The Audition Room Pt. 04

A gay story: The Audition Room Pt. 04 Waking up in the morning I felt a lot of feelings. Last night was a lot. I feel like I hurt a friend and potentially affected the show negatively, but I also had an amazing time with Noor. My mind was in a constant race going back in forth between Jackson crying, Logan seeing me naked, my first time with Noor, and randomly the sandwich I had for lunch. I didn’t know what today was going to be like, then I felt an arm around me. And suddenly I felt a lot more secure.

That changed quickly, as the two of us were getting dressed I received a message from our stage manager Abby stating that Jackson was not coming in today. She told me he claimed he was sick, but I knew he had lied to her. I should’ve known this was a possibility. Maybe a day or two off will be all he needs. I texted Carson and let him know to report to rehearsals today, he will be filling in as Guy for the audition scene.

It’s a rough day for Carson in that his first day filling in is a scene where he’ll have to expose himself to the whole cast and crew but in a way that’s just initiation in this show.

I knew today would be awkward for Carson. I had no idea it would be THIS awkward. In Guy’s audition scene he makes a complete fool of himself and is then asked by the group what makes him stand out, he responds by removing his pants. The audience sees his backside but the cast and crew see his front and they’re supposed to react as if it’s the biggest dick they’ve ever seen. Unfortunately for Carson when he goes to pull down his pants the guys all burst into laughter. I told them to knock it off, annoyed at their immaturity. Then Carson shamefully turns around, pants and underwear still bound around his ankles, whilst cupping his genitals in his hands.

“Carson this is awkward but can you remove your hands please, I need to make sure you’re comfortable being naked on stage if you’re going to step into one of these roles.”

He did as I asked, and I looked down at him. I wasn’t quite sure what I was looking at at first, I couldn’t make out a shaft at all. I saw his testicles and a skinny little head sitting on it but nothing more. Rather this was nervous shrinkage or just an unfortunate level of irony from its current state Carson seemed to have the smallest penis I’ve ever seen. I told him not to worry though as he obviously seemed worried it would affect him, I told him the other men will not pick on him for it any longer. We ran it through again and the guys were much less cruel but I did see them making pinky movements anytime Carson looked away. A win is a win.

As we finished rehearsal I grabbed Logan and Abby.

“Logan I have a very busy schedule this evening, and I don’t think I’ll have time to give you the time you’ll need tonight. However our stage manager Abby has offered to work with you tonight in my absence, I’ll even throw in a dinner for you two my treat. Does that sound okay?”

“Sure that’ll be just fine”

“Awesome I will see you tonight Logan.”

As Abby walked away Logan gave me the biggest hug he’s ever given me (and with him that’s saying a lot). I told him it was the least I could do as a thank you for last night and I really did have a busy schedule this evening.

“You’re the best wingman ever, thank you! I love you man!”

“I love you too”

we hugged, and kissed, goodbye just like last night.

After rehearsal plans included something I dreaded, something I needed to do, and something fun. In the interest of professionalism I felt it only responsible that I had a conversation with Joseph. As much as I dreaded the thought of it it was significant in moving forward with the show.

I opened up to him about what happened last night with Jackson, and then told him I had begun a relationship with Noor.

“Wow I was not expecting this when you said you wanted to meet, I just assumed I missed a few too many lines today.”

“Be serious please. Are you okay?”

“Look I knew the risk when I signed up for a production directed by my ex, there’s nothing that’s gonna get in the way of me being in front of those scouts as long as you don’t take it away from me. And I’m happy for you, really. You deserve it.”

He goes for a hug and I back away

“let’s keep this strictly professional”

He nods and walks away. Now for Jackson.

I went to Jackson’s house as a way of offering him an outlet to express how he was feeling, between our conversation the night prior and him skipping rehearsal today I knew that emotionally he needed someone. And he was far too proud to tell anyone what happened between us, so it had to be me.

I knocked on the door, when he saw me he gave me a look as if he wanted me to go away, but he knew that my presence was important. Then he started crying

“I’m so sorry I missed rehearsal please don’t take this away from me, I really need this and I hate that I screwed it up, just please please-”

“JACKSON! I’m not here to take your part away.”

“You’re not? Then why are you here?”

“I’m here to check on you.”

He was touched by that and relieved and he pulled me into his embrace.

“Look I promise this will never happen again, I just needed a day alone with my thoughts.”

“I understand”.

“What did you all do today?”

“Audition scene, Carson stepped in for you”

“Oh, was he y’know-”

“better than you? No.”

“Well thank you but that’s not what I was wondering”

“Oh? What were you going to ask?”

“Was he bigger than me down there?”

I let out the loudest laugh I’ve laughed in a long time

“that’s really what you’re concerned about?”

He sorta shrugged.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but no. He has the smallest penis I’ve ever seen, he got so embarrassed that I think if you miss again he might drop out.”

“Poor guy haha. It won’t happen again I promise. This means so much to me, and so do you.”


“Can I just ask one more thing?”


“Did you tell Noor about our talk?”

“Well technically no. However he was in the room the entire time we were on the phone”


he began to look embarrassed and worried.

“Don’t worry about that he’s not gonna tell anyone, and he’ll be supportive.”

We talked a little more than I headed out.

“I expect extra rehearsal time to make up for today!”

“You got it!”

Now the last thing on my list was meeting Noor for dinner. Unfortunately for me that plan changed when he got stuck in traffic. So what was going to be a nice dinner became ordering in pizza and chilling at my place later. I looked at the time and realized Logan’s rehearsal time would’ve ended so I decided to pay him a visit to see how things went.

I knock on his door, and a few moments later I see Logan answer the doorbell wearing only a robe.

“I guess it went well?”

“You could say that haha”

It was then I glanced over and noticed Abby’s car. Ah. I open his robe teasingly and look down to see him at a fully erect 5 1/2 inches.

“You’re right Logan we’re not even after all”

We both laugh. I tell him that I’ll head home that I was just checking in and I’ll let him have his fun.

“Thanks again seriously, I owe you big time. I love you bro”

with that he gave me a very sweet hug, unknowingly poking my rib with his penis.

“I love you too”

this time I initiated the kiss and playfully added a “go get some tiger”.

I get home and take a quick shower. As I’m drying off I hear my doorbell ring, I decide to playfully answer the door naked for Noor only to open the door for someone else. Lawrence. His eyes went big as he looked up and down my naked body. I embarrassingly grab a towel and wrap it around my waist.

“Sorry Lawrence, I thought you were my boyfriend”

“You’re all good Mr. Director just a little more of you than I came to see.”

I laughed it off trying to hide how mortifying it is for me that now all of the men in the strippers group have seen me naked (Brandon saw me naked in change rooms back when we did shows together).

“What brings you here?”

“Well it’s actually about little Carson”

“What about Carson?”

“Well I overheard him say he was considering quitting the production due to feeling embarrassed after what happened today”

“Oh no really? I’ll have to talk to him about it”

“Thank you, I think it’ll help more hearing it from you. Because you didn’t laugh at him.”

“I’ll definitely talk with him about it, the last thing I want is for someone to feel as if they aren’t welcome in one of my productions. Thank you so much for stopping by”

“Of course no worries”

I hear a car park outside

“Ooh I better skedaddle it sounds like your fella’s here”

I hear a knock on the door and before I can stop him Lawrence has let Noor in

“Hey buddy what brings you here?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing”

they both look at me.

“Noor, Lawrence came here because he wanted to discuss something with me that he needed my help fixing. Lawrence, Noor is my boyfriend.”

Noor kinda nodded partially relieved, partially nervous, but mostly just impressed I told Lawrence on my own. Lawrence’s response was far less scary than I worried

“Aw! That’s great, I definitely saw a spark with you two on picture day. Alright I’ll get out of the way. See you Noor, bye Mr. Big.”

“Mr. Big?”

“I answered the door naked assuming it was you”

“Excellent haha”.

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