The Hunting Grounds: Run or be… PART 1 by tightass18

“I think we will find out soon enough…” Robin sat up straight and watched out the window as the bus came to a slow stop in a dirty layby in the middle of the forest. The bus conductor picked up microphone to speak to the passengers.

“Boys and girls, if you have a special pink ticket…” he paused awkwardly, “please could you depart the bus. Please follow the road until the signage points you towards your destination. If you have the red or black… tickets… please remain seated as you will be taken to your destinations”.

A loud crackle and then silence. Suddenly, Ruby and Robin looked at each other and began to move, they both had a feeling if they took their time it wouldn’t do them any good. As Robin walked behind Ruby he checked out the other passengers, the men. One was holding his phone camera pointing it straight at Robin and Ruby.

“White boy got himself a nice little ass…” the man whispered to his phone. Robin was filling with adrenaline. The men on the bus must be for whatever is going to happen. He noticed as a few tried to grab Ruby’s ass under her little skirt. She pushed their hands away, but didn’t seem too worried. At the front of the bus there were two well dressed, strict looking women analysing their moves as they walked off the bus steps.

“Maybe we’ve got a little Romeo and Juliet there?” The brunette queried.

“No, more like a Juliet and Juliet…” the other laughed as the bus doors screeched and clattered shut.

Suddenly the bus jolted forward, kicking up dirt towards to group of attractive young people. Robin looked around and could see mostly teenage girls, another boy and two feminized boys. A sign wilted next to the road, indicating that “If you are looking for Lord Strapper’s place, follow the signs, instructions on arrival.”

So, that is what they did. Following behind the group, Robin and Ruby walked side by side, with Ruby holding Robin’s fingers from time to time as she finally started to feel reality creeping in.

End of Part I.

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