They Are A-OK Ch. 17


A gay story: They Are A-OK Ch. 17 The next morning I awoke alone. I lay on the bed naked and uncovered with the sun streaming in through the window. As I looked out at paradise I felt like I had been deposited in the Garden of Eden. It was a fleeting thought however as I contemplated what might have become of my companions. I also had concerns about how Adam might feel about the all night threesome. The smell of breakfast being prepared began to waft into the room. As I swung my legs off the bed planning to investigate, I was happy to see a man’s robe laid out for me on a nearby chair. Since I thought there might be a cook preparing food in Shelia’s kitchen I wasn’t to keen on walking out of the bedroom naked. When I did go out what I found was mildly surprising. It was Shelia cooking and Reggie was nowhere in sight. She was wearing a shear nearly see thru robe that somehow made her look even more enticing then when I saw her naked.

She turned and greeted me warmly with smile, “Good morning sexy boy! Sleep well?”

“Famously, thank you and good morning to you hot stuff.”

She giggled and dropped the spatula before running over to me. She kissed me hard and then said that she hoped I was hungry. I told her that I was as she returned to her cooking. When I asked about Reggie she explained that he had to catch an early chopper. Some business or the other needed attending.

“He said to thank you for a grand evening and tell you that he hopes you will fuck him again sometime.” She added in such a sweet way that it didn’t sound at all crude.

We ate at the counter in her kitchen and then showered together. To my delight we made love again in the shower; ending with her bracing herself against the tile wall while I screwed her from behind. I was surprised to find that she had had clothes brought down from my room in the main house. As we dressed I decided that I should ask about my host.

“Shelia, I have to ask you something. Is Adam going to be ok with what happened last night?” I said rather shyly.

“What happened that you think he might have a problem with, John?” She shot back in the way an old grammar school teacher of mine used to talk.

“Oh I see how it is. You and Reggie fuck me until I am dizzy and then play games the next morning,” I snapped feeling a little embarrassed and a lot angry.

“Whoa, tiger. You don’t have anything to worry about as far as Adam is concerned. He makes no claim on you,” She said calmly in the face of my obvious anger.

“And you and his buddy Sir Reginald, he doesn’t make claims there either?” I asked somewhat confused.

“He doesn’t make those kind of claims on anyone. Fuck you are in the damn brotherhood! You should understand this shit,” She replied clearly becoming pissed at my questions.

Impulsively, I grabbed her arm and took her face in my other hand. I stared into her eyes preparing to defend the brotherhood from an outsider.

“I don’t know what the hell you know about our fraternity or why you know it. But I am sure that no member no matter how close you may be would tolerate it being spoken about in that tone,” I said in a purposefully menacing tone.

She was visibly shaken by my outburst.

“John, please, I am sorry. I just didn’t; know why you were so concerned. As for what I know about the brotherhood and how I know it, I am the personal assistant to the grand poobah, babe. I believe the term you guys use is a chick with special status. That being as it may you were quite correct to call me on my tone when speaking to a brother.”

Her sudden contrite posture threw me off. I wondered if Adam had made her some sort of auxiliary member and she feared I would turn her in for punishment.

“I’m sorry too, Shelia,” I said letting go her arm. “It was odd hearing the brotherhood being spoken of by a woman. Your irreverence on top of that set me off.”

As I finished my sentence Adam entered the room.

“As well it should, brother John. Your instincts are amazing,” he said offering his hand.

“Good morning, greetings brother,” I said as I took his hand.

“Sheila there are some papers on my desk that need your attention. Jeff Cord agreed to the terms last night. John, if you would join me on my daily walk I think we could clear up some of those question spinning around in your head.”

Shelia acknowledged her orders and headed for the main house as Adam and I headed down a path that seemingly disappeared into the dense foliage. In places the path wasn’t even wide enough for the two of us to walk abreast. In those places I slipped behind Adam. After about a quarter of a mile we came to a longs series of steps that were carved into the terrain. The gently sloping stairs disappeared just ahead of us as it turned around one of the island’s jutting rock formations. Adam spoke for the first time since leaving the cottage as we began to climb the stone stairway.

“John, this route is a bit of a workout, but well worth the effort,” Was all he said.

The lack of conversation was unsettling.

“Adam, I am sorry if I have disappointed you,” I managed to say as we made our way around the huge rock.

“Don’t be ridicules. You have done nothing but make me proud and delighted that I have vested my faith in you.”

“I thought maybe my sleeping with Shelia and Reggie might be an issue.”

“Not at all. I was somewhat surprised that Shelia was so interested in you truthfully, but I never had a doubt that Sir Reggie would get that hot cock of yours somehow.”

“Then why the silence? Is there a problem with me having fucked Shelia?”

“Of course not. If you want to talk then talk. I am just focused on getting to the destination. As for Shelia I said I was surprised not angry.”

“Are you saying she acted uncharacteristically last night?” I asked growing ever more curious.

“In the ten years that I have known Shelia she has almost never impulsively slept with a guy she just met. She has never gone bed with any other brothers your age. She tends to be more conservative in her choice of sex partners. Now don’t get me wrong she is a wild one behind closed doors with a select few and as you know she is an amazing fuck.”

“Wow,” Was the only thing that came from my mouth.

Though my exclamation was partially due to Adam’s words the major cause was the view that had suddenly sprung up before us. As we came around another turn it seemed the whole of the belly of island was laid out. The foliage was like a green tarp laid out leading to the sparkling azure sea beyond. The splendor of nature’s canvas was stunning.

“Is this what you brought me to see?” I asked as I stared awestruck at the view.

“Only in part; our destination is still some distance away. It is a place I take very few people. I think of it as my private Eden,” He said in a sincere and almost reverent tone.

“Adam this whole island is paradise,” I sighed happily.

“Some parts more so that others,” He retorted as the steps began to descend into the small valley.

When we again reached soft ground I heard the faint sound of a stream or small river gurgling nearby. As we moved through the thickening vegetation the gurgle became louder. About fifteen minutes after leaving the stone steps behind we emerged into a clearing. Directly in front of me I could see swift moving stream. But there was nothing to explain the loudest of the water until Adam took hold of shoulders and turned me around. I shaded my eyes from the sun and there appeared a pristine stream of foamy water cascading down the rock face.

He slipped his arms around me, kissed the back of my neck and then whispered in my ear, “Very few humans have ever beheld this sight.”

I was awe struck and honored that he was sharing such a place with me. I could feel my flesh tingling and knew he could feel me trembling as I took in the waterfall and surrounding area. He drew me tighter to his body and nuzzled my shoulder.

After a minute he urged, “Come there is more.”

He took my hand and led me along the bank of the stream toward the tumbling waters. At the base of the falls was a narrow opening in the rock. We had to turn sideways to fit through. It was cool and misty inside the small cave. But there was light because a chunk of the far wall was missing. The opening revealed a curtain of falling water. He led me to within a foot of the backside of the falls and then lifted my hand into the streaming water. He let go my hand and bade me to taste as he brought a handful of liquid to his lips. It was cool and perhaps the purest water I had ever tasted. When I turned toward him he was smiling broadly and had a look of pure lust in his eyes. I felt more wanted at that moment than I had ever felt before.

“I want you to make love to me,” He moaned softly.

It seemed that our clothes were off in an instant. The cool dampness of the cave was sensual contrast to the warmth of his bare flesh against my body as we kissed. Soon we were on the soft floor of the cave, rolling around on a mattress of moss. Our fingers danced over each other’s bodies. His touch sent jolts of electrically charged pleasure streaming over my flesh. We were soon covered in mud. I imagined we looked like some primitive tribesmen who ritually covered their bodies in mud wrestling to prove our manhood. After a long time of rolling around he pinned me to the floor and began to hump his cock against mine. We developed a kind of rhythm rubbing our cocks together while kissing wildly.

“Oh, god, Adam, I’m cumming!” Echoed off the wall as a surprise orgasm took hold of my senses

Before my orgasm had subsided he had cum too.

“Wow that was fucking amazing!” I exclaimed once I caught my breath.

“Yeah, but you are one messy fucking lover!” He chimed in. “You chose the bed,” I shot back laughing.

“Didn’t think about the mud. I have never made love in here before.”

“Are you serious? Why me then?” I asked surprised to get such an honor.

“I am not sure. I just knew I wanted to bring you here and make love. I am glad I did, you are very special.”

“So are you, Adam,” I answered before kissing him softly.

“I think we need a shower,” He said as he got to his feet.

Before I could reply he ran through the curtain of water and disappeared. I quickly ran after him and found myself in a gently swirling pool of water at the base of the falls. We froliced like little kids in the cool waters for at least an hour.

“John, I would love to stay here playing with you all day, but I have some business I must attend to. I will be busy until dinner but I have the whole evening free to be with you. I hope you will spend your last night on island in bed with me. We can invite Shelia to join us if you like,” He said as he held me in his arms.

“Adam, thank you for today and everything. I am totally overwhelmed by you and your generosity and this place. Yes! God! I would love to spend the night in your bed. With or without Shelia that is up to you” I answered excitedly.

He kissed me and then led me back through the waterfall. We retrieved the clothes we had hurriedly shed earlier and quickly dressed. He assured me that they would dry on our walk back. As we made our way along the secret path he talked to me about his plans for my future. He explained that if I took his offer I would start as a summer intern learning his business. Once I graduated he would pay for me to continue my studies at the university graduate business school. In four years with MBA in hand and several summers of learning his business I would be ready to assume an important place in his organization. He added that I was already beginning to occupy an important place in his heart. I accepted his offer without hesitation.

We began to talk some about the people I had met at the reception. He told me that he had had many favorable comments about me as they departed the island. When I apologized for missing the departures he told me not worry about that. He added that the ones leaving by boat were still on the island for a couple more hours. He wanted me to handle their send off. As we reached the end of the stone steps the subject of Reggie came up.

“You know you have another ardent admire after last night,” He said causally. “Reggie really likes you.”

“He is a great guy and a lot of fun.”

“Not to mention that fucking talented pussy he keeps hidden in his butt.”

We both laughed and I asked, “Fuck, yeah, how the hell does he do that shit?”

“I don’t know. Seems like something that can’t be taught.”

“Adam, are you sure everything was ok with him? Disappearing without a goodbye made it seem like it was just a fuck he could take or leave.”

“Trust me; he definitely would have preferred to stay. But he had business to get to and you were sound asleep. I think his words were something like the lad didn’t even twitch when I gave him a big wet kiss on that sexy arse.”

I took him on his word and decided not to worry about Reggie. As we walked past Shelia’s cottage, I had a bit of a wistful feeling. I guess the truth was that I wanted her to join Adam and me that night. There was of course no way I would have mentioned that to him since I didn’t want him to get the idea I didn’t want him. Honestly, I had mixed feelings. Feelings I wasn’t sure I should have at all. There was defiantly more than just simple physical attraction going on.

When we reached the main house we headed upstairs to our separate rooms for showers and clean clothes. He left me at my door after a very hot kiss. As I showered I wished that he had joined me. The thought of another go at putting him up against the tiles stirred my imagination and raised my cock to full mast. Having dried and tossed aside my towel in the bathroom I was a bit embarrassed to walk into the bedroom rock hard and find Adam’s valet waiting to help me dress. Though he didn’t say anything I was certain he took a good look at my engorged dick as he asked me what sort of attire I would like to wear. As casually as I could manage I told that I would be going down to the docks to hang out and then see off Adam’s guests. I left the actual choice of attire to him as I quickly slipped on the brand new underwear he had already laid out.

Thankfully he didn’t object to me dressing myself once he gathered the clothing. He left me with a smile and a slight wink. He had chosen simple clothes appropriate for a warm day outside; khaki shorts and a very expensive designer polo shirt. The Docksider boating shoes weren’t really my style but I wore them anyway. Not really knowing what else to do with myself while I waited for departure time I headed down to the dock. Adam’s yacht was waiting there, gleaming in the sun, seemingly deserted.

I went aboard to see if I could find someone with a schedule. I wanted to be sure to be there to see the guests off. I was treating it like my first official duty as Adam’s employee. I ran into the first mate as he came up from below decks. He explained that most of the crew including the captain were ashore taking care of personal business. It would be about three hours before the guests came aboard he added and told me to make myself at home if I liked. I decided to take in the sea view from the aft sun deck before going ashore for more island exploration. As I came around the salon on the starboard walkway a vast expanse of shimmer azure sea was laid out before me. The magnificent vastness of the open sea was nearly overwhelming.

As I reached the stairway that led to the sun deck I noticed moment on the deck below. I shaded my eyes to so I could investigate and discovered that Hector was laying on a deck chair totally nude with his cock in hand. His eyes were closed and the glare of the sun likely would have prevented him seeing me anyway. His somewhat short sinewy body was uniformly tanned indicating he spent much time out in the sun nude. Once again I learned that height was not always proportional to cock length. Though I knew he was no more than five-seven at most his cock was definitely well over average length. Sweat beaded and glistened on his muscular arm as he pumped his enticing cock in his fist.

I knew I should just climb the stairway as I had intended and leave him to finish pleasuring himself. But I was far too fascinated with the show and just stood watching between the two decks. His hand slid up and down his rigid pole and his expression showed genuine passion. I wondered what fantasy was fueling his pleasure. At that point my own cock had grown hard in my shorts. Without thought I began to fondle myself through the fabric as I watched the sexy cabin boy stroke his hot cock in the sun. In another minute desire overcame reason and I practically leapt down the stairway to the deck below. I don’t remember if I walked or ran to his side as my mind was a blur.

“Ola, Hector,” I said as I stood next to him.

His eyes popped opened and he tried to cover his large erection to no avail.

“Oh sir, I am sorry. Guests were not supposed to arrive for some time. Please don’t tell..”

I cut him off and said, “Relax, Hector. I won’t tell anyone what a hot sexy guy you are,” As I sat down on the end of his lounge chair.

He smiled at me as I began to massage his leg. I worked my hand up from his calf, over his knee to his muscular thigh. He squirmed a bit as my fingers danced over his taught flesh. I moved my hand inside his thigh and tickled him just below his balls. He began to giggle. I would have stopped but his boyish laugh was intoxicating. When my finger tips reached his ball sack his giggling quickly turned to soft moaning. I fondled his large nuts for a few minutes before moving my hand to his long, veiny shaft. His cock was dark hued like his body. Though uncut his mushroom was fully emerged. His cock head was even darker. The chocolate coloring and shape put thoughts of Hersey kisses in my head.

I shifted position so I could bring my other hand into the game. As I moved my thumb to his leaking cock head I took hold of the base of his dick with my other hand. He stared at me as I slid my fingers into his thick silky pubic hair while rubbing and squeezing his cock head. I bent down and tasted his free flowing precum with my tongue. I moved one finger below his balls and into his ass crack. I teased his tight pucker as I sucked on his swollen cockhead. He moaned something in Spanish that I didn’t understand. I lifted my head and looked up at his sweet face.

“Hector, I want to fuck you!” I gasped. “Do you understand?”

“Si. Yes please, cójame por favor, sí!” He gasped mixing languages passionately.

I knew si meant yes. I didn’t care what the rest of it meant. I stood up and quickly stripped as Hector moved to his hands and knees. His ass was too sweaty to lick so I spit into my palm and worked my saliva into his tight orifice. As soon as I was able to get two fingers into him I moved into position behind him. I spit into my hand again and coated my cock as best I could before guiding the head to his winking rosebud. As I pushed forward he pushed back capturing my cock. I was amazed at how easily and quickly he took me deep into his body considering how tight he was and the lack of lube. He began to buck encouraging me to ride him hard. I held on tightly to his sweaty hips as the ride became increasingly wild. He was moaning and saying what I imagined to be sexual thoughts in Spanish as his rectal muscles squeezed and massaged my invading cock. I felt my balls tightening and knew that my climax was building rapidly.

I looked up and shouted my passion to the blue Caribbean sky. In almost the same spot I had stood watching Hector jerk off, I saw a uniformed figure. The intensity of the sun made it impossible to tell which of the crew was watching the show. Even if I had cared there was no way I could have stopped at that point. Instead, I reached under Hector’s body and took hold of his throbbing cock. I wanted him to cum with me and began to jerk him off as I continued driving my cock in and out of his ass. Suddenly his rectum contracted and clamped onto my dick making all movement impossible. His cock spasmed in my hand. He was cumming and from the sounds of his cries it was an intense orgasm. Before the last spurt exited his cock I came deep inside his body. My body jerked around with his ass still clamped onto my dick. Amid the pleasure thoughts of having my dick break off inside him flashed in my head. Fortunately once his orgasm finished he relaxed and my cock popped out of his cum filled asshole.

As we sat next to each other silently recovering from our climaxes, I looked up to see that our audience was gone. I still don’t know who it was or if I might have imagined the watcher. In another minute Hector thanked me and told me that he had to go get ready for duty. I sat there watching his sexy brown ass as he walked away. Once he disappeared through a hatch I quickly got dressed. I left the ship without seeing anyone and took a walk to kill the rest of the time before I too would be on duty.

When I returned to the dock it was alive with activity. The guests were due in few minutes and the crew was readying the yacht to depart. Paul waved at me from his perch outside the bridge and then went back to supervising his crew. From the model of efficiency I saw it seemed unlikely to me that they really needed much supervision. I turned when Hector came down a path with a large cart load of baggage. He smiled and nodded but did not stop to speak to me. I supposed that duty precluded any personal contact. Bubbles appeared behind the boat indicating that the powerful engines had come to life. Though they could propel the yacht swiftly over the seas they were amazingly quiet. The first of the departing guests came down as I was contemplating the engineering feat.

Frederick Trankhorn, president of a major airline was a slight man who if you saw him on the street you would not likely take much notice. Reggie told me that the man was a tiger in business negotiations who was feared by most of the Fortune 500 CEOs. He wasn’t AOK and as far as Reggie knew didn’t have any interest at all in sex. For some reason I imagined that Fred might be quite the tiger in bed with his wife or secretary as the case might be.

“Mr. Trankhorn, Adam sends his regrets at not being able to see you off personally. He hopes you will understand that business calls,” I said as I shock his hand.

“Of course, John, so good of you to see me off. It was a great pleasure meeting you. I am sure that you will make Adam very proud. But should you find working for him too demanding don’t hesitate to contact me. I am always on the lookout for talented young men,” He replied holding my hand the whole time.

That comment and his wink suggested that Reggie and I were both wrong about Fred’s sexual preferences. It was not really of much interest to me anyway. Though it was nice to have options, as long as Adam wanted me Fred didn’t have a chance of luring me away. He was followed in quick succession by seven more men and two women. All of them expressed similar thoughts about my future with Adam. Only one more expressed a thought about a possible future that didn’t include Adam. However, that suggestion was not veiled as a business offer.

Felicity Culbertson was a fifty year old widow and former model that could have easily passed for being fifteen years younger. She was fit and sexy with auburn curls that danced over her shoulders leading ones eyes to her always displayed cleavage. Her husband who was almost forty years older than her died leaving her in charge of a large financial empire. Rumors were that Daniel Culbertson had made his initial fortune in the drug trade mostly as an importer of high quality opiates from Asia. He parleyed his illegal profits into legitimate businesses. When he died he was one of the wealthiest men in the world. It turned out that Felicity was even more adapt at business than her late husband. She was also it seemed very direct when she wanted something.

“John, I am so sorry that you disappeared from the party. I was hoping that we might get to know each other better in private last night,” She said in a seductive tone after we exchanged pleasantries.

Though her meaning was nearly crystal clear, I choose to push the subject.

“Ms Culbertson had I known there were things you wanted to know about me I certainly would have made time to have had another conversation with you,” I said hoping she might be more explicit with her desires.

“It wasn’t exactly conversation that I was thinking of, John,” She added as she brought her perfectly manicured fingers to my cheek. “Perhaps you will visit me when we are both in the States. I am only a couple hours drive from your school.”

I saw Paul making his way down to the gang plank and knew that I had very little time to bring my conversation to a climax.

“As you know I am committed to working for Adam. I would not want to waste your time if your plan is to tempt me to work for you,” I said quickly hoping she would lay her cards on the table.

“My interest is more personal than business, John. I was hoping we might get together and fuck each other’s brains out,” She said as if asking me to take in a movie while smiling sweetly.

Before turning away she handed me her card and told me to call her. She walked off toward the approaching yacht captain leaving me standing there speechless. Paul greeted her and then approached me as she headed up the gang plank.

“Bad news I am afraid, John. We won’t have an opportunity to get better acquainted after all. The boss is sending the Yacht elsewhere and you will be taking a chopper off the island,” He said sounding genuinely disappointed.

“Maybe there will be another opportunity as I plan to be around a lot in the future.”

“Sounds like a plan. By the way you should know something about Felicity. She is hot and according someone I know knows is an amazing fuck. But she is also a fucking rich bitch that can be as vicious as a great white. Be careful with that cougar, man-eaters like that cunt chew up sexy young guys like you for sport,” He said and shock my hand.

As he walked away and the gang plank was pulled up I wondered what kind of world I was getting into. I stood waving to the guests on deck as the mooring lines were untied and the yacht headed off to sea. I felt disappointed but I wasn’t really sure the reason. Missing out on my date with Paul wasn’t that big of a deal. I wasn’t all that sure I would have been in any shape for sex with the captain after my night with Adam anyway. The news about Felicity while concerning was also not such a big thing. I somehow doubted that she would cross Adam by coming after his fair-haired boy whether I took her up on the sex offer or not.

For the first time I looked at the card that I was holding in my hand. It had just her first name and a phone number with the word private in parenthesis. A lingering scent caused me to raise the card to my nose. It was the same subtle fragrance that surrounded the woman like the illusion of cleanliness clings to the morning air after an overnight rain. I slipped the card into my pocket postponing the decision of what to do until another day.

I still had hours before I was due to join Adam for dinner. I chose to take a walk along a path that led in a direction I hadn’t gone up to that point. It ran from the dock along the seawall for several hundred yards before turning in toward the island. At first I thought it might just be another path leading up to the main house. However, I quickly realized that I was not going toward the house or any part of the island I had seen. The path was fairly wide and here and there I could see wheel marks. I was fairly sure the only vehicles on the island were the electric cars that resembled golf carts that ferried supplies from the docks. Again the thought that I was on some sort of service road and would eventually find myself at the main house entered my head.

Surprisingly, even with the wide path the denseness of the foliage prevented me from seeing in any direction but straight ahead. I had walked about twenty minutes when I came upon a compound of small buildings that could best be described as a village. Since I did not think that there were any native inhabitants on Adam’s island I was surprised to find such a place. Additionally, I found it puzzling that I had not been able to see the buildings from Adam’s sun deck. As I moved into the cluster of buildings I looked around trying to get a bearing as to where I was on the island. I discovered that the buildings were located so that the natural terrain of the island prevented seeing anything that helped with determining my location. I could not see the docks, nor the house, nor the bungalows or even the sea.

I felt an odd sensation akin to fear. I had a fleeting thought that I had entered some sort of real life horror movie and Jason or Freddy Krueger might pop up at any moment. Of course just like in horror movies I did not run away. Instead I moved into the middle of the cluster of small buildings. I jumped when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. When I turned I discovered that it was not a ghoul but a girl who I judged to be somewhere in her late teens that I had seen come from one of the buildings. She had long blond hair and dark deeply tanned skin. She was scantily dressed in what appeared to a homemade bikini style top and a pair of shorts that might have caused Daisy Duke to blush.

“Sir, can I help you? Are you lost?” She asked clearly confused by my presence.

“No not lost. I was just out for a walk. But I am a bit curious as to what this place is,’ I said in my most non-threatening tone then quickly added, “Oh I am sorry, my name is John.”

“I’m Alicia and this is my home. Do you work for the boss, Mr. Donaldson?”

“I guess you could say that. What about you? Why are you on the island?”

“My family all work for the boss. My mother is a cook. My father and two brothers do maintenance. Ms Edwards promised me that there will be a position for me after I turn 20 next month.”

She was a year or two older than I thought at first. For some reason that thought brought a smile to my face. When she returned the smile my heart skipped a beat. She was gorgeous and had an alluring innocence about her. She was very different than any of the women I knew.

“What job will you be doing?” I asked hoping to extend our conversation and my time with the pretty and exotic girl.

“My mother says that since I am pretty I should be lucky and not have a hard job at first. I will probably just be one of the girls that entertain guests. If I am real lucky maybe the boss will favor me in particular and keep me for himself,” She said so sweetly and innocently that one would think the idea was the most natural thing in the world.

I moved closer as I pressed for details, “How do you mean entertain guests?”

She giggled and replied, “As woman are supposed to entertain. Don’t women entertain where you live?”

I didn’t really have an answer to that question, only another question of my own, “Are you saying your job will be to have sex with guests or Mr. Donaldson?”

“Of course if that pleases them. You are a puzzling man. Do you not have girls to take care of your needs?”

“I suppose we do. But your way is a little different and probably better than ours.”

She didn’t press for details thankfully. I would not have known how to explain the complexities of American society to one who seemingly saw life in very simple terms.

“You said you work for the boss, but you are dressed more like a guest. Just what do you do John?”

“I am a student, Alicia. I suppose I am actually a guest this weekend. In the future I will be working for Mr. Donaldson if things work out,” I explained.

“Well, if you are a guest it is ok if you want to fuck me,” She said as if she was offering me a glass of water as she let loose her top.

The colorful cloth fell to the ground revealing her stunning tanned breasts. Her pert firm looking medium sized tits had large dark areolas framing nearly perfect erect nipples. There was no denying my desire. Even if my facial expression did not give away my thoughts the bulge in my shorts surely did. Her innocent sexuality, her beauty and her stunningly gorgeous body combined to create an alluring package. But I hesitated. Something was nagging at the far edges of my mind. Could it be a test, I wondered. If it was a test what was the correct answer? Would it displease Adam for me to fuck his little toy? I stood unable to decide my next move.

She stepped forward, took my hand and said, “Don’t worry, John. It is allowed. I am not a virgin. Mr. Donaldson took care of that and my mother has seen that I have been trained to please a man,” She said softly, “Or woman if that is required.”

The last part seemed to be added in an attempt to arouse me further. I assumed she had been told that men find the idea of two women having sex erotic. I needed no further arousing. I wanted to fuck her. But still I could not understand the situation. Logically, it could not have been a test. I was not led to the village. I had stumbled upon that path on my own. It was happenstance. There was one final question I needed answered though.

“Alicia, do you want to have sex with me or are you just doing this to please a guest?” I asked needing her to want me and not to be a paid whore serving the boss’s guest.

“Yes,” She began in a sincere tone. “I have only been with the boss and those that came to help with my training. Soon, I will be with people chosen for me to entertain. I chose to be with you today. I may not get to make such a choice again for a long time. Someday, when I am no longer young and pretty, I will be allowed to marry one of the workers. I will become a cook or a maid and we will raise a family. Maybe I will even teach my daughter to entertain for whoever is boss when she grows up.”

I didn’t say anything as I let her lead me into the cottage. The main room was open. It seemed to serve multiple purposes. There was a kitchen on one end that looked like those found in efficiencies. Through and open door I could see one small bedroom. I assumed that was where her parents slept. There were a couple of mats rolled up against another wall that I imagined served as beds for her brothers. She led me to a little curtained off area where there was a small mattress that comprised her bedroom.

She smiled and began to undress me. Once she pulled my shirt off she asked me to sit so that she could remove my shoes and socks. I was mesmerized watching her carefully untie and remove each shoe. She massaged my feet after taking off my socks. She remained on her knees when I stood so she could take off my shorts. As soon as I was nude she began to lick my cock while gently fondling my balls. Her small pink tongue danced over my cock sending chills running along my spine. When she took my shaft into her mouth I think I might have cum instantly if I hadn’t had sex so recently. After a long while of pleasuring me with her talented mouth she stood and kissed me softly.

“Your cock is beautiful, John. I am sorry that I must rush you a bit. My family will return home soon,” She said as she let her shorts fall to the floor.

She lay upon her bed and urged me to come take her. I looked down at her beautiful naked body laid out so innocent and sensual as she uninhibitedly offered herself to me. It was clear that she sunned in the nude as the bare shaven skin around her pussy was as evenly dark as the rest of her flesh. She spread her legs and seductively slid her delicate hand down her belly. She parted her labia with her fingers showing me the tantalizing pink of her inner folds. Though she continued to urge me to fuck her I couldn’t resist tasting her. I crawled between her legs and lowered my face to her sex. She used her fingers to spread her soft, moist, puffy lips wider to give me full access.

As I began to lick her she guided my attention to her clit. Her moans told me that I had found the intended spot. The taste of her cunt was a mixture of salt and sweetness. As her juices flowed over my face I felt like I was devouring an exotic tropical fruit. Suddenly she gripped the back of my head and pressed my face hard to sex. I struggled to breathe while continuing to lick her large engorged clit. She cried out and clutched at me as she writhed on the bed. Her orgasms came in waves causing her to thrash about while demanding I continue to eat her. I happily complied with her moaning begging for more. When finally her demands changed to insisting that I fuck her I crawled up her body.

Her juices dripped from my chin as she opened her legs wider and wrapped them around my torso. I kissed her hard cutting off her plaintive moans as my cock found its mark. Her cunt enveloped my throbbing rod as she drew me in with her strong thighs. She locked her legs around me as her pussy swallowed every inch of my aching cock. Our bodies ground together. Had we been on a bed rather than a thin mattress on the floor the intensity of our fucking likely would have broken the frame. Intense pleasure coursed through my body. She dug her nails into my back as she raked her fingers over my skin. Later I would see the bloody scratches in the bathroom mirror. At the moment all I felt was the passion of our encounter. I ground my cock deep inside her as I felt the dam begin to burst. My orgasm was so powerful that my entire body shook as I collapsed atop her. She held me, caressing me and whispering how wonderful I was.

To my horror when my senses returned I realized someone else was in the room.

“Alicia!” A woman I assumed was her mother yelled.

I feared I was about to be attacked for molesting the woman’s daughter.

“When you entertain the guests close the curtain!” The woman continued as she ran over and pulled the nearly useless threadbare fabric over to hide Alicia’s bed.

To my surprise Alicia started giggling as she apologized to her mother. Then she told me that I should go before her brothers got home. She explained that while they understood how things were they wouldn’t like to see her with a man. Before she let go of me she kissed me and thanked me. I tried to protest that it was me who should be doing the thanking, but she insisted that I had given her a great gift. I hoped I would have another chance to talk with her and learn more about her life as I scrambled around trying to get dressed while not exposing myself to her mother who I was certain was still in the room. Alicia just laid there naked, unashamed as I dressed.

Once dressed I bent down and kissed her cheek before stepping through the curtain. I was relieved to find the room empty. My relief was short lived when I stepped out the front door. Alicia’s mother was there along with two young men I figured were her sons. The resemblance to Alicia was unmistakable. It seemed that the girl was the middle child as one looked to be in his early twenties and the other was probably not yet 18.

“Oh sir, it is you. I saw you at dinner last night. We are honored that you visited our home. I hope my daughter pleased you,” The woman said as the boys tried to give me menacing looks.

I managed a weak, “Thank you,” and a nod.

“Did something displease you, sir?” She asked clearly concerned.

“Oh, no I assure you that I am very happy ma’am,” I quickly replied.

Her older son made a noise and kicked at the ground. She turned and slapped him hard while admonishing him to be respectful to the boss’s guests. I could see he wanted to say something. His eyes were hard and sad at the same time. I wondered how I would feel were the situation reversed. But I had no sister and couldn’t begin to understand the life those people led. I vowed that someday I would get know them.

“Please sir, forgive my, Gregory. He forgets his manners sometimes when it comes to his sister,” She said softly as she pushed him toward me.

He extended his hand and did his best to offer an apology. As I assured him that I held no ill thoughts toward him I noticed for the first time that his features were different from his brother and sister. I was certain that he had not been fathered by the same man as his brother and sister. I supposed that Alicia’s mother had once entertained guests and had been impregnated, probably even before she married. I wondered if the boy knew that his father was likely a wealthy white man and not the dark skinned Latino man that was approaching us at that moment.

“Sir, this is my husband, Raul. This is Mr. Donaldson’s special guest, Raul. Alicia was entertaining him,” She said in a happy tone.

Though he smiled and greeted me warmly with a happy sound in his voice I could see the sadness in his eyes as we shook hands. Suddenly I wasn’t so sure about the island being paradise; at least not for everyone.

“Woman, did you offer the gentleman refreshment. I am sure he is not used to this heat, He admonished his wife probably as a way of venting anger he could not show toward me. “I am sorry sir; she gets addled around handsome young men like you. She hasn’t even told us your name.”

“Oh, I am sorry, I am John Campanelli. I will have to turn down your further hospitality though; I am expected at the house shortly.”

“Of course, I understand. I am sure you have more important things to do than stand around my humble home.”

I had no idea how to reply to that. The truth was I would have loved to stay there and get to know that family better. I did not want them to think I came by to fuck Alicia and was done with them. But I did have to go get ready for dinner with Adam. Fortunately Alicia came out just at that moment relieving me of the need to respond. She was wearing a very short shift-like dress. She was obviously braless and I imagined pantiless as well.

“Papa welcome…” She started. “Oh sir, you are still here. Is something wrong?”

“No Alicia, everything is wonderful. I was just enjoying meeting the rest of your family. But unfortunately I must go. Mr. Donaldson is expecting me,” I said smiling broadly.

“I can show you the back path. It will be much faster for you,” She said excitedly.

“Good idea, child. But do go all the way with him so he doesn’t get lost,” Her father instructed before wishing me good health.

I made sure that the two brothers went inside with her father before going off toward an unseen path with Alicia. The path was narrow and not well graded. It seemed that it had likely been created by foot traffic. Once we were completely obscured within the dense foliage she stopped and turned to me.

“Would you kiss me, please, John?” She asked sounding a bit like Oliver Twist when he asked for more gruel at the orphanage.

I didn’t say anything. I just took her into my arms and softly pressed my lips to hers. Her tongue met mine as I caressed her lower back. She locked her hands around my neck and moved up on her toes as our kiss deepened. I slid my hands lower, cupped her ass and lifted her into the air. She gripped my waist with her legs as our tongues danced back and forth between our mouths. Minutes later our lips separated and each of us gasped for a breath of air. She sighed softly as she slid her legs down and regained her feet.

“Sir, I hope you will visit again and want to see me,” She said and took my hand to lead me the rest of the way.

“I would like that, Alicia. I would also like you to call me John always.”

“Ok, John, now come on lets go before my parents think we stopped to fuck in the woods.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Her use of the word fuck seemed so incongruous with her nature and the obvious meaning she meant to portray. She had a confused look on her face but did not ask any questions. Instead she just smiled at me sweetly. I supposed that she considered my laugh some strange foreign custom. She led me to a rear entrance to the house. I was able to get in and slip upstairs without being noticed. I showered and put on the suit that had been laid out for me. I was thankful that there wasn’t a tie to be found. Truth was the outfit seemed a bit odd to me, but if that is how Adam wanted me dressed I didn’t care.

The suit was normal enough it was made of a lightweight cream colored material. But there was no underwear laid out. When I went to the dresser to get a pair I found a note that simply said go commando tonight. That made me wonder what kinky game Adam had in mind. The shirt was one of those tropical things that seem to be very popular on cruise ships. This one had a scene that could have been on Adam’s island on the back and a multicolored parrot on the front. For my feet there were no socks, just a pair of leather thong style sandals. It seemed like Adam was going to be in hurry to get my clothes off. After my afternoon romps with Hector and Alicia, I hoped I could perform well enough to make him happy.


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