The Prince's Servitude Pt. 02

A gay story: The Prince's Servitude Pt. 02 Percy

It was not that long ago that I stood before my enemy in battle during what appeared to be a hopeless war. Now I rode amongst them on a journey to their home, which was now to be mine.

My role was no longer that of a prince of a thriving kingdom nor a general of a mighty army. I was essentially relegated to the role of a servant as part of our treaty and surrendered to a greater force. With that, there were a lot of emotions residing in me that I had not expected. There was fear, anxiety, embarrassment, some anger, and anticipation.

What I did not expect to feel was the last thing I would have thought possible in this situation. I was horny, intensely horny. This was so unexpected as I had never felt like this about anyone before, and now it was towards my former enemy and master. Maybe if I had felt this way about someone in the past, I would have learned how to control myself. Maybe then I would be more civilized in dealing with the fact that Loukas had not touched me again since that first night.

I felt like a common whore when we rode together, doing my best to tempt him by rocking my backside. The hornier I got the less I cared about appearances. I knew Loukas felt something for me, based on the constant presence of his rigid length while in the saddle but he had yet to act on it.

My seduction did not stop there. I constantly leaned over in front of him to pick up a strategically dropped ladle or an interesting leaf. Nothing. He would just grunt and move around me or away from me. My frustrations were rising, and my poorly concealed attempts at seduction were noticed by everyone except the object of my desire.

It came to a point where Meris even told me I should just suck his cock, saying no man can resist that. That conversation resulted in my reddened face, a bunch of laughter from nearby soldiers, and eventually, Loukas shouting at Meris to go hunt some food. Which he did with a cheerful salute goodbye.

On the plus side, I somehow ingratiated myself with most of the Garion soldiers. It helped that my cooking was apparently a lot better than their usual fare. I was glad I took an interest in it during my past campaigns with my own soldiers. I made it a point to split duties, and I enjoyed cooking the most, but why did it not would on my Garion master?


Keeping my hands off the little Prince was driving me insane. If I had not known any better, I would have assumed the plump backside that rubbed on my cock for hours every day was done on purpose. It seemed to appear everywhere, and I wanted nothing but to sink into it.

I did not want to continue what had started, not on the road, not until we reached home. If I had done anything more, I did not think I could resist throwing him down and rutting him in front of all the men. I wanted to keep my promise and bed him properly the first time. My little acula deserved that. He was not someone I would use to quickly satiate myself. No, my acula was someone I hoped would satisfy me for years to come.


Tamarius told me we were a day away from arrival. I was antsy. I did not know what to do, and my lust had increased tenfold. It did not help that I had been reading that wretched book that only stoked my dreams. I decided to take Meris’ advice. That night, I knew I was going to do something.

I lay awake, waiting for his breath to become consistently steady before I made my move. Slowly, I moved downward and crouched over his body until my face was level with the opening of his breaches. Achingly slow, I released his pant binding, lowering what I could to get to what he refused to give me access to. I pulled his cock from its confines, coaxing it until it was rigid. My hand barely fit around it and was still longer than both of my hands holding it.

I scanned my brain to recollect all that I learned from my courtesan guide. I tipped his member into my mouth and closed my lips around the head. I used my tongue as I was told and circled it, paying attention to the base of it. I gathered more saliva, dripping it on the shaft to allow my hand to easily stroke up and down. Pulling back, I saw a bead of fluid at the opening. I couldn’t help but lick it; the salty, tangy flavor coated my tongue, and I quickly became addicted. I went back down, taking more of the shaft, and in my gusto, I didn’t hear the changes in Loukas’s breathing.

A deep voice rumbled, and I stilled, with his cock pressed towards the entry of my throat.

“What were you doing, Percy?” I pulled off and looked up to his face, faltering at the intensity with his eyes peered back at me.

An open hand lifted and rested on the top of my head. It slowly curled into a fist, grasping my hair before loosening and then tightening repeatedly. An intense possessive look stole across his face, and I did not know if I should continue or run.

I licked my lips, and his nostrils flared as his eyes followed my tongue. Another bead of his cum appeared at his tip, and a new determination swept through me. I slowly lowered my head, keeping my eyes on him. His breathing quickened as he watched my tongue lap up his juice.

“Percy,” he said, his eyes wild as he spoke through his teeth.

Not yet. I didn’t get to fully taste him yet. I quickly engulfed his cock, gagging when it hit the back of my throat. I used my fist to help get used to the depth as I tried again.

He removed his hand and gathered the fabric of my shirt at my shoulders. I didn’t know if he was going to pull me away, so I doubled down in determination, obsessed with his spongy yet rigid texture and taste of him. It was a few more passes before I was able to get his cock past my gag reflex. My eyes were watering, but I did not want to stop. I never wanted to stop.

“Acula, baby, if you don’t…”

Yes. Yes, I knew what treat awaited me. I tightened my grip and sped up my strokes until I could remove my hand altogether. Bobbing quickly, I took one of his hands and put it back on my head. He quickly understood, gripping my hair once more as he started to take over my movement. Breathing became difficult as he fucked my mouth at a furious pace. I felt his shaft expand before he shoved my head down completely, my nose pressed into the hair at the base of his cock.

“Percy…uurrrrgg,” he yelled intelligently as he pulsed down my throat. I pulled up, wanting to taste more, and he released his hold as I once again took his length in both hands and set his cock head in my mouth, twisting, and pumping through his release as I was instructed. My own pleasure skyrocketed.

Once he was finished, I pulled back, showing my lover the gift, he left me on my tongue and swallowed. Smiling.

He looked relaxed post-orgasm but suddenly stiffened. He pushed me off, quickly buttoned his pants, and stomped off after a quick “thanks.”

“Um, you are welcome?” He was gone already “What was that?” I said aloud to no one. I suddenly felt chilled and wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to stave off the sudden pressure I felt on my chest. “Fucking Meris and his bright ideas.”

I shifted, then grimaced, putting my hand in my pants. Somehow, during all of that, I came in my pants.


Waking up to my little prince with my cock in his mouth was like living a dream. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes glistened. That pink tongue had lapped up my essence, nearly undoing me.

His skill had blown me away. He took my shaft to the base, and I nearly came undone again when he showed me my own cum on his tongue and swallowed.

How had he gotten that good? He must have had practice. There was no way he could have swallowed my cock like that without practice. Unbridled anger and jealousy swept through me. I didn’t know why, since I had bedded a number of men and women well before his age. Little Prince was strong yet lithe and beautiful, he must have had several cocks pressed within him and that luscious mouth of his.

It was irrational, I knew, but I needed to get away before I said or did something cruel.


I did not know what happened. I did know the rest of the journey was riddled with quiet tension. I knew it was noticeable as Gregor kept glancing at us wearily.

The soldiers were tiptoeing around Loukas as he seemed to bite off everyone’s head.

I was relieved when we arrived as I hoped the change in scenery would fix the tension. Loukas said nothing as he quickly left the saddle. I climbed down slowly not sure what to expect. Servants rushed about assisting in unloading gear. I stood awkwardly and frowned as Loukas strode into the large structure without saying a word to me.

A shoulder bumped mine. I looked over to see Aven’s smiling face. I attempted a wobbly smile but dropped it and shook my head, suddenly feeling especially homesick.

“Aww don’t worry so much, Prince Percy. He is just in a mood. Things will be okay.”

“What do I do now?” I asked.

He looked about and saw a matronly servant coming our way.

“Ah Madam Hildasa, can you take Prince Percy to his chambers?”

“Of course, sir,” she turned to me, “please come this way, we have the Triata room getting set up as we speak for you,” she said then pressed her lips in a disapproving manner.

Before I could acknowledge and follow, Aven reached out and clutched my arm.

“The Triata room?” He said flabbergasted. “You don’t understand, this is Prince Percy. He is a guest, not a… not a…” He stopped there.

“Yes, sir, I know…that’s what King Loukas specified. He said the Triata room” she clarified.

His eyes widened, then looked furious. “That dolt! I swear I’d follow that man anywhere, but this, this is not right.”

At this point, I was highly confused. Was it a dungeon or something? My mind was running with possibilities.

Aven turned and walked purposely to where Gregor, Januth, and Tamarius were talking. Based on his wild gestures and the surprised and angry facial expressions garnered in response, I knew they too were not happy about where I was going to stay. What the hell was the Triata room?

“Sire?” The frazzled-looking attendant said to me. I nodded. Might as well see what the fuss was about.

I gave her a smile. “I am sorry to keep you waiting. Please lead the way.”

I followed her into the massive palace, getting weird looks as I went. I was getting self-conscious, but I was determined to face this like I would any battle. Head held up, shoulders back, and with a look of pure confidence. I refused to let these people get me down.

I quickly forgot how I was supposed to look and ended up gaping in wonder at the strange architecture.

It was a mix between stately clean lines and the rudimentary wood craftmanship from what I would expect to see in small villages. Moss and fern grew artfully between the wooden logs that made up the walls, the floor made of white stone, the ceilings were arched and carved with detailed spirals. It was breathtaking.

When we stopped at a door, I nearly bumped into Madam Hildasa. She looked at me warmly. Apparently, my intrigued questions and mindless wonderings seemed to have softened her up towards me. She seemed to have pride in the home she maintained for Loukas and appreciated my admiration.

She opened the door and allowed me to step in.

“Wonderful, Madam Hildasa, thank you for…” I trailed off as I took in the room.

It was relatively large. There were large windows curtained off to give a soft atmosphere. There were candles lit to add to the ambiance.

There was a large ornate tub set behind sheer curtains to the right of the room. It was large enough to hold multiple people. It was a beautiful room, but that is not what gave me pause. Not even the decorations which were very sexual in nature. The tapestries portrayed couples who appeared to be amid orgasmic bliss performing various sexual positions. There were penis replicas set upon every surface made up of every type of material: marble, stone, glass. Or the insane number of oils that were everywhere.

Even that was not what truly astounded me. It was the enormous bed that was featured in the center of the room and what lay on it. It was a very naked man.

He sat up looking intrigued and a little disappointed. “Oh…I thought Loukas would be coming here,” he pouted as he looked me up and down. His pout slowly turned into a leering smile that made me uncomfortable and suddenly warm.

“But you are a welcome treat. I am Laylan, it will be a pleasure to make your acquaintance” He rose from the bed, and I blushed, taking in his body.

I was used to seeing men naked in the military. It is just a part of closed quarter living, and it was never a big deal, but this was not the same. His body was not the same as the scarred and hardened bodies I was used to.

He was small, a few inches shorter than me, and since I came up to Loukas’s clavicle, that was saying something. He was thin and waif-like, pale, and smooth all over.

Not much muscle and no blemishes that I could see. His nipples were pierced with gold hoops, and his hips swayed seductively as he walked towards me. I was nothing like him. Is this what Loukas liked? He said he was waiting for Loukas.

I suddenly felt like an ogre compared to this gorgeous creature. My skin was tanned from hours spent working under the sun. My body was pact with muscle, hands hardened with callouses. A lump formed in my throat as I backed away. “I’m sure he will be here soon” I blurted out hating lump that was growing in my throat.

I turned away; I could no longer refute the evidence before me. This was not a guest room. This was a room for paid pleasure. Loukas thought me a whore. His reaction to my earlier attempt at fellatio all made sense. He was disgusted. This, this man, this Leylan, probably could do so much better.

I spun around, gathering my voice, but it still came out shaky.

“Madam Hildasa, I…” I stopped as my voice cracked. “I cannot stay here, I…” I blew out hard through pursed lips to get myself together.

Madam Hildasa took in my countenance and seemed to know what to do. She gathered me up, ushering me out with a gentle hand.

“Come Sire, I know just the place you can rest. I will send up your bags and some food to your room, I’m sure you are hungry…maybe a bath hmmm.” She continued to mother me down the halls.

I barely looked at any of the fine architecture that had dazzled me before. I honestly didn’t even remember how I had gotten to my new room. It was cozy, and the bed called to me. I lay down, not stopping the tears from flowing and barely heard the door shut when Hildasa left the room.


I removed my armor feeling the strain from the long trip home. I did not even sit down before someone started pounding on my door. They did not even wait for me to answer before it flew open.

“You buffoon,” Gregor yelled, pointing at me.

I was struck speechless as he had never spoken to me that way. No one had ever spoken to me that way.

“What did you say?” clearly,

he was having a mental break.

“Yes, you heard me, you are a buffoon! The Triata room! How could you put him in there?”

I sighed and sat down suddenly feeling extremely tired. If he only stopped there.

“Madam Hildasa said the poor boy was heartbroken, practically in tears!” He said after striding to me then accentuated his points with that same accusing finger poking my chest.

I knocked his hand away. “It’s not your business where I put my acula Gregor, and you had best watch your tone” I let out irritated.

His words then caught up to me. “He was crying?” I said, feeling a growing unease in my chest.

He looked at me pointedly. “I don’t know what your problem has been, and you can yell and grunt all you want as much as you want but treating him like a whore is not the way. He does not deserve that, and you know it.”

“Fuck.” I knew I had messed up. “I am a buffoon,” I acknowledged.

“Exactly, and what are you going to do to fix it?”

I made my way to the door to find my little Prince. The tiredness left me as fast as it arrived.

“Hildasa set him up in the guest wing, first room on the right!” He yelled after me.

I veered my course. I would need to give Madam Hildasa a raise after this. I strode purposefully to my destination and nearly collided with her as a went around the last corner.

She raised her finger up at me, but I spoke before she could release a tirade I knew was coming. “Yes, yes, I know I messed up. I have been called a buffoon by Gregor, and I am going to make it right.”

She sighed. “He is a sweet thing. I can even see he is something to cherish, Your Highness.” I nodded at the gentle scolding and continued to the room I most wanted to be in.

I opened the door, taking in the dimness from the closed curtain. I noticed a small lump on the bed in the corner of the room and made my way toward the sleeping figure.

Leaning over, I brushed his cheek with the back of my hand and crawled onto the bed behind him, pulling him into my arms. I kissed his cheek and moved to his neck as he continued to sleep, rolling over and pressing his head into my chest. I tightened my hold and looked at his softened face, noticing the dried tears. I had never felt more like the ass.

Slowly, his long eyelashes fluttered, and his eyes opened, softening as a small smile graced his mouth. As I leaned forward to take his lips in mine, he suddenly scrambled off the bed.


I had initially thought I was dreaming but quickly realized it was all too real and scrambled out of his arms. I stood up by the bed, and he quickly rose and followed me.

“Oh no you do not!” I yelled.

I backed up, and he moved forward, raising his hands placatingly.

This continued until I bumped into a chair which caused me to sit. I scrambled up and moved behind it, using the chair as a barrier.

“A whore room, Loukas! You think I am a whore!” I yelled. I clenched my teeth willing my tears away.

“No, I… that’s not what I meant. I just put you there because I thought it was best at that time,” he said. He winced knowing he just messed up.

“How? How could you think that was best?! I trusted you. Is this because I sucked your cock, and you came between my legs? Am I now sullied? Am I no longer anything but a fuck toy!” I exclaimed.

“No, no I don’t think that baby,” he replied.

“No, you don’t get to call me baby, Your Highness! I am clearly just a warm hole to fuck when you don’t have your precious Laylan available on the road,” I retorted.

“No, acula that was never my intention,” he said.

“You’ve been nothing but rude to me after I did what I did. You threw me in a whore room without even speaking to me. You embarrassed me in front of your entire staff since I apparently was the only one who didn’t know what the hell the Triata room was!” I threw my hands up.

“Don’t worry, I know how I’m supposed to serve you now, just a substitute body when you can’t take LAYLAN with YOU on the road!” I turned and fled.

Somehow, I ended up wrapped up in his arms. The speed of this man was both impressive and infuriating.

“Put me down!” I struggled, though it did not seem to make any difference.

“No, not until you listen,” he said into my neck.

I continued to struggle and knew it was pointless. “Fine, tell me what you have to say so I can leave.”

“Yes, you are right, I have been distant,” he said. He slowly put me down and raked a hand through his hair. His bicep bulged in the movement.

I forced my eyes away from the attractive sight because even irate this man could make my eyes lust. I crossed my arms against my chest to reaffirm my stance and cast an angry look.

“I was jealous, okay.”

I frowned in confusion. “Why were you jealous?”

“I loved what you did, Acula. I loved it a lot… too much, you were that good.” He sighed.

“My mind drew the conclusion that for you to be that good you must have had plenty of practice. I just couldn’t come to terms with what that meant in terms of lovers. I know it’s not rational, but it was how I felt. Not to mention how you have all my men eating out of your palm, Meris practically salivating at your feet” He walked back and heavily fell in the chair I used earlier as a barrier, looking up at me.

“What are you talking about? The only thing your men were doing was being friendly which was more than what you were doing!

“You treated me shitty Loukas, and I can’t begin to figure out the Laylan situation,” I said feeling worn.

He shook his head “I am sorry that happened acula. I should never have put you in that room. I also did not know he would be there, nor I would have sought his company. I promise you I do not want him. I want you” he said.

“You realize how hypocritical you are right? Your past lover is literally flaunting his perfect body in my face. Even if I had lovers in the past, that does not make me a whore, Loukas.” I spoke. I rubbed my eyes, feeling drained.

“I know, little prince, I know.” He tilted his head. “What do you mean by even if you had lovers?”

I blushed and bit my bottom lip. He groaned. I flushed even more. Scratching the back of my head, I said, “Soooo, technically I have not had any lovers unless you count a few stolen kisses.”

“What?” His confusion made me angry.

“I have done more with you than with anyone,” I said fighting to keep my temper down. I knew I was angry because I was embarrassed.

“But you sucked my cock like a practiced…” he swallowed.

“Don’t you finish that sentence, Loukas!”

I spun around and went to my saddle bag Madam Hildasa graciously had sent to my new room. I rummaged through it until I found what I was looking for.

I threw the book at his chest. “Here!” “This is why you big dumb oaf!”

He was standing up at this point and the book bounced off his chest and fell to the floor. Of course, it opened to a very detailed illustration of a man sticking his own fingers in his ass. I knew from my perusal it was a description of how to prepare yourself before intercourse in case a particularly girthy client did not like or have time to take those steps before jumping right in.

My embarrassment knew no bounds. I wanted to hide under the covers like a child.

He slowly picked up the book, turning the cover before he would move to my bookmarked page on fellatio. I covered my face with both hands until I felt them being tugged.

I lowered them, and his hands came up to encase my cheeks, bringing my head up.

I was not ready for the look on his face. His eyes were filled with lust and possessiveness.

“Baby, are you telling me you studied how to please me?” he asked slowly.

I nodded in his hands, unable to speak.

“Are you telling me that I was the only one to have spent in that sweet mouth, ever?” he said.

I nodded again.

One of his hands moved to brace my neck, while the other moved to my lower back, bringing me close enough to be flush with his front. Then his hand lowered further. I sucked in a breath as he dipped it inside my pants, slowly diving a finger into my crease until it tapped my quivering pucker.

“Are you telling me that no one has ever been inside you?” he said gruffly, stroking his discovery.

I nodded as my body heated up in his hold.

Suddenly, I was carried out as I was swept up over his shoulder.

He strode purposefully out of the room and down the halls as I blurted obscenities.

The few servants I saw in the halls looked just as shocked as I felt; a couple of older women gave me knowing looks. At that rate, the whole palace would know what kind of services I provided for his majesty.

It felt like an eternity, though it was probably only a few minutes before he kicked open the door to a large room. I didn’t get to study it very much before I was flung off his shoulder and bounced on a bed. It smelled like him. He had taken me to his room.

My mouth dropped open as he disrobed. He looked like a god of war. His massive body was covered in hard-earned muscle. His thick thighs and rigid cock bobbed proudly as he lifted a knee on the bed.

I yelped as he grabbed my ankles and pulled me to the edge of the bed.

My shirt was torn off my body. My pants were ripped away, leaving me naked and my own member bobbing hard with want.

He knelt before me, looking no less impressive as he shoved my legs apart, wrapped his arms under my thighs, and pulled me till my ass hung off the edge.

I tried to close my legs remembering that I did not look like his usual elfish lover. He stopped me with a quick and stern look in the eye.

“Little Prince, I have never seen anything more perfect,” he said seeming to have understood my self-conscious reaction. I relaxed my legs and bit my lip in anticipation throwing caution to the wind.

I had no time to have any additional worry about my exposed hole as he engulfed my cock. My head flew back in pleasure as he bobbed. My hands flew to my sides as I grasped the bed sheets.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh!” I gasped. It was too much and all too soon I fell off a precipice. “Loukas! I’m going to cum.” I barely had time to give a warning as I exploded into that sweet heat. I was embarrassed at how quickly I spent but he didn’t stop there.

He pulled off my pink cock with a pop and tongued my balls before moving down.

“What are you doing?” I muttered in a daze.

He shoved my legs up and towards my chest, pushing my ass higher, and dove his tongue into my pucker.

I cried out in disbelief. It felt so good. I had read about this but never thought he would do this. I thought it was so vulgar when I read it, but now having felt the sensations, I knew I would never be the same.

His tongue and teeth nibbled my hole before he started prodding the opening. Soon, a finger joined the effort, searching till it found the magic button the author spoke about causing me to lose my breath.

By now, my cock was hard once again, and I was babbling incoherently.

“Please, please, please.”

He rose over me, his body nearly bending me in half as he pistoned two fingers out of my hole.

“Please Loukas, please!”

“You want my cock, little acula?”

“Yes, yes!”

“You want me to steal your innocence? Breach you where no one else ever has?”

“Oh, please Loukas, take it, it’s yours.”

He growled and thrust a third finger into me. I yelled out at the bite of pain and pleasure. My cock leaked rivers of essence onto my stomach. He took his finger away, and I immediately felt empty.

“No! Don’t stop!” I yelled in desperation.

“Oh, I am not stopping, little Prince. I am going to take what’s mine,” he growled.

I gulped as he lifted me and moved me closer to the center as if I weighed nothing. He sat back on his heels, lifted my hips and ass to shove a pillow underneath it. I looked down my chest to see his impressive manhood bobbing above mine. My legs were obscenely splayed open as he shuffled toward me, allowing the backs of my thighs to rest on top of his.

Sweat and cum glistened on my stomach. My chest was flushed, and I felt my hair starting to cling to my face. His eyes raked over me, getting more and more intense as he took me in. He reached over and grabbed oil, pouring it over his member, and stroking it lazily as he continued to take me in.

I whimpered. His eyes looked up at mine. I could not look away, even as I felt him move his hand guiding his thick cockhead and resting it on my opening.

He leaned forward over me, placing down an elbow, and swept my hair off my forehead.

“Loukas, please,” I whispered.

I gasped into his mouth as he suddenly plugged into me, plundering both my ass and mouth.

I yelled into his thrusting tongue, but thankfully he held still. His body trembled as he waited. It didn’t take long before I started actively returning the kiss and moving my ass a little to signify, I was ready.

He pulled away, rising to hold my hips, sitting back on his heels, and pulled me onto his cock with each thrust.

I cried out as what initial pain I felt it quickly turned to pleasure. I could only grasp the sheet at my side and hang on for the increasingly powerful thrusts.

How had I never done this before? Even then, I knew if I had, it would not have compared to what Loukas was doing to me now.

“Yes, yes, please!” I begged.

His grunts accentuated his pounding hips.

I reached up to grab and feel his sweaty chest. The hair there was sticking. I wanted to lick him. I maneuvered one of his hands, bringing his thumb to my mouth, and sucking on it. His eyes darkened further. He moved his hand away, grabbing both my wrists and locking them above my head as he leaned over me, bending me further as he continued his demanding tempo.

I cried out in pleasure as the new position pounded against that magical spot.

His free hand stroked down my chest before taking me in hand. I felt my body climb higher and higher, building to a crescendo I had never felt before.

I cried out as I spilled almost painfully into his fist and my stomach. He released my wrist, falling forward and pounded once, twice, and roared on a third and final push.

He collapsed down on me, chest still heaving. After a while, I gave him a little push to get some much-needed air. He pulled out and we both groaned before he fell on his back beside me.

I rolled towards him and rested my hand on his chest, needing to still have a connection. He grabbed my hand, raising it to his mouth to kiss my fingertips.

“Come acula, let us wash,” he pulled me from the bed and led me to a bath already filled with water. It was not as hot as it probably had been 30 minutes ago, but easing into it was magical.

He sat behind me, stroking my neck, chest, and thighs. Wherever he could reach.

“I want you closer to me, not in that room little Prince, I am putting you right next to mine where you should have been from the beginning,” he said.

“Really?” I said tentatively.

“Yes, you are mine and I want you by me, little prince.”

I leaned my head back on his shoulder cautiously hopeful for the future. No matter my feelings, no I knew I could not forget my primary role as a servant. I did not know how that would translate to the growing feeling I have for my Garion King.

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