The Pool Boy's Message Pt. 01


A gay story: The Pool Boy's Message Pt. 01 The Pool Boy’s Message Pt. 01

I was inspired to write this story as a homage to some excellent writing by fellow Literotica alums KinkyKisser916. Please follow this outstanding author.

Several years ago, I came out of a distressing relationship. Reluctantly single, I devoted many hours down the local swimming pool to burning excess energy. However, laps are an isolated sport, leaving one to their thoughts as they plough through the water.

Not knowing what my next move in the dating world was but in no rush to dive back into that world, I cooled my heels and relied on a lot of DIY pleasure.

The pool was not the best maintained, and the men’s changing room was regularly vandalised and subject to graffiti. Some of the scribbles were telephone numbers followed by crude propositions. The maintenance crew periodically scrubbed the walls, but new messages always returned.

One day, while using one of the shower cubicles to shower, I noticed a message carved into the door with a knife which read ‘call boy sucks cock’ together with a mobile number and dated two days earlier. I found the simplistic message intriguing and felt compelled to photograph it.

I did fancy a good blowjob. My ex was an expert who could get me off in minutes. I missed her bedroom talents. Outside of the bedroom, my ex was a mental nightmare. The chance of possibly receiving a blowjob from a guy was conflicting because I did not consider myself gay, but the idea refused to leave my mind.

Later, after some beers at home, I sent a message asking for a blowjob. I was trembling as I did so and could not stop pining for a response. Hours passed, and nothing happened. Going to bed, I regretted sending the message and deleted the number.

I dressed and subjected myself to my daily office commute the following day. Around lunchtime, while having lunch with a colleague, my phone pinged. It was the mysterious cock sucker.

“Sure, let me know when.”


“Love too, where?”

“Where are you located?”

My new pen pal lived not far from the pool, and he proposed a quiet industrial back road, which I looked up on a map.

“Perfect,” I replied, “Say 8 p.m.?”

“See you there.”

I did not know his name, and he did not ask for mine, but I guessed this activity was strictly anonymous.

The afternoon dragged on. I ran through scenarios of how the experience would play out. My nerves were taut with anticipation, and I could not stop staring at my watch and phone.

Finally, the end of the day arrived, and I raced home as fast as the city’s crumbling public transport would allow. Leaping into the shower, I scrubbed myself clean and spent time trimming my groin, removing all pubic hair to heighten the anticipated pleasure.

I took a slug of bourbon before leaving the house. My journey to the rendezvous destination took around ten minutes. I arrived early and hid in a darkened nook away from the streetlight. I was surrounded by shuttered commercial and industrial buildings devoid of human activity. Maybe two hundred meters away sat the pool with its lights blaring. Overhead, passenger planes prepared to land at the airport a short distance to the south.

My neglected prick stirred impatiently in my jeans. I massaged the bulge while checking the street in both directions while the minutes ticked down. Suddenly, I saw a car pull up around the corner. The headlights were extinguished, and the door slammed shut a second later. Next, I heard footsteps, and then the silhouette walked down the street. At least, I knew the ‘boy’ was a young man with a driver’s licence.

“Hi,” Came a young voice, “I’m here to suck cock.”

“Good,” I sighed nervously, “I’m here for my blowjob.”

“Let’s get to it,” he said.

Without asking, the young man dropped to his knees and began unbuckling my belt and jeans and shuffling them down my legs.

My young, anonymous acquaintance was not one to waste time with small talk. On his knees, he wrapped his hand around my cock. I was so hard from the anticipation and the need for human contact after my breakup that I was at full strength, thick and vainly, with a throbbing head. This young man gave my shaft a couple of strokes while looking into his eyes in the darkness.

“Oh, beautiful cock,” he said, leaning into me to swallow the head in his mouth.

He sucked on it hard, swirling his tongue around it before trying to force as much length into his mouth as possible. This young cock sucker felt like water to a thirsty man wandering the desert under the hot summer sun.

I could not help but moan audibly. He pressed me to be discrete despite the total absence of human activity.

As he sucked, he tried desperately to cram my entire shaft down his throat, but I was too long or his mouth too small to achieve this feat, but I revelled at his attempts to deep throat me.

“Man,” I breathed, touching his young head, “You’re a good cock sucker.”

He started moaning as soon as a comfortable rhythm was established. I encouraged deeper-throating by forcing his head onto the shaft for each instroke.

Soon, he made choking and gagging sounds as I forced my prick deeper into his mouth. I eased the pressure on his head, not wanting to be rude, but he encouraged me to keep it up. He spat tendrils of saliva over my cock, which dripped to the ground.

How could someone so young be so slutty? Most women don’t learn such skills until their first divorce.

As his head mechanically pistoned forward and backward, my breathing increased, and I could not believe that I was about to come after so short a time. He massaged and pinched my nut sack, which was tightening at a rate of knots. He knew I was close.

What would he do?

“I’m about to squirt,” I announced, more as a courtesy.

The young man continued sucking but with more intensity; his finger and thumb wrapped around the base of my cock to hasten my orgasm.

“Shit,” I hissed as a series of cum shots erupted from my twitching balls deep inside his mouth.

He furiously pumped my shaft as I came, draining me of all the fluid I cared to release. He swallowed hard, not once wincing or gagging. I was struggling to remain on my feet and keep quiet. My orgasm was so intense and nothing like a porno wank. This is what I missed after my break up: human pleasure.

“Shit, man,” I moaned as I slumped against the cold concrete wall, cock twitching, “You suck a mean cock!”

“Thanks,” the young man said, adding, “I love this cock and your cum tasted so sweet.”

“Can we do this again?” I asked after pulling up my jeans.

“You have my number,” He said, walking back to his car, “Anytime.”

Back at home, I reflected on what had happened. My cock would not soften, and I thought about texting him again but refrained.

The next day, I requested another blowie in the same location. He readily agreed but helpfully added his name, “James”.

“Nice to meet you, James,” I replied, “I’m Jason.”

After I came again in James’ mouth one evening, many weeks after making our meetings a regular event, he asked me if I was interested in doing something more.

“What did you have in mind?” I asked.

“Fucking,” He replied, wiping his brow of sweat, “Specifically me.”

“You’ve done anal before?”

James shook his head before saying he wanted to try it.

“Why me?” I asked, curious but not wanting to turn an opportunity down.

“I hear it’s a painful experience,” He said, “But I think your cock might be the perfect size to break me in.”

“You’ve had no anal experience before?”

“No cock,” James replied, “Fingered myself many times, and that’s a nice experience.”

“And now, you want the real deal?”

“Your cock, I think, will be perfect,” James said, “Plus, I love the taste of your come.”

“Here’s another chance,” I said, dropping my jeans, “fucking you had gotten me hard again.”

We arranged to meet up at his home. James still lived with his parents, but their absence coincided with the agreed date and time.

I admit I was nervous as hell leading up to James’ anal deflowering, and I thought many times of backing out. I had never fucked a man before and never considered myself anything other than straight, but my run down the rabbit hole seemed to heal some pain of my breakup.

On that day, my palms sweated, and my underarms leaked as I walked up the street to James’ parents’ home. There was CCTV on the front door as I rang the bell.

“I’m surprised you made it,” James smiled as he answered the door, “I thought you would not bail.”

He wore a t-shirt and tight-fitting briefs, which stirred my loins.

“I would not miss this or the world,” I smiled as we hugged, “How long have we got?”

“My sister due home,” He answered, looking at his watch, “In about an hour.”

“Lead the way.”

James grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to his bedroom. Inside, a sudden urge to embrace and kiss took hold of me, and it was like James had dreamed of this moment as he melted into me. As our tongues danced and our lips locked, I felt James’ cock press against me.

After exchanging some pretty heavy petting, we undressed and stood naked, facing each other. Boner to boner. I stepped to James and touched his head; his skinny, hairless frame dropped to his knees.

“Your cock looks better in the light,” He said as his nimble fingers took hold of the pulsating shaft.

“Put your hands behind your back,” I demanded, “I want to pump your throat.”

James instantly complied and looked deeply into my soul as my thick meat pumped his young mouth. Because he was kneeling on the carpet with his neck craned backwards, the angle allowed much deeper penetration than before, and my entire length surfed easily inside James’ mouth.

We both realised that this method of deep-throating was new and revelatory. James continued to gag and spew the same copious amounts of saliva dripping from his chin onto the carpet. The tears that trickled down his chin were proof of his dedication and commitment to good cock sucking.

“You keep that up,” I said, breathing hard, “And I seed your throat instead of your arse.”

“I’m ready for you,” James coughed, spitting my spit-soaked cock from his mouth.

“Okay,” I said paternally, “Lie on the bed.”

James lay on the bed, and I pulled him to the edge. His skinny cock was rock hard and twitching madly. I was tempted to suck on him, but my overriding desire was to butt fuck him as he requested. As he spread his legs and pulled them back, I sensed his embarrassment at displaying such vulnerability. His desire was palpable, with deep breathing and red facial cheeks.

I dropped to my knees, spread James far apart and began rimming his puckered brown-eye. He had prepared and was lovely and clean, tasting of Palmolive soap. His body writhed from the unexpected sensation of being rimmed.

James felt my warm, wet tongue all over his O-ring, licking all around, licking the crack up and down. I then pushed my tongue deep into James’ starfish. It was a new sensation for him, and he liked it, moaning as I continued to push my tongue deep inside his virgin hole.

When boiling over with sexual energy, I smacked James’ arse cheek several times and complimented him for having a fine-tasting bung. James seemed pleased and begged me to fuck him. I spat on my butthole several times.

“Do you want me on all fours?” He asked.

“No, this position is fine,” I smiled, “We get to watch each other this way.”

I desperately wanted to see James’ reaction when I pin-cushioned his bowels a few minutes later.

Grabbing my jeans, I reached into the pocket to remove a small tube of personal lubricant. I applied a generous dollop to my dried shaft, squatted and positioned the head of my cock against James’ spread hole.

“You ready?” I asked as I pushed my cock closer to its goal.

“Do it,” Replied James with some nervousness.

James hissed as he felt my cock push up against his butthole. Then he felt more pressure as my hands grabbed his waist. My raging purple head popped in and started to make its way up James’ chocolate channel, second by second, millimetre-by-millimetre, very slow. The look on James’ declared this penetration was painful.

I stopped, concerned by James’ countenance. I stopped penetrating his arse and pulled back slightly. He heaved a sigh of relief. I pressed further and pulled back. A change came over James as I gently fed his virgin arse a foreign object.

As I kept pressing, I felt a relaxation of James’ butt muscle and experienced a sucking in of the remaining length. Maybe a minute had elapsed before I was balls deep. James’ chest was heaving mightily.

“You okay?” I asked nervously.

With his eyes firmly closed, his hands pulling his legs are far back as possible, he told me to fuck his young arse, even though he seemed to be experiencing ongoing pain.

I started fucking James slowly at first, then picking up the pace as I felt his muscle reluctantly yield to the invasion. Each time I was balls deep, my pelvis bounced off his butt. I quickly established a rhythm, and James began pushing back, his balls slapping against my stomach. It was terrific when both of us started moaning in unison.

Curiously though, while sodomising James, he paid no attention to his hard cock that bounced off his stomach, which each brutal instroke.

On the few times, James opened his eyes to ask me whether I liked fucking his young arsehole. When I said yea, he encouraged me to fuck him harder, which I was happy to oblige. I began stroking his cock as well, and quickly it shot ropes of thick cum all over his stomach.

“Fucking look at that,” I marvelled while holding a throbbing piece of deflating meat between my fingers.

James thrashed wildly through a massive orgasm, and his arsehole bit savagely on my cock, sending me over the edge. James said later that a strange came over his face like I was in pain, and suddenly began shooting rivers of sperm deep into his rosette. He said my eruption felt warm in his hole, and his butt became infinitely more slick and slimy.

Sweat poured down my body as my orgasm subsided, and I felt physically weak. I slumped on James as my cock began deflating. He hugged me close, and, in the fog of post-orgasmic bliss, he pecked me on the lips before pushing me aside.

I lay on the bed recovering while he went to the bathroom. Several minutes later, he ordered me to get dressed and help him clean the room before his sister and parents returned.

As I prepared to leave his home, James hugged me and said I was a hot fuck and wanted to explore more sexual fantasies together. How dark did you want to go, I asked. Dark came the response.


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