The Alluring Stranger


The Alluring Stranger by Bassytian,Bassytian Author’s Note: This is my entry for the Halloween 2024 Contest, hope you enjoy!


My name is Eric, I am a 24-year-old forklift operator in a warehouse. This is a tale about the night that changed my life. It happened last year on Halloween night.

So, a bit of backstory. I was never popular in school or good with women, I used to drown my sorrows in alcohol while I watched my buddies pick up the same women that turned me down moments earlier, though they were “not looking” when I asked them out. Things like that killed my self-esteem. I became convinced that I was a genetic failure of a man, a practical joke created by God or nature because they had a fucked up sense of humor. I eventually gave up and quit trying altogether, I even stopped hanging out with that group of friends because watching them succeed was too painful. As the years passed, my life had come down to going to work, coming home, eating dinner while watching TV, going to bed, rinse and repeat. I had fallen into deep depression, but my energy was sucked out of me to such an extent that I had not fight left to do anything about it with.

One evening, I was at home binge watching B-movie horror flicks, the kind where you could tell the special effects budget was incredibly low, you could see the zipper on the monsters. I had cooked a TV dinner and was sitting on my recliner with a beer in my hand when my phone rang. It was Nate, one of my old buddies that I no longer hung out with, but he was the only one I still talked to. I answered.

“Hey man, what’s up?”

“Yo Buddy! I just wanted to check in with you, how have you been?”

“Same old same old, working and drinking myself to death. What about you?”

“Same as always! Listen Eric, I have a proposition for you.”

“What? If this is another ‘get-rich-quick scheme…”

“No, nothing like that! What are you doing on Halloween night?”

“I’m off that night so I was just going to stay here, watch a horror flick or two, and get so drunk that I’ll think it’s real.”

“Forget that noise! I’m taking you to a Halloween party where there will be lots of chicks for you to meet!”

“Dude, are you nuts? I’ve always been utterly repulsive to women, what makes you think that has changed?”

“I’ll make you a deal. If you come and don’t get any action, I will give you $1,000! That’s how convinced I am you’ll land a hottie!”

“I’m hanging up.”

“I’m serious! I saved up for this bet! I’ve got fifty twenties that say you’ll dip your dick into someone’s hole on Halloween!”

He then texted me a picture of two stacks of twenties side-by-side, he was telling the truth.

“Fine, but you’d better be willing to pay up if I’m still a virgin after Halloween!”

“Alright, alright. So you’re coming?”

“Yeah. It’ll be the easiest grand I’ve made. What do I have to lose?” Other than another chance to humiliate myself, nothing.

“Awesome! You won’t regret it! Everyone will be in costume, so pick something spooky! Go to “Spooky Side of Hell”, they have the best costumes in town. Oh, and go on Wednesday, I know the woman that will be working that day. I’ll tell her to give you a discount!”

“Yeah yeah, talk to you later Nate.”

“Bye Eric! You’re so getting some that night, I promise! I’ll pick you up at 7:30, later man!” With that, he hung up. Me, getting laid, was he stoned? I’d die a virgin if I was the only male left on the planet. Oh well, who could turn down $1,000? “Spooky Side of Hell”, huh? How corny. It was probably going to be more of the same, me being the only guy leaving the party still a virgin. Seriously, why the fuck did I have to be exposed to that again? I continued the rest of the evening as I usually did, finishing my dinner and movie, taking a shower, and going to bed.


When Wednesday came around, I took up Nate’s suggestion and went to that tacky store. It was what you would expect, “spooky” music played, displays of various costumes draped over mannequins were spread throughout the salesfloor, Halloween-themed party supplies stacked on shelves, there were no surprises here. All the costumes were on a wall on the right side of the store, so I went to take a look. I’ll give them this, some of them were very well made, I understood why Nate hyped this place up so much. However, the true reason for his enthusiasm was about to speak.

“Hi there! Can I help you?” a cheery blonde chirped as she approached me from the side. Her name tag said “Jade”, she was quite attractive. I thought she was an easy 10 and way too hot for me. But who was I kidding, any woman was too hot for me.

“Oh, I’m just looking, thank you though.” I told her.

She smiled. “Okaaay, but don’t hesitate to come find me if you need anything!” She happily walked off with her arms straightened behind her back. She had a cheery disposition, I found myself thinking her boyfriend, or maybe girlfriend, was lucky to have her.

I looked through the costumes, I was looking for something that wouldn’t be hard to put on or take off. It took a few minutes, but I found exactly the kind of outfit I was looking for; a Gomez Addams suit, complete with a fake mustache. I could buy hair gel to style my hair to complete the look, this one would do. I removed the costume from the rack and brought it to the counter. Jade came from the back and stood behind the register.

“Will that be all for you?”

“Yeah. Say, do you know someone named ‘Nate’ by chance?”

“Mhm! I’ve known him for a little while. He said a friend of his was coming by and told me to give you a discount. Is that you?”

“Yep, that’s me.” I felt all of my insecurities well up in my throat.

“Awesome! I can do… 25% off?”

“Wow, that’s quite a discount.” She giggled and rang my costume up, applied the discount, and gave me my total. As I slid my debit card into the slot, I glanced at her and she looked away. Was she looking at me? No way in hell, a cute girl like her wouldn’t be caught dead doing that. After the payment was approved, she folded my costume and placed it into a bag, then handed it to me.

“Thank you very much! Can I help you with anything else?”

“No, that will be all. Thank you, Jade.”

For some reason, she blushed and smiled shyly when I used her name, like I had made her day. “Okay then, have a good evening and Happy Halloween!” she waved as I walked out, I waved back before the automatic doors closed.

Something was strange, she looked and sounded familiar to me, but I’ve never known anyone named Jade. My old buddies and I never went to school with anyone going by that name. I spent the rest of the night trying to place her, but I couldn’t figure out where I had seen her before. Oh well, it didn’t matter, I wasn’t going to see her again anyway. I went to bed determined to not give her another thought, which only led to me dreaming about her.


On the evening of Halloween, I pulled my costume out of my closet and put it on, then dipped a comb in the hair gel I bought on my way home and styled my hair back. The mustache was the finishing touch, and with that I looked like the classic character, or some lame guy pretending to be him anyway. I sat on the recliner and waited for Nate to show up and take me to the party. He finally knocked, fifteen minutes later than he said. I opened the door; he was wearing a dirty hockey mask with torn clothes and a fake machete. He raised it as if he was going to attack.

“Cara mia!” I said, stepping forward and reaching for his face.

“Knock it off!” He recoiled; I would have been grinning from ear to ear if it was physically possible. “A little too into character, don’t you think?”

“Says the guy standing there silent and pretending he is going to ‘kill’ me. Come on, I want my $1,000!”

“Yeah yeah, but I’m keeping my money!” He was as sure of my success as I was of my failure. Something about it made the bet kind of exciting, I was determined to prove him wrong. Once we were outside, I got in the passenger’s seat of his car. For whatever reason, Nate felt the need to leave skid marks where he was parked before flying off, idiot.

The ride lasted a little more than half an hour, we rode to the football field of the college we attended together on the outskirts of town. This was an annual event, a chance for hundreds of people in our age group to get drunk and laid in costume. As we parked, I could see that the field was getting full quickly. There was a stage set up in the middle with a band dressed as horror movie monsters and villains tuning instruments. The concession stands were open, and lines were already forming.

“Do you see that, Eric? You can’t tell me you won’t find someone in that crowd to mingle with tonight!”

“All I see is hundreds of chances to prove you wrong. Let’s get my humiliation and payday over with.” We got out and closed the doors, then made our way into the crowd.

“Nate!” said Chris, one of Nate’s friends. He was dressed as a zombie football player, he was too dumb to think of anything else. Chris and I got along well, as long as we didn’t speak to each other. We used to be friends, but when we entered high school, he became a different person, the type who claims to be an “alpha male” with nothing but a football between his ears that likes to assert his fragile dominance over those he viewed as weaker than himself. I guess he saw me as weak because he would try to push me around, which led to us getting into fights. I would win some and lose some, but I never once backed down from him. He was with his three cronies, also dressed as zombie football players and just as dumb, always laughing at everything he said and did like they had no thoughts of their own. These four hadn’t changed at all.

“And if it isn’t ‘Eric the Incel’! I’m surprised you haven’t shot yourself yet, I would if I was still a virgin at your age!” He laughed as he high-fived his buddies. “Eric the Incel”, he always said that like he had just come up with it. Then again, he had the intelligence and memory span of a goldfish.

“And I see you still have a single cell organism for a brain. Tell me, is your dick also the same size?”

He got in my face and pressed his forehead against mine, I pressed back and started into his eyes.

“You never did learn your place, byotch! Want me to drop you right here?”

“You can try, it’ll be like old times!” I didn’t care if we got into it and went to jail or the hospital, one more chance to knock this prick on his ass would have been worth it. Nate stepped between us and pushed us back.

“Guys, we’re not in school anymore! We’re adults now, act like it!!” Nate was right. Though I never backed down from Chris, he always brought out the worst in me.

“You’re right…” I backed away, then looked around, one of us was missing. “Where’s Jay?”

“Jayden is… gone…” Nate responded rather cryptically. The others shared the same expression, did Jay die? Jayden, or “Jay”, was the best of us. He was smaller than the rest of us and had a demur personality compared to the rest of us boisterous assholes. There were rumors that he was gay, but he scored his fair share of phone numbers and nights with women I could only dream of. Jay was the only one of my former friends that never once teased me about my invisibility to women, in fact he tried to encourage me and give me advice. The last time I saw him, he told me that I was a better person than most people he knew and that he wished that everyone could see what he saw in me and would give me a chance. And the last thing he said has always stuck with me.

“If I was a woman, I would happily sleep with you, Eric…”

I never saw or spoke to him again after that. Of course, I broke ties with all of them at that time, I was tired of them throwing their ability to get laid in my face on an almost daily basis. I feel bad for it now, but that night, I wished that Chris or one of his lackies had died instead of Jay. But no one said he was dead, maybe he moved somewhere far away?

“That freak made his choice and now he has to live with it.” Chris said angrily. That confirmed he was still alive, but what was the “choice” he made? “Let’s get some drinks, food, and later some pussy! Or in Eric’s case, just food and drinks.” I would have loved to punch him in the face, but calming down made me realize that I really didn’t want to risk going to jail that night.

“You’re killing me, Chris. If being a moronic asshole like you is what it takes to get laid, then I’ll happily die celibate.” He didn’t like that answer.

“Hey, hey! He’s gonna get laid tonight! I have $1,000 that says he will!” Nate stepped up, being the only person in the world certain of my “victory.”

“Shit man, if you want to throw that much money away, you might as well give it to me and not this beta loser!” He was wearing my patience thin…

“Stop that, let’s give him a chance! I wouldn’t put this much money up if I didn’t believe in him!” Nate interjected. I had never seen him that confident about anything, did he pay a prostitute to sleep with me that night?

“Whatever, I’m ready to get some grub! Come on!” He walked off with his lackies, who turned to make faces and some kind of gestures at me. They had no minds of their own.

We got in line at the concession stands, Nate and I went to a different one than Chris and the others. We chatted about the good old days that involved things I was also good at, like basketball. Not to brag, but I believe I could have gone pro, too bad depression broke my spirit. Oh well, I was decent forklift operator at least. When my turn came, I bought a couple of hotdogs with some fries and a can of Coke, breakfast of champions. After that, we gathered at the stage as the lead singer began to address the crowd. His attempt to sound scary was laughable at best.

“Good eeeeeevening, you Hellions! Tonight, we’re gonna rock until the dead rise out of the ground and jam out with us! Let’s be sure to give them a concert they’ll be talking about in Hell for eternity!!” This was just sad; it was a good thing he was wearing face paint because I couldn’t imagine him being able to show his face in public after that. Thankfully they began playing, I’ve heard worse but better too.

As they played, something caught my attention in the corner of my eye. I looked to my right and noticed a woman dressed in a black dress that exposed her cleavage but covered most of the rest of her body. She was wearing makeup and had long black hair. She was Morticia Addams, how ironic. Some guy was chatting her up, I couldn’t hear the conversation, but I could imagine it. He was asking her to sleep with him that night and she was either going to accept his offer or shoot him down. Based on the way she waved her hand, and the look on his face as he walked away, the later happened. She shook her head, then her eyes met mine. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, was she stunning! She smiled at me, keeping her gaze on me as she turned and disappeared into the crowd. How strange, someone dressed as my “wife” was at the party. I was sure there was some other Gomez Addams lurking around somewhere. I would probably see her with him sooner or later. There was something familiar about her though, I had seen her somewhere before, and recently.

After a few songs, Chris and the others walked off to hit up some women. I stayed behind, I couldn’t watch history repeat itself again. I was convinced I had wasted my time, so I decided to get a beer or.. three, call a tab, and go home. I didn’t even want the goddamn money anymore, all I wanted was to escape from this bullshit party. I made my way back to the concession stand when I noticed “Morticia” in the other line next to me. That time, I was close enough to get a good look at her. She noticed me and smiled.

“You make a handsome Gomez Addams! I knew you would!” She giggled. When I heard her voice, it hit me like a haymaker from Mike Tyson.

“Jade? I didn’t expect to see you here! You look great as Morticia, or should I say, ‘Cara mia’?” My Gomez couldn’t have been more off, but she was amused.

“That was horrible! Your accent sounded more French than Hispanic!”

“I… don’t get much practice.” Fucking up already.

“Well, you get an A for effort.” I don’t know if it was extreme loneliness, but her smile cut through my heart and not in the usual painful way either. It was then that it hit me. Nate knew Jade, he told me to buy an outfit from the store she was working at, and now here she was dressed as my “wife”. At that moment, I’d decided that I was going to buy that guy a drink after this was over, no matter how this ended. What a guy!

“So, did you come here alone?”

“No, I’m here with some friends of mine, but they’re chatting it up with some guys. I would join them, but there’s someone that I’ve always liked, and I don’t want to be with anyone else. I was always too nervous to tell him how I feel, let’s just say I wasn’t exactly his ‘type’.”

“How could you not be? You’re very attractive, and you have a great personality. Any guy in his right mind would have you.” I didn’t know how effective that would be. Me trying to cheer someone up was like the blind leading the blind. She did however smile a little, so progress?

“Thank you, what did you say your name was?”

“It’s Eric.”

“Eric, that’s a nice name, I’ve always loved it. So, do you think I should tell him how I feel?”

“I do. Tell him everything the next time you see him.” She smiled and blushed a bit. Even though I had likely screwed my own chances with her up, it felt nice to make a woman smile for once. God, was I really that pathetic, that something so simple would made me feel like a stud? No wonder I was such a failure.

“I will! I have the courage to do it now, thank you very much! I know how I want to do it too! Bye Eric! I’ll see you later!” With that, she stepped out of line and disappeared into the crowd again. I felt too humiliated to accept Nate’s money at that point. I had screwed his elaborate plan up, as I knew I would. I got to the stand and was disappointed to see there was a one can limit. Oh well, there was a gas station a block away from my apartment, I’d buy a pack there, I felt like I needed to drink every can, I wanted to forget that night ever happened.

With beer in hand, I waded through the crowd of costumed partygoers, determined to get out of this nightmare. I pressed through on my way toward the parking lot when I felt someone’s hand on my arm. It wasn’t just someone’s hand accidentally touching me, this was deliberate. I looked and saw who it was attached to; it was Jade!

“Catch me if you can, Mon Cher” she winked and disappeared into the crowd once again, she had a real talent for that. I don’t know what it was, but something made me want to play whatever game she was playing, maybe I hadn’t screwed up after all. I followed the direction she had disappeared in. I looked around and saw her near some more people. She waved, wiggling each finger as she smiled and moved behind the other group, which was the closest to the parking lot. I pursued her again and saw her standing between two cars. She bounced slightly, causing her breasts to jiggle, then vanished behind an SUV. This chick must have had a great grandfather named Houdini. I followed her out of the parking lot and across the road. After following her for three blocks, she entered an apartment building, I went in behind her. She was standing at the top of some stairs in the lobby.

“Hey, wait…” I said breathlessly, it was a struggle to keep up with her.

“Almost theeeeere! Don’t give up now, Mon Cher!” she chuckled as she ascended the stairs. I assumed she was leading me to her apartment, but would I be too tired to make the most of it when I got there?

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment As I followed her up the stairs, her giggles filled the stairwell, she was having the time of her life, that made one of us. But still, I was determined to see where this led to. I made my way to the middle of the stairs between the fourth and fifth floors. She stood holding the door to the fifth floor open.

“Not much longer now…” she sang as she entered, the door closed behind her. Thank God, no more stairs.

I shuffled up there and pulled the door open, then looked to the left and right, she was standing at the end of the hallway. She unlocked an apartment door and entered with an inviting smile, leaving the door cracked after she went inside. I took my time walking to her apartment, mainly to calm my heart, but also to gather my thoughts. Was this really about to happen? I entered her apartment, closing and locking the door behind me.

The inside of her small apartment was vastly different from my own, clean and tidy, there were no crushed empty beer cans or dirty clothes on the floor. She had ficus trees in every corner of her living room and shelves with various nicknacks on them. Judging by the age of most of them, they must have been gifts from her grandmother.

“There you are! Was I too fast for you?” She chuckled, such a tease, not that I minded.

“You were, and you are good at hiding too.”

Her expression saddened a bit. “Yeah, I’ve done a lot of hiding for most of my life… anyway, make yourself at home. Can I get you anything?”

“No, I’m good. I’ll probably just drink this.” My beer was still in my hand the entire time. I sat down on the couch.

“Okay. I’m going to get a water for myself, then we can talk.” She removed her wig, allowing her natural blonde hair to flow freely before going into the kitchen. She came back with a bottle of water and sat next to me. “Thank you for coming, I was afraid you wouldn’t.” It was obvious that she wanted me to come over but hearing her say it made my heart skip a beat. For the first time in my life, I felt wanted by a female, I had no idea what to think of it.

“Oh, well, I wanted to see where the chase would lead me.” What an idiotic thing to say… she smiled anyway.

“Nate told me that you had become very depressed and lonely, it broke my heart. You deserve so much more, I’ve always thought that…” Wait a minute, she is talking as if she has known me for years. What the fuck was going on here?

“Hold on, you’re talking as if you and I have known each other for a long time. Didn’t we meet for the first time on Wednesday?”

She laughed a bit. “Yes and no. I have known you since we were little, Eric, but you never met the real me until the other day at my job. You have only known the mask, the fake me. But two years ago, I decided to stop pretending to be someone I’m not. I came out of the closet and began cross dressing; this is who I really am…” Just as the wheels in my head began to turn, Jade confirmed what had just dawned on me by speaking in a voice that I hadn’t heard in years. “You knew me as ‘Jayden’.”

“Jay??” Is that you?? What’s going on??” It was Jay! But.. when did he become so… hot??? She… he resumed speaking in his “Jade” voice.

“This is my real voice. I know you must be confused, but no, I am not a woman, not biologically anyway. You remember how my parents are, most of our friends are the same way. I had to hide and pretend that I was more masculine than I really was, that I wasn’t gay. Lying to myself was hell, but I had to do it to survive, at least long enough for me to get my own place. Once I did, I embraced my true identity and started going by the name “Jade”. Chris and the others disowned me as a friend, Nate was the only one of them who accepted me for who I truly am. You had already broken away from us when I came out, so you never found out.”

“So.. you’re gay, but what about all the women you slept with?”

Jade shook his head. “I never slept with any of them. They let me come over and try some of their clothes on. They provided me a safe place for me to be myself for one night at a time.”

I was stunned. I had no idea that Jay was like this, but suddenly I realized that all the signs were there. He had dropped hints here and there throughout high school. His girly giggles, smiling whenever someone gave him the athletic butt slap, and his refusal to “kiss and tell”. I was happy that he could finally be himself, but what were these feelings that were stirring inside me? Although Jade had revealed his true identity to me, my attraction to him didn’t disappear. In fact, it skyrocketed.

“That… must have been hard. But I’m glad that you don’t have to hide anymore.”

He smiled warmly. “Thanks, Eric. So, you’re not freaked out at all?” He looked at me with vulnerability I had never seen before, like my approval was what mattered the most to him.

“I’m not, it’s cool.” I told him the truth. At the time, I felt awful that I didn’t find out about this until two years after it happened. I must have seemed like a total asshole. His eyes brightened so much that I could have sworn the room got brighter. “So, did you grow your hair out or is that a wig too?”

“I grew it out, dummy!” He lightly punched my arm. I assumed he had grown it out, Jay always had blonde hair. I simply wanted to tease him.

“And what about them?” I pointed to his breasts.

“These? They’re fake, it’s the only way I could get the costume to fit.” With that, he unzipped the back of his dress and slid the top half down his shoulders. Fake boobs with no nipples were strapped to his chest. He removed the straps and tossed the false hooters aside, revealing his bare, real chest. He had always been skinny, but seeing his flat, lithe, hairless form with his long hair down ignited a fire from within. He was sexy as fuck, oh my god!

“Much better!” He proclaimed, stretching his arms upward. I found myself staring at his smooth topless form, swallowing hard. He finished stretching. “Do you mind if I change into something more comfortable right quick?”

“Oh, no, go ahead. Be comfortable in your own home!” I told him. He got up, still topless, and went into his bedroom. His back was just as smooth as the front with no blemishes at all. I had no idea what was going on, I had only ever been attracted to women, or so I thought. However, Jade was awakening something wild, something primal, within me.

Jade came back a few minutes later wearing a thin white tank top with short shorts, barefoot. I could see the outline of his nipples on his shirt. He had taken his makeup off, I thought he was even prettier without it, he was in his natural glory. His legs were hairless, it took everything not to reach out and rub them when he sat back down next to me, close to me.

“Soooo, Eric. How did you think I looked at Morticia Addams?”

“I thought you looked pretty hot, if I’m being honest. But I think you look better without makeup.” His face turned blood red, he turned away. “You… really think so..?”

“Yeah, I think you’re beautiful.” I didn’t know what was happening and I didn’t care. I wanted him, not just sexually either.

“Oh gosh… oh shit… thank you, really… Fuck, I’m not as prepared for this as I thought I’d be!!” Jade had lost whatever nerves and confidence he had.

“Prepared for what?”

“Do you remember earlier, when I told you there was a guy I like, and you told me to tell him? Well, I was going to, but this is so overwhelming!”

“Go ahead, say it.” I put two and two together. Nate knew that Jade liked me, and how lonely I was. This was his plan all along; guess I owed that bastard two drinks.

“I…. like you, Eric.” He hesitated but got the words out. “I always have, but I knew you liked girls. Plus, I would have given myself away if I told you. But I’ve seen the loneliness and the pain in your eyes whenever women rejected you. I watched it build and build until you couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted so badly to go home with you, to sleep with you, but I couldn’t. Now, I wish I had, maybe you wouldn’t have been hurting for so long.” He had started crying at that point, he was letting his raw emotions for me out. “You are much stronger and better than you realize! I’ve seen it, the way you always stood up to Chris whenever he tried to bully you, or push me around…” Chris would sometimes bully Jay, either about his smaller size or the rumors of him being gay. Many of my fights with that creep began with me defending Jay’s honor. I didn’t know I had this much of an effect on his heart, I pulled him into an embrace.

“I have been lonely and sad for a long time. But.. maybe this is just what I needed. I never imagined I would feel this way for a guy, but I would be lying if I said my heart wasn’t pounding right now.”

He pulled away and looked into my eyes. “Do you.. feel the same way..?”

“Yeah, I think… I know I do. I like you too. I want this, I don’t care that you’re a guy!”

Tears streamed down Jade’s cheeks, but a smile formed on his face. “If it would make you feel better, I could get breast implants and transition. I’ve already been considering it..”

“That’s up to you, but I like you just the way you are right now.” I cupped his cheek with my hand. He looked longingly at me as his bottom lip and jaw trembled. Feeling the moment was right, I pulled his face toward mine and pressed my lips against his, closing my eyes. He was taken by surprise at first, but soon gave in and wrapped his arms around my neck. I pulled away just long enough to rip that stupid itchy fake mustache off, then we resumed. We opened our mouths and made the kiss more passionate, and man did it get heated. Lips were licked, tongues were sucked on, we did just about everything you could do while French kissing for I don’t know how long.

As we lost ourselves deeper in passion, Jade unbuttoned my jacket. I removed it and tossed it aside. He then unbuttoned my dress shirt, ripping some of the buttons off until my chest was exposed. I pulled my arms out of the sleeves and let the garment fall to the floor. I wasn’t buff or anything, but my arms were toned. My body was in decent shape considering all the drinking I had been doing, though I clearly needed to start working out again. It was good enough for Jade, he lifted his tank over his head and off, then pressed his bare chest against mine. I felt his nipples harden, they felt like tiny pebbles.

“Let’s go to my bedroom…” he moaned lightly. That sounded like a great idea, considering where this was going. He got up first and led me by the hand to his bedroom. I could not take my eyes off his ass. His shorts were still on but imagining what his butt must have looked like only added to my hunger. Once inside, we made out again with fiery passion. He unfastened my belt and yanked it out of the loops of my pants. I kicked my shoes off, then slide my pants down, not even bothering to unbutton or unzip them. I was only wearing boxers and black socks at that point, both of us were breathing heavily as I removed one sock at a time. Jade pulled his shorts down and stepped out of them, revealing see-thru black panties with a noticeable bulge in the front. There was a tent pitching in my boxers.

We looked into each other’s eyes, our chests were rising and falling deeply. With an unspoken understanding, we removed the last of our undergarments at the same time. Jade’s naked body was either clean shaven or waxed, I couldn’t tell but it didn’t matter to me. All that mattered to me was how fucking sexy his nude form was. I don’t know how big my dick got that night, but it had never been as long and thick as it was that night. Jade’s wasn’t small either, but mine was bigger. He laid down on his back, I joined him, laying on top of him. We moaned as we made out again, my body was on top of his, and our cocks were pressed together. I bucked my hips, causing our dicks to slide against each other. There was a rough friction to it at first, but our combined precum lathered our members, making the action much slicker and smoother. I stopped kissing him and pulled away, holding myself up with my hands and continuing to grind my meat against his. I wanted to look down at him, to see the ecstasy on his face. He looked up at me with half open adoring eyes as he cooed and gyrated under me. We humped each other harder with every passing moment, causing his bed to shake. I felt that I was going to cum at any moment, but I didn’t want to stop, frotting his cock against mine felt so good that I wanted it to last forever.

Suddenly, he grabbed my shoulders and gasped loudly. His gasps became screams as I felt him blow his load all over my cock and stomach. His hot sticky fluid coating my skin caused something within me to snap. I ravenously thrusted myself against him until I came as well. I slammed my eyes shut and roared as I unleashed what would be at the time the largest amount of semen I had ever produced. I covered his cock, stomach, and part of his chest with a white glaze, like a donut. When I finished, I was seeing stars, I thought I was going to pass out. I opened my eyes and looked at Jade. He was tired but had a look of pure bliss on his face. I rolled off to the side and collapsed, I didn’t want to fall on him.

“I love how your cum feels on my skin…” He was dreamily content, using his hands to spread my goo all over the rest of his torso, giving special attention to his still hard nipples. Afterward, he rubbed my seed all over his genitals, he had enough of an erection left for him to grab it and coat the whole thing with two stroking motions. Once finished, he licked his palms clean, swallowing my cum. “So tasty…” his voice quivered with desire, he was getting horny again. “I want more… more cum…” I don’t know how, but my cock was rising from the dead. I was exhausted, but my dick was ready for another round.

“I… don’t know if I can go on…” I muttered, I was still panting.

“That’s alright Eric honey, I’ve got it.” Jade giggled. He positioned himself between my legs with his face above my cock. He grabbed it, gave it a few light strokes, then licked my head. He wasn’t slowly licking it either, he was licking it like it was a popsicle that was about to melt. His lust for my dick was insatiable, he was lost in it. An idea popped into my head.

“Let’s.. lick each other…” I moaned. Jade responded only by turning his body around so that his cock was hovering above my face, he never once let go of mine. I returned the favor; I licked his dick with the same amount of unbridled frenzy that he was giving mine. I never imagined I would perform oral on a male, but licking Jade’s cock was exciting. The fun only got better when we took each other into our mouths at the same time. I filled his mouth more than he filled mine, but that didn’t matter to either of us. His cock pulsated in my mouth as I swirled my tongue around it. All I could hear were his moans and the sounds he was making as he sucked my cock, making slurping and loud suction noises. I imagined his cheeks were sinking in every time he made that erotic sound.

My hands found their way to his ass, which felt plump as my palms clasped onto his cheeks. I bobbed my head up and down, sliding my lips along the length of his shaft was my digits explored his crack. The moan he made sounded like one of approval. My right middle finger found his hole, it puckered upon my touch.

He pulled my dick out of his mouth just long enough to speak. “Stick it in, baby…” he said with deep lust in his voice, then shoved my dick back into his mouth. I drew small circles on his anus with my fingertip. As it puckered, it felt like his asshole was kissing my finger with light pecks. His ring seemed to be trying to suck it in, and after applying a little pressure, my finger went inside him. I felt his voice echo through the whole length of my cock and down to my balls, which he was fondling. I pushed my finger in deeper until my knuckles touched his ass. While we sucked each other, I twisted my hand to the left, then to the right, with my digit being squeezed by his rectal walls, he seemed to enjoy that very much. I began thrusting it in and out of him while still twisting.

Our activities intensified, with muffled moans and the creaking of his bed filling the room. Jade’s thin body writhed on top of mine, I could tell that he was getting close, I knew I was. We never agreed to warn the other when we were about to cum, we simply let loose. Between my sucking of his cock and the fingering of his asshole, he was the first to erupt. Bursts of hot salty fluid filled my mouth, it was thick and creamy, runny blobs of it were being deposited onto my tongue and almost down my throat. As I swallowed his load, I bucked my hips one last time and blew my own, it felt like I was cumming as much as I did the first time. I removed his cock from my mouth so I could scream. I heard him gag a little, but he eagerly sucked down every last drop I had to offer. Even after pulling my cock out, he still continued to lick my head until he was positive no more was coming.

“I loved your cum, sweetie, did you love mine?” Who could say no to a voice like that, saying something so sexy and dirty?

“I did, babe” I said, lightly popping him on his ass, he jumped and giggled a little.

“I’m so happy you did! I’ll go grab us some towels to wipe off with, one sec!” Jade got up and left the bedroom. I watched his bubble ass as he left. If I hadn’t been so tired, I would have fucked him as soon as he got back. He came back moments later, handed me a towel, and we wiped the cum from our first orgasms off our bodies, which had been smeared all over us during our 69 session. We tossed the dirty towels to the floor, then he climbed back onto the bed and laid next to me, resting the side of his face on my chest. It felt nice.

“That was the best sex I’ve ever had…” Jade spoke lightly, he was as tired as I was.

“That was the first sex I’ve ever had…” I never imagined that Jade, or “Jay”, would take my virginity, but looking back on it, I’m glad he did.

He looked up at me and smiled. “How was it?”

“It was.. magical. I wish I had the stamina to fuck you, but I’m completely spent.”

Jade lifted his head, and his smile widened. “Don’t worry, Eric, there’s always tomorrow!” He gave me a peck on my cheek, then snuggled next to me. I immediately heard light snores; he had fallen asleep instantly. I wasn’t far behind; I closed my eyes and the only thing I remember after that was a sensation that made the bed feel as though we were floating.


I opened my eyes and noticed Jade’s bedroom was much brighter. It was the next morning, after 8 in fact. I stretched a bit, which woke Jade up.

“Good morning…” he yawned.

“Morning, sleep well?”

“I sure did! You were in every dream I had, so they were all pleasant!”

A part of me thought that last night was a dream, but seeing Jade looking at me with such adoration, it was real. He sat up and stretched, I looked behind him at his ass. Let’s just say a certain part of my body was the first to rise.

“Come on, we should take a shower before breakfast!” He got up and held his hand out. I took a moment to admire his naked glory before taking his hand and standing up. My eyes were glued to his ass, it was smooth and round, with a deep crack. The bathroom was small, just like in any apartment that size. He bent over to start the water and swayed his hips, he knew I was looking at his butt.

“Jade, I don’t know how clean we’re going to get, because I want to get dirty in there…” my cock had already grown so large and hard that it almost hurt.

“Well, I do recall you saying something about wanting to fuck me last night..” He stepped into the tub and turned to look at me with a grin, giving me a seductive look. I took at moment to watch the water wet his lithe body before joining him. He turned to face me, and we made out. His cock grew hard against mine, reaching its full size.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment We kissed for a bit, then he turned his back to me and pressed the crack of his ass against my dick, sandwiching it between his cheeks. Having been made wet from the shower, his slick shiny ass easily moved up and down my shaft. I felt his puckering hole “kiss” my dick at times, I was about to lose my mind. I pulled away and pointed my head at his perfect light pink anus. He flexed it, and made it open up for me, I could hear air being sucked into it.

Jade turned to look back at me. “Put your big hard dick inside me…” he was already breathing heavily. His asshole closed just as I was about to enter him, what a teaser. I pressed my tip against his sphincter. It required some effort, but I pushed until my head breached past his muscle. His jaw dropped as he let out the sexiest moan I’d ever heard. The inside of his ass felt incredible; it was hot, wet, and super tight. His muscles were naturally trying to force my cock out, but I felt him making an effort to relax himself and allow me access to his depths. I held onto his hips and continued to push until his ass was against my lap, I was all the way inside him.

“Fuck me, Eric.. fuck me as hard as you want until you shoot that yummy cum inside me…” he moaned. I pulled my cock out and little, then pushed it all the way back in. I wanted to make this last, so I took my time, fucking him slowly at first. He held his head under the shower water while I fucked him, damn he looked hot with wet hair! Water ran down his back and ass. I started fucking him a little harder, enough to splash the water flowing down to his backside. My dick stretched his hole and made light squelching sounds from inside him. I reached around and grabbed his cock, stroking it.

“I love how the inside of your asshole feels, Cara mia!” I moaned. I had no idea what I was thinking, so don’t ask.

“Oh Mon Cher, stretch my asshole while you fuck me deep. Make my body and my ass yours..” I guess Jade liked the idea of “Gomez” and “Morticia” fucking in the shower. I increased my pace; water was splashing everywhere and our skin was popping loudly with each collision. I looked down to see my dick disappearing between his ass cheeks with each thrust. That made me fuck him even harder. The squelching sounds became louder.

“Yes, Tish… take my dick.. I’m going to make you fucking cum too!!” I shouted, slamming into him at this point.

“Oh baby!! Yes.. yes… YES!! I want to cum while you’re pounding the shit out of me.. make me fucking scream!!!”

“I want you in my lap when we cum…” I grunted. While fucking Jade from behind was hot as hell, I wanted us to be in each other’s arms when I came inside him for the first time. I pulled my cock out, leaving his asshole wide open. I sat down on the floor of the tub, then he turned to face me and sat on my lap. He sat up a bit and positioned his ass over my throbbing cock, then lowered himself until I was inside him again, much more easily than the first time. It felt like I had impaled him, but judging by our screams, both of us enjoyed it.

I thrusted into him with everything I had, and he rode me with equal force, wrapping his legs around my back and his arms around my neck. Water cascaded over us both while we fucked and kissed, splashing it all around us. I leaned in to kiss his neck, he moaned and tilted his head back. I felt his cock and balls sliding up and down against my stomach, a little extra addition to his asshole being ravaged. I stopped kissing his neck to make a declaration.

“Jade… I’m going to cum!!!!”

“Oh Eric.. do it… shoot it all inside me… I want to feel it.. I need it… breed me…”

We resumed kissing, breathing loudly and giving it our all. I gritted my teeth and groaned, it felt like my dick exploded inside him, like I had released my entire load in one shot. However, I felt more blasts fire into his rectum, I opened my mouth and my groans became screams.

“Oh baby!!!! Your cum is setting my insides on fire!!! YEEEEESSS!!!!!”

With that, hot liquid shot from Jade’s head onto my chest and stomach. He was really letting it go too, I don’t think he came that much either time last night, but I don’t think I did either, I felt like I was releasing a river into him!

I fell back against the wall of the tub when my orgasm ended, Jade collapsed against my chest. Neither of us were able to speak for a couple of minutes, only able to pant. What an incredible feeling, so share such erotic bliss with someone. I thought about how many people had experienced this to some degree more times than I ever would, but I wondered if they felt anything to how good that felt. It was indescribable!

“Are you alright?” I spoke first. Jade nodded, then looked at me.

“I’m better than alright, I feel like I’m in heaven..” he looked like he was. I’ll always remember the looks he gave me, but that one stood out. I wish I could have gotten a picture of it.

“Good, so am I, Cara mia.” We kissed while we recovered in the shower, the water was still raining down on us. Once he was able, he stood up, my cock fell out of his hole along with a copious amount of my semen.

“My goodness! You really bred me!” We both laughed.

“Yep, and I’m going to breed you again and again.” I found the strength to stand as well.

“I want nothing less..” Jade smiled at me with puppy dog eyes and pressed his lips against mine. We made out for a bit, then we cleaned ourselves off and took a proper shower. After that, we enjoyed a nice breakfast and spent the entire day together, hanging out and fucking two more times.


That was a year ago, Jade and I have been together since. I moved into his apartment soon after our first night together and we have been happy since. Chris and his asshole friends disowned us, not our loss really. Nate hangs out with us regularly; he couldn’t have been happier that his plan worked. I think he was also happy that he didn’t have to fork over $1,000. Oh well, it was worth it. And yes, I did buy him two drinks the first Friday after my night with Jade. Poor bastard got so drunk that he had a shitty Saturday.

For the longest time, I thought I was a failure because I couldn’t get laid to save my life. I saw myself as God’s practical joke on the world, but one person saw what I couldn’t, that I deserved to be loved. And that same person taught me to love myself. I know how it feels to be invisible, to hate and blame yourself for it. But even if no one else sees you, if no one else loves you, you must see and love yourself. I’m not going to tell you that a “Jade” will magically come into your life, there is a real chance that he or she may never come along, I got extremely lucky. But please, love yourself, your own approval is all you need, never seek it from any outside source! Be your own “Jade”!!

Anyway, that’s my story. It’s Halloween again, Jade and I are going to a different party as Gomez and Morticia Addams. I know, we did that last year, but we wanted to celebrate our anniversary by wearing the same outfits. Maybe we’ll do something else next year, or maybe not, we’ll play that one by ear.

I walk over to “Tish”, grabbing him by his waist and spinning him around, then dipping him. “Are you ready to go, Cara mia?” I ask before kissing his hand and along his arm.

“Oh yes, Mon Cher…” he coos. “Is.. Thing in your pocket?” He looks at me with surprise in his eyes that turns into a mischievous look.

“No, that is MY ‘thing’!” I respond with a devilish grin. We might be late for the party…

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