The Lake House

A gay story: The Lake House I grew up in upper Michigan. My parents owned a house with a view of a large lake. The lake itself covered 20 square miles. The house had a view, it was not on the lake. Across the street on a large lot, through the trees, there was a small house. Behind that house was the lake. The lake was a hub of activity in the summer time with people from downstate coming up to water ski, laze on their pontoon boats and race around on the jet skis. There were a couple of public beach areas for local residents that didn’t have water front property, and that is where I spent most of my summers until the age of 16.

The year before I turned 16, the gentleman that owned that house across the street passed away. His wife decided to sell the property and move into town closer to her daughter and grandchildren. She had offered the property to her daughter and son-in-law (at least that was the rumor), but they couldn’t afford the upkeep or the taxes, so had to pass. The mother wound up selling to a gentleman from downstate. The house that was on the property was at least 50 years old, and needed repairs. The gentleman decided to tear the house down and rebuild. This had been happening more often lately. Rumor was that he planned on building a large house. As usual, there was grumbling from the local residents about the changing landscape. Some people said it was his land, and he could build any type of home that he liked. The property was zoned for single family homes only, so it wasn’t like he was going to build a hotel, or apartment house.

My father had passed away a few years before this, so it was just my mother and me in the house now. One afternoon, after I had got home from school, there was a knock on our front door. I answered it, and found a man, probably in his 30s (?). He inquired if my parents were home.

JACK: Hold on. I’ll get my mother.

My mother, Helen, had just gotten home from work herself. She was a nurse and usually worked the early shift in the ER at the local hospital. She had just started preparing dinner. She went to the door to find out what the gentleman wanted.

BILL: Hello. I’m just going around to introduce myself. My name is Bill Williams, and I own the land across the road where the construction is going on.

HELEN: Well, hello Mr. Williams. My name is Helen Palmer, and that was my son, Jack that answered the door. Can I offer you a cup of coffee?

BILL: Thank you. That would be nice.

My mother invited him in, and had him take a seat.

HELEN: Jack, keep Mr. Williams company while I make a couple of cups of coffee. Do you take cream or sugar (looking at Bill).

BILL: I take it black, thank you and please call me Bill.

Bill sat down in a chair, and I sat on the couch.

BILL: I assume that you are in high school Jack?

JACK: Yes sir. I’m a sophomore.

BILL: Sir is not necessary. I’d appreciate it if you would call me Bill.

JACK: Yes sir, I mean Bill.

BILL: I have loved this lake for years. My parents used to rent a place on the other side of the lake when I was younger. I can’t believe that I found a place of my own here.

My mother walked in with a couple of cups of coffee on a tray and a couple of plates of cookies. She handed a cup to Bill, and put a plate of cookies on the table next to him, then placed her cup and the other plate on the table in front of us.

HELEN: I’m sorry Jack, would you like a pop?

JACK: Yes, but I’ll get it.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a Coke from the fridge and returned to the living room.

HELEN: I heard what you told Jack about staying up here in the summers. Do you know whose house you stayed in?

BILL: I’ve driven around the lake a couple of times. I think the house is no longer there. It seems to have been torn down, and a huge house has been put in its place. It doesn’t seem to fit the lake. I can’t remember the name of the people that we rented it from.

HELEN: There has been quite a bit of that going on around the lake. I must tell you that the neighbors have been worried about the structure that you’re putting up.

BILL: Well, that is the main reason that I am trying to meet the neighbors. I spoke with the Peters a couple of doors down and they mentioned the same fear to me. While the house I’m planning on building is going to be large, much larger than a single guy needs, it will only be one story. I was lucky in that the property covers 3 acres, so I have plenty of room to put a ranch house on it. I hope that the final product will be more in keeping with the serenity of the area.

HELEN: That sounds nice. I look forward to seeing the progress of the construction. Once I heard the house was going up for sale, I assumed that the old house would be torn down. I’m so happy that you’re trying to have your house blend in with the locals. Did you hire an architect and do you have drawings?

BILL: I do, but those are back home right now. There will be 4 bedrooms, an office, and I intend on putting an indoor pool along the back of the house, so that when I come up in the winters, I’ll be able to swim. I use swimming as my aerobic exercise.

HELEN: Jack loves to swim too. He and his friends usually bike up to the park about a mile up the road in the summers.

BILL: Actually, I was wanting to meet Jack. When I was speaking with the Peters, I asked them about any local kids that they thought might be interested in mowing my lawn, and taking care of the pool when I’m not around.

That got my attention.

BILL: Of course, if Jack agrees, he is welcome to use the pool if he likes as well. There will eventually be a dock, and if he and his friends want to swim off the dock, instead of going down to the park, that would be fine with me as well. Within limits of course. I wouldn’t want any parties, or underage drinking there.

HELEN: That is a big lot. All we have is a push mower. I’m not sure Jack could handle that much land with that mower. I guess that I could buy a self-propelled mower for him. What do you think, honey?

Like I said, I was 15 at the time, and still only 5’5″ tall. I barely weighed 120 pounds.

JACK: Can I ask how much I would get paid?

BILL: Good question. First off, I plan on having a riding mower there, so you wouldn’t need to buy another unless you want to do so for your lot. I was thinking about $50 a week to mow the lawn and $25 to take care of the pool. I’ll make the sure the deck of the mower can be raised, so that if you wanted to bring it across the road and mow this lawn, you could do so.

JACK: I don’t know how to take care of a pool, but I’m willing to learn.

$75 a week during the summer, and $25 during the winter months. I wondered if Ma would make me put it in the bank for school?

HELEN: Are you planning on spending much time up here, Bill?

BILL: As much time as my work allows. I work in IT in Oakland County. I have a home down there, but I really like the quiet up here. Hopefully, every weekend and several weeks during the summer. Eventually, I would like to move up here full time if I can figure out how to do that.

HELEN: Well, Jack and I will discuss it. Would you mind giving me a phone number where we can contact you?

BILL: Absolutely.

He reached in his pocket and took out a business card. The card had the name of Williams and Associates on it.

HELEN: Your company?

BILL: Yes. I graduated with a computer engineering degree, and managed to write a software program as one of my first projects. I got lucky, and hit it big with that. I started my own company and hired a few programmers and IT experts. Now we have contracts with several companies in the Detroit area, and are expanding out.

HELEN: Jack was thinking of going into engineering.

BILL: Oh. Do you know which field, Jack?

JACK: I know that I want to build or design things. I’m actually thinking of architecture or engineering.

BILL: Are you going to Michigan?

JACK: I hope so, if I can get in. I understand that their requirements are pretty high.

BILL: It’s a great school. That is where I went. Well, I’ve taken up enough of your time. I look forward to seeing you again, and meeting your husband.

HELEN: I’m a widow Bill.

BILL: I’m sorry. The Peters never mentioned that to me, and I just assumed.

HELEN: Don’t worry about it. Its been a couple of years now and there is no way you could of known.

BILL: Please, talk this over with Jack and let me know.

HELEN: I am curious about why you just wouldn’t hire a landscaping company to take care of your property and a pool service?

BILL: I will have a landscaping company taking care of the shrubs and trees, but I just prefer to have someone nearby that I can count on for other things, like the pool. I figured mowing the lawn was a good way to handle that. I was hoping to have neighbors that could notify me of anything that might be happening with the property if I was not around, and finding work for neighbor kids is my way of giving back.

HELEN: I like that. Jack and I will discuss it, and let you know.

Mother showed him to the door, and thanked him for stopping by. He inquired about the properties on either side of his, and mother told him that like him, they were people from downstate that spent a lot of time here in the summer, but not much time other than that.

BILL: Do they live down in the Detroit area?

HELEN: I believe the Walkers do.

BILL: If you have contact information for them, maybe you could pass mine along to them. I could meet them down there.

HELEN: I’m afraid that I barely know them, but they should be up here this weekend. They are here most weekends from April until October.

BILL: Well. Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

After Bill left, mother went back to making dinner and I did my homework. My mother was dating a man, Jim, and he was coming over for dinner. Jim was a deputy with the local sheriff’s department. Mother filled him in on our discussion.

JIM: Something doesn’t seem right about this. Would you mind if I checked up on him? I can make some calls.

HELEN: He seems like a nice guy, but I think I would feel better if you checked. Thank you.

A couple of days later, Jim reported to mother that nothing popped up on a background check into Bill. Mother asked me if I was interested in taking the job. I said yes.

The construction proceeded through the summer. In addition to tearing down the old house, they thinned the trees out on the property. When the house was finished, it looked like a large pavilion in the middle of a park, except that it had a 2 car garage attached AND an additional 3 gar garage off to the side. Mother said that the neighbors were amazed with the final product. Even though the building was spread out, and because of the pool area across the back, the roofline was higher than a typical ranch home, the lot was so large that, with the trees removed, the views of the lake from the road were spectacular.

True to his word, Bill had purchased a riding mower. The landscaping company taught me how to use it and suggested how to best work my way around the lawn. The house was ready to move into in the Fall. I came home from school on a Friday, to see a big tanker truck in Bills drive. It was delivering the water for his pool. It never occurred to me that he would have to have the water shipped in.

I had purchased a cell phone with the money that Bill had been paying me for the lawn. Walking home from the bus stop, I received a text from him: Jack. The pool is being filled today. Could you come over this weekend and I can show you how to treat and care for the pool?

I spoke with my mother when she came home from work. She had no plans for us this weekend. So I texted back: I planned on mowing the lawn in the morning. I can stick around after if that will work for you.

Bill’s response: Perfect. I’ll see you tomorrow.

I arrived at 9AM. I had a code for the separate garage, where the mower was stored. When I opened the garage door, I saw a new Bronco there as well. Bill normally drove a Camaro convertible. I just assumed he bought a new vehicle. I couldn’t understand his getting rid of the convertible. It was a sweet car.

I fired the mower up and started on the front lawn. The trees out front had been thinned down enough and there was a good deal of mulch around the bases, so it was easy to work my way between them, so I didn’t need to use a push mower until I hit the back yard. Once I finished out front, I rode the mower to the back. Bill was back there with another guy. They were on the patio and it looked like they were having breakfast. I waved and continued to finish the back. Bill had said that he liked to have the grass edged along the paver walk to the front door, and around the patio (also done in concrete pavers). I grabbed the string trimmer and did the trimming. I always did the driveway as well. Then, I blew the clippings back onto the lawn, then joined Bill in back.

He introduced me to his nephew, Peter. Peter had driven the Camaro up, while Bill had driven the Bronco. Bill explained that he was leaving the Bronco here, so that he had a 4WD up here when he needed it.

BILL: I’ve got another job for you Jack.

JACK: Ok. What can I do for you?

BILL: If your mother is ok with it, I’d like you to drive the Bronco around the lake once a week, just to keep it moving. Once the snow starts flying, I only want you to drive when the roads are clear though.

JACK: I don’t think that will be a problem.

I had gotten my driver’s license this last Summer, when I turned 16. We didn’t have a car for me to drive, so I was looking forward to driving the Bronco.

JACK: I’ll check with my mother if you like, but I can’t imagine her objecting.

BILL: I was thinking about grilling some burgers here tonight. You, your mother and Jim are invited to join us if you can. Of course, if you want to bring a date, that is fine as well.

I hadn’t had much luck with dating. At least, not yet. The girls gravitated to the jocks. I didn’t play any sports. I had grown another inch since I met Bill, so I was now 5’6. I still had problem keeping weight on.

BILL: Have you walked through the house since the furniture was delivered?

JACK: No. I wouldn’t go in without you asking.

BILL: I had an alarm installed. I’ll give you the code. You’re welcome in the house anytime. Just, no parties. Understood?

JACK: Understood.

BILL: Come on. I’ll walk you through.

Peter stayed behind. He was reading something on his iPad. When we entered the pool area, off of the patio, the first thing that I noticed was a complete gym setup at one end.

JACK: Wow. That is impressive.

BILL: Do you workout? You’re welcome to use the equipment.

JACK: I don’t know how to use any of that. I’d like to learn.

BILL: Peter and I have already had our workout this morning. Why don’t you come over tomorrow morning about 8, and I can show you how to use the equipment?

JACK: Really? Thank you. I would like that.

Bill walked me through the house. As impressive as it was outside, I was blown away by the inside. The kitchen and great room were in the middle. The north side of the house was where the 3 guest rooms were located. All had queen size beds. One had its own bath. The other two shared a bath.

On the south side of the house, is where Bill’s office and Master Bedroom were located. The entrance to the garage was at this end of the house as well. Bill’s bathroom had a shower big enough for 6 people with a couple of shower heads. The basement was under the whole living area. He had a theater down here, along with all of the mechanicals for the house.

BILL: I’ve got a couple of sump pumps down here, but if you could check it when you work on the pool, that would help me.

There was a room at the far end. I asked what was in there?

BILL: I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with that, yet.

Bill had decided. It was going to be an adult playroom. Jack did not need to know about that, and there was a lock on the door. The key Jack would receive, wouldn’t work in that lock.

We went back up to the pool area, and Bill explained what I needed to do for the pool. There was a clipboard on the wall with a worksheet explaining each duty. He walked me through each step.

BILL: I plan on being up here again next weekend, so I’ll help you with everything again next week, but your salary is increased as of this week.

JACK: I meant to ask you about that. I saw $100 go into my account yesterday?

BILL: Yes. I decided that $25 wasn’t enough for the pool work. So you’ll be receiving $100 a week from now on. When the snow starts falling, after you clean your own drive and walk, I’d like you to come over and clear my front walk as well. There will be a service cleaning the drive. Is that ok?

JACK: Yes. I can always use some extra cash.

BILL: Your mother said that she was requiring you to put half in your savings for college?

JACK: Yes. I wanted to save for a car, but she said college was more important.

BILL: I agree. Even if you get scholarships, college life can be expensive.

I got a call from my mother.

HELEN: Hi Jack. I was just wondering when you would be back here.

JACK: I think that we’re almost done. Bill has invited us and Jim over for burgers tonight.

HELEN: May I speak with him?

Bill and Helen discussed this on my phone. We would be coming back about 6 for those burgers.

Mother brought a pasta salad, and Jim brought a 12 pack of beer. After dinner, mother even allowed me to have a beer. It was my first. I guess it’s an acquired taste.

We returned to my house at 9. I went to my room, while Jim and Ma talked in the living room.

JIM: Did you notice during the tour that there were no clothes in any of the guest rooms?

HELEN: What did you do? Snoop in the closets?

JIM: Yes and no. I looked. I didn’t snoop. I just wondered where Peter’s clothes were?

HELEN: Oh. What do you think?

JIM: I think that Peter is not Bill’s nephew, but that is really none of my business. It was just an observation.

Meanwhile, in Bill’s house, Bill was busy drilling Peter’s ass. Peter was his nephew, but they realized last year that that didn’t matter to either one of them. Bill was 33, 6’2 and 190 pounds. He used the gym at his house and planned on using it here. He liked to stay in shape. Peter was 22, 5’11 and 165 pounds. He enjoyed spending time with his uncle, because Bill had an 8 inch cock that hit all the right places. Peter enjoyed topping as well, but Bill never bottomed, so Peter had to go elsewhere for this activity. When he was with Bill, Bill treated him well, and paid for everything. Giving up his ass every night was not a chore. It was a pleasure. Once each guy had cum, they talked.

PETER: Jack is quite a twink. I would love to tap that ass.

BILL: He is off limits. He is only 16. You don’t want to spend any time in the jails up here. And that boyfriend of Helen’s is a sheriff. Remember that.

PETER: Ok. I was just commenting.

I was back at 8AM. Bill showed the different weight machines, explained how to adjust the bench for the free weights (he had a whole set of barbells), then walked me through the treadmill, elliptical and rowing machine. Peter was working out as Bill was explaining everything. When Peter was done, he removed his gym shorts and shirt, and rinsed himself off under a shower that was here as well. I looked, but tried not to stare.

BILL: Peter! Why don’t you do that inside.

Peter looked at me, gathered up his things and said “Sorry”. He walked through the sliding doors into Bill’s bedroom. I didn’t think anything about that.

BILL: When you’re here by yourself, feel free to use that shower. You can rinse off before taking a swim.

JACK: Thanks. I hadn’t even noticed the shower head until Peter turned it on.

BILL: I just thought it would be easier to rinse off out here after my weights, before I did my laps, so I had an outdoor shower installed here.

JACK: It seems that you thought of everything.

BILL: Actually, the architect thought of everything. He asked me what my desires were and designed around that.

After we finished with the weights, Bill suggested I use the bathroom in one of the guest rooms and put on my swim suit. He was planning on doing some laps. He headed into his room, just as Peter was coming out in his swim trunks. Peter jumped in the pool.

When I returned to the pool area, Bill and I did laps while Peter read something on his tablet. Bill was much faster than I was. I think his extra height was an advantage.

Bill gave me a key to the front door, and an alarm code. He said the code was specific for me, so he would know when I had come into the house, and told me that I was welcome to use the pool and gym every day if I like. He explained how to test the water in the pool, and recommended that I check it at least every other day for the next couple of weeks, until we found out more about this pool.

I left Bill’s place and went home. I wound up using the gym and the pool on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week. On weekends that Bill came up, I would join him in the gym in the morning. Some weeks, he had a friend with him, and some he was alone. I noted that his friends were always male. In January, the weekly transfer to my account was increased to $150. When I texted Bill about this, he just said that I was doing a great job and wanted to show his appreciation. The following Summer, it went up to $200.

When I graduated from high school, Bill made the trip up to my party. He offered to hold it at his house, but my mother said that was too generous. We had it at her brother’s place, which had large back yard where a tent was set up. In Bill’s card was a check for $500. The note was congratulatory and thanked me for all of my hard work over the past 2 years. Since I was going away to college in the Fall, Bill had already discussed with me about finding someone to replace me. There was a kid a few houses down the street that I recommended to him. About half way through the Summer, he would be taking over for me.

The week after graduation, I turned 18. Bill sent another $500 to my bank account, this time just sending me a text message: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK. I’ll be up in a couple of weeks and take you out to dinner to celebrate. Peter will be at the house for a couple of weeks. Please let me know if he is a pain in the ass, or throws any parties. Thanks buddy.

Thanks buddy. Those two words meant as much to me as the $500. I thought the money was excessive, but Bill has told me several times that he was doing really well for himself, and didn’t mind burning through a little money. I never considered $500 to be a little money.

It was June and the weather was beautiful. Highs were getting into the 80s, which didn’t happen every June. I went over on Saturday to mow the lawn and when I got around to the back, Peter was sunning himself on the back patio, in the nude. I waved at him. He waved back. When I came back around to edge the patio, Peter said that when I was done, I was welcome to join him in the pool.

JACK: I didn’t bring my swimsuit with me, but thanks.

PETER: I’m not planning on wearing a swimsuit. Just rinse off in the shower and join me. There is nothing better than swimming in the nude.

He didn’t have to tell me. I had been doing that for the last year. After working out, I rinsed off and did my laps in the nude. Bill never told me that I couldn’t, and I really didn’t think he would mind. While mowing the lawn last Summer, I saw Bill doing just that. I don’t think that he noticed me staring, but from that day forward I decided to do the same thing.

After blowing the clippings back onto the lawn, I was pretty sweaty. I was looking forward to rinsing off and taking a swim. I would love to swim in the lake in the nude, but I would be visible from several other properties out there, so I never did it. While I was showering, I saw Peter looking at me.

I had gotten to 5’8 and the weights had allowed me to “bulk” up to 145 pounds. With the exception of my groin, and under the arms, I had no hair anywhere. Peter was treading water in the deep end, just looking at me. I started to get hard. It happened in a matter of seconds, and I was embarrassed by it. I turned towards the wall, and turned off the hot water. I needed to get in the pool quickly.

I turned the cold water off and ran to the pool. The deep end was a little over 6 feet deep, so I dove out and started my laps. On my second lap, Peter joined me. After our swim, Peter lifted himself out of the pool. I noticed that he didn’t have any hair anywhere.

PETER: I’m going to grab a beer. Would you like one?

My mother said that I was allowed to have ONE beer with Bill when he was here. I assumed that she would allow the beer with Peter, so I said “yes.” Peter ran into the kitchen and grabbed 2 beers out of the fridge. I had gotten out of the pool and started drying myself off. I was drying my legs, bent over when Peter came up from behind and placed the cold beer bottle on my ass. It almost caused me to jump back in the pool.

PETER: Sorry, Jack. I couldn’t resist.

JACK: That’s ok. Just caught me by surprise.

PETER (handing me the beer): Come on. We can catch a little sun and work on our tans. You look like you could use some sun.

Northern Michigan is not the best part of the country to work on a tan, unless you’re a farmer. We only have 3 months or so to sun, and like I said, it was still June. I noticed Peter had no tan lines. Peter had been up here a few times. I think this is the most that I ever spoke with him. I followed him out to the patio, took a sip of my beer and laid back on a chaise letting the sun work into my body. This was the life.

JACK: Can I ask you a couple of questions?

PETER: Sure. Go ahead.

JACK: I don’t see any tan lines. Where are you able to sunbathe in the nude?

PETER: I was down in Ft Lauderdale a couple of weeks ago. There is a nude beach near there, and I took advantage of it.

JACK: Wow. I’ve never been to a nude beach. I’ve heard of them, but don’t know where any are at.

PETER: There are a few around the country, but the US is not a hot spot for nude beaches. I’ve heard there are quite a few in Europe, and down in the Caribbean. Haulover in Miami is the only one that I’ve been to.

JACK: Men and women?

PETER: Yes, although one end of the beach is considered the gay area. That is where I was.

JACK: You’re gay?

PETER: Not gay, but bi. I figure why limit yourself?

I felt myself starting to get hard again. I grabbed my beer, took a sip, and set it between my legs to rectify that.

PETER: Let me ask you something, Jack. Have you ever been with a guy?


PETER: How about a girl?


PETER: Well, I’m sure that you’ve thought about being with a girl. Have you ever thought about being with a guy?

How did I answer that question? I’ve thought about it a lot after seeing Bill shower and swim in the nude.


With that, Peter sat up on his chaise, reached over for my beer and set it on the table.

PETER: Don’t force it down Jack. Let it happen. Its natural.

I just laid my head back and closed my eyes trying to will my erection away, but to no avail. When I opened my eyes, Peter was standing, holding his hand out to me.

PETER: Why don’t you come with me Jack. We won’t do anything you don’t want to do.

I followed him into one of the guest rooms. Peter turned and faced me. He placed his hand on my cock and with his other hand, he guided my hand to his cock. I started to stroke his cock. I was no stranger to stroking a cock, but up to this point, it has always been my own. Peter was fondling my cock and I was engrossed in feeling his cock. He had 7 inches of solid cock. He was leaking out of the tip.

PETER: Spread that over my dick Jack. It will lubricate it for you.

After a moment of this, Peter kneeled down and took my dick in his mouth. I’ve measured my dick at slightly more than 4 and 1/2 inches. Peter placed the tip of my cock in his mouth and sucked gently. He then started licking the cock all over, eventually working his way down to my balls. I think that he knew I was going to cum soon. He took his mouth and hand off of my cock and looked up at me.

PETER: What do you think Jack? Do you want to give it a try?

I nodded. Peter stood up then sat down on the bed behind him.

PETER: Just lick it first Jack. Get a taste of it.

I licked it from the base to the tip, then again, like an ice cream cone.

PETER: Now put the tip in your mouth and suck gently while you stroke my cock.

I did that, and I got a taste in my mouth. I can’t quite describe it, but I liked it.

PETER: Lick it all over so that you can get it slick for your hand.

I went to the base again, and while I was there, I licked his balls.

PETER: I like that Jack.

After five minutes of licking, sucking and stroking, Peter warned me that he was going to cum soon.

PETER: If you want to try and swallow it, go ahead. I enjoy the taste of cum. Try it and see if you’ll like it.

Suddenly, I remembered the other question that I was going to ask. I took my lips off his cock, but continued to stroke it.

JACK: I remembered the other question I was going to ask you.

PETER: Well. Now is a hell of a time to remember, but go ahead.

JACK: I’ve never seen a guy without a bush around his dick. Do you shave down here?

PETER (chuckling): Yes I do. Do you like it?

My response was to lick his balls again, then resumed sucking the first few inches of his cock while stroking him.

PETER: Ok Jack. Decision time. Do you want to swallow?

I kept my mouth on his cock and nodded. With a groan, Peter unloaded into my mouth. There was so much cum, it started spilling out of my mouth. I backed off his cock and received a couple of spurts on my face. I swallowed what was still in my mouth and stood up. Peter licked some of the cum from my face, then kissed me, feeding me the cum that he had licked up. He found a cloth to wipe the rest from my face.

PETER: Ok. Your turn Jack.

He turned me around and pushed me back onto the bed. Then he bent over and took my cock in his mouth, all the way down. I felt him move his tongue around my cock. Up to this point, it was the best feeling that I could remember. I was already ready to cum.

JACK: I’m going to cum.

Peter grabbed my balls and stroked them gently. That did it. I started cumming in his mouth. I’ve cum a thousand times from masturbating, but nothing compared to this. While it may have been 30 seconds, it felt like I was cumming for 5 minutes. A couple of times, I thought that I was done, and I got one more spasm. Once I calmed down, Peter took his mouth off my cock.

PETER: Seems like you needed that. That was a lot of cum.

I was speechless.

PETER: Come on. We’ll rinse off in the shower again and then finish our beers.

I followed him back out to the pool, and we jumped under the shower, then headed back outside to the chaise lounges. I took a sip of my beer (it got warm) then laid back and let the sun bake my skin. I could fall asleep.

PETER: You don’t want to fall asleep. Even with this northern sun, you could burn your dick and balls. They’re not used to exposure, I’m guessing.

That got me laughing.

JACK: Would you show me how to shave around my dick?

PETER: Sure. You want to do it now?

JACK: I don’t think so. My mother will be looking for me soon. I’m not usually over here this long.

I sat up, set my beer down, then stood up to leave.

JACK: Thank you. I enjoyed this. I’ll be back Monday morning to use the gym and pool. Maybe you could teach how to shave then?

PETER: Be happy to. About 9?

I nodded, then went to find my clothes. That was fun. I would like to do that again.

Monday morning, I used the key to let myself in the front door. I told my mother that Peter was going to be up for a couple of weeks, and that we would be working out together while he’s here. She thanked me for letting her know, and told me to enjoy myself.

I did. Peter trimmed my groin with a pair of scissors, then had me use an electric razor for manscaping(?). I was amazed. It made my tiny dick look bigger. I was going to have to get me one of these razors. I might have to keep it over here. If my mother found it, I don’t need her to know that I’m shaving my junk. Then we worked on my oral skills again.

PETER: Try to take some more in your mouth. I guarantee that you’ll love the feeling of a cock filling your mouth, and if you can get it into your throat, it may cause an orgasm.

JACK (taking my mouth off of his cock): You’re shitting me right?

PETER: Yes and no. Yes, I’m kidding you about the orgasm … it would be nice though wouldn’t it? And no, I’m not into shitting.

I stop in mid stroke on his cock and looked at him.

JACK: Is that a thing?

PETER: Get back to sucking my cock. See if you can orgasm from giving a blow job.

When Peter came, I did a better job of swallowing, so only a little leaked out of my mouth. Again, Peter licked it up and fed it to me in a kiss. I liked this.

Peter then went to work on me. I lasted about 5 minutes again, but this time when I started to cum, I pulled out of his mouth and gave him a facial. Peter jumped up and hovered his cum covered face over mine.

PETER: Ok smart guy. Now lick it off and feed it to me.

I knew Peter was a smart guy. I started licking.

I told Peter that I would be back Wednesday, but I had orientation for college on Friday.

PETER: You were accepted to Ann Arbor, right?

JACK: School of engineering.

PETER: How were you planning to get there? I can drive you down Thursday night, and bring you back on Sunday if that would work. I need to do some things in the Detroit area, so I was planning on going home for a couple of days.

JACK: I’ll have to talk to my mother. She was going to take the day off on Friday, and we were going to drive down real early and then come back that night. If I go with you, I would need to get a hotel room. But, I would like to wander around campus and town some.

PETER: No hotel needed. Bill maintains an apartment in Ann Arbor, near the Stadium. He uses it when he attends home games, or gives the keys and tickets to someone else, for them to use. He loves Ann Arbor. We can go down earlier on Thursday, and I can give you a tour of the town, and show you where you have to go for your orientation. We’ll have dinner, I’ll drop you at Bill’s apartment. It’s a little of a hike, but you’re young. You’ll manage.

Upon returning home, I mentioned this to my mother.

HELEN: That may work out for the best. You can spend more time exploring the campus, and I won’t have to take the day off of work. We’ve been shorthanded recently, and I hate to leave them like that. Have you got cash for food? I don’t need the car this afternoon, you can run to the bank to take some money out.

I had money, but I took the car anyway. I went to Wally World and bought one of those razors, and a few other things that I needed.

Peter spoke with Bill that night.

PETER: He’s taking to sucking dick real well. I sure wish that you would let me pop that cherry of his.

BILL: I told you. That cherry is mine.

PETER: Ok. I’m going to try putting a finger in his hole on Wednesday. I’ll send you a thumbs up if that goes well.

BILL: Did you ask him about orientation?

PETER: He actually brought it up. It is this Friday, and he sent me a text confirming that it was ok for me to drive him down and back. He’ll be there Thursday night.

BILL: Ok. I can’t get there until Friday afternoon, but maybe I can surprise him when he gets back from orientation.

On Wednesday, when Peter gave me a blow job, he told me he was going to give me a prostate massage. He said that it would make my orgasm much better. I had to have him explain what a prostate massage was, but he had me sold when he said the orgasm would be better.

Peter has a finger up my ass, and is touching an area inside me. Every once in a while, it’s almost like a mini-orgasm. It starts, then goes away just as quickly … but they kept retuning.

PETER: Now this is no shit. You can get a guy to cum from only massaging this area.

I could believe it.

PETER: But I like to do it while giving a blow job. When you cum, I’m going to be swallowing a lot.

And he proceeded to show the truth to that statement. Peter keeps showing me better and better ways to cum.

Peter picked me up in my driveway at 8AM the next morning. My mother was at work, so no-one to see me off. I sent her a text that we were on our way. I also told her that I would call her tonight.

We arrived in Ann Arbor shortly after noon. Peter found a parking spot on N University. He said that we could have lunch at McDonald’s. It was just a couple of blocks away. He pointed off to our left.

PETER: That is where the main campus is. We’ll head there after lunch. Your meeting place for tomorrow is in there.

JACK: Did you go here?

PETER: Yes. I graduated the year Bill bought the house on the lake. I graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering.

I never knew that. Hm. After lunch, we headed over to the “diag”. Peter pointed out the various buildings, including the Engineering Bldg, and the arch through it. He told me that a lot of the fraternities and sororities were in that direction. Then pointed off to the southwest, and told me the Stadium was about 2 miles that way. Bill’s apartment was just beyond that. Off in other directions were downtown and the Medical Center. They would probably load us on a bus and take us around the other campuses. Peter pointed out that the law school was just across the street. He would be starting there in the fall.

JACK: Wow. You’re just full of surprised today.

PETER: That’s me, Peter Williams, man of mystery.

JACK: Wait. You’re actually related to Bill?

PETER: Yeah. He’s my uncle. My father is his older brother.

JACK: I hadn’t said anything. I had noticed that you never seem to have clothes in those other bedrooms. I’ve noticed when I’ve gone to use the john over there.

Peter just looked at me.

JACK: I’ve guessed that Bill was gay for a while, I just didn’t think you were related since you were sharing the same bed.

PETER: You’re a pretty observant little fucker, aren’t you? So, what else have you figured out?

JACK: Well. I was hoping that you or Bill were going to be here this weekend.

PETER: I’ll let you in on a little secret, Bill will be here tomorrow afternoon. He wants to surprise you when you get back to his apartment.

JACK: I’m not sure when I’ll be back there. I figured that I would explore between here and there, maybe take a walk around the outside of the Stadium.

PETER: Be back to his apartment by 4. Maybe you can think of a way to surprise him. How would you like to be waiting for him in his bed?

JACK: I like that idea. Thanks.

PETER: Ok. I really do have to get home, so I’ll get you over to the apartment. We’ll have to pick something up for you to microwave later, unless you want to walk downtown. It’s about 3/4 of a mile.

I checked the weather app on my phone.

JACK: Looks like the weather is good tonight. I think I’ll take that walk downtown.

I explored downtown that night, then walked back to the apartment. I watched the end of the Tiger game, and went to sleep. Up at 6, took a shower and dressed, then headed back to campus. Peter had pointed out a place that I could stop for a good breakfast. I arrived to the meeting place about 30 minutes early. Spent the time looking at my phone, then I started thinking about tonight with Bill. I was nervous.

I got back to the apartment at about 3:30. I did take a quick trip around the Stadium. I couldn’t see much from the outside. Their first home game was going to be my second week down here. I was psyched for that.

Once back in the apartment, I took another quick shower, and hopped into Bill’s bed to await his arrival. There were 2 bedrooms in this apartment, and Peter had told me that I should sleep in the other room the night before.

I was looking at something on my phone (ok it was porn), when I heard a key in the door to the apartment. I laid down and pretended to be asleep. When Bill entered the bedroom, he turned on the light.

I rolled over and rubbed my eyes.

BILL: Jack!?

JACK: Hi Bill. I didn’t know you were going to be here.

I sat up and the covers fell off my upper body.

BILL: Are you wearing clothes?


Bill started to unbutton his shirt.

BILL: I need to take a shower.

JACK: I can scrub your back if you like.

BILL: You little mynx. You’ve been expecting me, haven’t you.

I couldn’t keep a straight face anymore. I just started smiling.

BILL: This is the best surprise ever.

He came over to the bed and lifted me up to give me a kiss. I’m glad that Peter hadn’t fucked me. I wanted Bill to be my first.

BILL: Come on. Let’s hit that shower.

Bill lost the remainder of his clothes on the trip to the bathroom. He not only had me scrub his back, but his front, then his balls. He had me wash his legs, and as I stooped down to do so, his 8 inch dick was in my face. He was thicker than Peter, but I did what I could to get 5 or more inches in my mouth. After a moment of this, he stood me up and said he was going to wash me. Just before he put my dick in his mouth, he looked up at me.

BILL: Did Peter help you with shaving?

JACK: Yes. He taught me something else.

BILL: What is that?

JACK: Just a phrase … get to sucking.

Bill took orders well. He sucked my cock down, and then held me tight to his face, by placing his hands on my ass. I felt a finger searching for my hole. His tongue moved around over my cock as he found that hole, and started inserting his finger, just to the first knuckle.

He took his mouth off of my cock, then twirled me around, and spread my cheeks. The next thing I knew, I felt his tongue on my hole. It made me lean forward giving him better access to my ass.

The porn I watched on my phone last night was featuring this. It felt as good as it looked on the small screen.

BILL: I want to fuck you, Jack. We’ll take it slow and you let me know if I need to stop. Ok?

JACK: Please Bill.

BILL: Well … You did say please.

Bill turned the shower off, we grabbed towels and headed back to his room. He laid me back on his bed. He kneeled on the floor and brought his head down to my ass. I did what I could to help him get to it, but he was so much bigger than me, he didn’t need much help.

He started inserting a finger, then two, just the tips. He moved the fingers around, trying to get my ass to relax. He removed his fingers, then wet them in his mouth, and started working both fingers in past the second knuckle. He found my prostate.

BILL: Now, when we get to fucking Jack, my dick is going to be rubbing over this spot. You’re going to want to play with your cock, but don’t. If we can get you to cum without touching your dick, I promise you it will be the best feeling of your life.

JACK: Fuck me Bill.

Bill found some lube, and proceeded to lube up my ass with two fingers, then he worked 3 in. He told me to relax and accept it.

BILL: Ok Jack. I’m going to fuck you now. It will probably hurt at first, but let me know if it becomes too much, and I’ll hold there until you think you’re ok.

I felt Bill press on my hole with his dick. It was impossibly large, but after a few moments of working just the tip in, I relaxed enough to let it in. That is when the pain hit. Bill stopped there.

BILL: Let me know Jack when you’re ready Jack.

He was withdrawing and re-entering in slow little strokes, never going past that point of pain. As he did so, I watched his six pack contract and relax. It was a sexy as anything I had seen to that point, that are the feeling of 8 inches taking my virginity.

BILL: Are you doing ok Jack?

He was staring in my eyes.

JACK: Yes. I’m ready. Give me some more.

After another dozen strokes, I felt his balls tap my ass. The last couple of strokes I had felt his cock slide across my prostate. Bill withdrew a little bit, and there was that feeling.

BILL: Right there Jack? Is that the spot?

JACK: Fuck. Yes.

Bill moved his cock back and forth across that spot a dozen times.

JACK: I’m getting close. Give it to me Bill. I want you to fuck me.

Bill withdrew his cock almost all the way out, then quickly reentered. When he did, I felt his balls slap my ass. A few more strokes like this, and the slap was missing. Bill picked up the speed and let out a big groan. I felt his dick spasming, and when it did, it sent me off and I started shooting onto my chest. If every spasm was an ejection of cum, he must’ve shot about a quart into my ass. I grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss.

JACK: Thank you Bill.

Bill leaned down and licked up some of my cum from my stomach. Then he kissed me, feeding me that cum.

BILL: No. Thank you Jack. You’re my favorite thing about the lake house.

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