Tales of Jason Ch. 21


A gay sex stories: Tales of Jason Ch. 21 Chapter 21

It had been a week since Eric and I had sex and no word of it had been mentioned to the twins. As Eric requested. Of course, I continued to hang out with the twins and even have sex, but Eric never left my mind. He had made an impression on me. So much of one that I’d imagine Eric fucking me when Sam did. I wondered if a relationship would blossom between me and him. There was a large age gap but that didn’t bother me. If anything it made him hotter. But the other dilemma I faced was the twins. They liked me and I liked them back, but I couldn’t see our relationship going past a sexual one. I couldn’t date them both nor could I date one over the other. I wondered if they thought the same. But Eric I could date. I just knew that if we did, the twins would be hurt and that was the last thing I wanted to do to them, hurt them.

I had to figure it out. But first I had to talk to Eric.

The Dojo was closed on Saturday. Which gave Davis time to teach me some martial arts. I had been dressed in the karate uniform he had previously lent me. Davis stood before me teaching me the way of martial arts. Strikes poses and even kicks. By the end of it, the two of us had been sweaty; I was exhausted and in need of a break.

I made a T-shape with my hands, “I think I need a break,” I said in between breaths.

Davis bowed and said, “Alright, a break has been earned.”

The two of us went into the locker room and showered.

After the shower, we got dressed. I wore blue skinny jeans with a black Metallica shirt. While Davis wore yellow shorts with a gray tank top. The two of us climbed the stairs and went into the home. Inside, I sat in the kitchen aisle while Davis put some coffee to brew. “We got left over, Pizza,” he said as he stuck his head in the fridge.

“I’m not that hungry,” I replied. Which was the truth. I had a big breakfast.

“Same, actually,” Davis said. He sat down across from me and we talked.

“So I have to ask, why is your uncle never here? I can’t ask him to join his dojo if he is never here.”

“He works a lot. The Dojo isn’t his only source of money. He is a Realtor on the side. And on top of that, he also owns a shop.”

“Wow! What a busy man. Now it makes sense why I never see him.”

“Yeah. He relies on the other karate instructors while he is gone. I think he should be coming today though.”


The coffee brewer rang. Indicating that the coffee had finished brewing. Davis got off the stool and made us some coffee. As he did, he spoke, “He has to change for a house presentation later today.”

Davis placed my cup in front of me and then sat back down with his own cup. I grabbed the cup and took a sip.

“You drink it black!” Davis said.

“I do. A friend of mine got me into drinking it this way. It took a while to get used to it but I rather enjoy it.”

Davis finished preparing his coffee which involved several spoonfuls of sugar and creamer. Which was a rather large amount of sugar. The guy was so thin so it made me wonder where that sugar ended up going.

“I figured he was never home because he had a girlfriend or something,” I said trying to pry some answers out of Davis. Eric may have said that he never had sex with the twins, but he could be lying. Considering incest is taboo. He wouldn’t be too open to telling some stranger that.

“No, he doesn’t have a girlfriend. He’s gay. And I don’t think he is dating anyone.”

“Oh? He’s also gay. That’s interesting,” I leaned in and said, “So have you and…”

“No!” Davis said cutting me off knowing what I was about to ask, “We have not and will never. He is like a father to us.” It was the first time I sensed anger in him. His calm and nervous demeanor would’ve never led me to believe he would ever get angry. Then again, I had asked a personal question that involved incest.

“I’m sorry, Davis. I didn’t mean to offend.”

“It’s fine, Jason. My apologies for getting angry. He is a father to us. We would never do that with him. No matter how desperate we were.”

“May I ask what happened to your parents?”

Davis turned his mug around as he stared at it. As if he were gathering the words to say. It was a touchy subject that I knew about, but he didn’t know that.

“They died when we were young and Uncle Eric was the only living relative that could take us in. As my grandparents live in a different state.”

I placed my hand on his for comfort, “I’m sorry to hear that, Davis.”

Davis sniffed then smiled, “Thank you, Jason. We’ve been able to live a good life because of Uncle Eric. He took care of us. On top of that, he is paying for our college.”

The two of us stood up and went into the living room with our cups in our hands. Davis stood before a china cabinet and opened it. Inside he pulled out a picture and showed it to me, “These are my parents.”

I looked at the picture and saw the twin’s parents holding them in a garden. The father looked so much like Eric. While the twins looked so much like their mother. I could see some of the father’s features in them as well. I handed back the picture. Davis then took out another picture and handed it to me, “This was when we went fishing a few years ago,” Davis said.

It was a picture of the twins each holding a caught fish with their uncle to the side smiling. “Wow, that’s a large fish.”

Davis smiled, “Mine was heavier than Sam’s,” I handed him back the picture and he placed it back inside the china cabinet.

“Oh man, I have to go to the restroom,” Davis said.

“Go.” Davis excused himself and went to the restroom. While he was away I looked at the other pictures in the cabinet. The ones I stared at the most were the ones with Eric in them. I closed my eyes and pictured him standing before me in just his sexy underwear. Then an idea struck. It was risky but the reward would be worth it. I had to steal a pair of his underwear.

I placed my cup of coffee on the counter and then made my way to the hallway that lead to the rooms. Directly across from the twin’s bedroom was Eric’s. I leaned my head towards the bathroom door and heard the sound of water running. I wasn’t sure if he was showering or washing his hands. Either way, I had to be quick.

I walked back to Eric’s bedroom door and cautiously turned the knob and pushed the door open. The room was mostly dark with the only light coming from the slits in the curtains. I carefully walked into his bedroom and headed for the drawer. I turned towards the hallway and saw no one. I didn’t even hear the sound of a door opening. I opened the first drawer and found folded shirts. I closed it and opened the one below quickly, I cursed. It was full of shorts. “I thought everyone put their underwear in the top drawer,” I cursed.

The third drawer held what I was looking for. A drawer filled with folded underwear of all colors. The desire to look through them all came to me, but due to my limited time, I decided not to. I grabbed the first pair and stuffed it in my pocket. I then closed the drawer and walked out of the room. As I passed by the restroom I still heard the running water. I was in the clear.

I reached for my backpack which was on the side of the couch and stuffed the underwear inside. Then I heard the door unlock. Quickly I stood up and looked in the direction of the bathroom. But Davis didn’t come out.

“Hey, there Jason,” I heard a voice softly say.

I spun around and saw Eric standing at the doorway of the house. “Oh, hey there. Eric,” I whispered. I pointed to the bathroom.

Eric caught what I was saying and approached me. I caught a whiff of his manly smell. It was entrancing. “I’ve been dying to see you, Jason.”

“Me too,” I was about to say something else when the door to the bathroom opened and Davis walked out.

“Oh hey, Uncle Eric. This is Jason. He’s a friend.”

Eric turned to me and said in his deep voice, “I know. We were talking while you were in the bathroom. How are you doing today, Davis? Where’s your brother?”

“Sam had some errands to do but he’ll be back shortly. And I’m doing fine.”

“That’s good. I’m here for a quick change,” Eric turned to me and said, “It was nice meeting you, Jason. Please excuse me, I have an appointment to get ready for.”

“Wait,” Davis said, “I know we don’t have any open slots but Jason was interested in joining your class.”

Eric raised an eyebrow, “Well, I don’t know…”

“Please!” Davis pleaded.

Eric laughed, “Give me some time to think it over. I’m in a bit of a hurry.”

“Okay, thank you, Uncle.”

“Thank you, Eric,” I said.

Eric winked and then walked past Davis. While Eric changed the two of us sat down on the couch drinking our coffee. I wasn’t sure what Davis was doing in the bathroom but I was glad it took a while. Davis put his phone down and finished his coffee.

Eric came out of his room dressed in formal attire. “Alright, boys. If you need anything call me.”

“Thanks, Uncle Eric. Have a good day.”

Davis turned away but I kept looking at Eric who gave me a wink and then left.

Davis’ phone buzzed and he answered a text. He placed the phone down again and said, “So, we have the place to ourselves. Anything you want to do?”

I placed my finger on my chin and pondered. I then snapped my fingers, “We could watch a movie?”

Davis shook his head, “Not in a movie-watching mood.”

I grabbed the Switch controller and held it up, “I could beat you at Smash Bros?”

“Tempting, but no.”

I looked at the bookshelf, “We could make more coffee and read.”

Davis shook his head and without saying a word he placed his hand on my crotch and rubbed it. “Or we can do something with that.”

Davis grinned, “I can tie you to my bed and have my way with you/”


Davis stood up and put his hand out. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. Next, he placed his hands on my waist and brought his lips to mine. We began to kiss.

As we made out, Davis took me to his bedroom.

We stood between their beds kissing. Davis’ hands went up my slim body and stopped at my chest. Where I felt him use force. He pushed me onto his bed. I landed on the bed and held up my upper body by the elbows. Davis got on all fours and crawled across the bed until his entire body hovered over mine. We kissed again.

Davis’ hands wrapped around my wrists as we kissed. He moved them up to the headboard and that’s when I felt something cold. I looked up and saw Davis had handcuffed me. I looked back at him and said, “I thought you were joking about the handcuffs.

“I wasn’t. I want to have my way with you today. I want to pleasure you. Worship you.”

Davis kissed my neck and went down my body until he reached my pelvis. There Davis lifted my shirt and began to kiss my flat stomach. His tongue ran down my happy trail ending at my crotch. My erection pressed against my tight pants. Davis undid the button of my pants then slowly he pulled down the zipper. He rubbed the erection in my baby blue briefs as he stared up at me, ravenous for my cock. He removed my shoes and socks and then peeled off my pants. Next, he stripped down to his white Fruit of the Loom briefs.

Davis knelt between my legs and ran his hands up my thighs until they met at my groin. Precum leaked out of my peehole and stained my briefs. The erection waiting for its release. His fingers slipped under the waistband of my briefs. He pulled them down just enough for my cock to flung out and he rested the waistband under my balls. I felt his right hand around the shaft of my cock. Gently he pulled back my foreskin revealing the rose-colored tip of my cock which was covered in precum. Eric was at eye level with the tip then he ran his tongue on the underside of my shaft. This sent shivers up my body. Especially when the tongue made contact with the tip. He used the tip of his tongue to swirl around the tip sending more sensation through my body. His soft lips wrapped around the tip of my cock then he began to suck it.

Waves of pleasure washed over me as Davis worshipped my cock. He expertly used his tongue for maximum pleasure. Wiggling it. Wrapping around the tip. I came close to cumming a few times. One of those times was when he swallowed my cock hole. The muscles in his throat massaged the tip causing me to jerk back.

I felt goosebumps on my arms and shoulders when Davis released my cock from his throat. I looked down at my saliva-covered cock. It was so much that it spilled onto my balls and my underwear. Our eyes met as he stroked my cock. His saliva lubricated his hand as he stroked me. Pants and moans came from my mouth. My body jerked slightly as he passionately stroked me.

I came close to release but I warned him by saying, “Fuck, I’m close.”

Davis stopped stroking me. Then brought his mouth down and swallowed my cock once more. Our eyes never broke contact as he bobbed his head up and down. The amount of pleasure was unprecedented. Not even Dick had pleasured me this much.

Once more, Davis swallowed my cock into his throat. My body arched upward as the pleasure washed over me. I grew close to climax once again. But Davis squashed that by releasing my cock from his throat.

The door to the room swung open, at first thinking it was Eric, but it was actually Sam. “Fuck! You guys started without me?”

Davis didn’t answer. Instead, he continued to suck on my cock.

Without saying another word, Sam tossed his backpack on his bed and then stripped down to his gray briefs. Next, he knelt down behind his brother and took out his cock. Sam took out his cock and spat saliva onto his hand, then he stroked his erection. Next, Sam tore a hole in Davis’ briefs. Which Davis responded by taking my cock out and saying, “Hey what the fuck?”

Sam grabbed the back of his head and shoved my cock back into his mouth, “Shut up, it’s for not waiting for me,” he then looked at me and said, “He got you in the handcuffs, huh?”

I nodded, “I thought he was joking.”

Sam slid inside his brother’s hole and began to thrust.

Sam pressed Davis’ head down shoving my cock back into his throat. He held him down for a good while before releasing him. I looked down and saw Davis’ face was cherry red. After catching his breath, Davis turned to his brother and said, “You want to try that thing?”

“Are you sure about that?” Sam said in a concerned voice.

“Yeah, let’s do it.”

Sam pulled out of his brother and got off the bed. He walked to his bedside table with his erection sticking out. Then pulled something out. I couldn’t see it. Davis then moved up and hovered his hole above my cock. Sam knelt behind his brother once again. It then hit me what they wanted to do. I felt the cold gel against my erection then Sam’s hand stroking it. Davis bent forward as his brother brought the lubed-up cock of mine to the entrance of his hole. The tip of my cock entered the hole and slid inside. Next, Sam lubed up his cock and did the same. But since Davis had never done this before. He did it slowly. The tip entered. Causing Davis to grunt but he assured his brother he was okay.

Sam pushed his cock into his brother’s hole rubbing the underside against my cock. With his cock fully inside, he checked on his brother who assured him he was fine. Sam then began to thrust.

The room filled with moans and grunts as Sam moved his pelvis back and forth. The two cocks massaged one another for an experience I had never felt. My eyes would roll back into my skull from the sheer amount of pleasure. Davis was the loudest of the three as he cried out and moaned.

I felt the build-up in my pelvis. The pleasure was so immense I was sure I would be the first to cum

I did, I lurched forward only to be stopped by the handcuffs. I shot my load out into Davis’ rectum. It didn’t stop Sam, however. He continued his thrust using my cum as lube. Finished, I laid back down on the bed and continued to feel the pleasure as Sam’s cock rubbed against mine.

But that didn’t last very long as Sam jerked forward and shot out his load. He continued his thrust but at a slower pace as he filled his brother with his cum. When the final shot came that’s when Sam stopped. He held onto his brother by the shoulders and slowly pulled out the cum drenched cock. I was so sensitive to the previous ejaculation that when he did it tingled a bit. I pulled out my cock and some of the cum fell onto my underwear. Davis, exhausted, lowered himself onto my body. With his head resting on my chest I panted.

“Holy shit, that felt amazing,” Davis said.

Sam knelt down next to the bed, “It was. But are you okay?”

A smile grew on Davis’ face, “Yeah.”

“So can I get uncuffed? I think I’m losing the feeling in my arms,” I said.

Sam stood up and undid my cuffs. Then Davis said, “Let me clean your cocks,” Sam brought his cock to his brother and Davis cleaned it off with his mouth. Then he got up off me and did the same to me. I jerked slightly as my cock was still super sensitive and red.

Davis stood up and went to the restroom. I rubbed my wrists looking at the indents the cuffs had given me.

“Yeah, you get used to it,” Sam said.

“How many times have you done it?”

“A few times to know that you get used to it. Sam tucked his cock away and sat down next to me.

Davis returned naked but cleaned up. He went to his drawer and pulled out a new pair of underwear. I removed mine as they were covered in cum, “Got another pair you can lend me?”

“I got you,” Sam said. He stood up and grabbed a pair from his drawer then tossed them to me. They were black briefs same brand as his, Hanes.

After we got dressed we went back to the kitchen and had some food. I had gotten hungry from all that.

Later that evening I went home. I had thought about staying over but chose just to go home. A ride had been offered but I declined it. I felt a walk would be nice.

The night sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. And there was a gentle breeze. I was less than a block away from the bus stop when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw a dark figure behind the streetlight. “Who’s there?” I said sounding nervous. As I didn’t know who it was.

The dark figure walked into the light to reveal himself, it was Eric.

“Eric? You scared me,” I said sounding relieved.

A smile grew on his face. He then walked to me. Eric had a black t-shirt that hugged him well with blue jeans. Once again I caught a whiff of his manly scent. A combination of cologne and manly musk. I wanted him to lift me up and take me to his bed.

“Are you just leaving home?” he asked.

“I am.”

“Ah, I see you got to have fun tonight with the twins,” he said with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

“Are you jealous?” I toyed. I placed my finger on his chest and ran it down his body stopping at his belt.

“What if I said, yes?” he grinned.

I grinned back, “The night is still young.”

“Can we go back to your place?”

“No, sorry. I have roommates.”

He frowned. I didn’t want to take him back home yet. I was scared of what everyone would say. Given the age gap. They might think he’s only going after me because of my age.

“I know a place,” he finally said.

The two of us went to his bike which was around the corner. I put on my helmet and sat behind him. Then we drove off.

It didn’t take long to get to our destination. Which turned out to be one of the houses Eric was selling. It was in a quiet neighborhood. Since it was dark it was hard for anyone to see us. Eric turned off the bike at the end of the driveway and we got off. I followed him through the backyard of the home and climbed the stairs onto the porch. Eric then unlocked the back door and we entered. As soon as the door closed, Eric turned me around to him. Our lips met and we began to make out.

Eric pushed off my backpack, dropping it onto the floor. His large hands then went under my shirt and removed it entirely. He pressed his body against mine shoving me against the wall of the back room. My hands went around and under his shirt where I felt his spine. Eric pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside. I felt his entire upper body. Feeling every muscle. Feeling all of his hair on his upper body. Then my hands slid down until they reached his belt. I undid it and pulled it out entirely. Next, my fingers undid his button and unzipped his pants. My hands reached for the erection that pressed up against his briefs.

Using my right hand I pulled on the waistband while my left hand entered his underwear and pulled out his swollen cock. Gently I stroked it back and forth. I felt the veiny parts on my fingers. The tip of his cock would rub against my forearm and leave a stain of precum.

I lowered myself onto my knees and had a firm grip on the thick cock. My mouth opened and my tongue hung out. I ran my tongue against the large head of his cock swirling it around. Then I closed my lips around the tip and moved my head closer to his pelvis. When I felt the tip against my throat that’s when I stopped. The cock was so long that my hand was still wrapped around the shaft and there was still room between my pinky and the pelvis.

My hand twisted as I sucked on Eric’s cock. With my tongue swirling around the cock. Moans left Eric’s mouth with each passing moment. I loved pleasuring him. My right hand then pulled down his pants and I began to slide it up his hairy thighs. When I reached his butt cheeks I began to caress them. Eric’s large hand landed on the back of my head where he pressed down. The tip of the cock entered my throat. Doing my best, I breathed through my nose as my throat muscles massaged the tip.

A satisfied grunt came from Eric when he released my head. I bet he couldn’t see it, but my face must’ve been red as a tomato. I stroked the saliva-covered cock. Eric then grabbed his cock and rubbed the tip against my cheek before sliding it back into my mouth. This time, Eric took control. He locked his hands behind my head and began to thrust. At first, he went slow but gradually sped up.

When the final thrust came, Eric shoved his cock deep into my throat. I could feel his pubic hairs tickling my nose. I held it as much as I could before he released his cock from my throat. I gasped for air as it was the furthest I had taken his cock. I sat down and gathered myself. While Eric dropped down and parted my legs to kiss me on the lip. I felt his wet erection against my stomach. His large hands reached under my shirt and pulled it up taking it off entirely. Next, his hands moved to my belt which was quickly undone. He opened my pants and pulled them down. His large hand stroked my erection through the fabric of the Hanes briefs I wore. Precum leaked out and was causing the underwear to get wet.

Eric moved back slightly so he could be at eye-level with my cock. He brought my cock out and lowered his head. Pleasure washed over me as Eric sucked on my cock. It was the first time he ever did so. His head lowered all the way down until his nose bent against my pelvis. I felt the muscles of his throat tighten around my cock. The pleasure was immense. A soft moan left my mouth, then Eric released my cock from the confines of his throat.

Eric stood up and removed my shoes, socks, and pants then helped me up. We locked lips once more with each other’s cocks pressed against our stomachs. His large hands slid down my thin frame until he reached my butt. There his hands slid into the briefs and he began to grope me. He pulled them down entirely and I stepped out of them. Next, Eric lifted me up by the legs and brought me to the kitchen wall. He pressed up against me. My legs wrapped around his waist as Eric lowered his briefs and pants. The next thing I felt was the tip of the cock against my hole. Eric slid his cock inside.

The large cock was fully inside and Eric began to thrust. Moans left each other’s mouths as he fucked me. Our eyes never broke their gaze. My eyes would constantly roll back due to his cock constantly rubbing against my prostate. I held onto him the best I could as he sped up.

Eric gave one strong thrust and stopped. We looked each on in the eyes as he said, “I love having sex with you, Jason.”

Catching my breath, “Me too.”

And we kissed.

Eric pulled his cock out of my hole and I got back on my feet. I turned around and pressed my hands against the wall of the kitchen. Eric lubed his cock with saliva and entered me once more. His large hands planted on my waist as he began his thrust. Eric moved in a passionate motion. His hand would slap my cheeks causing me to clench my butt.

The sheer amount of pleasure Eric was giving me with his cock caused me to climax. I lowered my head as my load shot out of my cock and splattered over the wall of the kitchen. Eric hadn’t noticed as he was too busy widening my hole.

“Oh fuck, I’m close,” Eric yelled. Then a few seconds later, I felt the first blast of cum inside me. The thrusting had only slowed as he filled me with his large load.

Eric’s thrusting came to a complete stop and then he pulled his cock out of my hole. He was out of breath as was I. I turned around and said, “I’m sorry. I came all over the wall.”

Eric looked at the mess and laughed, “It’s fine. I’ll clean it up.”

Eric approached me and gave me a kiss on the lips. “I want to get to know you more, Jason. We need time to ourselves.”

“I do too. I think I am falling for you.”

He smiled, “I think I can try to give us some time together.”

After Eric clean up the mess, we dressed and he gave me a ride home. The motorcycle stopped at the corner of my street. I could see the lights on in the living room. I got off the bike and handed Eric the helmet, “Until next time, Eric.”

We kissed, “Hopefully next time we can spend more time together.”

Then he revved the bike and drove off. I watched him drive down the street and turn at the corner. I sighed. I was falling for him and it seemed he was falling for me back.


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