The Island Ch. 03


A gay story: The Island Ch. 03 The Island chapters are being moved to Gay Male due to some comments about being confused. Enjoy!


They came out of their status ready to get to their duty. When they woke up Seth looked around and did not understand his surroundings. Neither did the others. Before them were three stands that had plastic that separated the legs and arms. They would be spread eagle while the island supported them. Seth made his way to a stand it adjusted for his height; it spread his butt cheeks so that his hole was easily accessed. He placed his arms and legs in the respective leggings as he did that four tentacles came out and tied themselves around his wrists and ankles. These kept him in place. He looked around to the others as they climbed into their stands and watched the same things happen to them.

A tube came up and entered their asses, this was to make easy access by the tentacles and avoid wear and tear on their sphincters. When they were secured, they looked up as a screen came on and showed various scenes of the whole island. It whispered to them that they were the island now and they control the tentacles that came out of the ground so that the others will be satisfied. This made them happy and they started watching their screens when couples and groups got together. Three tentacles came up and took places at their sides; they seemed to waiting for orders. Brad watched as one formed a mouth and attached to his cock with a warm suction. The other two formed cocks and one went up the plastic tube up his ass; the plastic tube retracted and he felt the tentacle’s warm presence filling him up. Then the other cock went to his mouth and stayed just out of reach. This was so that he could breathe in between sessions.

Seth was the first one to find a couple kissing; they started stroking themselves and a tentacle went to suck the other’s cock. The tentacle went into his mouth and he started sucking it, gently at first and more firmly as he went on. The couple was into their kissing as two tentacles came up and wound up their legs to their asses. They spread their legs as heads formed cocks to work their way into their orifices. Keeping up with the couple the tentacle on his cock was moving with a fucking rhythm and the one in his ass moved in and out in time with the screen. The pace of the tentacles increased as the couple became more intent on cumming. The couple was sucking each other and they became more feverish as their cocks bulged and their balls pulled up as they came with such vigor. Then Seth shook as he came and the tentacles on the screen came into the asses they were in filling the canals with Seth’s cum. He shook for almost ten minutes and was exhausted as he leaned on the supports. The tentacle at Seth’s mouth went into his mouth to fill him with water and food for energy later. He greedily sucked on it to get as much as he needed.

The screen in front of James showed two inhabitants walking into the woods. He knew them and knew that their time together would be intense; he had been with the two for them before. They made their way into the woods, sat down by a tree, and started rubbing each other. Their cocks becoming harder as their mouths explored their bodies. Two tentacles rose up from the ground and made the way towards the couple. The couple saw this and smiled as they kept up their heavy petting. One laid back and let the other suck his cock; the tentacles waited for them to get into a good position. The person sucking the large cock moved down to probe the other’s ass; he gently rubbed his ass and moved forward to get his cock into the sphincter. Once in he stopped a bit to allow the other to adjust to the penetration, and then moved forward in a rhythm. The tentacles then knew where to go. One went onto the cock of the one being fucked and another tentacle went into his mouth. Two more rose up from the ground to fill the holes of the one doing the piston motion. One in his ass the other in his mouth; all were moving to a rhythm that allowed for ecstasy.

James was responding to these actions with vigor. He was bucking his hips forward in time with the tentacles. He was trying to keep up, but had to slow them down. Another came up and entered his ass to get the full sensation as to what was going on the screen. A tentacle went to his mouth and he sucked it to control the screen tentacles that as sucking the person on screen’s cock. The more he thrusted forward the more the tentacles forced their way into the orifices on screen.

The couples on screen were in a frenzy of fucking and sucking as they came on each other. The tentacles exploded with cum in the respected holes and the two guys smiled and wrapped their arms around each other as the tentacles went around them to transport them to their cabins.

James collapsed as he came into his tentacles. He would have screamed but a feeding tentacle replaced the previous one and was in his mouth. The other tentacles released themselves from his cock and ass and went into their ready positions. He went to his knees; his breathing was labored at this point. The island helped him up and he relaxed more to regain his strength.

A bell rang to announce the resting period for the inhabitants, which meant that the island was resting as well. Brad, Seth, and James were released from their stands and saw that there were three beds for them to lie down. There was a table with food, which they attacked with gusto. After eating and discussing what they were there for they went to lie down and get some sleep. As they lied down a tube came down from the ceiling and secured itself to their cocks to regenerate any damaged tissues. Another tube came up from the bed and inserted itself into their asses to repair any chafing that was done there. This also replaced any nutrients that were needed. It had a gentle sucking sensation that gave the men’s cocks needed blood and resulted in semi hard cocks. They all drifted off to sleep as the tube provided the security to them by cradling their cocks. A mist came down that contained a sleeping agent. This was to make sure that they slept well and deeply. The island went about its usual business keeping the other inhabitants warm and secure in their homes.

The guys woke up and walked around to explore their surroundings. They found a food processor. There were some eggs, vegetables, and fruit on the table for them to eat. After they had their breakfast, they started talking while they rested.

“So this is how we are taken care of; it’s not so bad.” James said.

“Could be worse,” Seth agreed.

“I wonder how long we have before we have to start up again,” Brad chimed in.

“Not sure, but at least we get to eat and rest.”

“Yeah and our cocks are renewed.” Seth waved his around.

Rubbing his, Brad had to agree as he stroked his hardening cock.

“At least now we get to eat some solid food and not through the tentacles.” James said as he bit into an apple.

A chime rang and they knew what it meant. Time to get into their positions. This was the routine for a week. It time came when they had to return to their homes. On the last night, they were allowed to rest and sleep together. The bed was big enough for all three to be in it and rest comfortably. They spooned each other and with their semi-hard cocks, they inserted them within the ass of the person in front. James reach around and gently stroked Seth’s cock since he was the forward person. Seth leaned into James and moaned a little. This was the position that they fell asleep in. A tentacle had come up and sucked gently on Seth’s cock. When they awoke, their cloths were given back to them.

They took position on the platform as it was raised up for the meeting. They were to be replaced with three new people. They were welcomed with applause and well wished their replacements. James and Brad said good-bye to Seth as he left to go to his community and continue with his friends. Seth went off to meet with members of his community as he looked back at the new people he met and smiled.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” Asked Greg, his cabin mate.

“Yes we did and it was amazing, but it’s good to be back,” Seth said as he kissed Greg and squeezed his butt cheeks.

“Let’s go home and have a proper homecoming.”

They walked off holding hands with the rest of their friends.


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