Tekken Force- Civilian edition part 1 by Crunchgasm


A gay adult sex story: Tekken Force- Civilian edition part 1 by Crunchgasm ,

It is inspired by a roleplay I have had, and by simple fantasies, too. Contains bare-handed murder, watersports and racist themes. Love to hear from people- send PM-s if this sort of sexual violence interests you.DISCLAIMER: I do not own the character depicted in the story, nor do I eran any money from this.

Police and secret services would investigate tirelessly the events that unfolded on April 24. 2000. But they would barely be able to piece together a nameless sequence of events. Several days prior to the event that would devastate New York, someone had introduced a new, unknown drug into the city’s water supply, and even had it somehow dispersed into the air, silently preparing the stage for the strangest disaster, ever.

When the unidentified man began implementing his infernal plan, nobody would want to resist his sexualized killer rampage. The perpetrator was cautious enough to detonate an EMP bomb afterwards, crippling anything that could record him.

The citizens of New York seemed fine though, as the late April day rolled in… Avenues and boulevards were bustling with people going to work, or strolling around. Traffic jams occurred as always, not stopping those determined to get through.The subway train rattled slower and slower, than came to a hold.

The doors opened, but strangely, no masses of people started to push out. There were people inside, true. It was packed… however, nothing moved. All lay dead with broken limbs, necks, some stripped with their belt wrapped around their penis, others having traces of all sorts of excretions on them. All – except for one.

With a sure step, a muscular man with a blonde hair stack walked onto the platform, and looked around. He saw the many faces of these weaklings only waiting for him to show them their place. And he would. Dressed in a white, slightly torn-up judo gi, he has prepared himself for this moment. His name was Paul Phoenix, and he was in a killer mood.

He cracked his knuckles, then looked into the masses before him – who would be next?

The scene seemed fitting to a horror movie, or the intro of an X-Files episode. A ghost train opens its doors…to reveal corpses. The train station attendants looked in shock at the mass of corpses, not realizing the man responsible was right there. It was likely from the shock of the situation, but also, the drug itself caused confusion and lethargy in some afflicted people. ˝how…could this happen? ˝, the neatly dressed attendant spoke, focused too much on the corpses visible through the window. A frustrated businesswoman groaned, grabbing herself by the head, expressing her utmost annoyance: ˝Fuck no…because of a gas leak, the trains won’t go…and I’ll be late for that goddamned meeting. Fuck! ˝

Paul stepped forward and looked over the attendant. “Nice suit, faggot. You pick up elderly guys with that shit?” He steps towards him and quickly grabs him to slam into the stationary train, then pulls him around before him.

“I’ll give you something to choke on”, as Paul locks the head of the man with his arm before his chest, his other arm pushing against it. He proceeded to strangle the well-dressed man with little effort, easily going past the feeble resistance of his victim, however, a bulge started to form in his pants. The sensation of the attacker’s erection so close to his anus causes the businessman to moan.

Meanwhile, a high-school student coming back from the restroom stares at the scene in utter shock, hiding behind a wall as he peeks occasionally.

“Now watch what a real man can do!” Paul exclaims, before flexing his muscles, which is enough to snap the man’s neck- the loud crack mixes with a rough, aroused grunt from the buff male. He lets the corpse drop into the subway door.

Paul turns around and sees the business woman still being in disarray. And without hesitation, he grabs her by the collar and pulls her towards him, holding her up for a moment before him.

His eyes narrow. This one was even weaker than before – hardly as fun. But he’d make it quick for her.

The late teenager trembles at the sight, and begins to pump his growing erection. He almost moans when his eyes register the fighter grabbing a woman. ˝h-hey…what the hell…? ˝, she protests, making the sounds that a mortally surprised person would make. Her mind goes through the reasons why would someone kill people out on the open. It has a hard time, as she is made to look in the killer’s eyes.

“Shut up. I’m gonna get off breaking you.” Paul snarls at the woman, before pulling her in a wide arc through the air and slamming her head-first into the ground.

After she lands, her body tumbles into a belly down position. Paul quickly sits on top of her and begins to fondle her breasts, soon exposing them completely, by ripping her blouse and bra up. Her moans of pleasure seem inevitable, as even with her mind unwilling, the fighter’s sexual skill is incredible- her pussy begins to leak juices soon.

Smelling that, Paul shouts out: ˝Yeahhh…˝, then proceeds to grab her neck with both hands, pulling it up until it snaps. He then gets up and tosses the lifeless corpse on top of the one he just killed before.

Then, as he looks over the other onlookers, he proceeds to open up his pants, take out his somewhat erect phallus – and piss onto the two dead bodies.

By now, the high-schooler cannot hold himself. He jacks off, blushing hard as his eyes focus on the carnage.

˝N-no…please don’t…kill me…I’ll do anything you want.˝, a foreigner who is obviously a doctor, and has come to complete his residency, now believes his life was doomed. He is good at anatomy, and his vivid imagination lets him see which vertebrae snap as the big, strong male goes about his work.

Satisfied with his piss, Paul turns around and spots the doctor. Slowly, menacingly, he walks towards him. ˝Guess which bone I’ll break on you, first.”, and he grabs him by the belt and collar, lifting him into the air- and then slams him down onto his knee, breaking his back but not quite ending his life.

˝Aaaargh…aaaaa… T…seven…˝- the resident can guess rather well, as he looks at his limp legs in utter horror.

As the man struggles in his grasp, Paul proceeds to place him over his shoulders, one arm around his head, the other around the legs.

Then he starts squeezing, and pulling downwards. Hard.

The boy watching all this, pulls his pants down, then the briefs. He is getting close. ˝Oh, shit…˝, he speaks, watching the brutal execution unfold in front of his eyes. The doctor writhes and grunts. However, soon, these gain a strange rhythm. A bulge forms in his trousers, even in his final moments.

“Let’s see where you break first, wuss.” these were the last words the doctor heard, before Paul pulled with full force, his massive muscles flexing as he snapped the man’s neck backwards.

CRUNCH! ˝Fuck yeah- the best sound ever…˝

He then pushed him off like you would a cloak, the corpse falling to the ground. Paul didn’t give it a second look, and instead looked at the student – he could see him masturbating, a sentiment he could get behind.


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