. Pumping the cock of the man who had humiliated him, beat his ass, and tased him.

“Here comes your treat. YES!”

Michael came all over Jensen’s cloth covered face just as his horny, drug-addled and banged up mind made the connection.

“Isn’t this exactly like waterboarding?!?!?!”

Too late, Jensen was drowning in Michael’s cum, sputtering and coughing, trying desperately to pull his hands free to pull the drenched shorts off his face.

Michael held his hands in place and laughed like he’d just heard the funniest joke in the world. Jensen inhaled some of his cum, the liquid burning his nostrils and his windpipe. The coughing and sputtering went on for a solid minute before Michael stood and Jensen was able to pull the shorts off and start breathing again with great difficulty.

For five minutes, Jensen gasped and coughed, Michael’s seed beginning to leak out of his nose. Michael ate an apple, contentedly watching the whole thing a few feet away.

“That was amazing! I’m just bummed that you didn’t know anything for me to torture out of you. Be honest, you didn’t think it was so bad when it was some brown savage in the Middle East on the receiving end of it, right?”

Jensen didn’t respond but he remembered loudly proclaiming “Good!” when the images and stories of torture started coming out of Iraq in 2004.

“Well, no rest for the wicked. ” Michael stood up strolled over to Jensen’s prone body, undid the handcuffs around one of his wrists and redid them with his hands behind his back. He took another two pairs of cuffs that some other copsleeves had generously donated to Michael’s efforts and cuffed Jensen’s ankles together and the two sets of cuffs together towards the center of his back. It was an uncomfortable, but not painful position. Not yet.

He rolled Jensen onto his stomach with Michael kneeling in front of him. Jensen feared what was coming next.

“I told you I’d put your mouth to good use, didn’t I?”

Michael gripped Jensen by the hair with one hand, pulling him about 8 inches off the mat and grabbed Jensen’s taser with the other.

“Open your mouth or I’ll force it open and you can suck on this for a while.” The taser crackled inches in front of Jensen’s face. He whimpered and opened his mouth.

“Good boy. You deserve this, you know that, right?”

As Michael pushed his cock into Jensen’s mouth for the first time, he began to wonder if that was true. He’d always believed that he was a righteous man. He attended church regularly. He enforced the rule of law as he saw fit. Mainly that involved harassing certain kinds of people to keep them in line but he had always seen it as necessary. But could he really not be a bad person and have this horror show be happening to him. Didn’t bad things only happen to bad people?

Michael loved to play on the simplistic notion that the way the world was was inherently fair and just. It was the easiest way to get his victims to actively participate in their own defilement. The worse he treated them, the more they must have deserved it.

Fucking idiots! Fair had nothing to do with it. Michael broke the wicked and the just alike. In fact, he preferred the just. He also loved destroying unbelievable assholes like Jensen and most every authority figure he ever met but breaking virtuous men held a special thrill.

“Good luck finding one of those in any police department “, he thought and began to slowly, patiently fuck Jensen’s mouth.

“Eyes open, bitch. I like to see when hope dies in them.”

Jensen’s lips were stretched taut around Michael’s massive girth, his mouth salivating in response. Worse yet, his hard dick was grinding against the mat driving him crazy. He needed to cum.

This went on for about 10 minutes before Michael abruptly stopped.

“Let’s see if my special workout routine has paid off, ay?”

Jensen’s face would have looked confused if he could make facial expressions with Michael’s cock lodged in it. “What could he possibly mean?”

Just then, Jensen could see Michael’s abdominal muscles contract and the unbelievable happened. Michael flexed his dick so hard, that it lifted Jensen’s head off the mat several inches, pushing it painfully back towards his bound ankles. Michael’s cock kept him elevated in this stress position for 45 seconds, the pain building until Jensen was breathing hard, his lips flaring around Michael’s dick as he whimpered.

Michael relaxed his cock and Jensen’s head dropped back down to the mat. Panic subsided and relief from the pain lasted for about 10 seconds before it happened again.

Michael flexed and Jensen’s head came almost a foot off the mat, Jensen began screaming in agony immediately, the sound muffled by Michael’s intruder. Michael was breathing hard and staring at Jensen’s face, more from the thrill of inflicting pain than any appreciable exertion.

Jensen tried to pull himself off of Michael’s dick but his neck was being pushed back to its limits already.

A full minute of screaming on Michael’s dick before he relaxed and Jensen panted and wept.

“I wonder if I could break your neck like this.”

Jensen cried harder.

Michael flexed harder than before and Jensen thought it was actually going to happen. He was going to be killed by Michael’s cock, his neck broken. He hoped the blowjob would end once he was dead but based on his experiences so far he really doubted it.

“Ah, not yet.” Michael grabbed Jensen by the hair, pulled his cock out of his mouth and let go, allowing Jensen’s head to drop chin-first onto the mat. Jensen’s jaw slammed shut and his front teeth broke into pieces. The worst pain yet flowed down into his gums and he screamed and cried louder than ever.

Michael squatted in front him, rapidly jacking off. Blood spewed from Jensen’s mouth and bits of his teeth flew out every time he screamed.

Just as the Jensen’s screams begin to lessen in intensity, Michael stroked even faster, aiming his cock at Jensen’s partially closed mouth and came.

His cumshot hit the fragments of Jensen’s remaining front teeth, knocking them inward down his throat. Jensen’s screams dwarfed what had come before. He swallowed semen and bits of himself and, unbelievably, this is what finally made him cum for the first (but not last) time that night.

He screamed and squirted his jizz onto the mat. Pain and pleasure mixing together and forever becoming entangled in his mind.

Michael had made another pain pig.

“You might need something if you’re gonna use your mouth for the next part. Hold up.” Michael leaned over to his bag and pulled out a small vial filled with some greyish powder. He poured it on the web of tissue connecting his thumb and index finger and held it under Jensen’s nose.

“Snort, bitch!”

Jensen did as he was told. Partly because he would do anything to ease the agony he was feeling. But mainly because Michael was obviously the superior specimen of manhood and he believed every word of the alpha male bullshit he had grown up with.

Immediately, he began experiencing relief from the pain and the familiar feeling of an opioid like percocet or oxycontin working. But on top of that his heart began to beat harder and his perceptions came into crystal focus. He couldn’t tell if it was coke or meth or both but it was strong.

Michael cracked something in his hands and shoved it under Jensen’s nose again but this time a stinging chemical stench filled his nostrils and something kicked in on top of the stimulants he’d already been given.

Michael stood up, gesturing for Jensen to get up on his knees. Michael’s dick pointed at the bloody opening of Jensen’s mouth. The law enforcement officer could see Michael’s cell phone pointed at his bruised and battered face.

“Suck my fucking cock, you stupid bitch!”

Jensen opened his mouth, leaned forward and began worshipping Michael’s python. He pumped with both his hands while his tongue darted back and forth under the head. He moved down one side, his tongue slathering up one side and down the other with his drool.

“Not half bad, slave. But I’ve worked so hard to get you here that I want to take it easy now. Don’t let my cock out of your mouth or you’ll be sorry.”

Jensen couldn’t imagine himself being in any more a sorry condition than he already was but he didn’t plan on finding out. As Michael crouched down onto the mat, Jensen’s mouth stayed latched onto his dick like a baby with its bottle. Michael leaned back until he was on his back and Jensen was on his hands and knees still bobbing on the end of his cock.

“Enough with the tip, bitch. You’re gonna learn how to take me all the way in, now. Gag on my cock and keep going.”

Michael pointed his phone directly at Jensen’s face as he subserviently began pushing more and more of his mouth onto Michael’s cock. Tears began welling in his eyes and he kept making these gurgling, gagging sounds like he was about to throw up. Except for the bruises and blood, the video would make Jensen seem like he was a willing participant in this blowjob. And he was. He had just had no intention of doing anything like this even an hour before.

Michael had changed him.

This continued for the better part of 30 minutes before Michael casually spread his thighs wider, flexed his cock to pull Jensen forward a bit, and closed his thighs tightly around Jensen’s neck.

The phone captured the scene perfectly. Jensen was trapped in his new natural position. Michael put his large hand on the top of Jensen’s head and pulled down at the same time as he began facefucking the cop.

“Uk-uk-uk-uk-uk-uk-uk-uk” the sound of Michael’s dick slamming into the back of Jensen’s mouth reverberated throughout the gym.

“Now, the department brass really wanted to ban this next hold. Something about a significant danger of suffocation or spinal damage. But I think I changed their minds a bit.”

Michael brought his tablet over so that Jensen could clearly see the screen from where he was held in the vise of Michael’s thighs. He clicked on a video file titled “FreeholdPd_LeglockBJsComp” and it began playing.

It opened on Li the dispatcher in the same position as Jensen was in now, head trapped between Michael’s heavily muscled thighs and getting facefucked for about a minute before transitioning to Officer Thompson in the same position, similarly helpless to stop himself from being used.

Next, he saw Sergeant Barnes getting his throat savaged by Michael’s weapon, then Lieutenant Haverrs, then Deputy Chief Chalmers.

Each of the last three men had been mentors and role models for Jensen as he came up in the department. To see them being used by this absolute monster broke his heart and his will completely.

The video began transitioning from one cop slave to another, getting shoved as far down Michael’s cock as they could go while he fucked their faces harder and harder. Michael began picking up the pace along with the playback of his previous conquests.

“Yes” Michael roared in the video showing Li’s throat bulging, as he shot into Li’s mouth he squeezed his thigh muscles together, strangling Li.

“Ha!” the same thing happened to Thompson. First, Michael came, then he squeezed Thompson’s throat cutting off his air.

“Barnes! Take my fucking load, you useless cunt!” Michael came and choked the sergeant with his powerful leg muscles.

” Here’s your treat, whore!” another oral cumshot as Haverrs was suffocated.

“Take that dick, slave”, Michael filled his mouth and then kept him from swallowing as he squeezed Chalmers throat hard enough to leave bruises that he’d had to scramble to explain to his wife of 30 years.

The screen split into five boxes like a zoom call, if one man could invade the throats of five others at the same time and stream it live.

Michael was still power fucking Jensen’s mouth but Jensen knew what was coming and feared it.

“The leadership in your pd said this hold was too dangerous to use on civilians but I convinced them that anyone could survive it… barely.”

Michael’s legs tensed and constricted Jensen’s airflow even as he fucked his face harder. Jensen couldn’t breathe.

On the screen it switched to transitioning between individual scenes, again. Li’s face was turning red and he had begun ineffectually hitting Michael’s thighs with his hands and trying to squirm free. It was no use.

The other scenes played out exactly the same. Faces strained from a lack of oxygen, trying to hit Michael with no strength behind the blows, trying to wriggle free like worms. And then Michael’s favorite part.

One by one, starting with Li, each member of the pd that Michael had throated and choked lost consciousness, their eyes rolling into the back of their heads as their bodies slumped into jellied heaps beyond Michael’s legs. And as they passed out, Michael’s cum began flowing out of their mouths and nostrils and down his cock. The camera held on each man for 30 seconds as their heads slumped down and cum coated the bottom half of Michael’s dick.

Jensen’s hands pathetically slapped against Michael’s thighs like a small child trying to fight an adult. He couldn’t breathe and he felt genuine terror that he might choke to death on this 20 something’s dick. Michael squeezed his throat harder and lifted his ass off the mat. Jensen felt his dick get even bigger somehow and began firing shot after shot of Michael’s cream into his mouth just as his senses began fading out.

As he passed out, he thought there was some solace in the fact that he was far from the only one who never stood a chance against Michael. Cum poured out of his mouth onto Michael’s cock. Michael’s laughter followed him down into the dark.

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