The Dairy


A gay sex stories: The Dairy Josh stared through the windshield at the faded barn across the field. He desperately wanted to make this happen, but he was paralyzed with fear. His heart was racing as he took several deep breaths, opened the door, and he got his legs to move. He steadily made his way through the grass toward the building. As he got closer, Josh could see the rotting walls that showed the building’s age and lack of use. This was the perfect spot to test the waters.

Looking around one last time, Josh made sure no one else was in the area, then turned the corner to the back of the barn. He saw a couple of old bales of hay against the barn wall. Josh leaned against them and started rubbing his crotch. His nerves fell away as his cock engorged, getting increasingly stiffer in his jeans. Soon the outline of his penis was visibly straining under the denim and Josh was stroking its outline, moaning slightly as the pleasure radiated throughout his body. This is what he had been craving ever since he tumbled down that rabbit hole of public masturbation videos.

Josh leaned his head back against the wall and mindlessly unbuckled his belt, sliding his jeans down around his ankles. His cock sprang up and bobbed as precum dripped from the tip to the ground. He gripped it tightly and thrust his hips into the closed fist, arching his back to push as hard as he could. His head was reeling! Thrusting and pumping, his penis felt harder than he had ever felt. Josh was aware of every sensation between his cock and his hand. Gripping it tighter, he felt a swelling in his groin as his balls pulled closer to his body. “No!” he thought. “Not yet.” He edged the feeling in his groin and slowed himself. That’s when he noticed the low vibration on the barn’s wall.

His cock dripping and going limp in his hand, Josh stuffed himself back into his pants leaving them unzipped and his belt unbuckled. He pressed his ear to the wall. He heard a low hum and faint intermittent hissing. “This was a retired farm”, he thought. There shouldn’t be any activity in there. Josh crept along the barn wall turning around the corner. It was only now that he saw the alternate driveway and entrance. A van was parked haphazardly. It had no markings and very dark tint on the windows. Something inside him felt compelled. He knew he should leave before he was noticed, but he was still aroused by masturbating out in the open with people nearby.

Josh continued along the wall and slipped inside a door entering a short hallway. The noises were more audible from this side of the building, but he now heard men talking and what sounds like moaning. His penis instantly responded as he recognized the sounds. He didn’t know what was happening in the dilapidated barn, but it was something he needed to see. Josh closed his eyes, made the decision to proceed, then turned to go further.

Peering from behind the wall, he took in the scene. There were two men standing together. They were relatively tall and burly. One was dressed in a plaid shirt and overalls with the straps hanging from his waist. The other, in jeans with no shirt. “These guys look like farmers.” Josh thought to himself. They stood there talking in low voices about how good the bulls were doing and occasionally one would grab their crotch. Beyond the farmers, naked men were strapped to wood framing. Each man was standing on a wooden platform with legs apart, arms above his head, and slightly leaned forward.

Without realizing, Josh had begun stroking his cock again, watching the scene. “Bulls!” he whispered. The men were being milked! He again, noticed the hissing he heard through the wall. Its rhythm matched a stroking motion of dairy milking tubes strapped to each man’s penis. His own stroking synchronized with the milking.

One of the men started moaning louder and the farmers made their way to him. “I’ll check the output while you tend to our bull, John.” said the man in the overalls. With that, he crouched down and lifted a hose leading from the bull’s penis, down the row to the machinery making all the noise. John stepped up onto the framing and grabbed the man by the chin, turning his head toward him. “Good bull!” John said to the man, through gritted teeth. “Give up that seed.”

With the instruction given, the man spasmed and shuddered. He groaned loudly and thrusted his hips. “Good boy.” He said to the man, pushing his face away, stepping down. “How’s it look, Tyler?” he asked. Tyler watched as semen marched through the length of the hose, in-time with the machine’s pumping. “Not bad! I think this one will have a few loads in him.” he said lowering the hose to the ground. Hearing the activity, another man in the row started to grunt in time with the machine’s stroking. Soon, there was visible semen making its way from each bull, combining in the hose to the milking machine.

Josh stared at the volume of cum being drawn from the bulls and couldn’t handle it. He threw his head back and started breathing sharply. His penis stiffened as it pulsed his own semen through the air in large ropes. Josh grunted with each shot drawing the attention of the farmers. “Hey! What are you doing here?” shouted Tyler. Before Josh could regain control of his body, John and Tyler were holding him by the arms, staring him in the eyes. He’d been caught!

Josh stammered and couldn’t get any words out. “This is a private gathering.” John scolded, leading Josh closer to the bulls who were completely oblivious to what was happening around them. “I- I’m sorry.” Josh finally whimpered. “I was out exploring and heard noise from the barn. I thought it was abandoned.”

Tyler smiled and assured him, “We can see you enjoyed what you saw and that meant no harm. It’s a shame you wasted that load.” he chuckled. “I wasn’t expecting anything like this!” Josh replied, a bit calmer now that the rush was over. John reached out and stroked Josh’s cock. Josh didn’t realize it was still hanging out of his fly. “We have one stall open if you want to contribute to this batch.” John motioned to a space closest to the milking machine. Before he could utter a sound, Tyler led Josh by the arm and helped him up onto the platform. He complied and allowed the farmers to remove his clothing and restrain his wrists and ankles.

Josh felt his penis start to get hard again as John fitted the milker to it, adjusting the valves. Josh began to feel the pulsing suction with the machine’s hissing. As he became more erect, the milker seemed to attach itself to his penis and soon, fully erect, the machine was stroking. Josh felt a steady rhythm on his cock. The milker pulled itself onto his member and then lowered with a hiss as the air in the machine expelled. The process repeated. Soon Josh was moaning with the other bulls. Each time the milker suctioned itself tighter around the penises of the herd, the bulls grunted together.

Josh realized that the farmers hadn’t stopped the milking even after the bulls came. He began to worry. His ruminations were interrupted by a bull in the row beginning to cum. This bull groaned with one of the deepest voices Josh had ever heard. The bull’s guttural pleasure started another chain reaction and one by one each bull was contributing his seed to the collection. Josh was not excluded from the collective ejaculation, his entire body tightening and pulling on the restraints, he felt his semen leaving his penis. He forced his eyes open against the tension of his orgasm and watched his cum join the rest in the hose.

As the pleasure settled, Josh’s worry took hold again. He and the other bulls were writhing in refractory pleasure-pain. Josh desperately wanted the stroking to stop. His penis wanted to rest but the milker had a hold on it. He gritted his teeth and bore the sensations as best he could. His limbs thrashed in the restraints as he begged for release. The farmers ignored him as his body was readying itself for another round. The pain subsided and his cock was again, fully hard in the milker. “Good job, bulls.” Tyler offered as encouragement to the herd.

Josh was fully immersed in the experience. It wasn’t long before he was releasing another batch of semen into the machine. He lost all track of time and sense of his surroundings. He was completely under the control of the machine. He craved the pleasure and was not so bothered by the intermittent discomfort between rounds. His attention was only drawn back to reality when he felt the milker sliding away from his cock. Catching his breath from the last ejaculation, he and the other bulls were left there limp and hanging from their wrist restraints. Their eyes glazed over with only a hint of cognizance.

Two by two, Tyler and John removed the bulls from their restraints, helping them down from the platform. With weak knees, each bull was guided to a cot to rest. Josh followed his farmer to a cot and sat with his head between his knees. The scent of cum and sweat filled his nose. Josh wanted to be aroused by it but was spent. “OK, bulls.” John announced. “You have 15 minutes for a rest. Use it wisely.” Josh complied without hesitation and curled up on his side, quickly losing consciousness along with his brethren.

John and Tyler began dismantling the milking equipment. Their time here was almost up and they had to abscond without leaving any trace. John removed the lid from the milk bucket and lifted it waist high. “Not a bad session.” he said, tilting the container to peer inside. Tyler joined him to take a look. “That should impregnate all of them.” he added, dipping his pinkie finger in the collected semen. They both grinned and looked at their resting bulls.

The farmers gathered a few short leather leads and collars, bringing them to the bulls. “Rest time is over!” John said, rousing the bulls form their dazed sleep. As each bull sat up on his cot, John and Tyler fitted them with a collar and led them to a hitching post. Josh was led to join the herd and matched their position on all fours as his lead was tied to the post. Josh looked around at the bulls all positioned in a row with asses facing the farmers. John approached the first bull with a milking stool, sat by his side. He gave a gently tug on the bull’s penis causing him to wince a bit. “Yeah, you had a good workout today.” John said as he placed his finger on the bull’s anus. The bull began to breath quickly as John stroked his hair, “Relax. This won’t hurt. We’re going to inseminate you.” John pushed his finger deep into the bull’s hole and felt his prostate. The bull’s anus tightened around John’s finger as he worked it in and out.

“That will do.” John said as he reached behind him for a rather large syringe. He dipped the end of the syringe into the milk bucket and drew several milliliters of semen into it. Without a pause, he used a hand to spread the bull’s cheeks and pushed the end of the syringe into his hole. Tyler watched quietly as the semen was injected into the bull’s rectum. The bull let out a hard moan as the mixture of cum filled his insides.

John and Tyler took turns inseminating their herd. Josh remained silent on his hands and knees waiting for his turn. With each bull receiving their dose of semen, his anticipation grew. His cock was hard and bobbing as it hung from his weakened body. As Tyler approached Josh with the stool in one hand and the full syringe in the other Josh started panting. Tyler sat on the stool and pressed the syringe to Josh’s anus as was done to the other bulls. As Josh felt the fluid fill his insides, he spontaneously ejaculated and collapsed onto the dirty ground. Cum began dripping from his ass as he lost control of his muscles.

Tyler leaned down, moving the stool out of the way. He helped Josh back to his knees, pushing his head toward the ground and lifting his ass into the air. Tyler buried his face between Josh’s cheeks and lapped at his hole and dripping cum. “We’re going to have to improvise, here. We need the entire herd bred.” he said as he stood up and lowered his overalls. His cock was massive. Josh felt immense pressure on his backside as Tyler pressed his penis into his hole. Josh could not believe how easily he was taking it in. Every muscle in his body was willing to endure whatever was about to happen.

Tyler began thrusting steadily as he wrapped an arm around Josh’s belly. They both moaned as Tyler felt relief from his day of throbbing. His pace quickened as his grip around Josh tightened. John put a hand on Tyler’s head as he sharply thrusted inside Josh, releasing his semen into the bull. “Good job, but we’d better be sure it takes.” John said as he motioned for Tyler to move away from the bull. John pulled out his penis and shoved it deeply into Josh, not giving him any time for his anus to tighten. John repeated the insemination process pumping his load deep into Josh.

“This is probably a onetime visit for you. I hope you enjoyed it.” John whispered to Josh, pulling his penis out of his ass. “Alright men… Get dressed and go home to your wives. And remember. Not a word about our services.”


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