The Last Porn Theater by rimaday

The prep for the biggest meeting of my life.

The free drinks.

The connection with Calvin.

Spotting the stupid movie theater.

The decision to go.

Giving into my lustful thoughts.

The shock of those bodies landing in the seats next to me.

Touching them and my body’s reaction to it all…

The images of what I did, the feel, the taste, all rolled through my mind at once. I wanted to take it all back, but his pending arrival gave me no chance to think.

I had no choice but to comply. If Lexie saw those pictures, it would ruin everything. There would be no chance she wouldn’t tell Kyle. How could I ever explain any of it? Even if he looked beyond cheating on Lexie, whom he and his wife Kim were very close with, the fact I was in an adult theater sucking random cocks the night before the meeting… There could be no forgiveness for that. What if the place had been raided and I was arrested for solicitation and our customers found out?

I felt like I might be sick and turned my thoughts back to the movie, anything to make me feel normal again. The images of full, round ass after full, round ass being pounded as the ladies rubbed themselves off. Even at that moment, those images aroused me. I told myself, you can’t be gay, you wanted those girls so much. As my cock tingled, I felt somehow like a man again. The tingle pulse was returning and my cock growing.

“It was the booze and the weed and watching those hot babes,” I said out loud. “Fuck, Ken, don’t get hard idiot! Think of something else!”

I turned off the water and dried off, trying to push the image out of my mind, of buns jiggling from the pounding butt fuck of Dr. Hard-on.

I realized I could still taste cum in my mouth, and the reality that I had four strange dicks in my mouth returned. The differences in their feel, taste, and smell ran through my mind as I imagined what Calvin might be like. Was he cut or uncut? I wondered as the feel of my tongue swirling in the foreskin of the guy in the aisle replayed in my head.

“Stop! You’re getting hard, you idiot,” I barked, as I was startled by a knock at the door.

I turned toward the door, and my semi-hard dick swung like a ball bat. “Fuck,” I whispered as I ran and wrapped a towel around my waist. He said, ‘don’t bother getting dressed.’ A towel did not constitute being dressed.

He knocked again and I hustled to the door and let him in, conscious of the fact my dangling, not-so-soft cock was pushing the towel out.

After shutting the door, he looked me up and down and smirked. “Looks like you’re struggling a bit, there Ken.

I could not help but notice a bulge in his black work pants as my eyes darted back to his face. His grin told me he noticed me looking.

“Like what you see, huh Ken? Me too. Drop the towel, please.” He stepped past me to the foot of the bed.


“Nuh! Stop right there, Ken. I explained the situation already, don’t make me explain again, or you’ll be explaining to Sexy Lexie.”

“Okay, but please stop calling her that,” I pleaded as I dropped the towel.

“Well hello there, Ken. They didn’t tell me… Impressive, I must say,” he teased as he sat on the edge of the bed looking me up and down.

“I wouldn’t call that officially hard, but I think someone’s been thinking about this. You really never sucked a cock before today? Hard to believe, four hummers and four thumbs up so far. That had to feel good,” he taunted as he undid his tie and laid it on the bed. “Help me out of these shoes, would ya?”

I wanted to scream at the arrogance, but he had me. A couple of phone calls and I would lose my fiancé and my business partner. So I did as commanded, telling myself, to get through the night, make it through the meeting tomorrow, and it’s all over. Go back home, never return to this hotel and pretend it was all a bad dream

But as I knelt before him, the events of earlier replayed in my mind. The heat and the soft skin from all four of my previous cocks was such a rush, and I felt that tingling ache building as the first shoe slid off. I looked at the bulge wondering, cut or uncut? His bulge grew as the second shoe came off, the scent reminding me of the musky scents from Malik and Markus and the battle was over. The blood was rushing into my cock and there was no stopping it.

Without being told, and without even thinking about it, I removed his socks and tossed them aside before reaching for his belt. As I did, my hard-on touched his shin.

“Well, I guess it’s decided then,” he said, unbuttoning his shirt. “And now playing the role of Dr. Everhard, is Ken, Ken Pritchard. Oh yeah, just for future reference, when you are blowing random guys in a porn theater, don’t give them your real name. Not sure how hard it would be for Malik and Markus to find out about Lexie. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure it doesn’t bite you in the ass.” He smiled and looked mischievous. “Oh, but I might just bite your ass. Hmm…”

He asked, “Not sure about the older guy, did he hear your name?”

I wasn’t sure but didn’t think so. “No. Thank you for your help,” I said, hoping the sarcasm didn’t come across.

“You’re welcome. Malik and Marcus are generally harmless. In exchange for a heads up when middle-aged married white guys are heading to the theater, they help keep the pervs from wandering into the hotel. They get free head and the rush of another white guy bowing to Black cock.”

I could hardly believe what I was hearing as I had already reconciled myself to my fate and continued to unbuckle his belt, as apparently many other guests had done in the past. But, as if reading my mind, he continued.

“You’re my first guest, though, I don’t get off on old white guys like they can. I get it. I’ve heard them joke that no one’s ugly with your dick in their mouth, but I don’t think that way. But you, Ken, are not an old white guy, by any stretch.” I glanced up at him as he looked hungrily down at me, and I had to look away.

Two hours ago, I could never have imagined sucking four cocks, but in that moment, it somehow seemed more disturbing to look him in the eye than to imagine him coming in my mouth. In my mind, there was something much too personal and paradigm shattering in that look of attraction from another man.

It made no sense, I know, but staring at the outline of his stiffening cock through his boxers as I pulled his pants off, imagining how it would look, how it would feel, and how it would taste, was somehow more acceptable than looking him in the eye, romantically. The tingling throb in my cock and balls simply pushed everything else aside.

I pressed the pants to his ankles, and he kicked them off. His white boxers were in sharp contrast to his ebony skin. He was in great shape, toned and buff, with visible abs and a sizable hard-on puffing out his boxers.

Looking back on that encounter, there was so little dialog. That was one of the more difficult things to wrap my head around, in hindsight. I acted without instruction, driven by some instinctive force, answering to the relentless tingling pulse in my cock. I gripped him through the boxers, rubbing his stiffening warmth, while his moans amplified the tingling need in my cock and balls.

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