The New Neighborhood Pt. 06 by EliasxM

“I see.. Why did you.. Divorce?”

“She was too.. Demanding. She wanted too much from me.”

“Like what?”

“Well first, she wanted a bigger house. That’s why I bought this one. Then she wanted a dog. Then wanted me to be more romantic. Then a baby.” He sighed, removing his glasses and tucking them in his front shirt pocket. “The baby is where I drew the line. We were both 27, I wasn’t prepared to be a father.”

“Do you regret it?”

“No, I’m still perfectly fine without a child.”

“I meant.. Divorcing her.”

David raised an eye brow at me, chuckling softly before ruffling my hair. “Oh. No, I don’t. She was demanding as hell, she would’ve bothered me for a child for years if she had the chance.”

I chewed the inside of my lip and laced my fingers together, my elbows propped up on my legs. “I wonder if I’ll ever get married.”

“If you do, I’ll gladly be your best man.”

I smiled softly over at him, scooting closer and resting my head on his shoulder.

“I gotta go to work, Max. But feel free to come back later and we can talk about your situation a bit more.” David stood up and straightened his tie, “Oh and, let me know what you decide to do.”

Since college wasn’t starting until September, days were boring. Parents go to work, David goes to work, I don’t have any friends. It’s incredibly boring.

Well, it was boring, until there was a knock at my door. I rolled my eyes, it was boring, yes, but I enjoyed the peaceful environment. I opened the door and was met with Josh, someone I hadn’t seen for weeks. What the hell was he doing here?


“May I come in?”

“I… Alright.” I moved out of the way and let him come inside, offering him some water and a place to sit on my couch. “What’s up? I haven’t seen you for… a while.”

“The math teacher was arrested.”

“What.. Who? The one you warned me about during the exams?”

“Yes. Mr. Kirk. And his son.. Tatum. Remember him?”

I felt the hairs on my neck stand up when he mentioned Tatum. Last time I saw that dude was in the coffee shop bathroom. “Yeah, vaguely.”

“He fled the state, moved back in with his mother in Kentucky.” Tatum moved back to Kentucky? Well, there goes one of my “booty calls” I guess.

I shook my head softly. “Okay but.. Why are you telling me all this?”

He sighed out of frustration, turning to face me. “There’s no school until next year. They’re investigating every professor after this incident and it could take a year or two. And they’re finding a replacement for Mr. Kirk.”

Great. College is a month away and now it’s a year away. “Fuck. Of course… So now what?”

Josh ran a hand through his hair with a half-assed shrug. “We wait, I guess.”

“Are you sure this wasn’t just an excuse to come into my house while I’m all alone? You could’ve texted me this information, you know.”

Josh smirked without looking at me, his eyes finding mine. “Was it that obvious?”

I chuckled and pushed my sun-bleached bangs back, shaking my head. “I was joking but seems like it wasn’t all that wrong.”

“Well, part of me wanted to talk to you. To talk about… What comes next.”

“What do you mean?”

Josh grabbed one of my hands and sandwiched it between his. His eyes never left mine as he put this look of sincerity on his face. “We haven’t seen each other for days. I… Shit. I missed you.”

My eyebrows raised and my eyes widened. He missed me? A straight guy missed me? I chuckled half-heartedly and pulled my hand out to rest on top of his.

“You’re straight Josh. And of course, you’re going to feel that way towards someone you slept with.”

“I’m not talking about sex, Max. The feeling I get when I’m around you is different with women.” Josh pulled me in for a tight embrace, his chin on top of my head. I heard him take a deep inhale through his nose.

I looked up at him with uncertainty, but his eyes were serious. Our faces incher closer, slowly, until our noses brushed against each other. Then, before we both realized it, our lips were pressed together.

His tongue licked over my lips gently and his hand move to hold my nape, deepening the kiss. It wasn’t long before it turned into a full blown make out session, Josh lied back on the couch while I was on top of him with my hips grinding into his.

His hands reached down mid-kiss to unbutton and unzip both of our jeans, relieving a bit of tension.

“Fuck, Max,” He growled, biting and pulling my bottom lip. His hands gripped my hips and slammed our erections together. “I don’t have a lot of time..”

I whined softly and leaned in to kiss his neck. His head rolled back and he moaned softly.

“Just a quickie,” I whispered and nibbled his earlobe.

Josh visibly clenched his jaw. “Fuck that.” He moved swiftly, flipping me over and rubbing his erection on my bottom. His hands yanked my pants down and he groaned again at the sight of my pale ass. His hands kneaded my cheeks, squeezing every so often.

“Max, you have no idea how sexy you are.”

I giggled, “That’s not something you say to a guy.”

“Who cares?” He replied, leaning in and peppering my back and neck in kisses and soft bites. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small packet of lube, to which I rolled my eyes.

“You devil.” I smirked and let him flip me onto my back and pulling my pants off my ankles. He wasted no time coating his erection in the clear, sticky fluid. Then he applied a generous amount to my tight ring.

“Are you ready, Max?”

I nodded and bit my lip anxious, spreading my legs just a tad. “I’m ready…”

He pressed his tip to my entrance and I let out a noise of need. He continued to push with anticipation, until he managed to fit the first inch in.

“Christ, why are you so thick..?”

Josh just smirked and resumed pushing his erect cock inside me, then slowly started a rhythm of moving his hips back and forth. His hands grabbed onto my waist and he picked up his pace, grunting with each thrust.

“Fuck, Max, you’re too damn tight.”

I couldn’t form a response so I just moaned. I felt my own cock slapping my lower stomach, leaving behind pre-cum on my skin.

The pace picked up and I felt myself release a variety of whimpers and high pitched moans, his hands locked with mine and he kept groaning softly all the way up until he filled my insides with his cum. I followed right behind with my own burst of cum all over my stomach. He collapsed next to me with his arm draped over my midsection.

“Should… haa.. Probably wear a condom next time.” I breathed out, nestling my head between his cheek and neck.

He looked down at me with a small smile. “So there’s going to be a next time?”

I froze and tried clarify quickly, “No- I meant- if there was a next time..” I chewed my thumb nail nervously, hoping he wasn’t secretly laughing at me.

“It’s okay, Max, I get it.” He planted a soft kiss on my forehead and cuddled up to me.

With Josh back in the picture, I wondered how these upcoming days would play out.

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