Straight’s Seduction of a Chub by Luvthechub

I looked at him, and in a mockingly serious tone said, “maybe I should put more clothes on.”

I made eye contact with him and pretended to look scandalized, as if the flirt was too far. He Laughed a sexy belly laugh at my ridiculous parody. I decided I was bored with just tv and wanted to engage with him. Knowing Charlie’s love of games, I figured we could see if there was something only 2 people could play in his game cabinet.

“Hey, Tim! Do you like playing board games or any card games?” I asked.

“I guess it depends on the game, what do you have in mind?” He inquired.

“I was thinking we could check out Charlie’s games and see what looks interesting.” I replied

I walked over to the game cabinet. Tim got up and followed me. As he came to stand behind me, I could feel his presence. With the height and weight difference, I felt dwarfed by comparison. This man was a like a giant teddy bear. I just wanted to hold him and feel his warmth and softness engulf me. He moved to my side and together we started looking for a game to play. Most of the games either required 4 or more players or were intended to last several hours. We weren’t interested in any of those. Kneeling down, I opened the bottom portion of the cabinet. I could feel the shorts tightening with my movements. When I say these shorts were small, I mean they were super small. I could feel my cock and balls practically hanging out the left leg of my shorts. If he had been in front of me, he would have definitely seen my bits.

“I have a great idea for a game,” he said with a grin of self satisfaction. “How about strip poker?”

It was obvious he was being ironic since I only had one article of clothing on and he only 2. He sure was proud of that one, though, as all of us men are when we make clever jokes.

“This isn’t naked enough for you, already?” I replied with sarcasm.

“Well, seeing as how naked implies no clothing, no. It isn’t.” He chuckled.

“Well then, let me find the cards.” I said.

I rummaged through the cabinet again, but came up empty. Of all the games Charlie had, not a single deck of playing cards to be found. Of course. If we had been at my house, I wouldn’t have had a hard time finding a deck. I probably owned about a dozen. However, I didn’t want to get dressed and run home for a deck of cards. I figured I could still keep the spirit of strip poker by adding that element into any game. I had to think about it for a minute until it hit me over the head like a ton of bricks all saying, “duh”. I walked back into the living room.

“Unfortunately, no playing cards,” I said. “However, I was thinking we could play something else just as juvenile. How does truth or dare sound?”

“Stupid, but could be fun.” He said, hopefully.

I knew that he knew what could happen with this game. I felt it a stroke of immature genius to suggest it. I figured it would allow him to test my boundaries and eventually discover that I have none. I wanted to slowly tease out that I wanted to get pounded by him. My outfit alone screamed ‘bottom’. But, Tim was way too polite to just assume and too intelligent to act on assumption alone. That made my job much easier, because all I had to do was play dumb. Not to mention, I knew the tease would increase my arousal and hoped it would amplify his as well. Anyway, I was hoping to start teasing him further and I think he was eager to see how far I would go. So, sitting back on the couch, I turned to face him with my right leg in an L shape on the couch, and my left hanging off, foot on floor. This spread my legs which made it easy to see my junk through the shorts because they were hugging my nuts. Immediately after sitting down, I grabbed a pillow to hug between my legs. Tim had already been turned toward me on the couch mirroring my position, so I’m pretty sure he was able to see the peep show I had “accidentally” given him. I started the game.

“Truth or Dare?”

“Truth,” he replied

“Of course,” I said with a visible eye roll. “Are you straight, or gay?”

“Wow”, he said in shock. “I wasn’t quite expecting that forward of a question. But, I agreed to play. I am gay.”

I could tell I had set him off balance by throwing him that curve ball. It also seemed to make him a little uncomfortable being exposed like that. This was an opportunity to build a little bit of trust before I start getting his clothes off.

“My turn,” he said. “Truth or dare?”

“Dare.” I said.

“Hmm, ok.” He thought for a second. “I dare you to kiss me on the lips.”

“What?! Eww. But, ok.” I replied.

Removing the pillow in front of of my crotch, I crawled over to him and gave him a kiss. At first it was just a peck, but he grabbed me and started giving me an open mouth kiss. No tongue, just lips parted to take in my bottom lip. I went along with it. It was filled with the tension that I had been building up. I felt the scruff of his beard press into my face. It was coarse, like sandpaper. His lips were large and the kid was just the perfect amount of moist to make it a sensual kiss. After a second for two, he released me. I sat back with a smile on my face. I was quite happy with how turned on he was getting.

“Well, ahem,” I said clearing my throat. “Can’t say I was expecting that. Who’s turn is it? Oh, yeah! Mine! Truth or dare.”

“Dare,” he said eagerly.

“Okay, I dare you to take off your shorts and hang out in your underwear as I am.”

He wordlessly complied. As he took off his shorts I became aware of my own situation. I had forgotten to replace the pillow and my junk was, once again, easily visible through the legs of my shorts. As he dropped his shorts, he was staring at my crotch with desire. He definitely didn’t want to look away. I saw an outline of his rigid member through his boxer briefs. It was sexy. It looked bigger than average. Probably 7 or more inches, and a nice girth. I was hoping I’d be able to take it. I was still pretty new to being a bottom, and I had never thought to stretch my hole. The toys I did have were small, definitely smaller than average penis size. I prided myself on being a bottom for the average chub who typically had a 6 inch cock with maybe an inch of girth. Tim’s cock was going to take my hole to its limits. I couldn’t help but smile. My teasing was driving me nuts. This was taking too long. I decided to step it up.

report “How would you like to go swimming? I try to take advantage of the pool every time I’m here.” I inquired.

“I don’t have swimming trunks. I wasn’t thinking I’d have someone to have fun with while I watched Othello.” Her plied with regret.

“Trunks are always optional in Charlie’s pool. Several people have just used the underwear they have on.”

“Well, that’s my only pair and when you’re my body type chaffing is a real bitch when you’re clothing is all wet.” That seemed genuine.

“I guess skinny dipping could be an option. Unless you would just continue hanging out here?”

“I don’t know if you can handle seeing all this flesh.”

And he winked at me. I started laughing and pointed out:

“Well, you’re already down to your skivvies and I can see 50% of your legs, so I think I can handle the 25% of your flesh that is still covered as long as you’re comfortable with me seeing you naked.”

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