The Adventures with Zac Efron Ch. 01

A gay story: The Adventures with Zac Efron Ch. 01 I don’t know Zac personally. I wish I did 😉 If you have any comments, plot ideas or constructive criticism then please do leave a comment. The more feedback I get the better the story can hopefully be. This is my first story so apologies for any grammatical errors.

~ ~ ~ Chapter One ~ ~ ~

The summer weather caused London to be a particularly busy day. I spent about 30 minutes walking along the crowded pavements, shifting left and right when a stranger was blocking my way. I eventually got to my destination and pushed the glass door that had ‘Heritage Grooming’ written in bold, fancy lettering. My stylist greeted me and took me to a seat in front of a large mirror.

“So Harry are you having what you normally have?.” asked Gary.

“Yeah that would be great but could you make the sides shorter than usual, just a little?.”

He hummed whilst flicking through my hair with his fingers and a comb, “Sure thing.”

I tilted my head down to scroll through my emails on my smartphone. A few minutes later I heard footsteps on the wooden flooring, the sound of the footsteps stopped at a seat next to me. I didn’t pay any attention to who was taking a seat until Caroline, another hair stylist, spoke.

“Hi, what would you like Mr Efron.”

The man chuckled a little and exclaimed “Please just call me Zac. Erm I think I need to get it cleaned up, it’s getting pretty long…” His voice sounded quite deep and had an American accent.

I didn’t catch the rest of what he said because my eyes had lit up, stunned at what I had heard. Was this Zac Efron? A man I’ve fantasized about countless times or was it another man with the same name. I lifted my head and stared at the mirror, I could see that Gary was busy cutting away so I took this as a chance to have a quick glance at the mirror on the left.

He had a faint smile and was focusing on what the stylist was saying. I examined his handsome face. The shape of his dark eyebrows, the straight nose and his beautiful blue eyes. It really was him. He looked so manly; his facial hair was much more prominent than you would assume he had, it was thicker than the typical designer stubble, almost like a beard, his eyes were concentrated on the mirror in front. I stared at him and noticed he had a blue short-sleeve shirt on. His built physique filled the shirt, broad shouldered and the sleeves stuck tightly to his triceps and biceps. Zac’s arms looked firm, I imagined that they were capable of throwing a grown man onto a bed with ease. My mind started to wonder, I had an urge to climb onto his lap, kiss his soft lips and have his arms wrap around me.

“Oh you know who he is as well?”

“What?” I didn’t realise Gary was speaking to me then, my eyes shot back to my own mirror.

“The guy on the left – Zac Efron. More celebrities seem to be coming here this year.”

I tried to make conversation. “Yeah all these celebrities coming here is sure to boost the image of this place, it’s about time this place got the recognition it deserves. Just don’t forget about me and start cancelling my appointments.”

Gary laughed “We’d never do that man, you’re one of our most loyal customers!”

He continued cutting my hair and occasionally I would steal a glance at Zac. God, he looked so sexy. I thought about what he’d look like naked on the chair, his legs positioned pointing outward, a full view of his manhood ready to be sucked and those thoughts alone made my cock hard. Zac didn’t seem to notice that I was staring at him, at least that’s what I thought. After about an hour I smiled and told Gary I was pleased with my haircut. Then a voice from the left appeared, it was Zac, “Looks good man.” He was smiling and reiterated “Your hair, it looks good man.”

“Oh cheers.” I got a tad flustered so I gave him a thankful nod. I got up, paid and left the building amazed that Zac Efron had complimented my hair. It’s not often a stranger tells you something like that in a hair salon. My next stop was to head towards a tailoring company because I decided it was time I invested in a few good suits for the networking event I was attending in a few days. I had a smile glued on my face. I wanted to go home and jerk off to the images that were running through my mind.

The store had an array of suits on display, I had a look around for a while and the footwear section caught my eye. A sales assistant helped me pick some shoes. As I was trying on a pair of brogues I heard someone. “Excuse me.” I turned around. I couldn’t believe it, it was Zac again.

“Oh hi there”. I wasn’t sure what to say.

“Hi man, I’m just here to collect a suit, you shop here as well?”

“No erm, this is my first time”

“Huh what a strange coincidence that I see you right after the hair salon”.

After he spoke my eyes were drawn to his hair, it was short enough to wear up and off his face and he was sporting short stubble now. Zac stood slightly taller than me by about an inch but he definitely looked much bigger than me. He was no longer just a skinny guy with some washboard abs like he was in High School Musical. He had gained more mass; more muscle and his whole presence overwhelmed me inside. I thought it was time to return his compliment from before. “Small world I guess, nice haircut by the way.” The truth was I thought his haircut was more than just nice, it looked so damn sexy on him that I had an urge to stroke it.

“Thanks man, my name’s Zac.”

I gave him a handshake, his hands felt soft but the grip was firm. “I’m Harry; I think I know who you are already. You were in that movie High School Musical right?”

He laughed softly “Yeah but that was a long time ago, I’ve been acting in other stuff as well recently.” I thought he’d be a busy man and would need to go. “Well it was nice meeting you Harry.” I gave a smile and said something similar. I wanted to speak to him again and was sad that the conversation ended. He started to walk towards the doors and I got back to trying my shoes on. “Excuse me, hey I know this is out of the blue.”

I turned around “Hi again, whats up?” I was surprised he hadn’t left the store yet.

“Erm, I know we only just met but since you and I seem to have similar tastes in places to shop at then maybe you want to come shopping with me?” I must have looked a tad confused. “Sorry, that sounded weird, you must have plans. Sorry to disturb you man.”

“No! No! I’m fine. I mean I’m free. Yeah we can go shopping.” I smiled and said “Sure”. Zac looked elated.

Was this really happening? I began looking around as if I had lost something and saw I hadn’t chosen a pair of shoes. “Those would look good with a black suit.” he mentioned.

“I think so too.” The rest of the day was spent in his chauffeur driven car taking us to various upmarket stores. We bought some shirts, t-shirts and few other things. We talked quite a lot, I told him about my job as a project manager in London and that I lived here all my life. I acted as if I wasn’t exactly sure about what films he was in when I asked him inquisitively about what other work he had done. I wasn’t sure why I was trying to deceive him into thinking I didn’t know much about his career. I suppose I didn’t want him thinking I was an obsessed fan. I wasn’t stalking his every move, I didn’t have posters of him in my room or merchandise based on him. But I admit I’ve watched his film’s ’17 Again’, ‘The Lucky One’ and I’ve jerked off plenty of times to shirtless photos of him.

I asked him about his time in London and we discussed a few others things about the city. We had been shopping for around 3 hours. Throughout the day I had spent with him so far I wondered if I was coming across as weird or boring and if he was just being polite by not asking me to leave. I looked at my watch. “It’s nearly 4pm!”

“Oh wow the time’s flown by!” Zac said.

“Yeah, I had a good time man, I should head back home, I need to make dinner and give the office a call.” I wasn’t sure what to do, was I supposed to say goodbye forever or did he want to arrange another meeting?

“I had a good time too.” Zac said. There was a short but noticeable silence. He was smiling and then looked at his own watch briefly. “We should hang out some other time, you could show me around London more.”

“Mm, sure no worries.” I said. “Well if your driver doesn’t mind dropping me off at my place I’d appreciate it.”

“Yeah of course! It’s the least I could do but if you wanted to, that is, you could just have lunch in the hotel I’m staying at?”


“It’s not far from here and it’d save you from cooking.”

I was indeed very hungry but the hunger sort of disappeared because my mind started to think about what Zac had just said. He wants to spend more time with me. Plain, ordinary, boring me. However I didn’t want to intrude or make him feel obligated to spend more time with me.

“No it’s alright Zac, you don’t want to bored by me, I’ll just head home.”

“No, you’re not boring at all man. I even have a little office that you could use if you need to call work after.” I enjoyed the attention he was giving me. “Please bro, I insist! You gotta try the food at this place”. Zac chuckled a little. His teeth looked perfectly straight and were a Hollywood white. I couldn’t resist the offer, could I?

“Alright.” I said with a smile. Zac then signaled to the driver and we drove back to The Corinthia, a luxury hotel. We discussed what kind of food we liked, he liked Mexican which I didn’t but we both loved Italian.

The interior of the hotel was glorious and tastefully designed. The food was fantastic as well. I paid close attention to everything he said, he told me about his wild adventures he went on with some of his colleagues and friends. Nobody bothered us whilst we ate which I was surprised by considering Zac’s celebrity status but then again the hotel was very classy and I think people too were busy eating or talking to even notice the people sat nearby. “Do you want to get some dessert?” he asked me.

“I’m pretty full thanks, but you get some if you want to.”

“Nah dude I’m pretty full as well. Hey did I tell you about the cool view I have in my suite?”

“No you didn’t, this entire place is a great view itself to be honest!”

“You gotta see this view though dude.” I followed him and we took the elevator upstairs. We didn’t speak inside the elevator, we stood at opposite ends of the elevator and through the corner of my eye I looked at him. He was massaging the palms as if he was rubbing hand cream onto them, I wanted his hands on my body. I tried to shake off my thoughts, Zac sees me as a friend and I didn’t want to ruin the friendship. So I returned to looking at the elevator doors. Once he opened we reached his floor, he opened the doors to his suite and confidently walked towards the bedroom. “The window with the view is in there man.” There was a small table just before the entrance with a selection of drinks on it “Do you want a drink?”

“Oh no thanks man.”

My heart was pounding as dirty thoughts rushed through my mind again, I couldn’t help it. His bedroom had a faint smell of the fragrance he was wearing today, a deep, woody, spicy sort of scent. There was expensive looking furniture in the room including a king sized bed which had more pillows than I could count. I wonder what its like to sleep next to Zac. Has he shared the bed with a beautiful woman whilst he was staying in London. Wishful thinking led me to believe he hadn’t but I was probably wrong, Zac is a hit with the girls. I noticed him stand next to the window.


“Yeah, would make a great Facebook cover photo! Sometimes I get a drink, sit on my bed and just watch the city.”

“London is a beautiful city, there’s so much diversity, the people, the West End, the shopping! There’s so much to do. Sure its got its disadvantages like the weather and it’s bloody expensive but I love living here. I have so many memories here.” We both looked into the view.

“British people have a great sense of humour, sometimes I don’t get it though.”

I laughed “You will in time, the longer you spend here, the more you’ll see how cooler we are than Americans. But seriously, the city is pretty amazing.”

“Yeah… amazing.”

He said this quietly and I immediately detected a wave of intensity that showered through the room. It was the same feeling you get when you think someone is staring at you but more concentrated. I wasn’t sure whether to turn and face him because I felt so sure he was looking at me and not the view. How do I confront such a situation?


This was my opportunity I turned my head and saw him looking at me. He stared into my eyes and my heart began to race. I felt gravity slowly pulling us towards each other. He stepped closer to me, there was a gap of about two inches between us and his warm breath faintly caressed my cheeks and nose. My lips parted and I started taking deep breaths, anticipating the exhilarating moment that was about to happen.

Silence erupted in the room for a couple of seconds. Then Zac swiftly moved, my body tensed at the sensation of his lips locking onto mine,I felt his stubble and nose press on my cheek as he tilted to kiss me, his left hand on my face, cupping it slightly and his right hand started touching my waist. It slid down to my lower back, he began rubbing my back, he was applying pressure trying to push me towards him and I embraced him. I relaxed and felt myself collapsing onto him, my arms were now wrapped around him and every sense in my body heightened. His felt so strong as my arms rubbed all over the upper back, heat radiated from him and I squeezed him tightly. I could feel my cock hardening in my jeans and I decided to open my eyes whilst kissing him to help me take in the fact that I wasn’t kissing any man, I was kissing the sexiest man I’d ever laid eyes on. His full lashes were on display as he kissed me with his eyes shut. As if noticing I had opened my eyes, he opened his and we took a short second for breath, then he began nibbling on my lower lip, both of us closed our eyes and then we carried on kissing intimately. I was completely in the moment and was getting more turned on by the second.

After what must have been just a minute he took his hand off my back, turned his face away from me, stopping me from kissing him and he stepped back.

“I’m sorry.” he said.

“Why, what’s wrong?”

“I can’t do this, please you have to leave.”

My heart sank to the bottom of stomach, I felt rejected and confused.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No, please. I can’t do this.” He walked towards a desk that was at the side of the room. I stood next to the window not sure what I should do.

~ end of chapter one ~

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