The Incubus Servant Ch. 05

A gay story: The Incubus Servant Ch. 05 ENCYCLOPEDIA: The Pure Ones

The Pures are one of the rarest creatures, their exact origin is unknown. They are one of the weakest and strongest creatures of Libidine. They are not driven by any desires, which makes them the most honest ones of all living creatures. They are basically the shining stars in the ocean of dark things. As they are not driven by anything, they can be quite naive and gullible, which makes them weaker, and easy to corrupt. But their willpower, inner strength is so high, they can basically bear and survive anything.

Even though they are one of the strongest creatures, as they don’t have any special abilities, and no inner drive on their own, by most they are considered much lesser than any living creature.

Pure Ones were hunted by all kinds of demons and creatures, as they can be turned into honest and obeying allies, which eventually resulted in the extinction of the Pures.


Chapter V. – The Plan

When I was sent to do my usual evening round and I regained my consciousness, I started crying. The little piece of my soul was stronger than ever and I did the only thing I could, I squeezed my chastity cage, and teleported to Henry.

“Finally! We have been waiting for you, and started to get worried.” Said Henry, a moment after I appeared. I was still crying. “What… What is the problem?”

I noticed somebody else was there, a guy, shorter than Henry. He had wavy dark brown hair, a cute, but tired face, with some stubble. He didn’t look super fit, but was not in a bad shape though. I noticed he checked me out and stopped on my caged dick for a few seconds.

“Oh, this is Liam!” Said Henry, as he noticed my surprise by the presence of Liam.

“I am Prince Henry’s guardian, nice to meet you!” He reached out, and we shook hands. I can’t even remember when was the last time I shook somebody’s hand.

“Prince?” I asked.

“No time for that! Tell us, what’s wrong!”

And I told them everything about me being depleted in 2 weeks, about Master Hunter’s kink, and that this was the only place I could come after all this.

“Huh. Okay, I was not prepared for this. What do you think?” Henry asked Liam.

“I am not powerful enough for this. I tried looking up how to break the servant curse, but I didn’t have enough time. I am just not skilled enough.”

“It’s okay. And you are, you just have to believe in yourself. But unfortunately we don’t have enough time now. We have to call Quadir.”

“My Prince, forgive me, but…”

“I have told you many times not to call me Prince. I am not a prince of anything anymore.”

“You know what he is like!”

“I know, but he owes me a favor, and…”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” I interrupted. “But you don’t have to do anything for me. If this is my destiny, I have to accept it.”

“No, it is not and you don’t.” Said Henry. He was very firm. He picked up his phone and started calling somebody. “Yes, this is Henry. We need you… No, right now, we don’t have time… Ok, thanks.” He put down the phone. “He is on his way.”

“Henry, are you sure? You don’t even know this guy.” Liam pointed at me. “No offense.”

“He is right here, man. And I thought you were the kinder of the two of us.”

“I am sorry for all this… But what’s happening?” I asked.

“I just called an old… Well, let’s call him an ally. From Libidine. He is a very powerful mage, he might be able to help you.”

“Wow… I can’t… Don’t even know what to say. Thank you!”

“That will do!” Laughed Henry.

Shortly after, somebody materialized from the air at the entrance door. The man was a bit older, looked 40-50-ish. He was tall, slim, and with gray-black hair on the top of his head. He had a long face, with some wrinkles. He wore a robe with jeans and a t-shirt.

“Welcome, Quadir!” Said Henry, with a big smile.

“Who is the kid? Why is he fucking naked?” Asked Quadir, pointing at me, looking anxious.

Henry told my story to Quadir. Why was he helping me?

“Okay, so just to be clear. You called me here, and want to use your only favor card you have, just to help a fucking incubus servant? Why?”

“Why not? Just please, do whatever you can.”

“Well, okay. I couldn’t care less to be honest. But I will have to examine him first.”

“Use my bedroom please. Callum, it is all going to be alright. Please do, as Quadir asks.”

I was so lost. Everything was happening so fast, and I was just going with the tide.

Quadir went into Henry’s bedroom and I followed. It wasn’t big, had space only for a bigger bed and some shelves.

“Okay, boy, do you know what a Remembrance Ritual is?” Asked Quadir.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Hm.. Well behaved servant you are. Okay, so I will have to do something similar, but a bit more… thorough. I will have to reach deeper, but I will have access not just to your memories, but much more.”

“Ookay… And… Is it safe?”

“Yes. I am not going to control you or anything. But in order to help, I will have to understand you more. Your whole being. Okay, I am going to use the shackle spell, so we can make sure nothing will go wrong. Are you okay with that?”

“Yes, Sir.” What else could I have said?

He barely waited for my answer as I felt the invisible shackles grabbing my hands and body, and I lifted up from the ground and eventually landed on the bed, on my back, my head over the edge of the bed. I had a slight feeling of where this was going.

I saw him dropping his robe on the ground and unbuttoning his pants. He did some movement with his right hand, whispered some words in the ancient language, and gently stroked his flaccid dick, which instantly became hard. He positioned his medium sized dick in front of my face, and without any resistance he entered my mouth, forced open. Felt the tip of his dick entering my throat, his balls resting on my nose now, he continued his whispered chanting.

Then he started to slowly move his hips, fucking my throat, and I felt as his dick reached deeper inside my throat, which seemed impossible. His dick started growing inside me, with each thrust, and it just grew and grew, getting longer by every second, and at one point I felt his dick entering my stomach, and then maybe even deeper. Meanwhile I was struggling, incapable of breathing, I was gagging, but the shackle spell held me too strong. I was going to pass out.

He did a final push, and the tip of his dick touched something inside me, and time froze. I started seeing images from my life, like screenshots, sometimes actual scenes. I saw my mother, my old family, my classmates, the Landry brothers, my Masters, my teachers. The images coming to my mind got faster and faster, and I wasn’t able to process them anymore. Finally Quadir retreated, the shackle spell broke, and I started coughing.

“Hush, now boy, I am sure it wasn’t that bad.” He said. “At least I was able to get some valuable information. Let’s discuss it with the others.”

He quickly dressed up, and left the room. I felt quite violated, but at this point this feeling wasn’t really new. I followed him.

“Are you okay?” Asked Henry. “You look a bit roughed up.”

“Well, I did have to fuck his mouth.” Answered Quadir.


“I had to perform an examination spell.”

I knelt on the floor, out of habit.

“You can sit on the couch, you don’t have to kneel here.” Said Henry. I was in a bit of a shock, but I did as he said. “So, what did you figure out?”

“Well, this is a very unfortunate and fortunate situation at the same time. Why haven’t you told me, the boy is a Pure?”

“WHAT?” Shouted Henry and Liam at the same time.

“I… I am sorry, but what is a Pure?”

“Wait, you didn’t know?” Liam asked from me.

“Know what? I have no idea what you are all talking about!”

“Pures are… well… Pure creatures. They are very rare.” Said Quadir. “They are, or you are a creature of strong willpower. You are supposed to be a clean, uncorrupted user of magic. It is hard to define, as we don’t know much about your kind. But you are supposed to be quite special. It’s a shame that you are bound to some vile incubuses.”

“Does this mean…”

“That you are also from Libidine.”

“How is that possible? I don’t have any memory of that.”

“It beats me.” Answered Quadir. “Pures are supposed to be extinct. But for a very long time now, way before the Cataclysm.”

“And what does this mean?”

“Nothing at this state. As you are an incubus servant.”

“So nothing can be done?” Asked Henry sadly.

“There is only one thing that can break the binding between an incubus and its slave. The royal seed.”

“Wait, what?” Asked Henry, surprised.

“Well, the royal seed is basically the seed of the Gods of Creation. It is the purest, cleanest, and most powerful ingredient in the whole world. A Pure’s cum would do the job as well, but that’s not going to happen.” Said Quadir, pointing at my caged dick.

“So what are you saying exactly?”

“An incubus servant is mainly bound to its Master by the incubus’s cum with the way of injection. A royal can basically override this by injecting their seed into the servant, the same way, breaking the connection between servant and Master once and for all. No matter how evolved the connection is, the royal seed is just too powerful. I assume, your Masters have a usual way of injecting their poison into you, right?” Asked Quadir from me.

“Yes, Master Hunter and Master Chase my mouth, and Master Alpha… my ass.”

“Well that’s it. A Royal has to fuck and breed the boy, once in its ass, twice in its mouth then. Of course it requires some ritual as well.”

“Oh…” Sighed Henry. “Well… I guess there is no way of saving the boy.”

“I told you this is a very unfortunate situation.”

“Wait, what is going on?” I asked. “Please, explain, I have no idea what is happening.”

“Your wannabe savior, Henry here is a Royal. He is the descendant of the Gods of Creation. But he is quite impotent ever since his father got him cursed.”

“And you were very eager to fulfill his request!” Answered Liam angrily.

“I was doing my job, which was to serve the King.”

“But he was the heir to the throne! The next King!”‘

“But he is a fag…”

“Guys, guys! Just chill. I am sorry Callum for all this. Unfort…”

“But wait…” Interrupted Liam. “You also said, this is a very fortunate situation as well!”

“Yes, I did. Because there is a way of lifting your precious Prince’s curse.”

“What??? AND YOU ARE TELLING THIS NOW? AFTER ALL THESE YEARS?” Shouted Liam. He was way more upset about the situation than Henry himself. Quadir started smiling.

“Yes. Because until this hour, it was impossible. But now, we have a Pure standing next to us. He is the only one who can help break the curse.”

Dramatic silence fell on the room, all eyes looking at me.

“But… I am…”

“It doesn’t matter that you are bound to your Masters. You are still a Pure. At least for a few more days.”

Thoughts ran over me. The voice inside me became much louder, much stronger. For the first time in 8 years, I had hope.

“What do I have to do?”

“Wait.” Said Henry. “Are you sure? Are you willing to help? You don’t even know me!”

“Are you serious?” I asked. “You also don’t know me, and look where we are and what we are planning to do. You have been very kind to me, and I want to help.”

Henry looked into my eyes, for long seconds and said “Well, then I will do whatever I can to help you as well.”

“Very touching.” Said Quadir.

“So how can I help?” I asked.

“It won’t be easy, as a ritual like this will require patience and some time. But we can do it in seven days.”

“We might not have that much time, Quadir.”

“Well, then you have to make more. This is a very powerful ritual, and we need a very powerful potion for that. The boy has to collect the cum of 7 virgin males, one each day. Fresh, straight from the balls. And you cannot touch the cum, or well.. make them lose their virginity. As soon as you have it, bring it to me, and I can add it to the potion.”

“And I will have to drink that?” Asked Henry, with some disgust on his face.

“No… Of course, not. The boy… you know what, let’s talk about it once we have the potion. In 7 days, then we can perform the ritual, and hopefully you will get your limp dick back. And then you can fuck the boy as many times as you want.”

“Callum, are you okay with this?” Asked Henry.

“Do I have a choice? But yes. I will do whatever it takes to help you. Even if you can’t help me. You have done much more than anyone ever has.”

“That’s all super nice, but I am not going to help for free.” Said Quadir.

“What? But you owe me…”

“Yes, and I did help you. I examined the boy and told you how to save him. But making the potion and performing this ritual will require a lot of energy and time.”

“But Callum will be the one collecting the… well, the virgin cum.”

“That’s his everyday job. One extra dick won’t add much to it.”

“How dare…”

“Stop!” I interrupted Henry. “I already said I will do it. What do you want, Sir?”

He smiled.

“The grimoire of your Masters.”

Henry sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. Then he opened it and looked at each of us for a second, and then settled on me. He was so handsome.

“Allright, gentlemen. Looks like we have a plan.”

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