Straight Guy Gets a Gay Offer

A gay sex stories: Straight Guy Gets a Gay Offer It was early on a Tuesday morning and I was packing for my weekly travel assignment. I live outside Nashville. My job requires me to travel to Detroit regularly to meet with clients.

I try to do it every other week, leaving Tuesday and coming home Friday. This gives me a nice long weekend away from work. My wife hates when I’m gone, but once I’m back I think she realizes the time away from each other is nice.

My name is Mark. I’m 45 years old. I’ve been married for 18 years and have 2 kids, 14 and 12. My relationship is great, we get along well and like spending time together. My travel and our kids activities make sex difficult, so that is the only negative from my point of view.

When I finally finished packing, I kissed my wife good bye and left for the airport. I landed in Detroit in the afternoon, picked up my car, and drove to my hotel. I was staying at a new place I had never been before. I used to stay close to my main client, but I picked up some new business so chose a place in between them.

On my drive to the hotel, I stopped at a liquor store for a 12-pack and figured I would get carry out from a local restaurant for dinner. The hotel was nice and there was a sports bar right next door, so I was really happy with my choice. I decided to clean myself up, have a beer, and walk next door for dinner rather then stay in.

The bar was new and there were TVs everywhere. Being a Tuesday night, it wasn’t very busy. There was a stool in the middle of bar that was calling my name. I ordered a pint and a burger and started watching TV, while checking out the crowd.

Unfortunately, my conversation choices were limited. As the night went on, the crowd got thinner. Good thing was they had 2 bartenders with nothing to do, except wait on me.

“Not from around here, are you?” the one bartender says to me.

“No, Tennessee. What gave me away?”

“The fact your still here on Tuesday. This place usually clears out, except the occassional traveler staying at the hotel.”

I gave a laugh, “guilty, I’m here on business. My name is Mark.”

He offers his hand to shake, “nice to meet you, I’m Paul.”

“I like this place, is it new?” I asked.

“Yeah. it opened last year. We do good on the weekends and at dinner, but weekday evenings can get slow.”

He acted busy behind the bar, while keeping conversation with me. We talked about sports, cars, where we grew up, and the areas we live in now. It was great, like we knew each other for years yet just met.

I shifted the conversation to more personal, “do you have any kids?”

“No, how about you?”

“Yeah, I’ve got two, girl 14 and a boy 12.”

“Are you married?” I asked.

“No, haven’t found the right one yet.”

I started laughing, “I don’t think I have either. I’ve been married so long, I don’t even remember what it’s like to be single.”

He laughed at me and said, “That is funny, because I can’t imagine being with the same person everyday.”

“It can be a struggle,” I continued to laugh. “We are in a routine, its like having a job.”

“When your tending bar on nights and weekends, it can be tough on a relationship.”

“I hear ya,” I replied back. “You probably hook up with a lot of girls working here.”

He bursted out laughing, “Sure, I get hit on a lot. I’m gay, so not really interested in girls. Restaurants like this aren’t my scene.”

“Oh shit,” I gave a shocked expression. “I’m sorry, I had no idea.”

Paul kept laughing, “It’s cool, please don’t apolgize. It kind of makes it sound bad.”

“I didn’t mean it like that and you are right. You just don’t come across as gay.”

“No problem, I get that a lot.”

We sat there in silence, staring at the TV. First time we stopped talking in 30 minutes.

Paul spoke first, “Sorry, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“No, I’m good. It just surprised me is all.”

“I am still the same guy I was 5 minutes ago,” he smiled at me.

I started laughing, “I know, I know. My reaction was wrong, I am sorry.”

Paul laughed back, “you had a concerned look on your face. Can I ask what you were thinking?”

“I’m not concerned, more wondering. Were you hitting on me?”

Paul burst out laughing, “a gay guy talks to you so he must be hitting on you. If you haven’t noticed, there is no one else in here to talk to. What makes you think you are my type?”

“Alright, alright. Good point,” I replied back. “I should not have assumed.”

We sat again in silence for a minute before Paul spoke up. “There is that look again, what are you thinking?”

“I am thinking,” I quickly replied. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I am curious if you have ever been with a woman. What do you like about guys more then women?”

“No problem, ask me whatever,” Paul said as he patted his chest. “I have been with women. I like women. I’m just not attracted to women.”

“I get it,” I said to him. “It probably goes both ways. I can get excited just from seeing a woman in a swimsuit, but nothing for a guy. You are probably opposite.”

“Sort of, but I do find women attractive. Maybe I am bi, but right now I like guys. It’s just a different level of attraction. Have you ever been with a guy?”

“No way, never.” I jumped back. “Never even thought about it.”

Paul started laughing, “take it easy. Don’t knock it till you try it.”

“I don’t know,” I laughed back. “I love women, every aspect of them.”

“Yeah. I understand. I feel the same way, just about men.”

“Do you like…..?” I questioned while nodding my head towards his backside. “you know, in the…..”

“Anal!” Paul said out loud and started laughing. “I do, but I’m more of a top….meaning I am a giver.”

I looked around, making sure no one could hear his anal shout. “I can’t believe you said that so loud.”

Paul was laughing harder, “no one is in here, the other bartender just left. I like sucking cock too, was that going to be your next question?”

I laughed and put my head in my hands. “I was not going to ask that, but thanks for letting me know.”

“Look at this way,” Paul got a serious look on his face. “Your wife gives a blowjob to make you happy, not her. Most guys will do it because they like it.”

“My wife must not want to make me happy, because I have not had a blowjob in years. I don’t even remember my last blowjob.”

Paul smiled, “if you were gay, you might get a daily blowjob. What do you think about that?”

“Okay, I will give it some thought and on that note I should head back to my hotel room. Can I get my bill?”

Paul turned toward the register and printed out the bill. When he handed it to me he looked me in the eye and said, “you don’t have to be gay to get a blowjob.”

“Are you offering,” I replied back as I handed him my credit card.

He runs my credit card and hands me the slip. “Sure, I will give you a blowjob. I’m locking up, we can go in the back office.”

I started laughing, “I appreciate the offer, but I am not interested.”

“Yes you are,” Paul smiled back. “I can come to your hotel room if that makes you more comfortable.”

“Haha, I don’t think so. I’m married and not gay.”

“You choice,” Paul replied. “After this conversation, there is no way your not at least a little curious.”

I gave a nod of agreement and said, “yeah, I will agree on curiousity but it’s not right. I won’t even be able to get hard.”

“Are you doubting my skills?” Paul looked at me with his hands stretched out. “Give me your room number. I will lock up and head over in 10 minutes. If your uncomfortable, I will leave.”

I smiled and shook my head in disagreement. “Have a good night.” I turned towards the exit.

As I got to the door, Paul yelled out, “Last chance, I can grab some beers from the fridge”

I stopped at the door and gave it one last thought. I knew it was wrong. I should go back, jerk off, and go to bed. I turned to Paul and said, “okay, I’m in 215. I got some beer in my room.” I walked out the door.

I strolled across the parking lot and entered the side entrance of my hotel. I skipped up the stairs and entered my room. What was I thinking? I just invited a guy back to my room. I grabbed a beer and paced the room. I was nervous and excited, but knew it was wrong. I peaked out the window to see if he was coming. This cannot happen. I decided to go down to the lobby and stop him from coming up.

I opened my room door and as I did, Paul was approaching. “Hey, you must be excited to see me.” Without hesitation, he walked in my room.

I got immediate butterflies in stomach. I studdered out, “beer is in the fridge if you want one.”

Paul grabbed a beer, “this room is nice. I’ve never been in this hotel before. This might be a surprise, but I don’t randomly meet guys in hotel rooms.”

When you walk in the hotel room, the bathroom is on the right. A wall divides the bathroom from the main area where the king size bed is located. Next to the bed is a table with two chairs and the back wall is a giant window.

Paul takes a drink of his beer and looks out the window. “Could you see me coming, is that how you knew I was here?”

“No, actually I was going out to stop you from coming up.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Paul says in a rejected tone. “I walked in thinking you were excited. I can take off.”

“Umm…..well….umm….I didn’t want to give the wrong impression,” I stuttered out.

“No big deal,” Paul says as he approaches me.

He is standing in front of me. I stand 6 feet tall and Paul is eye level to me. I have a thinner frame, but work out regularly, weighing around 210 lbs. Paul is very similar to me. I’m staring into his eyes, which are a green or hazel color.

He reaches his right arm and places his hand on my arm. I immediately tense up. “I’m sorry, I should not have barged in like that.”

“It…it’s okay,” I stutter out and I wonder if he can sense my nervousness. “I….I….I just didn’t want to give the wrong impression.”

“Do you want me to leave?” He asks as he inches closer to me, rubbing his hand on my arm.

I’m speechless and my body continues to tense up. I should be pushing him away, but there is a comfort with him that I like.

He places his left hand on my chest, “your tembling and your heart is beating a mile a minute…..relax.” His left hand slides down my chest and over my stomach. He reaches my groin and rubs my cock over my jeans.

I have an instant reaction to his touch, I don’t want to enjoy it but I am. Paul leans in and kisses me on the lips. I let him. His lips are soft, he’s clean shaven but I can feel the stubble on his face. I let the kiss linger for a few seconds before backing off. “I can’t do that, it doesn’t feel right.”

“Okay, no kissing,” Paul whispers to me. “Just relax, let me put you at ease. If I do anything you don’t like, then tell me to stop.”

I want him to stop, but he keeps rubbing my groin and my cock is swelling in my pants. His right hand goes under my shirt. He rubs over my stomach and chest. He drops to one knee and I hear my belt buckle come undone. He unbuttons my jeans. Once he pulls my zipper down, I feel my cock release. I look down and see a tent in my boxers.

His hands rub up over my stomach and down till his fingers grip my boxer shorts. He pulls my boxers down with my jeans, I feel them hit my feet. My cock is fully exposed and fully hard.

I look down and watch as Paul’s right hand grips my shaft, slowly stroking my cock. He looks up at me and says, “you have a nice looking cock.”

He opens his mouth, extending his tongue, licking under my mushroom head. His lips move over my shaft. I watch as Paul takes my cock into his mouth. His wet lips slide across my member, it feels amazing.

I feel his hands grip my ass. He uses this as leverage to pump his mouth over my cock. My head leans back and my hands hold his head. I am in complete enjoyment.

It won’t take much longer before my cock explodes from his mouth, and I think Paul can sense this. He lifts his body up and releases my cock from his mouth. I feel his lips on my neck, moving around to my ear. He whispers, “do you want to cum in my mouth?”

My breathing is intense as I let out a heavy “it feels so good, I can’t believe how good it feels.”

I can feel his warm breath against my face. His lips touch my bottom lip. I feel his tongue enter my mouth. I don’t push him away, I let his tongue explore my own. He moves away and back to my ear.

“I want to taste you,” he whispers. “Tell me you want to cum.”

“Please, I want to cum. Let me cum in your mouth.”

Paul goes back to his knees. His mouth once again covers my shaft. His left hand grabs hold of my ass, while his right fingers massage my testicles. I grip hold of his hair. He pumps my cock into his mouth

“AAARRGGHHH!” I scream out as cum erupts from my cock. I hear a deep breath from Paul. My orgasm continues, I feel more cum exit my cock. The feeling is incredible.

Paul slows his pace as my orgasm calms down. My knees are shaking. His mouth slurps off my cock, getting the last dribbles of cum.

He stands up and plants his lips to mine. In my state of exhaustion, I allow his tongue to enter my mouth. I kiss him back, tasting the salty mix in his mouth.

Paul releases from me and says, “Wow, that was hot.”

I reach down and pull my boxers up, along with my jeans. I sit down on the bed thinking about what just happened.

“I told you a blowjob from a guy is much better,” Paul says while taking a drink from his beer. “I better get out of here. You know where to find me.”

I don’t say a word as the door closes behind him.

I woke up the next morning with a slight headache and a guilty conscience. My wife had called me, but I didn’t answer. I cannot believe I let that happen. I cannot believe I enjoyed it.

There were two clients I had to see today, so I pulled myself out of bed and climbed in the shower. I could not get the image of Paul going down on me out of my head. Watching him put my cock in his mouth. I kissed him. Worst of all, I enjoyed it.

As I soaped my body thinking of Paul, my cock grew hard. I started stroking my shaft, fantasizing Paul’s mouth is my hand.


Shit, my phone is going off. The ring tone is my wife calling again. I snap back to reality and rush out of the shower to answer. “Hello”

“Where have you been?” my wife sternly asks. “I have called you three times this morning, I was about to call the police.”

“Hi honey,” I calmly speak and put together a good lie. “I wasn’t feeling good last night and slept through my alarm. I’m running late for a meeting. I can call you back when I’m done.”

Thankfully she buys it and her tone changes. “Alright, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Sorry you felt bad. I have to work late and then I’m meeting the girls for dinner. So you don’t have to call unless you want to.”

“Sounds good, have fun tonight. Love you.”

“Love you too,” she says as the phone clicks.

Okay, she suspected nothing. Now I am running late. I quickly get some clothes on and run out the door.

My first meeting went well. The client is an older man. We went over some numbers and I had to stock some shelfs. He was happy, just wanted me in and out.

The next meeting was a little different. This client is younger, probably in his mid-thirties. We discussed numbers and then he wanted to grab some food and drinks. I usually have no problems with this, but my mind was scattered and I was not in the mood.

Of course he suggests the bar I was at last night. I tried offering up other restaurants, but this was the one he really wanted to try out.

I made no reference of being here last night. I was hoping Paul or the other bartender were off today. He chooses two seats at the bar. As I sit down, Paul walks out from the back room.

“Afternoon gentlemen, can I get you something to drink?” Paul asks acting like he has never seen me before.

We both order a beer. Paul serves them and walks away, barely even looks in my direction. This gave me some relief and allows me to relax a little bit.

When my client got up to use the bathroom, Paul quickly came over. “Hey, hope you enjoyed last night. Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that. I’m still trying to digest last night.”

“I digested it just fine,” Paul smiles with a wink. “Your secret is safe with me.” He pats the top of my hand and walks away. His touch sends an instant reaction to my groin.

We sat talking business and some personal. Paul would come by to check on us. He even stopped for a quick chat. He never mentioned last night nor acted like he knew me.

My client did a lot of talking and I pretended to listen. Each time Paul walked by I would watch him and think about last night. I eyed his body from top to bottom.

He had brown hair that curled slicked back. I remembered my hands holding it. His shoulders were broad and his arms had definition, he certainly worked out. His jeans fit snug, he had a nice ass. I wondered what his cock looked like.

“Can you handle that order?” My client says as he nudges me in the side breaking my concentration on Paul.

“Uh, yeah of course we can handle it,” I quickly regain myself. “Send me an email and I’ll get some numbers over to you. I got to use the bathroom.” I flip my credit card on the bartop, “do you mind handing this to the bartender?”

Once in the bathroom, I stand at the faucet splashing water in my face. I look in the mirror, “get ahold of yourself. Sign the bill and leave, never come back here again.”

I walk back to the bar, thankfully check and pen are waiting for me. I sign and turn to leave.

“Have a good night, hope to see you guys again.”

I turn back around and Paul is standing there. Those green eyes looking right at me. His smile shows off his strong cheek bones. I smile back and say, “Thanks.”

I feel my cock twitch. What is happening, why is this guy turning me on? I have an attraction to him, like I did for my wife when we first met. I quickly turn and leave the bar.

I walk out to the parking lot with my client and say good bye to him, letting him know I will try to be back next week. I make the short walk back to my hotel. I vow to myself that I will not stay here, nor will I ever go back to that bar.

Once back in my room, I turn on my laptop to get some work done. I need to put some orders together for other clients. If I hadn’t spent all that time ogling Paul at the bar, I might have been able to get numbers to todays client. Unfortunately I am not even sure what he was asking for.

I sit with my laptop, working and daydreaming. I wish my wife was here, it would be nice to feel her body and lay next to her. Her skin is soft, she smells good. I feel my cock twitch. This is good, thoughts of my wife are turning me on.


I jump at the sound of a knock on my door. Who could that be? Maybe its my wife, surprising me for the night.

I walk to the door, opening it slightly to peak my head out. Its Paul.

“Hey Mark, sorry to barge in like this. You left your credit card at the bar. Since I knew you were here, I decided to walk it over.”

“Oh, thanks.” I step back and open the door. Paul hands me the card and walks in my room. “Hey, I uh I…I got some work to do.”

He turns and faces me. “Do you want me to leave? I thought you left it with me on purpose.”

I release the door, “N-No, I uh just forgot it.” Paul is still wearing the jeans he had on earlier, but he changed his shirt. His t-shirt is tight, his bicep vein is visible. I cannot help but wonder what his body looks like. I jump when the door closes behind me.

“Do you leave tomorrow?” Paul asks.

“No, I’m here one more night.”

“Perfect, we should hang out.”

“I uh…I uh, not sure that is a good idea,” I stutter out.

Paul laughs at me, “I’m not asking you out on a date, just to hang out.”

The correct answer is no, you need to leave. Instead I say, “what did you have in mind?”

He looks at me with those green eyes and without saying a word, he removes his t-shirt. Shortly after he unbuttons his jeans and they fall to the floor. He’s wearing no boxers and standing completely nude.

“W-W-What are you doing?” I nervously ask. As I expected, he has an athletic body. His chest muscles show definition with light hair that spreads across his pecs. The hair extends a trail down the middle of his stomach between his 6-pack abs. I follow the trail of hair that stops at his cock, which is clean shaven and hangs semi-hard between his legs.

He steps out of his jeans and walks his naked body in my direction. My emotions are torn between wanting him to put clothes on and wanting to touch him.

As he approaches me Paul says, “I want you to touch me.” I’m frozen in shock. My heart is beating like crazy. He reaches out and grabs my hand, pulls it towards him resting it on his cock.

I gasp at the feeling of his member in my hand. Rather then pull away, I slide my fingers down his shaft. I feel it growing in my hand. Paul leans in to my ear, “thats it, feel my cock in your hand. Your making me hard.”

My curiousity has taken over as I continue to slowly jerk his cock. I am not sure I like what I’m doing, but I don’t stop. I feel Paul’s hands extend to my jeans buttons. When he pulls the zipper down, my boxer tent pops out. He reaches under my shorts and massages my cock.

“We need to get you out of these clothes.” Paul says as he tugs down my boxers.

My jeans and shorts hit the floor. I grab the top of my shirt and pull it over my head. We are both naked and facing each other. Paul leans in and kisses me on the lips.

“Come here.” He grabs my hand and walks me towards the bed. “Lay down.” Without hesitation, I climb onto the bed and lay down on my back.

I look up at Paul. He’s standing next to the bed looking down at me. “Damn your sexy,” he says as he slowly strokes his hard cock. I put my hand on my own cock and start stroking. He asks me, “do you like what you see?”

I do. I want this man. I want him to lay next to me. I want to explore each others bodies. I want to kiss him, taste him. I say the words I never thought I would say to a man, “I do, lay down with me.”

Paul climbs on the bed and over the top of me. He leans in and kisses my lips. I open my mouth and our tongues meet. We kiss passionately, our cocks rubbing together.

My arms embrace him and I run my hands across his back. His skin is smooth, I can feel his back muscles contract with my touch.

He releases his mouth, placing kisses down my neck. I feel his tongue flick my nipple, he takes it his mouth. Paul’s teeth lightly bite my nipple, then the other. I gasp in pleasure. He continues his descent down my stomach, I feel his tongue flick the tip of my cock.

I grab the top of his head and say, “Oh my god, this feels so good.”

As I say the words, Paul’s mouth opens and he takes my entire shaft inside. At first he moves at a slow pace, then he speeds up his sucking, and slows it down again. The feeling is incredible.

I think he can feel my orgasm building and lifts off with a “slurp” at the tip. His mouth dives back, this time at my testicles. He sucks my balls one at a time, then his tongue licks up the middle. Paul tickles my perineum, the area under my testicles and at the edge of my asscrack. His hand is slowly stroking my cock.

“I can’t take it, it feels so good.” It is all I can say as I do my best to hold in my orgasm.

Paul stops his licking and sucking. He kneels next me, looking down with a smile and starts stroking his cock. “Anything else you want? Do you want to suck my cock?”

I reach my hand up and cup his balls. There is no going back, I want to taste his cock. I lean forward and open my mouth, wrapping my lips around his hard cock. He grabs the back of my head, controlling my pace. “That feels good,” he compliments me.

My hands grip his ass. It’s much different feel then my wife. I can feel his hair and it’s more muscular. He uses his frame to push me back. My head hits the pillow with his cock still in my mouth. He straddles me and pushes his cock deeper. I gag as it pounds the back of my throat.

Paul sits back against my chest, pulling his cock from my mouth and resting it on my face. I use my tongue and try to lick it. He grabs his cock, rubbing it on my face. He asks, “where do you want me to cum?”

“On my chest.” I want to make him feel good with my mouth. Having never sucked a cock, I doubt my own swallowing skills.

He drives his cock back into my mouth. The pace is faster then before. His manhood pounding the back of my throat. He is grunting with each thrust. I’m so vulnerable, he could cum down my throat and there is nothing I could do about it.

Suddenly, he pulls back from my mouth and gets back to a kneeling position. He grips hold of his cock, jerking off towards my chest. I lean forward as a rope of cum hits my neck. I open my mouth and take his cock inside, another spurt of cum hits the back of my throat. I suck and swallow the remainder of his load.

“Holy shit that felt good,” Paul says as he pulls his cock out of my mouth. I feel some cum dribble on my lips. I clean it off with my tongue. He looks at me and says, “I want to make you feel good.”

He dives on my cock, taking my shaft all the way in. He slurps back up, and down again. Paul’s fingers massage my balls. He slurps up again and off my cock.

“Oh god, that feels good!” I exclaim.

I feel his tongue along my sack and down to the crack of my ass. I push from my feet to raise my ass, allowing his tongue to descend further. His tongue circles my asshole and his finger massages my entrance. He licks back up my sack, but his finger remains. Once again his mouth engulfs my cock.

I can’t take it much longer and scream out, “I’m going to cum!” Paul works his finger into my asshole. “AAARRGGGHHH!!” He pushes his finger further up my hole, while continuing to suck my cock.

A rush of intense pleasure runs through my body as cum shoots from my cock. Paul continues to suck, while fingering my asshole. My feet stiffen up and another rush extends through my body, I’m cumming for a second time. This is the most powerful orgasm I have ever had.

Paul lifts up from my cock with a big smile on his face. “Wow Mark, that was a lot of cum.” He falls back on the bed, laying on the pillow next to me.

I’m trying to catch my breath while I look at Paul. I roll over in his direction, resting my head on his chest. He drapes his arm over my back. “That was great, what are you doing tomorrow night?” he asks.

I respond, “I have no plans, do you want to hang out?”

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