A gay story: The Lake House Ch. 14 My mother and Jim joined us for dinner on Saturday. It was tough seeing Jim, and not thinking about that morning tryst. There was just the slightest doubt in my mind, but Bill told me that if it was Jim, and he requested that I be unaware of it, I was going to respect that decision. Bill would eventually confirm it, if it were true, but he would talk with Jim before doing so.
At one point during the evening, Ma and I were in the kitchen cleaning up and catching up. I told her about Sean and I going camping, but I didn’t fill her in on what type of campground it was. My mother wasn’t much of a camper, although she told me that she and Jim were going camping in an RV next year. They were looking at buying one with the money that Ma made from the house.
While we were talking, I think Bill and Jim went in his office.
Bill told Jim what was going on. “I’m sorry man. I never thought about your truck being out front.”
“It wasn’t right out front. I parked beside the garage. Nothing we can do about that now. Let me think, and if you would, let me know if he pushes anymore.”
“If it means anything to you, I told him IF it were you, the blindfold and headphones indicated that you didn’t want him to know about it. I reminded him, that they were there because I wanted him to believe it was you.”
“Ok. Thanks for letting me know. We better not leave them out there too long, or they might think we’re in here watching porn.”
Ma and I heard Jim and Bill laugh as they were walking into the kitchen. Ma asked what was so funny.
Jim said, “I was just telling Bill a raunchy joke that I heard at work.”
“And you think it’s too raunchy for my ears?” I looked at my mother. I couldn’t believe she said that.
Jim told the joke. Ma and I listened. Neither one of us laughed. “And you two thought that was hilarious? I don’t understand men sometimes.”
Ma asked Bill if he played Hearts?
Bill replied, “I used to play all the time when I was in school.”
We played Hearts for a couple of hours. Jim was sitting on my right. I could smell his cologne. It was a good thing that I was wearing a jockstrap, or my mother might have seen my hardon that wouldn’t go down. My mind wasn’t on the games and I lost 2 of 3 games. Jim lost the other one. I hoped he was having the same problem as me.
After dinner, I told Jim and Ma about the call that I received yesterday. “They offered me a contract to model next year’s line. They don’t just make jockstraps, they make boxer briefs as well.”
My mother said, “G strings, thongs?”
“They make them. Would you object if I modeled those as well?”
“Honey. If you’re safe, you could model nude. I wouldn’t care.” I was happy about her response, then she threw me for a loop. “Do you have any of those pictures?”
I told her, “I don’t have the pictures from the photo shoot last week, but Bill does have a picture of me in a jockstrap that he sent to the company to see if they would like me to model.”
Ma looked at Bill. “Could I see that picture?”
Bill was already reaching for his phone. He found a picture and showed it to my mother. She looked at it for a few seconds. She was smiling. “Are there more?”
Bill reached for his phone and swiped twice to the right, showing her another picture similar to the first, but with a different jockstrap. “Can I ask about the picture you skipped?”
Bill said, “That was the same jockstrap as the first picture, but from behind.”
Ma swiped once to the left. This picture was going to show my bare ass framed by the side straps of the garment. “Oh my. I’ve seen guys come into the ER wearing jockstraps, but they’re always white.” She looked at me and asked, “Are these really comfortable for working out in, or are they just for show?”
I replied, “I wear them all the time when I workout in the mornings.” We all know that wasn’t the entire truth. And we all know why I wasn’t going to tell her the truth.
Ma looked at Jim. “Would you like to see?” If I were correct, Jim has already seen me in a jockstrap.
Jim said, “Sure.” I saw him swipe a couple of times. “If those shots they took last week are better than these, I can see why they asked you to sign that contract. Very nice.” Jim handed the phone back to Bill.
We talked about what was next with the modeling. Was I thinking of that as a career? The answer was no. Will it interfere with school?
Bill replied to that. “When I spoke with them initially, I told them that he was a full time student. I think they understand his priorities.”
Then my mother said, “Jack, we’ve talked about drugs several times over the last few years. Has anything changed? Have you done any drugs?”
“No. Well, marijuana, but I have no desire to do anything else.”
“Good. I see what comes into the ER sometimes. I would hate to see you there.”
Bill spoke up. “Helen. I will admit to doing some drugs when I was younger, but nothing in the last 10 years. I still know people that do some, but none of the guests that have been up here do anything more than marijuana and alcohol, and not too much of either of those. You don’t need that much to feel good.”
Mother was sitting across the table from me, and Bill was on my left. She patted Bill’s hand on the table and said, “Thank you.”
On Sunday, I got a call from Sheila. You remember. Pietro’s wife. The MILF.
“Hello, Jack. Peter (this is how she referred to her husband) told me that you agreed to some shoots. You’re going to be in town from the 16th thru the 19th?
“I hope that you’ll have dinner with us at least once while you’re here. If you like, you can even stay with us. We have a nice guest room that hardly ever gets used.”
“Really? I don’t want to impose. I can just get a hotel close to the complex for a few nights.”
“The invitation is open if you change your mind. I just wanted to say congratulations on the contract. I saw your pictures. I think they made the right choice.”
“Thank you.”
“And Peter and I watched that video together. We both enjoyed it. I hope that you make some more.”
“Bill and I are trying to get a couple more taped before school starts.”
“As I said, I just wanted to congratulate you. Think about staying with us. I think that it would be fun.”
I told her that I would think about it. I really wanted to get together with them, but she was talking about me staying there 3 nights. What if I didn’t enjoy the first time?
Bill had to leave Sunday at noon. It was going to take forever to get back to Oakland County. The traffic going south on Sundays was always slow. As I was hugging Bill when he left, he said, “I’m going to have to look into how much it would cost for a private flight up here. I hate that it’s at least a 4 hour trip.”
When he left, I thought about our relationship. I knew that he loved me, and I knew that I loved him. I think that I resolved my relationship with Sean. I had to think about my “relationship” with Stephanie.
I had just pulled a burger out of the fridge to grill for tonight’s dinner, when my phone lit up. “Sexy Stephanie” was calling me. I later found out that I’m in her phone as “Captain Jack”. When I asked her why, she said that I was her “Navy Seal” and she was sure that I’d at least have the rank of Captain. It didn’t really make sense to me, but I wasn’t going to question it.
“Hi, Stephanie.”
“Hey Jack. I heard a rumor.”
“About what?”
“About a MILF.”
Fucking Bill. Why would he tell her about Sheila? “Did Bill tell you?”
“No. Heather.”
“Bill told Heather?”
“No. Sean told Heather. I’ll bet that it never occurred to you that they traded contact information while she was up there? They talk quite often.”
Yes. It never occurred to me to ask. I was still not sure why Sean would tell her.
“Well, one thing led to another and they had some phone sex. I think that Sean let it slip during their ‘pillow talk'”.
Somehow, I understood that. I was going to be seeing Sean in the morning for our workout. I was looking forward to a fun morning teasing him about this.
“Is Bill with you tonight, Jack?”
“No. He had to leave early today.”
My phone lit up with a request to switch to FaceTime. I accepted. Stephanie had her phone set up so that I could see her body, except for her feet. She was naked.
“I received a script today with you and me in a video. You invite a friend from work over to watch a football game.”
I was enjoying this call. I left the cold burger on the counter soaking up the salt and pepper and headed for my room.
“You’re moving, Jack. Are you going to your room?”
“Yes. I want to hear more about this video.”
As I undressed, Stephanie read the script to me. “It’s not your typical cuckold video, Jack. It has you in charge of me and the other guy.”
“Do you know who they have in mind for the other guy?”
“They said it would have to be a younger guy. They asked if there was someone that I would like to work with?”
“Who did you tell them?”
“I told them that you would enjoy a video with Blake and that was what I was concerned about. I want you …”
Stephanie and I were stroking ourselves during our discussion. I looked at the screen and I could see her start her orgasm. It was as erotic as any porn video that I’ve seen. Seeing Stephanie cum, set me over the edge.
When we calmed down, Stephanie continued what she was saying, “I was saying that I want you to be happy. I’m not going to deny that I would love to feel that log he has between his legs.”
“Did you tell them that you would do it?”
“What do you think, Jack? If I’ve gotten this turned on by reading the script, how much fun do you think making this video will be?”
“Bill didn’t say anything about this.”
“I don’t think Bill knows about it yet. I was told that he would see the script this week.”
“I’ll ask Bill to send me the script in an email. I’d like to do this.”
“I’ll send the script to you when we get off the phone. I just wanted to tell you that Heather and I are looking forward to seeing you two on Wednesday.”
I told Stephanie that I would fill her in on the MILF when I saw her. She actually thanked me for answering her call, and we talked for a couple of more minutes before hanging up.
I had seen Stephanie’s video with Wally (I had my own copy), but I had never seen any of her other videos. I knew which website I would have to go to to find them. It specialized in college kids. While I was grilling my burger, I looked up the website. I purchased a one month membership and after dinner, I watched a couple of her videos.
In spite of what Stephanie and Heather have said, I have to believe that size does matter, at least somewhat. I am not ashamed of my 4 1/2 inches, but I would want Stephanie to be sexually satisfied. Would that mean that I would have to share her with other guys? Could I handle sharing her with other guys?
I went to sleep that night thinking about what Bill had said to Sean about me on Friday. It reminded me about why I love Bill. I knew that if he asked me to marry him, I would say yes. He had been busy over the last several weeks encouraging me to experiment sexually. Then when he assured my mother that he wasn’t going to let anything suspect happen around me, I knew that he was watching out for me. While I hoped that marriage was on his mind, I knew that Bill wouldn’t be bringing the subject up anytime soon. I decided to just enjoy my new experiences.
—————————————————————————————————————————–Sean was over at 7:50 the next morning. We did 15 minutes of cardio before moving over to the bench to do butterflies with the dumbbells. We were working out in the nude again. “I heard that you and Heather had phone sex yesterday.”
Sean was in the middle of a set and stopped. “Did you speak with Heather?”
“No. Stephanie called me.”
“Well. Yes, we did. The things she said to me on the phone. I was surprised that I lasted as long as I did.”
“Stephanie also asked me about Sheila.”
“Oh. Sorry. Ahh. Heather was asking me about fantasies. I told her I’ve been turned on by several older women, especially since I heard about your MILF.”
“Sheila called me yesterday.”
Sean sat up. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Get back to your set and I’ll tell you about it.”
After he heard the basics of the call, he asked, “Did she mention anything about what she would like to do?”
“No. What if I decide, after we’ve gotten together, that I didn’t enjoy it?”
“Is that something that you think is possible?”
“Possible? Maybe. Probable? Not in my dreams. You were talking about fantasies with Heather. Nothing that I’ve experienced so far has failed to live up to whatever fantasy I’ve had about it.”
“So, get a hotel room. No-one says that you have to sleep in it.”
“Thanks. I like that advice.”
After swimming laps, we laid around the pool. It was a rainy Monday on the lake.
“I guess that I should thank you for talking to Heather. It inspired Stephanie to call me.”
Sean chuckled. “Let me guess. I wasn’t the only one that enjoyed some phone sex yesterday.”
“Well. That’s not what I was going to share with you, but yes. Stephanie read a script to me for a new video in which she and I may be performing.”
“Oh? What is it about?”
I opened my phone to the text of the script. I handed it to Sean and suggested that he read it.
Once done reading, Sean said, “I like the script. It’s a different twist.”
“I thought so too. But it got me thinking. If I were to date Stephanie regularly, I’m not sure that I could make her happy all of the time. Come on. I want to show you some videos.”
I took Sean to Bill’s office and loaded up the video of Stephanie and Wally, and then followed it with a video from the website that I had seen last night. “I know that it’s acting, but Stephanie told me that she came 6 times over the 4 hour shoot of the video with Wally. How do I compete with that?”
Sean looked at me. “I have no doubt that you could go 4 hours, do you?”
“No. I have no doubt about that. I just think that at some point, size does matter.”
Sean’s mouth was open. Just a reminder that Sean had a nice, 8 inch cock. He wouldn’t have to worry about many women wanting something bigger. Finally, he said, “I don’t know what to say about that. Maybe you should speak with Stephanie?”
“I actually already spoke with Stephanie and Heather about it. Heather got mad at me. Stephanie told me that I have nothing to worry about. She even said that she could teach me how to help a woman be satisfied.”
“Well, there you go. Do you doubt Stephanie?”
“Actually. No. But I worry that at some point, a girl that has had a bigger cock, has got to yearn for it. Think back to when we went out for Halloween. If you only had time to hit one more house, and you knew one house was giving out bite sized Snickers, and the next house was giving out full size bars, which one would you go to?”
Sean said, “I don’t think that’s an apples to apples comparison, but again talk with Stephanie.”
Sean and I went and made sandwiches and had a beer. Sean said he wasn’t expected home until 5, so he had plenty of time.
As we were eating, Sean said, “So you’ve been thinking about something long term with Stephanie?”
“I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. With Bill and with Stephanie.”
“Do you want to share any of those thoughts, or do you want me to mind my own business?”
I looked at Sean and thanked him. “You’ve already heard a lot about Bill and me. If he were to ask me to marry him, I would have no doubts about saying yes, and I would be happy to be with only him.”
“Are you worried that he wouldn’t be happy being with only you? I’ve heard of open marriages for straight couples. Maybe you could suggest an open marriage to Bill? Would you be ok with that?”
“I’m not sure. I can tell you that I’m looking forward to Stephanie and Heather being up here for a few days, and I can’t tell you the thoughts that have been running through my mind about Pietro and Sheila, which reminds me.” I reached for my phone and opened a picture. “Sheila sent this picture to me in a text, telling me that they have a pool out back and August in Chicago was perfect for laying around the pool after a long day of work.”
I showed the picture to Sean. Sheila and Pietro were in their bathing suits standing in front of a pool. Pietro’s suit was a European style, I think. I had expanded the picture to see if I could determine his size (and I’m not talking about the size of the suit), but couldn’t decide. Sheila was wearing a bikini that didn’t leave much to the imagination. In her mid 40’s (god I hoped I don’t make a mistake and get her age wrong in a guess), with a nice set of tits, with not much more than the nipples and areolas covered by the fabric of the suit. A flat stomach (she had two kids … I wondered where they would be if we were playing around) and hips that indicated that she had a couple of kids, but didn’t look fat.
I handed the phone to Sean and I saw him expanding the picture back and forth. Finally, he said, “Jack, if you don’t jump on this, I’m going to give you so much shit. And if you don’t want to take advantage of this, please, PLEASE, give her my phone number and I will find a way to get to Chicago to make it happen.”
I retrieved my phone. “It’s going to happen, but that presents another question. If I can get this turned on by a photo of an older woman, what does that mean for Bill and me?”
Sean thought it over for a moment, then said, “I think that is Bill’s point. Until you resolve those issues, you aren’t ready for marriage. Look at it this way. Bill was your first, but I’ll bet he wasn’t your first crush. Was there a girl in high school that you wanted to get to know?”
“You know there was. Melissa Stephens. We even went out on a date once. I was so nervous that I don’t think she enjoyed the date, and shortly after that she started dating Al Carmichael. I never had a chance.”
“Ok. You didn’t have a chance because you believed that you didn’t have a chance. We don’t know the answer to that question for sure, but I think things have changed. I think that if you went on a second date with Melissa now, things would be much different because of the events of this Summer. Jack, we didn’t hang out together when we were in high school, but I saw you in the hallways. You kept to yourself. You had a closed circle of friends, and I said closed, not close. There is a difference. You are a totally different person than I remember from those hallways in school, and I think that Bill is responsible for that change.”
“You noticed me in the hallways?”
“Come on, Jack. You know better than that. Even if you only associated with a few people, you knew most of the kids in school. You saw them every day. I’m sure that you talked about some of them with your friends. I heard what kids said about you in school. Most of them were impressed with how you improved your physique. Even in school clothes, people could tell. In football practice, I heard a guy complain about how you beat him in a rope climb. He said it was because you were so small, and light. And I heard some other guys call that bullshit. You worked hard to make that change. If I knew you then like I know you now, and I’m not talking about the sex. If I knew you then like I know you now, I would’ve been in that guy’s face setting him straight.”
“Thank you, Sean.”
“There is more, Jack. We’re 18 years old and we’re males. We’re fuckin’ horny all of the time and I know, at least for me, it’s not a good time to make long term decisions about relationships. What seems right to us today, may seem wrong to us tomorrow. Be happy that Bill is willing to let you take time to make those decisions.”
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“Wow. Have you been thinking about this a lot, or is this just something that came to you?”
“Ok. Something that I haven’t shared with you before. That night that my mother and father went out to dinner with us and Bill, they asked me about what was going on over here.”
“You mean, if we were having sex?”
“That, and they wanted to know if Bill were involved in it as well.”
I wasn’t sure what to ask.
“I told them that you and I had gotten together, but I also told them that I wouldn’t elaborate. I assured them that Bill was not involved at all. I’ll be honest, when you asked me to join Bill and you on Friday, I was tempted. But my assurance to my parents was what caused me to say no. By the way, that is not a no forever. I’m still thinking about it.”
“Did you tell them about Heather?”
“My mother asked me about the girls staying here. She even asked me if I had “hooked up” with either of them. Those were her words. Hooked up.”
“Did you tell her?”
“I told her that if she were worried about me being gay, there were a lot of worse things than that. Drug addict. Rapist. Extortionist. I told her that I knew about STD’s, and that I was being careful. She wasn’t happy with my answer, but she accepted it. My father talked with me later and said that as long as I was safe, he would give me space. He said that if I had questions, to talk to him or my mother.”
“Have you told them that the girls are going to be up here this week?”
“Yes. I even told them that I would probably only be home to sleep on Wednesday and Thursday nights.”
“How did they respond to that?”
“Dad said that he didn’t want me drinking and driving. He said that if it came down to that, either call them to pick me up, or let them know that I would be staying the night.”
“Yeah, whoa. I’ve got a great set of parents.”
All of this had got me worked up. I needed to get rid of some excess energy. “Another 50 laps?”
Sean smiled. He stood up and removed his shorts. “Loser bottoms.”