The Party Favor

A gay story: The Party Favor I had been, well, fuck buddies with Albert for about three years. He called me every Monday afternoon to let me know when we were going to meet during the coming week. I was actually waiting for him to call me right now. He was a bit older than me. Thirty six years older to be exact. I had always been into older men. They didn’t often turn into a regular thing, but I lucked out with Albert. He was a healthy, spry man and very sexually active. Another stroke of luck, he was a top and fairly dominant, a great match for me.

My phone was ringing. That had to be Albert. I hope he had something good in store for me. He usually does.

I answered the phone and, sure enough, it was him.

“Hey, Chris, How are you today?” he asked.

“I’m pretty good, thanks. How’s everything with you?” I replied.

“Great so far. I wanted to ask, are you free on Friday?”

“Yes, I don’t have anything planned for Friday.”

“Good,” he said, “I’m having a party at my place on Friday with some of my friends. Would you be able to come over around eight o’ clock and stay ’til four in the morning, maybe longer?”

“Yeah, of course.” I said.

“Fantastic. I want you to be the, sort of, guest of honor. I’m kind of busy this week and I have to run right now. I’ll call you on Thursday and let you know more.” He replied.

We said our good byes and hung up. Friday was four days away. I was already anxious to know what he had in mind. A party. His friends. I hadn’t met any of his friends up to now. This was definitely a first. I didn’t know exactly what this meant. It had always been the two of us, alone. He had mentioned his friends several times before, sure, but I had not met even one of them yet. I would just have to wait until Thursday to find out more. The anticipation was palpable.

Thursday rolled around, as it always does, and I was nervously awaiting Albert’s call. I had worked up all kinds of theories in my head, but today I would know for sure what he had in mind. I was very curious as to why he would want me there along with his friends. I wasn’t even sure that this would be sexual in nature. Although I hoped it would be, I had no way of knowing for sure. It may just be a social gathering at his place and nothing more.

Finally, my phone rang. I answered on the first ring and it was Albert.

“So, what’s up for tomorrow?” I asked him.

“Well, I’m having some friends over. It’s a bunch of guys I know from around the city, and some of us get together from time to time to have some drinks and talk. We’re all gay, we’re all close in age, and we’re all tops, so there’s a lot in common. Lot’s of things for us to talk about. I happened to mention our situation, how I see you on a recurring basis, and they were very curious, maybe even a little jealous, that I had a regular thing like that. Especially with a guy so much younger than myself. I guess I’m kinda lucky to have that with you, and I couldn’t resist sharing it with them.”

“I’m lucky, too,” I said, “to have a man like you interested in me. You keep me satisfied and content. I couldn’t ask for more.”

“Thank you,” he replied, “I feel the same. Now, let me ask you an important question. Have you ever been gang banged?”

“Yes, a few times.” I replied honestly.

“This would be a little bit different, but not a whole lot. I would like you to be a centerpiece at the party. A kind of party favor.”

So, it would be sexual in nature. That was just what I was hoping to hear. “How would something like that work?” I asked.

“One of my friends will bring over a… piece of furniture he has. It’s sort of a bench. It has metal loops on it to fasten restraints to, which, of course, you would be wearing. Your mouth and ass would be easily accessible. We would have our party around you, eating, drinking, talking, and whenever someone felt like putting something in your mouth or your ass, they would.”

“How many guys are we talking about?” I inquired.

“I invited twelve. Most likely nine will show up,” he replied, “not counting me. I wanted to share some of my good fortune with them. I know their tastes and I know for sure they would like you quite a bit. I believe you mentioned that you liked being with more than one man at a time, so I thought this might a fun night for everyone. That is, of course, if it’s okay with you.”

I had been gang banged, yes, but the most I’ve done at one time was four. This may prove to be very interesting. I was always looking to expand my horizons, especially sexually. “Okay,” I said, “I can do that. It actually does sounds like a fun night. I can definitely get into this.”

“Excellent,” he said, “Wear your red and black jockstrap. I like the way you look in that and I’m sure they will too. Can you be here by seven thirty so we can set you up?”

“Sure, I’ll see you then.”

We hung up and I was thinking about what awaited me. This was definitely going to be different for me. His friends must be in their mid to late sixties and I felt I was going to enjoy this immensely. A group of older men using me whenever the mood struck? Count me in for sure!

Friday was finally here. I was excited, to say the least. I prepared myself for the evening, doing the full bottom routine. I put on my jockstrap, The black one with the red stripes, and got dressed. It was a chilly fall evening, so I grabbed a jacket and was off.

I arrived at Albert’s place at twenty minutes after seven. The doorman let me up and I rode the elevator to his apartment. Albert greeted me and introduced me to his friend, who was standing beside him. This man was presumably the friend who brought that very specific piece of furniture. He was around Albert’s age, tall and fairly fit. Very nice. If he was any indications of what Albert’s friends were like, it would be a good night, indeed.

I followed them in and I could see the apartment was set up for a party. The contents of the living room had been temporarily moved to another part of the apartment. There were two long tables, one on either side of the room. One was lined with bottles of various liquors, wines, beers and sodas, along with glasses for these beverages. On the other side of the room was a table with various foods on it. There were cheese and vegetable platters, hors d’oeuvres, and large plates of hot and cold foods. Plates and silverware were, of course provided. I also noticed that each table had a small section set aside that had several large bottles of lubrication available. There were chairs placed randomly around the empty space that remained against the walls. There was soft music playing in another room that could be heard clearly, though not overly loud.

In the middle of the now mostly empty room, seemingly an island unto itself, was the bench that Albert’s friend, Mitch, had already set up. Apparently, I was to be the main course. The bench was rectangular and padded, covered with what looked like black leather. It had adjustable legs, each having a metal loop welded onto the side that I could be fastened to.

“This is where you will be spending most of the night. Get undressed and we’ll get you ready.” Albert said.

I started undressing, putting my clothes on top of the bench. In no time, I was wearing nothing but my jockstrap. Mitch came over to gather my clothes and bring them to another room. He handed me the restraints, saying “Here, put these on and I’ll be right back to finish you up. I love that jockstrap on you.”

I put the restraints on my wrists and ankles. They were a matching set in red leather. They were very comfortable,with a plush padding on the inside. Each had a metal ring on it, and attached to each metal ring was a medium sized carabiner.

Mitch said “Lie over the bench real quick.” I did so. He adjusting the legs to just the right length. I was in a sort of doggy style position, my ass just off the end of the bench, my head hanging free in the front, my legs bent at the knee, my arms straight down at the shoulder. He adjusted the bench so my entrances would be average crotch height, standing in front of me a couple of times to get his measurements correct. The restraints lined up perfectly. It would certainly provide easy access for anyone who was interested,

“Okay,” said Albert, “we have a few minutes before the guests should start arriving. You want something to drink?”

“I’ll have a glass of soda.” I replied.

I stood drinking my soda in nothing but a jock strap and four restraints. I felt very ready for this party to begin. I finished my drink quickly and both Albert and Mitch led me over to the bench. I straddled it and Albert attached my wrist restraints to the front legs and Mitch attached my ankle restraints to the rear. Albert stuck a lube shooter in my ass and injected some lubrication inside, and then a second shot of lube was inserted. I was now ready for the arrival of the guests and whatever they may have in mind.

Albert gave me a light smack on the ass and said “Have a great time tonight. If you need or want anything, make sure to let me know. I want tonight to be a wonderful time for everyone.”

A moment later, several of Albert’s friends arrived. It sounded like three, maybe four, were coming in. Albert led them to another room, and I heard him saying “Let’s go in here for a few minutes. I want to wait until everyone is here to unveil my surprise.” and then some low chatter that I really couldn’t make out.

A couple of minutes later what sounded like two more of Albert’s friends entered, and he led them to the other room, also. I did hear Albert say “Don’t worry, you guys are going to like this. Very much, I think.”

Finally, the remainder of his friends showed up, and he led them to the other room, as well. Albert was explaining the scenario to them and I could hear him clearly.

“I’m both surprised and pleased that all of you showed up. I have quite an evening planned for you. There are drinks and food, please help yourselves to whatever you want. Also, as I have mentioned before, I have a very special party favor for everyone, so feel free to help yourselves to that, as well. I am quite sure you will all be happy with what I have provided for you tonight. So, let’s go to the next room and get started.”

They came into the main party room and Albert said “Everyone, this is Chris. Chris, this is everyone. Chris will be your party favor for the night. He is here for your use, so, don’t be bashful, take whatever you want. And have fun with it.”

I felt several hands rubbing my ass and my legs, One hand running up and down my back and another hand stroking my arm. Three men were in front of me, looking me up and down. If I had tires, I’m sure they would have kicked them. They seemed to be pleased. After several minutes, they all dispersed to the tables to have some food and drinks.

They were milling about the tables, circulating from one to the other and back again, talking among themselves in hushed tones. After roughly a half an hour, it seemed as if no one wanted to be the first to have a go at me and, apparently, Albert noticed. He came over to me, knelt down close to my face and asked “Are you alright?”

“Sure,” I answered, “I’m fine.”

“Good.” Said Albert. “It seems like no one wants to be the first. Maybe they’re afraid I’ll be jealous or something. Whatever the case may be, I’m going to get this started. You ready for this?”

I shook my head to acknowledge that I was quite ready, anxious even, for the festivities to begin, and said, simply, “Absolutely.”

Albert stood up and dropped his pants. His cock was semi hard and continuing to grow as he put it in my mouth. I was very familiar with this particular part of his anatomy, so this was a comfortable way to start. He was a bit over six inches and not overly thick and I had coaxed many, many a load out of this particular dick in many, many different ways. The room became silent and I could only imagine that everyone was watching this display.

Albert paused with his cock half way in my mouth and said “Hey, Mitch, come over here. Try this out. It’s very good.” I heard Mitch’s zipper open as he approached. Albert withdrew from my mouth and Mitch entered in his place. Mitch was about seven inches and fairly thick, his manhood filling my mouth. He began to fuck my face, slow and deep, his thick head on the verge of pulling out before he slowly thrust back in. After a minute or so, Mitch said “Hey, Tim, get over here and check this out.”

Tim came over at Mitch’s request and looked down at what Mitch was doing. He was tall, at least six feet and four or five inches, and rubbing his crotch as he watched what going on in my mouth.

“That looks fuckin’ hot.” Tim moaned.

Mitch pulled out of my mouth fully and said “Give it a try, Tim, he’s a good cocksucker. I know you appreciate that. You won’t be disappointed.”

Tim dropped his pants to his ankles and out came a beautiful piece of manhood, at least eight inches long, with well defined veins crisscrossing his splendor. It had a large, well shaped head at the end and I could see he also had a large, hanging pair of balls. He kicked off his shoes, stepped out of his pants and pulled his shirt off. Tim rubbed the head of his cock across my lips several times and then nudged with the head, seeking entry. I opened my mouth and accepted him inside.

At the same time, Mitch was heading around back, saying “I’m gonna try some of this ass. Looks good to me.” He rubbed and squeezed my ass a bit and then I felt his tongue begin to circle my asshole. He traced the entire circumference and then began to gently push inward with his tongue. Having my ass eaten while my mouth is full of cock is an exquisite feeling, a great way to set the tone of this party. Tim was slowly fucking my face and stopping occasionally to have me service his balls. They had an aroma and taste that were as delightful as their appearance.

Mitch had now stopped eating my ass and I could feel the head of his cock pressing against my hole. From the sounds around me, it seemed as if the other party guests were now gathering around to watch the spectacle. All I could see was Tim’s belly as he continued to fuck my face gently, but the conversational voices and whispering were quite near.

Mitch had by now slipped all the way into my ass and was beginning to thrust. He opened me up pretty good and had full access. I was now filled up at both ends with skewers of male flesh and feeling very grateful that Albert had come up with this idea.

Behind Tim, I heard a voice say “Come on, give somebody else a shot.”

“Okay, There’s plenty to go around, don’t worry about it.” Tim said as he pulled out of my mouth. Almost instantly, another cock was in my mouth. This one was around five inches and rather thin, but no less enjoyable.

Mitch was slowly pulling out of my ass and, in no time, someone else was sliding in. Mitch definitely opened me up nicely because this new one went in with ease. I was now being fucked at a more rapid pace while the cock in my mouth was being extracted.

Another man stepped in and his member went straight in my mouth. Another nice sized cock, it was working itself in and out of my mouth right away. The man who had just left my mouth now climbed up and sat on my back. From the feel I could tell he was jerking off while sitting on me. My ass was being pounded pretty good now. I think I may have to tell Albert to do this sort of thing with more frequency. The cock in my mouth pulled out and a new one entered. My ass was now vacant and a new customer took the place of the old, also sliding in with ease.

The man on my back now shot his load all over the back of my head. My hair was cut very short and it ran down my ears and the back of my neck. He dismounted me and the man who had mounted me from behind now pulled out so someone else could step in.

Up front, a new cock was beginning to enter my mouth. I couldn’t tell if this was a repeat customer or someone new, but he was definitely excited. He fucked my mouth for no more than thirty seconds before he came. It was a good sized load that went right in my mouth, filling it with that manly flavor I love so much. I let it linger in my mouth a bit, to enjoy the texture and the taste, then swallowed it down as a new customer was making his way in.

In the back, the man fucking me was about to cum. I knew this because he was shouting “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” repeatedly. And then he did, in my ass. I felt him grab onto my hips tight and stiffen up, giving long hard thrusts, staying deep inside for a second or two before the next thrust. Finally, he withdrew from me and another cock was making it’s way in.

Up front, the man in my mouth was pulling out and beginning to stroke himself, and, after a few seconds of that, he came on my face. The second he stepped aside, a new, or repeat, cock (I couldn’t tell which at this point) was in my mouth. The man it belonged to was fucking my face and holding the back of my head, although there was no possibility of me going anywhere. He built a nice rhythm and shot his load straight down my throat, quickly being replaced by another.

The man who had been fucking me presently must have been in the mood for dessert, because he gave me a nice creampie. I could feel the cum seeping out of my ass and down my perineum, and running along my scrotum. A new cock was in place in seconds and the feel of this man fucking some of that cum back into me was delightful.

I was now receiving another facial. Cum was splashing onto my face and dripping down, my tongue stretched out to catch whatever it could from this slow moving, pearly waterfall. My mouth was filled with this creamy deliciousness on the next spurt. No sooner had I swallowed it down then someone else was in my mouth.

I now felt the man who was fucking my ass pull out and shoot cum up my back and onto my ass. It was a warm, moist feeling that I quite enjoyed. He unleashed a second stream onto my ass cheeks and straight onto my hole. It felt wonderful. He re-inserted and finished his orgasm inside me. He withdrew and was quickly replaced by another. Whoever this was, he was quite thick. The thickest one yet. I could feel his pubic hair brushing against my ass with every inward stroke and he was fucking me hard enough to give the bench a slight forward momentum.

The forward momentum was slowly pushing me into the cock that was in my mouth. It must have created a pleasant sensory experience for him because he grabbed my head and held his cock deep in my throat and began to shiver. His load went straight down my throat to join several others.

No sooner did he pull out of my mouth then the next in line was entering. This was a long one, had to be over eight inches, of average width. He was allowing me to do the work and would occasionally withdraw in order to feed me his balls. Both the smell and taste of his clean shaven balls was making me never want to let them out of my mouth. Then he would give me his cock again and I was equally satisfied. He was also benefiting from the slight forward momentum from the fucking I was getting from behind.

The man behind me seemed to be on the verge of exploding. He was gasping and fucking with slower, harder strokes. He said, simply, “Oh fuck!”, pulled out and blasted a stream of cum right onto my asshole. He re-inserted and finished inside me. Once he stepped aside, a smaller cock entered. It wasn’t very large, but felt like it was attached to someone with much experience. It was absolutely satisfying.

The extra long cock that had invaded my mouth was holding on. He was stroking in and out, fucking my face with a steady rhythm. I’m pretty sure I heard a high-five being given above me. Both men were fucking their respective holes with glee. I was equally happy, filled with cock at both ends is an experience like no other and I would take as much of this as I could get. What a great idea Albert had come up with. I would have to thank him especially well the next time we were alone.

The man who was fucking my ass now pulled out and came on my lower back. Several nice spurts later and he was finished, wiping his cock clean on my ass cheeks. Another cock entered me and began to fuck. From the way he was fucking me, I knew this had to be Albert.

The man in my mouth had finally reached his breaking point. His cock was aimed directly at my face as he stroked it rapidly, the head of his cock vibrating on my outstretched tongue. Any second now, I could see it in his movements. And then he came, splashing my face with what, at that moment, felt like a tsunami of cum. It felt as if my entire face was covered with his seed, getting in both of my eyes, up both nostrils, covering me from the top of my head down to my chin. I could feel it on my cheeks, my forehead, my nose, my lips, inside my mouth. It felt hot and lovely.

He stepped away and it seemed as if everyone was back at the tables, talking about how they put their party favor to use. Their conversations were garbled, with several happening simultaneously, but it seemed as if everyone was quite pleased with what they had received.

I glanced down and right beneath me was a fairly large puddle which consisted of cum and a bit of saliva and, I’m sure, some sweat. It appears that Albert’s party was turning out to be quite a success for everyone involved. I know I was very happy with the way things were turning out.

Behind me, Albert was taking my ass in a way that was very familiar, and very pleasing, to me. Albert had fucked me so many times that I knew his routine quite well. I could tell by his movements that he was nearing orgasm. Finally, as he usually did, he said “Here it comes, here it cums. Yeah, oh yeah, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.” He came in my ass while still fucking me, filling me up with his lovely fluid. When he was completely finished, he said, “Fuck. Fuck.” and pulled out of me.

Albert was undoing the restraints. “Everything okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks. This was a great idea you had here. I’m really enjoying this.” I replied.

I’m very happy to hear that,” Albert said, “I thought you would like something like this. I’m having a good time and I know for sure the guys are. But look at you! You’re a mess. Why don’t you run to the bathroom quick and get cleaned up, then come join us out here for a little while. Everyone is going to have to regain their strength before we begin again.”

“Sounds good. See you in a few minutes.”

I walked past Albert’s bedroom and into the bathroom. I had a glance in the mirror and, wow, he wasn’t kidding. I was a cum soaked mess. It covered practically my whole face. Having been here many times before, I knew where everything was, so I prepared to take a quick shower. I turned the water on and, before I got in, I wiped as much cum as I could off my face with my hand and licked my hand clean.

After I showered, I put my jockstrap back on and exited the bathroom. Everyone was gathered at the drinks table, and that’s where I went. I poured myself a soda and sat in on of the chairs that were arranged around the outskirts of the room. A man came over and pulled a chair near mine.

“Hi, I’m Pete. You having a good time?” He asked.

“Absolutely,” I responded, “I wish Al had thought of this earlier. This is fantastic.”

“I agree,” said Pete, “I’m definitely going to talk to him about doing this once in a while. Everybody here is loving this. You sure you don’t mind?”

“I don’t mind at all. I’m loving this as much as you guys are. I couldn’t be happier.” I said.

“Okay, well, I’ll catch you in a little while, for sure. I’m looking forward to blowing another load in you.” Pete said as he got up and rejoined the crowd by the table.

I glanced up at the clock on the wall. It was almost half past eleven. Good. There was still plenty of night left. I’ve already had what is often more than a weeks worth of action, and yet I was ready for more. Lots more. It seemed as if I couldn’t get enough. There were thirteen horny and ready cocks in this room and although I’ve already had each one of them in one form or another, I couldn’t wait to have them all again. My love for cock seemingly had no bounds. I may be quite the slut, but I sure wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.

My thoughts were interrupted by the man taking the seat Pete had vacated. “Here, have a shot.” he said, handing me a shot glass. What the hell. I didn’t drink much and it certainly wouldn’t hurt. I drank it and it burned all the way. It tasted like scotch, or something similar. It certainly was strong as I felt a bit of an effect right away.

“I’m Ted, by the way,” he said, “and I already know that you’re Chris. We met a little earlier, over at the bench. This is turning out to be a great party. Al says you’re insatiable when it comes to fucking and sucking. I see he wasn’t kidding.”

“No, he’s right about that,” I said, “I’m enjoying every bit of this. Being the only bottom in a room full of tops is like a dream come true. I’m not sure what I did to deserve this, but I’m very happy, whatever it was.”

“Damn,” Ted said, “I’m getting hard again just thinking about fucking that ass of yours. I can’t wait to get started again.”

“Same here.” I said.

“Cool. I’ll see you at the contraption over there.” Ted said and went back to the drinks table.

Moments later, Albert sat down in the newly vacated seat. “Are you up for some more?” he asked.

I sure was, and I told him so. He smiled at me and said “Then more is just what you’ll get, my cock hungry friend. Stay here until I call you over.”

He rose from his seat and moved to the middle of the room, standing at the head of the bench and spoke loudly so he could be heard over the conversation in the room.

“Okay, everyone, we’re about to get ready for round two. Our party favor is very anxious to know you all a bit better than he does already. His mouth is eager and his ass is willing. He extends an invitation to each and everyone of you to satisfy your desires, which, in turn, will satisfy his.”

Albert waved me over and I got up and strode to the bench. Albert motioned for me to lie over it again, which I did anxiously and willingly. It was just about midnight. Lots of time for the guys to have their way with me.

Albert affixed both wrist restraints and stepped to the rear of the bench and affixed the ankle restraints. I was in position and ready to go. The men were gathering around the bench and seemed eager to get started again. I was anticipating the lovely barrage of cocks that were about to come my way, awaiting the taste of cum filling my mouth once more, the feeling of my ass being taken by a man who knows what he wants.

“Okay,” Albert said to the assembled party guests, “Chris is now ready for your enjoyment, and his own. Whenever you are ready to indulge your desires, please do so without hesitation. ”

I was spit-roasted within seconds and round two had begun.

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