The Perfect Roommate Pt. 01

A gay story: The Perfect Roommate Pt. 01 The Perfect Roommate

I was an eighteen year old virgin and off to a private Christian college. The school was about ten hours away and I didn’t know anyone there. It was a place that my parents had picked out for me and since they were willing to pay for it, I didn’t object. I arrive on the first day, driving myself, with no idea where I was going or what I was supposed to do. I only knew that I had been assigned a dorm room and a random freshman to be my roommate.

I got there a week before classes started and had the room to myself for the first five days. I was beginning to think my roommate wasn’t going to show when I heard a knock on the door and watched a average skinny, baby-faced guy come in and introduce himself.

“Hi, I’m Tim! You must be my roommate.” I stood up and shook his hand, noticing how soft it felt. That seemed a little strange, but Tim looked like he had never done a day of work or athletics in his life.

“Hi, Tim. I’m Dave. Very nice to meet you.”

I helped him carry his things inside and unpack and we talked a lot for the first few days while I shared everything I knew about campus. I found out that we had nothing much in common, but he had a good personality and we got along fine. Once classes started, we didn’t cross paths too often except in the evenings or in the mornings showering. The dorm was very old and had open communal showers like a lot of high school locker rooms. So every day we would walk down to the showers together and shower before going our separate ways. I was on one of those mornings that I started noticing how endowed Tim was. I had showered with lots of guys over the years after gym class and athletic events, but I had never seen a tool as big as Tim’s. It was around 7 to 8 inches soft.

Although amazed by the size, I never gave it too much thought. I was really working hard on getting a girlfriend and had zero interest in guys. But, after about 5 months of living in close proximity, something was slowly changing. I didn’t have a girlfriend and Tim didn’t seem too interested in finding one, so we hung out together more frequently. Tim had been raised by a single mom, so I constantly had to teach him things about being a man, like shaving and such. We were becoming very close friends.

I was horny all the time, like any eighteen year old guy, and regularly masturbated whenever Tim was not in the room. I masturbated in the showers when I could, but that was a risky proposition. I almost got caught several times and the school had very strict policies prohibiting such activities. After mid-term exams the second semester, I had not been able to masturbate for almost a week. I was ready to explode. I waited until around 1am, when I knew Tim would be asleep and I started showing my aching cock some self-love. It felt so good. I was so horny, I decided to get out of bed and be daring. (always been an exhibitionist)

I was completely nude and hard and I carefully opened my dorm room door and slipped out down the halfway. It was lit with emergency lighting, so it felt exciting knowing that there was a chance I would be caught. I made it half way down the hallway when I heard someone coming in from outside. I sprinted down the hall back to my room and slowly opened my door ready to slip inside. I was relieved when I saw the guy come in and walk down the hall in the opposite direction without even looking my way. I had been lucky, but I wasn’t ready to push my luck again. Plus I wanted to cum really badly, so I opened the door a crack more to make my way inside. That’s when I saw it. Tim was lying on his back, completely nude, with his soft monster draped over one leg and pointed in my direction. He looked magnificent.

I was super horny and hard and I felt myself enjoying seeing his soft naked body and long thick dick. I stared for a few minutes looking at him and subconsciously rubbing my erection. I finally came to my senses and entered the room, softly closing and locking the door behind me. I let my eyes adjust to the dark until I could see Tim’s naked form, then I walked to the edge of his bed and knelt down beside it, still playing with my boner. It was even more impressive up close. I felt myself drawn to him and I really wanted to touch him, but I knew it would end badly. So, sat on the floor next his bed and stroked off, blowing cum all over my face and chest. It was hard not to yell out as I came, but I managed to stay quiet. It was the first time I had jacked off to a guy and also the first time I tasted my own cum. I decided that I really enjoyed both.

After I cleaned up, I stayed naked myself and fell asleep hard. Since we had no classes the next day, neither of us had set an alarm and we both woke up around 11am.

“Hey, Dave.” Tim rolled onto his side in the dimly lit room, letting his limp cock flop down touching the bed. “Morning, Tim.” I echoed and turned to my side with less effect.

Tim looked at me and smiled. “I never knew you liked to sleep naked, bro.”

I smiled back. “I didn’t know you like to sleep in the raw either.” We both laughed. “It feels pretty good, though. I think I’m going to sleep like this all the time now. How about you?”

Tim looked at me seriously. “My mom would never let me sleep like this. She said God wouldn’t like it.” Then he smiled again. “But, I don’t think mom knew what she was talking about. I slept great last night and that was my first time sleeping nude.”

That explained it. I had never seen him like that because he had never slept like that before. Then he added, “unless you would rather I not sleep like this. I mean, we’re friends and all, so you get a say in it.”

I smiled big this time. “I want you to…” I stopped myself. “I mean I think it’s great. As long as you don’t mind if I sleep the same way.” Tim smiled back and gave me a thumbs up. Then we sat on our beds nude and talked until lunchtime.

At lunch, I could tell that Tim wanted to say something, but held it back. I had no idea what he wanted to say, but I couldn’t get the image of his naked body out of my mind. What was worse, every time I pictured him in my mind, I could feel myself growing a little. We ended up hanging out together for the rest of the day and as we were heading back to the dorm, I told Tim I needed to shower. He did too, so we showered and headed back to the room around 11pm, an early night for two college guys.

Both of us undressed and sat on the side of our beds in awkward silence. “What is it Tim?” I asked, breaking the silence. “Is everything okay?” I found myself staring at him and getting hard. I wanted to hide it, but I was naked and getting hard always felt so good, so I let it happen.

Tim was watching me and I could tell he noticed my boner. To my surprise, his massive member was also growing. When he was fully hard, (about 9 inches), he finally spoke up. “Dave, this is a little weird.” I could feel a little disappointment, believing I knew where this was headed. “But, I really like you a lot.”

Relieved, I quickly answered. “I really like you a lot, too, Tim. You’re a super nice guy. I’m really glad we’re roommates.”

Tim smiled. “Thanks, same! But, I really… like you… Dave.” I could see him looking directly at my boner and he was clearly rock hard. “I don’t know how to say this, but…” Tim took a big breath and let it out, “I like the way you look. You have a nice body.” He reached down and rubbed his cock with one hand. “I’m sorry, but you turn me on, Dave. It’s why I slept naked last night. I wanted you to see my body.” He immediately looked down at the floor.

I was stunned by his revelation. He had wanted me to see him naked? Why? I had never shown interest in him that way or any guy. Tim knew that I was desperate for a girlfriend. Yet… The fact that he had done it for me was kind of sweet. I found myself getting more and more turned on by the fact that my body turned him on. I was clearly more muscular and masculine than him, but his cock was at least an inch and a half bigger than mine. And beautiful! When that thought struck me, I knew I wanted to comfort him.

“Tim…” He looked up as if afraid to make eye contact. “You have a really nice body, too. And I really love it! I’m also very happy that you find my body attractive and that I turn you on. Your body turns me on too. Just look how hard I am right now.” I stood up and gave him a profile view. Tim was all smiles now.

He stood up with his saggy man tits (A-Cup) and erect cock and gave me an impressive profile view. “You really mean it? You’re not mad at me. You don’t think I’m a freak?” I reached out my hand to him and he took it. Then I pulled him close to my naked body and embraced him, letting our cocks rub on each other.

“You’re my kind of freak, Tim.” I moved my lips close to his and gave him a quick, soft kiss. “You’re my dream roommate.”

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