The Dress Up Party Slut


A gay story: The Dress Up Party Slut Tick, Tick, Tick… the clock on the kitchen wall could be heard as each passing second was portrayed by the echoing sound down the hallway to where I stood in the bathroom, applying the finishing touches to my make up before taking a step back and admiring my handywork in the mirror.

Growing up Halloween was my favourite time of the year. Which is weird because my parents were ‘old school’ and for most of my childhood we didn’t decorate our house, we didn’t go trick or treating, and we wouldn’t answer the door when people knocked.


Because according to my parents it was an ‘American’ thing that we didn’t do here in Australia.

As someone who loved the season, loved horror movies, growing up on the Goosebumps Books by R.L Stine before progressing to the great Stephen King when I was more able to comprehend – Halloween was a perfect time of the year for me.

Which is why later in my teens when my parents finally broke and allowed us to go Trick or Treating with my friends it was a momentous occasion – the ‘BIG TALK’ that was had that first night before we were allowed to go out has rung through my head every year for the best part of a decade since it replaying itself like a record in my head every time I dressed in whatever costume I was wearing that year.

Those first few years as I was around school friends and attending Halloween parties as an adult I’d go with the norm, The Joker, a Zombie if I remember correctly there was a vampire or something along those lines on an occasion or two.

As I grew, formed my own personality and made my own friends who understood and appreciated my sense of humour I started to have some fun with my outfits. It started one year when I dressed as Regan MacNeil from The Exorcist, it was a pale nightie I found at the local Op Shop, a brown wig, some makeup to help make myself look pale and then some green paint splattered on the front.

Everyone burst into laughter that first Halloween party and yet as the years progressed that friend circle, while people came and went, started to step up their Halloween costumes. Gone were the store brought costumes, replaced with people op shopping and piecing together our own costumes, at times taking much creative leniency.

This off course meant that I needed to continue to step up my attire. While originally appearing as Regan it was, in my mind at least, going to be a one off – that was until the following year when Halloween time was once again rolling around and I was asked what I was going as.

When I originally replied with a ‘normal’ costume I was booed and jeered by my friends. They wanted Regan, they wanted more. I had set the tone and it had apparently become ‘my thing’ now.

That is effectively how my tradition of dressing up as some female lead for Halloween was born. Six years after that first Halloween dressed as Regan I stood in the mirror, looking myself over with the costume I had pulled together this year – truly believing I had out done myself.

Taking inspiration from American actress Vera Farmiga this Halloween I had decided to go as Norma Bates from the Bates Motel – the television spin-off to the cult horror film Psycho.

Having had the afternoon with the house to myself to prepare I had taken a long bath, opening a freshly brought pack of razors to shave every bit of body hair from me. Chest hair – gone. Pubic hair – Gone. Under the arms – gone. Legs – gone.

As I watched a YouTube tutorial on how to apply makeup, I rubbed moisturiser over my now smooth legs. Legs have always been a turn on of mine when it came to women, it was an awkwardly sexy feeling as I rubbed my own hands all the legs the lotion slapping against the skin.

From the closet I had retrieved the red dress that I had found approximately two months earlier, really finding that dress was what had prompted this costume in the first place, the dress reached to knees as was a darker red colour with blue, yellow and some orange flowers and other designs to break it up and add some ‘flair’.

I had coupled that with a black belt and a little pair of closed in red shoes that matched the colour of the dress, with just a hint of a heel to continue the feminine vibe. A cheap white pearl necklace helped top off the look.

Okay that was a little bit of a lie – I suppose what helped top off the look was the little blonde wig I had brought from the ClubX Adult Store a couple weeks earlier, while the wig was too long and not the right style to suit the look I had been able to find a local hair dresser who was willing to do their magic and turn it into the perfect haircut to suit the look I was going for.

While I was at ClubX I did notice in their adult toy section some fake breasts that some of the Cross Dresser’s wear. They had a couple different types including ones you could slide into underwear if you already had it, ones that were built into the under garments and then ones that looked and felt great, but you wore it like you would shoulder padding when out playing football.

Considering that dressing as a female horror character had become my thing for Halloween, I had decided to buy one of these as well, the last option, as that way it could be used time and time again. Plus, I thought it would be funny to add that last little touch to not just this outfit but all my future ones.

Tick, tick, tick… the clock on the kitchen wall continued to echo, my make up the final piece of the puzzle finally done and looking very Norma Bates’ if I say so myself.

BEEP! BEEP! The sound of a car horn honking from the front of my place broke me from my gaze in the mirror where I had been admiring myself. I turned towards the door, looking over my shoulder for one last check before leaving the sound of my little heels clicking on the tiled hallway as I made my way to the front door.

“Holy Fuck, Richard.” My friend Sam who was giving me a lift to the party exclaimed when I reached the passenger door to his vehicle. He sat in his car dressed as a Disco Llama – don’t worry I was as confused as you are right now.

“Shut up Sam, just drive,” I said after taking my seat in the car and fastening my seatbelt.

“Don’t tell me…” Sam said, I never told any of my friends who I was going as which overtime had added to the overall fun of these costumed parties, “Norma Bates,” he correctly guessed. I just gave him a little smile, my red lipstick lips forming upwards at each end.

The house where the party was at was only five minutes away, well within walking distance and I had all intentions to walk that night, however Sam was coming from his girlfriend’s place and was driving straight past my front door so insisted on giving me a lift.

The yard was decorated and music was pumping when Sam and I arrived at our friend Bens house, already with fifteen people in the backyard you could tell it was going to be a good fun night which eased the nerves – despite not knowing most of the people here so far they all seemed to enjoy the costume I had come up with and cracked a few laughs when filled in that it had become a tradition. I would be naive to claim I didn’t notice some of the second looks some of the men there were giving me in their already tipsy state, I just tried to brush it off the best I could and get into the groove of the party.

A few of my close friends had become ill and weren’t making it, letting us know at the last minute, which was a blow to my mind – after all a couple of them were my comfort blanket, my ‘fall back crew’ for when the alcohol started to kick in and I began to doubt myself – it happens every year and just need their moral support to recharge the confidence meter.

While disappointed at first soon it was forgotten about and I was mingling with some new people, continuing to check in with Ben and Sam. With the alcohol freely flowing any nerves about being dressed like this around people I didn’t really know were soon eased by another shot or five.

Finishing my conversation with a small group of people who Ben knew from the local gym and had invited to the party I excused myself to use the bathroom and entered the house. As I was in the final stages of taking my piss there was a rumble on the door handle.

“Occupied” I called out, but the door handle continued to twist before eventually opening, being a guest bathroom downstairs most of these doors do not have locks on when built in Australia something I was instantly regretting as the door continued to swing open.

Thankfully my stream ended, and I was able to tuck myself away before Ben hurriedly entered, closing the door behind him as though busting to go to the toilet himself and not recognising someone was already in there.

The door now closed he turned towards me, and our eyes met. I was about to excuse myself and get out of the small room, leaving him to do his business, but he spoke first.

“Oh, good Richard, I found you,” Ben said in a slightly hushed tone.

“You found me,” I joked back. He let out a soft chuckle.

“Look, it’s busy out there and I need some help. Can you help me with a couple things so I can make sure the party continues to run smoothly?” I could hear some desperation in his voice.

“Off course Ben, what do you need done?” I replied eager to see how I could help this party continue rocking – so far tonight from what I could tell everyone had been having fun and this moment with Ben was the first time I had any sense that something was wrong.

A grin grew across his face as his hands immediately went to the zipper on his trousers, sliding it down where despite the music booming outside you could clearly hear the zip as its teeth came apart from each other.

“I need you to take care of this like old times,” he said reaching inside his now unfastened zip and bringing out his seven-and-a-half-inch cut cock. He was right, there had been many times early in our adult hood where we had both been curious and had played with each other in a sexual sense.

“Ben, I…” I tried to protest, but looking into his brown eyes again as he stood almost 13 centimetres taller than me at 193 centimetres, his usually brown hair covered with his clown wig. Ben went to the gym every day and ate well, he had an athletic body and like me was bi-sexual, although it had been a good three or four years since he and I had done anything together.

The look on his face, knowing the chiselled body that was under his costume and looking at that delicious cock that I had thought off quite often led to me stopping myself from talking, taking a step closer to him and dropping to my knees.

I reached out my hand as I watched my red painted fingernails wrap about with my thumb contacting my index finger, before gently starting to pull my own hand towards me before gently pushing it away, repeating the process slowly as I began to jerk his cock with my hand.

“Oh Richard,” he moaned, his voice saying my name making my own cock spring into life and activating my inner hoe.

Licking my tongue around my lips to further moisten them I parted them, rolled out my tongue like an expensive hotel rolled out the red carpet, and gently began to use it to lick quickly just under the purple tip – every now and again closing my lips over it and giving it a gentle kiss and suck before again opening my lips and returning my tongue to licking duties.

Ben continued to moan with every action that I did, which turned me on even more to the point I knew what had to come next.

The next time I went to close my lips around the head of his cock I didn’t open and return to licking duties, I kept my head on it and instead started to push it further down the length of his shaft immediately being met with a loud moan.

I pulled my head back, but not off, before sliding it down the length of his shaft again this time taking a little bit further into my mouth and eventually the throat. This process was repeated until I had his entire length down my throat and his testicles were resting on the chin.

He looked at me – I looked at him. A knowing grin crossed his face, and I watched as he began to pull his cock out of me, then slam it in somehow making it go a little deeper than he was previously and forcing a little gag but it didn’t slow him down, in fact I knew this was a turn on for him so he increased the pace pulling the length out before slamming it back in.

This process continued for a couple of minutes before I felt him slam his cock into my throat, then he froze there, I could hardly breath but used every muscle I could as I continued to suck I felt his balls that were resting on my chin begin to pulsate – then my throat was flooded with the creamy texture of man juice, it flowed straight down my throat and into my stomach and Ben didn’t let up until he had emptied every last drop into me.

Slowly he pulled back, the smile on his face clear, a wet slobbery pop sounding as his tip withdrew from my mouth.

“That’s the first thing I needed help with,” Ben said breaking the silence that had filled the room as he stuffed his penis back into his pants and zipped up. The scene playing out in front of me and his words bringing me back to the original discussion where he said he needed help with a couple of things.

“Oh yes Ben. What else did you need help with?” I asked confused.

Ben went on to explain that his 52-year-old father was upstairs in the main bedroom ‘keeping to himself’, his father had promised to stay up there, drink and not come down and ’embarrass’ Ben on the proviso that when Ben got one of the girls drunk enough, they’d be sent upstairs for a ‘chat’ with Doug.

Further to this Ben went on to explain that a couple of the ‘whores’ he had invited and had said they were coming had taken up an offer to go to party elsewhere. All the other women there were married or in a committed relationship.

Then he stopped talking and looked at me, his eyes felt like they were piercing my soul, it’s like I knew what he wanted before he even said it.

“Ben… I’m a dude,” I explained to him slowly, pointing out the obvious flaw in what he wanted me to do.

“Richard, he’s drunk,” Ben replied before explaining that upstairs I’d be called Norma, and that his father Doug loved anal so he would “love a slut that just went and offered anal,” while also promising me that his dad “would never know”.

“Please Richard,” he said to me almost beggingly. I could hear the music pumping outside, people laughing and having a good time and I wanted to get back to that and enjoy my favourite time of the year… Yet I had never seen Ben almost beg like this and knew how important this must be for him.

Without going into detail Ben had been there for me through some tough periods in my life, including when my family found out I was bi and all the turmoil that came from that. Was it the least I could do to help him out if he had come to such an extreme as to beg me for this.

I stood to my feet, straightened my dress and glanced in the mirror to make sure I still looked presentable.

“Lead the way,” I said turning back to Ben.

A few moments later I found myself in the hallway upstairs, Ben was making his way back down to the party with a big thank you kiss being given before he left me there … alone with my nerves. I reached my hand up and knocked softly on the door as Ben had instructed.

“Come in,” Doug spoke from behind the closed door. I turned the handle and popped the door open, he glanced straight over at me, and his smile broadened, as in disbelief that his son was able to pull through for him and get one of his drunken girlfriends to come visit his divorced old man.

Doug was much the same as Ben, he was tall, although not as tall, and his brown hair had long given way to silver and fragments of white – although still sexy. Unlike his son he was not a gym buff so had a few extra kilograms, but considering he had worked hard his entire life and had been able to obtain early retirement despite his divorce a couple years ago he was more than entitled to that extra padding.

Stepping into the room I turned and closed the door before returning my focus to Doug who had already moved from where he was laying on the bed watching television to sitting on the edge of the bed his feet planted on the floor.

This was where I got to see his carpet of silver hair across his body, a turn on for me. He sat almost naked, just his briefs preventing him from being on full show, I could see from the bulge the underwear was containing however that he was VERY excited to see me.

“What’s your name beautiful?” Doug asked as I walked tentatively towards where he sat at the edge of the bed.

“Um…. Norma” I replied putting on the most feminine voice as I could as I finally made my way to be standing in front of him. While when Ben first asked me to do this, I was a little hesitant, his father Doug was my perfect man – older, hairy and still had the looks. In those four or five steps from the bedroom door to where Doug sat on the edge of the bed my mind had decided that I wanted him, and I was going to have him.

His grin grew as wide as the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland when I immediately dropped to my knees in front of him and placed my mouth over the tip of his cock which was still contained by his briefs.

“Oh, Norma” he jumped a little, I guess at my eagerness as I again let my tongue loose like I had done so on his son just ten minutes prior, this time however not just focusing on his tip I wanted him to feel my tongue through his cotton underwear, I wanted his crotch wet with my spit and saliva and so continued to suck, kiss and saturate the area.

“That’s… an… old… fashioned… name….” he was able to stammer out as I continued my kissing and sucking. I only responded with a low moan and groan and continued my task.

“Oh fuck, stop,” he said as he placed his hands around my throat gently and pulled me off him. I looked up at him confused and pleadingly. He stood to his feet, his briefs just a millimetre from my face as he placed his thumbs into the waistband of his black cotton briefs and pulled them downwards to his knees – his uncovered cut cock, about half an inch bigger than his sons now in my face.

I opened my mouth to begin my normal blowjob giving routine of licking the tip and underside before eventually moving my way down the shaft.

But Doug had other plans, the moment my mouth opening he placed his big heavy hands on the back of my head and pulled me onto his cock as he returned to his seating position on the edge of the bed forcing his entire cock into the back of my throat in one motion, I immediately began to choke and gag by the unexpectedness of this movement but once again it seemed Doug didn’t care… and I didn’t mind that.

With a handful of my hair Doug pulled me off his shaft, not all the way he kept the tip in my mouth, before with force he’d pull me head down and thrust himself upwards sending his 8-inch-cock into my throat, before pulling out and repeating the process.

“I knew I’d have a slut like you tonight,” Doug said as he continued to pull my head up and down faster and faster on his shaft. All I could do was moan and groan around his cock as he did this.

“It’s why I took Viagra,” he said as he again picked up the pace, his balls actively banging against my chin with every thrust he made into my mouth – again I moaned, I could tell he was liking telling me what he wanted to do – and even in that moment it seemed like the movies where the evil genius tells the hero the evil plan and then the hero finds a way to spoil it.

“I’m going to fuck every one of your slutty holes,” Doug said this time fucking my face and throat so hard I could not reply, all I could focus on was not letting my brain be blasted out of the back of my head.

But the alarm bells did ring… fuck every one of my slutty holes… shit I needed Ben cause this could end in disaster.

I didn’t have much time to think as he continued to thrust himself into my throat while controlling my hair, thankful for the hairstylists tips on clipping it in, although I could slowly feel those pins coming loose.

I was thankful when he slammed into me and like his son erupted a load down my throat. I was hopeful that was it, he would be happy with that now he had finally cum, but as wave after wave of his juice flooded my throat, I could tell that it wasn’t.

“Oh yeah slut. Mmm we’re going to have so much fun tonight.” Doug almost purred as he released my wig, which thankfully stayed on, placed his hands on my shoulders and invited me to stand up.

I stood to my feet and climbed on the bed beside him where he had positioned himself. The words from earlier ringing through my head. I may be about to get my arse kicked by one of my friends dad.

“Mmm that was so hot Norma,” Doug began to speak as we faced each other, one of his hands reaching down to my legs and beginning to gently rub them, while it felt great and caught me off guard for a second, I knew that I had to speak.

“Doug, honey,” I said, I don’t know why but said it in my most feminine voice again, he tried to shush me, but I knew I had to continue, “Honey, I…um… am… a… guy” I said, awkward and nervous.

“You are not,” Doug said but pulling his hand away. I could hear the tone in his voice change, and I was preparing myself for a beating.

“That’s how I know how to give a good blow job,” I said this time in my most manly voice possible. “There’s no other sluts here, plus you love Anal,” I tried to quickly point out some potential positives to Doug who hadn’t taken his eyes off me since I said.

I felt guilty, he should’ve known before I sucked on him, I know that and have never done this thing since. It seemed harmless at the time, but I could feel his inner turmoil as he went through a range of emotions.

“But you look… and feel…” Doug said unable to complete any of his sentences, however breaking eye contact for the first time he began to look me over again, slowly reaching out his hand to return to rubbing my leg.

“I’m not gay,” Doug said a couple of times as he continued to rub my smooth leg, higher and higher towards the hip bone.

“Neither am I Doug,” I replied, a little smile seemed to cross his face.

“Call me Sir,” Doug said, his tone and demeanour instantly changing. But I knew the game he wanted to play; I’ve played it many times.

“Yes Sir,” I said, flashing my flirty smile with him. He told me he wanted to fuck with the lights on so that he could see all my sexy body as he fucked my arse, so I walked back towards the door where his light switch was and flicked it.

“Mmm, you are very sexy Norma,” Doug said as he signalled with his fingers for me to turn around as though I was in the middle of a fashion show, I did as he indicated though and spun for him, my little dress floating up above my knees with the makeshift wind before falling back into place.

Doug stood from his bed and went to the bedside table, opening the top draw, as he began digging around in there obviously looking for something.

“Norma, why don’t you get comfortable on the bed darling?” although phrased like a question I knew it was more a command.

“Yes Sir,” I said as I repositioned to sit in the middle of the bed. He chuckled as he pulled out a bottle of lube and turned back towards the bed stepping closer to it.

“Why don’t you get more comfortable by scooting up?” Doug suggested, indicated towards the wall where a headboard would be. I again responded affirmatively and sat where his sleeping pillows were with my head against the wall.

“So, you’re my slut tonight? My gift for hosting this party?” Doug said as he climbed on the bed next to me, he placed the bottle of lube between us as he reached out his hand and once again began to stroke my shaved legs.

“Yes Sir,” I answered, his touch radiating through my body and sending tingles through me that I had not felt previously.

“My anal addicted slut,” he suggested as he ran his hand up my leg and began to rub against one of my arse cheeks. I slowly rubbed my bottom around in his hand as his smile grew at my affirmative action.

“Yes Sir,” I cooed.

Doug removed his hand from my buttocks and placed them at the top of the lacey panties I was wearing before slowly pulling them down and away from my groin. First, they reached my thighs, my cock springing out of the panties the moment it had a chance.

Doug stopped, but only for a quick second to put the thought that his little slut had a cock out of his head, and continued to pull them down to my knees, then down to my calves, my ankles and then sliding them off and tossing them to the floor beside the bed.

His hand began rubbing up my calf, and onto my thigh, I had never experienced anything like this with a man before and the sensations that were travelling around my body were intense, exhilarating and was a massive turn on.

Despite my eyes being closed soaking in the sensations I knew what to expect next when I heard the little click, the sound of the lid of the bottle of lube closing, and was not surprised to feel a cool, lubed finger at the entrance of my anal cavity.

Slowly it pushed in, I moaned a little. While I had been fucked before, and the use of a dildo had become part of my daily shower routine, I was still relatively inexperienced, shy and nervous when it came to these situations.

Doug withdrew his finger most of the way out before sliding it back into me, this time pushing further, causing a little bit of discomfort but at the same time feeling so good. Despite winching at first another moan escaped my lips.

The finger started to withdraw again, but this time Doug only brought it halfway out before surprising me and slamming it back in causing another moan, the discomfort had subsided and the feeling of this finger sliding in and out of my ass had become pure bliss, I had started to move my body by pushing myself more onto his finger every time he’d slide it into me.

Soon Doug withdrew his finger from me, the emptiness I felt originally left me disappointed, but his finger returned to inside me, this time accompanied by a second less lubricated one entering hard bringing the discomfort back but opening my cavity further and bringing additional pleasure with the burn.

It didn’t take long to get into the same sort of rhythm we had found ourselves in when he only had one finger in me. He’d pull both of his fingers part way out before slamming them back into me harder and deeper than his previous insertion, me sliding myself up and down his wrinkly fingers.

“Turn around and face the wall,” Doug instructed after about five minutes of fucking my ass with his two fingers, I knew what was coming and I needed it.

From my laying position I spun around placing my knees where my head was just moments earlier, my hands up against the wall that the bed rested upon, with my back to Doug who himself was repositioning on the bed behind me.

Again, the heard the lid of the lube bottle click closed, and felt the soft thud of the blanket on the bed being disturbed as the bottle was dropped on it.

“Beg for it slut,” Doug snarled into my ear as he positioned himself behind me, the tip of his cock pressing against the rose bud shaped entry way to my arsehole that his fingers just moments earlier were fucking.

“Fuck me please sir” I replied. Before I felt a stinging slap on my cheeks, forcing me to yelp and look over my shoulder at Doug who was staring me in the eyes, a look of lust all over his face.

“You can do better than that,” he effectively instructed.

After thinking about it for a brief second and wanting to feel his 8-inch-cock inside me I gave my begging another shot.

“Please sir, fuck my slutty arse,” I said, putting on my best ‘puppy dog’ eyes while looking at him as I begged. I saw a smirk cross appear on his face before he applied pressure to my cavities entrance way and his manhood slid in, burning the muscles and nerves that lines the cavity.

I groaned, it was more than his fingers, I spun my head back towards the wall and placed my palms flat against it as he continued to slide the full length in, not what I was expecting, with a loud audible moan filling the room as I felt his sack finally rest against my entry way – thankfully he stopped… for a second.

Managing to catch my breath and become accustomed to having his meat inside me, he began the same routine he went through with his fingers, where he would withdraw about half of the length of his shaft before slamming it into me deeper and harder.

Each time he’d thrust forward his cock would disappear further into my ass, I’d moan loudly at the pleasure of having my friend’s dad’s manhood buried into me, then he’d withdraw a little and we’d repeat.

Doug was no longer pulling half of his cock out, he was barely moving it back enough to get enough momentum to drive it further into my ass, harder and faster each time.

He placed his hand on the back of my head as he started to pump my ass faster, he again grabbed a handful of my hair to pull backwards however the pins that were barely holding the wig in place from our earlier encounter that started all of this gave way and as Doug went to pull the wig came off in his hand.

Following a moment of him holding my blonde wig in his hand he tossed it to the side, I glanced over my shoulder to look at him, a little more afraid now I didn’t have the wig to look as female as I had previously.

Our eyes met, and his grew as wide as saucers.

“Richard?” he seemingly asked, although not slowing down on pumping his cock into me. He was surprised, I got it. Ben and I had been decent friends for years, we had spent many days together, sleep overs, days out and Doug had been part of it during the earlier years when neither of us could drive, or as we got older and knew we’d be drinking.

I was worried about this moment. What he would think. Would he stop and be embarrassed. Would he tell my parents who due to our friendship had become close friends themselves?

Taking everything into account, with all these things flooding my mind for what felt like an eternity but was only a split second. I did the only thing I thought would help the situation.

I pushed myself back against his cock, taking it as far in me as I could, this time I was hearing him moan. I looked over my shoulder at him and simply said.

“Please Sir, Fuck my slutty ass.”

This seemed to unlock some sort of beast mode within Doug.

Pinned against the wall Doug reached his hand out and grabbed a handful of my real hair. He pulled it backwards causing me to cry out a little at the force in which he had done so. As he thrust his cock into me the next time he pulled my hair back towards him, forcing my body to follow suit as it felt like he went further in me than ever before.

He pulled part way out and then repeated the process, again feeling like he was entering me further and again forcing an audible sound to escape my throat – no matter how hard I tried not to make the sound it was just coming out with every thrust of his big hard cock into my ass.

The process grew faster, I could feel the tension in his thrusts building, my moans were getting louder as we continued to exchange dirty comments back and forth, he with things like “Whose an anal slut” and calling me a “whore”, me asking him to “fill my slut hole,” and to “Fuck Me Sir.”

I was surprised when just moments later the whole process changed, Doug let go of my hair for a stroke or two before he pushed my head forward to be smooshed up against the wall, one side of my face flat against it only able to look one way with his hand holding me there.

He pulled almost the entire length of his shaft apart from his tip out and slamming it back into me, the full length causing both of us to moan and groan with each and every one of his thrusts. Although almost useless with his strength and dominance, coupled with the position I was in, I attempted to push back against his thrusts.

That is when I noticed it. But I couldn’t stop… honestly speaking, I didn’t want it to stop it added to the whole situation.

For the first time I took note of my surroundings, beyond the moans and groans we were making in the room and the sound of his sack hitting my entrance from behind, I noticed for the first time the music from the party had stopped, as in completely silent.

The way my head was pinned against the wall I could clearly see in the backyard where the party was being held through the sheer white curtain – meaning due to the light Doug had me turn on earlier meant if I could see out there, they could see in – and that seemed to be exactly what was happening.

As I became aware of everything going on around me, I noticed many of the eyes in the backyard were looking up into the bedroom window, those who were still there could clearly see Doug railing me from behind.

It. Was. A. Turn. On.

Within a couple more strokes Doug buried himself deep into me, putting his entire body weight on me and pinning me to the wall as I felt his juice explode from within him and begin unloading in my ass.

“That’s it slut,” he said as his last wave of seamen entered my used hole. I could only reply with a moan as he let go of my head allowing me to move it freely again. He somewhat gently pulled his shaft from my ass, a little pop sound coming as it finally withdrew leaving a feeling of emptiness.

“You’re such an anal slut Richard,” Doug said with a smile as I turned around to face him.

“Norma,” I corrected him. Before we were interrupted with a knock at the door, before having a chance to respond or cover up the door flew open, and Ben entered the room.

“Hey Dad, you must be thirsty after all of that. Why don’t you go down to the kitchen and get yourself a drink?” Ben suggested to his father, who stood back pulled back on the underwear he had been wearing earlier when I first entered the room and walked towards the hallway without even a second look back.

“Richard, that was so fucken hot,” Ben said turning to me once his father had exited the room.

“Norma,” I corrected him.

“Okay Norma,” Ben chuckled before continuing speaking.

“Well, that was so fucken hot NORMA, that my friend John wanted to come and try it for himself,” Ben continued as a shortish man maybe five years older than myself walked through the entrance way to the door with a nervous smile on his face.

“Ben, I don’t…” I started before he cut me off.

“Now now Norma, we know you like being the centre of attention at these things. Which is why tonight you will be the whore getting all the attention, you attention whore.” Ben finished.

I went to protest. I went to argue. But I was intrigued by what Ben meant by being the whore that was getting all the attention. Should I ask? I was going to ask but was distracted when the cock of John rubbed against my lips.

I had forgotten he was there while I was listening to Ben, yet instinctively with the tip rubbing against my lips I opened my mouth and John slid himself into my mouth and I began to suck. Afterall I could ask all the questions I wanted to Ben once John had blown his load and left.

“Mmm,” John moaned as he placed his hands on the back of my head and pulled me further onto his manhood, holding me in place for about thirty seconds before releasing some of his strength.

“Oh fuck, it’s better than Sarah.” John exclaimed to Ben as he once again entered my mouth, he was smaller than both Ben and Doug, about five inches and he seemed to be very sensitive when I used my tongue to lick the underside while he was in my mouth.

He began to pick up the pace slowly as I began my sucking motion, I could tell he already wasn’t far from blowing his load – I don’t blame him I am the same when I am with a guy, and they are doing something to me – so I placed my hands on his buttocks and pulled him into my throat.

I did not let him go as I continued to swirl my tongue around the entire length of his shaft, I used all the muscles in my mouth and throat to massage him, and soon his knees were buckling, and he was shooting his load down my throat.

His ball sack finally empty I finally let him go, he stepped back and tucked his shaft back into his pants before exiting the room without another word being spoken or eye contact being made.

Shit I was nothing but a slut to everyone here.

“Next,” Ben called, and another guy walked in. I could not believe it was there a ticketing system or line up or something out there? How long was I going to be here doing this?

There were three more men that took their opportunity to use my mouth and blow their loads down my throat, one named Roger – his girlfriend was downstairs, but it was that time of the month, and he needed release, she thought he was in the bathroom when in reality he was shooting his load down this whores mouth.

Once Roger was finished Ben walked to the hallway and glanced out, there was no one else left, as he turned to proclaim this to me, he was once again fishing in his pants and pulled out his hard cock. I opened my mouth ready to take Ben again, but he just laughed, tugging on his shaft just a couple times before he exploded his juice all over my face, taking me by surprise but I was enjoying it.

With his load being blown on my face Ben laughed when I asked for a towel to clean up. Informing me it was my trophy for Best Dressed before he turned towards the door and left.

“Let me take you home,” Sam said once I was able to somewhat recompose myself and reattach the wig upon my head. Looking in the mirror my makeup was smeared, the red lipstick now just a sloshy mess, my mascara showing obvious signs of running and yet it remained glistening with the coating of cum from Ben.

He led me to his car and was kind enough to open the door for me, as I climbed into the passenger seat, I noticed my knees with ‘rosies’ on them – little red circles you get from spending long periods on your knees – I chuckled to myself as Sam put the car in drive and started the short journey to my home.

Pulling up at the curb a few moments later Sam put his car in park, turned the ignition off and turned towards me.

“Great party, aye?” he asked breaking the silence that had filled the car. My mind had been off in its own thoughts despite the short journey. I ignored his attempted icebreaker and had a question of my own.

“Did you know?” I asked demandingly, desperate to know just how far this whole set up went.

“Yes,” Sam replied sheepishly.

“And you didn’t tell me?” I followed up.

“No, I couldn’t” Sam replied before continuing “we all knew you liked all eyes on you, we knew you’d look sexy – you always do.”

“Yet you didn’t want me? You didn’t come into the room?” I doubled up with the questions, not really knowing why I was asking them or why they mattered.

“Well, yes, I did. I was just nervous.” Sam replied.

“Nervous? About what?” I asked him, sensing his normally brave persona becoming quiet, closed and different.

“How you’d react,” he said, nervously and looking out the front window of the car avoiding eye contact.

“How I’d react? About what?”

Without answering with words, he unzipped his pants and fished out his 9-inch-veiny cock. It was already hard and a struggle for him to get free, the head slightly lighter than the rest of his darkened skin, his circumcised cock effectively drawing my attention to it.

I know we all get over the giant cock stories, I am not claiming this was some monster porno cock, but it was the biggest one I had seen until that point. It was the circumference of a 500ml Energy Drink can, but what made it even more mesmerizing was it belonged to a friend of mine who I had never thought about in this way before, in the six-years I had known him he and his girlfriend had been happily together.

Finally peeling my eyes away from the big cock that had just presented itself in front of me I looked into Sam’s eyes. This was one of my closest friends, this was a huge boundary for us to cross, but the mood I was in, the thought of having Sam made me ready to cross that line, the look on his face as I looked into his eyes said the same.

“Sam,” I spoke softly, “how were you hoping I’d react?” I asked. After a brief second, I noticed how this statement could’ve come across, so to reassure him that I knew the answer I reached out my hand to wrap around his cock, it was so big my fingers couldn’t even wrap around fully.

I gave it a gentle squeeze before slowly moving my hand up and down. His eyes closed and he rolled his head back as far back as the headrest of the driver’s seat would allow.

“I was hoping you’d react with the slut mode I had heard so much about, I was… just” he stopped. Almost too nervous to speak before finally continuing, “it’s too big for some people and they are scared it won’t fit,” he finished.

Glancing down at the man meat that had presented itself in front of me that had my hand wrapped around it as much as it could, I could see how others are worried about the size of it, I was, however it was evident that this was a concern of Sam’s, plus he had activated the slut mode he had desperately wanted.

“Sammy,” I said, commanding his attention, “if it doesn’t fit… make it fit.”

With that I leaned over the centre console, opened my mouth and lowered myself as far as I could on his manhood, my throat immediately struggled with the pure size of its latest visitor, the moment the head moved past the entrance to the throat I began to struggle.

Struggling a little for air I began to slide my head off his shaft to prepare for another head bop down when my movement up was interrupted by Sam’s strong hand being placed on the back of my head and firmly encouraging it back down the length, this time taking another inch inside my throat.

Loosening his grip slightly I was able to move my mouth of his shaft and take a big deep breath of air, a string of saliva from my mouth to the tip of his giant cock hanging in place as I took another breath before leaning back forward and taking about the same amount of his cock into my mouth, again my throat muscles struggling with him, my air was quickly running out and so against moved to be able to get a breath, only to be met by his hands resistance.

“Nah bitch, we’re making it fit,” Sam hissed, his words were a turn on and all I could do was moan around his cock as he applied pressure to the back of my head as another inch slid into my throat, I gagged a little so he pulled my head up a little… before pushing it down harder forcing another half an inch into my throat.

My eyes began to water uncontrollably, I was thankful to remember I could breath through my nose as in that moment of slut mode I had truly forgotten, and the intrusion of my friend Sam’s giant dick into my throat was causing involuntary gagging sounds each time he went a little further into my throat than previously – this sound seemed to turn Sam on more as he would pull my head up his length and then quickly back down.

The centre console in the car was however making this even more difficult, I began tapping his leg furiously and he seemed a little reluctant to stop before eventually relenting and letting go of my head.

As soon as his cock escaped my lips with a ‘pop’ sound I immediately spoke. “Let’s get in the back.”

He had hardly been able to take a seat in the back of his own car when I once again dove on his cock, this time having nothing in the way and more space made it so much easier than previous. It appeared Sam agreed as he instantly moaned and placed his hand in its position on the back of my head.

Over the course of the next five or so minutes Sam would continue in his quest to ‘make it fit’ with my throat doing me proud by slowly welcoming its new guest and becoming accustomed to its size and we had settled into a routine of him using my throat, thrusting his hips upwards to send his shaft even deeper into my throat than it had previously been.

His entire cock was covered in my saliva, even his testicles were covered in it gaining more to add to the mix every time they would slap against my chin. His cock almost acting like an excavator for my mouth and bringing more saliva from it with every movement.

Soon Sam pulled my head off his shaft, my throat both breathed a sigh of relief yet wanting its visitor to return straight away. He instructed me to get on the seat beside him and turn around, I knew what was going to happen so positioned myself the best I could.

His hands explored the outside of my thighs as he slowly pulled my dress up to my hips, I wasn’t wearing my panties as I couldn’t find them when I was getting dressed at Ben’s house earlier, immediately I felt the head of his cock press against my entrance way.

With just the small amount of pressure he was already applying, and only my saliva as lubrication, I could tell this was going to hurt, yet at the same time it was the biggest cock I had seen, considering how close our friendship it seemed almost like a forbidden cock, I needed it.

The somewhat squishy flexible head of the cock entered after he applied some pressure, it hurt, yet my hole which had been used earlier didn’t take as long as I thought it would to adjust and ease to its newest visitor. I reached up and grabbed the hand grab handle above the window to maintain some balance as my moans and a couple grunts filled the car.

I am not going to lie or try and sugar coat it. It hurt. My poor arsehole struggled, I struggled. But the only thing that kept me going and from saying something was his earlier concern, and that he had indeed unlocked my inner slut mode – I wanted to prove to myself that I could take this big cock.

Maybe Sam could sense my slight hesitation, maybe I was not moving as much as I was, but he soon stopped his moving behind me where he had slowly been entering more and more of himself into me, the width of his manhood making my canal walls scream at me, and began speaking.

“Norma, Norma… I don’t think it’s going to fit,” he said almost sounding defeated. With his cock still having three, maybe four inches still to go I braced myself by holding onto the grab handle before looking over my shoulder and speaking and seductively as I could.

“Make it fit,” I said before turning my attention back to the window and slightly sliding my body backwards as a sign of encouragement.

It seemed to do the trick as for the next two minutes I was in pain, his entire shaft was in my ass canal, my walls were struggling and felt like they were burning, I was biting my bottom lip hard as to not invertedly let out a sound that would discourage Sam and silently wished we had more lube.

Once those couple minutes were over with however my mindset changed and pure pleasure began to take over me. I was taking one of my best friends in my ass, not just any friend but one with a giant cock, and I was taking that cock like a real anal slut.

My entire body weight seemed to be up against the car door as he continued to slam his meat into my ass, the slapping of his balls against me as he entered me deep felt so good, and seemed to echo around the small space we were in.

I was moaning and groaning, while begging him to fuck me harder, deeper, telling him to fill me with his man meat. He was holding my hips, pulling them back onto the entire length of his cock as he thrust into me telling me how much of a slut and whore I was, how many guys had I sucked and fucked that night and here I was still going, and how much he was going to fill me.

He began to pound into me harder and faster, I could feel myself being hit against the car door with every thrust, it became more regular with the speed he was entering me at, no longer withdrawing and just straight out fucking me.

Then it happened, something I have never had happen before, he called me a ‘Dirty worthless whore’, he thrust himself deep into me, pulling my hips back against his as much as possible, before a massive wave of cum erupted, the hot man juice escaping from the built up sexual tension, it felt so good my body shuddered and shook as without being touched my cock had let loose and blown my entire load all over my friends car door liner.

“Did you just fucken blow over my door?” Sam asked as he continued to plough into me. I nodded, ashamed and embarrassed. “Hot,” he replied and seemingly picked up the pace.

It was just three or four strokes later that Sam himself was letting his own ball sack empty, pulling me deep down on his cock as five or six waves of his juice unloaded into my ass, he cooed and moaned as he unloaded his seed into my man pussy.

With his orgasm subsiding he slowly and as gently as he could pulled himself out, my rose-shaped entrance way coming back together as though hugging itself like long lost friends, he moved backwards before sitting in one of the backseats.

I finally let go of grab handle and let myself away from the car door for the first time in about thirty minutes, my ass feeling a little sore and numb as it contacted the back passenger seat closest to the window I was previously leaning against.

A smile crossed my face as I took a couple moments to catch my breath while recognising that I was finally exhausted from the night’s events, I glanced across at Sam ready to thank him for a great fuck but he spoke first.

“Now clean it,” he said indicating to his cock. What? I couldn’t believe it, I had never gone ass to mouth before, I glanced down at his cock and saw it covered with his cum, some ass juice but nothing scatty – it just wasn’t my thing.

“I… um… don’t…” I tried to explain. He just grabbed my head and pulled it onto his cock, shoving his now thankfully decreasing cock into my mouth, he pumped a few times while I gave in and just continued to suck and slurp on it, until a minute or two later he let me go.

“Good slut,” he said getting from his seating position and reaching towards the front window where his dashcam was located, that’s when I saw it was pointing directly towards us he pressed a button “Manual recording stopped” the camera spoke.

“I’d like to host next years Halloween party, invite many of my friends,” Sam said, giving his cock a little tug before placing it back into his pants. “I am sure you have no issues RICHARD,” he asked almost not as a question and more of a command.

“Absolutely not,” I replied to him.

“Good, now get the fuck out of my car whore!” he demanded as he climbed into the front seat, I opened the backdoor and hopped out, by the time I could turn to say thanks for the lift and close the door the car was already on and was being put into drive. I watched as Sam drove off without another word, turned the corner and drove out of sight.

I turned to head inside for the night, tomorrow being Halloween I still had some last-minute decorating to do. As I began the ‘walk of shame’ towards my front door, hoping like hell my parents were in bed, I noticed a light coming from the main bedroom of my neighbours’ place, I glanced towards it and saw my neighbour Mr Garry, he had a smirk on his face as he waved, I embarrassingly waved back before scurrying inside.


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