This Can’t Be Happening Ch. 23

I started to cry. Then I sobbed, my tears mixing with the dried cum on my face.

Fucking hell! I was disgusting. I wasn’t normal. I’d even let my best mate piss in my mouth!

I lay there for an hour? Maybe longer. Maybe not so long. Eventually I got up and showered again, then got dressed, then got on with chores. Around 2pm the phone rang. It was Phillip asking if I could come to the shop. He had an idea he wanted to run by me.

“Work related David,” he assured me.

Telling him I’d be there by around 3pm, I put the phone down thinking why it couldn’t wait until my shift the following day. Then the fear of knowing I’d see Lewis. I panicked for a few moments, finished what I was doing, changed into my work clothes and left the house.

When I got there Lewis seemed fine, smiling at me as he served a customer. I saw Phillip and after greeting me he had me follow him upstairs. I stripped naked as he watched smiling, then followed him along the hall to his desk and took up the display position as he sat down.

It was automatic now, this small ritual, yet it didn’t make me feel any less excited as my cock sprang to life under his gaze.

For a few moments he continued to stare. My cock throbbed. Then he told me he had an opportunity for me to earn more money.

“I’m thinking of extending the opening hours,” he advised me. “Business is good, but a few customers have begun asking why I only stay open late on a Thursday and Friday.”

Not sure if he wanted me to speak I just stayed silent, but I guessed what was coming. Any additional money I could earn would be a bonus.

“So starting from tonight I’m going to open the shop till 9pm,” he stated. “If it seems worth it afterwards, I’ll stay open late every weekday evening. I thought I’d offer you first refusal David. I know its not full time but it’s still an additional 10 and a half hours extra pay for you.”

It was a really bizarre situation, standing there naked and erect while he offered me more hours. Kind of businesslike, yet not.

I told him it would impact on my swimming, but at the end of the day, money was more important so I’d be happy to do it.

“That’s great David,” he continued. “It seems pointless in you going home only to have to come back, so I’ll pay you from 4 o’clock today. You can call your mother later and let her know. I guess you’ll need to let your coach know too.”

I nodded, considering the implications. I wasn’t sure how coach would react, but needs must.

“Well, I don’t need you downstairs until Lewis finishes,” he said. “So you can stay up here and give the living room and kitchen a good tidy up. Then if there’s still time you can clean the bathroom too.”

I checked my watch. I still had 2 hours before Lewis finished. Trying not to think what might happen if he came upstairs, I busied myself cleaning and my erection faded. I did a lot of the housework at home, I didn’t want my mother to think I wasn’t pulling my weight while trying to find employment. This was nothing new to me, but being naked while I did it was.

Phillip was quite a tidy person so I was pretty much done within an hour or so. My file was on his desk. I wondered what it said. I wondered if he left it out all the time and how many people had seen it. For all I knew Lewis might have read it with Phillip, or even done so while Phillip was downstairs. I imagined him surreptitiously reading what Phillip had written, massaging his crotch as he planned what he would do. My cock became erect.

I was so tempted to pick it up, but it would be a betrayal. I moved along the hallway to the bathroom. I couldn’t be tempted if I couldn’t see it.

I was on hands and knees scrubbing the floor after cleaning everywhere else, when I heard footsteps in the hallway. My heart thumped. I hoped it wasn’t Lewis. I wasn’t sure I could deal with it right then, besides this wasn’t the environment to talk to him.

I stayed with my bottom facing the door and continued to scrub, desperately hoping it was Phillip. I heard the footsteps stop in the bathroom doorway.

“There’s a sight for sore eyes,” I heard Mr Ali say. I looked over my shoulder at his grinning face. “Phil said I could use the loo.”

My face flushed, I moved to stand up but he told me not to worry. My cock was rigid as he squeezed by me and stood in front of the toilet unzipping his trousers.

“Come here boy,” he smiled down at me, pointing to the small gap next to the bowl. I had to kneel to fit in the space, putting me at eye level with his crotch.

Putting his hand inside his trousers he withdrew his cock and balls. I was surprised to see he was shaved. Then how his balls stretched the skin of his brown scrotum as they hung from his flies. His skin of his cock was very dark, almost black. Slightly wrinkled with no veins. He wasn’t particularly large in this flaccid state, around 4 inches at a guess. Not overly thick either, but he was circumcised and the glans was huge. It looked completely oversized in comparison to the thickness of his shaft with a slit that looked wide open, almost like a hole in the end.

He told me to hold it. “I said I’d let you the last time we were in here. Make sure you point it into the bowl,” he said putting his hands on his hips.

Oh god. My cock started to leak and it didn’t go unnoticed.

“You like that boy don’t you,” he stated. I nodded as I held him, my face a deep shade of red.

Then it began. I could actually feel the urine as it gushed along the short length before exiting in a thick stream. I did my best to guide it into the bowl. Some spilled onto my fingers, but it was too late try and adjust my hand. I was so close, the smell of the deep amber liquid caused my eyes to water a little. He just stood there looking down at me as if this was normal.

Eventually he stopped with 3 or 4 long squirts diminishing to a trickle and then a few drops that ran over my fingers, my wrist and then down my arm towards my elbow.

“Do you want to shake it or suck it clean boy?” he asked.

Just a simple question and I was on the verge of my own orgasm, my eyes locked on the drips leaking from his huge mushroom shaped helmet.

“You want to suck it don’t you boy,” he said. It was a statement. A recognition. As if he’d known since I watched him the first time.

I dumbly nodded my head. My brain was just a thick fog. My cock jerked wildly.

“Well chop chop,” he said grinning at me. “It’s not going to suck itself clean,” he laughed.

He didn’t move so I had to lean over the toilet bowl to put my mouth around his glans. Fuck, it was bigger in my mouth than it looked. The stench of his urine in the toilet wafted up to my nose as I got the first taste. Unlike Lewis, there was no surprise jet, just the taste of his piss. It was as strong on my tongue as it smelled. I gagged briefly and he apologised saying he’d been waiting a while to go. It didn’t stop me sucking him and his cock began to swell.

“Woah,” he said comically. “You’re supposed to be sucking me clean, not sucking me off boy.” He pulled himself from my mouth, tucked himself back into his trousers and strolled away, leaving me with my cock on the edge and the taste of his piss.

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