The One-Way Voyage (Day 63)


A gay story: The One-Way Voyage (Day 63) DAY SIXTY-THREE


Kono came back the very next day for the final tattoo session. I knew to expect him after Suresh spent the morning carefully examining my crotch and tweezing the few stray hairs he found. Kono set to work on exactly the place Suresh had plucked, the skin just north of my dick. There Kono inked in the last part of the dragon. He drew a colorful green-and-orange tail that twisted its way up my abdomen almost to my navel, and on either side of the tail, two broad blue wings swept majestically up and out from my crotch along the lines of my pelvic bones.

The finished image was magnificent, especially once my skin stopped peeling. Kono’s artwork made the dragon seem as if it were popping out of my loins, its head and neck first, belly behind, wings and tail farther away.

I hated it.

This striking image couldn’t help but draw every eye straight to my dick. It screamed for attention. Hey, everybody, stop what you’re doing and check out this penis!

Master would be pleased, or so I hoped, but he was away and only Suresh would see it until he returned. The finished tattoo certainly succeeded in catching his eye. His gaze was constantly drawn downward. I was tempted to say to him, “Hey, my eyes are up here,” but it wasn’t worth the slaps I’d get as punishment.

Tattoos are for life, and I struggled to imagine how I was going to live with this one. I would never be able to change clothes in a locker room without drawing a crowd. I wouldn’t even be able to use a urinal in a public restroom without everyone noticing that my dick was green and had a pair of wide eyes. I wouldn’t even be able to wear a swimsuit at the beach or a pool; it would cover my junk, but the wings and tail would show over the top of the waistband, signaling to everyone that I kept something pretty exotic in the pouch below.

I knew they could remove tattoos, but I’d heard it was painful and expensive. How much more painful would it be to remove one from the tip of my dick, or my balls? How many tattoo artists would even be willing to work on a penis? Not many, I figured.

As the days passed, Suresh continued to push me into increasingly challenging exercises in the weight room, followed by cocksucking lessons on the fuck bench. After I got comfortable with holding his balls in my mouth, Suresh had me open my mouth and slowly bring my tongue up the middle of his scrotum. His balls fell off my tongue to either side.

“Keep going,” he prompted. The tip of my tongue ran along the bottom of Suresh’s dick until it reached the tip. “Good. Now take the cock in the mouth.” I tried to do as I was told, until Suresh leaned over and slapped my ass several times, hard. “I don’t want to feel fucking teeth.” He circled around to the other end of the bench and grabbed my dick hard, sinking his fingernails into it until I yelped. “It doesn’t feel so good, does it?”

He returned and stood before me, his hands on his hip, his dick in my face. “Try again.”

I repeated the process, taking his balls in my mouth for a moment, then licking the underside of his dick, then taking the whole thing deep into my mouth. I struggled to keep my lips pressed against it while keeping my jaw as wide open as possible. “Now suck,” Suresh prompted as he slowly drew it out of my mouth.

“Very good.” His hard-on was even bigger now. “Do it again.” As I complied, he kept talking. “Master will like this. Do this to any man four or five times, and he will surely come.”

Did he mean I was supposed to keep doing it until he came? Apparently so. “When Master comes in the mouth, the slave must swallow it. Don’t let any get on the floor, or I’ll make the slave lick it up.”

I licked and sucked him a few more times until it happened; with a loud moan, Suresh grabbed me by the hair, shoved his dick deep into my mouth, and shot a load. I began to gag. He quickly withdrew, pulled my head back with one hand as he slapped the other over my mouth. “Don’t you dare. Don’t cough. Don’t gag. Calm yourself or you’ll get the ass-whipping of your life.” I struggled to regain control. “Now swallow.”

The taste in my mouth was awful. It was a relief to swallow and be done with it.

Suresh repeated the lesson the next day, and the next. He told me he was pleased at my progress, but on the fourth day, he strapped me down on the fuck bench and I began working on his cock as usual, but once I got him good and hard, he pulled away. “That’s enough.” I watched his cock bounce as he walked away and thought it strange he would quit so soon, but when he picked up a bottle and started lubing himself, I got this sinking feeling he was just getting started. He circled behind me and I felt cold lube against my asshole, then his finger working it into my hole. Was he really going to—

I grunted as he plunged into me. Yes, he was.

The sensation filled me with horror. “That’s Master’s property!” I exclaimed. (Rule Four.)

“And Master said the slave must obey me as if I were him, so shut up and take it like a good little fuck-boy.” I had no answer for that. “I want to see for myself how good you really are.” He slapped my back hard. “Don’t fight me. Open up. You’re a slave.”

I took a deep breath and willed my asshole to relax. Suresh took hold of my hips and began banging me hard. It wasn’t at all like the way Master did it. Master went slow and moved his hands all over my body, savoring the moment. Suresh only used his hands to steady himself as he pounded me.

Suresh’s cock even felt different. It was thicker than Master’s, but shorter. Master used his with more finesse. Master knew how to make it pleasurable for both of us. Suresh wielded his own dick like a weapon.

That was the difference, I realized. Master wanted me. Master enjoyed me. Suresh seemed intent on hurting me.

My heart pounded and I sweat hard, in spite of my best effort to loosen my body and just let it happen. I listened to the sounds Suresh made for any sign that he was reaching climax. He’d get loud, and I’d think he was almost there, but then he’d get louder still. At last, with a final plunge, he groaned louder than ever and shot his load into me. I heaved a sigh of relief as he withdrew.

Suresh washed himself and put his sarong back on. He stood before me and sniffed. “You’re nothing special. I’ve had better.” The look I gave him must have conveyed exactly what I was thinking, because he added, “The slave is Master’s property, which means Master can do with his slave as he pleases, including loaning it out to me, or anyone else he chooses. All that is required of the slave is submission.” He patted my ass before releasing me from the bench.

I glared at him as he chained my wrists to my collar, not certain if I was angrier at Suresh for fucking me or Master for circulating me as if I were a library book.

“A little sunshine and fresh air will be just the thing to brighten that attitude of yours.” Suresh snapped one of those leather collars around my balls, attached it to a leash, patted my ass a few more times, and led me out onto the deck, where he padlocked the leash to the floor and left me.

I paced around the deck for a few moments, then leaned my elbows on the wall and looked out over the green expanse of grass behind the house. The chain tugged my balls just enough to remind me it was there.

I sighed. I missed Master. I was much happier when it was just the two of us aboard Mariposa.

What was the deal with me having to suck Suresh’s cock? And now he was fucking me, too? I belonged to Master, and no one else. Or so I had believed.

I had wondered what Master would do with me when he was finished with me. I’d hoped he’d release me, maybe even pay me off. I’d feared he’d just throw me overboard, or put me in a harem with his other slaves.

The possibility that he might hand me off to some other guy hadn’t occurred until now. Was he going to leave me here to be Suresh’s fuck toy, or maybe pass me on to some other rich guy?

That wasn’t part of the deal. I had submitted to Master, but I’d meant it for him alone. I was not willing to become just another asset, to be held or sold, depending on the ups and downs of the market.

I looked down at the chain pulling at my balls, then over the wall again. I saw the wide swath of grass behind the house. Beyond lay the beach and the ocean. I saw no people.

The ocean looked as vast as it ever had from the deck of Mariposa, but Suresh had said this was only one of seventeen islands that made up the archipelago, and the other islands were inhabited.

If they were an independent country, they would have police and laws and courts, right?

Even if I didn’t speak the language, if I came ashore naked and in chains, they’d get the picture. They’d also get a good look at the dragon, but I tried not to think about that.

I didn’t know where the other islands were, but if I had a speedboat, I could circle around until I found one. I knew where I could find a speedboat. I knew where Master kept the key.

Opportunity dangled before me. Was I ready to seize it?

I spread my legs wide, bent over, and tried to reach the chain fastened to my balls. If I bent over far enough, and stretched the chains restraining my wrists, my fingers could almost reach the chain attached to my balls.

What good was that?

If I stepped backward, away from the ring that held the chain to the floor, the chain became taut, and I could get a better grip on it. Still an inch or two below my balls, though.

What if I pulled harder? I tried. The chain went tauter and my ball sack stretched. It hurt like hell, but it was also bringing the snaps on its leather collar tantalizingly close to my fingertips. If I pulled a little harder and stretched my balls a little more, I might be able to release them.

It hurt, but if I had learned anything in the past sixty-three days, it was how to endure pain. I pulled harder. My balls were in agony and turning purple, but also stretching a little farther from my body, a little closer to my fingertips. I pulled harder still. My balls hurt as bad as they ever had when Master or Suresh shocked them with a hot stick. Just a little more should do it.

If I didn’t castrate myself first.

Do you want to keep sucking Suresh’s dick, or do you want to get out of here?

My fingertips brushed the snaps. I got a fingernail under the edge of the leather—

I popped the collar open and my balls were free. I was free.

The first thing I did was double over in pain and gasp for air. I wanted to massage my aching balls, but now I couldn’t reach them.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and climbed over the wall. Now I was hanging by my hands, which were still chained to my collar with short chains, so I wasn’t hanging very far. I looked down to see a flower bed and some grass. I let go, and dropped. I hit the ground hard, landing with the head half of me on the grass and the dragon half of me in the flowerbed.

No matter. I was used to pain. Suck it up and keep moving! I scrambled to my feet and looked around. No one seemed to notice me. I ran, circling around the north wing toward the driveway, which led back to Mariposa.

Unfortunately, Master’s house had windows. As I ran past the north entrance, I heard voices in the kitchen, exclaiming in a language I did not understand, but the meaning was clear: Hey, a naked guy just ran past the window!

So much for getting away in secret. I quickened my pace and tore down the driveway, past the gate and toward the pier where Mariposa was docked. My bare feet pounded the packed earth of the road.

A few hundred feet farther and I reached the woods. Once inside, I would be harder to see. I made it, but soon I heard an engine and the sound of tires on the dirt road. Someone was after me in the car. Suresh, probably.

There was no way I could outrun a car, so I turned left and darted into the forest. The ground was softer than I expected. I ran until the car came into view through the trees, then dropped to the ground, into the embrace of the green undergrowth.

I was pretty sure Suresh wouldn’t be able to see me from the road, and I was right. I watched the car pass. I couldn’t see clearly, but it looked like Suresh behind the wheel, driving slowly, scanning the woods to his right and left as he passed. He looked in my direction, then looked away again. I lay on the ground, hoping that the undergrowth would conceal me. It seemed it did; the car continued on its way. I barely breathed until it was out of sight.

Suresh would know roughly where I was. The road from the dock to Master’s house was the only part of the island I knew, so where else would I go? I lay still, knowing that when Suresh got all the way down to the dock without finding me, his next move would be to drive back toward the house and search again.

I wondered what kind of bugs they had in the Drake Islands.

Enormous spiders and huge centipedes, it turned out. Did they bite? I didn’t know. They were absolutely disgusting to look at and made me painfully aware that I was naked. What if a bug came from behind and bit me in the ass? I began moving around through the undergrowth, trying to keep away from them.

After a while, I heard the sound of the car once again and crawled behind a bush. I watched Suresh drive past a second time, eyes searching for me in the forest. I looked down and froze as a spider a good three inches across picked its way across the back of my bare foot. It showed no interest in me and continued on its way. I exhaled in relief.

Suresh was assuming I would not stray very far from the road, otherwise he would have gotten out of the car and hunted for me on foot. The trouble was, he was right. I didn’t dare lose sight of the road; it was my only landmark. If I let it get out of my sight, I could easily get lost in this forest.

All I could think to do was stay here, keep low, and wait for Suresh to give up. I waited about fifteen minutes and heard the car again. I watched Suresh drive down the road toward the dock a second time, still searching for me.

Didn’t this guy ever quit?

I couldn’t see the sun through the trees, only occasional spots of light on the jungle floor, but the sunbeams making those spots were slanted. I’d escaped in the mid-afternoon; by now it was late afternoon, and night was coming. I’d already learned that sunset comes quickly in the tropics; when darkness falls, it falls fast.

The car came back up the road for the second time. I had to admire Suresh’s tenacity, but surely he would give up when it got dark. He’d have to.

Dusk brought swarms of mosquitoes. They were bigger than what I was used to and a dozen of them were circling my ankles. I kept slapping at them, to no avail.

What would happen first? Would Suresh give up, or would I?

Darkness fell. The mosquitoes were all over me now, biting wherever there was available flesh, which was everywhere. Suresh drove down the road toward the dock for a third time, headlights on. I couldn’t imagine he could see much.

I waited. What felt like an hour passed. I saw no lights; I heard nothing but the wind in the treetops and the cries of the night insects. I made my way out of the forest and onto the road. A half-moon shone overhead, illuminating the road in thin gray light.

If I went back into the woods, I’d get lost in the dark. If I waited, the moon would set and I’d get lost in the dark. This was my best shot; I’d better take it.

I picked my way down the road toward the dock. As the moon sank westward, the shadows of the trees began obscuring my path. I could only navigate the last stretch of road by guesswork, but I found where it opened into a dimly lit clearing. In the west, the moon now hung low over the ocean, its light shimmering across the water. The ocean breeze carried the tang of salt to my nostrils. God, how I’d missed that.

Before me was Mariposa. Her white hull seemed to glow faintly in the moonlight. I saw no lights and heard no unusual sounds, just the lapping of the waves against her hull.

The gate at the foot of the dock was locked shut. A chain-link fence stood between me and freedom.

I already had a plan for this. I walked past the fence and onto the beach. Sand worked its way between my toes. I strode into the water and swam to the boat. I couldn’t do a real swim stroke with my arms chained, but I could manage a dog paddle.

On the port side of Mariposa’s stern, there were a few steps that allowed access down to the water for swimming. Now I used them to climb aboard. Just forward of these steps sat the speedboat. Though I could barely see, I paused to look at it. I could have touched it, if my arms were free.

I thought I knew how to lower the speedboat into the water. I thought I knew how to pilot it. I still needed the key, but I thought I knew where to find it. I climbed up to Mariposa’s deck. The sight of it brought back a rush of memories. Here was where I’d lived for six unforgettable weeks. Here Master had worked me and cuddled me, fucked me and zapped me with the hot stick. The surface of the deck felt familiar and comforting under the soles of my feet. I made my way to the cockpit stair and began climbing.

Electric agony flared in my butt cheek. Hands grabbed the back of my belt and yanked me off the stair, throwing me to the deck with a painful crash.

I looked up. “What—?” I began, but the question was cut off by another electric shock, this one on the dragon’s tail. Then another and another. I pleaded for it to stop. One final jolt landed right on my balls. I screamed and thrashed.

“Stupid slave,” said Suresh. I could barely see him, but well I knew his voice. “Stupid fucking slave. A slave is a possession. A slave is property. For a slave to remove itself is stealing. Is this so difficult to understand?” He emphasized his point with another electric shock, this one to the inside of my thigh.

I lay on the deck, gasping. I said nothing.

Suresh’s sarong brushed against my leg as it fell to the deck. He crouched, took hold of my belt, and rolled me onto my stomach. Then he gave my ass a series of slaps, alternating cheeks. The blows where hard and stinging at first, but gradually lessened, until Suresh was massaging my butt. “Such a beautiful possession. What a shame it misbehaves so terribly.” He ran his fingers up and down my spine with gentle taps that made me shiver. “Master will be most unhappy with his slave when he learns of this.”

Would he? Master had been away so long. Did he even care about me anymore?

Suresh spread my legs apart and knelt between them. His fingertips touched my hips, then his hands run up the sides of my body to my shoulders. He touched my spine once again in that special way that made me tremble. “Master doesn’t have to know,” he said. “It is not required that I tell him.”

Suresh lowered himself on top of me. I could feel his hard dick in the small of my back. One arm slid around my neck. He suckled my ear lobe and whispered, “I won’t tell him the slave tried to escape, if the slave won’t tell him I’ve been fucking it.”

He raised himself and, without waiting for an answer, entered me. He must have lubed himself; his cock slid in so smoothly. He put his hands on my shoulders and kneaded my muscles with the balls of his hands in rhythm with his strokes.

“Ow!” The shoulder massage felt painful at first, but soon my muscles softened and no longer resisted. His hands moved down my body, pressing and tugging at my muscles along the way. The tension in my body dissipated. His thrusts grew deeper, until he hit my pleasure spot. I moaned. Suresh responded, poking at it again and again.

My body felt like it was melting. He sucked on my ear for a moment, then he came. I could feel it in his thrusts, though he barely made a sound.

He rolled off me, then rolled me onto my back. It was too dark to see my own erection, but I could feel it. So could Suresh. He explored my hardened cock with his fingertips, tracing every detail of its shape. He teased it for a few minutes before asking, “Does the slave agree to my proposition?”

I was so close. I was floating on an orgasmic sea. I didn’t hear the question until he repeated it. “Yes, okay,” I finally said.

“You see, there is an aspect I did not tell. Master did not, in fact, give me permission to fuck his slave. If he finds out, he will be most unhappy with both of us. But there is no need for us to make Master unhappy.” Abruptly, he stopped touching me. “Is there need to make Master unhappy?”

I was so close. “N-no,” I said.

Suresh’s fingers found my dick again. He rubbed hard, and seconds later, I was shooting my load. “Perhaps this slave is not so stupid as I had first imagined.”

He held me against his bare chest for a moment, then stood, put on his sarong, and pulled me to my feet. He leashed my balls once again and led me onto the dock, unlocking the gate to allow us through, then locking it behind us. He led me to the car, which was parked in the small parking lot. I cursed myself when I realized I had never heard it return to the house after that third pass, and cursed myself again for not checking for it before I attempted to board Mariposa.

When we got into the car, I sat on the diaper already laid out for me on the back seat and said, “I want something else.”

Suresh started the car. “I don’t negotiate with slaves.”

“Who do you think Master will punish more? Me, or you?”

Suresh sat for a moment. There was no sound, apart from the engine. “What does the slave want?”

“I don’t like to suck cock. Tell Master you tried to teach me, but it was impossible. Tell him I have the world’s worst gag reflex. Whatever. You’ll think of something. But explain to him that I can’t suck cock.”

Suresh sighed. “Anything else, slave?”

“That’s all I want.”

“Very well.” Suresh drove us back to the house in silence.

* * *


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