Summer Love Ch. 02

A gay story: Summer Love Ch. 02 I am having a beer watching the sunset. It is around 10 o’clock and I still have him in my mind. I can’t let go of him. He has been in my mind all day. Deep down I know that I shouldn’t go tomorrow, but another side of me wants it really badly. That something happens this week, that I leave at the end and that we just never talk to each other again. Like a film or a book. I grab my phone and do with the thing I know I shouldn’t do. I set my alarm at 5:30.

“Beep! Beep! Beep!”

I shock awake. I quickly press stop on my phone, to stop the horrible alarm.

I don’t know how I feel. I feel like I made a mistake partly but also like it is a “good” idea. I know one thing though. My cock really likes it. It is rock hard and my underwear has turned into a tent.

I try to think about something else, something which will make it to go away. I brush my teeth and take a quick shower. It’s 5:55 and I walk to the big windows facing the ocean. I see him walking towards the part of the beach that is right in front of the cabin.

I am only standing in my boxers. He still has shorts and a t-shirt on, carrying a towel with him. He sees me and waves. I wave back with a little smile. My head feels empty and I don’t seem to have any idea of what I am doing at the moment.

He stands at almost the same exact spot that I saw him yesterday. He unfolds his towel and lays it down on the sand. He take off his shorts and his t-shirt. He turns to me and signals with his whole arm that I should also come.

I think for a second. Now I can’t backdown anymore and if I really didn’t want this I would not be here at this moment. I take of my boxers, lay them in the room and walk towards him.

My cock isn’t hard anymore, it swings a bit left and right as I am walking towards him. Down from the dunes towards the beach. He smile’s at me and as I am getting nearer to him he starts to say something, at first I can’t hear him but then.

“Wanna take a swim?” He says with what I would almost say are puppy eyes.

I nod and he starts to run towards the sea. I start to run after him, as he runs his butts wiggles a bit. I can see his cock swinging between his legs. He almost dives into the shallow water as soon as his knees are at water level. As soon as he comes up he leaves out a pretty loud sigh, not a bad sigh but one that sounds like he is at ease.

I am still standing with only my feet in the water. The water is warmer than I expected. It is the North Sea after all, not known for it great water temperatures. He yells at me and says that I should come. I slowly walk further the sea in. I am in the water up to my knees now and the water seems to get a bit colder with every step I take, away from the beach.

He is maybe ten to twenty meters away from me. He starts to turn on his back and just lays in the water. His flaccid cock lays between his legs floating in the water. He looks at me, I am quite close to him, maybe a few meters away.

“So why are you staying in the cabin?”

I have never been so thankful for a question. It is a great distraction to keep my cock flaccid.

“Emma is on vacation for a week so I asked if I could stay in the cabin for the mean time. Needed to get away.”

“Welcome here than for the week. As you can see it looks quite pretty here.” He says with a little smile.

“Yeah it is absolutely beautiful. Do you do this every morning btw?”

“In the summer almost every morning except if I went crazy the night before… Lay on your back it feels calming and you won’t be starring at my cock.”

I am flustered I knew I looked a bit but I didn’t stare, Right?

I start to lay on my back just so can’t look at him. To try to make the awkwardness to go away.

It is very calming I can feel the calm waves leading me to a silent space in my brain. With the noise of them gently coming a shore, it feels like a real life meditation video almost.

After lying on my back for a good two minutes in silence with him. He starts to speak.

“I don’t mind you starring at my cock btw. It is kinda cute. But that is also because you are kinda cute.”

“Oh thank you. You also don’t look bad.” I say flustered. I feel that my cock is slowly getting hard. He looks at me and sees that my cock isn’t completely flaccid anymore.

“I guess you liked that compliment. Should I help you out?” He says while getting back to stand in the water again.

He walks over to me as I still lay on my back and slowly strokes it. I get unstable from what is all happening and plunge in the water. He picks me up and strokes my cock slowly again underwater. I can’t stop him it feels to good. I look at the cabin as he continues to stroke me, no one else is here but the idea that in a couple hours numerous people are here makes me only more horny. His cock is not totally hard but somewhat flaccid still.

I start to reach with my hand towards his cock but he slaps it away.

“Let me do this for you. Only for you.”

I am baffled no one ever did that to me before not even my ex boyfriend. But I can’t deny it, it is kinda hot.

His strokes start to go faster and faster with every second. I start to let out small moans as some birds fly over towards the land. He clearly enjoys hearing my moans, he looks in my eyes in this powerful but playful way after I let my first moan out.

He starts to play with my nipples. He rubs and pinches them. I know I can’t hold it for much longer anymore. My moans get intenser and intenser. We both know what is about to happen. He starts to stroke my cock even faster than before. And then.

“Ah fuck! Hmmm.”

My cum shoots out in to the water. He looks at me, kisses me shortly but passionately. And walks away to his towel.

“See you tomorrow!” He yells at me as he puts his shorts on, grabs the towel and walks away.

I am still standing in the water seeing my cum float in disbelief. What just happened?!

I know I liked it but my head is just a confused mess now. I walk out of to water towards the cabin and go to the shower.

Later in the afternoon I suddenly get a text from an unknown number.

“Hey it’s me Sam, I won’t be there tomorrow morning. Need to work. But wanna eat something tomorrow night in the strandtent between the village and the cabin?”

I don’t know what to say. My immediate reaction is yes! But is it a good idea? I honestly don’t know. We already did quite something today and he is really attractive. My thoughts go to every corner in my brain. But I am also here just for a week so a little fun won’t be bad right?

“Hey sam, yeah sure. At what time?”


“Sounds good.”

“Wear something sexy btw.”

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