The Pond: Steamy Tale of Forbidden Passion in the LGBTQ Community

A gay story: The Pond

The small pond in central Arizona, my home state, reflects green bushes, orange/brown desert soil and a small piece of blue sky. The sun, as it always does, scorches the landscape.

My aging red F 150 is parked on the south side of my adobe house in the suburbs. At age 30 I work as an electrical engineer, a job I’ve held for almost 8 years.

Always interested in keeping toned, not to mention keeping my heart strong, I set out from my desert house for the distant pond. While walking I had gulped a few ounces of cold water from the thermos. The time is early morning roughly an hour since I had finished breakfast of eggs, ham, toast and coffee.

The pond came into view. I started my descent to the water.

Upon arrival I stripped naked and left cutoffs, boots, teeshirt and briefs in a neat pile. The water, though quite warm, felt really good. I quickly submerged, swam a few feet then surfaced in time to see company approaching.

Roughly halfway down the slope the stranger waved and called out, “nice day for a dip.”

“Yes it is,” I replied.

The water depth being above my waist hid my bare genitals.

He stood perhaps 5′ 8″ tall and with the lean physique of a runner. His light-brown hair parted above the corner of his left eye framed a youthful looking face. I guessed his age to be 19 to early twenties.

He stopped near my pile of clothes, stripped naked, then waded into the water. I couldn’t help noticing his eyes on me.

As he came closer the temptation to grab his thick cock grew stronger, First, however, I wanted at least to know him superficially.

“Hey stranger, nice day to get a tan.” 
I wonder how much sun that fair complexion can withstand.

“I like this pond. I’ve taken many a dip here.”

“So have I,” I replied.

“Are you naked?”

“Yes I am,” I replied.

At this point his eyes had shifted downward.

I stepped up to him. Open mouths met. My tongue swiped his tongue while his cock became erect in my left hand.

“Hold it tighter,” he urged in a soft seductive tone.

My cock soon became fully erect in his left hand.

The seconds passed quickly as we continued to french kiss. My hand pressed his ass. He responded in kind.

“Are you a bottom or top,” he asked.

“Bottom,” I replied.

“So you like taking dick,” he said.

We waded to the bank where I went to my knees. Holding his erect cock toward my lips, I swiped my tongue across it’s pink head twice then slid my lips toward his scrotum then back. Meanwhile my tongue swiped his delectable shaft.

“I love having my dick sucked.” He remarked in a soft and seductive tone.

“Always happy to oblige,” I replied.

“I’ve seen you around before.”

I replied that “I get out frequently.”

“You and me naked and fucking rules.”

I chuckled at the remark and replied, “especially under the sun.”

I went onto my knees and hands inviting him to have his way with me. His pelvis smacked my ass while his stiff cock slid back and forth inside me.

My grunts masked my intense delight in having sex with this smoking hot young man.

Having felt him back away, I turned over and sat with my knees raised. My arms behind my back propped me up. He sat in a similar position next to be.

“Usually I get a guy’s name before we fuck.”

He grinned at my remark then replied, “I’m Michael.”

“Stephen,” I replied.

“What kind of work do you do Stephen?”

“I’m an electrical engineer at PNM. What do you do?”

“I’m an assistant manager at Silver Street Market.”

He made an observation about desert creatures and remarked that “we should go some place and grab a bite to eat.”

About one o’clock we arrived at 66 Diner in separate vehicles. My F150 and his black Dodge Ram were parked side by side under the New Mexico sun.

The waitress behind the counter addressed me.

“What can I get for you?”

“A medium burger with french fries and a coffee,” I said to the blue-eyed blond.

After writing on her pad she addressed Michael. “What are you having?”

“I’ll have the chicken.”

We waited just several minutes for our meals.

Having enjoyed an unhurried lunch, we went to our separate homes.

I settled into my couch and resumed reading “Clashing Hearts” in my Nook. Michael had informed me that he had to work the third shift and that we’ll “hook up” again.

Relations between “Easton”, the ranch owner, and “Lachlan”, the land developer, warmed. I was reading but not fully engrossed in the story. Instead, my mind drifted to my youthful companion Michael.

I rose Sunday morning. Leaving the bedcovers disheveled, I sauntered to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. That task took just a few minutes.

My older brother Keith had come out of the closet more than a full year before I had hooked up with the stranger at the pond. I placed a video call shortly after finishing breakfast.

“Hi bro,” said Keith.

“(I) Just wanted to chat. How’s Seth doing?”

“He’s good. I’ll tell him you were asking about him.”

“I had an interesting day at the swimming hole yesterday.”

“Tell me all about it.”

“I think I have a boyfriend.”

“You think? You don’t know?”

“We had a nice little chat yesterday. He couldn’t take his eyes off me.”

“What’s his name? Are you guys going to hook up again?”

“Michael, an assistant manager at Silver Street Market,” I replied.

An avid baseball fan, Keith doesn’t like to miss a Diamondbacks game.

“I got my beer, pretzels and peanuts. Seth’s coming before long to watch the game. He knows baseball.”

They’ll probably be too busy to watch the game.

I said, “The game is just background noise.”

My meaning was not lost on my brother. He knows I can’t stand baseball.

Keith asked, “is Michael into sports.”

“I don’t know.”

There was still a lot I don’t know about this young man with whom I had already indulged in sex.

“I’m looking forward to seeing him again.”

While chatting with my brother the mental image Michael naked stays with me.

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