The Cruise Ch. 01

A gay story: The Cruise Ch. 01 Chapter 1: The Boy in the Red Shoes

** This is the first story of what I plan to be a multi-storied series. There will be two parts to this series but many stories if that makes sense. So this story is in the first part and it is the first story of that part.

Please, if you like this or don’t like it, leave a comment or star it. I would really like to improve my writing, and feedback from you guys helps with that!

Thank you, and best wishes! **

I pulled into the driveway, it was twilight out. My dad had installed the biggest, brightest light bulbs ever. There were two on either side of the garage door. Another two were placed between the familiar red front door. I sighed, leaning my head onto the cold steering wheel. I was tired, the drive from Washington D.C take over 10 hours, mind you. I felt like going to sleep, but my head slipped accidentally, honking the horn loudly; echoing across my silent suburban neighborhood, Miss. Helmika looked out her window, furious. I rolled my eyes and got out my Impala slowly. I waved to her, smiling as she closed her curtains in a rush, swearing under her breath.

I sniggered, walking over to the trunk and getting some of my bags out. I threw my backpack over my shoulders, and put a few other things in my hands. I sighed again and started creeping over to the red door of doom.

I mean it wasn’t that bad. I couldn’t wait to see my sister and mother. I got along with them so well but, my father and I, well, we weren’t the best of friends to say the least.

I trudged under the weight of my things as I strolled up to the door, and gave the doorbell a ring that echoed throughout the large house. I heard Ruffles start barking like the world was about to end, and my spirits lifted. I had missed my dog the most of all. However, my spirits took a nose dive as my tall, greying father answered the red door of doom.

“Hello, son — shhhhhhhhhh, Ruffles! — ya need help with your bags?” My dad asked in his deep southern accent as he pushed the white snowball that was Ruffles out of the way. I nodded to his question looking down and smiling at the absolute love of my life.

“Molly and Celi,” dad shouted turning around and putting his worn brown shoes on, “Noah is finally here,” and with that he glided past me to the car.

I sat down on my knees, putting my bags and things to the left of the door. Ruffles, who seemed to have not changed at all since I left for Georgetown, jumped on me. She licked my face like a lollipop, spit went flying everywhere. I laughed and playfully tried to push her off.

The licking continued as a shadow from above blocked the ceiling light. I pushed the animated little fluff ball off me to see my now tanned mother looking back at me smiling.

“My college boy is home!” She smiled in her light, high-pitched voice as I got up to hug her.

“Mommy, what the heck did you do to your face.” I questioned as she pulled me into a tight embrace.

“She got a tan, Noah,” my sister said jumping down the last step of the stairs, her long blonde hair in a tight pony tail. “She said ‘that is what all the cool mothers are doing these days’,” rolling her large green eyes, she smiled widely at me. I ran to hug her too, not letting go until dad came back in carrying what seemed to be the rest of my bags.

“Yeah, just leave me with all the bags, I’ll manage,” he said sarcastically, dropping them down near my other bags with a loud ‘THUD’.

“Don’t mind him, he’s been being a little turd all day today,” mom whispered to me, giving a nasty look at my father, who went into the other room.

“You ready?” Celine smiled as we all went up the stairs to what I presumed to be mom and dad’s bedroom.

“You know it. How is everybody? I’ve missed you guys so much,” I said as I opened the door and walked in into a brightly lit bedroom. The TV was playing a real nasty episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

“Well dad’s getting into fixing things again. He always in the garage after he gets home from work,” she answered quietly. I haven’t talked to my dad in a couple of months. We really don’t get along well. You see he’s a pastor and me being me, well he really didn’t fully approve to say the least. So we kind of just didn’t talk much. All three of us plopped down on the excellently made large-white bed, that I assumed mom and dad had just bought. Mom must of saw my surprise because she smiled.

“It so comfy. Right?” She said carefully running her half painted nails across the bedspread.

“They didn’t get me a new one though,” exclaimed Celine who rolled her eyes at mom. “And you know I need one!” She cried gesturing her half painted blue nails in my direction. I smiled and looked down at the red and blue nail polish that they were using to paint their nails with.

“Mom, you gotta do me,” I giggled holding out my long unpolished nails and smiling.

“Your dad will be so mad, but okay. Only if you tell us everything about Georgetown and Washington D.C and…..” she trailed off looking down at her still wet, half finished nails.

“Mom wants you to tell us about the boys!” My sister exclaimed. Mom shot her a mad face that silently scolded my sister.

“He can tell us about anything he wants to Celi.”

I did just that, I talked about Georgetown and the wonderful little shops and eateries that I found. I told her about my classes, and how my political science teacher arranged for us to meet a couple of members of congress up on the hill. I even told her about how I had drank a beer that my roommate had offered me. ‘ As long as your drinking around people you trust,’ she said seriously. What I didn’t tell her was about Jordan. I don’t ever want to talk about Jordan again.

“You look so prrretty,” Celine beamed as I got up to flaunt my new nails around the bedroom. Ruffles barked softly as I walked past her and patted her head lightly.

“No pictures please,” I said jokingly as I walked around the room, modeling for my mother and sister who clapped loudly.

“Yassssss,” my sister remarked. “You better work dat runway.”

I turned around just as dad opened the door. Every head turned to him, even Ruffles snowy little head turned to see who had came in.

“Noah, take that off right now,” my dad proclaimed unsettlingly, staring me square in the eyes with a confused look.

“Peter, we’re just having a bit-” mom said over the tense silence between us. The only sound seemed to be the screaming of a fight that had erupted on the TV. I hope that wouldn’t be me in a few seconds.

“You left your bags downstairs Noah,” he interrupted my mother firmly, still looking at me like I had just been found guilty of murder.

“Molly,” he called unevenly shifting his gaze to my bewildered mother. “I am going to the church to set some things up for Sunday when Francis teaches. I’ll be back late.”

My mother nodded as my father took one last glance at me and glided back downstairs.

Mom was about to say something but I spoke first.

“I need to take a shower anyway,” I sighed, following him quietly.

I stared into the large bathroom mirror looking at myself quizzically, I was tall, maybe 6″2′. My dirty blonde feel across my forehead, as I rustled it up with my fingers. My hair was like my sister’s, but she had longer, lighter hair. I had soft blue eyes, to her large green ones, but if it counts, my mom said that we had the same noses, long and skinny just like her own. I don’t have much in the way of muscle tone but I’m skinny; skinny enough for some outlines of abs to show through, and veins to run down the length my scrawny arms. I remembered in middle school when all I did for the summer was sit-ups. I was trying to impress this girl I ‘liked’. It didn’t really work out as you can guess why.

I looked down at my limp dick and smiled. I might have been a skinny white boy but man did I have a dick. Mine was at least 4 inches soft and 8 or so hard. I grabbed it and flung it around, moving my veiny foreskin back to reveal my perfectly reddish-pink head. I stroked it back and forth a bit and felt the beginnings of pre-cum. I hadn’t jerked off in ages. For one, my roommate was always in the room and I didn’t really feel comfortable doing it there. Another reason was that exams had really taken up all my time. Not allowing me to escape the never-ending endeavor of studying.

Now that its summer and I’m alone finally, I pulled on my now hardening cock. It twitched sensually and let out a small dose of pre-cum. Ever since I started jerking off in middle school, I always leaked a rather large amount of pre-cum. It went every where, and goddamn did I loved it.

I had drawn a bath after I had put my bags in my old room. I could see steam rising from the crystal clear water of the bathtub. I bit my thin red bottom lip and dipped my large toe into the water. Chills ran down my spine, it felt so good.

It took me a while to get used to it, but eventually my full body was emerged in the steamy water. It felt amazing on my tense back as I gave out a loud moan and bit my bottom lip harder. My thoughts meandered every which way. One minute I thought of dad scolding at me, the next my thoughts fell on Jordan as I massaged my muscles, the warm water enveloping them.

As you might of guessed, he’s this guy I met at Georgetown. He was a sophomore, and we had the same major, though we meet in a math class. He was having trouble with a problem and turned to me to help him out. I later found out that was complete bullshit and he’s as smart as Einstein. He only wanted a reason to talk to me and eventually one thing let to another and he asked me out. I, of course, accepted because he was gorgeous, ( aren’t they all ) and thus began our love affair. I say affair because he had a girlfriend. Yeah, I know, never get involved with a straight boy.

My hand swept across my abs which I flexed as I felt them up.

I had just remembered one particular night I had with him. It was just after Christmas break, and he had told me, just before I left for home, that he had a girlfriend. I, of course, broke it off and was tempted to tell his girlfriend about everything.

My cock jumped, making small waves in the bathtub. I moaned softly, filling the bathroom with echoes.

We texted all throughout break and I finally forgave him for doing it, but I told him I never wanted to see him again. I knew that if I did then I wouldn’t hesitate to throw myself into his arms. But, me being me, I couldn’t not see him again. I couldn’t do any of it so, on the first day back, I showed up to his apartment and we kissed and flirted and drank and smoked. I told him I loved him.

I loved when I moaned, it made me even more horny then I already was.

We made love that night, he was so rough with me. Goddamn, it felt amazing.

My hand slithered up my body like a snake, sliding over my hard nipples. I moaned again, throwing my head back as I felt my dick pulsating under the steamy water. I pulled my middle finger into my mouth and sucked on it, just liked Jordan used to do with my hands, while my other hand massaged my waiting hole, it was really begging to be fucked hard. I spread my legs like a good little boy, putting one leg up on the short white barrier that separates the bathroom from the tub. I took my fingers our of my mouth, gliding it down past my still hard nipples. Caressing the soft bumps that made up my abs. Letting my hands grab hold of my now semi-hard cock, and drooping red balls. The moment I did this my PC muscles contracted, sending waves of pleasure throughout me.

“Oh, Fuck. You’ve been a very bad boy Noah.” I said quietly, thinking of what I did with Jordan, as I continued to massage the opening to my waiting pink hole.

“I think you need a good FUCK as your punishment.” I exclaimed biting my lower lip and bringing my middle finger of my other hand up to my mouth. I wet it and spit on it so it would glide smoothly in. I got up out of the tub, stretching my right leg on the top of the white barrier at a 90 degree angle, and leaving my other leg half submerged in the still warm water. I bend down, sticking my ass up in the air. My rock hard cock dangled, touching my stomach as I hunched over.

Now, with my left hand tugging on my now fully erect 8 inch dick, I let my middle finger go softly at first into my pink hole. It was tight and really didn’t accept it well but I keep at it. I pulled it out and in, out and in, out and….. each time getting easier, and the moans getting louder.

“Awh shit. Fuck me, that feels good.” I said loudly, taking my wet finger out and tasting it, damn it tasted good. I licked it a couple of times, smiling with both pleasure and glee.

I put two fingers in my mouth this time, imagining that I was again licking Jordan’s thick uncut cock. I looked at them hungrily to see if they looked lubed up enough. Confident, I put them both into my hole and moaned loudly. I was surprised nobody heard it. Damn, I wanted to be fucked so badly.

I moved them in and out again like my middle finger last time. After I did it a couple of times I went in as deep as I could. I moaned loudly as a huge wad of clear hot pre-cum shot from my completely erect dick. It splattered all over my stomach and chest, some drops making it into the warm water below, chills of pleasure coursed throughout me. I grabbed my leaking cock and moved the pre-cum all around my shaft. I felt my PC muscles spasm rapidly as my hand moved from the very top to the bottom of my long shaft. My cock glistened from the pre-cum as I smiled and pulled back my foreskin to reveal the now oozing opening. I jammed my two fingers in my hole again, with another thing of thick hot pre-cum shooting out. That is when I felt it. It seemed to be deep down inside of my stomach, and it felt amazing. It was a light-warm sensual sensation, like a huge ball of pleasure grew inside of me. Every time I touched my dick, the ball of warmness seemed to edge a little closer to my sagging balls.

I started pulling on my dick again, while at the same time fucking my ass with my two hands. After a couple of seconds I felt that sensation start to grow and seemed to overtake me in a sense. I rolled my eyes back as it moved closer to exploding, continuing to stoke my fat cock. I stood up hastily and leaned my pale, wet back against the cold white wall. My dick seemed to grow in my hands, as I felt my drooping balls tighten up, I was about to cum. However, just as I was about the go over the edge, I stopped. My dick twitched hard and I felt the beginnings of an orgasm but nothing but a large thing of pre-cum shoot out. I threw my head back smiling devilishly, biting my lips hard.

My dick twitched for what seemed to be hours, but when it died down I turned on the hot shower. I let the water at the bottom of the tub drain out, it had gotten cold.

The water showered over me as I started the same routine again, only this time I tried 3 fingers. It took me a second, but I was able to fit them all in. I moaned loudly and starting jerking my enormous uncut cock again, while still fucking my ass. Nevertheless, within mere seconds, I felt the sensation growing again, pulling my hands in and out faster than ever before. I felt them hit the very top of my prostate, making me moan louder than ever. I, however, let it die down again as I removed my fingers and laid down on the now empty tub. I didn’t dare go for a forth finger as I inserted my 3 longest, wettest fingers into my ass. They glided in nicely, with my loud moan being drowned out by the shower. The hot water rained down on me as I closed my eyes, thinking about Jordan, about cute boys I general. They had veiny dicks and huge muscles, the cutest eyes and smiles. I wished I had one in this lonely shower as the sensation grew again, starting in my stomach, and traveling down to my tightening balls. Butterflies seemed to form there as I got closer to the edge. My toes clinched up and I let out moan after hungry moan. The sensation was so warm, and my whole body seemed to tingle, my god, I was going to cum. I felt the first wave of contractions hit me. The sensation did seem to go away but poured out in the very first long-white sprays of hot juicy cum. They flew over my wet golden hair, spraying the white tile of the shower. I almost screamed as I bit my lip hard and felt my PC muscles pulse unendingly as my fingers lay deep inside my hole. My heart raced as I thought of the cum jets that Jordan shot as he came all over my stomach that night. It seemed to make my cum shoot further, the warming sensation draining me. I came what seemed like forever as my body twitched, and the last few pulses hit my now wet hair and one long wet-hot shot of cum hit me square in the right eye.

I come back to my senses, realizing what just happened. I got up, cleaning the cum off my hair and eyes with the steamy water. I washed up quickly and jumped out of the shower. My still semi-hard dick swinging every which way as I wiped the fog off the mirror and looked at myself. My hair still had some specks of white in it and I cleaned it off quickly, smiling. I looked at my dick and felt instantly horny again. I moaned softly and rubbed my towel on my cock. I started to the toilet and was about ready to grab the lotion when there was a hit at the door. I rolled my eyes as I heard my sister yelling.

“Noah! You are taking forever! I need to get in, it almost 11!” She shrieked as I banged on the door again. My sister was the earliest riser that I’ve ever laid eyes on. It kind of sickened me that someone could actually like to wake up early. This meant that she went to bed before midnight almost every night, and it didn’t help that we had to be up really early tomorrow.

“Okay Celine, I’m almost done,” I said pulling my clean clothes near me and throwing them on quickly. “For goodness sakes,” I whispered under my breath as I cleaned up a bit, and peered at the shower to make sure there wasn’t huge globes of wet cum still on the tiles.

After I let a mad Celine into the bathroom I went to my old room, closed the door and tucked my dirty clothes into my already full suitcase. I turned off the light and sunk into the crisp covers. I thought about pulling my still semi-hard dick out, but was just too tired. I did have my own room on the cruise ship. Oh that’s right, I forgot to tell you. We’re going on a cruise in 2 days time. First, staying with my Aunt and Uncle in Miami, then off on a 14 day trip around the Caribbean. I had my own room, in the cruise ship, which I was particularly excited about. I didn’t think I was going to bring boys back to the room. I mean it was only 14 days, who could I get that close to in 14 days? Plus I’m trying to get over Jordan, and at this rate, I don’t think that’ll happen. Every time I got a whiff of something that even remotely smelt like him, my stomach seems to burn with a thousand butterflies. I was getting that feeling as I thought about Jordan holding me like he did the night we made love. I fell into a long awaited sleep as the warmth of the covers enclosed me.

“Be downstairs and ready to go by 5:15,” My dad said, practically dancing out of my room. My dad was such a morning person just like my sister, and I hated it. I stared, squinty eyed, at his back as he danced downstairs. Yawning widely, I got dress in a tank top that accentuated my muscles, and threw on some khaki pants, throwing my PJs in my second suitcase. I went to the bathroom and was delighted to find it free. I ran through my toiletries as fast as I could. Not before I heard a familiar knock.

“Okay, I’m going as fast I can Celi.” I exclaimed looking over my shoulder to see her standing there yawning widely. I messed up her sleep schedule because of my bathroom charade last night. I turned forward, sniggering to myself.

I finished up and hurried down the hall to my room. I packed my stuff away, grabbing my tremendously heavy bags and hurrying down the stairs. I looked up at the large clock above the fire place.

‘5:10’ it read, giving myself a silent ‘yes’. I had always been a tad bit competitive.

My mother and father came down first, with Ruffles trailing in their wake. My father came down with his half-full 2 bags and briskly went back upstairs to get my mother’s 6 bags.

“Grandma told me to never pack light,” she said smiling as she came down the stair wearing the sexist white high heels I have ever seen.

“Oooooo someone is looking sexy,” I cried giving a wink to my mother. She smiled and stroke a pose like a model. I pretended to take pictures on a camera while laughing loudly. My father rolled his eyes and complained to me.

“Noah, son. Could ya please help me with the bags?”

“Coming dad,” I murmured, frowning a little as I went over to help him. He took care of his 2 bags so I was left with mom’s bags. They seemed to be filled with stones as I carried 2 out to dad’s ‘manly’ truck. 10 minutes later, we were about done when my sister came down with her 4 bags. My dad and I rolled our eyes.

“Sorry,” she said looking embarrassed.

By the time we were backing out of the driveway, the digital clock on the dash board read ‘5:45’. Our plane took off at a quarter to 7, hopefully we’d make it. I needed this vacation bad, and though dad practically broke all the speed limits, we got there in time and boarded the flight just as they closed the gate. I sat back and relaxed, putting my headphones on, allowing me to sleep.

I was just about to fall into a deep slumber when I spotted him. He was tall, about 6”4′ and had a head full of jet-black hair that was combed over. His high cheek bones and sleek hair made him look like the sexist model I’ve ever seen. He had the brightest smile and was talking to this older lady in front of him, he was politely helping her with her carry-on bags. My heart leaped and I looked away so he couldn’t catch me staring. Celine must have seen me because she called from the window seat in the aisle to the left of me.

“Are you okay Noah? What happened?” She asked with a sense of worry in her voice. “I was watching Final Destination the other night! OMG, I don’t wanna die!” She yelled across the aisle, looking freighted.

“No, Celine, I didn’t see the plane crashing.” I smiled keeping my eyes off the handsome stranger directly in front of me. He was putting a rather large green duffle bag up above him in the compartments, which made his ass stick out and the end if his shirt to lift up, revealing incredibly toned love handles and the beginning of a six pack. My dick jumped, and I felt as if I just had the wind knocked out of me. My God, he was so cute. I diverted my attention, looking at my baby sister who evidentially must have seen him, because she smiled and winked at me.

The mysterious cute boy had finished, and was walking towards me as I looked to the window seat next to me. It was completely empty, making my heart sank faster than I had ever felt before. It was like I was on a roller coaster but the intensity had been kicked up 10 times.

I hopped to goodness he didn’t sit next to me. I physically closed my eyes and prayed silently, as I would make a complete and utter fool of myself. However, God must’ve been on his own vacation because I heard his voice – or what I imagined his voice would sound like – speak out over the starting roar of the engines.

“Excuse me, I think that is my seat.” I opened my eyes and looked at him and all his beauty. He was skinny but had a definite buff to his chest. His blue eyes dazzled as he looked at me with a slightly amused smirk. He was absolutely, positively perfect.

“Ahhhhhhhh… yes.” I answered trying not look at him straight in the eye. I got up and allowing him to put his stuff above our seats and settle into his own. As he sat down, I smelled his distinctive smell, something that I will always remember to this day. I really don’t know how to explain how it smelt. It was some sort of cologne that he never told me about, but it seemed to take my breath away a thousand times over.

“Thanks,” he said as we both settled down into our seats. “The name’s Gabriel.” He exclaimed, with a slight Hispanic accent, as he looked at me and smiled cutely. My heart was melted completely at this point and I was at a loss for words.

It took me a couple of seconds but I regained my surroundings, swinging my head around to look at him. The first thing I saw where his huge eyes. They were vast and deep and a shade of blue, that matched mine. I wanted to stare at them forever. He was still holding a slight smile that dazzled me as I apprehensively peered at him. Lastly, I noticed his muscles a little better now that he was sitting near me. They made a huge outline in his skin-tight grey sweater, his nipples were hard enough that they made cute little bumps in the fabric.

“Ummmmm….. my name is Noah,” I answered uneasily looking away from him. At that moment the flight attendants sounded over the intercom with the safety briefing. I let out a big breath and looked over towards my sister. She was looking at me smiling, knowing that I hated this but loved it at the same time. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I smelled it, I smelled him. Everything was about him; he intoxicated me, making me dream what his bed sheets smelled like. I bite my lower lip uneasily and sighed.

We didn’t talk again for a while as the flight attendants continued their long safety briefing, that I didn’t hear. The roar of the engines became increasingly prominent as the plane rolled to the runway. I think we took off, I wasn’t too sure as the world seemed to fall away.

I opened my eyes in what seemed to be just a few seconds later. I was in Jordan’s bedroom at his apartment, the place I had lost my virginity in. I was on his large California king bed with his soft red sheets. It seemed to be dawn or dusk as pink-reddish light streamed into the window to the right of me.

Jordan lay in the bed to the left of me. He was asleep with his shirt off as he usually does. I could see his upper abs, with his long brown hair strewn all over the white pillow he was sleeping silently on. Picking up one lock, I felt it between my fingers. It seemed crisp and real, my spirits perking up as I smiled. Oh my God, I was back in Jordan’s bedroom! How?

I swept my long pale hands down his face, tracing his shaved jawline with my fingers. They swept past his neck to land on his fairly muscled pecks. I could fill my dick growing under the sheets as I rubbed his nipples. He didn’t bulge, as my hand crept to his nicely defined abs.

You see, Jordan is a swimmer, so he had the most perfect swimmer’s body that I had ever seen. My dick jumped and continued to grow to full mast as I pulled the covers to reveal Jordan’s massive dick sticking through his shorts. It was lying on it’s side so that I saw his cock head by his short’s pockets. My dick was now fully engorged with blood as I again slid my hands down his warm tanned skin. I bit my lip as my hand slid over the bumps that made up his abs. As my hand descended the last pair of bumps, his dick gave a twitch that made me moan, I wanted him in me so badly.

I started to open his shorts, the only thing that seemed to separate him from me. At that second, the door gave a screech. I looked up to see Gabriel looking at me, smiling devilishly. He had nothing on except a jockstrap, his massive package seemed to be calling to me. His eyes wide and full with joy, as he walked over slowly. So slow, in fact, it seem like it took hours for his massively muscled body to jump on top of me. I threw my head back as I felt the heat from him hit me. His dick rubbing against mine, I moaned loudly, forgetting that Jordan lie right next to us.

I pulled my face up to look into his, he had a grin that made my heart leap, his large blue eyes easing me.

“Quiero Que Me Hagas El Amor,” he declared in his deep, yet gentle voice.

He grabbed my neck with his powerful right hand, steering his lips towards mine. I closed my eyes and waited for his sweet embrace, but it never came.

I opened my eyes and the roar of the engines seemed to fade in. I looked down to see Gabriel’s head on my shoulder. He was asleep silently, his massive arms crossed and his chest moving slowly up and down. I took a deep breath and could smell his hair. He had put something really amazing in it. I wanted to run my hands through it so bad. That’s when I saw it. His massive cock peeking through his tight gray sweat shorts. My eyes grew wide as I looked at it bulging through. I could see his massive dick head sticking through the fabric, he was definitely cut. I could also feel my own dick start to creep up into position. I let out a silent sigh, looking around to make sure no one saw. Everybody either was asleep or playing on their phone.

Maybe this was God punishing me for not going to church with dad, I don’t know. But this was definitely the cruel and unusual punishment the constitution banned. I turned back to the cute boy sleeping on my shoulder, more specifically I turned back to his massive dick. I licked my lips and started discreetly rubbing my own now fully erect cock. I smelled his wonderful hair and stared hungrily at his huge veiny dick as I rubbed my own.

I could feel pre-cum dripping down my shaft when the plane suddenly hit turbulence and I pulled my hand back in a flash. He woke up with a yawn, lifting his head slowly off my shoulder, and smiled deeply at me allowing his dimples to form. My heart gave a leap and I smiled back nervously. I didn’t dare looked down to see if the massive bulge lingered.

“Sorry,” he said with a smirk.

“It’s fine.” I said in a nervous, horsey voice. I moved at once inconspicuously trying to shift my massive bulge. I saw my mother and father ahead of me who were both fast asleep in their seats. My sister also seemed to be drifting off as she watched a movie.

The plane suddenly shook with another bit of turbulence. Gabriel quickly grabbed the armrest the separated him and me. My hand was already resting there as he squeezed tightly when the plane shook a few more times. He let go after a couple of moments, eyes still closed as if he was still expecting more.

“Sorry,” he said, his voice a bit shaky. “I’m afraid of flying.” He peered over at me, smiling uneasily.

I managed to smile as the butterflies in my stomach intensified. ‘Don’t make a fool of yourself Noah!,’ I thought.

“Oh, well I’ll be right here the whole flight, if you need a hand to hold, I got you covered,” I answered, happy I hadn’t said something completely stupid.

“This is your captain speaking,” a commanding voice rang out overhead, both Gabriel and I looked up as if to find the captain there. “We are now beginning our decent into Miami International, please put tray tables and your seats in the upright position. The weather is a balmy 76 degrees and completely sunny. Thank you again for riding, and we will be landing in a little less than 30 minutes.”

The roar of the engines died down as the plane started descending, I looked over to Gabriel who was looking out the window. I allowed myself a quick glance at his shorts, but the bulge was gone to my dismay.

I didn’t think he was gay. I mean, personally, I don’t think gaydar actually exists. But, he just didn’t fit the bill for it, as much as I wanted him to. If I thought he was, I would have made a bit more effort to talk to him, but since we were landing in less than 30 minutes, and I would most likely never see him again, why try? Plus, I’m done with boys for a while – mostly done with straight boys — but nevertheless, boys get on my nerves. With their girlfriends and their brown hair and their soft lips. I rolled my eyes and again looked over to Gabriel who was now facing straight ahead, closing his eyes again, both hands on the armrests. He looked like he was holding on for dear life.

We landed about 30 minutes later at Miami international; Gabriel and I didn’t talk much, and I was relieved as much as I was sad. I mean, I didn’t like making a fool of myself in front of a cute guys, and it was bound to happen in front of Gabriel eventually.

It took a while, but the plane deboarded. Gabriel was just in back of me, with my sister in back of him. I presumed our parents were ahead of us, and sure enough they were waiting with smilies as we stepped out of the jetway. I saw Gabriel getting off and meeting the older lady he helped get on the plane in Atlanta. You know when boys wake up from naps and they’re really cute and they yawn and stretch, and always seem to have their hair messed up. Well, that is exactly what Gabriel look like. I practically fainted.

“How was the flight?” Mom questioned as we grouped just outside the gate.

“Yeah,” my sister said peering at me was glee in her eyes. ” How was the flight, Noah?”

“It was good,” I answered absentmindedly as I looked for Gabriel among the sea of people. I spotted his bright red shoes as they disappeared slowly up a escalator.

We rode silently, driving though the winding roads of Miami’s premier suburbs. Tall, picturesque palm trees swayed in the light breeze. A light blue sky stretched untouched by clouds for miles.

“Well, I thought he was cute,” my sister murmured over the sound of laughter, breaking me from my trance.

“You know I don’t like to talk about boys, Celine,” I complained after a period of silence between us.

“That’s it! You don’t like to talk about it. At all.” She said sounding frustrated. “I mean I am your sister, I’m not gonna judge you. What are you afraid of?”

Her last words seemed to echo inside my head as the car slowed down

“What are you afraid of?”

The large black truck swung into what seemed to be the largest house on the block. A large fountain decorated the grassy center of the driveway. The roof was a brilliant burgundy with the shingles seeming to glisten under the intense Miami sun.

“What are you afraid of?”

To the sides, there seemed to be two separate wings of the house. Both of them had many quite large balconies that seemed to reign over the suburban street. In the middle, the largest balcony stood above the large wooden door that my uncle led our tired family towards. Golden pillars braced the balcony up as the large wood doors swept open and out stepped my youthful aunt. She had a large smile on her face as she kissed her husband and courted us into her home, closing the door softly behind her.

“What are you afraid of?”


I ran up to my room as soon as I could. Of course, it was as large as could be with a huge bed that seemed fit for 10 people at the same time. I smiled as I pulled open the door to my own private balcony, the long white drapes flowed in the wind as I glided outside. There was a set of chairs with a table in between. I went over to the railing peering out over the beach. Below was the enormous patio with a in-ground pool. Palm trees and beautiful flowers of all colors were planted in the large garden to my right. Extending as far as the eye can see were rolls of Multi-colored houses. Houses that showed the money and power their owners held. Lastly, light blue filled my view as I looked over the vast, relentless ocean. I smiled wildly, going back into my room and crashing down onto the white loveseat that sat quietly in the room. My thoughts raced back to Gabriel and that smile. I bit my lip looking down at my jeans. It was already bulging as I rolled my hand over my soft skin. Damn, he made me so horny. I licked my lips and heard the ocean waves crashing distantly into the shore below. I threw my head back over the love seat as my hands made contact with my bulge. Moaning a soft whisper as I massaged the full length of my giant cock over my jeans, I imagined Gabriel and I down by the shore having sex on the beach. His long veiny cut cock hitting my prostate over and over again. I moaned loudly as I unbuttoned my shorts, slipping them off around my tight little ass. My underwear bulge flung out to my stomach. I could see a dark damp spot that showed evidence of my leaking pre-cum. I used one of my hands to lightly rub my long shaft under my underwear. All around my body, my muscles twitched as I touched it ever so slightly, filling the damp spot with loads of new pre-cum. I used my other hand to massage my lean abs and play with my rock hard nipples.

“Yeah, fuck me Gabriel. Fuck me hard,” I moaned quietly running my fingers through my soft golden hair. I pulled my hand down to massage the opening to my hole over my underwear. I almost yelled, as I felt the vast waves of pleasure cascade through me. I got so fed up with the pleasure that I quickly rolled my underwear down, sending my fully engorged dick flopping up and down. It hit my body, pouring pre-cum all over my stomach and chest. I looked down to see the sun hitting the pre-cum in just the right place, it seemed to glisten as it oozed down my hairless stomach. I took my hand and scraped some off, putting it joyfully in my mouth. I loved the taste of pre-cum more than the taste of pure cum. My pre-cum seemed to alternate, most of the times it has a sweet taste that I love, because I love sweet things in general. However, sometimes it can get more salty which I don’t really care for. However, this particular cum was sweet as I slurped it down. I tasted it on my lips as I licked them taking my dick in my hands and squeezing more pre-cum out. I licked it as I danced over to the door and locked it with a, “click!”

Hopping over to the bed, my cock swinging before me as I did. I bent down at a weird angle on the bed. I brought my knees close to my face, bending at my stomach area. While it hurt a little bit, my dick hit my lips allowing me to stick out my tongue and take the pre-cum that was gushing out of my cock hole. I tasted it as it slowly dripped into my waiting mouth; I imagined it was Gabriel’s.

It took me about 5 minutes but I was able to bend over to take a good portion of my dick in my mouth. I took it as far as I could. I had only done it 2 times before so I knew the basics, and could get a good portion of it in my mouth to start sucking it.

Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and Forth, I sucked, mostly on my head as I tried to push it further into my mouth. Gushes of pre-cum glided out of my hole and landed at the back of my throat, I drank it down happily. I pulled it out with pre-cum and spit going everywhere over my face. I took a breath and took my cock in again while I pulled my hand up to my open ass hole. I played with my little virgin pink ass, making me moan as I slid the cock in and out of my welcoming mouth. Every so often I would go as deep as I could, chocking on barely half of my massive 8 incher, and causing my PC muscles to spasm which sent amazing pleasure throughout me.

Then I felt it, that warming sensation that preceded a massive cum. I moaned as I pulled my cock out of my mouth, and sticking my dry finger as far up my moist ass as I could. I felt the first waves of contractions hit my ass, as my finger could feel my muscles spasming.

“Cum on my face Gabriel,” I whispered, letting out a quiet yell and and moaning softly. The cum hit my eye hard on the first jet almost giving me a black eye. The next few jets of white hot cum hit my blonde hair and flew past me on the way to the bed. I bit my lip as I opened one of my eyes to see my massive cock draining its load above me. I smiled, thinking of Jordan, as I unhinged from my spot and starting jerking my cock, helping the last few bits of cum ooze out onto my flat stomach. I happily licked them up along with the jets that landed in my eye.

I laid there for a while, listening to the ocean and feeling the cool breeze. A couple of moments later my sister knocked violently on my door telling me she is going down to the beach. I jumped up and yelled telling her I would be down in a minute. My now soft dick flapped everywhere as I pulled out my swim trunks. I found my vibrating dildo in there, I blushed red because the security guards must have laughed so hard when they saw that on the x-ray. I pulled on my favorite red shorts and flew out the door to join my sister.

“Don’t pay any attention to dad,” my sister said tanning on her large white towel. The ocean quietly sloshed against the shore as the laughter from the next door neighbor’s kids grew louder.

“I’m not,” I answered holding my tanning position on the towel next to my sister. “It’s just, I….I.. I don’t know,” I exclaimed with a sigh. “I don’t like-.”

“Yes, we know you don’t like talking about this stuff,” my sister interrupted angrily. “Noah, we’ve changed since you came out,” my sister said honestly, sitting up slowly to look at me, her large black round glasses blocking her large green eyes. “I don’t like it.”

I sat up to look at her, trying to figure her out by looking at her expression. I couldn’t do that with the glasses clouding her face, so I looked out over the vast blue ocean. “Me either.”

The breeze was soft and salty flowing off the now dark blue, hazy ocean. It was dusk, and the sunlight was making deep red streaks in the once light blue sky. I was on my balcony that overlooked the ocean, that meant I looked to the east. This neglected me the opportunity to see the sun drop below the horizon in the west, over the large suburban houses. As I got up from the chair on the balcony, there was a knock.

My aunt had this house built fully aware of the beauty of sunsets. She had knocked, telling me to get my camera. She knew that I loved to take pictures of different things. I was by no means a professional photographer, but I liked pictures of things that don’t happen too often, that was my speciality. Accompanying me down the long hallway, my aunt followed me gaze as I looked around. The hallway was decorated with many different portraits of unknown people, who my aunt pointed out by names I didn’t recognize. Fancy vases had a assortment of beautiful lilies arranged in them. I almost stopped to take a picture if she hadn’t pushed me along to a door on our left. It was a dark room that had stairs that twisted up to our right. I climbed them slowly, my aunt closing the door silently. She flicked the lights on beneath me as I continued to climb, emerging around the corner and looking at the door I front of me. I opened it slowly to find myself in a small lookout patch on the roof that didn’t seem to be visible from the street, but could give you a magnificent glimpse of the sky above. I wished I could live here as the sunsets and rises seemed to always be magnificent.

Maybe I didn’t need to take a picture, I thought. Maybe there was always a beautiful sunset in Florida. In Atlanta, they too always had beautiful sunsets, and only recently had D.C had seeable sunsets as the city pulled away from the grips of winter. I took photos anyway because life was short and,my god, was it was beautiful.

There were so many colors I hadn’t seen because I was on the wrong side. A light orange mixed with a deep passionate red and the brightest yellow I had ever seen. Every so often the scene would change. Instead of the red being in one spot, a deep orange would take its place. I wished secretly I had Gabriel by my side, flashing his pearly white teeth and soft blue eyes at me. I felt butterflies as I watched the warm sunset, and my mind filled with memories of him.

They actually had a fire pit up here, and everyone came up to see the sun set. Looking at the sunset before us. It looked like something was ending and something else was beginning in its place. It lasted like that for about 30 minutes before we could see the stars and hear then ocean. The warm breeze passing over us as we lay on our backs, me and my sister. The adults laughed above us, drinking their wine and talking. Me and my sister giggled about college and boys, about sour patch kids and money and love. We talked about the cruise and stargazed and laughed. How I really had missed her, and we weren’t out there not too long before the adults went in and watched some program on TV.

“I’m going in,” she said propping herself up on her elbows, not even a hour after the adult left. She stretched and yawned as she stood. The moon was right behind her; it made her look enormous. “Don’t stay up too late Noah.”

“Okay mother,” I giggled, smiling at her. I couldn’t make out her features, because of the moonlight that radiated out from behind her, but I swore I saw her role her eyes and smile. “Goodnight,” I said as she stepped down the first step.

“‘night,” she reiterated and was gone.

I looked up at the world above me. Stars twinkled and flashed as I smiled. It was quiet for a while as I almost dozed off by the fire. I heard someone coming up the stairs, waking me up fully. I turned behind me to see the large frame of my dad lumbering towards me, beer and Cuban cigar in hand.

“You weren’t in your room, I figured ya’d be up here,” he said in his southern drawl that I’m glad I didn’t pick up.

“Just watching the sky, dad.” I answered modestly, sitting myself up to look at him. He leaned his long, skinny hand against the wood of the couch opposite me. The slowly dying fire made his blue eyes stand out over his other features.

“Noah, about the cruise,” he started, sitting down opposite me and throwing his cigar in the fire and taking a large swig of his beer. “Can you not,” he paused apparently deciding if he should say what he had to say. “Could you not bring any boys around,” he said apprehensively after a moments silence. I surveyed him and felt a sting of distaste and butterflies. Why the butterflies?

“What do you mean?” I said. Fully aware of what he meant.

“Ya know, not to partake in that lifestyle of partying and sex,” he answered, the butterflies in my stomach grew at the mention of sex. “On the cruise,” he added a second later, and for some reason, some of those butterflies also turned into anger. I rolled my eyes at him and smiled.

“You wouldn’t say this to me if I was straight,” I protested, folding my arms and turning my head to watch the stars above.

“Well, if your sister -who you know at this point looks up to you in every way- sees you doing that she might be tempted.” He said taking another swig of the emptying beer. “Son look at me,” he cried in a firm but soft voice. I turned my head to look at his chilly blue eyes. “Ya know me and your mother love you, and we have and always will want the best for ya, ya know that right Noah.” He proclaimed our eyes both focused on one another. Not waiting for a nod or a ‘yes’ he continued, “just because we don’t see eye to eye on everything doesn’t mean that I don’t love ya.”

“Okay,” I answered after a silence that seemed to enflame the butterflies in my stomach.

“Thank you,” he said rather frustratingly, laying back on the wooden couch. “How was your day?”

“Good, I think I’m going to go to bed though,” I said getting up and hurrying towards the stairs.

“Goodnight, then,” I heard as he took the last swig of his beer.

The morning light radiated in from the long shades across the room. My mom stuck her head in, her sleek black hair falling over her shoulders..

“It’s that time honey! Get the hell up!” she yelled before shutting the door quite loud. I groaned and got up from the soft bed. I got the clothes and toiletries I set out last night and headed for the shower. I was glad that it was attached to my room because I really didn’t feel like dealing with my sister. The shower was exquisite; intend of having a knob that turned to hot or cold, there was a electronic dial that displayed the water’s temperature. My aunt was so rich, she owned a Fortune 500 company, I thought as I hopped in for a quick steamy shower. It got me pretty horny as I saw the hot steamy water hit my lifeless dick. It cascaded down my shaft, flowing around my pink head and dangling balls. I thought about jerking off, until my mother raped the door again.

“I’ll be out in a second,” I proclaimed as I combed my fingers through my dirty blond hair.

I got out a couple of moments later, packing my stuff up and shuffling it downstairs in a sigh. The light hit my sister hair, and illumined it brilliantly as she and my family smiled at me. My uncle had made us breakfast and I scoffed it down quickly; my dad helped me with my luggage that I had abandoned after I saw breakfast on the table. By 9:55, my uncle helped us pack his giant truck again with our bags, and by 10 the familiar house faded from view as we drove along the rows of palm trees and large villas. All of us eager to get to our vacation. To spend time with and away from each other.

Though, it was a rather quiet ride to the pier, the morning light streamed in just as silent as us. My dad and uncle couldn’t stop talking about some religious show that my parents love watching on TV. I guessed that it was what they all watched after they left the roof. My mother and aunt talked about the drama and gossip that filled my aunt’s CEO job. My sister and I were quiet as the villas turned into skyscrapers, and small roads turned into 8-lane highways. The palm trees grew taller and I seemed to grow smaller. Though, I grew even more minuscule as the ship came into view. It was a beast of a ship that seemed to stand at least a 1000 feet high. You could see everything, from water slides at the top to the small portholes that lined the ship at the bottom. My mother pointed out her window, and my sister almost crashed into me as she lunged to get a better look. We both pressed our faces to the window in excitement as the ship glided closer to us.

The next hour or two went by in a blaze of excitement and urgency. We were almost late, as the ship was just about to undock, but we got there just in time. We had to go through security, and get checked in, but by lunchtime, I glided up to my big blue door. My parents were down the long blue colored hall, and had just went inside their room. My sister’s room was connected to their’s, and I was eternally grateful I had my own room. She smiled and waved at me as she leaped inside her room, luggage in tow.

I opened my door silently, hulling my many pieces of luggage into the tiny room. A large TV stood at the foot of a single-blue colored bed. On the left side of the bed, directly across from me, sat a small couch and desk, with a small round porthole between the two. The room was small, but it sure was cute and I’ll have to do. I picked up my luggage and sat it on my bed, running my hands through my unkempt curly hair, and sat down with a long sigh.

“Oh my God. This room is so small, but I’m so jealous,” I heard, looking up to see the large blue door open slowly. My sister glided in, she had changed into a long white dress with her signature large black fedora over her head. It looked like the quintessential Celine Clarke uniform. It looked really nice on her.

“Well, don’t you look fancy,” I smiled looking her up and down, moving my hand in a circular motion at her. She beamed, twirling like she was a ballerina.

“Okay you two, we are gonna go and watch the ship undock,” my mom said entering with dad directly behind her, papers in hand. “Don’t you look pretty,” she exclaimed, taking her large blue eye-glasses off.

I left my stuff, looking around for my own large eye glasses that I bought in Washington DC. I found them in my suitcase and put them on, hurrying out to catch up with my family.

We walked out to the deck where hundreds of people had gathered. Celine and I shoveled past the many people, gliding up to rail and looked over with a gasp. The vast skyline of Miami loomed over the entire beach. I looked down to see a few people waving to friends and family below. I looked for my aunt and uncle, but they must of gone home already. The ship’s horn rang out as I looked over the sea of people around me, many were happy, and smilies filled their faces. Little children hopped up and down at their parents side, wanting to be picked up so they could see over the edge. Teenagers took photos on Snapchat and texted their friends about their experience so far.

Behind me, staff started to fill the deck of the ship as a voice over the intercom came on. The women’s voice talked about the ship and thanked passengers for riding. People clapped and applauded as a man, who appeared to be the ship’s manager talked about the events scheduled for the first day at sea. The horn sounded again and we started to move silently and slowly towards the open sea. I grinned at Celine who had a wide smile on her face. I scanned the crowd for my parents as we had lost them while rushing for the railing.

While looking, my eyes fluttered by bright red and my heart gave a terrible lurch. Butterflies seemed to feel my stomach instantly as my mouth gapped wide open. The whole room seem to move by in slow motion.

“Noah,” my sister whispered in my ear over the sound of the. crowd. “Isn’t that the guy who sat next to you on the plane?”

“Yeah,” I answered slowly, suppressing the faint urge to vomit as I starred at Gabriel, who was starring back, smiling.

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