Stripping the Salutatorian

A gay story: Stripping the Salutatorian Author’s Note: This story contains forced exhibitionism, humiliation, and nonconsensual acts. All the characters are eighteen years of age or older.

Ace, Emerson, Diego, Sam, and I were all eating dinner after our last day of high school. We had decided to celebrate the occasion by going to our favorite burger place. It had amazing cheese fries, and there was a lot of outdoor seating, which was great for the early-June heat.

We were a bit of an odd bunch. I knew that other people must wonder what connected us when they saw the various members of our social group. Truth be told, we hadn’t chosen one another; we had just fallen into place. Some of us had met through our parents, while others had been in the same elementary school classes years earlier.

Ace, whose real name was Alexander, was the free-spirited wannabe anarchist of the group; he hadn’t met a social convention he didn’t rebel against. Diego was the well-mannered, industrious type that you knew was going to have two-point-five kids one day. Sam was the raucous horn-ball athlete who was always hooking up with at least three different girls from our school. Finally, Emerson was my socially-inept, nerdy cousin.

I had always thought of myself as the bridge between the various personalities. I didn’t hesitate to question authority when warranted, but I was still well-liked by all of my teachers. I was on the school’s wrestling and football teams, and I managed to get straight A’s. I didn’t see myself as anything all that special at the time, which I think must be common for someone who has just crossed the threshold from adolescence to adulthood when they turn eighteen.

We had been talking about the commencement ceremony scheduled for the next day. Diego was discussing how his grandparents had flown in from Santiago, Chile so that they could celebrate the occasion. Ace was expressing his disdain for Jane Weston, who would be reading a poem she had written about “the issues facing today’s youth.” I’d had to agree that it sounded like the height of tedium.

My cousin Emerson was still brooding. He was upset with the final class rankings; he’d dropped from valedictorian to third in our cohort. He kept talking about how it was “the worst” ranking since both the valedictorian and salutatorian were recognized in the ceremony, whereas the person ranked third wasn’t even mentioned. To make matters worse, I was the person who had edged him out for the title of salutatorian. He had always thought of me as a stereotypical dumb jock; I could tell he was embarrassed that his supposedly less-intelligent cousin had bested him.

“The ceremony is going to be so fucking boring tomorrow,” Ace said. “It’s going to be a whole bunch of cliches about how this is ‘just the beginning’ and how we should ‘cherish the time we spent together.'”

“And we’ll have to listen to the school band,” Sam chimed in. “I never know what they’re trying to play, but it always sounds like the noise a cat would make if it fell into a garbage disposal.”

“It won’t be all bad, guys,” Diego countered. “Think about how happy our parents will be to watch us graduate.”

I supposed that he was right. I knew that my parents would be attending, as well as my older brother, who was home from college. My mom kept bragging about my achievements to her friends. She kept introducing me as “the athlete who is also at the top of his class.”

“I think we should do something crazy to celebrate tomorrow,” Emerson said. “Something that we’ll remember when we’re old and boring.”

“You’re already boring,” Sam joked.

I was slightly nonplussed; Emerson wasn’t usually the one to suggest that we do anything carefree and wild. I wondered if maybe it was his attempt to distract himself from thinking about how he wouldn’t be getting honored for his academic achievements at the ceremony.

“What were you thinking?” Ace asked.

“So, hear me out,” Emerson began. “I figure that the ceremony is going to be a snooze. What if we do something that will make it more exciting? You know how they take the large group photo of all the graduating seniors in stadium bleachers after the ceremony? I think we should moon the camera.”

Ace and Sam started cracking up. I wasn’t as excited about the prospect; I was actually looking forward to the being able to be with my friends and parents without anything crazy happening.

“Fuck, yeah!” Ace exclaimed. “Think about all the parents getting the photo in the mail and seeing five asses in the top row of the bleachers when they go to search for their precious little kids in the crowd.”

“The best part is that it will take months for the photos to arrive in the mail,” Emerson added. “So, there won’t be anything the principal can do if they find out it was us.”

It did seem a little funny, to be honest, and it wouldn’t be until after the ceremony was over. I was starting to think maybe it wouldn’t derail the entire event; it could be a silly prank at the very end of the graduation. My group of friends did love a good prank.

“I had another idea, too,” Emerson said. “We should just wear our boxers under our robes. It will make the boring ceremony a little more exciting. And it will be hilarious. We can pose for pics where we hike up our robes and show our legs, or we can unzip the front a little to show our chests.”

“I don’t know,” Diego said. “I want some normal pictures from graduation too.”

“That’s the best part!” Emerson exclaimed. “When the robes are zipped all the way, nobody will be able to see anything. They zip up to the collar bone and extend down to the shins. We just need to wear some dress shoes and black socks pulled up over our calves.”

“That’s pretty funny,” Sam added. “It will be like a final inside joke that only the five of us will know about.”

“What do you guys think?” Emerson asked. “Are you in?”

“I think it sounds like a riot!” Ace replied.

“Me too,” said Sam.

“Sure, let’s go out with a bang,” I said half-heartedly.

Diego looked a bit more tentative. He was biting his lip, as if he had to show that he was mulling over the idea. Eventually, he nodded.

It looked like we were all set for commencement. Not only would the ceremony allow us time to celebrate with our families and friends, it would give us another opportunity to bond over an epic prank.

“Hunter, my mom has your robe at my house,” Emerson added after devouring another communal cheese fry. “She told me that your mom asked if she could grab it from the school when she picked mine up.”

That was news to me, but it wasn’t a surprise. My mom would often ask my aunt to help with school-related errands when she got too busy. I knew that she was working on a new account for her job.

“Cool. Should I come pick it up tonight?”

“Are you doing your usual Saturday morning workout at the school’s gym tomorrow?”

“Yep; it will be the last one.”

“I have to be at school tomorrow morning before commencement to help set up the audio. How about I just stop by the gym and give it to you then? It will save you from having to drive over to my house tonight for no reason.”

“Thanks, cuz.”

We all sat around chatting for another hour or so, picking at what was left of our meals. We were feeling more amped up about the next day’s ceremony after devising a daring secret to entertain ourselves. Ace was joking that he might flash the elderly spinster librarian if he got bored. Sam was talking about how being shirtless would allow him to flex his biceps in his pictures. We all rolled our eyes; all he ever wanted to do was show off his “guns.” We finished up and headed to our respective homes.

The next morning, I woke up at around 7 a.m. I was feeling stoked about finally graduating. I couldn’t wait to start college in the fall. At the same time, it was all beginning to feel more real; I knew that day was likely the last time I would be seeing many of my teachers and classmates.

I decided that I would shower after my workout at the school gym so I would be refreshed for the commencement, which was scheduled for 10 a.m. I quickly put on some green boxers, black nylon shorts, and a white T-shirt; then I went downstairs to grab coffee and something for breakfast. I was hoping that my mom was around. Since it was a special occasion, I figured she’d offer to make me an egg sandwich. They always taste better when somebody else makes them.

I entered the kitchen to see my twenty-two-year-old brother, Dirk, eating a plate of bacon and eggs, as he sipped coffee from a mug. He looked like he had just woken up; his hair was still in a state of disarray. He was only wearing a pair of white briefs. He nodded towards me while he looked at something on his phone.

“Where’s Mom?” I asked. “Is she making breakfast?”

“She just left. She said she was going to a drop-in yoga class.”

“Okay,” I said, a little surprised that she didn’t stick around to wish me a happy graduation day.

I made my way over to the coffee pot; it was empty. A discarded bag of coffee grounds was crumpled in the garbage can next to the stove. There was a small note on the counter: Happy graduation to my youngest son! Sorry I’m not there this morning but I really needed a yoga class. Hope you enjoy the breakfast I made for you. I’ll see you in a few hours. Love, Mom.

My brother chuckled as I read the note. I looked over to see that he was smiling as he shoveled scrambled eggs into his mouth.

“You snooze, you lose, bro,” he said.

I rolled my eyes at him as I started to rummage through the cabinets, looking for more coffee grounds. Of course, there weren’t any left. I felt myself begin to get more frustrated; my brother was such a tool. I gave him a look that was the nonverbal equivalent of “go fuck yourself.”

“Ahhh, love you too, bro.”

I left the house in a huff and rushed over to the gym. I probably should have stopped somewhere to grab some breakfast to go, or at least coffee, but I was too distracted. My mind wandered from topic to topic: feeling pissed at my brother, thinking about moving away to college at the end of the summer, and wondering how things would go at commencement.

I felt a mix of anxiety and joy when thinking about the last item. I was happy I’d get to celebrate with my friends and parents, but I was still tentative about the prank. I reassured myself that I was just being moody since I hadn’t eaten. I forced myself to picture the five of us laughing as we posed for silly photos, hiking up our robes to reveal our bare thighs.

Nobody was in the gym when I arrived; it wasn’t at all surprising. Every other senior was preparing for the ceremony, and the underclassmen were probably sleeping in after having stayed out late at various parties.

I was on the treadmill when I heard the door open. I looked at my watch; it was already 9:15 a.m. I must have lost track of time; I had the tendency to get into the zone when I was working out. I saw my cousin Emerson walking towards me. He had a to-go cup of coffee in each hand.

“Hey,” he said. “I was trying to call you but it went to voicemail.”

“Sorry. It’s on vibrate and I haven’t really been paying attention. It’s been a weird morning.”

“No worries,” he replied. “I brought you a coffee.”

“Thanks, cuz. I wasn’t able to have any this morning since Dirk drank the last of it. What an asshole.”

Emerson laughed; he had never really liked my brother. I turned off the treadmill and went to grab the coffee from his right hand.

“It’s the other one,” he said, extending his left hand. “You know how I get if I have real milk. That wouldn’t be good for anyone.”

I chuckled as I took the coffee from his hand. It was still warm, but it tasted less-than-amazing. It was as if they had used some chalky non-dairy creamer in it. I didn’t want to seem ungrateful, though, so I drank it anyways.

“I saw that you were still working out,” he said, “so I put your robe in your locker. It’s less than an hour until the ceremony begins. Are you going to have enough time to get ready?”

I could feel the sweat soaking through my shirt. I definitely didn’t want to attend commencement smelling like pungent body odor. I had been planning to take a shower; it just needed to be a little speedier after the extended workout session.

We both headed into the locker room. Emerson explained that he had just finished checking the audio for the commencement; he truly was a tech nerd. He told me that he figured he would just change in the locker room as well, rather than going home. After all, we were only going to be wearing boxers under our robes.

We talked about our plans for after the ceremony while I quickly undressed. I had to cut him off as I made my way to the showers. I started to lather up; the foam contoured itself around the pumped-up muscles on my six-foot-three frame. I was hurrying, but I was feeling distracted as well.

I finished my shower and hastily dried myself off, after which I wrapped the towel around my waist. I made a quick detour to the nearby bank of sinks before heading to my locker. I gazed at my reflection; I wasn’t sure if it was a moment of vanity, or if I just needed a second to slow things down after feeling a new pressure to hurry up.

My pecs looked massive, and my abs appeared more defined than they’d ever been. I’d been putting a lot of work into both of them. I’d really cut back on the carbs and sugar; I knew it seemed odd to some of my friends, but I knew I’d only be eighteen once, and I didn’t want to miss out on anything. Girls loved my abs, and guys wished they had them. Simply put, they unlocked some doors.

I slid my hand across my stomach; it was still smooth. I’d been debating growing out my body hair again. I’d fallen into the habit of shaving it, even though I wasn’t exactly covered in fur when I just let it be. I flexed my right bicep, watching it pump up to its full potential. It may not have been quite as large as Sam’s, but I’d focused on the whole package, while he just wanted huge guns.

My bright green eyes reflected back at me; my short blond hair was still dewy with beads of water. I had been told I had a “masculine” face by a former girlfriend. When I’d asked her what that meant, she’d referenced my sharp jawline, prominent nose, and wider chin. I looked good; my skin was clear and I had just a hint of a tan. I was confident that I’d photograph well that day.

In hindsight, yes – probably a moment of vanity.

I snapped back to reality, and I made my way back to my locker.

As I’d expected, Emerson wasn’t there anymore. I opened my locker and pulled out the robe. It was my first time seeing it; it was cheap fabric – a bit flimsier than I had assumed it would be – but the school was loaning them to us for free, so I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up that it’d be some fancy plush gown. I did like that there seemed to be at least some embellishment on it; there was a black velvet stripe down the entire length of each side. It seemed like an odd place to put a finishing touch, but it was better than nothing.

I removed the towel from my waist. I felt a slight vibration shoot through my dick as the cotton rubbed against it. What was that? I thought. I wasn’t normally that sensitive to such minor stimulation. I could see my soft five inches starting to ever-so-slightly chub up beneath my trimmed blond patch. I chalked it up to the excitement of the day – adrenaline, not actual horniness.

I pulled my green plaid boxers from my locker and yanked them up my bulky thighs. They were tight, but not too tight. They were comfortable and looked good on me; I had a feeling at least a few photos would feature them. It made me chuckle thinking of the five of us with robes and caps from the waist up and boxers with dress shoes and socks from the waist down.

I found the small zipper on the front of the robe. I undid it and stepped into it. I could feel the scratchy fabric on my skin as I pulled it on. I was trying to line up the zipper when I heard the locker room door opening. I managed to zip it up right as I heard footsteps approaching me from behind.

“My grandma is so excited,” Diego said. “She spent most of yesterday evening making empanadas. You’ll have to stop by after graduation. I know they’d love to meet my friends.”

I turned to see that Diego was talking with Emerson. Diego’s smile was beaming as he spoke about his family. They reached the wooden bench behind me then lingered there without sitting down.

“Where did you head off to while I was showering?” I asked Emerson.

I pulled the coffee from where I had placed it inside of my locker before my shower. I took another gulp; it was lukewarm, but I needed the caffeine.

“I just stepped outside to take a call,” he replied. “It’s such a nice day.”

Emerson and Diego were both dressed in their robes. I felt a small wave of exhilaration wash over me. I always had mixed emotions about doing pranks; a part of me would get excited thinking about the absurdity of them, and another part worried about what might go wrong. I tried to let myself lean into the excitement.

“We should probably head out there,” Diego said. “The ceremony will be starting soon, so we should go join the line with the other students. I’m sure Ace and Sam already saved us a spot with them.”

I appreciated that our school let students graduate with their friends. I knew that a lot of other ceremonies had students line up by last name. I really didn’t want to spend that morning sitting next to people I hadn’t gotten to know in the past four years.

“But Hunter doesn’t know about the change in plans,” Emerson said.

“Oh, right,” Diego agreed.

I could feel my brow furrow; I wondered what they were talking about. I didn’t think that they would bail on the plan to wear our boxers under our robes. It wasn’t really our group’s style to not follow through with a prank.

“Ace and Sam were talking this morning,” Emerson said. “They got each other worked up about the prank. You know how they are always trying to prove that the other one is not as much of a badass…”

I did indeed. Sam and Ace were the two in our group with the biggest egos and the least amount of concern for things that could go wrong. I swallowed the last bit of the coffee and placed the cup on the bench.

“… so,” Emerson continued, “they decided that it would be so much more epic if we ditched the boxers altogether.”

What the hell? I thought as I felt myself get a little more nervous. I’d felt the underwear idea was funny, but going commando seemed excessive. I started to think about my family. It was weird imagining being around them completely naked under my robe after the ceremony. I could see that Emerson was staring at me, waiting for my response; I wondered if he could tell I wasn’t feeling excited about the idea.

“I mean it’s kind of funny,” Emerson said, “but I think the more important part is that it will make it so much easier to moon the camera. We won’t have to struggle with grabbing our boxers under our robes in a split second and yanking them down before they take the picture. We just have to turn around and pull up the robes. Nobody will be tipped off to what we are doing like if they see five of us all reaching under our robes at the same time.”

I guessed what he was saying was true, but I still didn’t feel great about having to be so close to being exposed as everyone lingered on the football field taking pictures with friends and loved ones. I was curious if Diego was feeling the same way, or if I was being paranoid. I knew he cared about the ceremony as much as I did.

“What do you think, Diego?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” he said. “It all seems stupid to me… but Ace and Sam were going on about how it will be our final high school prank together. I guess it’s fine.”

I wondered if perhaps I was worrying too much since Diego didn’t seem to be that flustered. I knew he wouldn’t do it if he thought it would be a bad idea.

“Okay,” I said. “I guess I’m in.”

“Cool,” Emerson replied. “Do you mind if I keep my boxers in your locker since we don’t want to be late?”

Emerson nonchalantly reached up under his robe. I could see him struggling to hold the robe away from his body as he used the other hand to find his waist band. He shimmied as a pair of oversized smiley-face boxers fell to his ankles. He must have thought the pattern on them would be funny in the event that we had taken a group picture in our robes with our boxers showing.

“Sure,” I said.

My heart was beating a little more quickly. Following Emerson’s lead, I reached up and began to remove my boxers. I could sense Emerson and Diego watching me; it felt weird that none of us seemed to be having much fun with the prank yet. I hoped that would change once we connected with Sam and Ace.

I felt my partially hard cock gliding against the fabric of my boxers as I pulled them down. I wondered how I could still be chubbed up; it didn’t make any sense. But, then again, I wasn’t in a normal situation. The green plaid boxers fell to my ankles and I stepped out of them.

Emerson tossed his crumpled boxers into the locker on top of my other clothes. I pulled out my dress shoes and socks setting them on the wooden bench, then I placed my boxers on top of everything else in the locker.

“I already took mine off when Sam called to tell me about the new plan earlier,” Diego said with a soft smile. “We need to get a move on, guys.”

I sat on the bench so I could more easily put on my socks and dress shoes. I noticed that the robe pulled up my legs as I sat down; the hem had gotten noticeably closer to the bottom of my knees. I hadn’t thought about how the robe might not fit me the same as the others since I was the tallest of the bunch. I felt myself blush as I realized my risk of exposure was going to be the greatest. I would have to be mindful to keep my legs pressed together when I was sitting.

I pulled on my socks and yanked them to the top of my calves. I was glad to no longer be able to see my skin. It made me more hopeful that others wouldn’t be able to tell I was basically naked during the ceremony. I leaned forward to pull on my shoes and lace them.

As I straightened my back after finishing, I noticed the robe bunching in my crotch area. The scratchy fabric was rubbing against my dick. It still felt much more sensitive for some reason. I wondered if it was whatever synthetic fabric they used to make the robe; I knew it couldn’t be cotton like my boxers. Luckily, the black fabric made it harder to see my developing erection.

“You look so ridiculous,” Diego laughed. “Let’s get a picture.”

We all crowded in next to one another. Diego pulled down the zipper in front of his robe a little to show his chest. Emerson and I chuckled before quickly following his lead. We took a few group selfies where we pulled some funny faces. We put on our mortarboards for the last photo. I felt my anxiety lessening a little with each pose; I started to tell myself that there wasn’t any reason to worry.

We made our way out of the locker room. The sun shone down brightly as we walked towards the long line of students queuing at the entrance to the stadium. I could see that most of the bleachers inside were filled with the graduating class’ friends and family.

Emerson and Diego were still talking as I scanned the line, looking for Sam and Ace. Most of the students were grouped with their friends – jocks, drama club members, and nerds. It made me reflect on how unique our group was in its diversity; we had a little of everything when it came to high school archetypes.

“Over here!” a voice called.

I looked over to see Sam waving his arm to get our attention. He and Ace were positioned at about the middle of the line of seventy students. They were both laughing and smiling. Sam had the sleeves of his robes rolled up, exposing his large biceps. He was clearly already having fun with not having anything on beneath his gown.

“I’m enjoying the breeze,” Ace said as we approached. He pulled up his robe enough so that we could see his right knee and lower thigh. Sam and Emerson chuckled loudly at his performance. “Did you get the memo?” he asked.

“I told him,” Emerson said before I had a chance to reply.

“This is such a baller move,” Sam said. “Or such a free-baller move anyway.”

We all laughed at that one. I still felt a little nervous but it was a little less frightening knowing that all five of us were in it together. Emerson, Diego, and I all squeezed into the line next to our friends.

“You’re fancy, huh?” Ace asked. He ran his thumb over the black velvet stripe across the hem running up the right side of my robe. I looked at his and realized that he didn’t have the same flourish on his robe.

“That’s weird,” I said. “Why is my robe different than yours?”

“I assumed it was something special just for the valedictorian and salutatorian,” Emerson chimed in.

I felt a little awkward. I knew Emerson was still sore about losing salutatorian; my special robe would be a constant reminder. I decided to let it go since I didn’t want to make it look like I was bragging.

We continued to chat for a few minutes. Sam was fiddling with the zipper on his robe to quickly expose and cover his pecs when nobody outside of our friend group was watching. He loved the excitement of knowing he could get caught.

“Is everyone in a single file line?” shouted a voice from the front of the line.

I turned to see the vice principal, Mr. Ellis. He gave us instructions about how we should all behave for the duration of the ceremony. He noted that we would all walk into the stadium single file and arrange ourselves on the seats placed on the football field so we were facing the makeshift stage in front of them. He asked that we refrain from taking any pictures with our phones until after we were seated.

We started to march onto the field as the school band played some nondescript processional music. I was positioned with Ace in front of me and Sam behind me in the line. As we walked onto the field, I scanned the crowd, searching for my parents and brother; it took me a minute to find them.

I was so busy waving at my mom that I hadn’t realized that the line had come to a stop as students were filing into the seats. I collided into Ace; I felt my partially erect dick press against his ass. He swiftly turned his head and looked at the developing tent in my robe.

“Dude! What the hell? Keep your hands and your junk to yourself.”

He chuckled and turned back before I had a chance to explain. I immediately felt my face turn red. My stomach dropped wondering what he might be thinking about me. It was mortifying.

We continued to make our way into our seats. I hurried to sit down, and tried to bunch extra fabric from my robe over my crotch to cover myself. I smiled at my parents as I settled into my folding chair. My friends were still standing and chatting, but I was having a hard time hearing what they were saying.

Sam sat to my right with Emerson on his other side; Ace sat on my left with Diego next to him. I could hear that the music from the band sounded like it was coming to an end as the last of the students took their seats.

“Let’s get a selfie,” Ace said. We all squeezed in close to one another. I pressed my legs tightly together so we could all fit in frame. Ace snapped a few pics of us all smiling. I felt like they were crushing in on me since I was right in the middle.

As they pulled away, I instinctively spread my legs apart without thinking. Sam caught my attention, so I turned my head towards him. I noticed that he was smiling deviously as he tried to distract me by asking me about the weather of all things. I saw Ace moving quickly out of the corner of my eye; it looked like he was repositioning himself in his seat. I wondered what he had been doing, but I tried to ignore him. I figured he was probably just being dumb.

“Bing!” I heard the text message notification go off on Sam’s phone. I felt mine vibrate in my robe pocket at the same time. Sam pulled out his phone and burst out laughing. I felt my heart skip a beat realizing that Ace was still on his phone as well.

I snatched my phone from my pocket. An alert said that I had a new text message from Ace. I frantically entered my passcode to unlock it.

Then I saw it: a picture of my legs spread apart with the fabric of the robe rising over my knees. You could see the inside of my bulky thighs with my nuts hanging down from between them. The shadow made it hard to see but you could make out the base of my partially hard cock rising into the fabric of the robe. The caption said: “Clothing is optional under these robes, right?”

“What the fuck, Ace?” I nearly shouted.

I opened up the message details to see that it had been sent to a group of about twenty of our friends. I blushed feeling exposed. I slammed my legs shut and tugged at my robe to pull it over the edge of my knees.

My four friends were laughing at my expense. I could see a few of the students from the text group open their phones and start to laugh. They were looking around trying to find Ace.

“Chill out,” Ace said. “It’s just a joke. And they’re all going to think it’s me anyways.”

Before I could respond, I heard the principal telling everyone to quiet down so he could start the ceremony. I looked at Ace and rolled my eyes. I was hoping that he had gotten the need to screw with me out of his system.

I felt myself blushing as I thought about all the people on the text group looking at the photo of my cock. I couldn’t help but think that it would eventually get out that it was me in the picture, even though Ace had tried to reassure me otherwise.

The ceremony started with a student coming out to sing the national anthem. We all stood as she performed. I tried not to focus on my embarrassment, but I was feeling overwhelmed. I couldn’t get the image from the text message out of my mind. I noticed my dick get harder; I instinctively placed one hand over the crotch of the robe to cover the growing tent.

My cock was throbbing. I was barely paying attention to the singer; all I could focus on was my own body – particularly the fact that my dick had become fully erect. I was beginning to regret not jerking off in the past few days; I wondered if that was what had me so keyed up.

We all sat down as the singer concluded with a few vocal runs to show her skill. I pressed my knees together to prevent Ace from taking another stealthy photo up my robe. That caused my dick to jut upwards creating an eight-inch tent in the fabric.

“Looks like Hunter is enjoying the ceremony,” Sam chuckled.

“Shut up, asshole,” I replied.

I pulled my right arm inside of my robe through the arm hole. I wrapped my palm around my dick and pressed it flatly against my stomach in an effort to make my erection less visible to the people around me. My dick was throbbing in reaction to my warm hand. My body was screaming that it wanted me to play with myself. I could feel all the nerve endings firing where the underside of my fingers caressed against the head of my cock.

Ace leaned over and whispered into my ear. “Dude, are you jacking off under your robe?” he asked. “That’s fucking hot!”

Ace was bisexual, but he had never spoken to me in such a directly sexual manner. He tilted his body closer to mine. He reached down and grabbed my cock head through the robe’s fabric. It would have looked like he was yanking at a bunched portion of the black fabric to anyone in the audience.

I bit my lip as he tightened his grasp and squeezed a little tighter. I could hear Sam laughing as he realized what was happening. I kept my knees pressed together to avoid exposing myself. It felt so fucking good to have two hands enveloping my throbbing cock.

“You need to stop,” I heard myself say.

My fear of someone else realizing what was happening had overridden the pleasure that was coursing through my body. Ace gave a little twisting motion as he released his grasp, then settled back into his chair.

My dick was pulsing in my hand. I was afraid that my effort to press into my abs was actually making me more aroused. A little drop of pre-cum spilled from my urethra. I rubbed it into my cock head since I didn’t want it to seep into the robe’s fabric. What the fuck is wrong with me? I thought. This can’t be happening.

I decided that I needed to let go of my throbbing member. Touching it was just making me harder; I had to just accept the fact that the people around me might be able to tell that I was sporting wood underneath my robe.

I realized that all of my friends were aware of the fact that I had a rock-hard erection under my robe. Sam reached over and tweaked my nipple through the fabric. I felt a surge of energy shoot straight to my cock. It was like every nerve ending in my body was on high alert; I had never quite experienced anything like it in my life.

“Please don’t,” I said. “This isn’t funny, guys. It feels like there is something wrong with me. I have never been this sensitive down there in my life, and I’m not even turned on. I’m seriously worried.”

Sam laughed at my disclosure. Ace grinned and placed his hand on my knee. Diego looked embarrassed for me as he averted eye contact. A devious smile spread across my cousin’s face.

“I’ve heard that everyone reacts to Viagra differently,” Emerson said.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“I thought you deserved a little payback for passing me in the class rankings,” he began, “…so I spiked your coffee. I have to go through the ceremony thinking about how I’m not at the top of the class. You only have to go through it with a hard-on.”

“You’re so twisted,” Sam said.

“That would explain it,” Ace chimed in. “Viagra always makes my cock hypersensitive. I had to cum three times once before my erection went away.”

I could feel my heart racing. Not only was I naked under my robe, but I had a throbbing hard-on that wasn’t going to go away on its own. I couldn’t believe my own cousin would do something like that to me.

“Fuck you, Emerson,” I practically yelled while trying not to draw attention to our group. “You all just need to leave me alone for the rest of the ceremony. Don’t fucking touch me and don’t fucking talk to me!”

They looked at each other for tentatively; I’d only snapped at them in anger a few times in the years we’d known one another. They seemed to pull back and give me space. They still chatted with each other, though. I tried to listen to the speaker, but it was hard to pay attention with the surging energy in my crotch.

Sam, with his poor boundaries and memory of a goldfish, was the first one to refuse to accept my demands. He reached over and tweaked my nipple through the fabric with a rough twist. Fuck, it felt good even if it shouldn’t.

“Stop it,” I whispered, feeling more self-conscious.

“Stop it,” he mockingly parroted back.

He smirked as the others covered their mouths to suppress their laughter. Emerson, in particular, seemed to be enjoying watching me squirm. I slid one arm back inside of my robe and used it to cover my pecs so that my nipples were off limits. They poked firmly into the soft skin on my forearm.

It was less than a minute later that Emerson leaned over and swatted at the tent in my robe with the program for the ceremony that they’d left under the chairs. I watched in terror as my fabric-clad dick swayed back and forth. I frantically looked around to make sure none of the other students near us had seen him do it. I shot daggers at him with my eyes, but he looked as pleased as punch.

The proverbial (and literal) hits kept coming. Sam, Ace, and Emerson kept teasing me during the commencement speech. I couldn’t protect myself. I’d move my hand over my dick, and someone would rub my nipples or graze my thigh. I’d cover my nipples, and they’d use that as an opportunity to playing whack-a-mole with my sheathed, tumescent cock.

I was pissed, afraid, and turned on. I’d never had that particular mix of emotions and sensations pulsing through my body before. I’d look up at my parents and brother every so often to make sure they couldn’t tell what was going on. It seemed like my parents were focused on the speaker; my brother was occupying himself with his phone.

I almost bellowed out as I felt Ace’s hand grab my dick by the root. He quickly stroked it a few times; it was playful, yet sexual. My heart began to beat more rapidly and my mouth went dry.

“Cut it out,” I demanded in what sounded like a moan.

“I think he likes it, guys,” Ace giggled.

He gave me a few more rapid stokes before pulling away. My dick was vibrating from the sensation; it felt more engorged than it had ever been. Motherfucking Viagra! I looked down to see the tented fabric pulsing every few seconds in time with my heartbeat.

I felt so fucking horny. I needed to regain some control. I reached inside of my robe. I decided to press my dick back against my stomach again; it needed a break from being teased more than my nipples.

As I wrapped my hand around its girthy base, it almost tingled with excitement. It sent signals off to other parts of my body; my nipples hardened further and my sphincter tightened. I closed my eyes, trying to center myself. This doesn’t have to happen. You don’t have to let it happen.

It felt so good though. It felt fucking incredible. I let my warm hand travel up and down my shaft. My nuts ached; they felt full of cum and ready to burst. I was mesmerized; I kept pumping for a few more seconds before I heard Sam laughing loudly.

My eyes flew open; I had been caught in the act. Diego looked away while Sam and Ace chuckled on either side of me. Emerson was on his phone. My stomach did a somersault. He looked at me with callousness.

I felt the pocket in my robe vibrating. I already knew it wasn’t going to be good. I pulled out my phone. A video had been sent to the same group of friends as the picture that had been sent earlier. But it wasn’t from a number I had in my contacts; clearly Emerson had done some planning. I felt like such an idiot for drinking that damn coffee.

I clicked the video. I watched as a shot panned the crowd; it showed the people watching from the bleachers. It lingered on my family for a beat longer than any of the other faces. Then it quickly transitioned to showing my body from the chest down. You could see my hand pumping away beneath the robe.

Suddenly, the camera started moving. It angled downwards towards the ground showing various dress shoes. It stopped at my size thirteens. Apparently, in my temporary euphoria, I had stopped pressing my knees together. I watched as the shot focused in between my bulky thighs. My hand was gently gliding up and down my thick, veiny cock. The video ended a few seconds later.

I thought I was going to be sick, but there was something else, too. As much as I was mortified, I was still rock hard. What the hell is wrong with me? I wondered. Even with the Viagra there had to be something really fucked up with me if I was still turned on after a video of me jerking off had just been sent to my closest friends. I felt on the verge of losing my shit.

“They can’t tell it’s you,” Diego offered in a reassuring tone. “The video didn’t show your face.”

I took a deep breath. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for the moment. Sam, Ace, and Emerson kept looking at one another. I think they knew that they had pushed their luck. None of them were making eye contact with me. We all focused on listening as the valedictorian gave her speech.

I couldn’t help but be distracted by my cock every few sentences. I was trying to ignore it the best I could, but it was alive with electricity. I could tell that a few drops of pre-cum had trickled from my slit down the shaft after I’d pulled my hand away earlier.

Mr. Ellis stood by the microphone to welcome the graduating class, then started the processional. Two rows at a time, students would line up to walk across the stage and receive their diplomas.

When it was time for our row to stand, beads of sweat were forming on my forehead. I didn’t think I could do it. I couldn’t walk across the stage sporting wood. Even if I covered myself, it felt humiliating. I didn’t really have a choice, though.

As we made our way to the edge of the elevated platform, Sam decided to revert to his juvenile ways. I had been keeping both hands tightly over my crotch; he was standing behind me. I felt him yank up the back of my robe, exposing my well-muscled ass. I spun around in a flash, ready to chew him out. What I wasn’t expecting was that the other people who’d been sitting in our row would all be giggling behind him.

At least five people outside of our group had just got a glimpse of my ass. I wondered if audience had seen too. I looked in their direction; they didn’t seem to be reacting. They were probably too focused on whoever was walking across the stage at any given moment. That’s where the action was happening.

“Asshole!” I half-shouted, shoving Sam in the chest. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Chill out, bro,” he said. “I’m only joking around.”

“I thought it was pretty fucking funny,” Emerson added.

The anger started to boil over; I was tired of being pawed at by them. Why am I the only one being targeted? I asked myself. It’s not fair. We all agreed to do this stupid dare together.

I was over feeling alone my humiliation. I wasn’t sure who I was the most upset with in that moment, but Sam was the closest to me. I quickly bent down grabbing the hem of his robe; before he could react, I hiked it up to reveal his backside. I needed some form of retaliation.

What? I asked myself when I saw what was underneath his robe. He was wearing shorts! Not just boxer shorts, but actual shorts that someone would wear to go out with friends. A huge smile appeared on his face; I felt dizzy and lightheaded.

I spun around to see Emerson giggling as well. Without prompting, he pulled up his robe to reveal cargo shorts. How could it be? I wondered. I watched him take off his boxers! He left them in my locker!

It clicked together. I knew that they were all wearing shorts under their gowns. I looked at Diego, hoping that he’d offer me some comfort. He looked genuinely pitiful, like a kid caught telling a lie. It was too much; it was all utterly overwhelming.

Sam, Ace, and Emerson continued to chortle as we progressed further up the line. We were less than a minute from walking onto the stage. I looked at my parents – they were smiling; my mom gave me a quick wave – and then I looked for the nearest exit. I wondered if I could come up with a good enough excuse later if I bolted.

My cock was still throbbing with energy that was desperate to be released. I knew that it would be impossible to hide my raging boner under the glaring lights. Even with the fabric somewhat loose, it would still be obvious.

“Fuck you guys,” I said as I pulled my left arm inside of the robe.

I wrapped my palm around my monster; it immediately started leaking again. I ignored the pleasure washing over me. I positioned it so that it was pointing straight up at my chest. It was terrifying to be grabbing myself like that with so many people nearby, but it was my only option to obscure my arousal from being on display.

My heart started racing as we started to climb the stairs. I knew that in a few moments I’d be in the middle of the stage trying to shake Mr. Ellis’ hand before taking my diploma. I knew that some people would undoubtedly wonder why one of my arms was tucked inside the robe. I just had to keep moving though; there wasn’t time to overthink.

“Diego Ojeda!” Mr. Ellis announced.

I watched as he walked across the stage. About twenty people started cheering and clapping. I knew that it must be his family. I felt happy for him, but it only lasted an instant. My dick pulsing in my hand while I shuffled closer to the stage shot my anxiety back through the roof.

“Alexander Walters!”

Ace strutted across the stage; he pumped his right fist in the air trying to stir up excitement amongst the crowd. A few people hollered out praise and whistled at him. I felt my feet propelling me forward; I wondered if it was too late to run.

“Class Salutatorian, Hunter Evans!”

I froze for a moment; Sam gave me a push forward. I looked out at the crowd. I could see my parents cheering and taking pictures, and even my brother was engaging in some lackluster clapping. I saw the school photographer waiting to snap my picture as I received my diploma.

“Congratulations, Mr. Evans!” Mr. Ellis said shaking my hand.

I felt my cock vibrating in my other hand. The commotion and the energy from the crowd was confusing my senses. I didn’t know what was happening. I just needed to get off of the stage.

Mr. Ellis pushed the diploma into my right hand; he finally seemed to notice that my other hand was missing in action. He stepped away to make room for me to have my proverbial moment in the sun. Perhaps I was Icarus because, without thinking, I lifted my diploma into the air in victory.

As quick as a flash, I watched Sam speed up behind me. I knew it was going to be bad. I visibly jumped as he gave me an old fashioned “oil check,” which he’d given me more than once during wrestling practice. I felt his fat thumb pushing up between my cheeks; forcing the fabric from my robe into the crevice. He hadn’t fully penetrated my ring, but he’d done more damage than I’m sure he’d intended.

He scampered back to where he’d been standing a few feet away; I could hear him laughing over the applauding crowd. My knees were shaking so hard I could barely stand. A nuclear- bomb-caliber explosion erupted in my core as I felt my asshole frantically spasm.

“Mr. Evans?” Mr. Ellis asked, starting to become aware that something wasn’t right.

“Oh God! Oh God!” I gasped.

I felt my balls beginning to pull up tightly against my body. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I knew I had to be dreaming; it was surely a nightmare. I grabbed my cock as firmly as I could trying to overpower it. Please God, no! Please, no!

Emerson jogged quickly towards Mr. Ellis with a feigned look of concern in his eyes. As he walked behind me, I felt his fingers tickle the nape of my neck. It triggered a few more nerve endings to join the millions that were already firing.

“You deserve this,” he whispered.


I heard a familiar sound, but I couldn’t place it. It’s not like that had been where my attention was focused at that point anyway. I felt the fabric of my robe pulling away from my back. I watched in horror as the gown separated into multiple pieces where the velvet flourishes had been covering Velcro; it slid off of my body. I was standing there completely naked.

Everything within me collided at once. I stood there with one hand holding my diploma over my head and the other grasping my throbbing boner right as the flashes from the photographer’s camera started its sequence of bursts. I felt my sequence of bursts coming too.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” I uncontrollably hollered.

I looked down to see my throbbing red cock begin to fire. I was still holding it positioned upwards, like I had been in the line as we waited, so the first spray of jizz painted my chest.

I heard a series of gasps from the crowd. I looked out at them again. Some of them were laughing. Others were looking away, but quite a few were filming my humiliation. I wanted to disappear so badly.

I fixated on their grimacing looks of disgust as the next thick rope shot forth with greater force than the first. I felt the sticky spunk collide with the bottom side of my wide jaw. It felt so good and so horrible at the same time. It was the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced.

I heard Mr. Ellis yelling at me to cover myself; I couldn’t move though. I don’t know why, but I looked to where my family was sitting. My dad was covering his face, my mom’s mouth was wide with disbelief, and my brother was laughing. This isn’t real! I screamed silently to myself. Wake up! Wake up!

Further waves of pleasure crested as I erupted three more times in quick succession; it seemed like everyone was holding their breath until I finished. I imagined it must have been like watching a fatal car crash – impossible to look away. Once I was depleted, I let out a huge sigh. I was exhausted after being on edge for so long and finally getting the release my body had yearned for.

“Do it again!” someone shouted in jest.

A bunch of the boys from my class started to laugh. I felt the diploma drop from my hand and fall to the ground. The sound of it hitting the stage flipped a switch within me; I could move again. I swiftly bent down, trying to scoop up the fabric from my robe. It felt like sand slipping through my fingers, as I struggled to grab and hem of the garment.

“Mr. Evans! Mr. Evans!”

I couldn’t look at Mr. Ellis; I couldn’t look at anyone. If I did, it would mean that it had really happened. I needed to get out of there. I felt my mortarboard fall from my head while I was bending down. I snatched it up; plastering it over my sticky, stiff cock.

I looked for an escape. As I sought one out, I noticed that Emerson was smiling from ear to ear. Sam and Ace seemed genuinely surprised; they would later tell me that they had no idea about the robe being rigged, and hadn’t wanted it to go further than my pitching a tent on stage. Diego was nowhere to be found.

I bolted for the closest exit for the stadium. I heard Mr. Ellis arguing with someone else about what to do next as I sped away. I felt so many pairs of eyes burning into my flesh. It was mortifying. Some of my peers were heckling, cat-calling, and whistling at me; they didn’t seem nearly as fazed as their parents.

I pressed the mortarboard more tightly against my dick; it still wasn’t soft! It had never done that before, but I’d also never taken Viagra before, either. It definitely felt like it was eager to go another round.

Once I made it outside of the stadium, I began to sprint back to the gym. I dropped the mortarboard to the ground since nobody was around and it was slowing me down. It took less than two minutes for me to arrive back at the locker room, though I was out of breath and exhausted.

I collapsed onto the wooden bench in front of my locker. I was in a fog; I thought about all the people seeing me shoot my load and laughing at me. I knew that every time I ran into a classmate or one of their parents, they’d see my O-face layered over whatever expression I was actually making – probably one of lingering mortification.

I couldn’t even bring myself to think about my family. I didn’t know how I’d ever speak to my mom again without feeling ashamed. My father would probably pretend like it had never happened; that would be easier. I expected my brother to be a complete shithead with no sympathy for that I’d gone through.

I felt my body becoming one with the wooden bench as it pushed into my back. My breathing slowly began to return to normal. I knew I needed to get up, even though I wanted to zone out in a state of permanent denial.

I stumbled to my feet. I pulled open my locker. Another wave of horror washed over me; practically everything was gone! The only two items that remained were my car keys and a jock strap that I’d forgotten to take home with me earlier that week. I wasn’t sure how he’d done it, but I knew Emerson was involved.

I just wanted to get home. I knew that Emerson would have made certain that all the towels were locked away somewhere after he’d gone to such great lengths to exact his revenge. What a fucking asshole! I still didn’t understand what I had done to deserve such intense wrath. I thought about trying to break into another locker to steal some clothes. I knew it would take far too long.

I sighed as I stepped into the white jock strap. The pouch expanded as my hard dick filled it up. I grabbed the keys; I decided it was better to leave with my ass exposed than to wait around and have to face everyone.

As I started to walk, I felt the sticky cum dripping down my chest. I’d forgotten that I was still completely covered in it. I knew I could take a shower; I knew I should take a shower…but I didn’t. I was marked. Even if I washed off the jizz, it wouldn’t change what had just happened. I’d always live on in infamy as the guy who shot his load at graduation.

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