The Coffee Shop Ch. 02

A gay story: The Coffee Shop Ch. 02 As Alex walked back to his dorm, he couldn’t let go of what just happened. It felt like he was in this crazy dream which he could wake up from at any moment. The shirt that he got from Raphael smelled like him, he wondered if he worked in it and how much he sweated in it. How his torso looked under this shirt. While he was thinking about that, he was getting a bit hard. He wasn’t bricked up or anything but it was slowly getting there thankfully he was almost at his dorm.

The minute he got in his dorm, he locked the door and started to take the shirt off. He held it up to his face and the smell made his semi boner into a fully hard one. He started to undo his zipper and pulled down his pants. His 6 inch cock bounced out of his underwear. He spat on his cock and slowly rubbed the head of it. As the sun began to set his cock was glistening in the sunset, it looked like it could be in a porn magazine. As he was playing with his cock he walked over to the other side of the room and closed his curtains. Fortunately he looked out over a field, so the chance was quite small that anyone caught him. He went over to his nightstand, which was in front of the curtains, and got some lube out. He had in one hand Raphael’s shirt and in the other one the lube. He laid on his bed and put his legs up in the air, he squirted some lube out of the bottle and put it on his hole, and started to slowly massage it. He laid the shirt on his face and was slowly starting to insert a finger in himself. He started to go in and out and quickly put a second one in. He let out a soft moan and started to slowly stroke his cock up and down. As he fingered himself faster, the strokes would speed up too. He imagined that he got fucked by Raphael’s big cock that he just saw, that he was hanging over him and looking him directly into his eyes as he got pounded. Alex was starting to feel that he could cum at any moment now. He got the shirt off his face and started to stroke his cock with the shirt. “Ah ah” he softly said. Ten seconds later he started to finger himself even harder and the strokes got faster and faster. His eyes were closed and then,

“Ah fuck me. Ah!”

He came. His cum, shot onto the shirt. Alex plopped down onto the bed with his hand above his head. His cock was still covered by the in cum covered shirt and it clearly outlined his twitching cock.

A couple of hours later he woke up, It was already ten thirty. He was butt naked, with his ass up to the ceiling and his cock and the shirt towards the bed. He stood up with some semi-dried cum on his stomach and a soft cock. As he stood he looked down and smiled a bit. He saw the shirt and saw that it was totally covered by his cum, it dried up a bit while he was sleeping but it was still pretty sticky. He laid the shirt on his desk and went to bed again.

Raphael woke up the next morning, he was still thinking about what happened yesterday and what would happen today after all of that. Although he was flirtatious this never happened before. His dreams were filled with Alex and how they would kiss, fuck and even just cuddle. He knew he was starting to develop a crush on him, if he didn’t already have one. Sex dreams were pretty normal but this was something different, more sensual, sweeter. He just wanted to lay with him in bed and be his little or big spoon. And it would be okay if nothing more than that happened. As he got dressed someone knocked on the door of his room. He lived together with two roommates named Oliver and Rowan, they all met in high school as they were struggling with their identities and decided to move in together after graduating. Oliver was bi and just graduated college but still hadn’t found a job. Rowan was non-binary and worked in a local bookshop since graduating high school.

“Yeah come in”

“Hey Raphael, I made some breakfast. You want some?”

“Yeah sounds great, coming right now.”

Raphael always took the bus to work, he lived a twenty-minute bus ride from the coffee shop. As he got on he started to think what he should say to Alex. He was good with words and all but he still couldn’t find anything to say that wouldn’t make it possibly awkward. He had never been in a situation like this one. Should he just act like nothing had happened or should he continue to flirt. He

quite liked Alex after all. He just hoped that Alex would come and that he wouldn’t be too shy or something, because he might not know him very well but he did know one thing about him. That he was ultra shy. Raphael got off the bus and saw Alex on the other end of the street. To Raphael’s surprise Alex waved. They went into the coffee shop together and most of Raphael’s fears didn’t come true. It was a little awkward but by far not as awkward as he expected.

“Your outfit looks great today but I only miss the best part of it.” Raphael said

“Oh thnx. But what is the part that is missing?” Alex said while his face turned a bit red.

“The shirt I gave you yesterday of course.” Raphael said with a mischievous smile while looking directly into Alex’s eyes.

“Oh yeah of course. I will return it to you as soon as possible.”

While Alex said that he thought about the shirt that was totally covered in his dried-up cum. He tried to not look Raphael in the eyes too much, although that was almost impossible because as soon as you looked into his eyes you would get lost in them and a bit lost in his soul too.

They both walked to the back to change into their uniforms. The uniform was just a black shirt with a little logo of the coffee shop on the heart area. Yesterday Alex didn’t have to wear it as he was still learning, but today was his first real day. As they both took their shirt off they secretly looked at each other’s body, both knowing damn well that they were being watched by each other. A suspenseful energy filled the room, although they jerked off, gave head and came with each other this felt like something new. Maybe even scarier in a way. More intimate. When Alex saw Raphael’s body he was simply amazed, you could definitely see that he worked out a bit. Especially his pecks. They were quite big, you could easily squeeze them and have a handful. His nipples looked delicious and weren’t too big or too small, almost perfect. His shoulders weren’t too broad but they were pretty muscular. He didn’t have abs but it was somewhat defined and a small trail of hair went from his belly button to his pubic hair, it almost felt like an invitation. Especially with the sharp v-line that also showed the way to his big cock. Alex’s body was not too muscular. He had somewhat defined pecs but in comparison with Raphael they were none existent. He had a little chest hair just enough to notice and a happy trail leading to his cock. As they both were standing there shirtless, Alex started to get semi hard he couldn’t not think about what happened in the same place not even twenty-four hours ago. Raphael quickly noticed it, the bulge wasn’t too big but his crotch was heavier than five minutes ago. That was perfectly clear to him. Raphael himself also started to develop a minor boner. Alex immediately noticed it as it was hard not to, with him having such a big cock.

Quickly Raphael said, “We stared enough let’s get to work.”

Handing Alex the shirt.

Alex took the shirt being somewhat taken aback by what Raphael said. He felt like he was caught, although he already knew that before Raphael said it. But at least he also caught Raphael staring at him.

The shift went pretty smoothly, both of them tried to not get too distracted by each other. The whole day you could feel sparkles flying between them, which were pretty noticeable. Alex’s shyness started to usher away as the day progressed but towards the customers he almost felt like a different person, his shyness would come back like it never disappeared. Alex did make some mistakes which caused some semi angry and agitated customers. When that would happen Raphael would immediately step in and help.

“Hey you did a pretty good job today, especially for your first real day.” He said as they were closing down.

“Thnx, but without you I would have been dead, especially with the last man. And that was the smallest mistake!” He said laughing.

“Mistakes happen, in the first couple of months that I worked here I made mistakes all the time. It is just the more you do it the better you get at it. Kinda similar to sex in a way.”

“Hahaha got it. Maybe one day I can be as good as you.”

“With what sex or being a barista.” Raphael said while staring into Alex’s eyes.

“Mainly being a barista.”

Raphael was sort of shocked, was Alex flirting with him now?! He didn’t know what to say, this is what he had hoped for all day basically but absolutely didn’t expect. He started to like him even more and he felt like today he met the “real” Alex. One that can also be more chill and less nervous and shy. Although when he is shy he is at his cutest.

“Oh yeah, if you want your shirt back it is in my dorm. You wanna go and grab it? It is only two blocks away.” Alex knew perfectly what he was getting himself into but he needed to return the shirt to him one day, so why not like this.

“Yeah sure.” Raphael answered.

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