The Consummate Game


A gay story: The Consummate Game Tay Jay circled the room. Plasma TV, view of the park, Mardi Gras tiles on the kitchen floor, custom made cabinets, large walk in closets in the bedrooms. “This has everything,” he said trying not to emphasis his astonishment. “I like it.” The penthouse had a large open living room that felt like being inside a menagerie. The private pool reflected blue shards of white light into the east side windows. The motion was close to the rippling of a man’s back in the way of passion. But the place wasn’t about passion. It was about working to get a nut. At least, that’s what crossed Tay Jay’s mind.

Dinner yachts could be seen from a telescope. The night visor kicked in at the flip of a button. High tech shit as some called it. Dwight nervously surveyed the man in the room with a poker face and calculated precision, too afraid to show that he was uncomfortable. Tay Jay had worn his hair in true thug fashion, plaits hung from all sides weighed down by bullet barrettes that made little metallic clinks when he moved. He looked like a comic book vigilant that would reload his pistols by drawing ammo from his head.

Dwight was a frat boy could have been, only his slight off center kept him from fitting the mold. He liked it that way most of the time. It was how he stayed comfortable in his own skin. He’d never considered that it might have had something to do with his sexuality until that night high above midtown where he let another man’s cock inside his ass as part of the obscure bargain.

“So we go’n do this or what?” Tay Jay seemed to be on edge. The state prosecutor had told him he was looking at five to ten. What choice did he have? Freedom came at a cost he might have paid a hundred times over behind bars. So when the attorney came to him talking about an alternative, he listened. All he had to do was spend the night with a client. Five to ten defending his ass or a single night giving it up to some rich white dude and walking out of the penthouse a free man the next day.

“You’ll be back with your girl as soon as tomorrow maybe, simple as that, no one will be the wiser. Just do this one thing for my client.” The words were sardonic. The representation was needed. Sleep with the man and freedom was just six inches and ten minutes into an uncharted future. Do whatever he says. Sell out. Sell it, or go to prison and have it taken from you. That was the counter point. A second arrest for possession, more than 15 grams, the choice was simple, sign up for the alternative. Sleep with the faggot.

He kept wishing he was high, “of all the nights to be fucking level” he thought. He wanted to go into the bathroom and take a hit from his stash, but remembered he left it in the car. Too much confusion. Tay Jay looked from Dwight to the attorney sitting at the bar stirring a cocktail pretending that nothing was going down.

They were waved away “you can fuck in the bedroom.” The words tore at the poker-faced man calling himself Dwight. Still he walked toward Tay Jay with an extended hand. Thoughts went through Tay’s mind while looking at that hand, the palm turned slightly upward, the ease in which Dwight willed himself to accept another mans touch, his eyes were nonchalant about the nature of Tay’s sex, there was something familiar in them. The two men hesitated.

The attorney sat down his glass and motioned toward the front door. “Either of you are free to go. As I said, you would not be forced to keep your end of the deal. I can not reverse the judge’s decision Tay. But, there are other things in your file that could become known. Your call.”

Tay saw himself already across the large room back to the Vestibule, home to his girl’s sofa bed and supple warm breast. Only he stood still and took Dwight’s hand. “Good” the attorney continued. The distance between the men closed like miles. “You both have secrets to keep. If you want them kept you will indulge us with a little entertainment.”

Dwight stood looking at Tay Jay with a closed mouth stare, then at the attorney who had connections in places high enough to put justice on hold. The tension in the room was insurmountable. The attorney came from behind the bar drink in hand. “Please gentlemen I am just the messenger – my employer can be a very tactful man.”

Tay moved in close to Dwight with a stare that saturated the man’s eyes demanding to know what kind of game was at hand. Tay stepped forward and tagged Dwight hard on the shoulder but he didn’t flinch.

Dwight was actually hoping not to go through with the tryst, but there he was and there Tay was. “He is no better off than you,” he told himself. Tay Jay looked back and forth at the attorney, then Dwight. It was twisted. A fucking rich man’s game of real TV.

“We know what will happen to you Mr. Harrison so I wonder if Mr. Barrington would also like to force our hand?” The attorney’s question went unanswered at first but the scowl on Tay Jay’s face demanded some type of response.

Dwight spoke. “Could we please just get this over with?”

The answer was a silence that said the game would continue. The bullets dangled heavy, how many women had he paid for sex, called whores out of disrespect? Dwight looked from Tay back to the attorney and reluctantly removed his belt, pulled off his shirt and kicked off his shoes. The action was repeated and both men stood before the other like meat. “Showers at the gym, football practice, it was no different, just pretend dude was a bitch. Six inches between myself and getting out of this mess,” was the thought.

Dwight dropped his shorts revealing a girthy cock. “Oh my” the attorney responded giddy. “This is going to be interesting.”

“Shit,” Tay Jay gasped “you fucking like dick.” He removed his underwear with the cockiness of a guy who had the biggest, fattest cock in the locker room. The attorney bore back a lascivious grin. “Might as well enjoy this” Tay said and grabbed at Dwight’s “tender ass.” The violence that resulted was unexpected and Tay went toppling over a small table.

“I’m not your bitch motherfucker!” The little bullets barely had time to settle from the fall before they were back in motion and both men were at each other’s throats. It took some effort to release the man pinned at the end of his arm, but Tay did so instantly. The mention of his dealer’s address stopped him cold, followed by a simple look that solicited the same from Dwight. The attorney didn’t have to make his threat any clearer.

“Get the fuck off me” Dwight ordered.

“Get the fuck of me what?”

“Pretty, fuckin, PLEASE.” At that point the men were not only face to face, but dick to cock.

“Good” the attorney chimed. “Now that things are settled, gentleman you are both here for the amusement of my employer, and those that have mutual interest.” He moved to face them, his tall slim frame seemed impenetrable in his unwavering authority. If nothing else, he was professional.

“Why are you doing this” Dwight asked revealing a slight southern accent.

“Shouldn’t the question be, why are YOU doing this Mr. Barrington? Let me put it another way. A lot of powerful people have put up a lot of money to see how this scenario will turn out.” The young man settled and got to his feet, lowered his head and said nothing.

They entered the bedroom as requested, circled to either end of the mattress and turned back to the door. There was a mirror on the north wall and a view of the skyline from a patio. “You really just going to watch? Wouldn’t you prefer to join us?” Dwight glanced at the Black man standing next to him swinging his dick mockingly at the lawyer.

“Actually” the attorney responded “I’m stepping out to grab something to eat. The two of you can decide who fucks whom first.”

“Didn’t know I had an option” Tay smirked.

“There are always options Mr. Harrison. Thought both yours and Mr. Barrington’s profiles suggest a strong aversion to homosexual situations, isn’t that the case?”

The prosecutor closed the door laughing for his own amusement. Tay stopped twirling his cock and it fell limp between his thighs. Dwight tried to avoid eye contact. He heard Tay fall onto the bed, seemingly comfortable in his nakedness. Time surrendered to silence. Little red lights in several corners of the room reminded them that they were being watched.

“You scared of this dick” Tay Jay quipped when Dwight didn’t sit down. “You heard what the man said. The sooner we get this over with the better.” Tay got up from the bed and walked to the window. He sized Dwight up, seeing for the first time that there was something delicate, but frightening.

“What they got on you to make you pull this fag shit” Tay Jay asked. “You two know each other? Is that what this is because I can’t see how a country frat boy could end up in some shit like this. This some fucking game you two play? That really your boyfriend?”

“Fuck you! You don’t know me.”

“I know some bullshit when I hear it” Tay glared out the corner of his eye. “I just came here to get what’s in that file.”

“Yeah. And then what? You think that will be the end of it? You saying you’re not afraid that you might” the plea almost sounded tearful.

“That I might what?”

“Nothing. You came here for the same reason I did.”

“Funny but you haven’t said what you came here for. I know one thing, I ain’t afraid of nobody, especially no punk.” Both men knew it wasn’t true. An hour passed before another word was spoken and then it was in whispered tones.

“I came here because the attorney knew stuff that nobody else could know. Shit that if it got out,” Dwight moved toward the bedroom door, then back to the bathroom. “I owe the wrong people a lot of money. I lost it all, my home, the car, and then my family. I need to get it back. These guys, they have a way of fixing things.”

“Don’t fuck with me about this they shit. Who’s they? I should beat your ass right now! Give you bitch ass fags a show like you ain’t seen!”

The room echoed slight sound of the night and sky. A helicopter passed over the building and could be seen shredding the tension on the horizon. Dwight broke down into sobs. “Oh so you’re the only man in this room? Well fuck you. If that’s what it takes for you to get it up then do it.” Dwight turned to face the stranger. “It’s no less than I deserve.”

There was a moment between them, a commonality that for an invisible second brought them closer. Dwight sat on the edge of the bed and said nothing. He lowered his head into the palms of his hands and pointed to a box on top of a nightstand. Tay walked over and picked it up. His pulse raced as he broke the seal. Inside were photos of what he had feared. The attorney had joked earlier, “we know you did last summer.” The photos should not have existed. The crime had been filed as unsolved years prior to the date, but there they were.

Dwight had a similar file. In it was evidence of an affair he’d had outside of his marriage. His wife knew nothing about it. A watch he stole and lost in a bad poker hand sat at the bottom still ticking. It was all there and all so impossible that they had been that close to his life. A crumpled slip of paper had a hand written date on it – his own writing. It was the day he had taken Becky to get an abortion. He remembered how hard it had been for him to talk her into it. He even went so far as to promise he’d leave his wife and marry her so they could do it right. She believed him.

It was there. Pieces of their lives that they had thought belonged to no one. Tay looked at the man on the bed, doubting that he was even there, doubting that anything happening to him in that moment was real. He wanted to believe that he’d gotten some bad shit but knew that wasn’t the case.

He put everything back, closed the box and looked around the room shaken. “They hadn’t tried to hide the cameras,” he thought out load. “If we fuck,” he went on “that’ll be one more thing they’ll have on us.” Tay walked over and sat on the bed. Dwight moved away from his naked body.

“Did you know what was in my file” Tay Jay asked trying to keep his voice steady.

“No. I don’t want to know anything else. Not my business.”

The man who had held a stark gaze in the living room now looked disconcerted, his face revealed his desperation. He brushed Tay Jay’s hand unintentionally, and let the touch linger.

“They have stuff dating back five years, I don’t understand. There’s shit in that box that I barely know about, and it’s all about me.”

Dwight lowered his head again. “I’ve been here off and on like this for a month trying to bargain for the money to put my life back in order.”

Tay took a hard breath not wanting to believe any of it. He got up and moved over to the sliding door. It opened onto the roof. He cracked it briefly then closed it again, waiting for what Dwight had to offer. “So your saying you asked for this? These guys make a game of humiliation and psychological crap and you asked for it?”

“No. I had no choice. What else could I do? My wife moved out, and even if I get the money to get our house back…”

“Why should I trust anything you have to say? As far as I’m concerned, you’re just another mother fucker that I can’t relate to.”

“But I’m telling you the truth. If you walk out of here, you’ll wish you hadn’t. I know, because my father used to be one of them.”

The familiarity in the eyes made since. “You’re the son of that shade tree preacher who built a mega church from selling prayer cloths and a bucket of hope? Fuck. No wonder you looked familiar.” Tay Jay laughed at the irony. “I remember the story from a couple of years back. You told the press your Daddy’s hand worked the miracle of God, even though you knew he was” Tay stopped. “Bullshit” he paced the room not knowing how to react, the implications suddenly appeared more sound. The Preacher had had an empire but lost it after being accused of activities similar to what the attorney described.

Dwight appeared more agitated “you are the first person to recognize me in years. It seems like a lot of people are unaware, you know.”

“Well, ‘I ain’t stupid’ about the world, I only sound like a nig…”

“That’s not what I meant” Dwight stammered and reached for Tay Jay. It was then that the lock on the door clicked and the attorney stepped into the room. He stared at Tay then at Dwight as though waiting for some sort of trained response.

“Interesting. Maybe I should change my wager.” Dwight realized he was holding the naked man’s arm and released it to the attorney’s amusement. “Gentlemen the refrigerator is stocked, and the house is yours for as long as you need to get to know each other. You are our guest here. Make yourselves at home. I’ll be going, have to meet with a senator in the morning.”

The attorney left and was not heard from all night. The two men ate, and let most of the time pass without consummating the promise. At around four in the morning Tay paced back and forth, by then oblivious and unimpressed by the things around him. Both men had been thinking about the sex and it was before them like a symbolic crossroad. They talked about pussy to avoid the subject of the two dicks in the room. Tay had spent a lot paying for pussy, Dwight had thrown away winnings on it, this one sucked cock the best, that one couldn’t take it up the ass because the dick was too thick, “cunts anyway” they laughed intoxicated as much by the moment as the liquor. Things had been like that for a while, the attorney and the client had become a non-issue.

Dwight’s resistance to Tay had gone, he actually wanted the moment to come to fruition. The arousal he’d felt creeping in and then subsiding all night slowly overcame the stress. Tay was the symbol of all that he loathed, and everything that he needed, he felt that neither of them had anywhere to turn. “I’m going to shower,” he said finally, leaving the Black man to thoughts unknown.

The warm water did more than just arouse him, it made him hungry for the uncharted map of another man’s cock and body. Unlike the time before, he wasn’t angry, he was remorseful. Had he denied some absolute truth? He felt a hurt within him that had been with him for many of his years, and for the first time he was willing to give into it and move on. It was only then did the tears start to flow. He kept his head hung low, to avoid the electric eye of the camera. He didn’t know how many men had tuned in to the see his life unfold in such a way. The very same show his voyeuristic father helped start, now stared his own son. It had started with the taping of confessions, then using those to get people to dig further into their pockets. But what did that matter? From the front side of the lens he was no longer in a position to change things, and wasn’t sure if he wanted to.

The curtain slid back, but no words were spoken. Tay got in behind him. It was a little past five and the sun would be coming up. “This time there will be no forfeit” he thought to himself and the realization turned into a relaxed submission. They had tried earlier but failed. “Just let it happen.” Jay took him hard from behind.

Squishy slaps of wet flesh echoed off the tiled wall, the muffled cry of pain clinched back in the clumsy moment of fucking straight men. The alternative punishment inflicted on his body from the girth of a full-grown cock elicited a moan. The full length of feeling from Tay’s cock drew up within his balls, tingled in his toes, trembled uncontrollably in his legs, pulling from him pleasure that he wouldn’t have known.

Tay found that he wanted the sensation to last, play long in the ass that he so horrifyingly took at first. It stretched and bled. Tay wanted the man sex and told himself that it was ok, he was doing the fucking so it was ok. One hand fumbled for Dwight’s breast while the other reached around to play with the pussy that wasn’t there. What his hand found was a hard cock. He grabbed it, he stroked it as his own. Dwight gasped at the surprise, the sperm moved up from his sack and into his shaft, and for the few remaining minutes that they were connected, they moved with the grace Dwight and Tay Jay had only thought possible with a woman.

The knowledge spewed from both of them in the form of release. Both men cried out in pleasure, Dwight pleading for it to both stop and continue, Tay knowing that the next moment would be him on the bottom. Dwight’s head hung low and he saw his sperm flow down the shower drain with a tinge of pink. “I’m bleeding.” Tay stabbed at him hard with his cock uncaring, kneading for his own pleasure “I’m bleeding you have to stop.”

“Just a little more” he said and wouldn’t give up the sweetness of Dwight’s insides.

“No” he gasped with his cock twitching and convulsing more jizz with each remaining thrust of Tay’s orgasm, “we have to stop. PLEASE! It fucking HURTS too much!” Dwight twisted around forcing Tay from him at an unusual angle that gave them both unexpected pleasure. The sudden empty feeling in Dwight’s rectum was a relief but only for an instant before the throbbing set in. He felt suddenly as if the entire world was aware of what he had done. The entire world felt as if it were exploding from his ass. He held on to Tay to steady himself expecting to be pushed away instead what he found Tay holding on.

He had become concerned for his concubine even if only for the selfish reason of wanting to experience again the kind of sex he never knew existed, but partly always wanted. Jacking Dwight was like jacking himself and he swore in his head that for a moment his cock was somehow inside Dwight’s. The thickness felt like two cocks, and there was something powerful about having held that, having taken that, having milked that.

Dwight made his way out of the shower and onto the toilet with Tay’s help. His legs felt weak. “Fuck. Could you give me a minute, please.” Tay backed out slowly not wanting to leave, partly afraid that he’d never have the feeling again. For that moment Dwight seemed to be the only person on earth that could give him pleasure, the only man who had pleased him like no woman ever had. His orgasm had came fast and unexpected. Dwight had something in him that no one else did.


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After he made his way to the bed and settled down he wondered if it was the same with other men. His thoughts moved forward to the next encounter as he fingered his cock forgetting where he was and what he was, but the moment found him fast. By the time Dwight came out of the bathroom, first morning light pored into the room. In Tay’s eyes Dwight was the fag, and he protested giving up his own ass, but did so in order to get the file.

They fucked for a second time on the bed, with Dwight taking his time. He didn’t just plow into Tay but let him adjust to the head first, the first inch or two, then half shaft, working Tay’s hole extra slow. The throbbing in Dwight’s ass was a steady reminder of what rushing would do. He could have slammed into Tay’s ass like a storm, but took his time and enjoyed doing so in order to make it last, he moved slowly in and slowly out. Tay’s head whipped from side to side and it wasn’t long before he had his hands on Dwight’s hips pulling him all the way in and begged him for more. Somewhere in the world whores were laughing, but he didn’t care.

In his mind he became the whore and Dwight became him. Dwight seemed to care that the experience was pleasurable. In conclusion, it was. The two flipped positions a couple of times before the rest of their seed was spilled. Dwight fucked Tay doggie style, paying extra attention to the tiny little hole that could stretch to accommodate his White cock, and his own ass that could in turn do the same. The two men jacked off and finished the deed without saying anything. When they finally stopped, Dwight cleaned the cum from both of their bodies. It was over.

They sat mostly in silence in the living room waiting for check out time. The subject of the night’s game might have came up, but it was immaterial. The attorney appeared on the plasma monitor, smiled and told both men where to find their envelopes. “You are free to go.” Tay clutched the envelope and stuffed it inside the box to complete his file. He turned back hoping Dwight would follow him out but he was still fumbling with the safe combination. “Oh, and gentleman” the attorney laughed “you would have gotten the evidence and payment regardless of how things turned out.”

On the street the two men stood in front of the building facing each other wanting to say more than they knew they would.

“You,” Dwight remarked, “going to be ok about this?”

“Does it matter?”

“No, I supposed it doesn’t. Think we will ever see the attorney again?”

Across town, the attorney sat in a scheduled meeting:

“I wouldn’t worry too much Senator. I think we can arrange something, I would however like to talk about your position backing a lot of anti gay politics.”

“What’s that have to do with the situation in question?”

“Well, let’s just say that I know some people who are curious about your views. Why don’t we schedule a follow up at my penthouse, say in a week, after I look into those records you mentioned.”


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