The Last Glory Hole on South Main


A gay story: The Last Glory Hole on South Main Phillip parked his car behind the newsstand and walked up to the glass door at the entrance. Opening the door he paused to let his eyes adjust to the bright light. He could smell the disinfectant odor that permeated the building, a smell that told him he was in the right place. Stepping inside, he quickly walked past a magazine rack and slipped through a café door into the back portion of the store. The light was still garishly bright but now he was surrounded with glossy magazines, DVDs, and large cases of items all featuring erect cocks, wet, inviting pussies and men and women in incredibly gymnastic positions.

Further back was another opening covered by a curtain. Beyond that curtain was an alluring darkness that tugged at Phillip, but he waited, looking over the sexual devices featured inside a glass case. Shying away from the leather products, he was enthralled by the outrageous electric devices, especially the velvet wands. He always wondered what that purple arc of electricity would do to a woman’s clit, or even his cock.

The café door creaked and a businessman in a suit slipped past Phillip, averting his eyes as he passed. He headed directly to the curtained opening and then disappeared into the darkness. Phillip gritted his teeth and moved slowly toward that opening wary of what he would find inside.

“It’s all those new viewers playing DVDs,” he had complained to the clerk at the last newsstand he visited.

“What do you mean? You have so many more choices in movies all just a few clicks away. They make their own change so you don’t have to come back here to me and the picture is so much clearer,” the clerk had replied.

“You just don’t get it man, you had to rebuild the booths.”

“But these are so much better, with better locks, benches and plenty of room.”

Phillip just shook his head and disappointedly left the newsstand. He couldn’t bring himself to explain the real reason he was disappointed, he just couldn’t explain the newly constructed booths were missing something, they were missing the glory hole. How could he complain about that without being mistaken for a gay?

Yeah, shoving his cock through the glory holes usually resulted in homosexual sex, but that didn’t make him gay. Hell if there were a place where, for the price of a watching a few pornographic videos, he could shove his cock through a hole in the wall and have a woman suck it, fuck it or even just jack it off he’d go there in a flash. Sadly, those places didn’t exist, at least Phillip didn’t know of any.

But now, with these new viewing booths, the walls were built differently to support the large video units. True, the local laws may have had some influence over those 4″ to 6″ diameter holes drilled at just the right height off the floor, but it still frustrated him. It was all simply wrong.

Yeah, some might argue it still works the same, you simply walk in, find a guy who interests you, make some eye contact and then head to a booth. You slip inside, leave the door knob unlocked and see if he shows up. Most likely he will; that’s the reason he’s hanging around there.

“Eye contact,” Phillip whispered to himself as he passed through the curtain into the darkness. He needed to avoid eye contact, so he stared at the ground until his eyes adjusted to the darkness. Then he quickly looked down the hallway and found an open door without the light above it glowing a dull red. Looking back down at the ground he walked straight to the door, peeked his head inside to confirm the booth was empty and then slipped inside, locking the door knob behind him.

Phillip slipped a dollar bill into the video unit and watched as the screen suddenly brightened. The first image he saw was that of a huge cock pointing upwards as a woman slowly lowered herself down the glistening, long shaft. Instead of continuing to watch the movie he glanced around the booth hoping to find the familiar hole just slightly below waist high. All he found was a few white streaks of dried semen, apparently deposited earlier in the day. Phillip sat down and unenthusiastically watched the couple fuck until the screen finally went dark.

Standing up, he slipped out of the booth and then peeked into two other vacant booths, confirming neither had a glory hole, he backed out and once again staring at the floor, he headed back toward the curtained opening. Just as he was moving past several other men the unimaginable happened, one of them spoke to him.

Shocked at the piercing intrusion into his personal space, he looked up and murmured, “What?”

“Are you looking for a glory hole?”

Locating which of the men were talking to him he looked at his face. The man was probably in his mid-fifties, with a rugged, red face and coarse grey whiskers. His hair was short and mostly gray. Phillip stared into the man’s dark eyes and simply nodded.

The man reached out and gently touched Phillip’s arm and said, “Follow me.”

Shocked again, this time at the physical contact, he followed the man through the curtain. Once back out into the main pornographic sales floor the man said, “They don’t advertise it here, but they have some other booths, built side by side, not front to back.”

Phillip looked at him blankly.

“Side to side man, the video equipment is on a separate wall, the booths have a common wall without a video unit.”


“And it has…” he paused, looking around the room, “it has a glory hole,” he whispered.

“Where are these booths?”

The man nodded toward a magazine rack. Just beyond the rack there was what looked like a narrow opening into a storeroom Phillip walked past the magazine rack and slipped through the opening into a larger room. There it was, a black plywood door with two black painted doors.

“These are the last of a dying breed,” the man said to Phillip after apparently following him through the narrow opening. “These are the last glory holes on South Main.”

“Thanks,” was all Phillip said as he reached for a door knob and slipped into the room. Locking the door behind him, he moved forward, slipped a dollar into the video unit and when the video started, he looked around the booth. In the light from the video he saw it, a single hole drilled in the black plywood partition.

While marveling at the hole in the wall, Phillip heard the door in the adjacent booth close and then noticed two fingers poke shyly though the opening. Now Phillip knew it was the grey haired man in the other booth, but with the hole in the wall it really didn’t matter. He unzipped his zipper, pulled his, now erect, cock out of his pants and then he stepped up to the opening.

Leaning forward, he moved his cock through the glory hole and waited for just a moment. He then felt the fingers of a complete stranger gently close over his cock and begin to stroke. After several firm strokes he felt the light, wet touch of a tongue to the tip of his cock and Phillip imagined the tongue trailing a sparkling line of pre-cum as someone tasted the bitter taste.

Phillip remained convinced he wasn’t gay as he arched his back and pushed his cock as far through the opening as he could. No, now it was simply about sensation, anonymous sensation as a soft wetness closed over him. Soon the suction started as a tongue rolled over the head and then slid down the underside of his shaft. Closing his eyes, Phillip let the sensations become the center of his world.

It wasn’t long before the pleasure intensified and he began moving his hips back and forth, fucking through that opening. He couldn’t see who was there, he could have been fucking a woman’s mouth, but he knew no woman could suck cock like it was being sucked now. On the other side of the booth was someone who wanted to suck cock, someone who lived to suck cock and had a lot of practice. On the other side of the wall was someone who wanted Phillip to come in their mouth, they wanted him to spurt great quantities of hot cum deep into their mouths.

And they swallowed, they greedily swallowed. So when he finally arched his back and gave himself to the intense pleasure, he exploded into a mouth that quickly swallowed, and savored the flavor of his cum in spurt after spurt. The mouth continued sucking long after he came, desperately trying to capture the last tiny droplet of fluid Phillip’s cock contained.

Finally he had to tug his cock away before slipping it back into his pants. Phillip zipped up his zipper and he waited for a moment. After confirming the person in the booth next to him was going to wait, Phillip walked to the door, opened it and quickly moved back into the main sales room. He passed a man at the magazine rack who quickly replaced a magazine and then moved through the narrow opening. Nodding to himself, Phillip pushed through the café door into the front part of the newsstand and then moved through the glass entrance door heading toward his car.

Once inside his car, he started the engine, backed out from his parking spot and then paused, looking over the newsstand. The grey masonry building was simply plain, no adornments, no flashy signage, no landscaping, nothing to distinguish it from any other building. Phillip smiled. He smiled because he knew what it was about this place, he smiled because he knew it contained the last glory hole on South Main Street. Phillip drove around to the front of the building and then pulled out onto the roadway.


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