The Leather Biker Pt. 03

A gay sex stories: The Leather Biker Pt. 03 It was now nighttime, and I was on a double bed, laying there alone. On the other bed lay three muscular, almost naked bikers. I didn’t know how to feel. I was all sweaty beneath the sheets, trying my hardest to fall asleep, but I just couldn’t. My mind kept getting filled with images of what happened throughout the day. Everything felt so wrong, but part of me really began to enjoy it. Having to call Hank ‘daddy’ made a change in my mind.

The night felt way too long. I just couldn’t fall asleep, as thoughts of both Will and Kyle sucking me off kept appearing before me. Then Hank’s voice kept echoing in my head.

“Good boy…”

I look down and see myself completely naked, with both Will and Kyle licking my balls and sucking me off. I couldn’t move. I just kept staring down at the two muscular men who were serving me greatly. The sound of moans seemed to fill the room.

“My good boys…” I hear the voice of Hank.

I felt both of my legs raise; Kyle and Will disappeared from my view as I saw Hank lift my feet, putting them on his shoulders. My body was letting it all happen, but my mind was saying something else. “What are you doing?” I heard my voice in my head.

I then felt something hit my buttocks. It wanted to come inside me. My body is letting everything happen. I was now just looking at Hank directly in the eyes. He was looking back at me as his member began to push inside me.

“Good boy…”

The tip of his dick went right inside me, making me feel a jolt of pain through me. This surprise woke me up. Hank disappeared, and my legs were down on the bed. It was all in my mind–a dream.

I sat up on the bed, realizing that it was now morning. Looking around the room, I noticed that Hank and Will were not on the bed. Kyle was alone, still sleeping on the bed next to the entrance of the room. I was starting to get pretty hungry, so I just stood up and walked around the room, hoping to find Will to ask if they had a place to have breakfast at. It didn’t take much time to realize he wasn’t even in the room, nor was Hank. They probably left to do something. Their clothes from last night were missing, so it is likely they went for a stroll on their bikes. I put on the clothes I had on last night and noticed Kyle was now waking up.

“Hey, Andrew…” He said it with a tired voice. “How did you sleep last night?”

“Just fine…” I lied. I didn’t want to sound unappreciative of their niceness.

“That’s cool…”  He rubbed his eyelids.

“Where are Will and Hank?” I asked.

“They’re probably getting breakfast from the kitchen.” Kyle said, scratching his blonde hair.

“Where is that?” I asked.

“Just past the corridor, to the right, there’s a double door that leads to the kitchen.” He asnwered. “We own this whole building, so you can go right through.”

I was surprised by that. I never would have expected a biker gang of only three members to be able to afford to have such a massive place all to themselves. Then I started to get curious.

“Wait, how do you own all of this? Just you three?” I asked.

“It’s not just because we three…” He responded. “I can explain that later.” He then stood up and began dressing, facing his back to me. An image of his naked ass flashed in my head as I saw him bend down to put his leather pants on. My mind was betraying me. I thought I didn’t want to go any further last night, but I guess my brain changed plans. I couldn’t go for it, though. It was too early in the morning, and I didn’t know Kyle well enough to ask anything like that of him.

To be honest, I did think it was weird how different Kyle was acting. His movements were much more rough and scary-looking now. Comparing this Kyle to the one I saw yesterday in bed, they seemed like completely different people. Just last night, he was completely submissive to Hank, moaning as he was being fucked in the ass. Now, he looked like he would knock out whoever looked at him funny with one punch. Of course, the spiky leather jacket and biker boots helped with his terrifying demeanor.

Kyle left the room, probably going to the kitchen to meet with Will and Hank. I walked behind him. Going through the hallway with Kyle, I really noticed how big this place was. There were quite a lot of rooms on two floors, all owned by this biker gang. I couldn’t help but wonder what was behind some of these doors.

We finally got to the dining area. It was pretty big, and it had multiple decent-sized tables. The smell of food finally got to my nose, and my mouth began salivating. It just smelled like scrambled eggs, but I was so hungry that any food smelled glorious to me.

Kyle entered the kitchen, and I followed, not wanting to be left alone in the massive dining area. To the sound of metal kitchen instruments and the smell of scrambled eggs and melted butter, Hank and Will were talking while getting breakfast ready.

“Good morning!” I said I saw them immediately.

Hank and Will turned around, now seeing that Kyle and I had arrived.

“Oh, hi guys, we were pretty much finishing up.” Will said as he lifted a pan off the stove they were standing next to.

“You both can go sit down at the dining table. We have prepared some for you already.” Hank continued.

“Are you sure you don’t need help with anything?” Kyle asked.

“Nah, you go sit down.” Hank responded.

We both followed Hank’s orders and left the kitchen. Kyle sat down first, and I sat next to him.

“You’re really weird.” Kyle told me, not facing my direction. “You’ve been following my every move, but you haven’t said a word to me since I woke up.”

I guess I didn’t notice how awkward that looked.

“Oh, sorry… I just didn’t know what to say.” I admitted. “We met yesterday, and the thing I know you from is you sucking me off last night.”

Kyle’s eyes widen. He looked like he didn’t like me saying that. “Listen, don’t get used to that.” He looked pissed. “I only did that because Hank ordered me to do so. If it were for me, you would not have been in the position you were yesterday. I would have destroyed you.”

I was surprised and kind of intimidated by the sudden aggression. “I’m sorry…?” I couldn’t say much more.

Soon, however, the tension was broken as Will and Hank walked over with four plates of food for everyone. “Eat up!” Will said it with enthusiasm. I started to wonder if Will felt the same way as Kyle. Part of me thought that he couldn’t be thinking that about me, knowing how we met, but the possibility didn’t disappear in my head.

“Thanks!”  I told both Will and Hank and began eating.

Kyle began eating his food without saying a word. I was kind of worried about how he felt about me. Hank sat next to me, and Will sat next to Kyle. As we all kept eating, Will began to talk.

“So, how did you guys sleep?” He asked in a friendly manner.

“Pretty good,” I answered.

“Good to hear.” Hank said, putting his arm on my shoulder and emphasizing me in a hug. “I need to talk to you alone tonight.” He whispered in my ear, making sure Kyle and Will weren’t able to hear.

“What about?”  I whispered back.

“You’ll know when we get there,” he answered.

I was confused but continued eating. Breakfast was pretty normal, other than that comment from Hank. We all talked about random things, but I could still tell that Kyle was kind of angry compared to yesterday when I met him. I knew why, but I didn’t know what to do about it.

Hank and Kyle finished eating before Will and I did and left the dining area. I was left with Will alone.

“So… do you think Kyle’s acting weird?” I asked Will, trying to figure out what was happening.

“No, why?” He responded quite quickly, still eating.

“I mean, it just feels like he’s kind of angry at me.” I explained after I finished eating. “He seemed very different yesterday, but it seems he hates me.”

“Oh, I get it!” Will finished his food. “Kyle doesn’t really like to bottom out to anyone.” He said this, lifting his plate. He then started heading to the kitchen with his plate and mine, probably to wash the dishes. I followed him to continue the conversation.

“Wait, so is he mad at me because he sucked me off?”

As Will started to put on rubber gloves to wash the dishes, he continued to talk to me. “Probably. Kyle really doesn’t care about bottoming with anyone who isn’t Hank. He probably only sucked you off because Hank demanded him to.” He continued.

“Does he just do whatever Hank says?” I kept asking.

“We all do.” Will kept explaining. “He’s the leader of the gang, so we do whatever he asks.” He said it with a pretty serious and chilled-out expression.

“That doesn’t sound too fun.” I sat on the counter next to the sink as Will washed the dishes.

“I’m not complaining…” Will said it with his usual smirk. “I love the feeling of Hank telling me what to do, plus sucking dick is fun. There’s a reason you have seen me sucking everyone off.”

“But does Kyle not like that?” I asked.

“Listen, I think I have an idea for you and Kyle to start getting along.” Will would turn the kitchen sink off and take off his gloves. “Follow me.”

I started to follow Will, leaving the kitchen and dining area and heading to the hallway of rooms. Walking up the stairs, Will would stop at one of the rooms and begin to slowly open it. Behind the door, the room was dark and had just one single bed in the middle of the room. I had kind of an idea of what was about to go down.

“Will… I’m not sure about this…” I admitted.

“Don’t worry. I will help you out.” He said. Suddently, I could feel Will’s hand start to squeeze my buttocks.

“Okay, I really want Kyle to not hate me.” I accepted and entered the room, immediately getting on the bed.

“Good choice…” Will followed me to the bed and moved me, so I was on all fours. He spread my legs and began tugging at my pants. However, I then felt more force back there and heard a sound I did not like. The sound of cloth ripping

“Hey! What are you doing? doing?” I screamed at Will, moving back and feeling a breeze on my buttocks. There was a hole in the back of my pants. “Why did you do that?”

“Don’t worry about it.” Will said.

“Fine. If you say so…” I assumed the position I was in again, letting Will continue.

I heard more ripping and tearing of my pants, and the breeze on my buttocks was getting colder. I then felt Will lower my underwear, revealing my buttocks completely. Will walked away from the bed. I didn’t look at him at all while he was walking around. I just remained on all fours, facing forward. As I heard Will’s footsteps arrive behind me, I also heard the sound of a plastic cap opening. Out of nowhere, my hole began to feel colder. Will was pouring what I thought was lube right on my hole.

I lowered my head as I heard Will speak. “Are you ready, Andrew?”

“I don’t want Kyle to hate me, so… I guess I’m ready,” I told Will.

I felt something push up against my hole, stretching it open slowly. I could only grunt, trying my hardest to just take it in.

“I’m starting with just one finger.” Will reassure me. “You’re doing great.”

He pushed his finger knuckles deep, and it kind of hurt, even with lube. “It hurts,” I said in a whisper.

“Don’t worry…” Will continue, this time going in and out of me. “I’m going slow.”

“Fuck…”  I lowered my head even lower and started to bite the bedsheet, hoping that it would ease the pain.

“I’ll put another one in.” Will said, as I started to feel the hole open a bit more. Will started to push another finger in, moving in and out of me.

“Will… I…”  I couldn’t speak.

“Are you doing okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine…” I said. I want to get along with Kyle, and I need to be paired. “Just… finish this…”

“I’ll put a third one in then.” Will said, puffing a bit more and filling me with a third finger.

“Shit…” I managed to say under my breath.

He began to go in and out in a soft motion. “Does it still hurt?” He asked me, clearly wanting me to enjoy this.

“Kind of…” I said, biting the bedsheets.

“It gets better…” Will said. “Just wait a bit.” Will’s movements were slow and careful. It took a couple minutes, but the pain in me started to disappear. What surprised me the most was the pleasurable feeling I began feeling in there.

I finally released a moan. “Fuck…” It felt good.

“There we go… Does it feel good?” Will asked in a seductive tone.

“Mhm…” It started to feel really good as Will’s fingers moved in and out of me.

“Do you want to feel something more in there?” Will continued.

“Mhm…”  I just agreed.

“Okay then…”  Will took his fingers out of my hole.

“Wait… where are you going?” I asked Will, not wanting my hole to be empty.

Will didn’t respond. He just walked over to a desk and took something from it. He then returned to the bed, not showing me what it was.

“I don’t want to do anything I don’t need to do.” He said. “This is why I’m going to put this in you, so Kyle can be the first to play with you.” I then felt something big start pushing at my hole.

“What is that?” I tried to let it in, but it felt bigger than my fingers.

“Don’t worry…” I will continue to push the foreign object into my hole. “Just open up and let me in.” Suddenly, it popped in.

“Fuck!” It kind of hurt. It was bigger than my fingers but still felt so good. It stretched me even more.

“There.” Will stood up. “You’re all plugged up… You’re all prepped for Kyle now.”

“Thank you…”  I stood up and hugged Will in excitement.

“Now, about your clothes…” Will revealed something that he had been hiding behind his back. “I want you to have this.”

Leather shorts…

To be continued…

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