The Only Exception Ch. 06

A gay story: The Only Exception Ch. 06 Hello my beautiful readers!

Normally I don’t like doing this but given the context I just wanted to give a little trigger warning for mentions of ptsd and past trauma/sexual assault. I tried to give as few details as possible while still showing how it affected the character. Also, I feel I should mention, the longer the chapter the more likely it is that I missed mistakes in editing and this is a pretty long chapter. I don’t know how other writers do it! Lol I hope ya’ll enjoy the reveals of this chapter and please leave me more lovely comments or even messages! I enjoy hearing from you guys!

Much love! Xx


“Three things cannot long stay hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.” –Buddha


Ben’s Pov:

“The way I heard it, you’re pretty easy.”

I flinched as the words were whispered into my ear, drowning in the way they lingered around me. I could almost feel Logan’s breath and yet I couldn’t smell him. But what did scent matter when he taunted me like this?

“You know I’m friends with Drew right?”

I shivered but I felt rooted in place, unable to move from the hands that pursued me.

“Look at that scared, cute, little face,” the whispers continued, sounding so fuzzy and warped that chills broke out across my skin. “Did you really give head to all those boys, cockslut? You’ll let anyone fuck you, won’t you? Won’t you?!”

This time the voice changed and my entire body tensed. I hadn’t heard his voice in ages. I always blocked it from my mind but now, somehow he was here and I could feel even more hands all over me. I wasn’t alone with him anymore. There were others and they wanted a piece of me too. I couldn’t escape even if I wanted to. It was frightening and I didn’t want them. I just wanted him. Didn’t he know that? I felt the bodies of the other boys surround me. They were all so much bigger than me, even if they were only humans. It was getting so hot and I couldn’t think clearly. There were so many of them… I felt slick drip out of my virgin hole as I took in the surrounding scent. I badly wanted to be fucked but this situation was intimidating to me.

“Such a whore,” someone chuckled, though I couldn’t tell you who.

“I know. Alpha’s are so lucky to have a willing hole whenever they want it,” someone else laughed as the group pressed in closer.

“P-please,” I heard younger self beg. “I-I t-think I’m.. m-my heat it’s-”

“Shut her up,” someone complained and before I knew it, I was choking.


I sat up in bed gasping for breath, trembling from head to toe because of my all too real nightmare. I nervously took in the unfamiliar surroundings before my wolf caught scent of the human sleeping next to me. I panicked and nearly jumped out of the bed before my frazzled brain realized that I was in the presence of my Master. Still, I couldn’t control my shaking. I forced myself to inch as close as I dared, so that I could drink in my Master’s smell without waking him. His scent took the edge off and the cobwebs in my mind began to clear. I wasn’t back at the shed. I wasn’t having my first heat out of nowhere and I wasn’t surrounded by anyone. I was safe, wasn’t I? I was with my Master. He would never damage me, even if he was a human like them. So that meant he wouldn’t hurt me during my heat…right?

I knew it would be coming up soon. I could feel the occasional rush of warmth in my blood and I was beginning feel the mounting anxiety that always accompanied it. My heat was only a few weeks away now, earlier than I had anticipated, and I didn’t want to spend it alone. So, what if I asked Adam to spend it with me? Could I do that? Maybe. He was my boyfriend after all, not some boy I had unrequited feelings for.

I shivered as my thoughts tried to go back to my trauma. I pushed myself to think about something else, anything else. In the end, I couldn’t fight the memories and, as destructive as it was, my body craved going through the motions of that night. I fought the perverse desire as hard as I could, forcing myself to lay still for a solid hour and still I felt unbearably submissive. My throat burned from how empty it felt and my human was right here. He didn’t have to know what I was doing. I could get away with it and he could enjoy me…

“Don’t do this,” I pleaded with myself even as I began to peel the blanket off of my Master’s gorgeous muscled body.

Thankfully the handsome man was laying on his back, and wearing nothing but a pair of black boxers, so I had complete access to his cock. I carefully arranged my body so that I could bury my face into his crotch and began to kiss his morning wood, despite the way my stomach curdled with guilt. It wasn’t right. I was forcing myself to continue my nightmare and my Master had no idea that I was attempting to relive my trauma. It was such a fucked up way to cope. I was using him. Why was I like this?

If my Master knew he would be sure put a stop to it but I couldn’t help myself. I needed him to suffocate me. I was so twisted. I felt a jolt of fear run through my body as I fished his cock out of his cotton constraints and took a quick breath before I forced it down my throat one go. I choked, just like in my memories, and my mind was soon transported to the horror of that night. I got so lost in my head that drool began to pool in my mouth, leaking in messy streams down my cheeks as I fucked my own throat raw, without my even noticing.

“Someone’s a hungry little whore this morning.”

I froze as strong hands weaved themselves into my hair with a tight grip.

“Did I say you could stop?” His deep voice growled and he spread his legs so that they could wrap around my torso while he dug his heels into my back. I couldn’t move away now, even if I wanted to. This felt familiar.

I shook my head and doubled my efforts. If I was good maybe he’d let me go and protect me from the others. I felt tears begin to sting my eyes as I did my best to please the cock in my mouth, choosing to please it over breathing for as long as I could manage. I had to be good. I just had to be.

“Ugh f-fuck Benny,” the man moaned softly as his fingers tightened in my hair.

I twitched, surprised by the gentleness of his tone but I had no time to process it for the hard cock in my mouth began to erupt. I swallowed all his semen down dutifully and obeyed the hands that began to push me away. I blinked with surprise when nobody else grabbed me, finally registering that it was Adam that had fucked my throat and not… someone else. I’d truly forgotten where I was, transported by the horrors of that night. Now that I was coming back to reality I felt repulsed by my actions. Unfortunately, but as expected, my sweet human had no idea what I’d done and he greeted me with a bright and happy smile.

“Good morning baby. That felt incredible! I’m so lucky to have a boyfriend like you,” he praised. Then he pulled me close and kissed me while I died a little bit inside. My human really liked what I had done and he looked so happy. How could I tell him that I’d chosen to use his body to relive a traumatic experience when he thought I was being sweet? I was so fucked up, why did he like me? “Do you want me to make you cum baby?” He whispered teasingly in my ear.

I pulled back and quickly shook my head in disagreement. I didn’t deserve that after what I’d done. “No Master. You just locked me up, I couldn’t possibly be allowed out of my cage already,” I protested feebly, although I was fully prepared for him to use me however he would like. I just didn’t want it to feel good, I felt too guilty for all that.

Adam gave me a puzzled look, “But what about yesterday? You were practically begging me to make you cum then.”

I didn’t know how to reply to that so I looked down at my hands and folded them in my lap; torn between the idea of pleasing my Master and feeling completely undeserving of pleasure. Not to mention the tiny fear that had taken root in the back of my mind that agreed with Logan and Drew. Maybe I wasn’t a real omega? Maybe everyone thought I wasn’t worthy of the title and were they wrong? Despite the embarrassing display in front of my queen and my pack, I still went back to submit to a human, even after all these years. I couldn’t ask for pleasure. I could only hope that Adam would take me and put me in my place so that I didn’t have to think about anything anymore. I almost wanted him to rape me but I had a feeling that saying that outside of a scene would only make him worried. I didn’t want him to worry about me. I just wanted him to force me. It was what I deserved.

Yes. My wolf agreed. If you don’t have a choice, then how are you being a fake omega?

With my mind made up I continued to sit quietly, waiting eagerly for an angry response, but when I refused to answer Adam simply shrugged, gave me a kiss on the forehead and got up to use the bathroom.

I was a little shocked by his lack of reaction. What was wrong with me? Was I somehow not being the right kind of submissive? I was used to my Master being more aggressive than that. If I refused to answer during a scene, there was a good chance he’d force me to by threatening a punishment. Right now it felt like he didn’t even care. Didn’t he want me to be good for him?

Or maybe.. was this a boyfriend thing? Did dating me mean things were different now? If that was true, I wasn’t sure how much I liked having a boyfriend at the moment. I really didn’t enjoy this new way of doing things, where he was so considerate of me. It was too sweet. It drove me crazy.

Why should he care what I wanted? No one else did. I was nothing but a bag of used flesh, my own kind recognized that. I was…nefarious. Why couldn’t this human see that and take me if he so desired? Anyone else would take me, whether I wanted it or not if given the opportunity, and I wanted him to! So why wasn’t he responding to my defiance? If he wanted me to talk, why didn’t he order me to? If he wanted me to cum why didn’t he just make me? I wanted him to make me. Who really cared that I said no? Was dating me changing the way he saw me? Was he losing his desire to show me my place? I still wanted to be the one he used and now he didn’t want to use me? Was I ruining him like I ruined myself?

My mind twisted into a complete downward spiral and by the time Adam returned, I’d become near crazed with the idea that I needed to test my alpha. I was going to switch roles. Normally, omega’s never tried to intentionally provoke their alpha’s like this but it wasn’t an unheard of tactic. Usually an omega behaving that way only happened during heat. Typically, when an argument started before their heat set in, the omega would act like they were the alpha, especially if they wanted to be pounded into the floor. I’d never heard of an omega testing an alpha outside of that context but there was a first time for everything.

“Are you hungry?” He asked, looking unfairly handsome in his white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Why did he have to make this so difficult? All I wanted to do was bow before him, groveling at his feet for my sins but I couldn’t let myself. He had to make me.

“A little,” I replied softly, trying my best to ignore my nerves so that I could perform correctly.

“What would you like? I can make it for you and bring it back down. We can eat here in private,” Adam told me while stepping closer to wrap his arm around me.

I couldn’t let him serve me. I quickly stood and moved out of reach so that I could dress and then I began to head towards the stairs. “Don’t bother,” I called over my shoulder with a false wide grin. “I’ll just order something for us to eat, my treat!” I continued, in what I hoped was a confident voice, even though I felt stupid for offering to buy food that I knew he could get for free.

I made my way up the stairs without waiting for Adam to reply. Hoping that any moment now, the strong man would pull me back down he steps to punish me for my insolence but he simply followed me up. I sighed in irritation, already exhausted from displaying even this small show of dominance and I almost backed down without Adam’s help.

Don’t stop, my wolf encouraged. He just hasn’t caught on yet but he will.

I took his advice and spent the rest of the morning acting like I didn’t know the meaning of the word submission. I’d never been so bossy in my entire life. From ordering my own meal and Adam’s, without so much as asking him what he wanted, to my refusal to call him Master. I was trying so hard to be dominant that I felt nauseous, however, my pathetic attempts at role reversal seemed to be fruitless. The human acted as if my behavior was completely normal, to the point where even my wolf stopped calling him alpha. How could he be my alpha when he let me dictate his entire morning, without so much as a frustrated sigh? It was an exhausting little game and I seemed to be the only player, which meant I was losing. The longer I pressed on the more I began to feel the oppressive need to fall before his feet, in a last ditch attempt to get his attention, but I almost felt like that would be a step too far. I knew Adam didn’t want me kneeling in the diner and as much as I wanted to be dominated or punished, I couldn’t handle the thought of embarrassing him and I didn’t want to admit that I needed time alone with him, when I’d already said no earlier.

“Baby,” Adam started after our food had been cleared away by the waitress. “Did something else happen last night? Something you haven’t told me?”

I froze as scenes from my nightmare replayed themselves in my mind, followed by Logan’s words: “Real omega’s don’t submit to humans.”

“Not really,” I finally answered. It was sort of true. The events that were haunting me now were not from last night, even if the memories of them had been unlocked by Logan. Besides, I was too humiliated to admit the painful things the beta had yelled for all my pack to hear during his brawl with my brother. What if Adam agreed with Logan? I couldn’t take the idea that he might, even if it was only a slim possibility, so I stayed quiet on the matter. I was a real omega. Wasn’t I?

“Benny, was the cage a bad idea? Maybe I should just take it off. It’s not that-”

“Adam no! I-it makes me feel safe,” I admitted, ashamed of myself for feeling that way. “No one can touch me there again,” I added softly, unable to meet his eyes.

Then my phone buzzed and even though I wanted to ignore it, I knew it was best to see who was messaging me, at least, after being out all night.

Gabe: Ben, you need to come home. No one is mad at you but momma is getting nervous. Please come home. For her?

I looked up from the message wishing that I hadn’t checked my phone. I felt horrible. I hated worrying my mother but I was terrified to face my family after last night. I was sure that the entire pack was gossiping about what had happened and I was too humiliated to show my face. I had wanted to return in the middle of the night but now I could see that it was no longer an option.

“Bad news?” Adam asked gently as he took my hand in his.

“No. It’s just time to go home,” I answered, biting my tongue to keep myself from begging for a punishment, just so I could get the attention I craved before I left. I couldn’t give in. He had to make me submit.

“Oh okay,” he replied as stood up to walk me to the door.

I did my best to hide my disappointment at his readiness for me to leave. I’d truly failed at my stupid little game and now I was starting to feel the effects. I needed to get out of here before I made a scene by having a pathetic meltdown. I needed so badly to be punished or something. Had this been an ordinary circumstance, I’d be soothing myself with thoughts of going to the dungeon later but now I didn’t have that option, for I refused to make trouble for Adam at work. I was leaving the comfort I needed and I couldn’t express my needs properly once again. Would I ever be good at sharing my needs with my boyfriend? I wished last night had never happened. It was fucking with my head too much. I was going to ruin my relationship at this rate.

I barely heard Adam’s goodbye as I walked away. I was too busy fretting over the dreadful experience I was about to endure, combined with my unease that Adam had a lack of response to my behavior. When I was about halfway home I was cut off by my brother blocking my path. I kept my head bowed and my eyes trained to the ground, too self-conscious to even look at him. What did my big brother think of me after everything Logan had said?

Gabe pulled me in for a hug but pushed me back almost immediately, “Benny, why do you stink like a human?” He asked calmly as he held me at arms length.

“Do I?” I asked nervously in return, only now realizing that I hadn’t taken the time to wash Adam’s scent from my skin.

“Yeah. You’re soaked in his stench,” Gabe replied causing me to look up in shock.

“His?” I asked a little breathlessly, fearing the worst.

“I don’t see you denying it,” Gabe answered looking cross. “But keep lying to me if that’s what you want.”

“I-I’m not-” I tried to protest. Unfortunately, I was so exhausted from my morning of failure that it was hard to figure out a good cover story.

“Whatever,” Gabe interrupted as he grabbed my hand. “Let’s go to my place so you can shower off or momma will be even more upset than she already is. You smell disgusting.”

I didn’t fight my brother as he pulled me in the direction of his house but I couldn’t stop myself from tearing up. Did my scent mixed up with my humans really smell that bad? Mixing your scent with your mates was meant to smell good. Was the scent bad because of me? If Gabe noticed my tears he didn’t say and before long we arrived at his cozy homestead.

“Go in through the back, I’ll keep Alvie distracted. You really need to get rid of that smell,” Gabe instructed before he left me in pursuit of finding his pregnant mate.

I did as I was told, relieved to have someone controlling me, even if it was just my brother. My brain hurt too much to think anymore. All I had to do right now was shower, just like Gabe said, and that was more than enough.


Forty minutes later I’d showered, changed clothes and was sitting at the kitchen table in my home, across from my worried parents and my overly watchful brother. The atmosphere was tense and melancholy and none of us spoke for several minutes. Part of me was worried about how angry they would be with me for disappearing for the night, despite that Gabe said the opposite. The other part of me was more afraid of having to deal with what my brother knew about me once my parents had said their piece.

My mother suddenly grabbed my hand tight in hers as she cleared her throat to speak. “Sweetheart, I have some really bad news that I need to share with you. It appears that after everything that happened last night… well,” she took a deep breath, looking as if she were on the verge of tears. “Benny I’m so sorry to have to tell you this but.. it seems as if word of your past.. encounters has spread like wildfire throughout the pack and.. the neighboring packs. We don’t know for sure who started the rumors, just that it happened after your bother’s fight with that despicable beta!” She explained with a glare aimed at Gabe, probably blaming him for the entire situation. “Her majesty is doing everything in her power to find out where certain… specific rumors were started but honey,” I watched as a single tear made it’s way down my mother’s pale cheek. “It’s not your fault of course,” she assured with another glare aimed in Gabe’s direction. “But.. it’s too late for her to do anything that would help to secure you a mate. It seems that any interest any beta or alpha previously had in you is now… nonexistent. N-neighboring pack leaders have been coming forward all morning to request that our queen keep you away from their alpha’s,” my mother explained gently, though she looked mortified to admit that last part.

I could almost laugh. My parents had looked so concerned when they sat me down at the table, as if they had the worst news to share. Even now, my mother looked like she might collapse into a fit of uncontrollable sobs at any given moment, Gabe looked irritated but worried and even my father looked grim. To me, this was old news. I already knew there weren’t any good options available to me, at least within my own kind. I’d already quit looking, so what was I losing exactly? Did they not remember that? It was the reason I finally gave into the temptation of being with Adam in the first place! Although, I suppose for my parents, it was the first time they were coming to terms with what I’d long ago understood: I would never be desirable to my own kind. I was a disgrace.

I looked right through them, though my mother kept up her incessant stream of pitying words, uncaring and relieved. I was finally free from the expectation of courting anyone else. It was what I wanted only… I glanced at Gabe again and he caught my eye. I knew that look. He would force me to talk when my parents were done with me and I was terrified of that conversation. I felt my throat close up on me momentarily, wondering if he’d followed my scent to the diner. Why else would he have been there? Gabe never visited human run businesses. He didn’t even like that I worked at the grocery store. How much did he know?

“You’ll always have a home with us,” my father inserted gruffly, shaking me out of my stupor.

“No. I want to move out,” I suddenly said, surprising myself with the words as well as my family. “I’m an adult and no one is going to take me off your hands. I’ll never have the freedom of a life of my own if I live here forever like some little kid. Lili is about to be mated off and then it’s just me. I’m the last one here and I’m older than her! I want to move out too.”

“Benny,” my mother started sounding horrified, “There’s nothing you could do on your own that you can’t do under our roof! You don’t need to isolate yourself. Besides, you’re just an omega sweetheart. What if someone breaks into your home? You’ll have no one to protect you!”

I held myself back from rolling my eyes, “Momma you know Lotus Pack is safe from anything like that. There hasn’t been a break in since before Queen Emma.”

“Benny this isn’t normal-” she started.

“I’m not normal!” I countered. “I fucked up my life a long time ago. Can’t I have anything I want? There’s nothing to worry ab-”

“Omega’s do not live alone! End of discussion,” my mother ordered before getting up from the table in a huff.

My father looked at me for a moment and then said, “No more curfew of any kind. Just let us know if you’ll be home or not before we go to bed so your mother doesn’t worry. I know you want more freedom Benjamin. You’re old enough to have earned it but don’t move out,” he ordered as well, doubling down on my mother’s pleas so that I really couldn’t move, even though I wanted to. “We can talk about alternatives later, once I’ve calmed your mother down,” he added more gently. With that he left, leaving me stunned over what had just transpired. I was out all night and I was rewarded, sort of. If only they knew how I intended to spend my time away. Then they’d probably lock me inside my room until I died. I nervously glanced up at Gabe, wondering if he was about to ruin everything.

“Let’s go for a run,” he suddenly suggested before leaving the room for me to shift in private.

I was all too familiar with that tone. I knew better than to ignore my brother but shifting proved to be a slight challenge. I was still wearing the cock cage my Master had given me and my wolf size was slightly bigger than my human size, making the cage a tad bit uncomfortable. Thankfully, the cage itself was small enough to be burried in my fur so I wouldn’t have to worry about Gabe seeing it until I shifted back. Once I was certain nobody would see the cage, I grabbed my clothes and padded outside to meet my brothers gray wolf.


We ran for a while, further than we had in ages. Running should have felt good but it didn’t. I knew when Gabe stopped I’d be on the receiving end of his judgment and, most likely, his disgust. I was terrified of the coming conversation and it sucked away any joy the freedom of running could bring. I lost track of how many miles we ran, only aware of the mounting dread that built in my chest. I knew Gabe wouldn’t use what he knew to ruin my life intentionally but I was positive that his version of protection was about to make me miserable. Eventually we stopped at the small grassy clearing that he’d taken me to when I was younger, after the incident. Back then I spilled every detail easily, trusting my big brother with everything. Even following his advice years later to tell Drew when him and I became serious. Now we were back again and I was sure he expected me to react with the same childish openness as before but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.

Gabe shifted without warning, causing me to jump back in surprise. Then he began to pace in front of me, with an angry look on his face, while his harsh scent filled the open air causing my nose to burn. He was furious with me but it felt like more than that. Did he hate me? “Benjamin Everett Kent, what the fuck have you been thinking? Are you stupid?!” He furiously yelled, causing my ears to fall flat against my skull as I whimpered and backed away a few steps. “You know, at first I thought that there was no possible way this could be true. I mean, what business does my baby brother have in bending over for another human after EVERYTHING,” he emphasized, causing me to shrink away and hunker down, wrapping my tale around me like a shield. “But then last night happened and you still came home stinking like a fucking human!” He continued viciously. “You’re drawn to them! You’ve always been drawn to humans, haven’t you? I thought you’d grow out of it eventually but it’s fucking magnetic or something.” I peaked my head up at that but quickly dropped it back down when he continued with, “No! That makes it sound too romantic. It’s disgusting and parasitic, that’s what it is. I hate knowing that you’ll readily degrade yourself for them! And then to hear Logan say some shit about you begging for your Master like a weak little slave? Does he know you’re a humans plaything? Because now everyone knows how you’ve been played with! Or can at least guess the nasty details. Even mom and dad! Haven’t you been careful at all? Are you that brainless? What the fuck Ben?!”

I began to cry but I don’t know if Gabe even noticed or not. He was far too lost in his anger towards me to actually look at me. My brother was finally admitting that there was something wrong with me. It hurt more than I expected for him, of all people, to say it out loud. I wished he would stop yelling, for he was making me feel very worthless and idiotic but maybe he was right? When he laid everything out like that.. I sounded insane. Didn’t I? I deserved this.

“What the hell have you gotten yourself into?” Gabe continued to rant. “I thought you were smarter than this but it’s like ever since the rogue situation you’ve been completely careless! And what’s with that human of yours anyways? It’s like you’ve got him completely wrapped around your little finger or maybe he has you? I-I’m not sure I understand who’s in charge there. Either way, he’s all wrong for you. No wonder you’ve completely given up when you found someone to share your bed for now! Do you know how much of a whore that makes you look like to an alpha? Not that it matters since, thanks to last night, you can never have anyone better than that disgusting human ever again! I tried you know? I tried so hard to find someone worthy of you because you deserved better! You deserved a fucking king but you settled and I don’t get it! I feel so stupid for trying to help you when the whole time you didn’t even care because you were slutting it up with some sadist at a bdsm club! Damn it Ben! I didn’t even know you were into that shit until yesterday! Who the fuck even are you right now because you don’t seem like my sweet baby brother at all!” He finally screamed, panting in anger from his long rant.

I’d long ago curled in on myself and was whimpering quietly during the entirety of his speech. I felt so distraught that I couldn’t even find the strength to shift back into my human form. My brother was disappointed in me, he somehow found out the truth about me and he was disgusted with me. He called me names. My brother never called me names, not even to tease, but now it was okay for him to call me a slut and a whore?

He was disowning me. That had to be it. He didn’t want me to be his brother anymore. He’d tell our parents and make everyone abandon me. I would forever be a source of shame for my parents. My sisters would no longer be proud of me. My other brother might not even acknowledge me and my favorite brother didn’t love me anymore. I was too fucked up to love. Every fear I had was coming true. I couldn’t stop the shivering that seemed to have overtaken me.

Then Gabe stepped closer with a raised hand. Fuck. He was going to attack me and he was so much bigger. He took on Logan like it was nothing. He would rip me to shreds. It would hurt. I couldn’t fight him off so I’d have to take it. Would he even allow me in the hospital to recover afterwards? Probably not right? He’d leave me to the humans who had no idea about my biology. He’d let them screw me up even more. I knew I deserved this but my heart was breaking anyways. I scrunched my eyes shut and cried out in distress; pissing myself out of fear because I was so convinced that my own flesh and blood was about to beat me. I understood that I didn’t matter anymore.

“Benny?” Gabe asked in a shocked tone when he registered just how afraid I was of him. He dropped down to his knees and began to pet my back, being gentler than normal. “Shhh, it’s okay Benny. I would never hit you. You know that, deep down, don’t you honey?”

I whined pathetically and tried to move away from his hands.

“Aww, come on Ben. I’ve never done it before and I won’t do it now,” he murmured while letting out a light lavender scent to calm my anxiety. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. You didn’t deserve it. Maybe I overreacted? I should know better, huh? I should have taken the time to calm down, I know that and I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Please don’t be afraid of me.”

I turned my head away from him while trembling with the fear that if I made one wrong move his mood would change again and this time he really would hurt me. I had no idea what kind of scent I was putting into the air but it made my brother suddenly hug me close.

“Please Benny, it’s okay. We’re okay. I’m done, I won’t yell again. I won’t hurt you. I would never hurt you. I’m sorry.”

I whined as I tried to pull out of the hug but Gabe only tightened his hold on me.

“I really am sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things. Come on Benny. Just relax. You’re okay. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I promise,” he continued as he returned to petting my back and head, trying in vain to reassure me that he wasn’t dangerous.

It took me ages to calm down. My wolf was frantic for my human but at the same time I felt immense guilt over the fact that I wanted him, in spite of everything my brother had just confronted me with. I didn’t know what to do. I felt weak, helpless and frightened, no matter what promises Gabe made. I couldn’t believe a word of it, not after how angry he’d gotten before. My brother didn’t get angry like that often and never at me. I hated it and I was terrified that it would happen again, any second now.

However, he remained patient and gentle with me. He didn’t even get irritated when I couldn’t calm down right away. A few hours later, I was able to shift but I made sure to do so with my back turned and I hurriedly dressed in hopes of feeling less exposed. I scrubbed my face clean of tears with the back of my hand and then I turned to face my brother but I couldn’t even look at him. Instead, I bared my neck in shame, waiting for more of his fury but this time it didn’t come. Instead I was wrapped up in a warm hug that didn’t end until my body began to finally relax.

“Am I disgusting to you?” I timidly asked feeling beyond distressed due to his angry speech.

“No!” Gabe replied looking shocked by my question. “Is that really something you’re afraid of?”

“You said I smelled terrible before,” I answered, unable to keep the hurt out of my voice. “It’s a logical question. And you.. you said my attraction to humans is parasitic. What else should I think?”

Gabe sighed and shook his head, “Well, I more meant their attraction to you is parasitic but don’t listen to me. I was being an asshole. I just don’t understand any of this. Help me to, okay? I won’t yell at you anymore. Honestly, a lot of what I said was uncalled for and I really am sorry but Ben your behavior is scaring me. I don’t know if I should tell our parents or if you even know what you’re doing. Do you know what you’re risking? How special can one human from a sex dungeon really be? I mean, how well do you even know this guy?”

I licked my lips, trying to fight the sudden dryness in my mouth, “I’ve known him for four years but we only just started… dating,” I slowly admitted.

“Four years? You mean this started-”

“After Drew,” I confirmed with a sad nod.

“Well fuck,” Gabe groaned.

“It’s not as bad as you think. Adam is really nice to me. He’s not like the guys at that school. He respects me, you know? We’re friends.”

Gabe rolled his eyes, “Yeah I’m sure he has a real friendly way of sticking his-”

“Stop it!” I interjected as I blushed hotly. “We really are friends. He’s never bullied me, not even once. He doesn’t use me. I swear it! If anything I.. I use him and yet he looks out for me. He protects me from myself and he would protect me from anyone else. He takes care of me. He makes me feel important. He wants to know me, he wants more than something physical and he’s so kind to me Gabe. More so than I even deserve, to the point that it annoys me actually. It’s like he understands me or that he was made for me. I go to him and I end up feeling better. Adam wouldn’t actually hurt me and anyways, everything we do is always on my terms,” I explained, hoping to talk my brother into seeing the good in my relationship with the human.

“But if you call him-”

“Everything, is on my terms,” I reiterated as my body betrayed me with another blush that made my cheeks burn.

“Okay, so he’s a nice guy. I figured as much after my run in with him but that doesn’t mean he’s the right guy. He’s not worth you getting banished. If you want a secret play partner, I’m sure there’s other packs that have places for that. Then you could be.. uh.. fulfilled without the-”

“Wait, you met him?” I asked feeling completely blindsided. “When did you meet him? He.. he never said,” I continued, realizing that I felt more hurt over the fact that Adam hadn’t told me than I did angry with my brother for keeping their meeting a secret.

“Shit,” Gabe muttered. “Might as well come clean. So, the other day I saw you get out of a strangers vehicle and I could smell that he was human and.. I saw that make out session you had with him so I felt like I needed to investigate,” he defended sheepishly. “I was worried he was taking advantage of you. I told him to leave you alone but he was very insistent that the choice of that would be up to you. He was pretty intense.”

“You think he likes me?” I asked longingly. My wolf and I were overjoyed by the idea that my brother could not intimidate our human but of course Gabe didn’t see it like that. He didn’t respect Adam like he would if an alpha did that to him.

“Really? That’s what you’re worried about right now?” Gabe growled in frustration. “You could literally get yourself banished from the pack and you’re worried if some guy likes you? What is wrong with you?” He asked again but this time in a much softer tone, though it did not keep the words from cutting me any less.

“I don’t know okay?! You act as if I don’t ask myself that every fucking day! I’m broken. I broke a long time ago but nobody wants to accept that! And now… now I have a tiny bit of happiness for myself. I know it’s not the same as having a mate but it’s pretty damn close. I feel like I can trust him. I can be myself around him. I feel safe around him. I feel cared about. I.. fuck Gabe.. I’m in love with him. I think I have been for a while but I could never accept it as love or even a crush because I know the rules. I know he’s human. I know I’m not supposed to be with him but I can’t help myself. I tried to stay away and he tried to let me go but I forced him to take me back. I couldn’t handle giving him up. He’s too perfect for me. I.. I need him like I need air to breath! I know you think I don’t know the risks but I do! To me he’s worth the risk of loosing everything.

It’s not fair anyways. If he were one of us, I’d be convinced that he was my mate or even just the right partner for me but I know it’s more complicated than that for everyone else. Just please, don’t take him away from me. I know I’m doing everything wrong! I know it! I’ve been racked with guilt this entire time but I can’t stay away from him. If I could, I’d spend every moment I had with him. I-I’d be-being with Adam is the only time I can find peace,” I finally finished. Only just stopping myself from admitting my delusional desires to be Adam’s perfect little wife, for even I hadn’t realized how deeply I’d fallen for the man.

“You’re way to attached to him,” Gabe replied, causing me to shrink in on myself once more.

“I know,” I replied with my head hung low, ashamed of myself.

Gabe buried his face in his hands, looking more frustrated than I’d ever seen him look before. “Ugh! Fuck! I hate this! But,” he looked up at me and made eye contact. “I can’t bring myself to stop you. You got a raw deal in life and if this guy is treating you right and you feel that strongly about him.. I guess I have to help you keep your secret, don’t I? I can’t lose my baby brother and I don’t want you to be miserable for the rest of your life. I really don’t. I still think you’re crazy though. You do know this secret relationship you have with the human won’t last forever, don’t you? One of you will get bored or found out but.. you’ve made your choice and I’ll help pick up the pieces when this all falls apart. I won’t abandon you. Not now, not ever. Just try to be more careful, okay? I caught you so easily last time. You were behaving recklessly for someone that’s breaking such an important law.”

While I wasn’t a fan of my brothers pessimism, I was both relieved and amazed that he was actually willing to help me. I could have never predicted such a response, especially after how everything started and that filled me with a bit of courage. I decided to push my luck a little more, since we were already talking about it. “I understand and I’m glad you’ll help me. I really appreciate that but.. there’s something that I.. well… I was wondering.. um.. y-you know how my heat is coming up-”

“Ben,” Gabe started with an alarmed look on his face.

“Please! Please, please please! Help me with this. I’ve never spent my heats with anyone. We don’t know how many more I’ll have left. Please just let me-”

“That is so dangerous! What if he gets you pregnant? You will loose that pup. Guaranteed. Then how will you live with yourself? You don’t need that kind of pain.”

“I doubt that will happen. It took several heats before the first human was even able to impregnate an omega,” I reminded him, referring to the experiments of the past.

“And what about the fact that you’re likely to be craving a mating bite the entire time? That will be agony for you.”

“My heats are always agony for me! It’s nightmare fuel if I’m being honest. I want to change that! Please try to understand. I know it’s not the same but imagine going into a rut, or whatever betas experience, knowing that nobody wants to touch you and being told that nobody ever will when that’s exactly what your body needs. Imagine going through that for years, knowing you’ll never find relief because no matter how good you are, nobody can see past what happened to you. Nobody wants to understand. Imagine the torture of going through that several times a year. Then imagine you finally meet one person that does want to touch you and that person can make you feel incredible, without even being in an altered state of mind. Can’t you see how tempting it would be to want to experience that during your time of need? For the first time ever?”

“Ben.. it’s a really bad idea,” Gabe persisted but I could tell that he was seeing my side on this issue.

“That’s easy for you to say,” I pushed. “You have a mate. As you’ve already said, I will never have a mate now. I’ll never know what it’s like to be properly claimed, I’ll never be mentally connected to my mate, I’ll never know what it’s like to have children, I’ll never know what it’s like to have my own family. And I’ll never know what it’s like to be touched intimately during my heat, if I don’t take this chance because even if an alpha wanted me, I wouldn’t want them. I just want him. Please Gabe. I’m already loosing so much. I don’t want to die never knowing what it feels like and you’re the only one that could help make it possible. Please Gabe. Please,” I begged.

“Fuck!! Fuck, fuck, fuck! You are killing me here,” he growled as his fist clenched.

I looked up at him with wide, pleading eyes but said nothing further, knowing I was about to win.

“Alright fine!” He said after about ten seconds of silence. “I’ll help but I’m giving you something to prevent pregnancy and you better take it. Got that?”

I nodded rapidly and tried to speak but he held up his hand for me to wait so I quickly shut up.

“We need to plan this carefully. You have to get a hotel somewhere, in a town that only has humans, and rent a room on the ground floor, far from the front desk, for two weeks at least. I’ll help you get the room ready so that no one will hear you. You need to make sure to bring everything you’ll need to sustain you. I will drive you there and pick you up afterwards. Adam can meet you there. If something unexpected happens, Adam can call me and I will come help you. Everyone will think you’re at the hospital like normal and I will lock your room their, so that nobody can walk in on you, like usual. No one will suspect anything, I’ll make sure of it. But Ben, you need to make sure this Adam knows that he cannot bite you during your heat. This is important! I have no idea what will happen if he does. You have to get better at protecting yourself, okay?” He asked looking resigned.

“I accept! I’ll do anything, everything!” I replied feeling overjoyed by the new possibilities in front of me.

“Have you told your.. human about the incident?” He suddenly asked taking me by surprise.

“No,” I answered shyly as my wolf softly growled. “I don’t want him to know. After what Drew said and then Logan.. I can’t stand the thought of telling him something that could cause him to reject me.”

“Well, he’s a human. Maybe it won’t matter as much to him,” my big brother replied in an attempt to be more encouraging but his statement only made me sad. “I still think you need to tell him before your heat though. You have no idea what state of mind you’ll be in, especially in the presence of another human. I don’t care how much you think he cares about you, when you’re in heat you might not recognize him as the man you love. He might seem monstrous to you,” Gabe explained gently. “If this experience is really that important to you, then you need to do everything in your power to make it go as smoothly as possible.”

My body sagged in defeat. My brother was right. I had no idea how I’d respond to Adam actually being with me. It had only ever been a fantasy in my mind and there, everything went perfectly. But no, this was reality and he would need to be able to calm me if I reacted badly.

Gabe draped his arm across my shoulders, “Hey, I’m glad we talked about this. I knew something was going on with you. I’ve been so worried and while I might not like what I’ve learned, I understand. Just be more careful. Okay?”

I nodded in agreement. “Do you think that I’m.. less of an omega?” I barely whispered, speaking my final fear into existence.

“What do you mean?”

“I submitted to those humans all those years ago-” I started only for Gabe to interrupt.

“In a way but that was-”

“And now I’m doing it again.”

“Yes but this-”

“And I’ve been told that real omega’s don’t ever submit to humans,” I finished meekly as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Gabe shook his head in disgust. “That’s a bunch of bullshit Benny. How you respond to humans does not change how you were born. You’ve been a real omega for your entire life. Please don’t let the stupid words of an unworthy alpha convince you of otherwise. No one can take who you are away from you.”

Gabe hugged me once more and I finally let myself rest in my brothers embrace, feeling the exhaustion from my entire day settle upon me. I desperately wanted to see my Master but I couldn’t bring myself to disturb his job for the second night in a row. So instead I leaned into my brothers comfort, allowing the distance between us to heal. Now that it was all said and done I was glad Gabe knew. It gave me hope that the rest of my family might one day accept me, even if I did manage to get myself banished. However, the best thing to come out of our conversation was my own clarity. Spending my heat with Adam was serious and I was ready to to make that kind of commitment. I’d finally made a decision. I was ready to lose everything; even though I hoped I didn’t have to.


Adam’s Pov:

As far as first sleepovers with boyfriends went, this one had to be the worst that I could ever remember having. Benny stayed the night and the rest of the next day until he was summoned back home a couple hours before my shift. I enjoyed my time with him but I noticed that things between us seemed to have changed overnight. Everything started out fine or so I thought. He woke me up with a blow job and, though it was a great way to wake up, when I tried to reciprocate he pulled back, saying that he wasn’t allowed to be unlocked from his cage yet. When I tried to tell him he could have it unlocked if he wanted me to suck him off, as he hadn’t gotten to cum since our time in the woods, he grew quiet and looked so displeased by the idea that I gave up. I didn’t know what to think about it when the day before he’d been begging to me to touch him and I felt it was cause for concern.

What was more alarming was how he tried so hard to resist his submissive side around me, besides my morning surprise. Anytime I would try to do something for him, he would do it himself or decline that it be done at all. When we went upstairs to eat, he slapped on a smiling mask and was talkative and friendly with anyone that came up to us. If my mother was around, he would act more submissive towards her but that didn’t change the way he barely let himself submit to me. What’s worse.. he called me Adam, not Master. I couldn’t understand it. I could see that all his pretending was exhausting and upsetting to him but he continued to behave in a more dominant manner. It was something that I’d ever seen from him before and it worried me. What else had happened last night? For that was the only explanation for this drastic of a change in Benny’s behavior.

I tried to get him to talk about it but he wouldn’t. It was like all the openness from our scene last night had vanished and yet he all but refused to have the cage removed, telling me he felt safer with it on. Then the message came that convinced him he had to return home and I could see that his facade was finally starting to crack. When he murmured that his brother was insisting he return, he sounded almost broken over it. He clearly didn’t want to go back. I didn’t understand why but it just reinforced the idea that more had happened to my omega than I knew about. I hugged him goodbye and told him he could come back in the morning if he wanted, though I was secretly ready to stay home from work if Benny thought he might need me tonight. Unfortunately, my omega didn’t give me a very positive response. He simply shrugged his shoulders and stood on his toes to kiss my cheek before walking out of the diner.

“Oh, is he finally gone?” My mother asked as I watched Benny walk away.

I turned to her with a small frown, “Finally?” I asked unhappily as I mentally fretted over my boyfriend’s wellbeing.

“I just meant that I’ve been waiting to talk with you and I wasn’t sure when I’d get the chance,” she clarified with an apologetic look on her face.

“Alright fine, let’s talk”, I started temperamentally as an uncontrollable wave of overprotectiveness came over me. “Why does my boyfriend seem to think you don’t like him?” I asked, perhaps a little too aggressively, as I led her to a table to sit.

“Did he say that I said that I didn’t like him?” She asked with curious look on her face.

“No. He first asked if I thought he was too young for me. Then, last night, he went through something traumatic and begged me to not tell you about it. He implied that it would make you think badly about him though I don’t see how it could. I didn’t make him explain. It wasn’t an appropriate time but maybe you can fill me in. What did you two talk about when I was gone.”

“Nothing much sweetie. I just questioned his intentions. I know you wouldn’t have brought him by the diner if you didn’t think there was a chance of a future with him. I also questioned why he would want you when he’s an omega. Were you ever planning on telling me that little fact?” She asked looking cross.

“Tell you what? That Benny’s an omega? It’s not like it was a secret. I thought you knew?”

“And I thought I taught you to never get romantically involved with werewolves,” she replied with a glare. “So why would I assume that he was an omega? I don’t even get how you can tell the difference.”

“It’s not like I just met him ma. I’ve known Benny for four years now. He’s a really sweet guy and he really likes me. I don’t see the issue here? And I also don’t get your insistence on avoiding the wolves. They seem nice enough. You even do business with them! So why the hell can’t I date one of them?”

“Because they keep to themselves honey. The wolves don’t date like you and I do. They have permanent mates within their own kind and they never settle for less. A werewolf may play with a human but they’ll never commit. I can see how attached you are to this boy and I don’t want you to get your heart broken. Maybe you should rethink this relationship that you have with him.”

“How would you know what they do? It’s not like my dad was an omega or something. He couldn’t have even gotten you pregnant if he was.” I snapped, knowing how it was impossible for a male omega to impregnate anyone.

“You’re right. He wasn’t an omega,” she replied, her eyes flashing with fury. “I’ve never wanted to talk about this but if you insist on dating this beast then fine, it’s time you know. Your father was an alpha and he used me as an incubation experiment. He wanted to grow another wolf with a human, even though he knew it was impossible. He knew how his ancestors had tried before and failed but he didn’t care. He knew I might die and that never mattered. He saw something in me, I really don’t understand what, and he targeted me.

I was stupid. I didn’t know anything about the wolf packs then. In fact, I knew less than even you seem to already know and I certainly never expected the father of my child to be one. He didn’t even tell me he was an alpha until after he impregnated me. I mean, he sort of had to explain himself since he bit the shit out of my neck. After that he left and I got very sick. He knew I was sick but it wasn’t until he learned that I was so ill that I was on my deathbed that he decided showed back up. His presence alone was enough to help me through the worst of it. However, we both had to do a lot more than be together to keep me alive and well enough that you could grow. Deals were made,” my mother got a strange, distant look in her eyes and she stopped speaking for almost a full minute, deep in thought.

“Apparently his fling with me became popular knowledge within his pack and Lotus Pack and his parents got involved,” she started again without mentioning what deals they made. “Your father was a royal and he was breaking a mating contract with another wolf by biting and impregnating me. The whole thing was a complete scandal and I was offered money every month to take care of you if I never allowed you to claim him as your father. Since that alpha clearly didn’t want us anymore, I took the idea of the money.

However, when you were six years old your father had another child, an alpha child. That somehow cancelled our previous deal and instead of money, I was offered land. Technically, being the first son of a royal, you are entitled to the entirety of Shadow Pack land. However, since you are not a werewolf, they offered you a piece of it, if you gave up any claim you could have to the rest of it in the future. They didn’t want a human ruler over their people and I didn’t want you involved anymore than you already were, so I agreed to that deal too. This time however, I made them use a human lawyer to enforce everything because I didn’t trust them to keep their word. When you turned eighteen you became legally allowed to claim your side of the deal, which is why you got that letter.

Honestly, I’m glad it happened that way and that I didn’t waste time pining after that useless alpha. I heard he cheated on his mate again, after they had their alpha child, and eventually he exiled them so he could mate with someone else. Now his mind is so broken that he doesn’t even know his own name. I suppose that’s karma though. I don’t think your father ever cared about anyone he was with. I don’t know what he needed but he clearly didn’t find it with me or his promised mate. So you see? Dating a wolf isn’t safe for humans. It nearly killed me and it stole from you. You need to let your little omega go. I don’t care how sweet he is, he will abandon you one day. Omega’s are notorious for abandoning everyone and everything for their alpha if they have to. Make no mistake sweetheart, your omega will find his alpha and when he does it will break your heart. Let him go now before he has a chance to hurt you like that.”

“So.. when my dad said “it didn’t work” he meant-”

“That he was trying to create an alpha or even an omega but you were born a human instead. He was furious but I was grateful you were even alive, for that in and of itself was a miracle. Although, your father didn’t see it that way. I had to take you from him so he wouldn’t throw you in a fit of rage.”

I felt my spirit break a little at her words. I didn’t really care about how my father acted, I didn’t give a shit about the man anymore. It was just, for a moment, I had been hopeful that I could be exactly what Benny needed but now I wasn’t so sure.

“Why did you wait so long to tell me?” I asked.

“Honestly, I never wanted to tell you but now.. now you’re falling into the same trap I did. Sure your omega is adorable and sweet now but what happens down the line when he wants his true match? His alpha might feel threatened enough that he’d attack you. I don’t want you in the middle of all that honey.”

“Ma, Benny’s not like what you’re describing my father to be. He’s not hiding his future mate in the shadows while he fucks with my head. I don’t even think he’s capable of manipulating me like that. I’ve never felt so close to anyone in my entire life, I feel like I’d know if he was just using me,” I defended even though Benny’s brother had given me pause over that very same ridiculous idea. “He didn’t even want to date me at first. He knows he’s not allowed and he’s scared of breaking that rule but he wants to be with me anyways. He’s brave. He’s choosing what he needs instead of bowing down to what everyone else expects of him. I know how hard that is for him. I’m not breaking up with him.”

“And what happens when-”

“If he meets his alpha one day, then and only then will I let him go. Ma, I love him. I’d do anything for him. If he found someone better than me, I’d have to let him go. I can’t take away his potential happiness like that. I would never stand in his way. I just really hope he stays with me because I’m happier when I get to be with him. It’s been like that since the day I met him. I know you’re scared about this and I am too but.. I can’t leave him. It would feel like I was breaking myself in half if I did that. I don’t know what else to say, so going forward could you please be nicer to him? I’m starting to get the feeling that he thinks you’ll never like him and he cares about that. I don’t know if my father cared about what grandpa thought but Benny cares about you. Please consider that when he comes around. It’s not fair to hold your past experiences against him. He’s not even an alpha. He’s not a threat to anyone. Let yourself get to know him before telling me that I shouldn’t be with him.”

My mom studied me for a few minutes before she finally nodded. “I see you’re point but please understand, I don’t dislike him sweetheart. He really is adorable and his submissiveness comes across as very sweet and endearing. I can see why you’d be drawn to him, considering your childhood, but I’m just looking out for you. However, if you think you have it under control then I’ll try to back off. I really didn’t mean to make him feel badly and I’m sorry I underestimated your attachment to him.

Now, you may not like this but there is another matter that I’d like to discuss….”


Hours later I was laying in the nest I’d made for my omega, trying to process everything my mother had just told me. Her cancer was back and this time it came with a side a dementia. She was in the very early stages with the dementia but with the cancer… she could have a few years at most but probably much less. Especially since those odds included treatment, which she refused, saying she was too exhausted from the last two rounds of chemo to go through it again. It was one of the reasons she was so worried about me. She didn’t know if she’d live to see me get married or heartbroken but she wanted to be there for me as much as possible. She wanted to protect me for as long as she could and now, she wanted me to consider taking over the diner for good.

I’d called off of work for the night. I felt incapable of shutting down my new concerns in favor of dominating someone. Sure, I was angry enough to make someone hurt. I felt completely out of control and I could use someone to help me reign my emotions back in but I didn’t want a stranger or even a regular client. I wanted my boyfriend or I didn’t want anyone. I’d texted him several times but he hadn’t answered me so I resorted to laying in our nest while I stewed in silence. I’d have to quit my job soon. Not that I was particularly bothered by that. I was already considering it when I saw how uncomfortable Benny felt but I hated that the deciding factor was my mother’s health. I’d hoped by moving in I could help her get better but the opposite was happening. I wasn’t ready to lose her and I hated that I had to be alone with these thoughts. I didn’t want to think about this.

At around 11:30pm I finally received a text back from my little omega, asking if I still wanted him to come over. I told him yes and that I would meet him out back. Then I prepared a few things for the night and went outside to wait, without even taking a look at my appearance. I didn’t care what I looked like and I knew Benny wouldn’t either. Getting dressed up wouldn’t matter anyways, with what I had planned for him. About ten minutes later I heard the sound of nails clacking on pavement and looked up to see a small, delicate, gray wolf walking towards me. The closer he got, the more beautiful he looked. His coat was sleek and shiny, looking almost silver in the pale moonlight and his eyes flashed with gold. He looked elated when he saw me and immediately ran the rest of the way, jumping into my lap as he licked my face before nuzzling against me.

I wrapped my arms around the tiny wolf, knowing instinctively that it was my Benny. His fur felt soft, like silk. He was perfect. “You’re a pretty little thing, you know that?” I asked as I scratched behind his ear.

The wolf licked my face again in response before backing out of my arms. I stood as I watched with fascinated horror while the soft fur began to recede back into Benny’s skin and his face slowly morphed back into that of a humans. I wasn’t as repulsed watching him transform as I had been with his brother but it was still unsettling to watch. What concerned me more was the fact that Benny was now standing completely naked for anyone to come across. That didn’t sit well with me and suddenly the anger I’d been feeling all night came out in physical form. I immediately grabbed him by the back of his neck and shoved him up against the wall as I covered his back with my own body.

“Don’t you have any clothes?” I practically snarled with a sharp bite to his shoulder, infuriated by the idea of anyone laying eyes on my pretty boyfriend like this.

“I-I do Master. I dropped them a few feet back, when I started running. I can’t wear clothes when I’m a wolf,” he explained as he pushed his tight little body up against mine. “I would have walked but I wanted to get here faster so I shifted. I was going to change but I saw you first. Are you upset with me?”

I allowed him a tiny bit of room so that he could turn to face me. “Yes,” I informed him before capturing his lips in a harsh, unforgiving kiss. “And you took forever to answer. Maybe I should punish you that?” I complained between kisses, surprising myself with how needy I sounded.

I wasn’t normally one to act like this but after everything, I did need my omega. More than he even knew. Ben tried to explain himself but I wouldn’t let him. I simply kissed him; some kisses were slow and soft but most were violent. A claiming of his mouth to where he couldn’t even breathe unless I let him. I kissed him hard until my lips were sore and his were bitten, cracking with traces of blood. Only then did I stop, knowing that if I didn’t I’d end up fucking him right there. I quickly took off my shirt and put it on him instead, ordering him to stay put while I walked to get his clothes for him, only I didn’t let him dress. The kitchen closed early, my mother had already gone to bed and my shirt covered just enough of Benny’s perfect little body to get him to my room without exposing him.

I grabbed the neck of his shirt, pulling his stumbling form across the dark kitchen, through the hallway and all the way down the stairs to my room. Then I stripped him of it and threw him down to the carpeted floor. The boy tried to get up but I stepped on his back, forcing him to stay down, pleased when he didn’t struggle against me. I reached over to my bookshelf and grabbed the pair of handcuffs I’d strategically placed there earlier and bound his slim wrists behind his back. Then I kicked off my shoes and walked to stand in front him, pushing his face against one bare foot with the other.

“Kiss them bitch,” I hissed as the insatiable need to control my tiny boyfriend took over my every thought and action. With a happy little whimper, Benny did just that, kissing and licking the sides and tops of my feet, his little tongue sweeping in between my toes with desperate little swipes.

Once I grew bored of his worship, I roughly grabbed a tuft of his hair in my fist and pulled him to his knees. The little omega whimpered in pain but I ignored that and lined my throbbing member up with his pretty face. “You want this slut?” I growled out as I slapped the side of his face with my leaking cock.

“Yes Master,” the boy practically purred as he looked up at me with need and adoration in his eyes.

I reached back to my dresser for the sparkly pink dildo and grabbed his cheeks so hard that I forced his lips to form a perfect little “o” shape. Then I shoved the toy into his mouth. “Drop it and you’ll be punished,” I threatened, smiling at the fresh look of disappointment in his eyes. “You made me wait, I’ll make you wait,” I teased with a soft caress to the side of his cheek. I kicked his knees open a bit more before walking back behind him, taking a pair of chained nipple clamps with me as I walked. I grabbed Benny by his hair again and yanked his head back so that he had to look up at me. “I don’t want to hear a sound out of you unless it’s your safe words. Understand?” I spat as I tightened my grip on his hair.

Benny nodded to the best of his ability, wincing as the action pulled at his hair even more. I grinned, deciding to test him. With his head still pulled back I pulled the toy out and spit in his mouth. “Swallow it,” I ordered with a knowing smile.

Benny didn’t even grimace as he obeyed, despite the fact that he hated being spat on. I shoved the toy back inside and began to fucked his mouth with the it, pushing the phallus effortlessly down his throat. I stopped then, admiring the slight bulge down the column of his neck with light finger tips. The boy shook from the difficulty of holding his position combined with less oxygen but I paid him no mind. I reached around with one hand to play with his gorgeous tits, pulling and twisting each one as hard as I could, trying to force a sound out of my little sub. When he resisted, I put the clamps on his nipples and tightened them as far as I could before yanking down on the chain. Benny stayed quiet but a small tear formed in the corner of his eye. As it rolled down his cheek I leaned in to lick it up before pressing my teeth against the plump skin.

“Such a good boy,” I purred in his ear with false sweetness. “Too bad it doesn’t really matter. I’m going to punish you anyways,” I continued with a hard smack to his ass. With that I let go of his hair and removed the dildo from his throat but not his mouth. I arranged him face down, ass up so that I had complete access to his little hole, balls and cage. “This really suits you baby,” I told him as I traced my finger around his confined little cock. He truly looked adorable all locked up and helpless.

I reached to my bookshelf for the final item of play, a sturdy but slim rod made of wood. I gripped it tightly in my fist and brought the cane down against the exposed sole of Benny’s small foot. The omega squirmed, fighting his desire to run from the pain as I brought the cane down another three times, each strike harder than the previous. I tried to hold back from hitting him too hard but I’ll admit a tiny part of my brain wanted him completely dependent on me, even for walking. I hadn’t realized how irritated I was by Benny’s insistence in fighting his submissive side until this moment. Turns out I was actually furious. This was one of the few times during our play where I felt truly suited for my role. I wanted to break him so that he never forgot that I was his Master. I would take care of him and he could get over it. If I wanted to help him I would. If I wanted to feed him I would. If I wanted to please him I would. I could do anything I wanted and he needed to get that through his pretty little head. He was mine. Mine! He didn’t have a choice in the matter.

“Please.. M-Master y-yellow. Please,” Benny whimpered pathetically causing me to stop my abuse of his feet.

I looked down, a little shocked to see the dark angry lines that covered the soles of both feet. I lightly traced my thumb against his foot feeling oddly satisfied when I heard Benny’s feeble whimper. He really would need my help after this and I was selfishly pleased as well as a little horrified by my monstrous desires. I walked back around to where Benny had spit the dildo and picked it up, then I leaned over and shoved it inside his upturned ass with no warning at all. The boy gasped but he didn’t protest. I began to undress, slowly removing my pants and underwear so that my sub had time to squirm, not knowing what I’d do to him next.

“Open your mouth bitch,” I snarled, nudging Benny’s chin with my big toe.

The boy complied easily, allowing me to shove my sweaty boxers inside. I picked up my cane once more and circled back so that I had the perfect view of his exposed ass and balls. I wanted him to cry when he sat next. I brought the cane down on one of the omega’s asscheeks, smiling at the instant red mark that appeared. Benny didn’t normally get marks that fast so the strike must have hurt but the boy only gasped pitifully around his gag. I spanked his opposite cheek this time but just as hard, making the skin glow red once more.

“You look beautiful,” I suddenly murmured as I ran my finger along the painful looking marks, causing him to flinch. I let my fingers trail down to his balls. “Shall I spank them too?” I asked sweetly, grinning when Benny’s thighs shook, as if he were fighting with himself to keep them open for me. I swatted his balls with my fingertips, making him jump, and then brought the cane back down across both asscheeks.

I spanked him until the red lines on his ass matched the ones on his feet, finishing with one stroke against his balls. Benny nearly screamed and I was glad that I’d used as little force as possible for that one. Seeing his little body covered in my marks was such a turn on. I felt my cock harden as I took in my handiwork, pleased that while I had marked him, I hadn’t drawn any blood. He didn’t need to bleed to be reminded of his place.

I pulled the dildo out of Benny’s ass and replaced it with my cock immediately, satisfied with the girlish little moan he let escape through the gag. “Don’t you dare cum baby,” I warned as I thrust deep inside of his warm, wet hole. I fucked his little asshole for nearly an hour, stopping every so often to keep from cumming too soon. At one point I even ripped off his nipple clamps, which caused him to cry out loudly. I knew it was reckless of me to allow him to make sounds like that but I was beyond caring.

Although Benny had long ago given up holding back his whimpers of pain, I did nothing to punish him further. All I cared about was fucking his little hole raw. I wanted everything he tried to do over the next few days to be difficult. I wanted him to remember what I did to him. I wanted him to remember where he belonged and who he belonged to. Only when Benny’s hole began to look red and rosy did I finally cum.

“You better hold my cum inside of you,” I warned as I slowly pulled out of his sensitive ass. Benny didn’t spill a drop, holding everything in perfectly until I aided him by slipping the toy back inside. Then I unlocked his hand cuffs and removed the gag from his mouth. “Crawl,” I ordered with a light kick to his ass. The boy crawled forward on shaking limbs, looking as if he might collapse at any second. Luckily he didn’t have very far to go. Once Benny was inside my bathroom I helped him kneel inside the tub. “You ready for my cock baby?” I teased as I rubbed my softened dick against his cheek. Benny nodded eagerly, “Well get it nice and hard then love,” I murmured all the while knowing it was too soon for me to get fully hard again.

To his credit, Benny did try his hardest but it didn’t really feel the best. I was a little too sensitive for one and for two my bladder was pretty full. I never meant for him to succeed in the first place. After a minute or so I could tell that the boy was getting frustrated and I chuckled down at him. “I guess you’ll have to please me some other way. Take out your plug,” I ordered cryptically, pleased when my cum and his slick began to puddle beneath him. Then I slowly released my bladder, aiming my cock so that I pissed all over the omega, from his cage to his body, to his face, even managing to drench his soft blonde hair. Once I was finished, I took a step back to admire my submissive boyfriend kneeling in a puddle of my fluids, surprised by how hot I found it all. Normally I would have never done something like that. I didn’t enjoy watching or even hearing about water sports but this felt different. I hadn’t exactly planned on it until I came but once the idea crossed my mind I had to see it through. To me, I’d found the perfect way to show Benny his role in all of this. He was mine. Mine to take care of. Mine to use. Mine to break. Mine to own.

“You’re not the one in charge here. Ever.” I told him in a stern voice as I grabbed his chin in my fist. “I don’t know what crap you were up to this morning and maybe there’s a good reason for it but never do that again,” I warned.

“I understand Master. I swear I won’t,” the boy whispered looking sated but remorseful.

I turned on the shower and adjusted the water temperature making sure it wasn’t too hot or cold and detached the shower head. I made sure to throughly rinse both Benny and the tub clean. Then I grabbed the soap and my loofa and began to scrub my boyfriend skin, rinsing the soap away before moving onto his hair. Once I was satisfied, I filled the tub with fresh warm water. As the water filled the tub I got in behind my tiny lover, pulling him between my legs as I supported his back with my chest. “Thank you for my punishment Master,” the boy suddenly said as he slowly rubbed one of his injured feet down my leg. “It will be hard to walk home later but I deserved it.”

“You don’t have to leave soon do you?” I complained as I tightened my hold on him, detesting the idea that he’d hurt himself walking home tonight. “You just got here.”

“No. I’m probably pushing my luck with my newfound freedom but I can stay the night if you want? I’m not sure I could walk right away anyways.”

“That’s the second time you’ve mentioned walking. Baby I will drive you-”

“No. We’ll get caught again,” Benny interrupted.

“Again?” I asked, wondering if someone besides his brother had discovered us.

“My brother saw us kissing. He confronted me about it today. It’s the reason why I didn’t respond to your messages right away. We went for a run and he yelled at me. I forgot my phone at home. I’m so sorry Master. Please forgive me for letting you down,” the omega explained but I froze in shock.

“Are you okay baby? I shouldn’t have-but I didn’t-how could you let me treat you that harshly?! We should have talked or-”

“No! Please Master, don’t doubt yourself. You gave me exactly what I needed. I’ve needed you to dominate me all morning and it finally happened. It was so good. It’s always good,” Benny replied, practically purring with contentment. “But.. why didn’t you tell me that you met my brother? He mentioned that he talked to you but you never said anything about it to me,” he added, sounding a little bit sadder than before.

“I wasn’t trying to keep anything from you baby. I just didn’t want to worry you. You’ve been stressed out about us dating enough as it is. I didn’t want to make it worse. I didn’t want you to feel like you had to choose between us either.”

“Oh. What did he want?”

“For me to break up with you. Told me I was wasting my time. That sort of thing, so nothing too important,” I explained without getting into the threats of Benny leaving me.

“You didn’t listen?”

“Obviously not baby,” I replied with a soft kiss to his shoulder.

Benny was quiet for several minutes and when he spoke again he sounded like he might cry.

“T-there’s something I need to tell you but I’m not brave enough to say just yet,” Benny muttered softly.

I tightened my hold on him once more, feeling his heart race beneath his chest. “What do you think will happen if you tell me?” I asked gently.

The omega didn’t speak again for several moments but then he began to tremble in my arms. “I keep trying to tell myself that it won’t be so bad. You’re a human. You won’t see what I’ve become, not like an real alpha would, so it’ll be okay to tell you. Safe. But… Master.. to me.. you are my alpha,” he tried to explain. “If you r-reject me after I tell you I.. I don’t know what I’ll do.”

I leaned in and slowly began to kiss the back of Benny’s neck and shoulders as I gently dug my fingers into his back, massaging the tension away. “I won’t reject you,” I promised before turning his face to meet mine in a tender kiss.

“You don’t know what you’re saying. I-I can’t tell you,” he mumbled sounding terrified.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I continued to promise as I kissed him again.

“But maybe-”

“You’re stuck with me baby,” I reassured cutting off his final protest with another sweet kiss.


Ben’s Pov:

“Promise me that you’ll still play with me after I tell you everything,” I told Adam once I was dry and laying next to him in our nest as the little spoon. “I don’t mean right after of course, I just mean in general. I don’t want you to stop just because.. I’m an idiot sometimes,” I begged as I thought about how I used him to reenact my past trauma.

“I promise baby,” Adam replied easily as he kissed my bare shoulder.

I shivered lightly, knowing I’d be hard if my cock was free. My Master had gotten so close to my scent gland tonight and it comforted me just as much as it made me want him. Unfortunately, now wasn’t the time for lust. I worked to calm my mind, quickly sobered by the memories of my past that came flooding to the surface.

“So.. I presented as an omega quite young for my age, from birth actually. It’s not common but it happens sometimes. Usually it happens for our pack leaders and their mates. This makes it easy to secure mate contracts for their offspring almost from birth, though the couple still has to wait to meet each other,” I explained trying to give some history about my odd predicament. “The thing is, even though I’m the first omega to the second in command, I’m not special enough to be of interest to a royal. Compared to someone like Prince Fae, I’m just a normal omega so there wasn’t anything to gain from knowing how I’d turn out before everyone else. I didn’t have an alpha to be promised to, so it just made my life inconvenient.

It meant that I had to be way more cautious than others my age, being unclaimed as I was, and I had to take suppressants so that I wouldn’t attract or be attracted to other alphas. Although alphas typically cannot scent an omega until they’re of age, someone like me can set off their dominant pheromones. Which would trigger my own in return and if that happened, it could cause an alpha to go into a rut in want of me. Which could lead to my own body responding by going into heat, regardless of age. And.. fuck.. if I went into heat randomly while around my pack.. I.. I don’t even want to say what could happen.” I shivered as I imagined a hoard of alpha’s trying to get their hands on me, tearing me to shreds while they fucked me, killing me and possibly each other in the process. “Needless to say, my condition posed a threat to my own safety and the safety of everyone else. Luckily, a light suppressant keeps everything in check and allows for normal development. By the age of twelve, I would have been able to come off of it as the rest of my peers would have caught up and presented. Together with the other omega’s, I would begin learning to control my scent and experiencing preheats and how to relieve those, slowly working up to a full heat before coming of age.

Well.. I.. I couldn’t stand being on the suppressant. It made everything feel dull and my nose burned all the time so I begged my parents to go to our queen for another option and she provided a compromise. I could chose to go to school with humans and take a break from my medication during those hours, if I agreed to take a half dosage of the suppressant when I was in wolf territory. I would be required to be on it any time I would be in contact with our kind from any pack but around humans… I could be free. This option sounded like heaven to me but it ended up ruining my life.

Because I was only halfway on the medication, whenever I was off of it, my ability to scent dominance became enhanced. At first that only meant small things, like immediately giving up my possessions without a fight to any boy that seemed like he could destroy me. Then it turned into things like doing their homework or taking the fall for something they did, giving up my lunch or lunch money. I was literally a punching bag at one point but I didn’t fight back so that got boring for them. I never got upset or told anyone. To me, all of that was preferable over having my senses constantly dulled. Then there was the fact that, although I now understand that those boys were being cruel to me, back then I loved the dominant attention. So it didn’t bother me that they were mean and controlling. I loved when they bullied me and I couldn’t help but do what they asked. It felt good.”

The grip Adam had on me gradually tightened until it hurt but considering what I was about to say, I was grateful for his touch. “There was one boy in particular that I.. couldn’t help but develop a small crush on,” I admitted feeling ashamed of myself. “He knew I liked him and he liked to use it against me. I was practically his little slave by the time I was supposed to go back to the Lotus Pack school. He’d sort of become obsessed with me which.. I liked. Everything was going fine until I told him that it would be the last week I’d be at the school. I wasn’t going to the new school with everyone else from our year, I was going back to my own territory. He didn’t like hearing that and asked me to go the shed behind the school so he could say goodbye without prying eyes once evening choir practice let out.”

“Baby,” Adam interrupted, “Is this what I think-”

“Probably,” I admitted, feeling tears well up in my eyes. “But please just let me say it. I won’t go into details.” Like I did for Drew, I thought.

I felt Adam nod as he snuggled in close, shielding as much of my body as he possibly could with his own. Strangely this gave me the strength I needed to continue. “I stupidly thought he might kiss me but that’s not what happened. I.. I try to not think about it so I don’t remember everything but I know he blindfolded me. Eventually I realized I was surrounded and I felt so small and submissive. I was terrified too but I couldn’t help how my body responded to all of their scents combined. They wanted to rape me. I knew they did. I could smell it and my wolf went wild for it. Their scent.. it was so overwhelming! It was so aggressive and demanding and it made me feel so fucking hot and confused! I was literally dripping with sweat just from the smell and… I don’t know how but that scent threw me into my first full heat. I couldn’t help it at all. Suddenly I wanted to be surrounded. I wanted everyone of them. I honestly did and they took advantage of that. I can’t remember how long it went on for. Not as long as it felt, I know that and.. it didn’t feel good for me, even though I wanted it. The whole thing was strange and terrifying.”

“Baby,” Adam whispered in horror.

“It’s okay. One of the boys got cold feet beforehand and found my brother, since he was the one who always picked me up from after school activities. He also got the choir teacher. Between the two of them I was rescued pretty quickly and the boys were all punished. The human police got involved and we went to court. Everything was done that could be done,” I assured my worried boyfriend. “Anyways, the most horrible part for me was afterwards. I had to spend the rest of my heat locked up in a hospital room, like a caged animal, all alone for days. It was confusing and scary. I didn’t know how to cope with what my body wanted and I ended up hurting myself, though I was too embarrassed to tell anyone.

As depressing as it is to say, most of my heats have been like that. Because I started having them so young, I ended up missing a year of school. This was due to the fact that I went into heat so many times that first year that I couldn’t learn anything. Every two weeks I was locked up in that same insufferable room for at least five days and I had to clue what to do with myself. It wasn’t until I got older and started dating Drew that I realized my body craved sex with an alpha. Most omegas have their first time during heat, when they’re with someone they really like or more likely someone they’ll mate. It makes us feel safer to let instinct take over but I didn’t want to start intimacy with Drew during my heat after what happened. I was too anxious to do that. All my heat had ever done was torture me with need and desire and the nightmares of that night. The idea of spending it with another wolf after all that was intimidating. I was willing to try but I needed time and patience. I needed to know he wouldn’t hurt me.

Drew didn’t like the idea of doing things different from tradition, as he’s a very traditional type of alpha. He felt I should trust him with my heat no matter what. We started fighting a lot over it and I didn’t know what to do so I asked my brother. Gabe advised me to tell him. He said that if my alpha was the one for me, then he’d instantly feel protective of me and he’d take care of me. So, during my preheat, with a heart full of hope and longing, I came clean to Drew and explained why I wasn’t comfortable. I told him every tiny detail because he asked to hear it. I didn’t want to and I cried the whole time, especially when I could smell his contempt for me growing stronger with every word I said. I offered him my heat in the end, in hopes that he’d smell how close I was and be tempted.

He wasn’t tempted, not even a little bit. He was very cruel with his reaction actually. He laughed in my face. He was.. disgusted with me and he let me know how much,” I admitted sadly. I could still remember how he’d recoiled as he listened, looking at me with so much distaste that I felt ugly for the first time in my life. When he rejected my heat, it nearly broke me. “He was offended that humans had soiled me first. That’s what he was pissed about most.. that I was “broken in” as he said. He told me it was my fault, that I was asking for it. He said I was a freak and a slut, that he’d never heard of an omega going for a human before me and that I was an abomination for it. He told me I was ruined and worthless and no one would ever want to claim me after what I’d done. He said he couldn’t believe he took a chance on the weird omega that always disappeared because of the heats I had during school hours. He broke up with me, said he felt sick just thinking about fucking me. It was too revolting for him to even consider. I made him promise to never tell anyone and he agreed but only because I threatened to tell our queen if he told.

I went into heat right after our conversation and it was my most painful one yet. This time Gabe found out that I’d hurt myself. It was too obvious. I had to be restrained for part of my heat because of it. I was in the hospital for a while after that, just trying to find the will to live at all. I was so shattered from what he said and really… I still kinda am.”

“I’m so sorry baby,” Adam murmured as he held me tight. “He’s so wrong though and he’s the one that’s disgusting for reacting like that. You didn’t do a thing to feel bad about or ashamed over. None of it was your fault. I hope you know that by now?”

I turned in my Master’s arms, trying to get even closer to my alpha. “Does that mean you still want me?” I asked timidly, shaking like a leaf the entire time.

“I’ll always want you Benny,” Adam promised before kissing my forehead.

“Well then… l-last night,” I continued, wanting to finally get everything out in the open, “I found out that Drew told Logan about… what those boys did and apparently he thinks it’s,” my voice cracked then as I let out a sob. “He thinks it’s funny that nobody wants me. Logan told me as he touched me. It was all so humiliating and I felt so powerless but… my brother saw that something was wrong and he attacked Logan. They fought and Logan ran his mouth about me never having anyone during my heat as well as declaring that I liked being forced because he was able to make me cum. The worst part was that there were so many pack members there watching the fight. Even my sisters saw and heard… I.. it was so shameful. I haven’t wanted to show my face since. When I got home today, my parents told me that word of the fight had gotten around. Apparently packs are actively requesting that I stay away from their alpha’s,” I told my Master with a hollow little laugh.

“Oh sweetheart. You poor little thing,” Adam cooed before kissing my forehead again. “I should have never punished you. I should have-”

“Don’t pity me Master,” I interrupted, seeing that my boyfriend was beginning to regret his treatment of me. “You haven’t heard the worst thing I did. The reason I deserved for you to punish me. You see.. late last night or.. maybe early this morning… I had a nightmare. I was back in the shed with those boys.. I woke up and.. I.. I just felt so submissive and weak and I just.. I don’t know what I was thinking. I don’t know why I did it. It was so stupid of me but I.. sort of.. pretended I was still there when I gave you that blow job. I used you to reenact my trauma and I’m so sorry Master. I should have never done that to you.”

“It’s alright sweetheart,” Adam replied.

“No! It’s not alright! It’s anything but alright.”

“Yes it is baby. I’m not-”

“No!” I insisted. “It’s not! I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t deserve-”

“Shhh. Calm down baby. It’s okay. Everything’s gonna be okay from now on. I’m not going anywhere,” my Master promised as he rolled on top of me. He grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head as he leaned in to kiss me. “After everything I’ve heard, I can’t be mad at you. I’m not thrilled over what you did but I feel like I kind of get it. Just don’t do it again. Wake me up. Talk to me. Let me be there for you properly. Okay beautiful?” My alpha asked as he gazed down at me with warmth and adoration in his hazel eyes.

I shook my head in amazement, unable to keep up with all the surprising turns of the day. “That was so terrifying to say and now I just feel silly for keeping it a secret. I can’t believe you still want me and you don’t think badly of me. How do you make everything feel so easy?” I murmured, accepting more of my alpha’s gentle kisses.

“It’s a gift,” he hummed with a grin as his lips began to trail down my neck to my chest.

“Hurts,” I protested lightly, trying to avoid his fingers on my tender nipples. “I.. I can’t go again like before.”

“I’ll be gentle love. I promise,” my Master assured as he peppered light kisses all over my chest and aching flesh.

I didn’t stop him. I didn’t want to. I was feeling more vulnerable than I ever had in my entire life and all I wanted was to feel loved. This was perfect, even if my body was sore. I could trust my alpha to be gentle with me. I let my thighs fall open, inviting my mate close. He kissed down my stomach and inner thighs, kissing around my cage and teasing my balls with his lips and tongue. I could feel my little cock struggling to fill out but it had nowhere to go. I wondered if he might unlock me and I was torn with what I wanted so I hoped he wouldn’t ask. He could choose. I wanted whatever my mate wanted.

Adam chose that moment to push my thighs to my chest so that he could spread my asscheeks apart. “You look so pretty baby. So puffy and used,” he murmured as the pad of his thumb brushed across my swollen, wet hole. “All mine,” he moaned before thrusting his tongue inside of my soaked passage.

I cried out wantonly as I submitted my body to him, allowing every bit of affection that he wanted to give. I no longer had the desire to fight for something harder and not just because I’d already been punished. It was more than that. I trusted Adam. I trusted him completely and I knew I could never want anyone else in the same way. Adam was mine, my mate, my alpha, and I was his. My mate could have me however he liked. I would never object. Adam was my living fantasy. I could never do anything to deserve him being real but here he was. Mending the body he’d broken with all the tenderness and care of a lover.

And I did feel loved by him but even if I was wrong and he didn’t love me, whatever he felt was good enough. I was his for as long as he wanted me to be. If he cast me aside one day and found someone new, so what? Yeah, it would hurt but I knew I would serve them both if, only to remain close to my Master. I would cling to Adam for longer than forever, even if he didn’t want me, I’d pathetically cling to him. He was my mate even if I wasn’t his. The queen herself could no longer keep me from him, no one could. Nobody else would ever be enough for me, now that I was hopelessly devoted to him.

“Can I baby?” My alpha asked as the tip of his cock gently nudged my hole.

“Please Alpha,” I whined with need as I reached out for him. “Make love to me,” I nearly whispered out of self consciousness, for never had I asked for that in my entire life.

My mate slowly pushed his large cock back inside of me, causing me to sigh happily throughout the sting. “You need me so badly, don’t you baby?”

“Yes Alpha,” I admitted weakly.

“I’ll take care of you love. My sweet little omega. You feel so good stretched around me. All warm and perfect,” he sighed as he gently began to thrust. “You’re so beautiful when you let yourself go with me. All mine.”

“Yes, yours,” I sighed blissfully.

I felt so full, my mate was so deep inside of me. It felt as if he owned my body from the inside out and I loved it. I gasped as he nudged my prostate, sending pleasure throughout my whole body. After how long I’d waited, it felt so good to experience tenderness mixed pleasure again. I gave in completely, losing my mind with how my alpha abused my prostate, keeping me in a near constant state of arousal yet backing off right before I could cum. He took his time with me, alternating between fast and hard to slow and deep thrusts, sending me closer and closer to the edge, until I could do nothing but moan with need. Adam leaned forward and grabbed my thighs, pulling me closer as he fucked me, forcing my legs around him. Then he laid forward and claimed my hands, pinning them down as he pressed his lips against mine. His tongue soon demanded entry into my mouth and I allowed it, losing myself in the sweetness of his sloppy kissing.

“You gonna cum just from me fucking your little pussy baby?” Adam finally asked, punctuating his question with a delicious thrust that made my toes curl.

“Yes alpha, if you wish it,” I moaned as I tried to angle my body just right.

Adam placed a gentle hand on my face and let his fingers trace along my jaw as he slowed his thrusts. He lazily brushed that bundle of nerves now, inching me to the edge at the pace of a snail. “Look at me baby,” he ordered as his heated eyes met mine. “I’ll always be there for you. Always. You’re mine. No one can keep me from you. I want you to remember that.” Then he leaned closer to whisper, “Cum whenever your ready darling.” He sped back up, smacking his heavy balls against my ass as he forced my orgasm out of me. I cried out as my cock spasmed against my cage, leaving streams of cum to run down my balls as I quivered beneath my alpha. Watching me come undone seemed to be enough for my mate and soon I could feel his warm seed as it began to fill my ass. I weakly laid against the sheets, too sated and exhausted to move another muscle. I’d been given a perfect, though unexpected, scene and bared my heart to the man I loved, finding acceptance and tenderness in return. I couldn’t remember a moment when I’d ever felt this happy and free.

I sighed in contentment when Adam didn’t pull out right away but instead held me close as he caught his breath. I could get used to this, I thought. This was what it was like to live as someone’s mate. I was sure of it. “Alpha, my heat is coming up and.. I was hoping… Alpha, would you please spend my heat with me? Pretty please? I’ll do anything!” I heard myself beg as I flushed warmly. I’d planned on asking differently, perhaps in a more romantic way, but I was feeling entirely safe, connected and oh so sleepy that it just slipped out. “Shhhit. I didn’t mean to say it like that. I just-”

Adam hushed me with a passionate kiss that left me breathless. “Of course baby. I was hoping you’d ask,” he finally replied as he gently pulled out and arranged his body around mine. I contentedly curled into him, laying my tired head on his chest while I ignored the cum and slick as it lazily dripped down my thighs.

“Thank you Alpha,” I murmured happily as the need to sleep began to overtake me.

“Hey Benny?”

“Hmm?” I asked as my eyelids fluttered closed.

“I.. I… I really … um.. what I mean to say is… Well. I-If you have another nightmare, wake me up okay? I won’t mind. I’ll help you.”

“Yes Alpha,” I murmured tiredly as I snuggled in closer to his side. “You know, I think you might love me,” I heard myself whisper as my thoughts began to melt away.

“I think you might be right,” Adam replied, though I couldn’t tell you if he said the words out loud or merely in my dreams. Either way, I believed them.

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