The Guy Across The Hall Ch. 02

A gay story: The Guy Across The Hall Ch. 02 It wasn’t a ‘heavy’ workout like I expected. Pete was very careful about what he had me do. He told me that since I hadn’t worked out in a few years, I needed to take it easy the first few times. He told me that a lot of people who went to the popular ‘chain’ gyms got put through long exhaustive workouts by the untrained staff which not only caused a great deal of unnecessary muscle pain but could also do damage to their muscles, joints and ligaments. Not to mention the fact that the pain made you less likely to want to work out again. The way to start was slow, causing no pain or damage and build up until you could do those heavy routines without causing any physical problems. What he said made a great deal of sense to me and I followed his instructions to the letter.

After hitting the free weights and apparatus that he had, we spent time in the small steam room, sauna and in the hot tub. At first, this was a little uncomfortable for me because, of course, we did them naked. I’d never had this kind of reaction – this shyness – around another guy before but, I rationalized it that in other situations, I had been around a bunch of guys, all of us naked. This time it was just one guy and this was a very private and intimate setting. No one else around and no possibility of anyone else interrupting us. I found out that the only key to the gym door was the one that Pete had. This was not part of the amenities offered to the residents of the building. It was, however, one that Pete made very clear was offered to me. He, in fact, told me he had a spare key to the gym upstairs that he would give me when we went back up.

The hot tub was wonderful, relaxing my muscles and making me feel so light and weightless. The steam room and sauna were a little more difficult for me to deal with. Not that they didn’t feel wonderful, they did. But in the hot tub, because of the bubbling water, I couldn’t see any part of Pete’s body except what was above the water line. In the steam room and sauna, I couldn’t miss his entire body! Miss it? I couldn’t take my eyes off it! His body was, in two words, fucking beautiful! There were dark swirls of hair across his very well developed pecs with a trail that led down the center of his abdomen to his ‘innie’ belly-button and then continued on down until it joined the bush of dark hair around his cock and nutsack. His cock, however, was what seemed to get to me the most! I mean, all guys check each other out. It’s normal. What wasn’t normal was that I just couldn’t stop checking Pete’s out! First of all, even soft, it was huge! It hung down at least five or six inches. God only knew what it was hard! It was also very thick. Now, I didn’t have anything to be ashamed of in the dick department. I had between seven and a half and eight inches and I was quite thick but nothing compared to Pete! Not to mention, he was uncut, just like me. But where my foreskin just covered the head of my cock when it was soft, Pete’s foreskin hung down in a nipple at least an inch below the head of his cock.

Pete’s legs and arms had the same dark curly hair as did his butt cheeks about halfway up. His back, however was smooth, broad and heavily muscled. The cleft over his spine was deep because of the build-up of musculature on each side of it. All in all, Pete was one of the most handsome and beautiful men I had ever seen in my life – not that I was in the habit of judging that! But it was the fact that he was so overwhelmingly attractive that made me notice it. Why I couldn’t stop noticing it – THAT was another situation all together! I just didn’t know what the fuck was the matter with me! It was like I was turning ‘gay’ for Pete!

Okay, like most guys, when I was in middle and high school, I fucked around with some of my friends. You know the kind of thing – mutual jack-off sessions with your buds, maybe jack-off contests and circle-jerks. A couple of times I even traded blowjobs with one guy. But that was all. Strangely enough, looking back, I realize now that those encounters were often way more exciting than anything that had happened between me and my wife! But I just put that down to the fact of being so fucking young and full of hormones and that fact that it was all so new to me.

But it was like I was back to those teenage years, sitting there in the steam room and sauna with Pete. It was all I could do to (a) keep my eyes off his body and especially his package and (b) keep my own package under control and soft! Or at least not obviously hard! I couldn’t help a certain amount of ‘thickening’ that was happening. Finally, Pete said we should hit the shower and head upstairs.

When we got back to Pete’s apartment, I changed back into my regular clothes and figured I should head out then but, again, Pete had other ideas. First of all, it was almost noon so he suggested that we have lunch. I figured that was a good idea but I told Pete I didn’t want him to have to cook again.

“Didn’t plan to! Ever been to The Clamshell Restaurant over in Littleton? I love the place! Great steaks and great seafood. I figured we’d head over there.” Pete said.

“Yeah. I’ve been there. It is a great place. Ain’t been there in a long time.” I said not mentioning that one of the reasons I didn’t go there was that I didn’t like eating alone and my ex-wife didn’t like to eat out.

“Well, then! All the more reason! Come on, I’ll drive!” he said.

We went downstairs and got into his car. I was a little shocked at what he drove – a BMW X5 SUV. It was an incredible car – black with tan leather interior and just about every ‘bell and whistle’ that BMW offered. We sped along and, while I didn’t usually enjoy riding shotgun and not driving myself, riding in the X5 was a really enjoyable experience. We took exit 43 off I-93 into Littleton to the restaurant. We sat down and the waitress brought us a couple of beers. Then we looked at the menu.

“So what are you going to have?” I asked.

“I figured I’d start out with Crab and Artichoke Saute. It’s my favorite.” Pete said.

I looked at him in amazement!

“That’s mine, too!” I laughed.

“Well, see! Great minds think alike! What about as an entree?” he asked.

“Well, that’s another favorite of mine – Steak Neptune. It’s sirloin steak with scallops, shrimp…”

“Crab meat in a Bearnaise sauce! Yes, I know! It’s my favorite, too!” he laughed.

We sat there looking at each other.

“I can’t believe this!” I finally said. “We both like the same things! I wonder what else we agree on?”

Over lunch, we started talking about it and found out that we had a lot in common besides food. We both liked the same kind of music (Country), we liked the same colors (Blue and Black), we liked the same football team (The Patriots) and we liked the same authors (Tom Clancy and Robert Ludlum). We, of course, liked working out and feeling our bodies were fit. There were differences, of course. I couldn’t write and he didn’t like mechanical things but that wasn’t a problem at all. In a way, we not only were a lot alike, we were also complementary to each other. Inside, I was incredibly thrilled by this which really bothered me! I don’t know why this should thrill me so much.

We ended up going back to the apartment again and Pete helped me measure walls and decide where I was going to put my furniture when I moved in the next day. We basically spent the whole day together and then Pete cooked dinner for us. I didn’t want him to do it, but he insisted. After all, he pointed out, it was either that or both of us would just have to eat dinner alone. He made this really great dish I’d never had before, Beef Stroganoff, with a salad and accompanied by a really good red wine. We sat there talking after dinner, still getting to know each other. I couldn’t believe how comfortable I felt with Pete after knowing him such a short time.

“I want to thank you for today. I have to admit, I was avoiding going home.” I said finally.

“I kind of guessed something like that.” Pete said.

“Yeah. My ex-wife was going to come with her parents to get her things. I just didn’t want to be there for that.” I said.

“That’s completely understandable. Hey! We single guys have to stick together!” Pete grinned and I grinned back.

“Yeah! I guess we do! I know I’m really gonna love living here. I mean, finding a nice apartment is one thing. Finding a nice apartment and a new friend at the same time -that’s really special.” I told him.

Pete smiled this really amazing smile at me.

“Thank you! I have to tell you, Tommy, I feel exactly the same way. This is one of the best days I can remember having since I moved here. Spending time with you has been a really great experience and, as far as I’m concerned, this is just the start of a really great friendship!” he grinned.

“Yeah! I feel exactly the same way!” I agreed.

“Well, then, here’s a toast – to friendship!” Pete said, holding up his wine glass.

“To friendship!” I said, clinking my glass against his.

We drank and then sat there grinning at each other.

I finally went home and found that all of my wife’s stuff had been cleaned out. I took a few boxes I had gotten on the way home and put what little stuff I had in them then I watched some TV until I just couldn’t hold my eyes open anymore and went to bed.

Sometime during the night, I started dreaming. I didn’t know where I was. It was in a garden. There were all these people walking around. At first it didn’t hit me but suddenly I realized that all the people were guys. Not only that, but they were all naked. They were all young, about my age and they were all fairly good looking though I couldn’t tell you what any of them actually looked like. I just knew they weren’t anybody I knew. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on but I saw some of the guys walking around hand in hand! It was then that I noticed something else – I was naked, too. And not just naked, but harder than hell! My cock was standing up so hard it was dripping cock-honey. I looked up to see if anybody noticed that I had a hardon and saw that all the other guys did.

I didn’t know what to do. I found myself staring at all the hardons around me. I’d never seen so many in my life. It was like a forest of male strength and I was incredibly turned on by it. It was like all my adolescent fantasies come to life. Here were all these guys naked, just like in the locker room but all with hardons and, best of all, I got to look all I wanted and nobody cared. I don’t know how I knew that. I just did.

I just stood there gawking at all the beautiful muscular bodies and all the large, hard cocks until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and there stood Pete, his handsome face and his beautiful smile beaming at me. Without saying a word, he reached down and gently stroked my cock and I groaned. Then he took my hand and led me deeper into the foliage.

He brought me to a bower, surrounded by flowering bushes that formed walls around us. There was a blanket on the grass and Peter lay down on the blanket, pulling me down with him. He pulled me into his arms and I could feel the warmth and strength of him surrounding me. His lips came down gently on mine as I felt his hard cock pressing against mine. I was thrilled by the feelings of his strength and hardness. I wanted him, I needed him. I couldn’t understand why but the questions of the day – my own shock at the realization of my attraction to Pete did not enter into my mind. It was simply there and I was more involved in my arousal and the sensuous feelings that I was feeling than in what it all meant.

I don’t know what caused me to do it, but I started to lick down Pete’s neck and onto his lightly furred chest. Without even realizing it, I ended up with my face in his crotch, his hard cock pressed against my face and licking up and down the long, thick staff. I was fucking licking another guy’s cock! With that I shot my load, just like I was a fucking teenager, all over my sheets.

This woke me up and, for a few moments, I just lay there panting, trying to get my breath back after what had been probably one of the most mind-blowing orgasms I had ever had. But then the reality of the dream hit me! I had a fuckin’ wet dream about NAKED GUYS! Worst of all, I’d had sex with Pete! I’d fuckin’ licked Pete’s fuckin’ cock! I was definitely losing my mind!

It took me hours to get back to sleep that night. I couldn’t figure out what the fuck was wrong with me. I’d never been attracted to guys…well…at least not that I was aware of. I mean, I did fuck around with other guys when I was young but, I was a jock and most jocks did that. It was just part of being a fucking teenage horn-dog. But this was way beyond that! I really got off on this! It was even way more exciting than fuckin’ around with my jock buds had been. I hated to admit it, but I really loved it! That’s what was really fuckin’ my head over.

I finally did get back to sleep and when I woke up, there was a pounding at the door of my apartment. It was the guys from the garage. Within a couple of hours, we had everything into their trucks and were on our way to my new apartment. When we got there Pete met us with coffee and donuts which we wolfed down and then started moving my stuff into the apartment. With Pete’s help, the stuff was arranged and I was all moved in within another two hours. The guys left and Pete and I were left sitting there on my couch.

It was then that the memories of the dream last night came flooding back and my fuckin’ cock started getting hard! It didn’t help that we were both sweating from all the exertion of moving and I could smell his scent strongly. It was driving me fuckin’ nuts! I think he noticed that something was wrong because he looked at me funny.

“What’s the matter, buddy?” he asked, his voice full of concern. I didn’t know what to say. How could I tell him? Tell him that I was fuckin’ dreaming about lickin’ his dick! Yeah, right!

“Nothin’.” I said quietly.

“You missin’ your ex-wife? Feeling bad about the divorce?” he asked.

That’s when I made the mistake. I looked up at him and into those incredible blue eyes of his. I don’t know what it was. I just couldn’t look at him and lie.

“No. It’s me. I think I’m goin’ nuts.” I said softly.

“What do you mean?” he asked, his eyes softening as he looked at me.

“Look, I can’t expect you to understand this. I don’t understand this. I had this…well…this dream last night.” I said.

“Yeah? A nightmare?” he asked.

“No….not exactly.” I said this last softly.

“What kind of dream was it?” he asked.

“It…it…it was…well…it was…a wet dream.” I said, turning away, unable to look at him.

He didn’t say anything for a long time and I couldn’t turn around. I was just about to get up and leave when I felt his hand on my shoulder. Almost like in the dream. I looked around and he was gently smiling at me.

“Hell, guy! I’ve had those before! Is that the first time you’ve had a dream like that?” he asked.

“Yeah. Well…I had them when I was young but I don’t remember them. I’d just wake up and I was a mess, you know? I’d never had one like this before – never!” I said.

I felt his hand grip my shoulder firmer and I hated to admit it to myself, but I thrilled to his touch and my fucking cock got harder than a rock!

“Well, fuck. It happens, you know? Probably you ain’t been gettin’ your ashes hauled regular now that you’re not married and your balls are backin’ up, you know?” he grinned.

“Yeah, but this dream was real weird. I was doin’ shit I ain’t never thought of before!” I exclaimed.

“Maybe your mind is trying to tell you something. Maybe there was something in the dream that you really want.” he said. I just sat there, looking over my shoulder at him, feeling his hand on me, loving the touch, wanting something to happen but not really knowing what. What he said, however, caused me to shiver. Could that be it? Could I want to have sex with him? The way my cock was twitching, it sure seemed that way.

“Maybe your right. I don’t know.” I said, not really sure.

“Well…don’t worry about it. It was just a dream. You’ll probably never have it again.” he laughed.

But he was wrong. I had the same dream, or a similar one, every night for a week. And every night for that week, I spent with Pete, working out and having dinner. I’d come home from the garage, all filthy with grease, shower and then meet Pete down in the gym to work out. I didn’t want to. I kept telling myself every morning, after I’d woken up from another dream, that I wouldn’t. That I’d avoid him. But all through the day, all I could think about was Pete. The closer it got to quitting time, the more and more anticipation built up in me, wanting to be with him, wanting to be close to him.

And working out together was certainly close. Close enough to continually smell his musk, that male scent that I remember from high school locker rooms and that had always had an effect on me – an effect that usually caused my man-tool to tingle and sometimes get completely out of control when I was young. I never thought about it. It never really bothered me because I didn’t quite get that I was reacting sexually to other males. I didn’t get what that meant. I just accepted it as part of being a jock. After all, I saw plenty of half and full hard cocks in those locker rooms – other guys evidently reacting the same way I did.

Finally, however, it was on Friday night, I just couldn’t take it anymore. We were in the middle of our workout and I was doing bench presses. Pete stood above me, spotting me, and I was looking right up his gym shorts and could see his over-stuffed jock. I could tell that it had been a long time since it had seen the inside of a washing machine and I could smell the ripeness of it and could see the dark dampness from Pete’s sweat as well as smell the waves of hot musk rolling off his body.

Lying there, my cock became totally hard and I knew that I wanted Pete, wanted him the way I had never wanted another male in my life. I didn’t know what to do! I didn’t want to screw up what was my only close friendship in a long time. Nor did I want to lose my place to live. But, at the same time, I just couldn’t continue on this way, either! There was only two things I could think of to do. Either, I had to stop seeing Pete, cut off all interaction or I had to find out if it were possible that he was feeling any of the same things I was. The idea of just going on the way things were and repressing my feelings for Pete just weren’t an option to me.

But I didn’t know what to do. I mean, if Pete were a woman, I’d have some idea how to start. How to let her know that I was attracted to her, that I wanted to…well…become lovers. But how did you do that with a guy? Especially a guy you didn’t even know was gay! I mean, I didn’t see any indication that Pete was gay but, at the same time, I didn’t see any indication that he was straight either. Unlike most guys, Pete never talked about the sexual side of his life. Never talked about women at all. Never pointed out women who he was attracted to when we were out together. It was like he was totally asexual or something.

There was also another problem. I didn’t know how he’d handle me having feelings for him. I mean, I’d never heard him say anything negatives about gays but I’d never heard him say anything about them at all. This was all so new and confusing to me. I needed somebody to talk to about it but the only person I could talk to was Pete – the very person I couldn’t talk to about it…or could I?

We finished working out and showered. I had a hell of a time keeping my cock under control until the shower was over. But, being deep in thought and fearful of what I was planning to do managed to keep my cock soft and me distracted. I guess, however, it was noticeable.

“So what’s eating at you, buddy?” Pete said, as we were finished eating and sitting at the table drinking coffee.

I wanted to instantly deny that anything was bothering me, but it was a perfect direction for the conversation to head for me to do what I planned.

“It’s that dream I told you about.” I admitted to him.

“But that was a week ago. It can’t still be bothering you!” Pete said.

“It wasn’t just a week ago.” I said.

“What? You’ve had it again?” Pete asked.

“Every night.” I said, the misery showing in my voice.

“Is it the same dream every night?” he asked, curiously.

“Essentially. It varies slightly but it’s essentially the same.” I said.

“So what is it that bothers you about it?” he asked.

“Well…it’s not like any dream I’ve ever had before. I’m doing stuff in it I’ve never done. Never thought I’d want to. But it’s driving me crazy because, in the dream, it turns me on so much.” I said.

“What kind of ‘stuff’?” he asked.

“Uhh…sexual stuff.” I said.

“Is it kinky, like tying somebody up and beating them or something like that?” he asked. “No! Nothing like that. No, it’s almost normal sex.” I said.

“Almost?” he asked, curiously.

“Yeah…uhh…it’s just that…well…it’s with…uhh…another guy.” I said, quietly, my voice so low I’m sure he had to strain to hear me.

“Oh! I see. And you’ve never done anything with another guy, I take it?” Pete asked.

He didn’t sound disgusted or anything. Actually he just sounded interested, like I’d told him I just rebuilt an engine or something.

“Well, when I was a kid. You know, the typical kind of stuff. Jack Off contests, that kind of stuff. Nothin’ like this though.” I said, suddenly very embarrassed.

I could feel my face heating up. I knew that I must be blushing a bright shade of red.

“What kind of things were you doing in the dream?” Pete asked. Again, his voice neutral.

“Well, you know…uhh…oral and…uhh…like that.” I said, unable to verbalize what was really going on.

“By ‘oral’, I take it you mean that he was giving you a blow-job?” Pete asked.

“Yeah, and…well…I was giving him one, too.” I said.

“Hmm…mutually, like 69 or taking turns?” he asked.

“Both. Sometimes it was 69, sometimes taking turns.” I said, my head bent down, unable to look at him.

“What about anal? Did you fuck him? Did he fuck you?” Pete asked.

“Yeah…both.” I said quietly.

“Well, one thing to remember. This was just a dream. It didn’t really happen. You’ve got nothing to feel ashamed or guilty about.” Pete said.

“But you said that I was probably having these dreams because it’s something that I want to have happen.” I said.

“I said that before I knew what they were but, I have to say, considering that you’ve had the dream every night, it just might be something that you sub-consciously want to happen. Tell me something – is it just a ‘guy’ or is it somebody in particular? Some guy that you know, maybe?” Pete asked. I was silent. I was very afraid of this. It was bad enough that Pete knew that I was having these gay sex dreams, I didn’t know how he’d handle them being about him!

“Uhh…it’s…it’s somebody in particular. It’s the same guy every time.” I said quietly, still not able to look at him.

“Is it me?” Pete asked quietly.

My head shot up and I looked at him. His face had this really gentle look on it, like he had somehow known this all along. I stared at him, not knowing what to say. I guess that me not saying anything and the look on my face told him all he needed to know. He smiled a very knowing smile at me. I finally found at least part of my voice.

“How did you know? How did you guess?” I asked, hoarsely, my voice rough and barely above a whisper.

“I noticed how you couldn’t take your eyes off me. I noticed how deeply you would breathe in my scent whenever I got close to you. I noticed how you reacted whenever I touched you. But, most of all, I noticed how much you seemed to like being around me – as much as I love being around you.” he said softly, smiling at me the whole time.

This hit me like a fucking ton of bricks! Had I been THAT obvious? I guess I had. But how the fuck was I to know? I was never in a situation like this before!

“So what do you want to do now?” he asked, gently. “Do we go on with this or do we just forget it? Would you like to see how your dreams stack up to reality or would you just like to run away and we never see or be near each other again?”

“Fuck! NO! I don’t want that! That’s the one thing I’ve been fucking scared to death of! I didn’t want to lose you! I didn’t want to stop seeing you, stop spending time with you.” I said, the misery showing in my voice at the whole idea.

“Tommy, I don’t think you really understand yet what you’re asking here. Is it just sex you’re looking for? Is that’s what’s turning you on – the idea of doing something that is ‘different’ because you’ve been burned by a woman and want to try the other side? If that’s all you’re looking for, then you’re barking up the wrong tree.” he said, his voice and face very serious.

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused by this.

Yeah, I wanted to have sex with Pete. I wanted it like I’d never wanted sex with anybody in my whole life. But it wasn’t about something ‘different’ – though different couldn’t be any worse than what I’d had. It wasn’t about being ‘burned’ by my ex-wife. It was deeper than that. I wanted Pete on a whole lot of levels other than just sex. We were friends. Pete was a better friend to me than anyone I’d ever known. I loved being around him. I loved talking to him. I felt relaxed around him the way I’d never felt around anyone. “Look, you’ve just gotten divorced. You’ve been hurt. It’s only natural that you’d want to shy away from women because of what your ex-wife did to you. But, Tommy, I’m not straight. I’ve never been attracted to women. I’m gay. Always was, always will be. What I’m looking for is a partner – long term. I want someone to not only share my bed but my life. I’m not looking for a quick ‘roll in the hay’. I can get that anytime I want.” he said.

“Yes, the way you look, I can believe that. I wish I only looked half as good as you. I guess that’s part of the problem, isn’t it? I must not be very attractive to you.” I said, my head, once again, slumping down – not being able to look at him.

“Oh, my God! You’re kidding me, right?! Tommy! Look at me!” he said and I slowly looked up. “You have no idea how incredibly beautiful you are, do you?”

“Me? You’re joking, right? Beautiful? Man! You must need glasses!” I said gruffly.

“Tommy, you are one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever met. Maybe you’re not on the cover of magazines, but you’ve got a beautiful, smooth, lean, muscular body, a really handsome face with the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. I love your blond hair, in fact, I love everything about you! Not to mention your scent drives me fucking nuts! I’ve had a hell of a time being around you without getting hard all the time! But more than that – you have something that I’ve looked for forever and thought I would never find.” Pete said.

Now I knew I was blushing about six shades of red! I didn’t see any of those things that Pete said, but I also didn’t think he was lying to me either. Why would he? He knew he could have me, if he wanted me, without ever saying any of that.

“What’s that?” I asked, curiously, finally finding my voice.

“You are one of the sweetest, most loving men I’ve ever met. How that idiot ex-wife of yours couldn’t see that is beyond me, but, frankly, I’m grateful she couldn’t. Tommy, you’re everything I’ve ever looked for in a man. That’s why I can’t just have sex with you. I would fall in love with you harder than I’ve already fallen and the pain of you not being anything more than a ‘fuck’ is just more than I could take.” Pete said, his voice now faltering and low.

“You…you’re…in love with me?” I asked in shock.

This was something I never even dreamed of! Pete, in love with me? Fuck! But, what did that mean? Was I in love with him? I knew I had feelings for him, very strong feelings. Feelings that came out in those dreams but I’d never put words to them. I knew in the dreams that Pete and I weren’t just having sex. I knew we were ‘making love’. I guess that’s what was really so disturbing about them. I’d never been in love – not really. Was this it? Was this what it felt like? It sure the fuck fit everything I’d heard about love – the pain, the fear, the craving, the desire. Wanting to be near him all the time. Wanting to spend all my time with him. Wanting just to be close to him.

And that’s when it hit me – I was in love with Pete! Me! Tommy Driscoll! In love with another guy! Oh, fuck! What the fuck was everybody going to think about that?! But, what the fuck did that matter? Who fucking cares about what anybody else thinks…well, except for…Oh, fuck! My Mom and Dad! How the fuck would they take this?!

“Yes, Tommy. I’m sorry but I am. I was prepared to never tell you any of this. If you hadn’t brought it up, I never would. I doubt that you’re in love with me, however, since I doubt that you’re really gay.” Pete said, a dissolute sigh in his voice.

“What makes you think that?” I asked, a bit angry at his assessment.

“Tommy…you’re married. To a woman. Remember?” he said gently.

“Let me tell you something! I didn’t want to marry her. I only did because she was pregnant. When she lost the baby, I wanted out but I didn’t know how to get out. I never loved her. I was only doing what I was taught was the right thing. I had sex with her before we were married but it was like I was expected to do that. I was living up to what I’d been told I was supposed to do. The entire time we were married, I doubt if we fucked 10 times – and that’s what it was – fucking! There was no love. I’ve never made love to anyone – except in my dreams! And that was making love to you!” I practically was screaming by the end.

“But, Tommy, you’ve never even really done anything with another guy except, by your own description, some jack off contests with other high school jocks.” he said quietly.

“Look! You were never a jock were you?” I asked.

“No. Not in the conventional sense of the word.” he admitted.

“Well…let me tell you something. There was more than just jack-off contests. The most exciting sex I ever had was with other guys. I actually sucked a couple of guy’s cocks – guys who sucked mine. It’s not something you ever talk about or admit to, but there were other jocks on the team that would play around as long as it was just the two of you and nobody knew about it. I guess I’m not as ‘straight’ as you think.” I said defensively.

“My apologies! I never meant to insult you by thinking you were heterosexual!” Pete grinned at me.

It was at that point that it suddenly hit me – here I was, arguing how ‘not straight’ I was! What a fucking reversal! I had to start laughing, it was so crazy and Pete started laughing with me. I guess all the tension of what had been happening between us need to break somehow.

“Pete, I don’t really know how to say this. I ain’t good with words but, I really think I love you. I really think, for the first time in my life, I’m in love with somebody and that somebody is you. I don’t know how to handle this, I mean, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or supposed to say. I never thought I’d be saying this to another guy. But what you said, about wanting a partner, wanting someone to share your life with? That’s what I’ve wanted all my life. I guess I was just looking in the wrong place for it.” I said.

Pete sat there looking at me, not saying a word and then I saw a tear, a single tear, roll down his face. I didn’t know what the fuck I’d said that was wrong and I was just about to try and apologize. He must have seen my reaction and held up his hand to stop me.

“You know, for a guy who doesn’t think he’s any good with words, you sure know exactly the right things to say, Tommy. I guess I’m not exactly handling this too well, either!” he said, wiping both his eyes. “But I want you to know, that what you said is exactly what I’ve been waiting all my life to hear.”

We sat there for a few moments just looking at each other. I didn’t know what to do at that point. I think he was waiting for me to do something, make some kind of move. Finally, it dawned on me! I wanted him, he wanted me – what the fuck was I just sitting there like a moron for?! I got up and walked around the table until I was standing next to him. When I got up, he did too, but he just stood there waiting for me. When I reached him I did the only thing I could think of. I slipped my arms around his waist as his went around my shoulders. He started lowering his head towards mine and I tilted mine back as I watched his lips come closer and closer to my own. When his lips finally touched mine, my eyes closed and a deep, unexpected sigh escaped my lips.

Pete’s kiss was gentle at first. Just the pressing of our two lips together. But then I felt his tongue begin to lick at my upper lip and I quickly opened to him. His tongue rushed into my mouth and I began sucking on it, tasting him. My mind was reeling! My cock had surged to full hardness and I could feel Pete’s pressing against mine. My hands began to travel, up his muscular back and down to his muscular ass, just as his hands were moving on my body as well. How long we stood there, kissing and touching each other, groaning into each other’s mouths, I don’t know. It could have been minutes, seconds or hours. Finally, however, Pete pulled his mouth from mine.

“Follow me.” he said, his voice husky with desire.

He let go of me and grabbed one of my hands, pulling me towards the bedroom. Once there, he began to undress me, pulling my t-shirt off and then squatting down and sliding my workout shorts to my ankles. I stepped out of them and kicked off my trainers at the same time. He reached out and grabbed my hips, pulling me to him and putting his nose into my sweaty jock which was tented by my leaking cock. I could hear him taking deep breaths of my scent and then his mouth opened and he began to suck on the head of my cock through the mesh fabric, tasting my pre-cum and growling deep in his throat.

He ripped my jock down my thighs and my cock popped out and slapped my abs, leaving a trail of pre-cum there. Pete reached up, pulling my cock down until it was level with his mouth. He slowly let my cock slide into the warm wet recesses of his mouth. The heat and wetness caused me to groan and almost collapse as my legs became weak from the intense feelings that were flowing through my body. I was afraid that I would cum any second, it felt so good! I think Pete realized this because he quickly pulled off me and pushed me down until I was sitting on the leather cover on his bed.

He stood up and quickly stripped off his clothes. I finally got to see him hard and I was somewhat intimidated by his length and thickness. His cock was massive! The biggest one I’d ever seen in my life – not that I’d seen that many. In fact, the last time I’d seen another guy hard was in high school so I’d never seen an adult male’s cock except for my own. Now, I had about eight, thick inches, but he had me by at least two inches! I thought about being fucked by it and an involuntary shiver when through me. Something that big HAD to hurt! Hurt bad! But, I knew that somehow, I’d get through it! I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted to fuck him! I wanted to live out all my dreams of what we had done together – and anything else that he could teach me about one male loving another.

And that’s what happened. We spent the night, making love to each other every way possible. I did learn to take his cock and learned how wonderful that cock could feel inside of me. I also learned how incredible it could feel to put my cock into his hot, wet hole. Within a week, we realized that this was not going to end – this was for the rest of our lives. It was at that point that Pete started working on the design to join our two apartments into one and give us a home big enough for both of us to truly enjoy.

As to my parents, well…I never would have expected it but, I guess they were so happy to finally see me happy that they accepted Pete, not only as my lover and partner but as another son. I never would have guessed that any of this would have happened when I rented an apartment – but I guess you never know.

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