The Horny Club Ch. 02

A gay story: The Horny Club Ch. 02 “Criminey!” Tom exclaimed in awe.

Jeb literally backed away in alarm.

“Damn shorts,” Juan fought them down his bull thighs, his cock thumping his abs. “–they never have my size at Woolworth’s…”

“Judas Priest!” Tom pointed, “–are those your BALLS??”

I suddenly wanted to punch him–one of those times when Tom’s big mouth got to me. I half-expected Juan himself to slug O’Rourke–deck him on the barn floor. Instead, Juan laughed, cradling his puckered hang in one meaty palm. “Why? Are they that ugly?”

“HELL no!” Tom’s eyes were big and adoring. “They’re super hot!”

Juan looked briefly towards the closed barn door. “Want to feel ’em?”

“Golly! CAN I??”

Jeb and I stood there as if bolted to the wooden floorboards, watching Juan let his weighty mansacs go–watching them fall like ripe fruit below his mahogany, naked love rod–watched Tom worshipfully move in closer.

His lily-white hand trembled as he lifted his palm upwards, the top of his head brushing against Juan’s bulging pecs. “Awwwh, man!” Tom’s hand could only seem to cradle one of those dark golf-sized balls, so he quickly brought up his other, watching them plop and slide over his hot little palms.

Juan seemed to be in pain or something, his eyes closing, his mouth open. He backed away, as if losing his balance. “Ok–ok, boy–we gotta get somethin’ going here….”

Tom’s eyes glittered as he watched Juan’s dark, sexy, helmet-headed whopper sway out from his hairy crotch.

“….Ok, you three–get outta those shorts, now. C’mon. We ain’t got all day…..”

“Oh, man,” Jeb stared in nervous excitement as he joined Tom and I in pulling out our waistbands and shucking down our jockeys.

Our three, stiff teen boners lanced from our sweet bushes like helmeted soldiers. Tom showed his off, his hands on his ass, his hips thrusting his Irish pride-and-joy as far out towards Juan’s as he could. He may have been the most perfectly muscled of us three, but his cock was the shortest. About five inches tall, it made up for it by being as big around as a can of Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup–with the mushroom head to boot! Being so chunky, his erection seemed to use up all Tom’s available ballskin, his nuts hugging-up to the base like a pair of punched-out plums. Tom also sported a thicket of manly cockhair that wreathed his cockbase and formed a perfect, wedgy triangle between his solid thighs.

“Goll-LY, Jeb!”

“W-what?” Jeb was trying in vain to hide his turned-on rod with his hands. But hands–even hands the size of Juan’s couldn’t’ve hidden his rosy-pink boycock. Jeb’s surname was Jensen (we called him ‘Yeb Yensen’ sometimes) and his Swedish skin rocket tottered eight full inches up out of his blond bush like he was wielding a guided missile.

“Don’t be shy about that Beauty, boy–it’s a real nice one,” Juan whistled in appreciation.

“It is?”

“Take your hands away,” Tom pulled Jeb’s right arm back, staring at the sturdy, inward-curving shaft with the prominent vein snaking up the underside. Our eyes stared at its bulging girth–how the shapely, manly, slightly-pointed head glowed a coral pink as it nearly dove into Jeb’s little bellybutton.

Jeb’s strawberry-blond bush puffed from his pubis like Swedish angel hair, leaving his beautiful balls smooth as alabaster.

Juan chuckled to see Jeb begin to realise he had a real man’s cock between his legs and tuck in his pert, bare ass to make his eight-inch thumper bob around proudly.

“Ok, Thomson–let’s see yours,” Tom’s black eyes glowed as I put my hands on my hips.

“Wow,” Jeb said, “–look at that!”

My cock gets so hard when aroused, it knifes up from my dark-brown bush like a two-by-four, only about a quarter-inch of space between it and my sun-browned flat belly. Not as thick as Tom’s knockwurst–yet very solid–my seven-inch shaft seems to bloom at the top, my enormously bulbous cockhead so flared, it makes my erection look twice as big as it is. My peehole had opened like a spout, drooling a kind of clear fluid that bewildered me yet again as everyone stared between my legs.

“What a huge head! –and, Jeez!–check out those balls!” Tom looked admiringly at my hairless, low-swinging kiwis which brushed my furry thighs as they swayed.

“Tell me somethin’, boys…” Juan’s giant hardon seemed to flex all by itself as he looked down at our raging erections–like it was its own separate entity, preening and throbbing out into space.

“Oh, man,” Jeb breathed, “–ask quick! I think I’m gonna faint, or something!”

“–do th’ other guys at school have cocks like these?”

Tom squeezed his thighs together, like he had to pee. “How would WE know?” he said, his voice all breathy and urgent. “–I’ve never even seen Jeb n’ Todd’s when we’re like this!”

“Oh God–I’ve gotta do something quick!” Jeb’s eyes were the size of saucers. “I’ll try anything–cold shower–hot shower…”

“I can’t believe this,” Juan muttered, watching me go into contortions over the needling tingles rifling up my big-headed prong. “Haven’t you ever tried rubbing them? I mean, don’t they FEEL like they want’a be rubbed???”

“That only makes it worse!” Tom looked upset.

“Like a mosquito bite,” I added, trying to will my boner back to normal. “If I rub it, it just wants me to keep doin’ it!”

“God knows I want to!” Jeb moaned. “I tried it one time and my knees caved in.”

“Oh Sweet Jesus,” Juan muttered. “Even Ripley’s wouldn’t believe this one…”

He stepped in towards us, his hard, exotic tool swaying out from his hair-piled crotch. “Now calm down and listen-up, men….”

“Ok–but hurry, please,” Jeb whimpered.

“…I may be way older n’you–which I’m not–but cocks’re cocks, ok?” He looked down at his preening ten-incher. “Yeah, they’re different shapes n’ sizes… but mine’s feelin’ the same feelings yours is, ok?”

“I dunno about that,” Tom said ruefully.

“…well, it does, ok?–like someone’s plugged the damn thing into a light socket n’ thrown the switch!”

Tom broke out in tension-releasing laughter, then suddenly stopped, looking kind of wild-eyed.

“…and the best way to calm it down is to make it blow…”

“…B-BLOW??” Jeb stammered, “–that sounds…”

“…so, you’re gonna watch mine do it,” Juan spoke over Jeb’s whining, “–an’ when you see how I’m still livin’ n’ breathing afterward, you can try it out on your own.”

“Yeah, sure–yeah–ok–yeah–good–” Tom babbled, his black pupiled eyes all large and shiny.

“Good–now here’s th’ deal,” Juan tilted his hips, his huge totem levering out at our chests. “–you’re all gonna take a piece a’this–”

“…you mean, HOLD it??” Jeb looked awed.

“…for starters. Now go on–take a section…”

Tom immediately latched onto the head.

“JESUS!! Lower down, boy!–FUCK!”

Tom let go as fast as he’d grabbed on, scared to hear the one word none of us were ever allowed to utter, watching the mighty thing buck in heat.

It took awhile for it to stop flexing.

“Ok, Todd–YOU take it. Just under the head–ok, boy?” Juan’s voice was all husky-sounding. “–DON’T squeeze it! JUST…wrap you hand around it…”

I nodded–too overwhelmed to speak, my hand shaking as I reached out and touched Juan’s hot, throbbing, naked cock. It pulsed in my small hand, my fingers unable to completely surround its velvety-steely girth.

The effect it had on my own was heart-grabbing, like his and mine were one and the same. The second I even touched Juan’s hot throbber, mine bucked and twitched in tandem.

“Now you, hotshot. And don’t be so rough.” Juan glowered at Tom. “I told you mine’s as ripe as yours, didn’t I??”

“Yessir,” Tom swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing.

“Hold on under Todd. And then you,” he looked at the trembling Jeb. “–you take hold’a the bottom third.”

“Oh, cripes!” Tom breathed. “This’s gotta be th’ absolute BIGGEST….”

“Okay. Now…what you’re gonna do is milk it–you know, the way you do the ‘bossies’,” Juan put his hands on his hips. “Just slide up and down as a team. The skin’ll slide with you–but it’s real sensitive…”

“Not yet!” he scowled at Tom, “–and prob’ly I’ll start huffin’ n’ puffin’ and looking like I’m having a stroke–but that’s not because it hurts, or I’m in pain. It’s cuz it feels GOOD–so good, it’s turnin’ me inta jello! Understan’?”

“Cool!” Tom’s hand was just under mine. I could feel how eager he was to get started. “So if I’m jumpin’ around n’ shit, just hang on–and, for god’s sake, keep pumpin’!”

“Wow!” Tom looked at me. “Can you believe this???–we’re holdin’ onto Juan’s big, hard cock, man!” he whispered.

“You follow ME,” I announced, self-importantly, “–I won the 4H Milking Event, remember?”

“Ok, boys. Now, first…go UP. That’s it. Slowly… slowly…yeah–just like that!”

The swallows were busy flying in-and-out of the loft–their little cheeps and cries echoing above–and man, were we ever busy below! My fingers were intent on finding my 4H, prize-winning, firm-yet-gentle rhythm.

I felt Juan’s velvet-skinned, solid-cored love muscle radiate its erotic heat over our hip-to-hip, naked bodies–watched that sexy, dark skin slide up against his flared, glossy cockhead, then stretch as our three hands came down, Juan’s big vein throbbing against my fingers.

“Ohhhhh, yeah, boys! That’s it! A little faster now–stay together…oh, baby, baby!….”

My knuckles grazed his muscle-stretched belly button on the way up and felt his exotic, bushy cockhair on the way down.

“…oh that’s so GOOOOOD!–mmmmmMMMMMMM! Three teens pumpin’ my big, hard Latino cock!–yeah!–faster now, Todd!”

A thrill of joy tingled around my super-sized cockhead, hearing Juan say my name–say it like I was the only one fisting him.

“Keep it going–oh god, yeah! Like that! Just like that! Oh, Christ!—mmmph!–uhhhgh!”

Jeb was in the middle–standing wedged between Tom and I–his small hand barely able to cling to the bottom third of Juan’s gigantic dick. And as our pace increased, he had to double-fist it, his freckled face flushed as he felt Juan’s huge balls flop against his fingers.

“Play with m’ tits some! Oh god, yeah! Reach right up there!–take ’em–Ungh!–rub ’em–squeeze ’em!”

Tom and I were barely able to manage jacking that monster cock, much less use our free hands–but hell, we sure were nothing if not obedient, and nothing was gonna stop us from passing by THAT invitation! We both rode our palms up Juan’s muscular torso–not taking our eyes away from his giant cock–till we found those hot, bulging swells, and grabbed all the hunky pecmeat we could get.

“Awwwh, yeah babies! Feel them mantits? Them fat nipples?–ungh!–ohhhh!–fuck, yeah! Keep pumpin’– uumph! ahhhh!”

It felt like an eternity–it felt timeless–Juan’s silky skin sliding-n’-sheathing the rockhard shaft, his mushroom bulb oozing syrup, till all we could hear was the wet, slick, slapping of hard, Latino cockmeat being frictioned to the point where Juan could no longer stand it.

“Oh, Jesus Christ! –PUMP ME!–FUCK!–Oh, fuckin’ fuck!–I’m…I’m…I’m gonna..gonna BLOWWWWW!”

Juan’s pecs turned to granite–his nipples into lust-swollen rivets–whole body seizing-up–his eyes glazing over, his monster meat swelling to twice its girth as our hands pistoned it over the brink.


Jeb’s astonished face moved just in time as Juan’s cockhead turned purple, reared-back, and……”UNGH! UNGH! Oh, FUCK! UNGH!”

Ropes of white sailed over his shoulder, the sight too incredible to believe! We fisted on auto-pilot–feeling the giant thing buck and seize–snorting out jets of white lava, his balls thudding and heaving.

“Holy!” Tom’s eyes wildly watched the carnal sight –feeling the creamy load river over his hands–smelling Juan’s raw maleness waft from his crotch.

“Oh, stop! Oh, stop! STOP!” Juan shuddered violently, a sheen of sweat coating his tits.

We let go, staring at his glowing, spurting head –watching his naked cockrocket jerk about, spewing the last of its load.

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