The Human Bearer Ch. 24


A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 24 The Human Bearer


Xana was all over him the moment he was inside their now shared quarters. Riordan resisted the mind-reading attack from the start. “Anything you want to know, I can tell you,” he said.

“Then so be it,” Xana said, giving up deceptively fast. “Tell me everything, Riordan.”

“Nothing happened,” Riordan said. He didn’t even believe he was wrong to say that.

Xana observed his features. “You’re not lying.”

“What do I keep telling you? Anyways. The guy is not at all into me, and I’m not into him. Kanto is going to tell Marn that he cannot put his hands on me or he’ll end up puking his guts out.”

Xana seemed taken aback by those words. “What does that mean? While would he regurgitate his food… and even his intestines?”

“It’s a way of saying. Seriously, as my husband, you should brush on your knowledge of human slang.” Riordan bit on his bottom lip. Husband, right. But he was called Riordan Lei now, wasn’t he?

“What does it mean?” Xana insisted.

Now, Riordan hesitated for a moment. His master was staring at him with an expression of displeasure that wasn’t aimed at him. “I’m exaggerating,” he said and waved. “I mean, Kanto simply finds me unappealing and cannot see himself putting his egg inside me.”

“He called you ugly,” Xana concluded for himself. “You are wounded in your pride, and I can sense it even without reading your mind–”

“I knew it! You’re such an asshole sometimes,” Riordan complained, only because he wanted to move over what insulting things Kanto had hurled at him. “Stop reading my mind, ’cause that shit is not okay.”

Xana smiled, pleased with himself as he usually was. He took Riordan in his arms and began undressing him. “You are the most beautiful bearer in the history of Xeno.”

“Really?” Riordan said in a fake playful voice. “Then the others before me must have looked like a bunch of Cubist paintings.”

The joke was lost on Xana, of course. Unlike Marn, who appeared interested in learning about humans and things related to their species, his master had a severe lack of knowledge and understanding in that regard. Not that Riordan cared; he sort of preferred Xana to be a bit ignorant. It was the thing that helped him feel so free when it came to his Xeno lover. He could be someone else, someone proud of himself, unlike in the past. After all, he was this Xeno’s husband, he was carrying his egg and he had just saved them both from getting entangled into some weird arrangement with another snakeman. A win from start to finish. Marn could go suck it with his ideas.

Xana placed him on the bed and let his hands roam all over. Lately, Riordan had noticed how sensitive his nipples had begun to be. Could it all be because his time to deliver was getting near? The thought made a frisson move down his spine in the most pleasant and surprising way. His Xeno lover appeared to be just as obsessed with his nipples and was now licking and sucking on them as if he hadn’t eaten anything in years. That seemed quite normal compared to the other kinds of sex they were having on a regular basis.

As if him thinking about it were a trigger for Xana, the familiar tail curled around his right leg, chasing away the earlier sensations of having the same thing done to him by Kanto. Only that Xana’s tail deftly found its way up and up, until it reached Riordan’s ball sac which it caressed lightly before burying itself between his butt cheeks.

He arched his back off the bed at the exquisite invasion. He was such a whore for Xeno tail now, it was unbelievable. Marn, the asshole, had a point that he hadn’t wanted this in the beginning, but now it was everything he wanted and even more. But that was Xana, and he cared about Xana, and that was the only thing that mattered, while they were hurtling through space, without knowing if they’d ever reach their destination.

He pushed away the bleak thoughts. Xana was all over him, inside him now in both ways, his cock and his tail fighting for dominance while penetrating him in a frenzy. That was the kind of sex he liked to have now; there had never been another way, or so he felt. Xana was possessed by a frantic hunger and was now eating his mouth, too, making a meal out of it. He was in a realm beyond pleasure. His entire body shook, as all the sensations took over. The sounds of Xana’s body slamming against him were somewhere faraway, as his mind floated, as his mouth was fed with seth constantly.

He came and came, his jizz pushed out of his balls by the double penetration of his ass. There was nothing he could hold in when he was with Xana like this. Fuck, and he had been horny ever since he had seen that young bearer getting fucked in the hallway.

Xana moved away from him only so that he could wrap around him from a different angle and continued to fuck him although he was beyond any measure of wringing another orgasm out of himself. It looked like he was wrong about that. As Xana’s long fingers felt his chest and began squeezing his nipples, his body stretched taut and he began shooting again. And again. And again.

Fuck, he had never come so much in his life. His vision was blurry as he opened his eyes, and then he both felt and saw the strangest thing. While Xana was squeezing his nipples, there was now something coming out of them. “Xana,” he whispered, amazed by what he was seeing.

The Xeno laughed and moved around to suck on his nipples. He looked up with his mischievous green eyes and blinked slowly. He was sucking so hard that Riordan felt an overwhelming tingling in his breasts. As insane as that sounded, he had to be lactating. Feeding his young… that would come later. Now, it looked like he was about to feed his Xeno husband first.

Xana had a look of satiated bliss on his face when he released him. Riordan couldn’t look away. “What does it taste like?” he asked in a ragged voice.

Xana blinked slowly. “It tastes amazing. Like you.” Then, he squeezed a little more between his thumb and forefinger and brought it to Riordan’s lips. “Here, have some.”

Riordan opened his mouth without thinking twice, and Xana twirled his finger inside, letting him taste something like he had never tasted in his life. It had the flavor of milk, as he remembered it from Earth, but also of seth. And not just any seth, Xana’s seth. If there was any doubt in his mind that the Xenolite growing inside him wasn’t equally theirs, he could forget about it. That was yet another proof of the bond creating inside him, linking him to Xana forever.

He caressed Xana’s face. “How close am I?” he asked. His heart leapt at the thought of meeting their Xenolite soon.

“It’s not yet time, but it will be soon,” Xana said.

“Can’t you know for sure?”

“We’re no longer on the planet. That can affect the evolution of your pregnancy, as you call it.”

Riordan felt worry washing over him. “Do you mean, I could–” He stopped himself in time. He wouldn’t jinx it by saying something that would trouble both of them. “It could either take longer or less than usual. That’s what you’re saying?”

“Yes. Not many Xenolites have been born in space so far. Your friend Lewis shows promising signs. He might be the first to give birth on Tu’lek. Everyone anticipates the moment.”

Riordan felt something niggling his thoughts. “Wait, is this… I mean, everyone’s a little freaky around here.”

“What do you mean?” Xana asked as he lapped lazily at Riordan’s nipples.

“I know you’re a horny monster and all, but the others are acting weirdly.”

“Did Kanto do something to you, after all?”

“No,” Riordan hurried to say. “But he was sort of horny. Don’t worry; his disgust for me was stronger. But there were people in the hallways getting into gangbangs.”

Xana laughed. “Yes, of course. The smell of the approaching delivery, and one of such magnitude, is in the air.”

Riordan sniffed. “I don’t feel anything.”

“It’s affecting us, Xenos, more than any other species. A wondrous occasion is approaching.”

“Are we all going to attend this special occasion? I mean, I’ve already seen a delivery–”

–and wouldn’t mind seeing another, he thought but without continuing out loud. Apparently, not only Xenos were affected by the quickly approaching birth of Lewis’s Xenolites. The bearer in the hallway had appeared quite ready to get reamed by those three Xenos, and he wasn’t unaffected, either. If it hadn’t been for his strong affection for Xana, he would have been in grave danger of trying to seduce Kanto, no matter how much the snakeman protested. Nah, that fucker was getting on his nerves, anyway.

Slowly, his mind was clearing, after being flooded with so many endorphins. “Is Lewis going to be alright? What is going to happen to him after he gives birth?”

Xana continued to caress him gently on the chest, rubbing the last droplets of alien milk into his skin. “He’s an asset now. He won’t be harmed. Quite the contrary. He will be given big enough quarters to accommodate all the Xenolites, as the young ones will be in his care for a while.”

“Will he breastfeed them, too?” Riordan asked and closed his eyes, as he felt another surge of arousal moving through him. The fuck was wrong with him? Xana wasn’t lying about everyone getting extra horny over the expected birth of Lewis’ Xenolites. He really needed to stay out of Kanto’s path. If the guy was getting horny enough, who knew what he would do? Better play safe than sorry, and also avoid Marn, because that guy was into matchmaking big time, apparently.

“He will. And his partners will provide him with all the seth he needs. Once his body is ready again, he will be up for another egg.”

“Another egg or other eggs? Come on, the guy may seem flexible enough, but I hope you won’t have to stuff him again with as many eggs as possible. There’s gotta be a limit to what his body can manage.”

“You’re not wrong,” Xana agreed. “He will carry only a few or maybe just one at a time. His duty to Xeno is paid.”

“Only that he cannot go back to Earth. He’s not free,” Riordan pointed out.

“You’re not free, either.” Xana kissed him slowly. “But you’re no longer unhappy, are you?”

He wasn’t unhappy, yes, that was the truth. He was even happy if he could say that. It had to be because of all those hormones running amok in his blood. Could he even remember how Earth was like? It all seemed a faraway memory. Was that the same way Lewis felt? That guy was high on seth all the time — were his thoughts even his own anymore?

“You’re a thinker,” Xana said while teasing his ear.

“And you’re a punk ’cause you mind-read me like I’m your bitch or something.” Even if his words were sullen, the expression on his face wasn’t. He was already floating on a cloud of happiness. How long that was going to last, he didn’t know, but he was enjoying it and couldn’t bring himself to push that pleasant sensation away.

“You are my bitch,” Xana said in a tone so serious that Riordan had to laugh.

“I guess I am. Now, on to more pressing matters. I promised Kanto that I would find another bearer willing to carry his egg. Since you’re in cahoots with all the big boys on this ship, do you think you can help me?”

“What do you have in mind, Riordan?”

“I need info on all the bearers. Maybe there’s one that isn’t already promised to a dozen tails or so.”

Xana laughed at his choice of words. “I think I can help you with that. But I know for a fact that you are not too well acquainted with the other bearers on the ship. How do you hope to convince one of them to undertake such a task?”

“I’m going to sell your high commander like hell. I think I’m going to have a long enough list of candidates because, without a doubt, there must be some bearers just waiting to bag Kanto.”

“I am not following your logic. Bearers are a means to an end–”

“Here we go again,” Riordan muttered under his breath. “Most of them are in this because they’re basically hot for Xeno dick. And Kanto is not only the owner of a said Xeno dick, he’s also a dude in a position of power. Bitches like sucking dicks that come with that attached.”

“Is that why you’re sucking my dick?”

Riordan snickered. Xana sounded so funny when he was trying his hand at Earthian slang. So, he decided that a bit of teasing was in order. “Yeah, totally. I mean, I’m a selective bitch. I don’t suck just any Xeno dick.”

Xana wrapped himself tightly around him. “Then I am the lucky one,” he whispered in his ear.

And snakeboy kept saying he wasn’t in love. Geez, he knew nothing. However, he wasn’t going to insist since he had so many thing on his mind, starting with finding a good match for Kanto and that discreetly enough so Marn didn’t learn of his hobbies. As affable as His Royal Chancellor seemed to be, Riordan thought that the guy might not be as lenient once he discovered that a mere bearer was going against his will. Yeah, he needed to be very careful.


Kyle was busy displaying information on his screen, while Riordan was going through everything rapidly. “These guys are so taken,” he commented, frustrated enough by what he was seeing. Xana had transferred all the information he needed to Kyle, so now he was doing some busy work.

Busy work was the right way to call it, indeed, because, so far, he hadn’t found one bearer who didn’t have at least several Xenos aligned to fuck him and get him preggo. He pursed his lips. They had been so few in the big scheme of things as they had embarked on Tu’lek, and their numbers had thinned even more after the attack.

Riordan shook his head. He wouldn’t let himself worn down by the memory of all those hurtful things. To make things work, the only things that were in his power, such as caring for Xana and himself, he needed a good head on his shoulders.

“Fuck, this is going nowhere.” He began pacing the room slowly. “Are these all the bearers on the ship?”

“Only the ones fit for carrying a Xeno egg,” Kyle replied promptly.

Riordan stopped and turned the bot to face him. “What do you mean by that?”

“The bearers you have reviewed, Master Rio, are the ones fit for carrying a Xeno egg,” Kyle repeated.

“So we have some… what? Infertile bearers here, on the ship? How is that even possible? These snakedudes simply stuff us with their eggs and we only have to be carrying pouches for them. Go on, tell me,” he hurried Kyle.

“It is not a matter of fertility as seen on Earth,” Kyle explained.

“What is it, then?” Riordan asked. He had to ask the bot the right question, as smart as he was. “Let me ask you like this. Besides the bearers fit for carrying Xeno eggs, on this ship, are there other bearers?”


“How many?”


“Who is he? What’s his name?” Riordan’s brain gears were starting to turn.

“Florent Kasido, 24 years old, race Earthian,” Kyle began to recite.

“Do you have a picture of him?”

“Certainly, Master Rio.”

Riordan waited only a moment for Kyle’s entire screen to be filled with the full size picture of a young man in the buff. He was slender but not feminine. Still, his body had an elegance hardly matched even by the many beautiful bearers he had seen so far. His muscles were harmonious and lean, and there was a softness about him, the roundness of his shoulders, the thin yet strong aspect of his ankles reminding Riordan of a purebred horse made for running. His broad shoulders tapered down to a thin waste, and, since he was half-turn from the camera that had taken his picture, the enticing curve of his ass was in full display. He was looking over his shoulder, his gaze direct. His eyes had the color of moss, and his hair was golden, hanging loose down to his shoulders, wavy and brushed to a shine.

“What’s this dude’s story?” He couldn’t recall seeing this guy on the ship, but he usually paid no attention to that brainless lot. Somehow, he thought, he should have noticed this drop-dead gorgeous guy. “And how come I haven’t seen him around?”

“He is detained in one of the cells in the lowest deck,” Kyle explained.

“The hell did he do?”

“Should I start with his crime, Master Rio?”

“Yes. No. Give me the abridged version of his career as a bearer.”

Kyle took a moment to begin. “At the age of 23, Florent Kasido was contracted to serve as a bearer for Gamni Gafilos, the high commander of Galatea.”

“Is that another ship? Like Tu’lek?”

“No. Galatea is a warship,” Kyle explained.

“Well, the guy is into military dudes. That’s good news,” Riordan commented. “Go on.”

“He reached perfect compatibility with his master within two months of his arrival on Xeno.”

“That’s pretty fast,” Riordan commented. He looked again at the guy in the picture, at his soft enticing lips. “Sure enough, his master must have been all over him, filling him with dick.”

“Without a doubt,” Kyle offered, always ready to be on his side.

Riordan laughed. “Don’t mind me. It’s only that this guy has ‘please, fuck me’ written all over him. So, he was happy and preggo? Just as a side note, what kind of hobbies was he into while on Earth? That’s one hell of a body he has there.”

“He is a former exotic dancer and acrobat,” Kyle supplied him with the needed information.

“That explains it,” Riordan said. “Also that means that he must be really good at pole polishing. I’ll explain it to you later. Now, give me more deets on the guy.”

Kyle, unlike Xana, didn’t need to be explained what deets were. Therefore, he continued. “His pregnancy had reached half the term when an anomaly occurred.”

Riordan felt his ears perking up. “An anomaly? What kind?”

“His body began rejecting the egg. Soon, he was hospitalized and what remained of the egg removed.”

“Fuck, that sounds bad. So, what was the problem?”

“The data shows that Florent ignored the recommended guidelines regarding his care for the pregnancy. He was found guilty of killing his master’s Xenolite.”

“The fuck? For real?” Riordan looked again at the beautiful young man in the picture. There was no sign of evil in his eyes. If anything, while very pretty, he seemed gullible and the kind you could fool into sucking your dick if you were charming enough. “What happened next? How come they didn’t execute him? Xana told me this kind of thing is punishable by death.”

“It was a complicated case,” Kyle explained. “His Royal Chancellor intervened.”

“Complicated how? Come on, man, don’t keep me waiting.”

“You are interrupting me, Master Rio,” Kyle replied, in his usual serene tone.

“Sorry, sorry. Now, go on.”

“His master neglected to provide him with all the needed information on how to care for the egg, the data shows.”

“What did he do? Bungy-jumping?”

“No. He indulged in a certain tea from Earth, provided through trade. That tea was found to have consequences on maintaining a healthy pregnancy.”

“I’ll be damned. So the guy didn’t know shit about it. And his master was a moron. If it was all a mistake, why didn’t they release him?”

“He was deemed no longer fit for carrying a Xeno egg. Because he was believed to have had a certain propensity for doing as he pleased, he was considered a threat to the behavior of other bearers. His master insisted that, on several occasions, he had insisted on Florent Kasido to follow a Xenian diet. He didn’t listen. Hence, the incarceration.”

“This whole story is weird as fuck. Maybe I’m a sucker for a pretty face, but I don’t think this dude did anything to endanger his pregnancy on purpose. Also, a Xenian diet? Like worms and insects? Eww. Maybe he tried it and that’s why he lost the egg. But how on Earth did he get on Tu’lek, given that he was under arrest?”

“During the last five weeks before the crisis,” Kyle said, “the high commander Gamni Gafilos demanded that his bearer be released so that he could use him for a while.”

“Wow, what a douche. He wanted to fuck the cow even if the milk was spoiled.”

“The cow?”

“Don’t mind me, Kyle. My mind is racing all over the place, to be honest, right now. So, he wasn’t in a cell somewhere. Still, how come he ended up on Tu’lek?”

“He snuck in,” Kyle replied. “He was discovered quickly. And he was promptly moved to a prison cell, as you might call it in Earthian terms, Master Rio.”

“Kanto found him?” Riordan didn’t like it much, where this was going.

“Yes. By that time, we were already away from Xeno. There was nothing else to do.”

“How come Kanto didn’t just hurl him into space to turn into a frozen piece of human? He doesn’t seem to me like the kind of guy that’d let you get away with anything.”

“There is no information about it on file,” Kyle offered honestly.

“What about Florent’s master? Where is he now?”

“There is no information about it on file or anywhere else I have access to.”

Riordan pondered for a moment. “Whose side was this Gamni dude on? Theirs or ours?”

“Theirs,” Kyle said promptly. “He was one of the most passionate opponents of Master Xana’s position on human bearers.”

“Fuck me,” Riordan whispered. “So, Florent is the former bearer of a traitor, and Kanto is keeping him in storage? Call me crazy, Kyle, but I think Kanto believes that Florent might have some info on his master’s betrayal. Or worse.”

“What could be worse than that?” Kyle asked.

“Our esteemed high commander might think that Florent has infiltrated Tu’lek. That he’s an agent for his master.”

“It is a sound theory,” Kyle confirmed his suspicions.

“Also, he’s not actually infertile, right? He drank some stupid tea and lost that one only. Also, he’s not exactly mindless and likes to do what he wants. So, basically, he could carry another egg.”

“Yes,” Kyle confirmed again.

“Damn. Can I see this guy?”

“No. You do not have the clearance, Master Rio.”

“When has that ever stopped me?”

“Never, Master Rio.”



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