The Night That Changed My Life


A gay story: The Night That Changed My Life. It was very rare to find me in this part of town. Last time I came up here I very nearly ended up in a rather violent altercation with some drunk twenty-something year olds over the way I was dressed. Yet this part of town was the part that intrigued me more than the rest. The main club and two or three of the smaller clubs were totally different to those from where I was a habitual regular.’

A gay story: The Night That Changed My Life

I had been told about them from a few mates when we were out one night, steaming drunk, and generally goofing about. Yet it was that night when I also felt something different, something the like of which I had never felt before. Some of the things my mates were saying at first sounded fucking disgusting, but, as the night wore on I found myself getting more and more turned on.

Obviously there was no way I was going to let on to that lot what I was planning to do, when they called and asked if I was going out with them that night I just said I was ill. If they ever found out the truth then I could kiss my friendship with them goodbye. They weren’t the most understanding bunch. Just single lads out for a good time people’s feelings didn’t matter to them.

I had planned this night all week, not sure if I would go through with it but I knew if I didn’t do it soon then I never would. I made sure I looked my best both physically and sartorially, hell I had even been to a tanning salon twice that week and that was something I had never done before. I was wearing tight jeans and a short sleeved shirt and shoes. I had even dumped the trainers for this night and I never went anywhere, other than work, unless I was wearing trainers.

I turned the corner and found one of the pubs that we had been talking about directly in front of me. Taking a deep breath I strolled over to the door and walked in. The pub was no different inside to many of the other pubs that I usually frequented which instantly made me feel more relaxed. Walking over to the bar I noticed the first signs that this pub was indeed very different to those that I was used to. Yes there was a varied mix of both men and women only the couples were not what I was accustomed to. The rumours were all true; my friends hadn’t been lying just to wind me up. I had, for the first time in my life, entered into a gay and lesbian bar.

I hadn’t got a clue why I decided to come here but after only twenty minutes of being there I was glad that I had. Watching the people in the bar was an interesting experience for someone who had never been here before. Although it felt weird, and uncomfortable, watching same sex couples kissing, dancing and holding each other to begin with, I soon felt totally relaxed. Not everyone was in a couple there were a couple of larger groups and a few people on their own but I assumed that everyone here was either gay or lesbian, but I could have been wrong, even I hadn’t thought that I was before. I had never even kissed another male, let alone had sex with one, or even thought about it before that last night my friends brought the subject of these places up. I had known that places like this existed but I had always avoided them like the plague, some sort of macho bullshit I suppose.

I had spent the best part of an hour just leaning against the bar, and had a couple of pints and some shorts, when I was about to go and check out the other pubs. I picked up my glass, drained the last of the beer, and was about to walk away when the barman came up to me with yet another drink, this time a double.

“I never asked for another drink mate.” I told him.

“I know you didn’t but someone has paid for it for you.” He replied.

“Who would do that I ain’t ever been here before I don’t know anyone.” I was puzzled.

“They told me not to tell you.”

“It ain’t been fucking spiked has it?” I asked suspiciously.

“No sir I just drew it from the optics myself just as the person asked me to.” The barman answered.

“Well okay thanks and thank whoever bought it as well.”

Looking around to see if I could see who the barman went to I picked up the glass and in one swift move knocked it back.

Now my curiosity was aroused and I knew there was no way I could leave the pub until I found out just who had got me that drink. I stood at the bar waiting, even hoping, that whoever it had been would come over and introduce themselves but no-one did. I called the barman back over and ordered another pint.

“While you are at it get whoever got me that drink whatever they want.” I told him.

The barman pulled my pint and I watched him carefully to see what drink he produced for my mysterious drink buyer, and was surprised to see him draw another pint. This time, as the barman went to give the other drink out, I moved along the bar to finally get an answer. To say I was shocked when I saw who he gave the pint to would have been an understatement the recipient of the drink I bought was a man of about twenty-five. All of a sudden I felt right out of my depth but knew I couldn’t just walk out without saying something. Looking around I saw that a small table in the corner had become available so I went to sit at it, all the time keeping my eye on the other man.

The man seemed to be very popular, there were a few people around him laughing and joking, and also found him to be very attractive. That surprised me as I had never even thought any man was attractive. He was wearing black jeans and a white shirt. From my viewpoint he looked clean shaven and had medium length brown hair and for some reason I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I must have been staring a fraction of a second too long because I saw him mouth something to the people around him and then he started making his way over to my table.

“Alright mate can I join you?” He asked.

“Yeah sure sit down and thanks for the drink.” I replied unsure what to say.

“Hey you’re welcome thanks for mine I ain’t seen you in here before what’s your name” He continued.

“John and no you won’t have seen me it’s my first time, what’s your name?”

“I’m Dave pleased to meet you.”

We sat chatting about general stuff for the next half hour, just like two mates who had known each other for years, when Dave let his head drop a little.

“Is everything okay?” I asked him.

“Yes it’s just that I want to ask you something and after all you have said I don’t know if I should.”

“You might as well ask we are getting on alright ain’t we.”

“True enough okay would you come back to mine with me?”

Now it was my turn to let my head drop a little. Coming to this pub I had never imagined that I would get propositioned like that and now I was unsure how to react. Half of me wanted to say no and run like an Olympic sprinter out of the pub but the other half realised that I had come here for a reason. Besides there were the strange feelings I had been getting since me and my mates were laughing and joking about it and I needed to know if there was a reason for them.

“Guess it’s my turn to ask are you okay you’ve gone dead quiet?”


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