A gay story: The Incubus Servant Ch. 02 Warning!
This story contains non consensual sexual activity, some while being asleep. If this is a sensitive topic for you, stop reading!
ENCYCLOPEDIA: Incubus servant
Incubus servants are very rare entities. Their life’s only purpose is to serve their Incubus Master, no matter what. Their nature, their body, their mind can change, so it fits the Incubus’s needs more. Their mind and body listens to the Incubus, automatically obeying without a word.
How these creatures are born is mostly a mystery, although one thing is certain: the Incubus Master cannot force an entity to become a servant, might seduce it, but the creature has to be in their right mind and cannot be heavily influenced.
There is no known way to break the bond between the Incubus Master and the servant.
Chapter II. – 8 years later
It was getting very late, and I still had to go to another victim. I looked down at the guy. He was barely the age I was when it all started. Looked like he was trying to grow a mustache, but with not much luck. His dick was not much bigger than mine. I can’t even remember what it’s like to have a hard-on. I continued slowly moving up and down on his dick. It was hitting my prostate, but it did not give me any pleasure.
The guy had some saliva dripping from his mouth. He was sleeping very deep.
I looked around in the room. No pictures of a girlfriend, or boyfriend. He was a huge nerd, LEGOs all around, video games, comic books. Maybe I just took his virginity, and he won’t even know about it. I was disgusted with myself.
I felt as he started pumping his semen inside me. After he was done, I stood up, and put the small red buttplug inside me and then licked his dick clean. I felt as his cum got absorbed inside me. I still had one more victim for today, but I had to hurry.
I gave a not-so-gentle squeeze to my chastity cage and dick, and felt as it started to warm up and become extremely hot, then with an inaudible whoosh sound, I disappeared.
I had no idea where I landed. It was snowing outside, so it must have been the other part of the world. It’s been a while since I saw any snow. The room was quite filthy, bottles everywhere, pizza boxes, it was a dorm room. Two beds next to two longer walls, and there he was, lying butt naked on the left one. He was on his stomach, so I had to do something to access his dick. I walked towards him very slowly, when suddenly voices came through the thin door, but they passed quickly. I realized I stepped on something weird: it was a used condom. Maybe I could…? I picked it up, but it was empty. Damn.
As I got close, his face and mouth was accessible. I used the fingers of my right hand to gently stroke one from the root of my dick to the tip. Or to be exact, the chastity cage. Even though it was gentle, touching it still burned my useless dick. As I finished the movement, I felt, as some precum-like liquid covered the tip of my fingers. It was not precum though, and it didn’t come from my dick, but the cage.
I gently rubbed the sleeping poison to the guy’s lips and in a few very short seconds I sensed as his mind was ripped from his dream and pushed into complete oblivion. I turned him over, his dick was already rock hard. He had a very beautiful body, quite similar to Master Chase’s.
I could have done it in so many other ways, but my submissive side (or the servant side?) instantly directed me to kneel between his legs, taking as little space as possible, and I started sucking that gorgeous dick.
Maybe in another world, this could have happened completely naturally. We could have met at the party before, gotten drunk together, flirted with each other, and then ended up in his room in exactly the same situation, except that he would be awake, enjoying my mouth. Maybe he would have gotten a bit more dominant, started fucking my mouth, my throat, and eventually shooting his load deep into my stomach meanwhile moaning so loud, that everybody else in the dorm could have guessed what was going on. Or maybe after a few minutes of sucking, he would have turned me over, and fucked me hard, filling my ass with his cock and cum. And maybe he would have asked me on a date after.
But in this world, I was an Incubus servant, and my job was to suck and fuck with random men, younger, older, muscular, fat, cut, uncut, shaved, hairy, while they were sedated by the venom coming out of my chastity cage. The venom of my Incubus Masters. All this, so that the victims could shoot their loads inside me and later my Masters could extract it from me. This has been my “life” for almost 8 years.
I have played that scene in my head so many times now from 8 years ago. Every time I try to convince myself that I was manipulated into this, deep down I know that I wasn’t. I always had a bit of a submissive side, I was a massive bottom, never even been in a top position, and never even wanted to. Since that week was a very stressful and busy one, I had no time or mood to masturbate. So when I was surrounded by those gods, I was so horny, that I knew if they would have been just regular guys, I still would have let them do anything to me. Are you kidding me? They were the most handsome men in the whole school. Both men and women literally were standing in line for them. Although now I understand why nobody ever got the chance to be with them.
As I was explained, one has to be very “lucky” to become an Incubus servant. The creature has to be fully submissive towards others, not necessarily by actions, but by mindset.
The homosexual incubus’ goal is survival and not multiplying (as the heretosexual ones’). They need other male creatures’ cum to survive, they are basically parasites. Their cum can be lethally poisonous.
The three brothers were actually born here, in our world. That’s why they crave human semen. Usually it is the incubus who takes care of quenching their own thirst, but the case is different with the Landry brothers. You see, even though homosexual incubuses are supposed to be inferior creatures, they have their own minds, emotions (if you can call those emotions), and all. And the Landry brothers are very much arrogant and spoiled creatures, they are superior. At least compared to me.
They figured out that a servant can adapt to their every need, including the craving after cum. They are basically using their servant to collect the needed semen, and they can just extract it via different methods, so they don’t have to get fucked or to suck dicks.
But as I mentioned, creating a servant is very difficult. The subject has to be born to serve. The servant had to live a pure life before the ritual, free of selfishness. But his body and mind had to be strong. When the Incubus Master injects his semen into the servant, the body has to welcome that poison and it is extremely challenging for the body to outlive that. My body had to welcome 3 different Incubus Masters’ poison, at once.
To become a servant, one does not explicitly have to consent to that. To turn a creature into a servant, it has to be in his clear mind, it has to confess its inferiority, let the Incubus fill it with their semen, and be grateful for it.
The brothers somehow managed to modify the original ritual into a less rigid, but more powerful one. Maybe because they were born here, or this world, this environment. Or maybe I was actually born to be their servant. Anyway, even though I was heavily influenced by their looks, their pheromones, and their touch, when I said the necessary words out loud, I was in control of my words.
To be honest, sometimes I think about my life from before becoming their servant. My mother wanted me to become a lawyer or a doctor, that’s why I applied to medical school. I always felt that I am a burden to my new family, so I did everything I could to not be in the way, to be invisible, but still doing as much as I could for them. Every time I hooked up with somebody, they reached out to me, and if they were even a tiny bit persistent, I was always ready to do whatever they wanted from me. Even though I was almost invisible my whole life, I always helped others with theirs, and tried to please them. I think I was actually born to serve. To become an Incubus servant.
As soon as I showed respect and gratitude to my Masters after they had ejaculated their cum inside me, the ritual reached its peak and my transformation began. It basically deleted me from existence: no one remembers me anymore, there is no sign that I ever existed. Probably it wasn’t a very difficult thing to achieve though.
They actually recorded the whole ritual and my whole transformation. As soon as it was clear to them that my body was going to welcome their poison (I was moaning, smiling, and which looked like having several orgasms, although no cum left my dick, it was soft the whole time), they locked me inside my new room. The transformation took a whole day. The black leather collar slowly started to materialize around my neck, just as the chastity cage, like slowly increasing the opacity on them. The cage is not an actual physical cage though, it is some kind of magical material. Even though I haven’t had an erection since the transformation, the cage still caused me a lot of pain every day. Whenever I had impure thoughts about somebody else than them, it burnt me. Whenever even the slightest thought of disobeying occurred to my mind, it burnt me. Whenever they felt like punishing me, or just enjoyed seeing me suffer, it burnt me.
After the transformation had completely finished, and I woke up, there was no need for them to explain what had happened, as I was somehow completely aware of everything. I still felt their massive amount of cum inside my body (and still do). I felt their thoughts, desires, not like reading their minds, more like feelings, emotions, senses.
I realized that my body has changed slightly. I was thinner, probably shorter as well. I had less muscle, but my body fat percentage also decreased massively. My face also went through a tiny bit of change, but it was hard to define. And I was sure my dick got smaller, even though it was locked inside the chastity cage. All of my body hair disappeared and never grew back. The hair on the top of my head looked similar to Hunter’s, but keeping my original red color. And I haven’t aged a day since my transformation.
I instantly understood all their habits, favorite flavors, songs, body types, kinks. For example, it was burnt into my mind that Hunter always wants to cum inside the sub’s mouth, while Alpha is only willing to ejaculate inside the ass.
I learnt that they all have a special ability, which is unique to them. Alpha can change the size of his dick. That’s why at first I felt a finger, he started with a smaller form to ease me in. But he can get as big as he wants. Literally…
Chase can highly control the timing of his orgasm, making it possible to fuck his servant for as long as he wishes. Even for a full day.
Hunter could produce as much cum as he wanted, it would be even possible to fully load a stomach. Or maybe even more.
But all of them shared two things: the constant horniness, and the hunger for human semen.
After the transformation, I instantly knew what was expected of me. Most of the time, I was still invisible, they looked right through me. I cleaned their huge apartment every day, sometimes cooked for them (even though they didn’t need any food but they enjoyed it), and very occasionally ran some errands.
But my main responsibility was to travel the world every evening, and collect semen from 6 human males, different ones every day. In the past 8 years I have sucked and “got fucked” by all kinds of men and dicks, from the worst kind to the highest elite.
To be fair, I used the word “rape” several times, even though I wasn’t sure if this was actual rape. In their world, by their understanding, I do not exist. So if somebody would open the door, while I was doing my job, nobody would notice me, not like I would be invisible. By their perception I literally do not exist. For them it was like having an extremely kinky dream (except that they did not actually have a dream) and a spontaneous orgasm, where their cum is just sucked into a void. Can you even take somebody’s virginity if you don’t even exist?
Anyway, the chastity cage is not only for stopping me from getting an erection. It’s mainly not for that, as I think I am not even able to get one ever since the transformation. Enjoying being fucked was completely at the mercy of my Masters. If they wanted me to enjoy being used and abused I felt some joy, even when they were beating me. But when they wanted me to suffer, well… It was all automatic, I was not in control.
So, the cage actually was there to teleport me from one dick to another, and eventually to home. During the years, I somehow recognized a way so I could influence the end destination a bit more. But what was the point? My purpose was to serve my Masters.
Besides the teleportation, it was somehow able to channel my Masters’ poison, which made their target sleepy and horny. This was a different poison than their cum. That one was only reserved for me, as I needed their cum to survive. Their precious and delicious cum was like heroin to me. If I didn’t get it for a while (which they often used as a punishment), I grew weaker and dumber.
But one weird thing happened (or did not happen) during my transformation. Even though they had total control over me, even though every moment in my life I felt like serving them is my purpose, and even though I had no personality left, I was merely an empty shell, deep down, somehow, I reserved a tiny part of my original self. There was this voice inside me, like a second personality, which was constantly whispering to me very very quietly, commenting on the world around me, everything that has happened to me so far. Not always opposing, or something like that. My previous self was very similar to this, just actually alive. I was not always able to pay attention to it, or act on it, or do anything about it. It was just there, buried deep under my servitude, my eagerness to please, my love and commitment towards my Masters. Even though it felt right to be just an object, to be used and abused, to have hundreds and thousands of dicks cuming inside me, just so my Masters can live, I was not just an empty object. There was this tiny piece of my old soul still living inside me. And that was not supposed to happen.