The Right Way to Begin

There was no way to masturbate now unless he ran out back and dropped his pants. And his absence might seem suspicious to Shawn, who wouldn’t take that long to finish his shower. At least there was no sign of Joe or Lawrence. Cory tried not to touch the painful penis pressing insistently on his shorts. He tried to put his mind elsewhere, so that the erection would just leave, but he wasn’t having much luck.

There was a tread along the gravel path leading up to the door of the cabin and a few seconds later Shawn walked in. He had finished faster than Cory thought he would. He went directly for his own bed and tossed down his shower stuff.

“Not a bad first day,” Shawn said.

“Great day.” Cory hoped he didn’t sound as flustered as he felt. “Won’t take much time for everybody to get into the rhythm of the place.”


Cory heard fabric being pulled off. Shawn had taken off his shirt. He was just getting ready for bed, but Cory felt his nerves kick right back in. Ordinarily, he wouldn’t have felt the situation was all that astonishing. Just two guys getting dressed for bed. But tonight he was flustered. Those damn public showers.

Cory forced himself to do the same as Shawn. It wouldn’t be long before they were both just ready to go to bed and chat before they fell asleep. The situation would return to normal and they’d be talking as easily as they had been this morning. As he pulled his shirt off, he heard the rustle of Shawn’s shorts as they hit the floor. So he kept on with his own business. His hands, which were calming down thanks to his own private pep talk and despite the thought of Shawn’s nakedness across the room, undid the button of his shorts and then slid the zipper down. The shorts fell away. They were soon followed by his briefs. Cory stepped out of the clothes and felt the cool air all over his recently showered body.

Then he noticed something. He didn’t know what it was at first, but something was off. It was a few seconds before he realized that what was wrong was that it was totally quiet in the room. There were no more noises coming from the other side of the room. Cory listened for a few more seconds, then he stole a glance over at Shawn.

Shawn was standing there by his bed. He was totally naked. He was staring Cory right in the eyes.

Cory was frozen. His stomach started doing somersaults and his heart was pounding. He tried to keep his breathing steady. The air all of a sudden felt cold. The moment seemed to stretch out into forever. Cory didn’t break eye contact with Shawn. That is, he didn’t break eye contact until Shawn started moving.

It was barely noticeable at first, but Shawn took a step forward. Then another. The silence was broken by the soft padding of those bare feet on the wooden floor. Cory’s mind expanded to take in the rest of the scene he was now in the middle of. Shawn’s eyes were but one of the parts of that scene. The first thing he noticed was that Shawn’s penis was bouncing slightly with each step. That meant it was becoming rigid. Cory also noticed that his own organ had risen to a mild stand. No full erection yet. He was still perplexed.

Shawn got real close. Cory could now feel the other boy’s breath. The gradually growing penises didn’t touch as Shawn approached, because he was just slightly taller than Cory was. Just as his now almost fully erect penis was about to touch Cory’s pubic hair, Shawn stopped. His right arm came up and his fingers lightly touched Cory’s left arm.

Cory’s nerves were firing wildly. He’d only experienced this tingle in his stomach in the past by touching his penis. General physical contact with another man had heightened everything he felt. The fingers gained a light grip on Cory’s upper arm.

Before Cory could process the information, Shawn leaned in to kiss him. At first, their lips just rested peacefully against each other. As the kiss went on, mouths opened slightly and lips began to open, push, caress, squeeze. Finally, tongues began to intertwine and explore. Cory finally closed his eyes and went with it. His nerves were melting away. He inclined his head and gave just as much as he received.

Cory’s eyes snapped back open when Shawn moved in closer and pressed his body fully against Cory’s. Their penises were pressed snugly against bellies and nestled warmly in pubic hair.

The kiss continued. Now, Cory’s arms finally found their way around Shawn, the way Shawn’s had found their way around him as soon as they stood together. Cory pressed his palms against the smoothness of the other guy’s back. The touching skin between them was getting very warm now. Shawn’s hands were starting to roam all over Cory’s back and neck. The coldness in the air around them seemed to have evaporated. Finally, Cory managed to start his hands moving. They slid very slowly back and forth across the warm skin and the rigidity of the spine.

Shawn’s hands had made their way slowly down the small of Cory’s back until finally, his right hand gently allowed its fingers to brush the peak of Cory’s smooth right buttock, then through the top of the crack that had now begun to develop a coating of sweat. Then the lightly sweat flecked fingers finished their journey on the peak of the left buttock. This movement brought a slight, involuntary moan from Cory.

Shawn broke the kiss. Cory opened his eyes and looked at Shawn, who was starting very seriously (and slightly fearfully) back from behind his glasses. Shawn released Cory and Cory did the same to Shawn. Another of those moments passed in which both boys simply stood and stared. Cory was wondering what Shawn was doing, why he had stopped.

Then, with an enormously gentle touch, Shawn put his left arm on Cory’s right upper arm and pulled toward him. This pulling from one side had the effect of suggesting that Cory turn around. And Cory let Shawn’s arm persuade him to a position in which he was facing his bunk, his back to Shawn. Then he felt a hand on his back between his shoulder blades and one on the front of his hip. The one on his back pushed with almost no force and the one on his hip pulled with that same lack of urgency.

It was a suggestion.

Oh my God! He’s bending me over. He wants to make love.

Cory bent over until his hands were on the bedspread. Then he saw Shawn’s hand come before him and pick up his wet soap. Behind him, he heard the squishing of soap being run between hands. After a few seconds of this, he felt something that almost made him jump.

Shawn placed a soapy finger at Cory’s anus and began to push it in. Though it felt awkward, the finger slid in without much of a problem. Cory had never felt anything inside him before. The instinct was to flex and push it out, and he suppressed it. The finger felt around for awhile, then pulled out. Then two fingers were placed at Cory’s anus. They went in much more slowly. Cory felt his sphincter starting to stretch in order to accommodate the inserted digits. Cory found he could feel the contours of the fingers as they pushed into him. When they were all the way inside, he felt better. Stretched, but better. Then Shawn removed them. Three fingers were next. This one was hard. Shawn moved slowly, but it still hurt. Cory’s anus was being pulled in all directions. He clenched his teeth as Shawn pushed in. He started to feel full when the fingers were almost all the way in. Just when he was certain his anus could take no more, the fingers stopped. He gripped the bed sheet in his hands, trying to relax and get past the pain. His rectum felt filled. Shawn rubbed Cory’s bum with his free hand.

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