The Hunt

A gay sex stories: The Hunt

Giving Linda, my wife, a kiss and hug, I jumped in my truck. It was mine and Paul’s one weekend a season to go deer hunting. I was excited as I headed to his house to pick him up. A weekend hunting trip was one of the first things we did together as friends, over twenty years ago.

We had met through our wives, who met in their maternity birthing classes. They grew their friendship quickly, leading to Paul and I having to be more interactive with each other. I’m not saying that as a bad thing, I did actually like Paul, he was a pretty good guy. It’s just that men bond differently than women, and in this case, it took our first hunting trip.

Ever since that first hunting weekend, it had become an annual thing for us. Thankfully, our wives picked husbands that could be at least friends, if not best of friends. As I pulled in front of his house that day, I would call him my best friend.

As Paul carried his gear to the back of the truck, I looked up at the porch and waved to Sara, who was looking as stunning as ever in her wafting silk robe. After hearing the door to the camper close, I watched Paul run back up to the porch, giving Sara a kiss and hug before turning back to my truck.

“Fuck yeah. You ready to do this?” I asked as he jumped into the cab.

After driving the three hours to get to our planned hunting area, we finally arrived at our camping spot. We spent the next couple of hours setting up camp, before heading out to scout the area, for the next morning’s hunt.

Having both of us finding promising areas, we mounted our tree stands and prepared them for the morning. Although it was only 5 P.M, it was beginning to get dark, due to the steep mountains to the west of us. For this reason, we both got back to camp around the same time.

We had grilled up some steaks and corn-on-the-cob, before sitting back with a beer in front of the fire. With my back backpack sitting next to me, I was also able to contribute some medicinal herb to the relaxation period that we were in.

I packed a bowl into my pipe, which we quickly killed. With a high not yet kicked in, I decided to go ahead and load another bowl, as I knew it wouldn’t be our last.

We had been talking about our stand positions, when I had mentioned that I had seen a flock of sheep in the distance. Paul had interrupted me and said that he had also seen a flock of sheep. Being that our stands were only a half a mile from each other, It was possible that this was the same flock.

With the THC hitting me much quicker than the beer, I jokingly said “was there a white ram, with balls bigger than your head?”

“Dude, that’s so fucken gay. And yes, he did.” He mocked back as if offended.

After a short chuckle, I jested back “I guess you would know!”

To which he quickly rebutted with “Touché!”

With the fire crackling, I grabbed my freshly loaded pipe and proceeded to self administer another dose of relaxation. By this point, the beer that we were consuming had taken its effect, and the bowl that we had already smoked was setting a nice base to build on. This, combined with the first pull of green, had me fighting to not immediately cough.

With our elixirs doing their job relaxing our muscles, it was apparently having the same effects on our mouths and brains. It felt out of nowhere, but as I was still holding my breath, Paul asked in an inquisitive tone “So. What’s the gayest thing you’ve ever done?”

Of course this caught me completely off guard, causing me to just about choke as I could no longer hold my hit back, leading to a violent coughing fit. Paul began laughing at my feeble attempt to catch my breath. In mock anger of the question, I launched the still hot pipe at him which he easily caught.

I was able to catch my breath just as he was about to take his own pull on the pipe. “What have I done?’ Leaning on a pause for a few seconds, I continued with “Six ladyboy’s in a Thai hotel room.”

My answer definitely elicited the response I was after. Paul instantly lost the ability to hold back the hit in his lungs and began his violent coughing fit. Laughing back at him, I said “Seriously, what the fuck kind of question is that?”

“Fuck you! I’m drunk, leave me alone.” He fake cried, as a coughing induced tear made its way down his cheek.

We both laughed about it as I was pretty much in the same state of mind that he was in. I knew that he would never ask a question like that sober. With that being the case, had I been sober, I would have never admitted anything that might have played into the question.

Being that I was also drunk and high, I stopped laughing and said “Ok. So one night, Linda was riding me hard.”

At that moment, Paul was able to silence his coughing and laughter. With a true look of interest, he leaned in towards the fire that was burning between us and focused his attention to the story that I was freely giving.

“Well, she was pretty worked up that night. So worked up in fact, that she quickly brought me to orgasm.”

“Wow, dude. That is some pretty gay shit”, Paul chuckled before taking a drink of his beer.

Continuing, I glared at Paul as if trying to win a point. “She was pissed that I had finished and she was so close. Not to be defeated, she quickly climbed my body and planted her pussy on my mouth, ordering me to make her cum.”

With a tad bit too much excitement, Paul shot back, “And, did you?”

“Did I what? Tell Linda ‘no’? C’mon, you know how she gets if she doesn’t get her way.” This of course, was me saying that I have eaten cum, without saying that I have eaten cum.

Now wearing a half smile, he replied “haha, Sara has done similar to me. What a mess that turned into.”

Collectively, we both broke out in laughter. What I didn’t tell him though was that I have almost routinely enjoyed cleaning her creampie after sex since that time. As for Paul, he only acknowledged that he had also eaten a cum filled pussy before. But was that it? Was that his “gayest” experience?

If the stars above our heads hadn’t aligned just right, and we weren’t drunk, and we weren’t high, I would have never dreamed of asking or wanting to know more. It was only after the fourth factor came into play that I was curious about that answer. That fourth factor happened to be the unsolicited growth taking place within the confines of my pants.

Having been close friends with Paul for over twenty years, we have, as most guys do, had plenty of conversations about sex with women. With that being said, never before has talking about sex to any of my friends ever left me horny.

So what was it about this time that was sending a mass flow of blood down south? “Pass me the pipe.” I requested as I tried to process this growing phenomena. It was only after I took another pull on the pipe that my mouth separated itself from my thoughts. While thinking about my growing problem, my mouth blurted out “what about you?” With a laugh, I finished with “or do I even want to know?”

Truthfully, I did want to know. I don’t know why I did, but I did none-the-less. And as if I needed any further affirmation, my cock was now tangling in my pants as it continued to grow..

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