The Neptune Ch. 12 by zerogauss


I did. For a straight guy, he sure was a wonderful kisser, Lots of tongue and even a little touching of the back of the head. I later asked Danny about him and he said that Gustav really was straight and had a girlfriend but was just a very sweet and accepting man with no hangups.

Noon was Tony Antonio. He always referred to himself by both names. In fact, when he let me in he said, “Hi, I’m Tony Antonio. Are you Danny’s friend?”

“Yeah,” I replied.

“He told me you like to suck cock. Is that true?”

“I love to suck cock,” I answered.

At this point Tony Antonio had taken off his shirt revealing a beautiful set of rock-hard abs.

He sat down on the couch, took out his dick, and began to stroke it.

I started to approach him but he gestured to stay standing where I was.

“Tell me how much you like to suck dick, faggot!”

I said, “I fucking love sucking cock. I can’t get enough dick. I can stay on my knees for hours sucking a man’s dick.”

He was stroking his rapidly hardening organ faster and faster and said, “Did you ever suck off two guys at the same time?”

“Two guys?” I said. “I regularly suck off ten or more guys in a row. I am a totally addicted cocksucker.”

He was getting a strange look on his face and said, “Take out your dick and let me see how hard your faggot cock gets while you tell me about sucking off many men.”

My dick was already hard and I got it out of the fly of my levies with some difficulty.

Tony Antonio was staring at my hard-on and furiously jacking off and said, “Stoke your cock, let me see how big it gets.”

Since it seemed to excite him, I continued, “One time I sucked off the entire football team in high school. They just rammed big hard dicks into my hungry mouth one after another and made me drink gallons of their cum.”

Tony Antonio was now shooting his load and his eyes were rolling around in his head as he shot and shot and shot.

I managed to drop to my knees in front of him and get at least half of his load.

We ended up sixty-nining for the next half hour and he never let my cock out of his slurping mouth.

It was with extreme reluctance that I pried him off my dick and told him I had to meet another dude that I had to suck off at one o’clock.

Danny had not mentioned that some of the guys on his suckoff route were gay themselves. Later on I managed to get Tony Antonio admitted as a member here at the Neptune and he spent the first three days on his knees at the same glory hole sucking cock after cock after cock.

1pm was Robert. He was a stunner. He was wearing tight faded levis that looked like they were painted on. When he opened the door, I could not take my eyes off his very sexy bulging package.

He had a dazzling smile with lots of white teeth and beautiful twinkling eyes and when he saw me licking my lips he just nodded. I had only taken about three steps into the room before I was on my knees and moaning and licking the enchanting bulge in his levis.

There was a confusion of getting the door shut and opening his fly and then I just went all the way down on him.

He had a huge cock. He was one of those guys who like to grab your head and force you down on his dick until it was buried wayyyy down your throat.

I managed to get two loads out of that wonderful dick before I had to leave for my next assignation. Danny’s suck gang (as he called it) sure was not a disappointment.

2pm was Gabriel. He was a gorgeous six foot six black man and he completely dominated me.

When i was done taking his load, his equally intimidating roommate George emerged from a bedroom. I was forced to suck him off too.

Then, to my delight, a third imposing black roommate showed up, and I just stayed on my knees, out of my mind with cock-love, and sucked all three dicks one after another after another.

It turned out that they were all members of a local college basketball team and, much later, they introduced me to the rest of their team and I spent many a happy night being the official team cocksucker.

At this point everybody at the lunch table in the Grotto was clearly in a state of extreme sexual excitement. Butch had stood up and was rubbing his crotch in my face, Jeff and Jeremy were kissing and I could tell that most of the rest of the guys were groping each other. Would the red light on the side door to the suckoff room never shut off!

Rocky banged his fist on the table and said, “Cool it guys. You will all get your chance to get down on your knees. I would like nothing better than sucking every one of you off right now, but the red light over the door is still on. I am hard as a rock. But I also want to hear the rest of Lance’s fucking hot hot story.”

I barely heard him because I had my face in the crotch of Butches short shorts and was longing for him to yank the shorts down and shove his 10 inch dick all the way down my throat in front of everybody and just fuck the hell out of my face. I did not get my wish. Then.

After we had all settled down a bit, Lance continued his story.

3pm was a whole soccer team from a local junior college. Apparently Danny had been giving the entire team blow jobs for several months now.

The place where they were was a kind of gym and clubhouse and they were all in various states of undress and some of them were showering.

One of them shouted, “Danny’s cocksucker friend is here, teammates. Let’s show him a good time.”

I was kind of stinking with cum. I had tried to drink all the cum I had gotten out of various dicks so far that day, but inevitably a lot of it had gotten all over my face and clothes.

report They invited me to take a shower in the clubhouse shower room.

Of course I spent all of my time there on my knees until i had sucked off everybody on the team at least once.

Squeaky clean and wearing fresh clothes–sexy soccer shirts and shorts–I reluctantly left this feast of hard youthful cockmeat to go to my last appointment.

All of the way to the seventh man on Danny’s rout I had a huge raging hard-on because I could not stop thinking about the last thing the soccer team captain had said to me.

“Come back next Monday dude if you want to suck everybody off again. There will be a visiting team and you are welcome to take them on too if you want to.”

4pm was Dick. What a perfect name for him.

All I remember about him is being on my knees on the carpet as he sat naked in a big easy chair–and working and working to get all 9 inches of his magnificent dick all the way down my throat.

I finally got all of it and plunged all the way down on it again and again shamelessly worshipping the huge thick throbbing cock. I frantically sucked and sucked and sucked.

After a while he began to grab my head and forcibly slammed my face down very hard on his cock, burying it ever more deeply in my oh-so-desperately hungry cockeating faggot throat.

He totally humiliated me and made me tell him that I would do anything to eat his dick and then he fucked my face again and again and again until I was insane with cocklove and wanted to spend the rest of eternity sucking his magnificent manly stud thick hard throbbing spurting dick.


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