Thomas' Misadventures Ch. 02


A gay story: Thomas' Misadventures Ch. 02 Thomas

I kept my distance from Seb as I walked, despite his repeated attempts to get closer to me, I just needed time and space to sort out my feelings about all of this. I wasn’t even really mad at him, it was Jaime I was furious with for recording that video of me jerking off, and I was nervous that he had something else up his sleeve.

“Hey, Thom, are you alright?” I heard Sebastian say.

I briefly glanced in his direction, not able to meet his gaze as I replied with a simple “yeah dude, I’m fine, let’s just keep going,” I said.

He seemed to accept my answer as he fell silent once more.

We turned onto the street where Toby lived, and sure enough I could hear loud sounds of music and party-goers down the street already. Must be one hell of a party he’s got going, I thought to myself.

As we made the final steps towards the house down the street I kept reminding myself to relax, just go with it and try to forget this, forget how turned on you got knowing people were watching you jerk off.

No matter how many times I told myself though I couldn’t stop reliving that memory in my head and sure enough despite my recent climax I could already feel a stirring in my crotch as I walked. I felt a blush come to my cheeks and I briefly turned my head away to make sure Seb or anyone else didn’t see as I noticed we arrived at the house.

“Are you sure you’re up for this Thom? I can just walk you home instead if you want,” I heard Sebastian say.

This time I looked directly into his eyes. He had a look of concern and a hint of guilt in his eyes as he looked at me and my heart twisted a bit as I said “I’m fine Seb, really, I just want to have some fun, let’s go inside, okay?” I said.

I gave him a reassuring smile, and Seb’s face immediately brightened up and he said “Well alright then, let’s head on in!” he said.

He took my hand as he practically dragged us up the front steps and into the house.

The house was really crowded, and the music was up too as people mingled, danced, and drank their way throughout the house. It was loud too, not just the music but the shouts and voices of so many people made it hard to hear, in fact I barely heard Seb say:

“hey wait here, I’ll be right back! I’m just going to get us some punch!” he said.

I only gave him a quick nod before he disappeared. As I waited for Seb to come back I gazed at the minglers and dancers, all of whom were chatting and too busy to notice the newcomers to the party…all except one.

“Thomas! You made it!” I heard a voice say.

It was a voice I had hoped I wouldn’t hear from again in a while as I turned my head to look towards Jaime as he approached me, that devilish smile still on his face. He clasped my shoulder as he stopped right in front of me, the physical contact nearly making me jump in shock.

Jaime merely continued to smirk and he started to walk again, only his hand didn’t leave my shoulder and so he dragged me with him, my shock still not worn off so I simply followed his lead.

As he led us into the next room full of mostly guys and a few girls I didn’t recognize Jaime said:

“Say, where’s Seb? I thought he’d be with you,” he said.

I looked right at him and managed to stammer out:

“O-oh he just went to get us something to drink real quick, in fact I should probably head ba-” I said before I was cut off mid-sentence.

Without warning I suddenly felt myself run into somebody in front of me.

Before I realized what had happened I felt something cold and wet splash all over me, drenching my shirt and shorts. Fuck, just great, my own damn fault for not paying attention I thought to myself as I looked to see I had run into Toby, the man whose house he was in.

I blushed in embarrassment both at my current situation and remembering that the last time I saw Toby he was in the car watching Seb jerk me off.

“Oh hey, sorry man I didn’t see you there, you alright?” Toby said.

Once I had regained my wits I replied:

“Yeah I’m fine, don’t worry about it, accidents happen, right?” I said.

I gave him a weak chuckle to laugh it off, and I then looked down to see the damage and saw that my shirt was really wet, and I could feel my cock and balls shrinking as the cold dampened my crotch.

“Thomas, you might need a new change of clothes, those are too wet and cold for you now, why don’t we help out,” I heard Jaime say.

I realized he was now behind me but with both of his hands on each one of my shoulders.

“Oh, uh, that’s alright I should be fine for the rest of the party, there’s no need to trouble yourselves,” I said.

I could clearly feel the heat rising in my cheeks, but I was adamant not to lose any more clothes today.

“I think Jaime here is right buddy, your clothes are drenched and it’s set pretty cold in here because of how hot it is outside and with how many people are in the house, I can already see you shivering,” Toby said.

Sure enough I felt my body twitch and shiver because of the cold, maybe they could find a new pair of shorts for me to wear or something I thought to myself.

“Well, I guess, I am feeling pretty cold,” I said.

Suddenly, that’s when I felt Jaime remove his hands from my shoulders and I saw Toby get a mischievous grin on his face and said:

“Alright, let’s help our buddy out then,” he said.

Suddenly I felt hands grab me from behind and I felt my arms being raised up in the air. Toby then rushed forward and quickly started lifting my shirt up and off of me and all I could do was shout “hey!” before my mouth was covered by Jaime.

The shout had attracted attention though, and people were now staring as my arms were held behind my back as Toby then reached for the hem of my shorts and started pulling them down.

My face was quickly flooding with heat from shame, and despite myself I could feel my cock stirring in my jockstrap which now became visible to everyone in the room as Jaime lifted me up. Toby fully removed my shorts and along with my shirt he threw my clothes up in the air into the crowd, leaving me in just my underwear which I could feel everyone’s eyes on.

Jaime released me before shouting out “hey! Thomas here has a jockstrap on!” he said.

He and the crowd then roared with laughter. I felt him slap my bare ass cheek which made me jump forward and I gazed around the room, the attention squarely on me now, guys and girls alike stared at my nearly naked body and more than a few lustful looks as they gazed at my ass.

Someone, I couldn’t find out who, suddenly shouted “someone should spank him for being naughty! Exposing himself like this,” they said.

The crowd began to murmur with agreement until everyone started shouting for someone to bend me over and punish me. I began to fear the crowd would pounce on me and strip me of my last item of clothing.

I covered my ass cheeks with my hands and looked for someone to help, but the crowd purposely thickened at the doorway I had come in from, blocking my escape or any potential help from Seb. I looked at Jaime who exchanged a glance with Toby, the both of them then smiled at me and I began to get really nervous.

“The crowd demands it, I’m sorry bud,” I heard Toby say.

He then lunged and practically tackled me to the ground and held my arms behind my back and carried me to the center of the arm.

“Please, Toby just let me go,” I said, whimpering.

But they fell on deaf ears as I was bent over, ass in the air and bent over what I realized was someone’s lap. I looked up to see it was none other than Jaime.

It was then that I realized what was going on, he had planned this from the start, and now here I was, in nothing but a jockstrap, bent over and ready to be spanked in front of everyone here…

The red never left my face, but despite myself I could feel my cock growing underneath me and I was sure Jaime could feel it, in fact his smile grew even bigger just now or so I thought. The crowd awaited eagerly for him to start, and sure enough, Toby held my arms while Jaime raised his hands slowly up, teasing and drawing out my humiliation, I could even feel a stirring in his own shorts too.

It felt like an eternity as I waited, but sure enough I felt it as Jaime slapped one cheek, then the other, and on, and on it went, one slap after the next…tears streamed down my face as I thought to myself in my humiliation, Seb, where are you?


(Just a few moments before)

I didn’t want to leave Thomas alone, not when I knew Jaime was around here somewhere, and I got the strange feeling that the bastard was up to something he just didn’t know what yet but I swore I’d do my best to keep him away from Thomas. I surprised myself again as I thought of that.

Ever since the park, I started to feel like Thomas should have been mine to tease like that, mine to embarrass and record as he jerked himself off, and my jealousy grew that Jaime had stolen that from me.

Not only that, but I wanted Thomas alone, I knew that the lad may like being humiliated but not in front of a crowd like this, the kids terrified of crowds and the thought of Jaime doing something to him here…I’ll rip his clothes off and see how he likes it I growled in my inner thoughts as I walked back with drinks in hand.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Thomas was no longer there, and I looked around, puzzled before I heard a loud “hey!” that I recognized as Thomas’ voice from the next room.

I followed the sound of his voice and walked over to an opening to another room which a large crowd was blocking my way into. I saw something up above and I whirled my head around and what I saw was clothes flying up into the air, Thomas’ clothes…shit, goddamn it! I yelled to myself and dropped the drinks I carried to hurry over but the crowd was blocking my way inside and I couldn’t see what was happening.

A moment of quiet passed before I heard someone yell that Thomas should be spanked and the crowd gathered around agreed. No, no no no no I thought to myself and I kept fighting to get inside and little by little I made progress but I soon heard slapping sounds and my anger grew inside me to a boiling point.

I finally made it into the room and what I saw made me see red as my rage took over. I saw Toby holding Thomas, clad only in his jockstrap, and bending him over Jaime’s lap while the latter spanked his bare ass, his cheeks already bright red. I hoped that this would at least be as bad as it got, but I underestimated the crowd’s hunger, they wanted to see more…

Before I could do anything I heard a guy shout “take his jock!” he said.

Someone responded with “Yeah! strip his ass!” a girl’s voice shouted.

The crowd began shouting for Jaime to strip Thomas completely naked, until they were all in unison, and once they did Jaime stopped spanking.

He quickly grabbed the hem of Thomas’s jockstrap and swiftly slid them up and off his legs despite the lads’ loud protests. Jaime tossed them into the crowd, leaving him completely naked in front of everyone. The crowd still couldn’t see Thomas’ cock, but knowing him Jaime was sure to reveal it to the hungry crowd soon.

Before he could, however, Jaime then saw me standing there and at first he was smiling wide but his look quickly changed. He noticed the anger protruding from me and he just whispered something to Toby and they both let Thomas go.

I then quickly ran over, taking him into my arms to cover him as I took off my own shirt and quickly pulled it around him to keep the crowd from seeing his hard cock, though I knew they’d love to see what Thomas was packing.

He wrapped the shirt firmly around himself as I whispered to him “we’re leaving, let’s go,” I said.

He didn’t say anything, he just nodded and gave me a grateful look, and I saw dried tears on his cheeks which only further incited my rage. Thomas then got up and started to walk towards the door. Jaime and Toby stood by there, and simply stared as we approached, the crowd, though disappointed the show had ended, had gone back to their own business.

Before Thomas had fully walked past, however, Jaime suddenly made one last attempt to smack his butt as he walked by but I saw it just in time and I thought to myself that’s it bastard, now you’re really going to get it.

I caught his arm before it made contact. Thomas merely stared, but I quickly said to him:

“Thom, wait outside, me and Jaime here need to have a chat before we go,” I said.

A knowing look in his eyes told me he didn’t need anything else, he simply nodded and headed out of the house.

I turned back towards Jaime who had a look of shock on his face now, and I gave him one of his own smiles and said “let’s talk,” I said.

Me, being the tallest and strongest of the three of us easily picked him up despite his protests back into the room and before he could do anything I quickly grabbed the top of his shirt and a loud RIIIIIIIIIIP filled the room which quickly caught the crowd’s interest once again, eager to see that their entertainment wasn’t over yet.

Jaime’s shirt now littered the floor in shreds and I didn’t give him a chance to react as I turned to his shorts and another loud RIIIIIIIIP filled the room as his shorts came off next. I then knocked him over and quickly grabbed the hem of his boxer briefs and swiftly pulled them down and off of him, leaving him naked.

“You should have left it well alone bud, and you can’t deny, your cocky attitude has been annoying lately so let’s be honest, you have this coming,” I said.

Jaime tried to protest but it was no use. I lifted him up and carried him, bent him over my lap and wasted no time in giving him his own spanking. The crowd watched with great interest, in fact a new group of girls had just entered and were standing right beside Toby who didn’t say anything but watched and even laughed with the crowd at Jaime’s humiliation.

Upon a closer look those girls looked like the ones Jaime described on his naked run home from Alice’s house. Fitting, they should be here to witness this I thought to myself. I slapped and spanked his ass without mercy, and the crowd went wild for it as the slaps echoed in the room. It wasn’t long before his cheeks were the same as Thomas’, which I felt was enough to finally let him go…with one minor difference.

During his spanking, I felt his cock stir and harden, I was sure he had a boner right now and Jaime was unprepared when I thrust him off of me and he barely had enough time to cover himself as the crowd gazed at his fully erect cock, shouts of laughter echoed throughout the room and a couple jeers and taunts from the girls.

Jaime was beet red, and despite the noise I knew he could hear me as I whispered in his ear “He’s mine, back off,” I said.

He only looked once in my direction, saw the look in my eyes and merely nodded before turning around, and bolted straight for the door.


It was barely a few minutes before I heard the front door open, I was sitting on the front steps of the house as I heard rushing footsteps. I turned to see a clearly naked Jaime running out of the house, hands covering his crotch as he ran exposing what were obviously red cheeks on his olive skin.

I stared open-mouthed as he ran in the direction of his house and I even laughed in spite of myself, then I felt a presence beside me and I felt myself being pulled up and I didn’t even need to look to know who it was. Sebastian had come back out now, and he looked in the direction that Jaime had gone and I noticed his wide smile before he turned to look at me and his look softened again like it usually did.

“Don’t worry about him, he won’t be bothering you anymore,” he said.

His fingers lightly tapped my chin and I blushed in embarrassment and quickly looked away, remembering that his shirt was all that was covering me. His bare, well-built and wide tan chest was a…alluring sight I thought before I remembered myself.

“So…shall I head home?” I asked, tentatively.

He gave me a kind smile and said “let’s go back to my place, it’s closer and I’ll get you something to wear other than just my shirt, okay?” he said.

“Alright, let’s go,” I said.

As we walked, somehow I knew, that something else would likely happen at Seb’s house but strangely, I realized I didn’t care, in fact…I think I was counting on it I thought as we walked, and my body echoed my response as my cock twitched in anticipation, of whatever came next.

End of Chapter Two.


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