The Milking Factory Ch. 06


A gay sex story: The Milking Factory Ch. 06

After being escorted back to his room, Dr. Wolfe locking the door behind him, Austin collapsed on his soft bed and fell asleep almost immediately. That night, he dreamed that he was back in Dr. Wolfe’s office, and he was sucking the doctor’s throbbing uncut cock, stretching his throat and pushing his face close to the Doctor’s crotch. And as he did this he looked behind him and 1A was there, railing his ass with his veiny member. He growled and slapped Austin’s cheeks over and over, and Austin groaned.

oooooohhhhhhh yesss pleaaase-

He woke up to a gentle beeping from the ceiling, and as he opened his eyes, realized that he had again rolled onto his stomach in his sleep, his ass pushed into the air. His balls and cock swelled, forcing him to angle his legs out. The pillow under his face was soaked with drool and Austin salivated uncontrollably. He rolled to the side, and noticed two large wet spots on the sheet under his chest as well as another larger spot where his crotch had been. He felt the wetness on his body, and feeling his engorged nipples realized that they were leaking a gooey fluid. He felt his cock quickly, fearing he broke Rule #1, but it was fine. A little precum on the head, but not nearly enough to suggest he had cum. Reaching around to his ass, he felt his cheeks, covered also in a sticky fluid. He slid his fingers between his ass cheeks and drew them to his nose, sniffing the mystery liquid.

Odd, like cum, but not quite as salty. Almost… sweet?

Curious, he sucked his fingers, and moaned subconsciously as the flavor swirled around his wet mouth. He eagerly rubbed his ass for more, this time also rubbing his fingers across his nipples, which tingled with pleasure, and tasted again. It was intoxicating, and made Austin long for cock.

He looked at the clock, and saw there was little time before 7am, when Dr. Wolfe was due to collect him. He jumped off the bed energetically and went to the mirror, wanted to look presentable for the Doctor. When he saw his reflection, his jaw dropped in shock.

There’s no way. It’s not possible.

He had nearly doubled the muscle he gained all last year after only one two days. His pecs, now large and with a slight amount of hair growing on them, jiggled from the jog to the mirror, protruding over his now rocky abs. The sinews in his neck and thighs stood out as he twisted his body this way and that, admiring his new form. Interestingly, he hadn’t just gained muscle, but also fat that rounded out his ass beautifully, creating the perfect bubble butt. Poking his pecs and arms he realized they did have some give and were not unforgiving. It was like the difference between a bodybuilder and a pro athlete. He had even grown a bit of stubble overnight! He fingered his sharp jawline, staring.

I almost have as much muscle as…what’s his name?

Austin continued to stare at his reflection, dumbfounded by the fact that he could not remember his best friend’s name. He was so shocked he didn’t notice the door open.

“Impressive, isn’t it?”

Austin whirled around. Dr. Wolfe was leaning against the door frame, smirking at him.

“What…how… Sir,-:

“The supplements, Austin, I told you are truly revolutionary” He walked in the room to stand by Austin and stared at him admiringly in the mirror too. He was still taller than Austin, still more broad-shouldered, and he put his arm around Austin’s collared neck. “You are taking to your medication extremely well. I am pleased. And I see that some of the other side effects have started too! We’ve had several bulls who lactate as well, and also produce their own anal lubrication, although I have to admit it usually takes more etime. I think this bodes very well for my submission hypothesis.” He lightly fingered Austin’s left nipple, and squeezed it between his thumb and forefinger. A squirt of milk shot out, casting a line on the mirror and floor, and some dripped down the curve of Austin’s pec. To his surprise, the Doctor then leaned down and licked a smidge of the milk off of Austin’s pec. He shuddered, and Austin saw the doctor’s pants tighten around his crotch, as his own cock, always hard nowadays, rose up.

“Amazing. It’s not ordinary lactation, of course. Your pec milk is a highly potent combination of seminal fluid and testosterone. It is a rare side effect- a gift even- and we will of course be milking your nipples now as well. As to your ass,” he grinned down at Austin and slid his large hand across a wet cheek, “well that is just your body’s way of saying what we already know.” He leaned close to Austin and whispered in his ear, “You want to be fucked.”

Austin, overwhelmed by the changes he had gone through overnight, put his arms around Dr. Wolfe and buried his head in the doctor’s chest. The doctor put his hand consolingly on the back of Austin’s head. “Is it too much, Austin? You are clearly made for this, and you do it well, but if you would rather-”

“No, sir!” Austin interrupted quickly, looking up at Dr. Wolfe. “It’s a lot, but… this is the happiest I have every been. Please let me stay.”

Dr. Wolfe smiled fondly down at the boy, and once again produced three pills. Austin stuck out his tongue, the doctor placed them on it, and he swallowed, needing no water due to his watering mouth. Hugging so tight to the doctor had allowed Austin a chance to feel Doctor Wolfe’s chest against his face, and it was a feeling he liked. “Good boy.”

“Thank you Da-Thank you, Sir.” Austin blushed to himself, hoping the Doctor did not notice him almost say Daddy. But Dr. Wolfe did not linger on it, and, as was now custom, chained Austin and led him to the shower.

Where the hell did that come from? I don’t have daddy issues…Do I?

They performed a similar shower as before, both of them naked in the high pressure water. Dr. Wolfe gently rubbed Austin’s nipples, ass, and crotch, while scrubbing his muscled hard. He pushed Austin to his knees and massaged shampoo through Austin’s short brown hair. In this position, Austin was inches away from the doctor’s cock, and he longed to please it. But he knew that would have to be on Dr. Wolfe’s terms, and resisted the urge. Dr. Wolfe pushed Austin against the wall as he inserted the rod to clean his ass, and Austin moaned involuntarily. Looking behind, he once again admired Dr. Wolfe’s behemoth of a cock, the shiny knob protruding slightly from his uncut foreskin, his balls and cock jiggling slightly as he scrubbed Austin down. Austin gritted his teeth and focused on not threatening to break Rule #1 as the probe in his ass tickled his sensitive insides.

Finished, Dr. Wolfe had Austin dry him off and once again used the same towel to dry himself, and Austin felt covered in Dr. Wolfe’s scent, almost like Dr. Wolfe was claiming ownership.

“In order to further promote your exercise, today I am pairing you with another trainee submissive bull. After your workout, you will compete against each other in a task I’ve designed to train both your musculature and your mental fortitude.”


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