This Can’t Be Happening Ch. 23

It would only take a few seconds of stroking and I’d be cumming, but I forced myself not to. I finished the rest of the bathroom floor and tidied everything away. The taste in my mouth helping to maintain my solid erection.

I realised I’d been waiting to see Mr Ali’s cock since the very first time he watched me sucking Phillip off. I wasn’t disappointed either. I’d never seen a cock with such a huge helmet before. My cock twitched when I thought of what it felt like in my mouth and it had definitely started to get bigger. I wondered if he’d told Phillip and that made my balls begin to ache.

Fuck! I’d forgotten to call coach or my mother. I quickly dialled home and explained what was going on. I expected her to be happy, but she seemed quite subdued in her response. She said we’d talk about it later when I got home.

When I spoke to coach he said he understood. He knew my home situation was tight financially, but he would need to consider whether I could stay in the club. However, he said we’d talk about it. I think I expected him to say that. It still hurt though.

With that I heard footsteps on the stairs. It was close to 5.30pm and assumed it would be Phillip coming to tell me to go downstairs. I took up the display position in front of his desk, but instead of coming up he called me to come down, saying Lewis had already left. So after getting dressed, I made my way to the shop.

It was surprisingly busy that evening. Maybe word had spread about the extended opening hours. Phillip stayed with me for most of the evening. He wanted to see how it went. He left me to it around 8.30pm.

I’d already seen the guy who came through door shortly afterwards. He’d been in earlier. He was a big guy. I mean, really big. He must have stood around 6’6″ tall. He was bald, but not from shaving his head. It was naturally that way. I guessed him to be in his late 50’s or early 60’s. He was fat, but his height just made him look big.

I remembered how big his arms and hands were when I’d served him. He’d been pleasant enough, almost chatty. He had a nice smile and when I’d looked at him, his faded blue eyes glinted. That was when I’d noticed he had no eyebrows, no hair on his arms and he didn’t need to shave his chin. I’d briefly wondered if he was completely hairless, he did had eyelashes though, so maybe not. I’d tried to not let my gaze linger, but I think he’d guessed what I was thinking.

The fact he’d come back when I was alone, left me feeling he might be another one of Phillip’s friends, like the big cocked stranger. My cock reacted. I watched him as he wandered up and down the aisles. His black oversized T-shirt not able to fully contain his sheer bulk, stretched around his biceps. The faded blue jeans slightly baggy around his buttocks, long enough to show signs of wear on the hems as they dragged at his heels. His shoes were tan brogues, but were well worn.

Eventually he picked up a bottle of milk and walked to the counter. I was already excited. The prospect of what might be to come. The thought of what he and Phillip had planned making my balls start to tighten. If his cock was as big as the rest of him……

“Forgot the milk,” he said, the glint in his eyes returned. “The wife won’t be happy if she can’t have her morning cuppa.”

I smiled back at him as I took his money. God, his hands were fucking huge and totally hairless. The thought crossed my mind again. I stared just a little too long.

“Alopecia,” he said. His smile one of repeated explanations, but good natured nonetheless. I didn’t know what to say, so apologised.

“It’s ok David,” he smiled that nice smile. “I’m used to it. You are David though?”

Already I could feel my face flush. So Phillip had told him my name too. My cock was tenting my trousers. Thankfully the counter hid my arousal, my mind scrambled to work out what was going to happen as I told him he was correct.

He held his hand out. “I’m Gary, but most folk call me Gaz,” he explained, his eyes locked on mine as my own hand disappeared into his grasp.

“Pleased to meet you David,” he said as he continued to hold me firmly. “I’m Carol’s husband.”

Oh god. Please, no. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I went into full panick mode and tried to pull my hand away, but he was way too strong. My erection disappeared instantly as utter fear gripped my whole being. I felt faint. I wanted to run and tried to pull my hand away again. His grip remained firm, but never hurting.

“It’s ok David,” he said calmly. “I can see you’re scared, but you don’t need to be. It’s not what you think.”

I was stuck. I couldn’t get away. My whole body was shaking. I just stared at him, wide eyed, desperately hoping I wasn’t about to get the beating of my life.

Still holding me in his grip, he put his other hand on my shoulder and leaned forward, his gaze not one of malice.

“Calm down,” he said reassuringly. “I’m not going to hurt you. I know Carol gave you our number. It’s ok. I’m ok with it. Just calm down and listen to what I’m saying.”

Slowly my heart began to settle and my fear began to subside as I realised he wasn’t going hurt me. His words were sinking in. He knew? He was ok with it? What did that mean?

“Have you still got our number?” he asked. I told him I had.

“Give us a call on Saturday evening anytime after 7. I’ll explain it better then.”

With that he left. God, the relief made me feel so weak I had to use the counter top to support myself. It was nearly closing time and Phillip reappeared to help finish up. He was pretty happy with how it had gone so he confirmed my new weeknight hours. Just as we were locking the front Lewis appeared. He must have gotten away from training pretty sharp to get here.

“I’ll walk back with you if Phillip doesn’t need you,” he said looking at Phillip with slightly pleading eyes. He told us he didn’t.

As soon as we started to walk he asked me why I hadn’t stayed the night. Followed by a volley of quick fire questions that gave me no time to think, let alone answer. I told him I didn’t want to talk about it in the street, so he’d have to wait until we got back to mine. So he went on to ask what coach has said about me not being able to train on Wednesdays. We talked about that until we got back

My mother was happy to see me arrive with Lewis. Maybe even more so than she usually was. I thought I sensed some relief in her.

“Are you staying over Lewis?” she asked taking me by surprise. I couldn’t remember the last time she’d done that. He smiled and said he thought he would be. What about whether I wanted him to stay over? Why wasn’t I being asked? My face flushed when I realised that them taking the decision from me had caused an erection. Flustered I told her we were going up to my room.

It wasn’t meant to begin like that. I had some serious shit going on and needed to talk with Lewis. My erection wouldn’t subside as we sat on the bed together. I put some music on, in the vain hope that the distraction might help. It didn’t and Lewis noticed.

“You just can’t keep it down can you?” he mocked playfully, gesturing to the tent in my trousers. “You should be more careful with your mum around.”

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