The Straight Family Friend

The Straight Family Friend: A Captivating Gay Sex Story on

A gay sex story: The Straight Family Friend I legitimately never thought I would be writing something like this for the internet just because there is no one in my life I could talk to about this, but at the same time I feel like I would explode if I didn’t let at least someone know. This happened about two months ago and I’ve been keeping to myself so far, but I think it’s too much of a unique experience not to share it.

For safety reasons I’m going to use fake names. So, James is probably like 34-38 years old. He’s been a friend of my family for about a year now. My parents met him and his wife at church. One thing about my parents is that they love to play the older couple mentor role. They’re always picking up the new young couple, taking them out for dinner, inviting them to the house, and all that. It usually lasts for a few months before they forget and move on. But this couple stuck around for longer (they still are).

James is the kind of guy I love jerking off to. He’s been going to the gym for easily more than ten years now. To hear him speak about it, it’s as if exercise is a natural part of his life. He has the most perfectly defined inverted triangle figure, and he loves to wear clothes that show it off. Up until what happened, I’d never had the privilege of seeing him without his shirt on, but you can imagine my mind more than made up for it at night.

Ever since him and his wife started coming to my house, I would have the hardest time keeping my eyes from sliding over him, his 6’2 tall figure, or his absurdly handsome face. He never seemed to mind though. Even though I would turn a deep red any time he’d caught me, he’d always just give me a friendly smile and a wink. If I was a girl, he could get me pregnant just with that. I mean, he obviously could, since his wife got pregnant like seven months ago.

That’s when I started noticing a change. It’s like he would actively wait for me to look at him so that he could smirk back. Every time. It went from getting caught a couple times every now and then to actively embarrass myself every five seconds. He would wear his shirts one button too open and his jeans seemed to have gotten tighter. One time while we were having lunch, I swear I felt him kick me under the table,

Anyway, I’m beating around the bush a lot because I’m really nervous about writing this down. Last thing I’ll say is that I’m 18 and just a regular skinny guy that’s also gay and grew up in a religious household, meaning I’m still in the closet.

So, now for the part you’ll want to hear about. Like I said before, this happened a couple months ago. It was during dinner. We had just finished and my parents and James and his wife were just talking about a bunch of crap I don’t really care about. Usually around this time I just get up and go to my room until they leave, but that day I decided to stay so that I could keep basking my eyes in the plaid shirt James was wearing, fuel for my late night activities. As usual, he’d caught me several times, and smiled every single one.

After a while, even that form of entertainment started to wear off, so I tapped my phone to check the time.

“Is that Pokemon?” James chimed in, looking at my Angemon background.

I mean, it was the very first time he’d every asked me anything even remotely personal, was I really going to tell the gorgeous hunk sitting across me that he got the wrong franchise?

“Yeah, you’re into it?” the room had gone quiet around our sudden interaction. The attention was making me nervous, but I wasn’t about to back down.

“Absolutely! I used to collect cards back in the day. You should come around some time and I’ll show you.”

Alright, that was definitely weird. My brain was racing at full speed trying to figure out what to say next. All at once I was taken aback by his interest, while struggling not to make him look like an idiot, but also trying to figure out what would be a polite way to answer.

“That’d be awesome! I also like to collect.”

No, I don’t. I’ve never had the money to afford something like that. I don’t even know why the hell I said that. Seriously, I have no idea. It worked out in the end, though.

“No way! Do you have them here?” he asked, gesturing as if he was about to get up.

My heart was beating so fast at this point that I’m surprised I can even remember this conversation. If I’m being completely honest, nothing lewd was going through my head. I was mostly just panicking about how I would explain that I don’t actually have any Pokemon or Digimon cards or whatever. Even as I nodded like an idiot, and we both got up to go to my room, the only thing I could think about is what kind of whacky excuse I would have for him.

Neither my parents nor his wife said anything as we left the room and got up the stairs. I didn’t say anything either as I walked straight to my closet, trying to pretend like I was looking for something that clearly wasn’t there.

I was halfway through my room when I heard the door close behind me followed by the soft click of the clock. I’m still wondering today how did I not pass out on the spot.

As I turned around to see what was going on, the first thing I noticed was the incredibly tall, handsome hunk unbuttoning his shirt while starting at me with that damn smirk.

“Sorry, bud. Hope you don’t mind. Your room is kinda hot. How do you manage here?”

“We– uh, we have AC,” I mumbled through a dry mouth.

His body was exactly what I envisioned it to be. Big, bulging pecs on top of a pile of eight very defined abs. He moved as smoothly as someone that’s used to having such a body. He was confident, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think that was sexy as fuck.

“Sorry, I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable,” he said, stopping halfway through taking the shirt off.

“N–no, you’re not,” I replied a little too fast.

“Alright, cool,” he said.

James hadn’t moved an inch. He was still standing right in front of my door. Except now he was shirtless, and looking at me. I can’t even begin to explain how surreal this felt.

“I’m not gay, you know,” he said after an awkward silence. “I figured you are a while ago, but I’m not.”

At the moment I remember thinking he was trying to imply nothing was going to happen. Which I was fine with, I mean, to this day I can still easily cum at the memory of his bare chest. I would’ve been happy with that.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell your parents,” the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. “I just thought I could ask a favor of you.”

“Sure,” I immediately spilled out.

“Good,” he chuckled. “You see, Lindsey is very pregnant. She’s unable to fulfill her duties as a wife at the moment, and I’m a man. I have some primal needs that need to be met.”

“You want me to suck you off…?” It came out as a mix between a question and a statement.

“Yeah, for starters, but after that I’d like you to offer your boypussy to me so I can cream it. I’m afraid I’m in desperate need of some tight places to put my cock in.

He undid his belt while he spoke and I swear I was so hard I could’ve instantly combusted. He didn’t have to say anything, I just walked on wobbly knees to where he was waiting for me, dick in hand by the time I got there.

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