The Right Way to Begin

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The cafeteria was the biggest building in the camp. It was designed to house all of the children who were attending the camp at any given moment. In the midst of this faintly structured chaos Cory and Shawn sat together at the end of one of the tables closest to the kitchen.

Without the presence of Joe or Lawrence, whose group was not done with its morning activities, Shawn was totally at ease. Even around all the girls he was very comfortable, which cannot be said of most people like Shawn. Janine’s presence alone would have been enough to make Joe or Lawrence nervous, but Shawn just conversed at everybody’s level and nobody felt awkward or left out. This group of six would work just fine over the coming summer. Cory was relieved by this. Even though he was excited about working here through the summer, he was nervous about who the other councillors would be. There were always people at any job that wound up taking the fun out of things and making things hard for those around them. These six would be the perfect match for any bullshit Joe and Lawrence might get up to.

The girls were the first to leave. They had already been in the cafeteria with their groups when the boys came in. They all said their goodbyes and then the cafeteria got much quieter and emptier when they were gone. This left Cory and Shawn alone at their table.

“I’m surprised the men’s men didn’t coordinate their day with Janine,” Shawn said.

“They’ll never do it. They talk big, but I don’t think they can really live up to that teen movie image they’re trying to set,” Cory replied. He had a tremendously vivid image of those tight buttocks clenching while that determined right hand rubbed that rigid flesh. He had to try hard to banish it, but he eventually managed.

“Nope. And Janine’s no idiot, either.”

“I feel kinda bad for her. She seems really sweet. I hope if they do try to pick her up, they get the picture fast that she wants nothing to do with them. Just so that she doesn’t spend her summer fending them off.”

“I’d say between her, Carol, Kelly and Susan, the guys wouldn’t be allowed to get any closer than the ladies wanted them to.”

“I know what you mean.”

They talked for awhile about their high schools and how it would be to never have to see them again. Both were excited by that.

“I don’t have any illusions about fitting in there either,” Shawn said, “but at least there, you just go on about your own business. No sanding in crowded hallways waiting out recess. You go to class and you go home.”

“I wouldn’t worry about fitting in though.” Cory said. “My older brother’s been away now for two years and he says there’s basically someone for everyone, no matter how weird.”


“Shut up. I know you know what I mean.”

They both smirked.

Cory continued, “I mean, they have clubs for anime fans. My brother says his school’s even got an anarchy society – if you can figure that one out.”

Shawn laughed at this. “An organized society to promote a disorganized society. I guess calling university a place for ‘higher learning’ is a bit of stretch these days.”

At the next tables the kids were starting to get restless. Shawn noticed immediately.

“We’re supposed to have a half hour for lunch,” Shawn said, “but I guess they’re ready for more now.”

So the guys got up and took the children back outside for the rest of their day’s worth of summer fun.

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Public showers. It was unbelievable that this place had public showers. The councillors’ washroom building had one doorway but beyond that there were two other doorways that let into the building proper. One for boys and one for girls. Once inside this second doorway, you could go to the right and wind up in the washroom or you could keep going straight, to the end of this small building, and wind up at another door. Beyond this door was the shower room. It was just an empty tiled room with four shower heads.

Cory hated public showers. Although he didn’t feel like he had anything to be ashamed about when it came to his body, he didn’t like showing it off either. This was the one thing he knew he would detest at this camp. The whole summer, he would be trying to pick the perfect time to go so that he wouldn’t have to be in there with anyone else.

After the first long day of camp, sun set long ago, Cory finally decided it was time to go in for his shower. He walked down the short hall to the boys’ shower and opened the door. Nobody there. He walked over to the farthest shower head and pulled off his shirt. His shorts and briefs were next. He slipped them off over his sandals and hung them up out of the water’s way. The air in here was cold and he felt his skin prickle. He quickly turned on his shower and moved his nude body under the water’s warm spray.

The water cascaded down his back and flowed over the mounds of his buttocks and down the crack between them. The warmth of the caressing water felt fine. Cory poured some shampoo into one of his hands and then began to rub it into his hair. When he was finished, he dipped his head underneath the spray and began to rinse it out.

That’s when he heard someone enter. Sensing his nakedness once again, Cory took a deep breath and just tried to go on with his shower so that he’d be done as fast as possible.

“Hey,” came the familiar voice.

It was Shawn. Cory only looked up for a second to acknowledge the other boy’s presence, then went back to his business. Shawn left one shower head separating their places. He flicked on his own water and began washing.

Cory was soaping himself up when Shawn started. He put the bar down and began to rinse. He shifted under the water and his eyes flicked over to the other naked body in this place. Just an instant was all it took. His flaccid penis began to grow. It was unbelievable. Cory’s shyness didn’t have any effect on his ability to gain an erection. He turned away from Shawn to finish cleaning himself.

Shawn’s penis had been soft, too. The skin of the organ, like all the skin on his body, was incredibly white. Almost porcelain white. Cory remembered the way the moon seemed to cause it to glow. Then he remembered he thought he saw shadows around Shawn’s groin when his penis had been exposed in the cabin last night. He was wrong. Some of the darkness had been shadows, but the rest of it had been the other boy’s pubic hair. Shawn had a very thick triangle of dark curly hair above his dangling penis. It was shockingly thick and rich. The patch was no bigger than Cory’s, but Cory’s did allow some of the skin underneath to show through. It was especially shocking since the rest of Shawn’s body was so smooth.

Cory quickly finished off and turned off his shower. He wasn’t even completely dry when he put back on his clothes.

“See, ya,” he said to Shawn as he made his way out of the men’s shower.

* * *

In its own way, this had been a much more intense experience than watching Joe masturbate earlier. This time, the naked man had been only feet away and there was no window separating the two. Cory put his towel down on his bed, along with his shampoo and soap.

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