The Good Son Ch. 06

A gay story: The Good Son Ch. 06 Chapter 6 – The Father, The Son, And The Spirit

[1 year later]

“Stop trying to read my mind, dude.” Elliot stated, annoyed.

“I’m not.” Gabriel replied, chuckling. “I’m just looking at you.” He explained.

“Liar, you’re doing that thing.” Elliot commented.

“I just…” Gabriel stuttered.

“Gabe…” Elliot uttered, his blue eyes looking down on his friend.

“Why did you leave me?” Gabriel whispered, his voice becoming faint, weak. Elliot paused, his raven curls tumbling over Gabriel’s face. He smiled and kissed his best friend’s lips momentarily before pulling away.

“Hey Scarface, wake the fuck up.” Elliot’s voice whispered as a white light engulfed them both.

Gabriel’s body shot from the bed, his now grown hair bouncing forward, sweat drops shooting from it, his breath blasting, and his heart pounding ferociously.

“Fuck.” Gabriel groaned, his voice cracking. A hand came from behind him and landed gently on his shoulder.

“You were crying again.” Nathan stated, sitting on the bed, his left hand turning on the small lamp on their bedside table. “Do you have your water?” He asked.

“Yeah.” Gabriel replied, looking to his right, grabbing the bottle, and chugging it down his throat. He sat there, holding the small bottle between his legs, his eyes locked on the wall before them. They were vacant, lifeless. All the light that once roamed inside them was gone. “What time is it?” He questioned.

“Still early. Come here.” Nathan said, forcing Gabriel down back on the bed.

“I’m fine.” Gabriel stated, pulling himself up again.

“C’mon…let me make you feel better.” Nathan whispered, kissing his neck.

Suddenly, Gabriel’s arm lunged back and pushed Nathan violently.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” He hollered, his voice forceful and threatening. He immediately halted, conscious of his reaction. He looked back to find Nathan staring back at him, scared. “I’m sorry.” He apologized. “Get some sleep.” He suggested, rolling his legs to the side, getting up, and walking out of the bedroom as he closed the door behind him.

Gabriel and Nathan had been dating for a few months now. They shared a small apartment near Nathan’s college. Nathan suggested that Gabriel move in, following his progressively destructive behavior. The truth was Gabriel was a changed person. Elliot’s passing had impaired his soul irrevocably, it seemed. The once gentle, tender, vibrant, and luminous being had been replaced by a cold, silent, and uneasy person, deeply damaged by his loss. Following Elliot’s death, Gabriel eventually dropped out of college, unable to focus on his studies. Instead, he spent his days lying around the couch, smoking weed and waiting for Nathan to return from class. He eventually got a job at a local movie theatre, a crappy paycheck, enough to assist with the bills around the house.

Gabriel became a functioning mess. His body kept going, but his mind became stuck on the past, lingering on that fateful day when the police knocked on his father’s door. To this day, Gabriel would still wake in the middle of the night, startled by the sound of his father’s mournful cry.

Gabriel and Jonathan had only spoken a few times since then. Once Gabriel left for college, they became estranged. The tragedy took a toll on their bond, and Nathan had, on several occasions, tried to have Gabriel open up about the reasoning behind their fallout. But Gabriel’s mind was detached and often beyond reach. Instead, he would ignore the issue or act defensively, unleashing his increasingly uncharacteristic violent behavior on people. Where love and adoration for his father once resided, rage now lived, poisoning Gabriel’s heart. And their bond seemed certainly lost, making Gabriel’s source of pain twofold. Now, he grieved the loss of two people in his life.

He wandered in the dark around the small apartment, naked, his body only lit by the small streaks of moonlight creeping inside through the blinds. Despite him still being a beautiful young man, his body looked enfeebled. His back slanted forward, and his eyes were always puffy as he would either cry himself to sleep or wake up screaming most nights. Finally, Gabriel sat on the couch before a hardwood coffee table and opened a small box, taking a joint from inside and lighting it. He reclined back and puffed, the smoke loading the space around him. He tilted his head back and stared vacantly at the ceiling.

“If you ever leave me, I’ll kill you.” Gabriel’s memory echoed as Elliot’s blue eyes beamed back at him.

“Traitor…” Gabriel whispered aloud, taking the joint to his lips again and finally closing his eyes.

Later that day, Gabriel reluctantly left the house, strolling through their neighborhood after promising Nathan he would meet up with him and some of their friends for drinks after work. Nathan always tried to get him to leave the house so it would be considered a successful day in their household when Gabriel showered and wore clean clothes. He strode down the street, eventually reaching the busy part of town where all the pubs and restaurants lined up. Gabriel and Nathan always dined at the same place, an Italian restaurant owned by one of their friend’s parents. They’d sit amongst a large, intimate group of friends and get drunk before finally heading into their usual pub just three streets down.

Their usual table was established there, and nobody would now dare sit on it until they arrived. They walked down the steps to the pub and sat at the round booth, gradually filling the space as they squeezed inside. Gabriel always sat at the edge since he enjoyed the freedom to come and go as he pleased. They ordered the drinks and resumed chatting, laughing, and cracking jokes. For Gabriel, social gatherings had become taxing, having to sit there faking some enjoyment on his part, which couldn’t be further from the truth. As he gazed at all those young people around him, he couldn’t help but feel nauseated at the shallowness and emptiness of their conversations. Even from an academic standpoint, they seemed void of any real sense of identity or structure. At times, Gabriel would stare at Nathan’s friends and wonder if he was ever like that himself.

“Babe…BABE!” Nathan hollered from the other end of the booth. “Can you get some crackers from the bar?” He asked, snapping Gabriel out of his stupor.

“Sure.” Gabriel replied with an unbothered demeanor as he sluggishly squeezed out of his seat.

He walked to the bar and leaned over it, his ass sticking out. Despite his demeanor, Gabriel was still breathtakingly beautiful. And the fact that every guy and woman at the pub had their eyes on him as he walked up to the counter was proof of that. The bartender was busy, so it may have been a few minutes before he approached Gabriel. During that time, he noticed a cute guy checking him out. He sat on the far end of the bar, near the bathrooms.

“Hey, handsome.” The cute bartender uttered as he finally got around to Gabriel.

“Hey.” Gabriel replied with an alluring smile as he continued to side-eye the guy in the corner.

“I missed you the other night…” The bartender said with an eager tone. Gabriel chuckled, his eyes off to the side.

“Pass those honey-layered peanuts.” He said. The bartender stretched his arm backward and slid a small plastic basket over the counter but kept his hand on it. When Gabriel went to grab it, the guy slid his fingers over his hand. “The bathroom. Five minutes.” Gabriel whispered, his voice husky and lustful. He turned around and walked over to Nathan.

“My favorites. Thanks, babe!” Nathan said, pulling Gabriel’s shirt and kissing him.

“I gotta piss. I’ll be right back.” Gabriel informed, winking as he stepped away. Nathan frowned at him as he walked off, eventually swerving over to the table and resuming his chat.

Gabriel crossed the room, the sound of the band playing live at the pub’s small stage filling up the room. He locked eyes with the cute guy in the corner as he approached the bathroom.

“Follow me.” He uttered as he passed by him, flaring the bathroom door open, where the bartender was already waiting.

“I’ve got five minutes.” He declared.

“We’ve done it before.” Gabriel replied, already unbuckling his belt and pulling his zipper down as he grabbed the bartender’s shirt and pushed him inside one of the stools. He reached inside his pants and pulled his cock out.

“You’re so fucking sexy, Gabriel.” The guy moaned before his mouth dipped inside Gabriel’s throbbing shaft.

“Shut the fuck up and suck that dick…” Gabriel groaned, squinting as if he were trying to remember something.

“Austin.” The bartender said.

“Right.” Gabriel said, chuckling as he felt the guy’s lips swallow his dick again, his head falling back and hitting the plastic partition behind him loudly.

Suddenly, they heard the door open. The bartender flinched, but Gabriel seemed unbothered and even turned his head to peek at the entrance to the stool. Then, the cute guy appeared, looking confused and slightly annoyed.

“Jesus, Gabriel!” The bartender uttered, pulling his mouth off his cock while his hand still grabbed the base of Gabriel’s shaft.

“Hey, don’t be greedy. I got enough for both.” Gabriel arrogantly stated.

The cute guy looked at the bartender, and they both grinned before he kneeled and took his mouth to Gabriel’s cock. Soon, both men’s tongues slid on opposite sides of Gabriel’s dick, coating his skin with their spit. Their tongues would go along it, meeting at the tip where they would greet each other, lacing together as their lips tasted each other, only to return hurriedly to worship the stud’s cock. Austin seemed more accustomed to Gabriel’s manhood and would usher the alpha’s moans more easily.

“You like that, sexy?” The bartender teased as he pulled away, looking up at Gabriel submissively.

“Fuck yeah. Let the new one have a go at it.” Gabriel razzed. Austin held his dick and pointed it at the other guy’s mouth. The young man swallowed it but choked halfway through. Gabriel laughed mockingly.

“He’s heartless.” Austin commented as he glanced at the other guy compassionately. “But worth it. He’s definitely the best laid in town.” He uttered, eyes glazed with lust. He stood up, pulled his pants down, exposed his soft bubble peach, and turned around with his hands against the wall. “Three minutes.” He voiced.

“Your ass is worth two.” Gabriel warned, spitting into his hand and rubbing it around his cock, before shoving it inside Austin’s hole, who instantly gasped.

“Oh shit…fuck…” Austin moaned.

“Keep it down.” Gabriel growled, his hips pumping inside him at full speed as Austin’s body rocketed back and forth, his moans cut short by the jerking motion.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” The new guy commented as he stared at Gabriel’s pelvis battering Austin’s sphincter.

“Come here.” Gabriel said, grabbing the new guy’s neck and pulling him up. “Open your mouth. Tongue out.” He ordered to which the boy obliged. Then he spit inside it, a few strings landing around it. The boy sighed with pleasure. “Leave it open. I’m going to cum in your mouth.” Gabriel informed before he started jabbing his throbbing cock inside Austin’s ass with such brutal force the bottom’s wails finally erupted, unfiltered.

“Gabriel, fuck!” Austin howled in complete ecstasy.

Gabriel, sensing his orgasm build, pulled out, pushing Austin sideways and pulling the new guy’s neck over to his moist cock, sliding it inside the boy’s mouth.

“Eat that fucking load.” Gabriel groaned as he shot inside the guy’s mug, looking down at him as he stared up, his lips stretched thin around his dick.

Suddenly, Gabriel stopped, his eyes twitching as his pelvis shivered slightly still. Looking up at him were the most beautiful deep blue eyes. He hadn’t even noticed how the boy’s eyes were like Elliot’s.

“Shit.” Gabriel muttered, his voice cracking as he pulled away, pulling his pants up in a rush, his head shaking from side to side in distress.

“Gabriel, are you ok?” Austin asked, his eyes stunned at Gabriel’s sudden distress.

“I’m fine. Get out.” He requested, his eyes closed as he tried to avoid looking at the other guy, who clumsily picked himself off the floor as he cleaned his cum covered mouth.

“Are you sure?” Austin insisted.

“Get the fuck out!” Gabriel yelled, his voice cutting through that tiny space like a chainsaw.

“Dude, you’re weird.” The new guy said before turning around and leaving the bathroom.

Austin followed behind, occasionally looking back to check on Gabriel, who just stood there, leaning against the plastic compartment, his eyes closed as he tucked his now limp, soft dick inside his pants. Then, when his breath started normalizing, he finally opened them, and as he turned his head, he found Nathan standing there, looking at him disapprovingly.

“You’re a piece of shit.” Nathan said calmly. Gabriel stared at him, giggling almost cruelly, as he walked to the sink, washing his hands and splashing his face with water.

“Are you upset I didn’t invite you?” Gabriel mocked. Nathan didn’t react.

“I’m leaving. Are you coming?” Nathan asked.

“I already did.” Gabriel jested, sticking his tongue out cheekily.

“Funny…” Nathan replied. “I’ll wait outside.” He stated as he walked away. Then he abruptly stopped and looked back. “By the way, you have cum in your pants.” He informed a certain sadness in his eyes now.

Gabriel glanced down and chuckled.

“Ups.” He uttered before cleaning it with a paper tissue and walking out the door.

They said goodbye to their friends and walked home. As they finally closed the door to their apartment, a peaceful silence took hold, and Gabriel strolled over to the couch, dropping his whole body weight on it, arms and legs spread outwards. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back. Then, after a few moments, he felt Nathan’s hands touch his shoes.

“Let’s get these off.” Nathan said in a nurturing way.

Gabriel looked down at him, his eyes locked on his lover.

“I’m sorry.” Gabriel mumbled, his eyes blinking very slowly.

“I know you are.” Nathan replied. He pulled Gabriel’s pants off, leaned forward, and yanked his shirt, his arms falling by the side. Under his pants, Nathan could see Gabriel’s engorged cock throbbing. “Unbelievable…” He commented, chuckling almost to himself.

Nathan sat at the coffee table in front of Gabriel, looking at him. His eyes glistened as he remembered the boy Gabriel once was. Kind, compassionate, wise. But now, a dark shadow consumed the light that once stemmed from the man before him.

“I don’t think I can do this anymore, Gabriel.” Nathan confessed.

“Are you still sore from last night?” Gabriel razzed, chortling.

“I’m serious.” Nathan reasoned.

“Hey…come here.” Gabriel teased before lifting his ass from the couch and yanking his briefs off, exposing his cock, which he held in his hand, stroking it gently. “I’m fucking leaking, Nate. Look at it.” He razzed, smiling as he thrust his pelvis, flexing his muscles and exposing his fit, fuzzy body.

“Jesus Christ…” Nathan muttered, trying to control his laughter. Even in this state, Gabriel could win him over.

“Take those clothes off, and let me fuck you.” Gabriel uttered, his eyes changing, becoming overruled by desire. Nathan stood up and slowly started peeling off his clothes. “Good boy.” Gabriel mumbled, scanning Nathan as he undressed, his hand still stroking his cock. “You’re so fucking cute when you do that.” He said, his voice switching again, becoming softer.

“What…” Nathan said, embarrassed, his arms crossing over his tattoo-covered chest.

“You always look at me like it’s your first time.” Gabriel explained while Nathan stared at him submissively. “Come sit on my dick.” He ordered, his voice shifting again.

Nathans’s eyes glimmered with rapture as he witnessed Gabriel’s prowess, moving sensually between light and shadow in a tantalizing dance of magnetism and alluring dominance. He took two steps forward and saddled Gabriel’s legs, aiming his hole towards his lover’s cock, who took his hand to it, rubbed the built precum over it, and slid it inside Nathans’s crevice unceremoniously.

“Fuck…” Nathan moaned.

“You like that, baby?” Gabriel provoked. Nathan nodded, his body tensing as his arms encircled his lover’s neck. Gabriel pulled his head back and kissed Nathan, his lips sucking on his mouth. “You like my dick inside your tight hole?” He groaned into Nathan’s mouth.

“I do.” Nathan moaned. “Feels so fucking good.” He muttered, his breathing accelerating as Gabriel’s strokes deepened and became faster. “Gabriel…I wish…” He tried to express. But Gabriel’s sovereignty was cunning.

“Shhhh…don’t ruin it.” Gabriel growled, sticking his tongue inside Nathan’s mouth and grabbing his ass cheeks with both hands before shoving his cock into his lover’s ass mercilessly. Soon, the slapping sounds of Gabriel’s sweaty hips punching against Nathan’s ass blasted through the living room.

“Gabriel…go…easy…” Nathan begged from under Gabriel’s neck crevice.

“You’re always so tight, fuck!” Gabriel roared, his lust consuming him. But as he proceeded, Nathan’s moans began to shift, turning into whines of discomfort.

“Gabriel…slow down…” Nathan begged. But his words just seemed to fuel Gabriel’s roughness even more.

“Shhh…stop being a pussy.” He mocked, thrusting even deeper.

“Gabriel, stop!” Nathan screamed, pulling away, his hole queefing as he fell to the side over the couch.

Suddenly, Gabriel rose, his stiff dick fluttering before him.

“Useless cunt! You can’t even take a dick properly, geez!” He yelled as he paced around the room, kicking the furniture violently.

Nathan’s body curled up on the sofa, his hole still spewing air.

“Gabriel, calm down.” Nathan reasoned, his voice sounding anxious and fearful.

“Fuck this shit! Where are my keys?” Gabriel questioned as he scanned the room, disoriented.

“On the table beside the door…” Nathan said, his voice bottled with sadness and disappointment. “Gabriel…your clothes.” He said.

“I’m just going upstairs to fuck the guy on 5B. I don’t need clothes for that.” Gabriel cruelly divulged. Not a single shred of remorse in his voice.

“Gabri…” Nathan called, but it was too late.

“Go to bed, Nathan.” Gabriel suggested as he loudly shut the door in his lover’s face.

Later that evening, Nathan lay in bed, his mind wandering off to sleep, when he suddenly heard the front door. Slow yet heavy steps wobbled over to the bed. He felt it tremble as Gabriel lay on it. Nathan slowly rolled over, turning to Gabriel, whose back faced him. He was mumbling incoherently, seemingly in a dream state. Nathan’s heart ached, and he skated over, holding Gabriel in a loving embrace, his hand landing over his boyfriend’s heart.

“Elli…” Gabriel whispered, his voice trembling as his conscience slipped down into sleep.

Nathan’s hand froze, eventually pulling back as his body rolled into its original position. That night, he cried himself to sleep. Nathan knew he would never have Gabriel’s heart, that his love belonged to someone else. And that only one person alive could drag Gabriel out of the emotional pit he had descended into.

The following day, Gabriel woke up, his eyes glued together as he tried to avoid the bright light shooting through the window directly at his face. He raised his body, his arms holding him up. Gabriel could hear Nathan pacing around in the kitchen. He opened his nightstand drawer to take out a pair of briefs. His eyes flared in surprise. The drawer was empty. He stood up and rushed for the living room. As soon as he stepped inside, he noticed two large bags near the door.

“You’re up.” Nathan remarked, turning around as he held a pan with scrambled eggs. “Hungry?” He questioned, serving two plates and sitting casually at the small breakfast table.

“What the fuck is this?” Gabriel questioned, his voice still hoarse.

“Sit down, Gabriel. We need to talk.” Nathan calmly said.

Gabriel reluctantly walked over, his eyes skimming the bags. He sat down and started gobbling the eggs, his breathing hectic like a hungry child. Then, he slowed down, eventually reclining on his chair, staring at his partner intensely.

“Are you kicking me out?” Gabriel asked.

“No. I’m letting you go, Gabriel.” Nathan replied, his voice sad. “You don’t want to be here.” He voiced. “I…love you. I do.” Nathan continued, unbothered by Gabriel’s piercing gaze. “But I can’t compete with a ghost.” He uttered.

The room went silent. Gabriel’s eyes turned away, but Nathan could see them glistening even from the side.

“I wish I could take all that pain away…trust me. I tried.” Nathan explained. “But I feel like I’m only making things worse.” He reasoned. “You quit school, and you’re missing work…if I let you stay, I’ll only postpone the inevitable.” Nathan conveyed.

Gabriel turned his eyes back at him.

“Typical. When things get rough, you run away.” Gabriel uttered, every word stabbing Nathan across the table.

“I’ve called your father. He said you can stay at his place until you get your act together.” Nathan informed calmly.

“I’m not staying there.” Gabriel mumbled, leaning forward with his elbows on the table, hands to his head.

“You don’t have a choice. He’s the only one who will put up with your shit.” Nathan fired back. Gabriel chuckled sarcastically, his eyes scanning Nathan with disdain.

“You know what…fine.” Gabriel replied, standing up, picking up his plate, and tossing it into the sink, shattering it into pieces. Nathan’s body trembled. Gabriel leaned into Nathan and took his mouth to his ear. “You’re right. You couldn’t possibly compete with him.” His voice slithered with malice before walking to the living room, grabbing some random shirt and sweatpants from one of the bags, picking everything up, and closing the door behind him.

One hour plane ride later, a bus and an Uber, and Gabriel stood at the far end of Jonathan’s street. The exact spot where he would meet Elliot every day before they’d walk to school. A dark and bitter wave of nostalgia washed over Gabriel, and he immediately regretted returning. But he knew that for now, he had no choice, so he picked up his stuff and walked over to his dad’s house. As he stepped onto the lawn, he immediately noticed how clean and neatly maintained it looked. Jonathan had put the boy’s tent away, too. He walked up the porch steps and knocked on the door. But as he did, he noticed a note inside the screen door.


Gabriel sighed, took his backpack from his back, and took his keys out, opening the door. He walked inside and went straight to his room on the right of the small hallway. Everything was the same as when he left. Jonathan had left freshly folded bedsheets at the edge of the bed. Gabriel tossed his bags to a corner and begrudgingly made the bed, undressing and ambling naked over to the bathroom, where he proceeded to shower. He returned to the room, the body still dripping slightly, put on a fresh pair of undies, and threw himself into the bed, spreading his whole body before exhaling profusely. A few minutes later, Gabriel fell deeply asleep.

He woke up a couple of hours later, already dark outside.

As soon as he lifted his head, he heard a noise from the kitchen. He momentarily leaned forward and sat on the bed, rubbing his face, trying to wake himself up before he rolled off and stood up. He slid his hand inside his briefs, adjusted his stiff cock, opened the door, and walked across the corridor to the bathroom. He stood over the toilet, aiming his dick down, and waited for his bladder to empty, his head tilting back as he looked at the ceiling. Soon, he started to hear Jonathan whistling. Gabriel’s eyes flared, and his groin twitched. Even though they had fallen out, Jonathan’s presence still stirred something inside him. His chest would expand, and his heart would race. He flushed, washed his hands, and strolled in his undies towards the kitchen. Jonathan stood at the sink, washing some dishes, his hair in a bun, his massive muscular back facing Gabriel, and his perfect ass covered by tight denim jeans. As soon as Gabriel entered the room, Jonathan felt his presence, turning around.

“Hey.” He said, the once captivating twinkle in his eyes gone. Gabriel said nothing as he walked to the counter, sitting on one of the stools. “Yeah, have a seat.” Jonathan voiced sarcastically. “Are you hungry? I have some Chinese leftovers, I think…” He offered, opening the fridge.

“No. But I’ll have a beer.” Gabriel replied.

“Not in my house.” Jonathan fired back, his eyes piercing Gabriel.

“Fine. Like I give a fuck.” Gabriel muttered, his teeth clenching in bottled anger.

“Watch your mouth, young man…” Jonathan threatened, his eyes twitching as he stared down at his son. Gabriel faced his gaze, their eyes locked in a staring match, rage and bitterness boiling.

Suddenly, Gabriel’s arm punched forward, hitting a cereal bowl in front of him, making it fly across the room and hit one of the kitchen cupboards.

He didn’t even have time to think when Jonathan’s towering body lunged over him, grabbing his neck and pushing him through the air, his back hitting the wall behind them with a loud thump. Jonathan’s hand gripped Gabriel’s neck, pressing on it. Gabriel’s soulless eyes stared back at his father, teasing the violence out of him.

“Hit me. Come on…I know you want to.” Gabriel provoked, his face tensing up as Jonathan’s grip became more vigorous. “I love it…when you choke me…like…fuck.” Gabriel stuttered, his face turning red and bloated. He let out a gush of air, drool sliding off his mouth.

Suddenly, Jonathan unlocked his hand, and Gabriel’s feet finally touched the ground. His hand came up to his neck as he coughed and panted frenetically.

“Jesus, fuck. I almost passed out there.” He mocked, laughing hysterically. He crawled from under Jonathan and sat on the stool again, his neck now bruised and red. “Don’t worry. I won’t stay long. Tomorrow night, I’ll fly back. Going to crash at a friend’s house.” Gabriel informed casually.

“Who?” Jonathan questioned.

“Austin. You don’t know him. Best piece of ass I’ve had in weeks.” He razzed.

Jonathan’s eyes closed, and a profound pain washed over him. Gabriel always knew how to tease his father’s vulnerable points. Only this time, he was doing it out of spite and cruelty.

“How did we get here, Gabriel…?” Jonathan’s voice questioned, his forehead leaning against the wall, taking the space his son was in just a few moments ago.

“You know how.” Gabriel replied, his voice sharp and relentless.

“How long are you gonna keep blaming me?” Jonathan contested. But there was no answer.

“I’m going to bed.” Gabriel mumbled before getting up and walking away, shutting the door loudly.

Jonathan went behind the counter and slowly picked up the glass shards from the bowl before closing the light and walking up the stairs to his room.

A few hours later, he lay naked in his bed, a small crack in the window letting a soft breeze float through. Then suddenly, his body twitched, startled as he sensed a presence. Jonathan’s eyes opened and glanced at the room’s doorway, where a shadow loomed. Gabriel stood there, barely visible. But Jonathan could see the boy’s hand caressing his cock under his briefs.

“Gabriel, is everything…” He uttered before stopping himself as his son suddenly stepped forward.

Gabriel ambled over to Jonathan slowly. With each step he took, Jonathan’s cock grew an inch, and by the time the boy reached the bed, its massive size was on full display. Everything felt blurred, their actions protected by a dark veil. But as Gabriel grew closer, the light from the window shined on him, exposing part of his abdomen. Jonathan’s eyes glistened with emotion. It had been a while since he had seen his son’s body this close. Gabriel grabbed Jonathan’s foot and pushed one of his legs to the side, making room to slide between them and stuff the stud’s throbbing cock inside his mouth. Jonathan’s head snarled back in ecstasy. Gabriel’s mouth felt warm, gentle, and familiar. His tongue glided along it like an old friend, greeting it. It was aware of Jonathan’s sensitive spots. Gabriel began to release these soft moans, submissive and disarming. Soon, his head bobbed up and down his father’s giant shaft like a pro. Sucking Jonathan was second nature to Gabriel, and not even their unresolved issues could quell his thirst.

“Gabriel…” Jonathan groaned.

“Nobody has been inside me but you.” Gabriel revealed as he pulled his mouth from his father’s cock, releasing a loud gasp. He started slapping the beast on his cheek playfully. “It’s the only part of you I couldn’t bring myself to hate.” The boy moaned, his face buried inside Jonathan’s crotch as he sniffed it lustfully. “Did you miss my hole, Daddy?” He teased, pulling back and turning his ass over to Jonathan, moving it sensually.

Jonathan hauled up and grabbed his son’s hips, tautening him back.

“Take these off.” Jonathan ordered.

“Rip them off.” Gabriel soughed. Jonathan obliged. He took both hands, gripped the fabric, and ripped it apart, the sound slashing through the room. “Fuck, yeah.” Gabriel uttered, his body moving like a snake, charmed by a magician’s flute.

Jonathan’s tongue immediately lunged down on Gabriel’s sphincter, the slurping sounds of his mouth feasting on it echoing across the house. He was sucking, licking, and burying his face inside his son’s ass with the equivalent push of a forced hunger strike. Finally, he enveloped his arms under Gabriel’s thighs and pulled him up, raising his ass and taking it to his mouth.

“Fuck, that’s it. Eat that hole, Daddy.” Gabriel moaned in rapture.

“You missed that, you little slut?” Jonathan’s questioned, slapping Gabriel’s cheeks as he slid his tongue deeper inside his son’s hole. Gabriel just nodded and whined, his vulnerability finally unleashed.

There he was, the young man his father knew. His light exhumed by the lust he still bared for Jonathan. Their intimacy momentarily unearthed through their buried passion.

“Fuck me. I want your cock inside me.” Gabriel begged. His neck was bending backward, his eyes clamoring for Jonathan to fill the boy’s void like only he knew how.

Jonathan pulled back, his towering figure on his knees as he gazed down at Gabriel’s puckering hole. He grabbed his cock, aimed it, and effortlessly lunged, slowly sliding it inside. He took his time, knowing Gabriel hadn’t bottomed in a while.

“Fuck…I missed that dick.” Gabriel groaned, letting his face fall inside the sheets, his ass sticking up before Jonathan’s weight pushed him down the mattress.

“Holy shit, you’re tight.” Jonathan grunted as he let his body sink over his son, his lips searching for the boy’s ear, sliding his tongue inside. Gabriel arched his neck back, uncovering his luscious lips.

“Kiss me…” Gabriel beseeched, his tongue sticking out like a puppy. Jonathan shoved his tongue inside while thrusting his cock deeper into the boy’s hole.

He began pounding his son’s hole mercilessly. All you could hear were Jonathan’s muscular hips slapping Gabriel’s cheeks. Their sweat fused as their bodies became soaked. Jonathan’s thrusts were deep, his body barely separating from Gabriel’s. Almost as if Jonathan feared to pull away too much, to lose him.

“Dad…” Gabriel moaned.

“Yeah, baby?” Jonathan questioned tenderly.

“Make me feel better…” Gabriel stuttered, his voice beginning to crack. “Make me forget.” He pleaded as tears started to erupt from his hazelnut eyes. Soon, his moans were fusing with soft cries as his father punched his manhood into him.

“I will, baby…” Jonathan promised. “I’m here, my love. Daddy’s here.” He pledged as his eyes rolled back in eros, signaling the first shots of cum that fired from his throbbing cock.

Gabriel’s ass clenched around Jonathan’s cock, milking it dry. And like two halves of the same coin, they stayed there as their bodies twitched and spasmed together until they dropped on the bed, exhausted.

Jonathan felt Gabriel’s body move as their breaths normalized, trying to squeeze from under him. He raised his chest and pelvis slightly, and the boy pulled out, rolling to the edge of the bed. He sat there for a moment, his face hidden from Jonathan.

“Hey…wanna sleep here tonight?” Jonathan asked affectionately and devotedly. There was a brief silence before Gabriel’s voice broke Jonathan’s momentary illusion.

“We both needed this. But let’s not pretend it fixes anything.” Gabriel’s cold voice uttered, his body now concealed by the shadow that loomed over him. He stood up and left the room, leaving the door open.

Jonathan lay there in tears as he heard his son’s footsteps go down the stairs. And just like that, he was once again alone in his room.

The following day, Jonathan woke up, startled. His chest shot from the bed as he heard a loud commotion downstairs. He grabbed some shorts and hurriedly rushed down the stairs to find Grabriel pushing stuff into his bags.

“Are you leaving already?” Jonathan asked, surprised. “Was hoping we could spend the day together.” He said, his voice begging for his son’s attention.

“I can’t. I managed to squeeze into an earlier flight. I still have to run by the pub and get Austin’s key.” He informed, not even acknowledging his father.

“Gabriel, please.” Jonathan begged.

“Jesus Christ, dude, stop being so needy!” Gabriel yelled with contempt.

Suddenly, the room went silent, an overwhelming dispassion taking over. Gabriel now faced his father, whose eyes gradually flared, a violent rage building inside them.

“Who the fuck are you?” Jonathan whispered, incredulous. “Where’s that sweet boy I raised?” He asked, his words struggling to hold themselves afloat.

“He’s dead.” Gabriel affirmed.

“No. He’s not.” Jonathan replied. “I can still feel him.” He argued as he started walking towards Gabriel. “I’ve held you…in my arms…since you were a fucking baby.” Jonathan conveyed. “I know my son. He’s still there.” He said, holding Gabriel’s face and smiling. But as he looked into his son’s eyes, his smile faded.

“What did you do with his suitcase?” Gabriel questioned.

“What?” Jonathan asked, stunned.

“Elliot’s suitcase. The one he left here that night…” Gabriel drilled, his eyes goring his father.

“I threw it out.” Jonathan claimed.

“LIAR!” Gabriel screamed, lunging over Jonathan, arms raised as he mindlessly punched him. He hit Jonathan’s face and chest several times before the stud finally restrained him, pushing the boy into his bed and shaking him, trying to pull him out of his haze.

“Gabriel, stop this! STOP! He’s gone…He’s fucking dead! And he’s not coming back!” Jonathan hollered with desperation, his arms fighting Gabriel’s wrath.

And then, the boy’s body stopped abruptly, his twitching and kicking finally ceasing, and his eyes slowly veering to face his father.

“And whose fault is that?” He questioned.

The cruelest words ever spoken.

Jonathan’s hands slowly released their grip on his son, and his body pulled away, his soul distraught and overwhelmed with disappointment. Gabriel remained there, lying on the bed, his mind unable to grasp the horrible nature of his remark. He had just wounded his father’s heart, the only person in the world who loved him more than he loved himself.

Jonathan scanned the room, seemingly trying to find something. Then, he rushed for one of the shelves full of Gabriel’s books and pulled a familiar one out. He turned around and threw the book at his son’s face.

“You ungrateful piece of shit… get the fuck out of my house. OUT!” Jonathan hollered, a rage in his voice Gabriel had never witnessed. He lunged at the boy, grabbing him by the shirt and yanking his body out of the bed. “I am guilty. Guilty of loving you too much. I protected you from everything. Even yourself. And now you can’t face your grief.” Jonathan growled, pulling Gabriel closer, his mouth inches from his son’s. “You’re not above human suffering, Gabriel.” Jonathan stated.

Then, slowly, his anger began to subside, and his love for his son returned. Jonathan’s words had somehow punctured through Gabriel’s anger, and the boy stood there, gazing at his father in stupefaction, having witnessed him at his most vulnerable. He fell back, stunned and disoriented. He picked up the book, tossed it in his backpack, grabbed his other two bags, and rushed out the door. Jonathan’s legs caved, and he tumbled on his son’s bedroom floor, his hands covering his head as he caged his tears. As the front door closing blasted in the distance, a lonely silence struck down on that once happy house. And for the first time since Gabriel’s birth, Jonathan felt utterly alone.

Eventually, he picked himself off the floor and wandered the house for hours. Finally, as night time approached, he walked upstairs, showered, and threw on some clean clothes. Then, he went to the kitchen and poured himself a large whisky with one rock, chugging the first glass in one go and serving a second, which he took with him as he walked to the counter. He leaned on it and picked up his phone, scrolling through it for over twenty minutes, seemingly texting someone. He then placed the phone down and walked upstairs into his room, sitting on the bed, his body facing his closet. He exhaled before stretching his arms, opening the closet door, and taking out a suitcase hidden under a pile of clothes, carefully placing it over the bed.

It was Elliot’s suitcase.

Jonathan’s hands stretched out, and his fingers started touching its surface softly, almost as if it were a person. He pulled the zippers and opened the top part carefully. Inside, Elliot’s clothes were still there, neatly folded. Jonathan drew one of the boy’s shirts out and took it to his nose, sniffing in its scent softly. His eyes glistened with tears as he pulled the shirt away from his face.

He folded the shirt delicately again and placed it back inside the suitcase. Then he slid his hand inside a small side pouch and took out a small perfume flask. It had a plastic casing, one of those cheap clothes store editions. Jonathan grabbed the flask and hid the suitcase back inside the closet. Then, as he walked downstairs, the doorbell rang, and he walked over to open it.

In front of him was a beautiful young man. His hair was raven black, curled. Although dressed, under his shirt, you could see his smooth chest and pale skin. And these deep blue eyes.

“Jonathan?” The boy asked.

“Yeah. Come in.” Jonathan invited with sadness in his voice. He stepped over to the kitchen counter and turned around with his ass leaned against it. He gaped at the young man for a while, scanning him. The boy didn’t seem fazed. In fact, his gaze was also lingering, struck by Jonathan’s beauty.

“I don’t usually get guys like you.” The boy commented.

“Like what?” Jonathan questioned.

“Hot as fuck.” The boy replied, chuckling. Jonathan didn’t laugh. He just stood there, scrutinizing the boy.

“Strip.” He ordered before the boy pulled his leather jacket off and tossed it hurriedly on the floor. “Slowly…” Jonathan demanded, interrupting him.

The boy obliged, stripping one piece of clothes at a time, gradually disclosing his smooth but not particularly fit body, nowhere near Elliot’s flawless physique.

“Do I fit the profile you asked for?” The boy asked as his briefs finally came off.

“Close enough.” Jonathan stuttered, his eyes finally looking away. The boy squinted, surprised by Jonathan’s emotional struggle.

“By the way, my name is…” He tried to say.

“Elliot. Tonight, your name is Elliot.” Jonathan interrupted. “Spray this on. Then head upstairs and wait for me on the bed.” Jonathan instructed as he tossed the perfume flask over to the young man. Then he went behind the counter and poured himself another whisky.

“Sure thing, boss.” The boy said. He opened the bottle cap, sprayed himself in Elliot’s perfume, placed the bottle on the counter, and walked upstairs, his smooth bubble ass bouncing.

Jonathan chugged the glass down, punching it on the counter. He skimmed his mouth with the back of his hand and climbed the stairs, eventually halting over the doorway to his room, where the boy waited. He sat on the bed, stripped, his arms and legs crossed as he faced the door, his face turned to the window as the moonlight shined on it. Then, as he sensed the stud’s presence, he turned, and Jonathan felt the boy’s nervousness for the first time. He stripped his shirt, then his shorts, finally exposing his rock-hard cock.

“Jesus Christ…” The boy uttered, his voice cracking as he stared at Jonathan’s oversized cock.

“Lay back.” Jonathan grunted.

The boy obeyed, and as he did, Jonathan stepped forward and crawled over to him, laying beside him, his face and right arm hovering over the young man. First, he scanned his body, the stud’s eyes lingering on every fragment. Next, his fingers started coasting over it gently, from the boy’s feet to his chest, where they remained. And then, garnering all his willpower, Jonathan finally met the boy’s eyes. And as he did, he remembered.

“I’m in love with you… We’re the same, Jonathan. You’re damaged, just like me.” Elliot’s voice echoed inside his mind.

Tears began plunging from Jonathan’s eyes, tumbling over the boy’s chest.

“Are…you ok?” The young man asked, unsure what was happening or how to act.

“Turn around.” Jonathan replied. The boy heeded, rolling his body.

Jonathan’s right hand came up, his fingers gently brushing the boy’s raven curls as his eyes closed in pain and grief. He grabbed a bottle of lube from the nightstand, rubbed it on himself, lifted his pelvis, and slid his cock inside. The boy’s body sprang forward, surprised by the thickness of the stud’s manhood. But Jonathan was being delicate, displaying a most unusual gentleness.

That night, Jonathan made love to Elliot’s memory, and that unknown boy’s moans of pleasure echoed across the house for hours.

(To be continued…)

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